Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Jul 5, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking....well you know the drill.

Recurring characters in this chapter:

Jon: British guy who works at the ice cream parlor aka Tim's enemy

Dr. Jill Taylor: Therapist at Sunnydale University that counseled Eric briefly.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Roads- Chapter 16-Ignorance Is Bliss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tim winced when he heard his brakes squeak loudly. He pulled into a parking spot and smiled as he saw Eric sitting on a bench and reading a book. Tim walked toward his friend, and smiled at the warm breeze that blew through his hair and cooled his skin. This campus was so beautiful, and was the main reason, besides it's proximity to his home, for Tim deciing to come here. He loved the campus most during this time of year, all the trees and flowers were in full bloom, everyone was excited and rejuvenated, and because of the weather, there were plenty of good looking guys wearing tank tops and showing off their arms, which was Tim's favorite part on a guy's body.

"You move your lips when you read."

"Do I?"

"Yeah, it's cute."

Eric blushed and began putting his book away, "Thanks. So what's up. When you called me you sounded weird, is everything ok?" He asked as the boys began to walk.

"Yeah, that tone you heard was boredom. Since I quit tennis, my mornings are filled with The Price Is Right and The Young and the Restless. I'm bored out of my mind."

"Why not just change your classes and make them earlier?"

"Then what would I do in the afternoon. Ugh, why did I quit tennis?"

"Why don't you get a job?"


"I don't know," Eric said walking up to a wooden kiosk where there were several job offers and students looking for roommates, "What about....this one?"

"Sammy's sandwiches?" Tim said laughing.

"Just call the number and see what happens."

"Maybe I will."

That night, Eric, Cooper, Richard, and Toby had dinner together in the dining commons. They all had been engaging in small talk except for Cooper who had been stuffing his mouth with the dining commons special, turkey and mashed potatoes.

"Man, I missed this so much over the summer," Cooper said taking another giant spoonful into his mouth, "it's so good."

"Normally, I'd be disgusted," Eric said looking at Cooper curiously, "but he does have a point, this is really good tonight."

"Is it normally not good?" Richard asked.

"It's a school cafeteria, what do you think?" Toby smiled.

"So what's happening tonight after dinner?" Richard asked looking at the guys.

"Reading for a class." Eric said.

"RA stuff." Cooper responded. Richard looked to his boyfriend as a last beacon of hope.

"We need to get those boxes out of our room. It's just cluttering up what little space we have."

"You didn't enjoy getting fucked in that box last night?" Richard asked. Cooper, for only the second time, stopped eating and raised his left eyebrow, "That was crude and inappropriate to say at dinner. It is also totally something I would say, you`re now officially one of us."

"Anyway," Eric said turning to Richard, "Why do you ask, don't you have stuff to do as well?"

"Not really. Don't you guys ever get bored? None of you are in any clubs, it's like the third week of school and we haven't gone out, Sunnydale sucks ass."

"Oh, babe, don't be like that," Toby said rubbing Richard's shoulder, "If you hadn't moved up here we wouldn't be together."

"True." He smiled and kissed his boyfriend lightly on the lips. When Richard saw Eric's wide eyed expression he asked him if he was ok.

"Yeah, I'm's cool you guys can do that without flinching in public."

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with what we just did." Toby said. And for emphasis, the two of them kissed a bit longer the second time.

"I found something for us to do tonight!" Richard said at dinner the next night.

"What's that?" Toby said intrigued.

"A QSA meeting!" Richard said looking around for approval, but was met with faces of confusion.

"Oh, come on!"

"What's QSA?" Eric asked.

"The Queer Straight Alliance. They have their first meeting of the semester tonight, I think it would be really cool to go and meet other queers on campus."

"What happened to the good ole days of just being called gay or homo?" Cooper said out loud to himself.

"Who's with me?"

Twenty minutes later, the boys were walking across campus to the Multi - Cultural Center which was directly across from the library. Richard was happy that he had gotten the group to go, though he had to promise each one something in order to get them to attend. He promised Toby that he would take out their moving boxes by the end of the week, he gave his word to Eric that he would buy him lunch the next time they were around campus together, and he promised Cooper that he would tell him the details of how exactly he fucked Toby in a box. As they walked into the building, Eric began to get a bit uncomfortable. He had agreed to go because, like Richard said, it would be cool to meet other gay people, at the same time though, he felt like going to this meeting was his admission to the world that he was gay. The other three boys chatted, but Eric was growing increasingly more and more uncomfortable. Everyone they passed seemed to be looking at him, knowing where he was headed and why he was there. The gang walked into the room where the meeting was to be held and took a look around.

"It looks more like a library." Cooper said. He was correct. There were several shelves lined with books about famous authors, writers, politicians, and the like from various ethnic backgrounds. Overall, the room was very plain, and besides a few posters hanging on the wall of Martin Luther King Jr., Che Guevara, and a geisha, there was not much else.

"Are you guys here for the QSA meeting?" They heard a high pitched and airy voice behind them.

"Yeah," Richard said turning around, "Hi, I'm Richard. And this is my boyfriend Toby, Eric, and Cooper. They all shook hands with the girl in front of them.

"I'm Bliss. It's nice to meet you all." Bliss was by far the most decorative thing in the room. She had way too much make up on, the sweat suit she was wearing was a Pepto Bismol pink, and several streaks of pink could be seen throughout her two pigtails. Even though she was wearing a fairly bulky sweater, it was quite clear that Bliss had been blessed with a very large bosom.

"Her breasts are huge." Cooper whispered to Eric. Eric shushed him but Cooper continued, "No really, they are ginormous. The girl's equipped with her own flotation device." Eric laughed at the last comment and Bliss, who had been talking to Richard and Toby, asked what was so funny.

"He said that you look nothing like a lesbian." Cooper quickly responded.

"I did not!" Eric said.

Bliss laughed, and all of them were reminded of the valley girl type cheerleaders they knew in high school, "Oh my God, that's so funny. I'm not a lesbian. I'm just a girl here to support the queers of the world. Though, I do get hit on all the time by lesbians because of these." She said cupping her breasts.

"I bet you do." Richard said.

"You have no idea," she said still cupping her breasts as if she had just discovered them, "I can silence a room with a little of this." With that she expertly shook her chest and her breasts moved in unison with her movements.

"Tada!!" She said after a few moments.

"That's quite a show." Richard said laughing.

"Why thank you." Bliss giggled.

A few more people arrived shortly after and the meeting began. Eric was surprised to see that Dr. Jill Taylor, the woman whom he had briefly met with when he sought help for dealing with his homosexuality, was the faculty advisor for the club. She normally took a very passive role during the meetings, if she was there at all, but because it was the first meeting of the year, she thought it was important to let the attending students know that she was always available to lend an ear. She asked that everyone go around and state their name, major, class standing, orientation, and why they were here.

"I'll go first," She stated after finishing her instructions, "I am Dr. Jill Taylor, I have a few too many wrinkles to still be in school, but I received my Ph. D from this university almost twenty years ago. I am a lesbian and I am here because I want you all to know you have support in the faculty and staff of this campus. Let's go around this way, Eric you're up."

Eric cleared his throat and sat up in his chair. All eyes were on him and though somewhere he knew that all these people were either just like him or had no issues with gay people, he still felt as if he was being judged, "I'm Eric, this is my second year, I'm undeclared, and I'm here with some friends."

Eric deliberately had skipped the orientation section and that had been lost on no one except for Bliss.

"You forgot to say what kind of homo you are." Bliss' voice rang through the room.

If looks could kill, Eric would have zapped Bliss into tiny smithereens, but as all eyes continued to be on him, he struggled to say those two words, that at some point or another seem to be a struggle for all gay people to say. A loud fart rang through the room and everyone began to laugh.

"My bad. More room out here than in. I'm Cooper by the way."

"Why don't you tell us more about yourself, Cooper?" Dr. Taylor laughed.

About thirty minutes later, the QSA meeting was coming to a close, "Before I let you guys go," Dr. Taylor raised her voice in an effort to compete with the shuffling of the students, "Just a reminder that next Friday night is our first social gathering at Bliss' apartment...."

"That's me." Bliss interrupted.

"and if you ever need an ear you all know where my office is. Thank you for coming and good night."

"You guys ready?" Richard asked looking towards the exit.

"Yeah, let's roll." Toby said stretching exposing his stomach. The boys began to make their way back to the dorms. Eric turned around when he heard the loud clicking of high heel shoes on the pavement ; it was Dr. Taylor.

"You guys wouldn't mind escorting an old lady to her car would you?"

"Not at all ma'am." Cooper said offering her his arm.

"Quite the charmer isn't he?" She said to no one in particular, "So what did you guys think of the meeting?"

"I loved it. It's so awesome that there is a place for us to all interact and be together. They didn't have any kind of queer group at the school I transferred from." Richard responded.

"I didn't want to come, but it's kind of cool." Toby smiled.

"Cool enough to come back next week?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good," she smiled, "and what about you Eric?"

"It was alright. The people seemed nice."

"Especially Bliss," Cooper said, "She had the nicest pair of tits I've seen."

"Be careful or people will start to think you're straight." Toby laughed.

"I'm all about the dick man, but boobs fascinate me. The way they move and bounce."

"Alright alright." Eric said putting his hand up.

"I'm sure Dr. Taylor doesn't mind, do you?" Cooper asked.

"Not at all, I like a nice pair of tits too!" Even Eric had to laugh at the last comment, "Well boys my vehicle is just right up here, thanks again. It was very nice to see you there Eric."

"What was that about?" Toby asked Eric.

"No idea."

The next few days passed by quickly for all the boys except for Tim. He was anxious to start his first job at Sammy's Sandwiches.

"I am so excited you have no idea." He told Eric over the phone one day.

"I should come visit you on your first day."

"Yeah, that would be totally awesome!"

"What are your hours like?"

"That's even better, they were really flexible with my schedule. I'll have to work one weekend a month, but through the week I work Monday through Thursday from 8-11."

"That gives you plenty of time to get to class before your first class at one."

"For sure. I am so excited!"

Tim walked into the little sandwich shop happy and confident on his first day; he even made sure to be a few minutes early to make a good impression. He walked up to the front entrance and as expected it was still locked. Tim peered through the glass window and could see that all the lights were on, but no person was in sight. He knocked lightly on the glass door, but still no answer. He figured that all the workers were still in the back area of the store, so he quickly walked around the building to the back of the shop.

He peered down the alley. There were empty boxes and trash all over the ground and the dumpster reeked of rotting vegetables and moldy bread.

"I see they brought out the welcome wagon." Tim mumbled to himself. He saw an open back door and realized that was the back door to Sammy's. He quietly counted to three before sprinting the short length to the door. He opened the screen door and was greeted by a short gray haired man holding a rifle.

"What the fuck do you want??!!!"

" was locked...the the the door, it's my first day, just don't shoot me!"



"Welcome to Sammy's!" The old man said with something that was supposed to be a smile, "You scared me coming through that back door. We've been robbed so many times in the last year, I got my trusty friend right here," he said patting the rifle, "to make sure I'm prepared."

"Of course." Tim said still clutching his chest. Sammy quickly showed Tim the ropes. The mornings were usually pretty slow, so Tim would work the front area, greet the customers, and work the cash register, while Sammy would take inventory in the back.

"If you need help or any customers give you shit, just give me a yell." Sammy said cocking his gun.


The first hour went by very smoothly and Tim was proud of himself for remembering everything he needed to do so quickly. He was making a sweet elderly woman a ham and cheese sandwich with no pickles.

"So you want lettuce with that?"

"Yes, please." Tim reached into the container with the lettuce and put a generous amount over the sandwich, "Is that all?"

"Yes, that'll be it." The woman said smiling. Tim punched the order on the cash register, took the woman's money, and sent her on her way.

"Thank you very much, hope to see you soon." Tim said smiling.

"Tim, can I see you for a minute!" He heard Sammy yell from the back.

"Just a minute." He said to a cute college aged guy standing in line. "What's up?"

"I take great pride in the sandwiches I sell Tim," Sammy began, "the quality is second to none here in Sunnydale."


"I saw you drop a piece of lettuce when you made that woman her sandwich."


"Lettuce! You dropped a piece. That woman did not get what she paid for!"

"Ummm...I dropped a piece of lettuce?"

"Yes, it's still on the counter in front of that customer!" Tim turned and saw a tiny green spec of what he assumed was the lettuce Sammy was referring to.

"Sorry, I'll go clean it up."

"You better." He heard Sammy yell after him. Tim helped the cute boy and made sure to give him a wide smile when he handed him his change. There were no customers for the next few minutes, so Tim wiped down the counters and made sure that all the money in the register was accounted for. He heard the bell ring that signaled someone was coming into the store. He smiled, "How can I..."

"Well well well," Jon said smiling, "Look who it is."

Tim tried to smile, "How can I help you?"


"Please, this is my first day and my boss is a little crazy."

"Ok, can I have a grilled chicken sandwich with no tomatoes and a brownie."

"We don't sell brownies here."

"Interesting, I`ll just take the sandwich then."

"Sure, coming right up." Tim began moving very quickly, he wanted to get Jon out of the store as soon as possible because he had a feeling his good nature wouldn't last very long. Tim grabbed a handful of lettuce, but Jon stopped him before he could put it on the sandwich.

"That's too much."

Tim placed most of the lettuce back into the container and spread the remainder on the sandwich. He did not realize that a piece of lettuce had clung to his plastic glove and so when he went to grab for the mustard, he saw, in slow motion, a small piece of lettuce hit the counter. Immediately, he heard Sammy yell from the back, "What was that sound?!"

"Nothing! Everything's fine!" He quickly swiped the lettuce off the counter and threw it in the trash.

"Can you put a bit more mustard on it?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"That's too much, I want a new sandwich."

"Are you kidding?"

"No, the customer is always right so make me another sandwich."

"I'm not giving you a new sandwich, either take this one or get out."

"Can I speak to your manager please. I'd like to complain about the service." Tim remembered what Sammy had sad if there was a problem with a customer and he smiled maliciously, "Sure I can do that. Oh, Sammy, I'm having a problem with a customer!" Sammy bolted to the front area with remarkable quickness for a man of his age.

"What's the problem?" He said roughly.

"I made him a sandwich and for no reason at all he wants a new one."

"What's wrong with the sandwich?" Sammy asked eyeing Jon.

"Too much mustard."

"We only use the best products here at Sammy Sandwiches, I can assure you that..." Sammy suddenly stopped talking and seemed to be staring at a random point in space.

"What?" Tim asked trying to follow his gaze.

"Is that a piece of lettuce in the trash can?"

"Oh, ummm..."

"It is," Jon interrupted, "I saw him pick it up off the counter."

Sammy scrunched his face, "After I talked to you about that you go behind my back and do it, you ungrateful little shit!"

"It's a fucking piece of lettuce. I will give you whatever that tiny strand of lettuce costs. Oh wait they don't make coins that small!" Tim pulled a penny from his pocket and threw it on the counter, "Keep the change!"

"You've got three seconds to get out of my store before I go and get my rifle and it launches you out of here."

"Rifle?!" Jon said alarmed.

"Just run!" Tim yelled. Jon didn't need to be told twice and he quickly bolted for the front door. Before Tim ran for the door he grabbed a fistful of lettuce and threw it on the counter.

"Noo!" He heard Sammy yell as the door closed behind him.

"Yay, you guys made it!!" Bliss screamed, "Come in, come in. Hey everyone this is Cooper, Eric, Toby, and Richard." A bunch of people, some they recognized from the QSA meeting, greeted them with either a wave or a nod and went back to their business.

"There are drinks in the kitchen, mingle and have fun." She said running back to the door.

The boys made their way to the kitchen and Richard rummaged through a very large cooler on the floor.

"You want?" he asked Toby.

"Hell yeah."

"What about you guys?"

"No, I don't drink." Cooper said simply.


"No, I'm a law abiding citizen, thanks." Eric said.

"Don't be so uptight, we're at a party." Toby said walking away. Richard followed and the two of them began to mix with some people from the group.

"Do you really not drink?" Eric asked Cooper.

"No, I don't."

"I have to say I'm surprised."

"You would be."

"I just meant..."

"Can we not talk about?"

"Yeah, ok."

"Hey Bliss," Cooper yelled spotting her from across the room, "are there any non alcoholic beverages at this party?" Everyone in the vicinity began to laugh heartily, "Oh, Cooper you are always good for a laugh."

"Alright then," Cooper said bugging his eyes out, "I guess we'll be the only two sober people at this party."

"I guess so."

An hour in, Cooper and Eric were beginning to have enough of the mindless conversation going on around them.

"Dude, did I show you this huge bruise I got?" One guy said to his friend.

"Woah, dude that's a fuckin nasty bruise."

"I know. The weird thing is I don't know how I got it."

"Dude are you shitting me? You don't remember we were at my house a couple nights ago drinking..."

"Uh huh."

"You passed out, and Danny was dragging you around the house. You were bumping into all kinds of shit."

"HAHA, I knew it was that motherfucker Danny, I knew it!"

Cooper and Eric made eye contact from across the living room having both heard the story; they both burst into laughter and Eric walked over to him.

"Do you think I'm uptight?" Eric asked Cooper, "and be honest."

"Woah, big change of subject."

"Just answer the question."

"No, you just have a different idea of what's fun."

"I mean more in general."

"No, you're who you are."

"Nice way of dodging the question."

"One thing is for sure, everyone in this room thinks we're uptight, we're the only ones not drinking."

"At least Toby stopped a while ago."

"Richard's still chugging them down though."

"Hey, Bliss!" Richard yelled loudly as if she wasn't sitting next to her, "Why don't you give us a little chest action."

"Yeah!" a girl agreed, "I love when you do that."

Bliss giggled loudly, "Well if that's what you guys want." She stood up and took the tank top off she was wearing and was left clad in a red bra. Hoots and hollers followed and Bliss loved all the attention she was getting. Just as she did at the meeting, Bliss expertly shook her chest. As she did this, Richard stood up and stuffed a dollar bill in her bra, "I want to fondle your massive tits!" He yelled.

Cooper, Eric, and Toby all stared at Richard, their mouths open wide, "No more alcohol for you." Toby said seriously.


"No, really. I think you've had enough." As Toby and Richard, Eric was dying of thirst, "I'm going to the kitchen. There has to be water or something in here. Want some if I find it?"

"Yeah, please." Cooper said. Eric made his way to the kitchen and began going through the refrigerator. After removing several more beers from the refrigerator, all the way in the back were two bottles of water. He grabbed them both and felt a warm presence near him. Before he could turn around, two hands covered his eyes.


"No." the voice whispered.


"Nope." Eric sat the waters down and moved the hands from his eyes and saw a familiar and mischievous grin.

"Jon! How's it going?"

"Good, man it's been a while." Jon said offering his hand.

"It has," Eric said shaking it vigorously.

"Enjoying the party?"

"Eh...not much of a drinker." He said shaking the water bottles in his hand.

"Me neither, but it loosens me up a bit. Makes it easier to talk to the hot guys." He smiled widely at Eric.

"That's always good."

"So I ran into your friend Tim the other day."

"Yeah, I heard. You know you should really be nice to him, he's a great guy."

"He did save my life I guess. Tell you what, I promise to be nice to Tim, if you go out with me."

"Haha very funny."

"No really, I mean come on, haven't you ever wanted to experience a British man's charm up close and personal."

"Uhh...I don't even know what to say to that."

"Just say yes you'll go out with me."

"Maybe, if you're nice to Tim first." Eric walked away and made his way towards Cooper.

"Where'd you go?" Eric asked, handing him the water.

"I didn't want to cock block."

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't want to get in the way, I saw you talking to your man over there."

"He's not my man."

"Right, just let him suck your dick already."


"You guys ready to go?" Toby came up from behind them.

"Yeah." Eric and Cooper said in unison.

"Alright, I'm gonna piss first and then I'll grab Richard and meet you at the car."

Eric and Cooper made their way across the living room towards the door. Before walking out, Eric glanced behind him and saw Jon looking directly at him. Jon smiled that mischievous smile that Eric loved so much.

"Damn." Eric muttered to himself.

Toby could hear moaning from outside the bathroom door. He knocked hard to alert the people inside, "Hey, I got to piss badly out here!"

The moaning continued and Toby again banged loudly on the door, "I need to piss!" He said barging in. Because he was intoxicated it took his brain a few minutes to comprehend, but soon he realized that Joey was on his knees in front of the same Black guy he had seen him with in the shower.

"We can't keep running into each other like this Toby," Joey said stroking the hard dick of the Black guy, "though I do like it when you run into me."

"I'm sorry...I.."

"Don't go. See my friend here's almost about to blow his load in my mouth and I can never get enough Black cock, I was hoping you might be able to help me with that."

"I cant," Toby said nervously, "I have a boyfriend."

"Maybe he can join too."

"He's not Black though." Toby said dumbly.

"Oh, I love all kinds of dick, it's just there's something about Black dick that just drives me wild." Joey swallowed the pulsating shaft in front of him and even though he was drunk Toby admired his talents. As Toby backed out of the bathroom, Joey smiled to himself. He would have to find a way for him and Toby to be alone.

Thanks again for reading my story. As always any questions or comments are more than welcomed; I'd love to hear what you guys are thinking about the story. Feel free to e mail me at

Next: Chapter 17

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