Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Jun 29, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking...well you know the drill.

This chapter contains the lyrics to "Steve Mcqueen" by Sheryl Crow

Three Roads- Chapter 15- Things Are Different Now

It was a perfect, late August morning. The birds were chirping and singing their praises, there was a warm breeze blowing throughout the campus that was accompanied by warm rays from the sun beaming high in the sky. The leaves, also showing their appreciation, danced across the several grassy areas of Sunnydale University. Inside, there was no activity at all. Bits of construction paper littered the floor, a trash can, that should have been emptied days ago, was overturned on its side, clothes were strewn over chairs, and boxes, that had long been empty, were stacked in a corner. In the middle of all this madness was Cooper. He laid lifelessly in the middle of his bed. He had been up late trying to get everything he needed finished before the residents moved in tomorrow. All Cooper had wanted to do was come up with a creative way to put his resident's names above their door. What would have taken any competent person two or three days, had turned into a week long disaster. Cooper began to stir, slowly and lazily he turned his body on his bed and glanced at his alarm clock.

"Holy shit!" He yelled sitting upright and suddenly wide awake. It was 10:30, he should have been there already. He quickly jumped out of bed and picked up a pair of jeans and a shirt off the floor. He didn't have time to brush his teeth so he grabbed a stick of gum off his desk, donned a hat, grabbed his scooter and ran out the door. He launched himself out of the door and smiled when he noticed how beautiful it was outside. Remembering he had somewhere to be, Cooper got on his scooter and headed to the University Union.

Well I went to bed in Memphis And I woke up in Hollywood I got a quarter in my pocket And I'd call you if I could But I don't know why I gotta fly I wanna rock and roll this party I still wanna have some fun I wanna leave you feeling breathless Show you how the west was won But I gotta fly I gotta fly Like Steve McQueen All I need's a fast machine I'm gonna make it all right Like Steve McQueen Underneath your radar screen You'll never catch me tonite I ain't takin' shit off no one Baby that was yesterday I'm an all American rebel Making my big getaway Yeah you know it's time I gotta fly Like Steve McQueen All I need's a fast machine I'm gonna make it all right Like Steve McQueen Underneath your radar screen You'll never catch me tonite We got rockstars in the Whitehouse All our popstars look like porn All my heroes hit the highway They don't hang out here no more You can call me on my cell phone You can page me all night long But you won't catch this freebird I'll already be long gone Like Steve McQueen All we need's a fast machine And we're gonna make it all right Like Steve McQueen Underneath your radar screen You'll never catch me tonite

From a few feet out, Cooper saw Eric sitting in front of the entrance to the University Union with a very disapproving look on his face. Cooper came to a screeching halt in front of his friend.

"You're late."

"Sorry, I just woke up."

"I just want to remind you that both Tim and Richard will be here. No inappropriate comments, looks, or gestures to Toby ok?" Eric said.

"Hey you should be reminding yourself. You made comments about it every time we talked in the summer and you've been on it since you've been back."

"Just be nice alright?"

"Alright alright."

The two boys walked into the union, and though it wasn't as crowded as it was during the year, the excitement of the upcoming fall semester could be felt. Cooper was disappointed to see that the really hot guy who had been working the information desk last year was no longer there.

"I wonder what happened to that guy."

"What guy?"

"The hot one who used to work at the desk."

Eric laughed, "The one who got arrested on child pornography charges?"

"No way!"

"Uh yeah. I told you to read the paper I left in your room. It happened just a few weeks ago."

"Have you seen my hurricane of a room lately?"

"Yeah, you need to clean that before the residents get here." "Thanks, mom can you burp me now?"

"Shhh, there he is."

Toby saw his two friends approaching, and a wide smile spread across his face. He stood up and gave Cooper a big hug.

"How ya doin man?"

"I'm good, I'm good." Cooper moved out of the way and Eric appeared giving Toby a weak smile.


"Give me a hug man." Toby said smiling. Both were aware of how awkward the hug felt, but neither said anything. The boys arranged themselves, Cooper and Eric sitting next to each other, and one chair was left empty to either side of Toby, one for Richard, the other for Tim.

"When did you guys get here?" Eric asked.

"Right when I called you. What took you guys so long?"

"This goofball right here," Eric said motioning in Cooper's direction, "I woke him up after I talked to you, but apparently he fell asleep."

"You know you want me." Cooper said looking directly at Eric.

Cooper saw Richard coming towards them holding a pizza box, and Eric saw Tim coming towards them from the bathrooms. They both reached the table at the same time and it was as if everyone held their breath. The awkward silence lingered for a moment longer until Tim broke the ice, "Wow that was weird."

Toby laughed and stood to give him a hug, "You haven't changed, how are you?"

"It's only been three months, I'm good." He smiled.

Richard put down the pizza box and joined his boyfriend in greeting Tim, "Good to see you again, Tim."

"Yeah, good to see you too."

"Awww, we're all getting along like one big family!" Cooper said. Only Eric caught his sarcastic tone and stepped on Cooper's foot under the table.

"So Cooper you're an RA?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, I'm excited. All my little residents at my beck and call."

"Don't RA's get a room by themselves?"

"Yeah, and it's freakin awesome. I can jack off whenever I want."

Richard shot Toby a look of disbelief at what Cooper had just said. Toby smiled, "He says stuff like that all the time."

"Yeah, get used to it." Eric said.

"What about you Eric? Are you and Tim rooming together this year?"

Tim acted as if he hadn't been paying attention to the ongoing conversation as he jumped at the sound of his name, "Oh, I live at home with my parents."

"Oh, so who are you rooming with Eric?"

"Well, the roommate I had lined up ditched me so in order to avoid having some freak I didn't know, I took an opening for the RA position. Cooper and I are floor mates." This time it was Cooper who stomped on Eric's foot. Richard again looked at Toby confused and then clarification dawned on him, "Were you supposed to be his roommate?"

Toby nodded, "Yeah."


"It's ok. Things got a little complicated I guess." Eric said simply. "Isn't that the understatement of the millennium," Cooper said, "And I don't need you to stomp on my foot this time thank you."

"What are you talking about?" Richard asked confused.

Tim again acted as if he were not paying attention at all to the conversation and made a very sudden movement by reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone, "Mmhmm. Mmhmm. Yeah."

He hung up the phone, "I've got to go. It was...yeah. I'll call you later." He said looking at Eric and he quickly walked away from the gathering.

"Wow, if he isn't the biggest nut job..." Cooper started. But before he could finish, Eric had once again stomped on his foot.

The next morning, the halls that had so recently been quiet had become full of activity and noise. Boxes and people were everywhere including Cooper and Eric who were both fully engaged in the Resident Advisor duties which included checking in residents and showing them to their rooms. Eric lead the way for Joey, a first time freshmen. Accompanying Joey, was his older brother David, who was either mute, or simply never had anything to say. They stopped in front of a room and Eric looked at the paper he was holding in his hand to make sure they were at correct room.

"Here we are," He said using the key to open the door, "this is your room."

Joey looked around and was very disappointed at what he saw. The carpet, while it wasn't stained, looked like it had been installed in the 70's, there were several pin holes in several places over each wall, and the furniture was all a metal looking green color that Joey usually associated with the ghetto.

"We pay eight hundred dollars for this shit?" He said looking at his brother.

"Be thankful you have a place to live." David responded.

"Yeah, so here's your key and some information about the campus. There's a meeting tonight at seven in the rec room so make sure you're there. And I'm Eric, I'm yours."

Joey laughed, "Good, cause you're cute."

"Uhhh...I meant that I'm yours, like your R.A...I live on this floor."

"Whatever," Joey said shrugging, "you want to go get more boxes now?" He asked, turning to his brother, David.

His brother nodded and Joey again turned to his new RA, "Well, it was nice meeting you Eric, and I'm yours whenever you want." With that Joey walked out of the room with his brother and headed down the hallway. When they got to the landing, Toby was coming up the stairs, in a white tank top and a pair of black and gray basketball shorts. Joey saw Toby and he felt his heart speed up and he immediately licked his lips as they felt unusually dry. It was the fastest he had ever felt his dick harden, actually it was the first time he could ever remember his dick getting hard at just he sight of a fully clothed guy.

"Excuse me." Toby said, barely looking in Joey's direction. That voice was so sexy and Joey had instantly fallen in love with Toby Black. Joey's head turned as Toby continued to walk down the hall oblivious to the fact that he was being undressed and lusted after. Joey started to walk down the hallway after his new found obsession. His brother, who had been watching expressionlessly, grabbed the back of his younger brother's shirt.


"No, we got things to do." David said pulling his much smaller brother towards the stairwell.

"Hey, we're gonna get started." Eric said to the group of 70 boys in front of him. No one seemed to notice Eric was standing there, let alone that he had said anything. This time he tried to grab their attention by clearing his voice and still all the boys continued their various conversations.

"Hey shut the fuck up!" Cooper yelled. Some of the boys laughed, but they all stopped talking and looked attentively up to the front of the lobby where Cooper and Eric stood.

"Go ahead." Cooper said smiling to his friend.

Eric wanted to reprimand him for the language he had used, but thought it best to start while he had the boys' attention.

"We're going to go over some policies and regulations so that we can all enjoy the residence hall community. One of the first things is to keep the bathrooms clean. The custodians only clean the bathrooms once a day."

"Yeah, last year we had a problem with people pissing on the seats and taking dumps and not flushing the toilet. I'm not your mother, you'll get written up for shit like that." Cooper added.

"Also, make sure that you respect your fellow neighbors by keeping your music down to an appropriate level. If I can hear it down the hall it's too loud."

"I don't want to hear about 50 Cent's bitches and hoes in my room so keep it down." Cooper again added, "By the way, I found someone's name tag ripped and on the floor. I spent days making those so if you want your balls..."

Eric stepped on his foot, "Cooper, that is inappropriate." He whispered.

"Plus the name tags suck ass anyway." Someone yelled from the back of the crowd. Everyone turned to see who had yelled the comment and Kevin was smiling widely.

"You're late." Cooper said.

"I'm sorry, I just got in."

"You need to come to my room after so I can tell you the stuff you missed."

"Will do." Kevin said. Eric continued talking, but it was hard for Cooper to keep his eyes off of Kevin, who looked even more sexy than he remembered.

They had talked online several times throughout the summer, but in seeing him now, Cooper felt as if three months hadn't passed since they last saw each other. Twenty minutes later, both boys had finished wrapping up everything they needed to go over and asked if there were any questions.

"What's the sleep over policy?" Joey yelled from the back.

"As long as I don't hear the bed squeaking or someone moaning loudly I don't care." Cooper remarked.

"Actually," Eric said throwing Cooper a dirty look, "You're allowed a guest five times out of the month. After that you'll be charged for each additional night your guest stays. Also, if you do not know someone please do not let them into the building. We need to make sure our safety isn't compromised. Ask them to wait at the front desk or you don't have to let them at all...Did you hear that Toby?"


"Ok, any other questions? Alright you are dismissed." Immediately, as if a button had been pushed, the boys erupted into conversation again and the noise could be heard throughout the building as the boys made their way back to their rooms.

"Can you believe Toby?" Eric asked Cooper.

"What did he do?"

"He was talking almost the entire time to Richard."


"So? If he's not going to pay attention and respect me and all these guys know or will know we're friends then how are the other guys going to respect me?"

"Lighten up. Toby lived here last year he already knows this stuff." The two boys walked out of the lobby and made their way to third floor.

"Check in any hot guys today?" Cooper asked more loudly than Eric would have liked.

"Yeah," he said looking around to make sure no one was eaves dropping on the conversation.

"Anyone in particular?"

"Yeah, this kid named Joey."

"Don't know who that is. Describe him."

"He's a white guy, pretty cute, like brownish hair, he's like five foot five maybe."

"Five five!"


"Pshhhh, that's a toy. I want a man."

"Oh, please. I will remind you that Kevin is what barely five eight. I`m taller than him."

"Hey, what my man lacks in height he makes up for in enthusiasm. Plus I`m too good for you."

"Oh, right," Eric said, "What are you going to do tonight?"

"Probably wait around until Kevin comes by, you?"

"Just relax, and go to bed soon, early class tomorrow.

"Alright man good night."


Down the hall, Toby and Richard were getting settled into their new arrangement as roommates. Toby was looking for his toothbrush in the various unpacked boxes when he felt his boyfriend come up behind him.

"You smell so good." Richard said kissing Toby's neck.

"Ewww. I've been sweating and moving boxes and going up and down three flights of stairs all day."

"I know and you smell so damn sexy." Richard began to pull the basketball shorts down Toby's legs, but Toby caught on quickly and held them in place.

"I need to take a shower first."

"I can do you now and then you can take a shower and I can do you again."

"Perv. Really, after I shower. I'll go right now."

Right now turned out to be forty five minutes later and Toby was shaking his head when he finally was able to get out of the room and to the shower. The sex had been pretty good, he had forgotten how much he liked to bottom. Richard had said that they could flip flop when Toby returned from the shower, but the sex had been so good, he was probably going to give bottoming another go round. Toby hadn't yet set up his computer so maybe he'd give it a try on the desk this time. He walked into the shower room and found the shower room to be completely empty. Maybe one of these days, he thought, him and Richard get down and dirty in here. He chose a stall and made sure the temperature was nice and warm before he chucked his tank top on the floor. He checked the water again before pulling down his underwear and boxer briefs over the globes of his ass. He turned around quickly and looked around the shower room. He saw nothing, but he thought he heard something, like a gasp or intake of breath. He stepped into the shower and sighed as the warm water cascaded over his body. He would have to do some light stretching before bed tonight or he would be very sore for his first tennis practice of the year tomorrow morning. He was rubbing his hands over his body when he again stopped, this time sure he heard some light moaning.

"Oh yeah Toby." He heard very lightly.

"Shut the fuck man or someone will hear us." He heard whispered. Toby smiled and walked across the shower room completely naked, sure that he would find Cooper or Richard on the other side of the curtain.

"Very funny." He said yanking the curtain back with authority. He gasped in surprise when he saw Joey bent over in front of a Black guy that Toby thought looked familiar, but couldn't place.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, I thought you were a friend."

"I'm not gay, I swear. I'm just really wasted right now." the Black guy said.

"Whatever, sorry about the intrusion," Toby said moving the curtain back in place.

"No!" Joey panted, desperately hanging onto the curtain, "maybe you can help me out. My buddy here is doing a good job, but it would make me so horny if you two worked me from both ends."

"What?" Toby asked putting his hands over his enlarging boner. He was suddenly aware of how naked he was.

"I want you to fuck my face, while he fucks my ass. I want to get worked over by two Black guys."

"I have a boyfriend." Toby said trying to fill his voice with disgust, but he found this kid oddly intriguing, evidenced by the fact that he still had yet to walk away.

"Come on," Joey breathed, "I want your big black cock in my mouth."

Suddenly the door opened and all of them looked to the closed curtain that hung over the opening of the shower room to see who would enter. Toby quickly began to walk back to his shower stall when he heard Richard's voice.

"Toby, you building the shower or what?!"

"I'm getting out right now!" Toby quickly wrapped his towel around his waist, he looked back to the stall where Joey had been. The curtain was still open and though he looked petrified, the Black boy who Toby still couldn't place, was fucking Joey in the tight confines of the stall. As he looked away he was sure Joey mouthed the words, "I want you."

The next morning both Toby and Richard were already hitting on the tennis courts before Coach Williams and the rest of the team arrived for the first practice of the beginning school year. Toby had been casually looking around for Tim, but Tim hadn't arrived yet. Tim finally walked through the gates twenty minutes after practice had officially started, but he didn't have any tennis racquets or the attire on, he only had his backpack. He talked to Coach Williams for a few minutes and then made his way out of the gates. Toby yelled to Richard he would be right back and then ran after his former boyfriend.

"Tim! Tim!"

"Yesss?" Tim said turning around.

"What are you doing, what's wrong, why aren't you playing?"

"I'm quitting the team. I just talked to coach."


"Yeah, it's probably a good idea."

"I hope this doesn't have to do with us breaking up or Richard being on the team now. Things don`t have to change between us."

Tim stared at his ex, "They do have to change, things are different now."

"I think you should reconsider."

"Did you think about how uncomfortable this would make me? It doesn't matter to you because you won. You got to pick who you wanted and it's no skin off your back. It must be nice." "Don't be a pussy! You should be leaving on your own terms not because of me or anyone else."

"You're one to talk. You spent the whole last year being a pussy running between me and Richard. The only reason you made a decision was because he forced you to."

"It's not my fault you got involved. I would have never dated you if you hadn't made the first move. I bet you came out to get with me, instead of doing it for yourself."

"At least you admit it now, I was always second best."

Toby took a deep breath, "Let's not do this, ok?"

"No, Toby it's already been done. You'll get yours."

"I didn't do anything to you!"

"Yeah, I guess my heart broke itself." Tim walked away before the tears could flow ; he simply would not give Toby the satisfaction. Once he reached a bathroom, he was thankful that no one else appeared to be in there. He locked himself in a stall and tried to regain his composure.

"You did the right thing, it's time to move on." He said to himself. He stayed there for a while until he felt he could brave the world again. He left the bathroom in better spirits, but he was still unsure if he could ever really move on and get over Toby.

Hey guys hope you like the beginning of the new season. As always comments, constructive criticisms, or just shooting me an e mail to say hey ( is always welcome. Not all the chapters will have musical lyrics, but if I think it helps to project an image I want the readers to hopefully pick up on, then I'll use them. I also encourage you guys to listen to the songs that appear in the stories. Again, I am going to try my best to update the story every week and barring unforeseen circumstances, I will let you guys know ahead of time if that is not possible. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Next: Chapter 16

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