Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on May 18, 2006


This story contains sexual situations. If you are under the age of 18 please do not read. None of the characters are to be used without consent of the author.

Recurring characters used in this chapter:

Jon- Former cafeteria worker, now turned ice cream parlor worker, from the UK that always fights with Tim.

Ryan- Floor and classmate of Eric's who Eric is attracted to.

Three Roads: Chapter 13 - My High Is Coming Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Toby giggled as quietly as he could so that he wouldn`t wake his sleeping roommate. He had even gone as far as to have his bed sheets pulled over his head and his face towards the wall. He had been in this same position, doing the very same thing every night for the last three weeks.

"You're so stupid." He said giggling again.

"Eric's not annoyed by you being on the phone so late?" Richard asked.

"No, he can sleep through anything." Toby said yawning.

"Alright, I'll let you go, I can tell you're tired."

"No, I'm fine. I can talk as long as you want."

"I'm ok, really. Besides, don't you have back to back home matches over the next two days?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Then you need your rest. Good night."

Toby chuckled softly, "Good night."

"You're not throwing your toss high enough!" Tim yelled from the sidelines.

"Thanks, I got it." Toby said angrily. Tim watched his boyfriend's growing frustration as he dumped three more serves into the net. Toby half heartedly chucked his racket to the ground and some of the guys from the opposing team turned in his direction.

"Dude, calm down. You haven't even started playing yet and you're already frustrated. Just calm down."

"I'm fine. I'm just a little tired is all. I've had to do a lot of catch up with my school work since I got back. I'll be fine once the match gets going."

"I hate to bring this up now, but you've been saying that since you got back. That was three weeks ago, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Toby said walking back to his bag.

"Is he alright?" Coach Williams asked Tim when Toby was out of ear shot.

"He says he is."

"Well, I know you two are dating has anything happened?"

"No," Tim said a little surprised, "Has he said anything to you?"

"Nope. I just hope he doesn't end up regretting those few days he took off.

Tennis is all about rhythm. All it takes is to be a fraction off or a half second too slow and that totally mucks up your game."

"He's been saying he's so tired since he got back. To be honest I don't know why he would be tired. He hasn't done anything out of the ordinary."

"Well, hopefully he'll be ok." The coach walked towards the opposing team's head coach to see if they were ready to begin play. The coach signaled all the teammates to come together. He gave them there usual pep talk and then sent them off to their court assignments.

"Just relax." Tim said to Toby before going off to his court to play doubles.

Toby walked to his court and was greeted by his competitor, "Bryan Walsh, good to meet you."

"Toby. Here's to a good match." Toby said shaking Bryan's hand. Bryan was serving first and Toby stood by to receive serve. The first serve just hit the top of the tape and Toby thought to himself how much he liked that sound. The second serve came much faster then he expected and he jumped to his right and barely got his racquet on the ball ; it was enough to go over the net. Toby quickly began to run back to the center of the court to be ready to hit the next ball. Bryan's strongpoint was his court sense ; he always knew exactly where the next shot should be struck. He hit his forehand crosscourt, back where Toby had been. Because Toby had been running to the center of the court, he tried to quickly change direction to get the ball. He missed, but worse than that he felt something tweak in his right ankle. He immediately doubled over and grabbed his ankle. His competitor, seeing that Toby was still holding onto his ankle after a few moments, walked to the net, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I think so. Give me a sec." Toby said grimacing.

"Toby, you alright?" He heard his coach yell from the bench.

Toby immediately stood upright and gave his coach a thumbs up. Coach Williams had a strict no playing when injured policy. He had told all of the players at the beginning of the year that playing when injured only lead to further and more serious complications. He didn't want the coach to pull him out of the match so he decided to pretend as if nothing had happened. He walked over to the other side of the court and was surprised he was not in enough pain to be limping ; his ankle actually felt ok. When he was ready, his opponent served and Toby hit that return, and the next two, into the net. That's pretty much how the first set went as Toby lost it 6-2. The players were allowed a three minute break in between sets.

"Why were you bent over? Did you pull something?" Coach Williams asked.

"No, it felt like a bee stung me," Toby lied, "I'm ok."

"Alright. If you feel any pain, I want you to stop."

"Ok." Toby walked back onto the court. He felt a little guilty about not telling the truth, but he currently wasn't feeling any pain in his ankle, so he had no guilt at all about continuing to play. Twenty minutes later he was starting to wish he had been in pain. It would have explained why he was now down a set and 3-5 to his opponent. As his forehand hit the net he shouted at himself and put his hand over his forehead.

"Come on Toby!" He said to himself, "Pull it together."

Tim, who had finished his match just a few minutes earlier, was now sitting beside Coach Williams and they exchanged concerned looks.

"He's talking to himself." Tim said.

The coach nodded, but didn't verbally respond. Walsh was serving and the first serve was an ace. The next serve of his was hit into the net by Toby.

Toby began thinking about his record up to this point and how he hadn't yet lost a match. He wanted to keep that record badly and had enjoyed the slight murmurs of amazement he heard from students as he walked by them on campus. That motivation helped Toby win the next three points ; he now had a break point at 30-40 ; he had also started grunting, loudly, to try and pump himself up.

"He must really be winded," Tim said to the coach, "he's never grunted before."

Toby got in his ready stance to hit the serve. He returned the ball on the line he thought, but Bryan Walsh signaled in the air to let him know his ball was out. Toby put his hands on his hips, not sure if he believed the call, but he figured there was no sense in arguing, there was never an umpire present for these kind of matches. Another ace came off of his competitor's racquet and Toby was now down match point.

"Fight, fight, come on Toby."

Bryan served and Toby returned the ball, grunting loudly as he hit it. Bryan hit his backhand down the line and Toby reacted quickly getting it back with another loud grunt. But Bryan had quickly gotten to the net and because Toby's ball had gone fairly high into the air, Walsh was able to easily hit it into the open court. He pumped his fist tightly and smiled widely to some of his teammates who had been sitting nearby. Toby walked in slight shock to the net. He put a smile on his face and said, "Good game." He walked over to Tim and saw Coach Williams walking in the direction of the players that were still competing.

"I don't know what happened today, it just wasn't there."

"That team was really good," Tim said in awe, "Kyle and I got killed too."

"Thanks." Toby said annoyed, "I could have taken him on a normal day. He didn't even ask about my ankle at the net."

"What's wrong with your ankle?"

"Fuck," he mumbled before continuing, "I twisted it or something."

"And you continued to play?!"


"And you continued to play?" Tim said much quieter now.

"Yeah, it wasn't really bothering me, not that it mattered; I still lost."

"Coach would be pissed if he found out."

"Yes, that's why you're not going to tell him."

Tim smiled, "I'll try my best not to tell him, but without a blowjob, I can't make any promises." Tim said as innocently as possible.

"Blackmailing your own boyfriend? What is this world coming too?"

Twenty minutes later they were back in Toby's room and both were more than happy to see that Eric was not present.

"We'll have to make this quick since I don't know when he'll be back."

"That's fine with me."

Toby pushed Tim onto the bed and immediately begin massaging his boyfriend's crotch. An obscene bulge became noticeable in Tim's shorts and Toby wasted no time in pulling the shorts down just enough to expose his treat. Tim let out a moan as Toby roughly jerked his dick. Toby continued his jerking on the shaft as his mouth encompassed Tim`s dick. Tim let out another sharp intake, but it wasn't because of the pleasure Toby had been giving him, it was because of the person standing in the doorway. Tim rapidly tapped Toby's shoulder and Toby looked up surprised, "You're already about to cum?"

"No, door."

Toby turned quickly to the door to see his roommate standing there with a very surprised expression on his face, "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

"It's cool," Toby said laughing.

"Yeah," Tim said trying to cover his erection, "happens all the time."

"I'll let you guys finish." Eric said quickly walking out of the room. He walked down the hallway and smiled to himself. He had never thought of Toby as a blowjob kind of guy ; he always imagined Toby getting a blowjob, never the one actually giving one. He found himself in the lobby area and he was going to go for a walk when he heard his name called. He turned to find Jon smiling as he approached.

"You live here?" Eric asked surprised.

"No, I'm visiting a friend."

Eric smiled unconsciously, he loved hearing Jon talk, there was something about an accent that he loved, "If you're ever near the ice cream parlor again, you stop in, it's on the house." Jon smiled.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

The two boys stood in front of each other, both either trying to think of something to say or trying to think of the least awkward way to exit the conversation.

"Oh," Jon said suddenly as if he had just remembered what he was about to say, "My friend said she saw you at Club 21 a few weeks ago." Eric froze. Would admitting he had been there mean clarifying he was gay? Was Jon gay, Eric was pretty sure he was, but did that mean Jon was interested?

"I don't think so."

"She was pretty sure," Jon insisted, "She said you were with...Toby, I think it was and that Asian guy, the gay one."

"The gay one?"

"Yeah. Come on it's obvious ; the way he acts, plus he wears a cock ring as a bracelet. Can't get much gayer than that."

Eric laughed, "I guess not."

"So are you....?" Jon asked, that mischievous smile spread across his face.

"Am I?"

"Gay." Jon whispered, " It's cool if you are, I am too."

"I thought I smelled rotting teeth and what do you know there's an Englishman in my presence." Tim said walking into the lobby.

"Go choke on a brownie."

"Eric I need you." Tim said, pulling him away from Jon, "Walk me to my car."

Once they were outside, Eric inquired, "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I just don't want you socializing with him. Why are you talking to him anyway?"

"He's nice."

"Right....I'm sure that's the only reason."

"Ok, I think his accent is hot."


"He asked me if I was gay."

"What did you say?"

"I didn't have time to answer because you guys were too busy insulting each other."

"Sorry, didn't mean to cock block."

"No, I'm a bit relieved actually. I'm not sure I want everybody to know."

"Eric, look who you hang out with. You live with the openly gay athlete and you're friends with his boyfriend; plus the other person you hang out with wears a cock ring as a bracelet. I'd say you're gay by association."


"It's easiest to be upfront with people from the start."

"Yeah, ok," Eric said wanting a change of the subject, "How are you and Toby?"


"So you guys talked about the whole Richard thing?"


"Why not?"

"Because it's better this way. If I say anything we'll have to talk about a bunch of things that neither one of us wants to bring up."

"Alright. I'm just saying it's easier to be upfront with people from the beginning." He said smiling at Tim.

"Haha, very funny." Tim smiled. Tim unlocked the door to his car and before climbing in, he gave Eric a hug. Tim hugged his friend even tighter when he felt him tense.

"Eric, there's nothing wrong with what we're doing."

He finally let go and opened his car door. He secured his seatbelt and smiled at his friend, "If you need anything, you know the number."

As the car drove away from him, Eric silently thanked the heavens that no one else had been in the parking lot.

"Obviously gay?!" Cooper screeched in the empty dining hall.

Eric rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I wonder where he could have gotten that idea from."

"Eh, who gives a shit. I don`t even know the guy."

"A lot of people notice the bracelet..."

"Cock ring." Cooper interrupted.

"Yes, and they know what it is and make assumptions about it. That doesn't bother you?"

"It bothers me that they make assumptions. When I am curious about something, I just ask."

"I see."

"It's funny cause people are always like Cooper I can't believe you said that or asked that. I guess they think talking about someone behind their back or judging someone is better."

"I never thought of it that way." Eric smiled. Cooper could be crazy and wacky one moment and then manage to speak intelligently the next. It was beautiful to watch if you could keep up.

"Yep, I got all the answers up here." Cooper said tapping his head.

Across campus, Toby was limping his way to tennis practice. He had woken up that morning with his ankle swollen. He had attempted to nurse the injury himself by staying off his ankle as much as possible, but he was beginning to think that maybe he should have at least gone to see the school trainer after he had done whatever he had done to his ankle. He hobbled through the gate and when he saw Tim and Coach Williams approaching, he quickly sat down his bag and began stretching as if he were warming up.

"Don't bother he knows, I'm sorry." Tim said quickly. Toby gave him a disgusted look and Tim wisely walked away.

"So how is it?"

"It's fine, barely even feel it."

"Good, then you won't mind running a lap or two...or five for me."

"Why, what did I do?" Toby complained.

"For trying to keep an injury from me. Get to running!" Toby hesitated for a moment before attempting to run, he only succeeded in grimacing with pain.

"Just like I thought. You're on the bench for this one. If you lie to me again, you`re off the team."

Toby kicked his bag and then screamed in both frustration and then agony when he realized he had kicked his bag with the foot that had the injured ankle.

Over the next couple of weeks, Toby worked very diligently in getting his ankle, and his game, back to tip top shape. He had to sit out one more match, which his team managed to win anyway, but he spent the next couple of weeks, intense and practicing to be ready for the last stretch of the season. Cooper had also been contemplating the final weeks of the semester and what that would mean for his arrangement with Kevin. Because of the quickly approaching end of the semester, Kevin had been pretty busy with resident advisor duties, and therefore they had spent very little time together. This particular morning however, Cooper hoped to rectify that. He knocked on Kevin's door eagerly anticipating an answer. A couple of curse words later, Kevin was at the door staring in to the face of a smiling Cooper.

"Wake up sunshine." Cooper said barging in past a shirtless Kevin.

"What do you want?" Kevin said groggily closing the door.

"I just came by to see what's up," Cooper continued, his mood turning more serious, "It's been a while since we did anything."

Kevin walked to his bed, laid down, and closed his eyes, "If you want to give me head, it's cool, it'll help wake me up."

"No, I just meant...we haven't done anything at all lately. Like hanging out."

"Yeah, I've been really busy."

"I know. I was thinking maybe we could hang out next weekend, go catch a movie or something."

Kevin opened his eyes, "Ummm....I'm kinda booked.

"Oh, come on," Cooper said pleading, "A movie's only like 2 hours. Your schedule can't possibly be that booked, unless you're cheating on me with somebody else."

Kevin laughed uncomfortably, "No, you're the only cocksucker I know."

Cooper smiled, "Well we can talk later on specifics, go back to sleep you lazy bum."

"Are you coming?" Eric asked Ryan as he opened the door.

"I guess I have no choice do I?" Ryan said slamming his door, "this is some bullshit don't you think?

"Having to go to a career fair instead of class? It is what it is."

"This is so dumb. I already know what I want to do with my life."

"What's that?"

"I don't know, something with kids."

"Well that narrows it down."

"Fuck dude, I really don't want to go."

"Stop your whining, it won't be that bad." Eric smiled to himself ; he actually thought Ryan's whining was very cute.

A few minutes later they were standing in the middle of the campus quad where Toby's banner still looked over. They were confused when they first arrived as the quad looked very close to what it normally looked like. There were hardly any tables with companies trying to grab the attention of any student that walked by, there was no music or gimmicks to draw people to the quad, and what was always the case, the student population seemed totally oblivious to what was going on.

"Well it looks like our only career options are Bank of America and 24 hour fitness," Eric said laughing.

"Dude, let's just go this is so lame." Ryan said annoyed

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Eric said as Toby approached him.

"Just walking by, I'm late for class. See ya later."

"Later." Eric called after him. He looked at Ryan and was surprised to see a smirk on his face.

"What?" Eric inquired.

"I just can't believe he's gay." Ryan said as they started walking back towards the hall.

"What do you mean?"

"He's like....a guy.

"Whatever that means." Eric said simply.

"You'd never know he was gay unless you saw him sucking dick or something."

Eric laughed, "Ok."

"Has he ever tried anything?"


"Has he ever tried to like suck your dick or anything?"

"No, why would he?"

"I don't know. I would think it'd be weird living with a gay guy. What if he looked at me while I was changing or something."

"You know not all gay guys are trying to get in your pants. Some just want to be your friend just like anyone else."

"Yeah right. They'd secretly want to get in my pants."

"Wait, so you're saying you wouldn't even want to be friends with a gay guy?"

"I don't know. What would we talk about?"

"I don't know." They walked back the rest of the way to the halls in silence.

"So I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah." Eric said walking into his room.

"You should have told him you were gay." Toby said seriously. He looked across at his two friends who exchanged looks with each other as if to say we knew you'd say that.

"What?" Toby said catching on to the look, "that was the perfect time."

The boys put their trays on the moving platform that slowly took the half eaten burritos to the kitchens where they'd be disposed of. Their full bellies caused them to walk slowly back to their rooms.

"There never is a perfect time to tell someone you're gay, especially when they're being weird about it." Eric said.

"There's always time to be honest." Toby said.

"Those in glass houses." Eric said casting Toby a side glance.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just saying you're not always honest either."

"What have I not been honest about?"


"Oh no. You can't say something like that and then stop when it gets tough.

Grow a pair for a change and say what you mean."

"Whatever man."

"That's what I thought."

"Alright, shut the fuck up or I'm going to start twisting nipples." Cooper interjected. The two boys stopped their exchange and were now walking down the long narrow hallway to their rooms.

"You mind if I hang in your room for a bit?" Eric asked Cooper.

"Not at all. Pussy's still in class."

Toby entered his room without saying a word, and Eric plopped himself on Pucci's bed, "Thanks."

"No problem, I don't want wrestle mania to happen over there....unless I can video record it.

Cooper turned to see the expression on his friend's face and it was immediately clear to him why Eric had not laughed at his joke.

"What's wrong man?" He asked concerned.

"I just really thought that this whole being gay thing would be easier. I didn't expect it to be a walk in the park, but I thought I'd be feeling better about it by now."

"It's a process. You got to take it day by day. And the days you feel shitty about it then it's hour by hour."

"Yeah, I guess. I don't know, today Jon asked me if I was gay and I just kind of avoided the question."

"That's understandable man. It's all new for you."

"Why can't Toby understand that?"

Cooper smiled, "Not all of us have Toby's...."


"I was going to go with strength of character, but cockiness works." Cooper laughed.

"When I first met you I didn't like you."

"Ouch," Cooper said, "Way to put the breaks on a good discussion."

"You know what I mean," Eric said rolling his eyes playfully, "I'm glad we can talk about this kind of stuff. And I'm sorry about giving you a hard time you're just not like anyone I've ever met before."

"Was that a backhanded comment or a compliment?"

"Both." Eric said smiling.

"Get the fuck out and go make up with your roomie." Cooper smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I should. Seriously though, thanks."

"Anytime man. I'm sure you'll have to return the favor one of these days.

Toby saw Richard walk through the gate and a smile spread widely across his face. He felt Tim squeeze his hand tightly.

"Don't worry." Toby said reassuringly, "It's all good." He lead his boyfriend over to where Richard was rummaging through his bag. Neither boy had any way of knowing that they had both enjoyed the site of Richard's firm ass as he decided on which racquet to use. Toby wasn't sure if he should clear his throat or just call out Richard's name to get his attention. As he was deciding, Richard turned around and yelped in surprise.

"Oh, hi."

"Hi," Toby smiled, "Give me a hug." The two exchanged a quick, awkward hug as both were fully aware of Tim`s presence.

"This is..."

"Tim." Richard smiled.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Tim said. Richard extended his hand to Tim, but Tim gave him a hug instead that was a lot more awkward than the one Richard and Toby had just shared. Toby laughed nervously and Tim appreciated the fact that he had, if only for a minute, unnerved his boyfriend. Toby and Richard continued to exchange glances and Tim looked at both boys waiting for something to be said.

"Ok," Tim started, "It's awkward with me here. You guys need to catch up anyway. It was nice meeting you and I'm sorry about your parents."

"Big mouth." Richard said as soon as Tim was out of ear shot.

"I'm sorry. I needed to kind of process everything and he is my boyfriend."

Richard knew he would be hearing those words a lot this time so the words did not sting as much as he had thought they would.

"How are your parents by the way? Still talking divorce?"

"Pretty much."

"That sucks man."

"Yeah well it's better than them slamming me into stuff."

"Is your dad still staying with his brother?"

"Yeah, I don't want to talk about them. I'm glad to see you."

"Yeah, it's good to see you too."

"And by the way Tim's cute."

Toby laughed, "Cute? That's all I get."

"Hey, he's my competition, you're lucky I gave him that."

"It's not a competition Richard."

"Not for you anyway."

Tim felt a presence over his shoulder and quickly turned around and was surprised to see Cooper and Eric standing behind him.

"Hey, why are you two here?"

"I got dragged along." Eric said bitterly.

"Come on, two hot guys who used to date are going to get all hot and sweaty running around a tennis court with the current boyfriend of one of the guys watching....the only thing that could make this better is some popcorn and maybe Tonya Harding."

Eric rolled his eyes, "Where are they anyway?"

"Over there." Tim pointed.

"I have to say I'm surprised you're not over there."

"Me too actually. But it was awkward with me there and I know they don't talk much and rarely get to see each other."

Eric snorted, " Barely talk? They talk every night."


"They've talked like every night since that incident with Richard's parents.

Waking me up with that damn giggling."

"Really?" Tim said more to himself than as a question.

"Yeah." Eric said, "Didn't he tell you?"

"No," he said turning back to his boyfriend and Richard who were sharing a laugh about something, "he didn't mention it."

Twenty minutes later, Toby and Richard took the court against each other with Toby serving first.

"Last chance guys, who's gonna win?" Cooper asked animatedly.

"Toby." Eric said simply.

"Timothy?" Cooper asked.

"They're both losers in my book."

Toby immediately was broken in the first game and managed to lose the next 4 games in a row to go down 0-5 to Richard in the opening set. As the two switched sides, Eric expressed his amazement, "I'm amazed. Toby's barely winning points."

"Yeah, and he's not even getting angry." Tim said.

Toby was finally able to win a game, but Toby's troubles continued as he lost the first set 6-1 to his former boyfriend. As he sat down for the three minute break allowed between sets, Coach Williams walked over to his player, "Is your ankle ok?"

"Yeah, I feel fine. He's just playing too well."

"No he isn't. You're just not playing. You should treat him just like any other competitor, no matter your relationship."

"I am," Toby said defensively, "He's just playing really well." Toby got up and walked back to his position on the court. Everyone watching the match was in shock when Toby found himself 3-0 down in the second set. Richard didn't know what to think. He wasn't sure if Toby was hurt, just playing badly, or what was going on, he just knew he could not let up or the match could slip away from him. Toby was in disbelief, but no one would have ever known it from watching him. He had shown absolutely no emotion ; he hadn't yelled at himself, he hadn't pumped a fist, he hadn't even thrown his racquet, which he was especially fond of when he was losing. He began jumping up and down trying to will himself to move to the ball. Suddenly it occurred to him how much he wanted to win this match. Had he been working on his ankle and his game just to lose this easily? And how would him losing to Richard look with Tim watching? Toby decided right then and there that if he was going to lose, he was going to go down fighting. He was able to hold serve, but was still behind 1-3 in the second set. He started playing more consistently and suddenly Richard wasn't so confident when it looked like he would have to work for the win. It also wasn't lost on him that he had never beaten Toby before. Toby managed to win the second set 6-4, but still had shown no emotion, not even a fist punch as he walked to the bench to take his three minute break.

"How you feeling physically?" Coach Williams asked him.

"I feel good, a little tired."

"It's cause you're nervous, that can suck up a lot of energy."

"I don't feel nervous."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Toby get pissed off, scream at yourself if you have to, you play much better when you're annoyed and angry."

"That's because I'm annoyed and angry, I'm not right now, he's playing really well though. I'm glad, it's been tough for him." His three minutes were up and they were now headed back to the court for the final set. The two boys stayed even until 3-3, but when Toby was able to get the break with a backhand down the line. He turned his back to Richard and pumped his fist very quickly and silently mouthed yes. Toby was able to hold onto his advantage and on match point when Richard hit a forehand into the net, Toby walked to the net with his head down, but inside he was proud of the mini comeback he had produced, a 1-6, 6-4, 6-4 win, not just for his team, but for his self. As they came to the net, Toby did away with the traditional handshake, and gave Richard a very big hug.

"I feel like shit." he whispered to Richard.

"Why? You shouldn't, you won."

"I don't know, I feel you should have won."

"I should have. I was up a set and 3-0. But it's not like I've won many matches lately."

"Don't talk like that you've had a rough time lately."

"Yeah, and that shouldn't make you feel shitty about winning today. That's what competition is. At this rate though, I'm not making it to the conference championships."

"Well if you don't, I'll have to win it for you." Toby said smiling.

Richard playfully ran his hands through Toby's hair, "Thanks."

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Toby asked, surprised to see Tim standing on the other side of his dorm room door, "I thought you were mad at me. I was going to call you tomorrow to give you some time to cool down."

"I think we need to talk now."

"Alright, you want to talk outside?"

The warm breeze that was blowing through, reminded Toby of why he loved this time of year. Toby smiled to himself. It was funny to him the things you noticed when no one is talking. He noticed the ant that kept switching directions on the sidewalk, he could hear the squirrels scratching their way up and down the trees, he also could hear loud laughter ringing through the silence from a student's open dorm window.

"Look," he started, "I know you're mad and I'm sorry I didn't watch you play, but I don't get to see Richard often and you know he's been going through things."

"Do you guys really talk on the phone every night?"

Tim enjoyed the expression on Toby's face as he had certainly been caught off guard, "He told you that?"

"Eric mentioned it in passing."

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Toby, we don't even talk every night."

"That's cause we see each other pretty much every day."

"Sorry, it's such a burden to you. Maybe I'm crazy, but I like being able to see my boyfriend everyday."

"I didn't mean it that way. Look, I know what you`re thinking, but nothing's going on. I've been meaning to ask you about this, but I want you to meet my parents. I was hoping you'd come down with me for a few days after school ends so my family can meet you."

"I actually think we should take a break."

"Are you kidding, over a tennis match?" Toby said slightly raising his voice.

"I just don't think you know who you want. I think some time apart might do us both good."

"Stop being dramatic," Toby snapped, "If you don't want to be with me anymore than have the balls to say so."

"I don't want to be with you anymore Toby. I don't think I should have to feel like I'm a temporary boyfriend until you and Richard figure out whatever the hell you're going to do."

"Fine," Toby said leaping off of the bench and heading back to his room, "Whatever you want."

"It's what I get for sleeping with someone who couldn't even say I love you."

Toby quickly turned around and walked back towards Tim, "Hey, that's your issue. I can't fix your problems for you. But if us making love doesn't mean anything to you..."

"Making love? You fucked me because you like me and because I'm here and available to you and Richard isn't."

"Your hang ups are your own shit to deal with. If you don't trust me, then we really don't have much to say to each other anymore."

This time when Toby turned to walk back to his dorm room, he didn't turn around.

A few hours later, Cooper was in much better spirits than Toby was currently in. He had just spent a fantastic evening with Kevin. For all intents and purposes, Cooper had considered this a date; they had shared popcorn, Cooper had paid for both of their movie tickets, and now that they had just arrived in Kevin's room, Cooper was expecting payment for his friendly deeds.

"I had fun." Kevin said.

"As did I....want to have a little bit more?" Cooper raised his right eyebrow.

"I'm already up for it." Kevin smiled.

Cooper went down to his knees and lifted up Kevin's shirt. The small lining of hair that went from Kevin's navel and dipped below the waistband of his pants always turned Cooper on, but instead of rushing to his ultimate prize, he decided to take things a little more slowly. He placed several small kisses across Kevin's stomach, he then ran his hands across Kevin's entire chest sending shivers through the object of his affection's body.

"Take off your shirt." Cooper whispered.

Kevin followed his instructions and threw his shirt on the chair behind him.

Cooper saw this and softly asked Kevin to sit in the chair. Kevin was a little disappointed because he loved towering over Cooper as his friend serviced him; it made him feel more powerful and a little less uncomfortable about how much he enjoyed their arrangement. Cooper quickly removed Kevin's shoes and socks and before Kevin could object he quickly sucked his friend's big toe into his mouth.

"What are" Kevin moaned.

Cooper took that as permission to suck each toe into his eager mouth. When he finished with the last toe, Kevin was breathing heavily.

"Damn, that felt good. Why'd you do it?"

"I want to make you feel good." Cooper said unbuckling Kevin's pants. He pulled the jeans and the boxers down to Kevin's ankles, and he saw that Kevin was infact already hard. He jerked Kevin's dick a few times before engulfing the head in his warm mouth. Kevin's legs reflexively jerked as the feeling of what Cooper was doing to him washed over his body. It was a while before Cooper allowed Kevin to submit to what he was feeling, but when it was time Kevin stoop up and roughly titled Cooper's head up so that he could cum on his face.

"Oh man," Kevin moaned as Cooper played with his balls, "You ready for it?"


Kevin let out a whimper and he closed his eyes as he began to erupt.

"Fuck!" Cooper called out as he directed Kevin's still spurting dick to his mouth. After he finished, Kevin looked down and saw that he had squirted his friend directly in the eye.

"Dude, I'm sorry. It felt so awesome, it messed up my aim. There's some tissue in the top drawer next to you."

Cooper stood up and pulled open the top drawer of the dresser. He looked into the drawer, as best he could with one eye, but didn't see any tissue as he rummaged through the drawer full of paper. He found the tissue after a few seconds, but he was temporarily in shock at what else he saw in the drawer.

"Man who knew that having your toes sucked could feel so good." Kevin said in amazement.

Cooper quickly wiped his eye with the tissue and then held up a letter so Kevin could see, "Is this a joke?"

Kevin could see the words "Global Education" printed in very large and bolded letters across the top of the paper. He read the look on Cooper's face and knew he had to come clean.

"I swear I was going to tell you."

Thanks for reading this latest update, and I again apologize about the long wait between chapters. There's only one more chapter left to wrap up this school year and I will try my absolute best to have it done over the next few days. Thanks again and I'd love to know what you think about the way the story is progressing!

Next: Chapter 14

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