Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Apr 10, 2006


This story contains sexual situations if you are under the age of 18 please do not read. None of the characters are to be used without consent of the author.

As per request, a reader said it would be a bit easier to follow the story if I had a list of the characters. So anytime someone outside of the principle characters (Eric, Toby, Cooper, Tim, Richard, Kevin) appear, I'll write their name and their relationship to a principle character here. Hope this helps :)

Jon- Cafeteria worker from the UK that had a "brownie fight" with Tim in the previous chapter.

Ryan- A guy on the same floor as Eric, Cooper, and Toby. Eric is attracted to him and they share a class together.

Three Roads Chapter 12- The Road Often Traveled

Toby had been wrong about many things throughout his life, but he had never been more wrong than in the last few months. He had been wrong when he predicted that Andre Agassi, at the ripe old age of thirty-five, would not hit a ball on the ATP circuit in 2006. He had been wrong when he had told Eric that Pat Benatar was the woman who sang "I Love Rock & Roll." He had also been wrong when he told his mother that the next time he would see her would be at the start of summer. As he pulled up to the white two story house that belonged to his ex boyfriend, he realized that he had been most wrong in matters concerning Richard. He had been wrong in his assumption that he and Richard would be together forever. He was mistaken when he believed that Tim would help him get over his former lover. He was also very wrong when he thought that he wouldn't see Richard for a very long time after their last encounter. He turned off the ignition and stared straight ahead. Richard had been very cryptic and incoherent on the phone. All Toby knew was that he had to get to Richard as soon as possible. As soon as he had ended his call, he could feel himself go into what he called emergency mode. All of this thoughts and energy went towards preparing to leave as soon as possible. Within an hour, Toby was on the freeway driving back toward the very thing he had pretended like he didn't want. He got out of the car and realized how humid it was not only for mid February, but for this early in the morning. His legs appreciated the movement as did his body as he stretched towards the heaven and put his hands together over his head. He walked up to the door and took a deep breath and hesitated before knocking. He waited almost an entire minute and still no one had come to the door. He knocked more insistently this time, "Richard, it's Toby!"

Another twenty seconds passed before he heard heavy footsteps echoing on the hard wood floor. The door opened just a bit and then stopped altogether. Toby pushed the door open with his foot and peered into the house. There was no light coming into the house from anywhere and Richard was nowhere in sight.

"Richard, it's Toby!" Toby could feel the hairs on his body standing on end and his hearing had increased ten fold trying to pick up on any footsteps or sounds. Somewhere in the house, there was dripping water, and it sounded fairly close to him. Toby heard a loud slam behind him, and he just about died before he realized that the little light that had been filtering into the room was now gone ; the door had slammed shut. Toby had been standing just a few feet from the front door, when he remembered how many times he had been in this very house. He stayed as close to the wall as he could, as he slowly inched his way to where he knew the kitchen light switch stood. He knew he was now within inches of the light switch when he began to reach for it. He was expecting to see something shocking, but when he flipped on the light, he saw nothing out of place in the kitchen. There were no dishes in the sick, the floor looked as clean as he remembered, and the stove didn't appear to be on. When he turned around , though he got the surprise he had been expecting. Toby audibly gasped when he saw that the dripping water he had heard earlier, had been caused by an overturned vase. He looked a few feet below the overturned vase to see the flowers that had been in the vase. Chards of glass littered the floor and Toby saw that the glass cabinet in which Richard's mother kept all of her trinkets had been cracked and it appeared that many of the trinkets had been destroyed.

"Richard you're scaring me! Stop fucking around!"

Toby carefully walked over the chards of glass on the floor. He walked into the long hallway and stopped ; he still couldn't hear any footsteps or voices. Richard's room was at the end of the hallway. As he slowly began his way down the hallway, it took everything in his power to suppress the urge to run the rest of the way to Richard's room. The floor boards seemed to do much more creaking then Toby had remembered but he soon found himself standing outside of his ex boyfriend's half opened door. He pushed open the door to find Richard laying in bed with his back to the wall.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"In case you haven't noticed," Richard said turning around to face Toby, "I'm not in the mood to be criticized."

"Oh my God, you're bleeding!" Toby said rushing into the room.

"I was bleeding, I'm not anymore."

Toby could see that his ex boyfriend was correct ; the blood had dried and was matted and clumped in Richard's hair.

"I'm gonna go start a bath for you ok?"

"Ok." Richard said weakly.

Toby walked out of the room and directly across the hallway into the bathroom. He was relieved to find that nothing seemed out of order here. He turned on the hot water and plugged the drain. As he waited, he looked at himself in the mirror and he smiled ; he looked like shit. Just a few hours ago, he was nice and warm in bed, having just had sex for the first time in months with Tim......Tim. He made a mental note to call Tim later. He would likely have to do some damage control with his boyfriend considering how quickly he left Tim's house after Richard had called, but right now he knew Richard needed him. He turned off the water and walked back across the hallway to get Richard, who was now sitting up in his bed.

"You ready?" Toby asked concerned.


"Do you need some help?"

"Yeah, I'm a little sore."

Toby walked over and put his arm around his former flame, "Ok, on the count of three. One, two, three."

Toby was surprised at just how sore Richard appeared to be. They walked quite slowly to the bathroom. Once there, Toby began to lift Richard's shirt over his head. He felt Richard's strong hands stop him, "I'm upset and sore, but I'm not a cripple."

"Alright, I'm sorry. Do you want some breakfast?"

"That'd be nice."

"Ok." Toby walked out of the bathroom as Richard began to get undressed. As Richard pulled down his checkered pajama bottoms and underwear, Toby couldn't help but take a look back and the beautiful body he knew so intimately.

Cooper was stumbling his way to the communal bathroom when a bright yellow sign caught his attention, "Are you interested in being a Resident Advisor?"

He mumbled to himself.

"Wow, you look terrible." Eric said approaching.

"I just woke up asshole. Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go do some studying at the library. What we looking at?" Eric asked turning to the yellow flyer.

"I'm considering applying for the RA job.

"Are you serious?"

"Why?" Cooper asked accusingly, "You don't think I could do it?

"I didn't say that."

"Your tone said it all."

"I honestly didn't mean anything by it."

"Yeah, ok. Well I was headed to the bathroom so I'll see you later."

Cooper pushed the door open to the bathroom before Eric even had a chance to respond. He threw his towel across his shoulder and was a bit disappointed to find that no one else was standing at the urinals. He walked up to the urinal and had to step back because his dick was hard ; in part because he had just woken up, but there was something about a urinal that had always been arousing to Cooper. He heard the door push open and saw Kevin rounding the corner.

"Hey." Kevin mumbled taking the urinal right next to Cooper.

"Hey." Cooper said taking a peak at his friend's raging boner. He reflexively began licking his lips, when Kevin looked at him.

"Did you just look at me?"

"Guilty as charged."

"You're a perv you know that."

"Oh shut up you liked it. Little Kevin there got harder."

"You're such a liar." Kevin said as he joined Cooper at the sinks to wash their hands.

"Oh," Cooper said suddenly, "You think I should apply to be an R.A.?"

"Definitely, you'd make a good R.A. Especially if you provide the same enthusiasm in your service to the residents as you do to me." Kevin smiled.

"Are you doing the job again next year?"

"I'm thinking about it." Kevin said simply.

"Sweet. It would be awesome to be on staff with you."

"For sure." Kevin said, "I'm gonna go for a run, you want to join me?"

"Naw, I'm good. But can I come by and talk to you later about the RA job?"

"I got a lot of stuff to do today man."

"Alright, some other time then."

"You're eating like you haven't eaten in days." Toby said watching Richard in disbelief.

"I haven't, I've been sick."

"That explains why you're hear?" Toby questioned.

"I guess it's story time, huh?"

"If you're up for it."

"Well yeah, I've been kinda sick the past week or so, and my mom's been trying to get me to come home so she can take care of me or whatever. But with tennis and all my work I couldn't afford the break. It got really bad last night, so I got in the car and just drove here right after classes. They weren't home from work when I got here so I laid in my bed and fell asleep. I woke up to them like screaming at each other. I was going to let them finish, cause they do this shit so much now lately I`m pretty used to it, but someone started throwing shit around. So I got up and my head's pounding and I walk out into the living room and I see my mom on top of my dad and they're going at it."

"Dear God, having sex?!"

"No, I meant going at it...fighting."

"Oh no."

"Yeah. So I run over there and try and pull my mom off of my dad. And you know how small my mom is, I have a good 6 or 7 inches, and probably 80 pounds on her, and when I was trying to get her off, she pushed me into the cabinet. The only thing that made them stop was that she realized I hadn't gotten up. I hit my head and it started to bleed. My dad was able to help me up, but hitting my head on the cabinet on top of not feeling well, I was just so dizzy. The cops showed up then ; I guess one of the neighbors had called the police. The cops took them both and my dad just kept yelling, 'My son hit his head, he needs to be checked out!'

Toby was surprised at the clarity and control that Richard was speaking with. He knew that if their situations were reverse, he'd be a bumbling, crying idiot right now.

Richard continued, "The cops asked who I was and if I was ok. I told them I was fine and after a few more questions they left." Richard gave a little smirk.

"What?" Toby asked.

"I feel kind of stupid for making you drive six hours because my parents had a fight. It sounds lame now that I am saying it out loud."

"Richard, don't even. And you didn't make me come, I wanted to."

"I debated whether or not to call you. I didn't have anybody else." The control and clarity that Toby had noticed in his ex boyfriend's speech was beginning to waiver.

"It's fine, it really is." Toby said grabbing Richard's hand.

Later that night, Eric, who should have been enjoying having the room to himself, was instead bored out of his mind. He was staring off into space deciding what he was going to do. Cooper was probably still annoyed with him from earlier, he didn't feel like visiting either. Just then he head a door close and it sounded like it came from next door. He leaped off his bed and gave himself a quick once over in the mirror and stepped out of his room. He waited patiently, but nervously for Ryan to open the door. The first things he saw were nipples and then his brain registered that the nipples were attached to a body.

"Hey man, come in." Ryan said, clad only in a towel.

"Are you busy or something?"

"No, just got out of the shower. What you up to?"

"Nothin. Just a little bored, I thought I'd come to see what you were doing."

"Sorry man, I'm going out with my girl tonight."

Ryan grabbed some boxers from a drawer, and much to the disappointment of Eric, put them on with his towel still snugly attached to his hips. Once the underwear was on, Ryan removed the towel and Eric got a nice view of Ryan's happy trail ; it seemed like it had more hair than the average guy's.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Going to a birthday dinner of one of her friends."


They made small talk for the next few minutes and Eric watched the way Ryan's body moved as he did various things around the room. He saw his friend grab a gray tie from a drawer and he wondered out loud what it was for.

"I told you, I'm going to dinner with my girl and some friends."

"It's that formal?"

"I don't want to be under-dressed."

"They're confusing to me, I never learned how to put one on."

"You're gonna learn right now," Ryan said walking towards Eric, "Stand up."

Eric stood up and immediately felt a rush run through his body. He was standing this close to the object of his affections, who was nearly naked, save for a pair of boxers. Ryan put the tie around Eric's neck and did various hand movements while giving him instructions.

"See, and then you loop it like that."

"Mmhmm." Eric was barely listening, not only was he staring at the erect nipples of his friend, but he was becoming more and more aroused every time Ryan's hands brushed against the back of his neck.

"And then you just pull it depending on how loose or tight you want it."

"Makes sense."

Ryan gave Eric a pat on the chest and then proceeded to undo the tie. Eric's phone began to vibrate in his pocket and he could feel the vibrations lightly coursing through his balls.

"Whose number is that?" He said quietly to himself.

"You want me to answer it?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah." As Ryan took the phone out of Eric's hands, his hands brushed against Eric's sending him into even more of a frenzy.

"Hello?.......may I ask who's calling.....hold on just a's someone named Tim."

"Tim? I don't know any...oh!" Eric gasped, comprehension dawning on him, "Hey, I'll see you later, thanks for the demonstration." Eric said smiling.

"Anytime man."

"Hey Tim," Eric said as he closed Ryan's door, "What's up?"

"You're surprised I'm calling you."

"Uhhh....yeah just a bit, is everything all right?"

"Oh yeah, it's peachy. You want to hang out?"

"Ummm...sure. What did you have in mind?"

"I'm busy the rest of the day, but you want to go grab some ice cream tomorrow after class?

"Sure, just give me a call before you stop by."

"Sounds good, see you then."


Toby was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, thinking about the day that had passed. He smiled a bit to himself as he again thought how he never expected to be back here so soon. What had surprised him even more than that was it felt as if he and Richard hadn't even missed a beat. There was no unfamiliarity between the two of them and though Richard had been subdued given the circumstances, they had shared a couple of laughs. He finished rinsing his mouth and walked into Richard's room to find Richard already laying in bed.

"You good?" Toby asked.


"Alright, I'll be on the couch, call me if you need anything."



"Will you sleep with me tonight?"


"Not like that. I just need to feel a warm body next to me tonight. I swear I won't try anything."

Toby turned off the light and walked slowly towards the bed, "You got to move over then."

His ex boyfriend made room so that both of them easily fit onto the bed. Richard now had his back turned to Toby and Toby did not resist the urge to put his arm around Richard to let him know it was ok to be close.

"You know what the scariest thing about seeing my mom and dad like that was?" Richard said out of nowhere.


"The look in their eyes ; it was pure contempt and hatred. I didn't see any kind of respect or love for each other. I remember being younger and my parents being happy and laughing and loving each other. I wonder if that was all for my benefit."

"What do you mean?"

"I wonder if they acted like they were happy because I was young."

"I don't think so, they love each other, things probably just got out of hand."

"If you had seen the looks on their faces, you wouldn't say that. I can believe that at one time they loved each other, but what happened to it? None of it was there last night. Where does love go?"

"Things happen, I guess."

"Yeah, like with us."

"I think we're a bit different. We didn't try to kill each other."

" you love me?"

"Of course I do."

"Promise me that no matter what happens between us that we'll never end up like that. No matter what I do to piss you off or to make you hate me, please remember that I do care."

"I promise." Toby said as he kissed Richard on the forehead, "Go to sleep now, we can talk more in the morning."


Eric laid on his bed waiting for Tim to arrive. Tim had called twenty minutes ago to say he'd be here and now Eric was thinking he wasn't going to show up. Eric looked on Toby's side of the room and realized how bare the wall looked now that all the pictures with Richard had been taken down. The remaining pictures, however, were not at all bad to look at. Eric stopped on a picture of tennis star James Blake. He looked the picture up and down and was sure there was the slight hint of a bulge on the player. His hands instinctively went to his crotch and his dick immediately responded. He unzipped the fly and slid his dick out through the fly in his boxers. He intently stared at James Blake when there was a knock at the door. Eric stopped and whispered a profanity before stuffing himself back inside his pants.

"Hey," he said opening the door.

"Hi," Tim smiled giving Eric a hug. Eric had been caught off guard, but didn't mind the body contact ; he could already feel his dick begin to twitch. He thought about how the slightest thing seemed to set it in motion these days.

"You ready to go?

"Yeah." Eric closed the door behind them. There was total silence as they walked down the hallway and down the three flights of stairs to the lobby of the residence hall. As they walked out to the parking lot, Eric was trying to think of something, anything to say to get a conversation going.

"How are you doing?" Eric asked, trying to break the ice.

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm good."

"Dating anyone?"

"Haha, no. The guy next door is pretty cute though." Eric winced as the words escaped his mouth.


"Don't tell Cooper or Toby or they'll make a big deal about it."

"Probably. I have to say I'm surprised you said that much about whoever this guy is."

"Why'd you ask then?"

"Cause I was curious. The worst you could have said was none of your damn business."

There was another long silence as the boys rode the few blocks to the local ice cream parlor.

"I love this place." Tim smiled. Eric entered behind him and couldn't find much to love about the place. The wallpaper was seriously outdated and stained in some places, the booths were ripped in several spots, and the floor looked like it hadn't been mopped in several weeks.

"Don't look at it like that," Tim said interrupting Eric's thoughts, "Look at it for what it could be. It has so much potential. It's like my goal in life to update this place."

Tim grabbed Eric's shoulder and forced him to turn towards a corner of the parlor that looked particularly dreadful, "Wouldn't a juke box look great there?"


"Oh, you're no fun." Tim said ringing the bell.

"How can I help...not you again!" Jon said angrily.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought you'd been deported." Tim said sarcastically.

"I work here now instead of the cafeteria, so I wouldn't have to deal with asshole college students, but looks like the wind blew in more trash oh and just so you know, we don't sell any fuckin brownies here, I wouldn't want you to waste more precious minutes of your life arguing over brownies."

"I thought Englishmen were supposed to be nice, is that a fake accent?"

"Look just order, I don't have time for your issues today."

"Issues? What are more issues?" Tim yelled getting closer to the counter.

"Ok," Eric said pushing Tim back, "I'll order for you. Go sit." Tim walked away mumbling something about how everyone has issues.

"What is a good looking guy like you doing with an ass like him?" Jon said smiling.

"Oh," Eric said giving a nervous laugh, "We're not dating, we're just friends."

"Really?" Jon said raising an eyebrow, "I'm single too....Englishman all by myself."

Eric nodded, "Can I order now?"

"Oh, yeah, what do you want?"

"Can I have one double scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough and one double scoop of..."

"Chocolate chip!" Tim yelled from around a booth, sticking his tongue out at Jon.

"How old is he twelve?" Jon asked handing Eric both scoops of ice cream.

"How much do I owe you?"

"It's on the house." Jon threw Eric another smile and Eric could feel is heart beating faster.

"Thanks." He blushed.

"Anytime." He said raising his eyebrows.

Eric quickly found Tim and was surprised at how far he sank down when sat down in the booth, "I think he was hitting on me." He whispered to Tim.

"Ewww. Maybe that's why he's grinning like an idiot."

"He's cute. You don't think so?" The look on Tim's face said everything he was thinking.

"Ok, ok."

"I think me and Toby are done." Tim said abruptly.

"What? Why?"

"Since he's been gone, he hasn't called me."

"Something obviously happened with Richard though, I'm sure he's been really occupied."

"That's the thing though. He left in such a hurry. As soon as Richard called he just went into like this different mode. We were cuddling cause we'd just...finished. It was all so perfect and then not so much."

"You guys slept together?"


"Toby's a good guy, I'm sure he'll explain everything once he gets back."

"It just doesn't feel right in my bones. I should have seen this coming. He wasn't over Richard when we got together anyway. I'm an idiot."

"Ok, stop. Nothing's happened yet, let him get back here and then see what happens."

"I don't know. I guess this is what I get for sleeping with someone who couldn't say I love you."

Eric offered a sympathetic smile. "Either way," Tim said putting on a fake smile, "I hope me and you can stay friends. We have a bond, I can feel it."

"Definitely." Eric smiled.

Tim wasn't sure if his relationship with Toby was ending, but as he looked at Eric, he was sure that no matter the outcome, another relationship was beginning.

It was early Friday morning and Toby and Richard were outside of the house waiting for Toby's car to warm up properly. Richard was staring down at the ground impassively, and Toby was playing with his fingernails.

"So you gonna go straight back to school?" Richard asked finally looking up.

"I'm gonna drop by home real quick and pick up some stuff I left and then I'm gonna drop by my grandma's house. She'll ask God to send me straight to hell if she found out I was in the same city and didn't stop by."

"She would....could you not mention any of this stuff about my parents?"

"Richard, people will find out anyway."

"I know, but I want it to happen on its own. I don't want all these people asking me how I'm holding up."

"When are you parents coming back?"

"My mom's at my aunt's, and I don't know where my dad is, I'm sure he was released the same time as she was."

" I see....well I think she's all warmed up." Toby said tapping the hood of his car.

Richard's gaze again went to the pavement, "Thanks for coming, especially considering the circumstances."

"Don't mention it." Toby pulled Richard into a hug and neither wanted to let go, but both knew that, a least for now, they had to.

"Back to the craziness I go." Toby said.

"Back to your boyfriend."

"Yeah," Toby said smirking, " He'll be mad. I didn't call him at all since I've been gone."

"Ouch." Richard smiled.

"Yeah, especially the way I left. You called right after we'd just had sex."

"You two had sex?"

"Yeah, it's what people in a relationship do."

Richard smiled, "Who would have thought that you'd have sex before me?"

"Don't even," Toby smiled, "You told me you'd been out with other guys."

"Yeah, been out with. The most that happened was a little kissing. I haven't slept with anyone since that night in your room before you left to go up to Sunnyvale."

Toby was both surprised and relieved, "You should work on that."

"Perhaps. Again thank you for coming, really. And I'm sorry about disrupting you and Tim."

"Naw, it'll be ok. And maybe this all happened for a reason."

"What you mean?"

"Just that. Maybe this had to happen to your parents so something bigger and more important could happen."

"Like us talking again?"

Toby laughed and rolled his eyes as he got into his car, "Yeah, just like that."

Richard laughed, but he didn't find anything funny, "I'll see you on the flipside."

Toby blew him a kiss and sped off down the street. Richard clutched his chest as he watched Toby's car get smaller and smaller in the distance. Toby's words kept reverberating in his head: Maybe it had all happened for a reason.

Cooper slipped his application under the Hall Director's door and smiled. He couldn't believe that he was becoming part of the establishment, but love made you do crazy things sometimes. He still gave Kevin blowjobs, but the frequency in which he gave them had slowed considerably since Pucci had arrived.

"Fuckin asshole." Cooper mumbled under his breath. He walked down the long hallway and began to fumble in his pocket for his keys. Eric opened his door, "Hey Toby said he'd be here in a couple of minutes, you want to join the welcome parade?"

"Mmmm...I guess."

"Don't sound too excited."


"Are you still mad at me?"

"I was never mad, just severely annoyed with you." Cooper said.

"Why, I don't even know what I did. I swear if this is about that damn dildo..."

"See that's what I'm talking about. I joke around and maybe I have different priorities than you and Toby, but I don't like how you're always condescending towards me. A lot of times it's funny, cause we're all joking, but I don't appreciate it all the time."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was being condescending. I'll work on it ok?"

"Ok... hug me bitch." Cooper said grabbing Eric and putting him in a headlock. The two began to horse around when the door opened and in walked a smiling Toby.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Hey, welcome back." Eric said, his hair disheveled.

"We just finished having hot monkey sex on your side of the room. Don't worry we didn't break anything."

"But our dicks." Eric added. Both Cooper and Toby looked at Eric in surprise.

"What?" He shrugged, "I thought it was funny."

"So what happened with Richard?" Cooper inquired.

Toby gave them the whole story as Richard had told him, "That's crazy." Cooper said.

"I know. I feel bad for leaving him, but I had to get back. I've got shit to do."

"Yeah, like calling your boyfriend." Eric said seriously.

"I know."

"You should do that like now." Eric said.

"Alright alright. Can I have some privacy?"

"Yeah. Come on Cooper." Eric said pulling the bigger boy by the arm out of the room, "Let's go make friends with Pucci."

Toby waited until he heard Cooper's door close before he called Tim, "Could it really be Mr. Toby Black?" Tim said.

"Hi." Toby tried to sound as light-hearted as possible.

"I need to see you now."

"Ok, where?"

"My house. My parents are still gone."

"Ok, I'll be there in twenty."


Toby stood outside of Tim's door and took a deep breath to prepare himself for whatever was about to happen inside. He knocked and almost immediately Tim answered the door. Toby was forming the words hi when he was roughly pulled into the house. Tim pushed his tongue into his boyfriend's mouth as far as it would go. Tim was walking backwards through the house at a rapid pace, but still had not broken contact with Toby's mouth. Toby was having a hard time keeping up with Tim. He was all the more surprised when he felt himself fall over something tall. He was now on top of Tim on the living room couch.

"Hi." Toby smiled.

"I want you inside of me again."

"I didn't bring any condoms. Did you buy some yet?"

"No. It doesn't matter though. I just want you to fuck me."

"Tim, that's not safe."

"Fine," said Tim in a frustrated voice. He pushed up on Toby's chest and Toby sat up, "A blowjob will have to do."

He quickly unbuckled and unzipped Toby's pants and was able to pull the jeans and Toby's underwear down in one pull. Tim grabbed his boyfriend's stiff cock and held it in his hand for a minute just staring at the purple head that was already glistening with precum. Tim licked the head and Toby jumped. Tim had been rough and quick before, but now he wanted to savor and enjoy this moment. He put the cock in his mouth and gave it a bath. Toby took a deep breath and put his hands behind his head. Tim took his mouth off of Toby's dick, but continued to stroke it as he began to lick Toby's balls.

"Oh, man." Toby said spreading his legs wider, "Keep doing that."

Tim liked the encouragement he was getting and continued to lick his boyfriend's balls. After a few moments, he licked up the shaft of the dick and again begin slowly bobbing his head up and down on Toby's shaft.

"God, I love you." Toby sighed.

Tim stopped and smiled at his boyfriend. Toby was completely unaware of Tim's smile as he was in his own world because of the sensations Tim had been giving him. Tim went back down on the cock, more intently this time, and now that he had heard what he wanted, he wanted nothing more than to taste Toby's load. He continued to furiously suck his lover's cock while he fondled his balls. Toby was making small sounds up above, but when he felt a finger begin to push in between his ass cheeks, he let out a surprised noise and then proceeded to shoot rapidly into his boyfriend's mouth. Because of Tim's inexperience, a good portion of it spilled out the sides of his mouth. He licked his lips though and was satisfied at what had just gone on. Toby was trying to get his breathing under control, "That was awesome."

"Good, I'm glad you liked it," Tim smiled widely before he said, "and by the way I love you too."

Guys thanks for reading the 12th chapter of this story. This started out as a random outing, but through your words of encouragement, I've been able to turn this from something I did when I was bored, to something I take a great deal of pleasure in doing. There will only be 2 chapters left before the boys close out their first year in college, but I am committed to following the boys through their college experience as long as people are enjoying the story and I'm having fun writing. As always any suggestions, constructive criticisms, or words of appreciation are welcome. Feel free to send me an e mail at

Next: Chapter 13

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