Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Feb 21, 2006


This story contains sexual situations if you are under the age of 18 please do not read. None of the characters are to be used without consent of the author

Eric walked up the stairs he had walked up hundreds of times before. He had reached the landing on the third floor and smiled. It had been almost a month since he had last seen his dorm room, and he was relieved to be back. Home had been stifling for him and plus he missed Toby and Cooper and he also just missed having something to do ; it would be good to have a routine again now that he was back at school. He suddenly stopped in his tracks. They knew he was gay. Eric felt like his brain was beginning to pulse. They knew he was gay. It had finally occurred to him what that meant. There were now at least three people on Earth who knew that Eric wanted to put a dick in his mouth ; that he wanted to be held and kissed by another man. He now wanted to be somewhere else. The reasonable side of Eric kicked in and he forced an audible chuckle as he once again started to walk down the hall towards his room. All the people who knew for sure he was gay were gay themselves and they all wanted to suck dick too so it wasn't a big deal. He stopped in his tracks again. Dr. Taylor knew he was gay. So now there were at least four people on planet Earth that knew he was a homo. He took a deep breath and again reminded himself that Cooper and Toby were his friends and that they would help him through whatever he might feel. He smiled again when he heard laughter coming from his room. The laughter quieted down when Eric put the key into the keyhole. Instead of being relieved to see his friends, he gasped when he saw his side of the room. There were pictures of naked men in various sex acts plastered all across his wall. There were pink streamers all over his bed and in the middle of all this Toby and Cooper were laughing hysterically.

"Look at his face." Cooper said in between gasps.

"It hurts too much." Toby laughed holding his stomach. It took Cooper and Toby a few minutes to calm down before they noticed the blank expression on Eric's face.

"Are you mad? I can't tell." Cooper said waving his hand in front of Eric's face.

"Let me put it this way, if you put your hand in my face again, you'll have to learn how to jack off left handed." Eric said simply. Cooper whispered to Toby, "I think he's mad."

"Are you really mad?" Toby asked seriously.


"It was just a joke," Toby started, "we thought it'd be funny."

"Yeah, it's just a welcome to the homo family." Cooper added.

"Can we just not talk about it, please." Eric said sitting his bags and computer on his bed.

"Ok yeah." Toby said, "so how was your break?"

"It was fine," Eric said trying to ignore the pictures, "I had guys bought a dildo just for this?" He asked picking up the dildo.

"Um, that's actually mine." Cooper said reaching for it. Eric immediately dropped it to the floor.

"Hey you're going to get it dirty." Cooper said picking it up quickly.

"Not any dirtier than it is from being up your ass." Toby said.

Toby and Cooper once again started laughing, but Eric still didn't find it funny, "Ok, ok," He said halting the laughter, " I need to go get the rest of my stuff." He walked out of the room and by the time he got back he had calmed down a bit.

"Where's Cooper?"

"He went back to his room, we weren't sure how you were feeling." Toby said.

"I'm fine."

"Why did you get mad?"

"I think it's just a little too much too soon." Eric said honestly.

"Well, if you're worried about people finding out we haven't told anyone, I haven't even told Tim...but I think you should work up to it."

"I know you feel that way."

"Yeah for good reason."

"Can we not talk about this now?" Eric said.

"Yeah ok, but whenever you need to talk..."

"Yes, yes I know," Eric said cutting him off, "So how was your break?"

"It was mostly good, I had a great time with my family."

"How was it seeing Richard?"

"It was fine.....actually we're not even really friends anymore."

"Really?" Eric said sympathetically.

"Yeah, it'll be easier to get over that whole thing without him in my face all the time."

"It's so strange to me though."

"What do you mean?"

"You said that you guys were perfect when you were together. It's funny in a weird way how like one mistake can totally derail something."


"Have you cried about it?" Eric asked carefully.

"Why would I need to cry about it?

" I just mean that Richard was this great thing you had built up for a long time. And now, in a matter of months it's pretty much all gone. That has to be hard, and maybe that would help you move on, if you had a good cry and let him go."

"No, I'm fine," Toby said defensively, "I have let him go. He's just having a tough time with it. Who knows maybe in the future will be friends or something."

Eric didn't really believe that Toby wanted Richard out of his life or that their relationship was over ; Toby was hurt and this is how he was dealing with it. He thought about how people tend to deal with situations like these by pretending they don't care or by going to an extreme. He wouldn't say what he was thinking to Toby because he knew Toby wouldn't take kindly to it.

Across the hall, Cooper was trying to calm himself. He had been back for almost two days and still had not managed to unpack a single thing. That was far from his mind at this moment as he began wiping Mr. Happy clean.

"How dare him drop my dildo on the dirty floor." Cooper mumbled under his breath. A knock at the door made him look up. He hoped it was Eric so he could tell him how he really should learn to respect other people's property. He opened the door and there before him stood Kevin, looking hotter than Cooper had remembered him.

"Hi." Kevin said with a weak smile.

"Hi." Cooper said. A wave of nausea washed over him and he gripped the door a little harder.

"Should I come back?" Kevin asked spotting the dildo in Cooper's hand.

"Oh, haha, no, I was just washing it off cause PEOPLE DON"T KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF OTHER'S THINGS!" Cooper yelled in the direction of Toby and Eric's door. He opened the door a bit more to allow Kevin in.

"What's up?" Cooper said closing the door behind him.

"I've got some bad news." Kevin said seriously.

"Should I sit down for this?"

Kevin laughed, "It's not that bad, but you can sit if you want to."

"Give it to me straight." Cooper said placing the dildo on his desk.

"You're gonna have a new roommate in a few days."

"Are you bullshitting me?" Cooper asked seriously.

"No, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry buddy."

"Is this about the whole Craig thing?"

"Woah, where did that come from?" Kevin said angrily.

"Well, suddenly I have a roommate after an entire semester and it happens after we were mad at each other. I'm no nuclear physicist, but it's very strange."

"Cooper, you not being a nuclear physicist is the understatement of the millennium."

"Get out!" Cooper yelled. Kevin got up, saw Cooper's dildo sitting on the desk and swung at it knocking it on the floor. Cooper made a high pitched scream as he tried to catch the dildo before it hit the floor. Kevin slammed the door behind him as Cooper, for the second time that day, began cleaning off his dildo.

The next morning, the three boys had breakfast before going their separate ways for the start of spring semester classes.

"and then he knocked my dildo on the floor and then ran out. Can you believe that?" Cooper asked Toby and Eric.

"I'm confused." Toby said.


"He came to your room, said you were going to have a roommate, you got mad, he knocked the dildo on the floor....I guess I'm confused why you got mad."

"He's just trying to get back at me." Cooper said.

"For what? That's what I don't get."

Eric and Cooer exchanged a knowing glance, "I don't know. You know how those straight boys can be." Cooper nervously laughed.

"Wait," Toby stopped, "you know about Kevin and Cooper?" He asked Eric.

Eric stopped eating his cereal, "Yeah, he told me that weekend you were gone."

"Oh." Toby had the distinct feeling that both Eric and Cooper were keeping something from him.

"He didn't even come back for make up sex." Cooper said.

"I thought Kevin was straight?" Eric said confused.

"And you two aren't having sex," Toby reminded him, "you're just blowing him, big difference."

"Oh whatever......We got to get goin fellas." Cooper said motioning to his watch.

They walked some of the way together before Toby separated from them to head to the tennis courts. Eric and Cooper continued walking together as their first class was in the same building.

"You think I should just tell him about Craig?"

"No, he'll be mad that you didn't tell him sooner." Eric said.

"He didn't get mad when I waited to tell him about me and Kevin."

"It's Kevin and I, and that was different. Nobody knew about you two, but I know about this. He'll be mad at me too and I have to live with him so don't say anything. Here's my class, I'll see you later."

Eric walked into the classroom and there were already a few students sitting in seats. Eric chose a seat in the very back of the classroom and waited patiently for the class to begin. A few minutes into the class, a tall lean boy walked into the classroom, removing his shades and resting them on top of his forehead.

"Excuse me," the boy whispered as quietly as he could. The boy chose a seat to the left of Eric, "Did I miss anything yet?" The boy asked him. Eric shook his head no. He began checking the boy out from the corner of his eye. The kid had black hair that was spiked. He was thin, but he could tell that the guy had a muscular frame to him as well. He deduced that the guy sitting next to him also played some kind of sports as he had a big sports bag, along with his backpack, with him.

"Are you Ryan?" the professor asked.

"Yes ma'am." Eric noticed a slight twang when Ryan spoke. He noticed that Ryan was very well groomed too ; his fingernails were clean and even.

"You want to be partners?" Ryan asked.


"Partners for the interview?"


"It's the first day and you're already tuning the professor out, that's nice."

Eric laughed, "Yeah, I guess I get distracted easily."

"We have to talk to each other and find out some info so we can introduce each other to the class." Ryan said.

"Sounds good, I'll go first. Your name?"


"I'm Eric. Nice to meet you."

"Good meeting you too." Eric noticed the confident firm group that Ryan used.

"And what are you freshman, sophomore, junior..."


"Oh, me too," Eric said, "do you live on campus?"


"Oh me too," Eric said, "what hall do you live in?"

"I live in Tahoe Hall." Ryan stated.

"Oh me too," Eric said, now beginning to smile.

"Cool, I'm on the third floor, even side."

"Oh me too," Eric said, "I'm 320."

"I'm 322." Ryan laughed.

"No way! You live next to me?" Eric said louder than he meant too."

"Yeah, I guess so. I thought you looked familiar."

"Wow, I must really be in my own world sometimes."

"It happens, plus I'm not there too much, I'm usually at my girlfriend's house." Ryan said.

"Oh yeah." Eric said disappointed.

"You got a girlfriend?" Ryan asked.

"Oh, no. I'm.....single."

"That's the way to go. Then you can screw all the girls you want to, am I right?"

"Totally, so what sport do you play?" Eric asked quickly changing the subject.

On the other side of campus, Toby was anxiously awaiting Tim's arrival. It had been almost a month since they had seen each other due to the vacation. They had talked on the phone or online almost every day, but it simply was not the same. Toby smiled widely when he saw Tim walk through the gate. He walked briskly to his boyfriend and gave him a big hug.

"I'm so glad to see you." Toby said.

"I'm glad to see you too." Tim said. The two boys passionately kissed and for both it was as if they were kissing for the first time.

"Oh, God, these courts are a place of worship, none of that shit out here. Go to a disco club or something with that." Kyle yelled from one of the courts.

"You know you want some of this!" Toby yelled back. After practice, the boys walked over to where they had put their bags.

"Good practice?" Toby asked.

"Yeah, I hadn't hit in a couple of days, but it went ok."

"I really am so happy to see you." Toby said.

"Yeah, I could tell earlier, you had a boner." Tim giggled.

"Yeah," Toby laughed, "It has a mind of it's own sometimes. Are you free tonight?"

"Interesting segue way, but yes I am. Why?"

"Well, I just kind of wanted to spend some time together. I miss you." Toby said.

"What time?"

"I have to talk to my roommate, I'll call you later?"

"That's fine," Tim said planting a quick kiss on his boyfriend, "I'll be waiting for your call."

"Bye." Toby said. As Tim walked away he hoped that Eric had somewhere to go tonight.

After much discussion between Eric and Toby, Eric agreed to leave the room for two hours and not a minute longer. What he was going to do he didn't know but as he walked out of the room he told Toby, "You owe me." Tim arrived shortly after that and Toby was already hard. He hadn't sex of any kind since the last time he and Richard had had sex the night before he first came to Sunnydale. That was by far the longest he had gone without sex since he had started two years ago. He was hoping tonight would be the night, but since Eric would only be gone for two hours, he had to get started quickly. Toby was very optimistic despite the fact that him and Tim had only done some intense kissing. That meant little to no groping of the parts Toby desperately wanted to get to.

"You look comfortable." Tim said as he walked in. Toby was only wearing a tank top and some basketball shorts . "We're supposed to be relaxing."

" was the rest of your day." Tim said uncomfortably.

"It was fine, but it seemed to drag on. I just wanted to see you again."

"That's sweet." Tim said simply. Toby sat down on his bed and asked Tim to join him. Tim sat down next to Toby and they watched some television. Every few minutes, Toby would look at his bed side clock and count down how much longer he had to make his move if he wanted to be done by the time Eric got back. It was 7:28 now, Eric would be back at 9. He decided that he would go for it at 7:32 ; that should leave him plenty of time with Tim before Eric came back. By 7:40, Toby was still trying to find the courage to do something. Tim had stayed remarkably quiet as he was also aware that Toby was trying to find the courage to make a move ; Tim had mixed feelings about it. He wanted to have sex with Toby, but they had been together less than three months, and about four weeks of that they had spent apart from each other. Would Toby think he was a slut? Could a guy even be a slut? Plus it was his first time, he didn't want it rushed or interrupted. What was holding him back the most though was that Tim had wanted his first time to be with someone he was in love with. He knew he liked Toby a lot, but he wasn't sure if he was in love with him. He needed to test Toby to make sure that he was worth his virginity. It was now 7:45, and Toby made a decision then and there that if he didn't make a move by 7: 48, they wouldn't have enough time and that he would have to wait for another day. At 7: 46, Toby laid his head on Tim's shoulder and when he did so, he felt Tim jump.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine."

At 7:47, Toby began to rub Tim's chest. If Tim didn't say anything he was going to go for it at 7:48. If Tim stopped him then at least he can say he tried. The clock finally turned 7:48 and Toby began kissing his boyfriend's neck. He heard Tim sigh and took that as permission to keep going. He worked his way up to Tim's ear and began to playfully nibble on it. He could now clearly see a bump in Tim's jeans. He quickly looked down below and saw his own tent growing inside his shorts. He got up on his knees and began kissing Tim deeply. Tim kissed back and they kissed, deeply, for a few minutes. Toby had the leverage advantage and used that to push Tim flat on his back. Toby laid on top of him and as he continued to kiss him, he began lightly humping Tim. He could definitely feel Tim's hardness and Toby could feel himself getting to that place where his passion would completely take over. He moved down his boyfriend's body and lifted up Tim's shirt so that he could kiss and rub his bare chest. Tim shivered and Toby smiled as he continued to introduce Tim to the art of love making. He felt honored that he would be Tim's first. Technically speaking he wasn't Richard's first. Richard had fooled around with a neighborhood kid when he was 13, and that had always been a bit of a sore spot with Toby, but that was not the case at all with the boy that laid before him. Toby inched down even further and followed the trail of fine hair that went from below Tim's belly button and disappeared into his jeans. Toby unbuckled the jeans and was slowly zipping them down.

"Wait." Tim said sitting up.

"What's wrong, did I hurt you?" Toby said sincerely as he also sat up on his bed.

"No, I just...can't do it yet."

"What's wrong, you know I care about you and wouldn't hurt you Tim.

"I know," Tim said rubbing Toby's cheek, "but this isn't the way it's supposed to happen. I have this whole fairy tale in my mind, and I know it's dumb, but it's important to me."

"Well we can wait if that's what you want." It took a lot of effort for Toby to say that, and even though he meant it, he was hoping that Tim would have a change of heart.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I really want to do this with you, but I want your first time to be as perfect as you want it to be."

"I'm ready too, it's just I want you to meet my family first."

Toby could feel his boner deflating, "Your family?" he half smiled.

"Yeah, I love them to death and I want them to meet you and get to know you.

It's part of the fairy tale. You sweep them off their feet and then you can do the same to me."

"Well, if it's what you want.."

"It is. How about this weekend? If we don't then you'll have to wait a while to meet them cause we'll be gone the next three weekends playing matches."

That was all Toby needed to hear to agree to meeting Tim's family.

The next morning Toby, Cooper, and Eric once again ate together before their morning activities. It was silent at the table as each boy had had a rough night of sleeping. Toby now believed blue balls to be real as he was so horny last night that even after jacking off he had a difficult time sleeping. Eric was thinking about Ryan going back and forth between how hot he was and how silly it was to be obsessing over someone he barely knew, and Cooper had found it hard to sleep as his dildo no longer looked the same to him.

"You guys ever get so horny you'd hump a porcupine?" Toby asked braking the silence.

"All the time." Cooper said.

"Please say something Eric so Cooper isn't the only one agreeing with me." Eric just shrugged his shoulders.

"Insult me all you want," Cooper started, "I'm too upset to care. I think I have to get a new dildo."

"Are you still on that?" Eric asked annoyed.

"It's not my fault it's touched the filthy floor." Cooper said glaring at Eric.

"Anyway," Toby interrupted, "I was so close to doing it with Tim and then right when it was getting to the good part he stopped me."

"Headache?" Cooper asked.

"No, he says he wants it to be special."

"Oh, he's one of those." Cooper said simply.

"One of those? What does that mean?" Eric asked accusingly.

"One of those guys who's fucked like a trillion people, but wants their first time with each person to be special."

"Hey, my man ain't a ho. He's actually quite the opposite, he's a virgin."

"No fucking way," Cooper said, "I thought virgins were extinct."

"No, I've been wanting to have sex but he has this fairy tale or something. He wants me to meet his family before we do it."

"Haha," Cooper laughed, "get permission from mom and dad to screw their son."

"Ok, ok," Eric said stopping Cooper. He turned to Toby, "how do you decide you know...who's receiving?"

"Oh, most of the time it's just clear. Like most of the time I let Richard take control but there were times when I did, it just kind of depends. But I figured I'd top at least this first time since he doesn't really know what he's doing."

"Oh, I thought people talked about it or something."

"Oh, my young homo you have so much to learn." Cooper teased.

"Hey don't call me that and I'm sure there are people who talk about it." Eric retorted.

"Oh, whatever. We got to get goin fellas." Cooper said motioning to his watch.

"Are you going to say that every morning?" Eric asked annoyed.

"Yes, yes I am."

"Before we go," Toby again interrupted, "you guys want to come with me to Target on Saturday morning? I need to go buy a shirt or something for when I meet Tim's family."

"Yeah, I'll go." Eric said.

"Me too." Cooper said, "You think they sell dildos there?"

Tim was already warming up when Toby arrived at tennis practice. Tim waved a quick hello before he went back to concentrating. Toby sat on the side and watched the intensity on his boyfriend's face, how quickly he reacted, the way his ass moved in his pants. The coach's whistle brought him back to attention. He adjusted himself and then walked over to his gathering teammates.

"Alright guys, we've officially entered our tennis season. Enjoy this last weekend of freedom because after that we'll be away at other schools for the following three weekends. I want everyone to take a schedule so you know who we're playing and where for the rest of the semester."

The coach begin passing out the schedules and Toby quickly skimmed through it when he got his copy. The school that they were scheduled to play on the 18th of April caught his eye.

"Coach, are we really playing Westwood in April?"


"Shit." Toby mumbled under his breath.

"What's the problem?" Kyle asked sarcastically, "Is your ex boyfriend playing for Westwood?"

"Actually yes." Toby said.


"Richard goes to Westwood?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, and he plays number one singles for his school, just like I do."

"So you'll have to play him." Tim said understanding.


The next few days went by uneventful but the boys were up bright and early on Saturday morning.

"Who's car should we take?" Eric asked as they walked down the hallway.

"Yours, if I tried to drive right now I'd kill us all." Toby yawned.

"This was your idea you know."

"Why the hell do we have to go at 7?" Cooper said angrily.

"Because it'll be too crowded if we go later in the day. This way we can go in and get out quickly." Eric said. He looked at Toby, "You're just getting a shirt right?"

"Yeah and some shorts for tennis." Toby said.

"Ok, and I'm getting deodorant and soap."

"You didn't ask me what I was getting." Cooper said.

"If you say anything about a dildo I'll run you over."

"Never mind." Cooper mumbled.

The boys arrived at Target, all a little bit more awake. Despite getting there at a little past seven, Target was already crowded and there were tons of little kids running around the store.

"What the fuck is this shit?" Cooper said annoyed.

"Hey, there are kids around. Watch your language." Eric said.

"I'm headed to the men's department." Toby said.

"Yeah and my stuff is over there," Eric said, "let's meet in the men's department in half an hour."


Toby and Eric both went their separate ways leaving Cooper standing there by himself.

"I wonder what section the dildos are in."

Thirty minutes later Cooper found Eric standing outside the dressing rooms in the men's department.

"Can you believe they don't sell dildos here? I checked Home Appliances, Sports Equipment, and the Electronics Department and no luck. I bet I could find one at Wal mart."

"Why did you look in the electronics department?" Eric said confused.

Cooper shrugged, "It was worth a try."

Toby came out wearing the tennis shorts he wanted to buy, "What do you guys think of the color?"

"Turn around." Cooper said. "They make your ass look big."

Eric looked at Cooper, "What is wrong with you?"

"He asked my opinion and I gave it."

"I'll go try on the other ones." Toby said.

"What did you buy?" Cooper said trying to look into Eric's bag.

"Some soap and deodorant and I bought a Fleetwood Mac CD."

"What's that?"

"They are only the greatest band in the world. It's kind of funny one of the women in the band is named Stevie and the guy she used to be in love with is named Lindsay..."

Cooper yawned.

"I hate you so much." Eric said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"It's early in the morning!"

"All you care about is your stupid dildo." Eric said angrily.

"Mommy what's a dildo?" A little girl of no more than seven asked her mother. The woman shot Eric and Cooper a dirty look before she walked away briskly with her child.

"There are children here." Cooper said to Eric.

"What about these?" Toby said turning around.

"They make your ass look big." Cooper said simply.

"He's actually right this time," Eric said sympathetically, "Go with the other ones."

Toby went back into the dressing room to change. Another little girl came up to Cooper and Eric.

"Hello." She said. "Hi," Eric said smiling, "What's your name?"

"My name is Sally."

"Hi Sally, my name is Eric."

"Who is he?" Sally asked pointing to Cooper.

"He's my friend, his name is Cooper."

Sally laughed, "That's a funny name."

"So is Sally." Cooper said in a mocking voice.

"He is mean," Sally said to Eric, "He said bad words to that other boy."

"Yeah, he is mean huh?"


Toby came out of the dressing room, "You guys ready?"

"Yeah," Eric said, "It was nice meeting you Sally."

"Good bye Pooper!!" Sally screamed as she ran away.

"What a little bitch." Cooper said to his friends.

"You are unbelievable. You can't call a little kid a bitch." Eric said.

"Why, I call your mom a bitch all the time."

Both Toby and Cooper laughed. "Don't encourage him." Eric said glaring at Toby.


When they got back to the dorms, Cooper ran into Kevin on his way back to his room.

"Hey, your new roommate is here. Be nice to him, he's an international student he doesn't know anybody yet."

"Where is he from?" Cooper asked curiously.

"I don't know." Kevin shrugged

He walked into his room to find a small boy who's international status was given away by the clothes he was wearing.

"Are you my new roommate?" Cooper said very loudly.

"Yes, I am Pucci." The boy said.

Cooper snorted, "What is your name?"

"It is Pucci. I come to America to study."

"Don't we all." Cooper said.

Toby came out of his room, "Cooper why are you yelling?"

"This here is pussy." Cooper said.

"My name is Pucci, no pussy!"

"Same difference."

"Nice to meet you Pu-Pucci. My name is Toby, I live across the hall."

"It is nice to know you," Pucci said, "You can now call Pucci a friend."

"Oh, thank you." Toby said, "I don't envy you at all right now." Toby laughed as he walked out of the room.

Toby arrived at Tim's house a few minutes before three in the afternoon. As he got of the car in his new black shirt, he checked to make sure that all the buttons on his shirt had in fact been buttoned. He checked his black slacks to make sure there we no stains or marks that would cause him embarrassment. He was surprised at how nervous he was. This wasn't just about having sex, though that certainly played into it, but he really wanted to do this for Tim. He wanted it to go well and he hoped he didn't say anything stupid. Toby normally preferred boxer briefs when he was not on the tennis court, but at that moment he was wearing the most constricting pair of briefs he had, just in case he got out of control mid way through dinner. He walked up the three brick stairs and rang the doorbell. He immediately heard commotion and footsteps as if there were people running to the door.

"I'll get it!" He heard a high pitched voice say.

"No, it's for me!" Tim said

"Let go of my hair!!!" the high pitch voice scream.

"Then back away from the door!" Tim growled.

Toby moved away from the door, afraid that someone would be thrown or would launch themselves through it when it was opened. He could hear the door unlocking, so he stepped forward again.

"Hi," Tim said obviously flustered, "Come in."

"Are you ok?" Toby said not moving.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?

"Nothing." Toby said as he crossed the threshold. He walked into a pristine house. Everything matched ; nothing was out of place, and the house had a faint smell of cinnamon wafting through it.

"You have a nice house." Toby smiled.

"Thanks....MOM! DAD! Toby's here!" Tim yelled at the top of his lungs.

"No yelling in the house!" Toby saw that the squeaky high pitched voice belonged to a little girl.

"Oh, is this your little sister?" Toby smiled.


"Oh, come on she's cute. Hi, I'm Toby," Toby said getting on one knee.

"Why are you dating him?" The little girl asked Toby, "He's such a loser."

"Tathiana!" A sharp voice rang through the house. The little girl froze and then ran off into another room.

"I'm sorry about that, my name is Tina, I'm Tim's mother." The lady said extending her hand. Toby smiled and shook her hand. He thought that she looked like a woman who you knew was 40 only because women who are 40 but don`t look it tend to look the same way...if that makes any sense.

"And I'm Tom, his father, good meeting you." Tom shook Toby's hand extra hard and it made Toby smile uncomfortably in Tim's direction.

"It means he likes you." Tim said simply, "Haha, I just realized there is no one in this house right now that doesn't have a T name." They all looked at him with a confused look.

"Tim, Tina, Tom, Tathiana, and Toby." He laughed.

"Oh," Toby said, "Right."

"Honey, don't be strange." Tina said.

"It's not strange, I was just saying..." Tim started

"Why don't you give Toby a tour of the house, while I finish preparing dinner?" Tina interrupted.

"Ok, sure." Ten minutes later they found themselves in the kitchen.

"You really have a nice house Miss Henderson." Toby said as they sat at the table.

"You're so kind Toby." She smiled. Tathiana was also at the table and she was eating some cereal.

"Mom, why is she eating when we're about to eat?" Tim said annoyed.

"I want her out of the way so that we can have a nice calm dinner." His mom said.

"That means you're annoying." Tim said to Tathiana.

"Shut up!" She screamed. There was silence for a few minutes before Tim realized that his little sister had some milk dripping from her chin.

"Tati, you've got some milk dripping from your chin."

"No, I don't." She said stone faced as milk were cascading down her chin.

"Yes you do," Tim said grabbing a napkin, "Come here." Tathiana ran away screaming.

"Good, now we have some peace and quiet." Tim smiled.

An hour later, Tina began to clear the table, "Are you sure you don't want anything else Toby?"

"Oh no I'm fine. Thank you so much." Toby smiled.

"You want to go up and see my room?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, that would be cool."

They left the kitchen and passed Tom as they walked through the living room, "Have fun." He remarked. They walked towards the back of the house where Tim's room was located.

"It's a little messy, so I apologize up front." Tim said. Toby walked in and much like the rest of the house, everything matched and nothing seemed to be even slightly out of place.

"You call this messy?" Toby said looking around. He was intrigued by a world map on the wall that had several different color markings all over it.

"It's all the places I'd like to visit someday." Tim said following Toby's gaze. Toby continued to look around the room until his gaze stopped on a small Christmas tree in the corner.

"A little late for the Christmas tree to be up." He smirked.

"Oh no, I leave it up year around." Tim said like it was the most normal thing.


"It's nice. I change the decorations on it every month. It's January so there's little party favors on know for like New Years."


"Let's lay on the bed." Tim said. Both boys positioned themselves on the bed and after a few moments, Toby felt encouraged when Tim moved closer so that his head was laying on Toby's chest.

"Your parents are cool." Toby said after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah, they are."

"They were really comfortable with you being gay. There were no weird questions or odd pauses or anything."

"I think they're just glad I'm healthy now and not dating some axe murderer.

"What do you mean they're glad you're healthy?" Toby asked curiously.

"They used to worry about me a lot cause I kept to myself in high school pretty much.....I would get teased at school all the time for being different I guess. I don't make friends very easily so I'd just keep to myself. They thought something was wrong with me so they made me go to therapy. That's when I told them I was gay. That was the answer to everything for them, they assumed that's why I was so quiet or weird or by myself all the time."

"Was it?"

"No. For a long time I thought that's what was wrong with me. But for many people the worst thing they could find out is that there is nothing wrong with them at all." Toby didn't know what to think or say to that so he kept quiet.

"My parents are expecting us to have sex tonight." Tim blurted out.


"They talked to me about it. My dad went as far as to check my bed this morning to make sure it didn't squeak."

"That's really weird." Toby said laughing.

"Eh, they just care about me." Tim said.

"Don't get me wrong, I really like you Tim, it just would be weird to do it with your parents walking around, and besides Tathiana would probably burst in."

Tim laughed, "She probably would," He sat up on the bed suddenly and looked directly at Toby, "I love you...and I know it doesn't mean the same thing to you as it does to me right now, but I hope you care enough about me to always tell me the truth."

Toby was now sitting up as well, "I like you a lot Tim, I really do. It's just that things have been confusing..."

"With Richard." Tim interrupted.

"Yeah, that's part of it, a big part of it. But I've moved on from that now. I told you, we're not even friends anymore, so now I can just really enjoy our relationship. Do you feel I haven't been honest with you?"

"No no, I'm just saying..... you're so warm," Tim said once again snuggling with his boyfriend, "Can we just lay here a bit longer?"

"Yeah, I'm not goin anywhere."

"I hope not." The two boys fell asleep in each other's arms and even though he was still a virgin, Tim woke up knowing that they had been intimate.

Cooper took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Kevin appeared and looked at Cooper skeptically, "If you're here to complain about Pucci there's nothing I can do."

"No no pussy's fine. I came to talk to you. Can I come in?"


"I'll just get straight to the point, I'm sorry for acting like a jackass. My dildo got ruined so I was just having a bad day."

"It's cool, a ruined dildo would upset anyone." Kevin said stifling a laugh.

"That's happened to you too?!"

"No, I was making fun of you."

"Oh..bitch." Cooper said laughing.

"Are we ok now man? I really miss us hanging out?"

"Yeah we're cool." Cooper said coming into the room and closing the door, "Make up blowjob anyone?"

"Cooper maybe we shouldn't. You don`t have to." Kevin said.

"I want to." Cooper said sincerely as he dropped to his knees.

"Ok, but we should be clear. I like you a lot man, but we're just friends. We can't ever be more than that. You know that right?"

"Of course," Cooper said smiling weakly, "Just friends."

"Ok, as long as we're on the same page." Kevin said.

" I missed you so much." Cooper whispered as he took out Kevin's hardening dick. Kevin smiled at how much emotion Cooper had said that with; Cooper was one horny guy. Because of their talk just a few minutes before, it didn't even cross Kevin's mind that Cooper was talking about him.

Thanks for reading Chapter 10 of Three Roads. The end of the school year is coming up soon for these characters and one of them will die......just kidding. LOL. Thanks for all the wonderful comments, I really appreciate it. Feel free to e mail for anything else :)

Next: Chapter 11

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