Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Jan 5, 2005


Warning: The following story contains graphic sex between consenting adult males. If you are underage or do not wish to read anything about two adult males having sex then stop right here. Any feedback positive or negative is appreciated. Any ideas for future parts or if i should even produce any more parts can be sent to

No reproductions are allowed without author's consent

From three different directions, three very different people were about to cross paths. They would all disagree on what ultimately brought them together. The one coming from the North would call it fate, The one coming from the South would call it God, and the one coming from the East would simply call it a coincidence. Eric Johnson, the one coming from the North, was 5'10, thin and white. Too white in his opinion. No amount of time spent in a tanning booth would ever change the fact that he was very white. He didn't like the fact that he was so skinny. His mom would always hassle him "Are you eating?"

"Yes mom I eat."

"Then where does it all go?"

"I don't know mom."

Eric also didn't like where he lived. The reason his skin was probably so pasty was because where he came from, just a few miles away from the California/ Oregon border, it rained all the time. There was always excitement whenever the sun bothered to show up more than two days in a row. Truth be told there was very little that Eric did like about himself, especially the fact that he could only pop a boner when thinking about other guys. He would have never admitted that to anyone in a million years and he had tried everything he could think of how to "cure" himself. He had convinced himself that by moving away for college (the school was an hour and a half away from home) that he would find the fountain of straightness or the holy grail for straight people. Little did he know that by going to California State University Sunnydale he would be confronted with all that he wanted to hide and have no escape.

From the South was Toby Black. Toby was the epitome of an athlete. He was tall at 6'3, was in outstanding shape and had confidence. Most people mistook his confidence for cockiness, but he didn't mind. In his mind, people who thought that about him never took the time to get to know him and therefore he need not care what they thought. Toby had won a full ride to Sunnydale on a tennis scholarship. His father would always complain that "black people don't play tennis."

"Well I'm only half black so I guess I'm good."

Toby knew that only about fifty percent of tennis was about skill. Sure you needed to have a decent serve and have solid ground strokes, but if you didn't walk out there with the belief that you could beat anyone then skill could only take you so far. Toby had said goodbye to his longtime boyfriend, Richard, just last night. Actually, they had said goodbye two weeks ago when Richard went off to his school a few hours from where they lived in Los Angeles. They had been together for a year and a half and it was a year and half of bliss. They played on the tennis team together in their high school. They were an awesome doubles team. They knew how to compensate the other on the court and in their relationship as well. They had decided to break up because they were going to separate colleges and both agreed that this was the best time to find out who you are. So to break up amicably and with no strings attached was the best for the both of them. Toby's mind suddenly drifted back to what had happened just last night.

He had said good night to his parents and stayed up way later than he should have. It was 11 o clock when he finally got up to his room and he had a six hour drive ahead of him the next day. He wanted to leave the house no later than eight am, so he could make it to Sunnydale, check in, and unpack all by a decent hour. He jumped in the shower and put on a wife beater and some checkered pajama bottoms and jumped into bed. He was in that perfect spot in between being awake and falling asleep when the familiar theme from the children's television show Inspector Gadget told him his cell phone was ringing. He looked at the ID on the phone and it said Richard. His heart skipped a beat and he answered.

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Were you asleep?"

"I was getting there," Toby said stifling a yawn.

"Hey do you mind if I come by real quick?"

"Babe, your school's two hours away. I hope to be in lala land way before that."

"I'm actually right outside your house."

Toby jumped out of his bed and opened his blinds just enough to be able to see outside. It was too dark to see any features on any cars.

"Flash your lights." Two high beams came on and then just as soon cut off.

"Richard, I have to get up early in the morning, I got to drive for six hours tomorrow.

"I know, I know. Please just let me in. Give me twenty minutes and I'll be gone."

"Fine, Toby said giving in to his former flame," I'm coming down now be at the door.

He ended the call and put his phone next to his bed. What the hell did Richard want? A two hour drive just to talk for twenty minutes? He got to the door and opened it. It had only been two weeks since they had last seen each other but Toby felt like he was looking at Richard for the first time. The spiky blonde hair, the beautiful tanned skin, those beautiful dick sucking lips. His mind started to wander again to what he knew was under those clothes. Toby had seen it, been intimate with those parts many times before. He snapped back to attention and put his finger up to his lips to signal to Richard they needed to be quiet. Richard quietly walked in and closed the door behind him. They crossed the living room and headed up the stairs and all the way down the hallway into Toby's room, where Toby closed the door behind them. Richard walked over to Toby's bed, sat down, took a deep breath, then smiled, "You look good."

"Richard, talk. I need to go to bed. Why are you here? I mean I'm glad to see you but what is this about?"

"I was in the neighborhood..... thought I'd swing by."

"You live two hours away."

"Ok, so I came to see you."


"Are we being stupid?"

"Oh God!" Toby began to pace the room as Richard began to talk.

"I love you, you love me, why are we breaking up?"

Toby leaned up against the wall across from his bed, " Richard please don't do this. This is hard enough. I don't...."

Richard had walked across the room and put his finger over Toby's lips. He was now standing directly in front of Toby. Toby could smell Richard's breath and it reminded him of all the times they had spent together. Richard removed his finger from Toby's lips and then begin to massage Toby's crotch through his flimsy pajama bottoms. Toby opened his mouth to object, but Richard once again silenced him.

"Shhhh....tell me this doesn't feel good."

All that escaped Toby's mouth was a moan of pleasure. That and the hard on Richard could feel was all the confirmation he needed. He kissed his ex boyfriend deeply and more moans escaped Toby's lips. Richard was still massaging Toby's crotch as he kissed him, their tongues dueling for control. Richard broke the kiss and immediately dropped to his knees. He took off the jean jacket he had been wearing, threw it across the room and in one quick pull, pulled down both the flimsy pajama bottoms and Toby's underwear. Toby's cut seven inch dick stood fully at attention already covered with pre cum from the massage Richard had been giving it. He wasted no time and immediately took as much of Toby's dick as he could down his throat. This was what Toby loved most, a blowjob from Richard. It was the way Richard rotated his tongue around the cockhead, the way Richard pulled on his balls, the way Richard would bob up and down on his cock that made Toby love it so much. Richard continued to go up and down Toby's dick ; deep throating the seven inch monster in front of him. Toby began to grab fist fulls of Richard's hair as the blowjob was bringing him to the brink of cumming. Richard stopped and got back to his feet and went back to passionately kissing his ex lover. Toby could taste his own pre cum being transferred from Richard's tongue to his own. Richard was now grinding into Toby and Toby knew he had to have what was in those tight jeans. Toby broke the kiss long enough to lift His ex boyfriend's shirt over his head and then resumed the kiss. As they kissed Toby slid his hand down to Richard's crotch and felt the seven inch member that belonged to Richard. Toby wanted to waste no more time he unfastened Richard's jeans, unzipped them and they dropped to the floor. Toby hated the way briefs looked on a man and he especially hated to wear them, and only wore them when he played tennis, but an exception was made for Richard. No man looked better in a pair of briefs than Richard did. Toby could see that Richard had on a pair of black bikini briefs and it drove him wild. As he pulled down Richard's briefs Toby moaned in his ear.

"I want you inside me."

Richard's reply was to again deeply kiss the man he loved with all his might. Toby broke the kiss this time to say, " I think we should go to the bed."

"No, I want you like this." Richard breathed into his ear.

Though Richard and Toby were roughly the same height and weight Richard was much stronger than Toby. When they played tennis, Toby always won, but he knew he it was only because he moved Richard around the court as much as possible. If Richard had time to set up for a shot, especially his forehand, the point would essentially be over, because Richard could hit harder and more accurately on the line than anybody Toby had ever seen.

"Turn around." Richard said lovingly to Toby. Toby complied without hesitation. He bent over and braced himself by putting his hand flat against the wall. Richard entered him and Toby moaned loudly.

"Shhh..or your parents will here us."

Toby barely heard what Richard had said. He was in another world right now that he would only come out of when his cum erupted out of his dick. Richard begin to go in and out of Toby, slowly at first and then faster and faster. They broke this position and Richard motioned for Toby to lay on his back on the floor. Toby again complied and laid on his bedroom floor waiting to see what Richard would do. Richard got on the floor as well, spread Toby's legs and put them on his shoulder and entered his lover again. This time Richard began as fast he could plunging his hard cock in and out of Toby's hole as fast as he could. Toby was jacking his dick furiously while moaning.

"Oh yeah babe. Keep going I'm so close."

Richard kept going for another thirty seconds before Toby crossed the threshold.

"Babe, I'm gonna cum."

And with that Toby began to shoot all over his chest with such force that some even landed on his neck. Toby loved to have Richard still going in and out of his hungry hole while he was still feeling the effects of an orgasm so with his last bit of energy he said " Fuck me."

Slowly Richard began to rock his hips back and forth, still fucking his lover after he had cum. He milked the last bits of cum from Toby's dick. Still inside of Toby, Richard began to kiss Toby just as passionately as he had at the beginning and Toby moaned in delight. Richard broke the kiss and pulled out of Toby and began to jerk his cock up and down. It didn't take long before Richard had added to the mess on Toby's stomach, mixing his own cum with his boyfriend's, or ex boyfriend... he wasn't sure what they were at the moment. Richard fell on top of Toby completely exhausted. They laid there for a few moments before Toby broke the silence.

"That took longer than twenty minutes." He said still out of breath. They both laughed and fell asleep on the floor, where they would awake together in a few hours.

Toby returned to the present and rubbed his crotch. Remembering the events from just a few hours ago had given him a boner. He looked at himself in the rearview mirror.

"It's over." he said to himself not quite sure if he was saying it because it was fact or because he was trying to convince himself.

From the east came Cooper. His flight had just landed at the gate from Maine. He was convinced that only four Asian people lived in all of Maine. Him, his mom and dad, and his older sister. He came from a very conservative family that was outraged when he told them he was attending a school all the way across the country. If it were not for Cooper's older sister, Andrea, who knows what might have happened. Cooper loved his parents because all kids are supposed to love their parents, but he loved Andrea because she had always been there for him. Through thick and thin she always supported him which is more than he could say about either parent or any friend he had. Andrea was the only person who knew that Cooper was gay. He was not ashamed to be gay in any way, but he felt that she was the only person who deserved to know.

Cooper was now walking around the airport looking for a bathroom when he spotted one. He set his suitcases down and went to a urinal and began his business. Cooper smiled as he looked down... he was completely hard. For all the stereotypes he had heard about Asians, there was on he knew for sure that wasn't true: all Asians have small dicks. Cooper was nine inches and about 6 inches thick and he told anyone who would listen. Someone had taken the urinal right next to Cooper. He looked around and noticed that there were several other urinals the guy could have used but he chose the one right next to him.

Cooper looked over to the guy next to him. He appeared to be in his mid twenties, he was a big beefy guy too, Cooper thought to himself that this guy could have been a firefighter. He smiled at the guy and continued to pee. Cooper moved back just a little bit so that the guy could have a good view of his enormous dick. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the guy look at his dick.

"Nice," the guy whispered, " can I see you jerk it a little."

Cooper looked around to make sure no one else had walked in and then begin to move his hand up and down his long thick shaft. As he did this he saw the "firefighter's" hard dick. It wasn't the size that attracted Cooper (it was average) it was the look of it. The man had the most beautiful pink dick he had ever seen. Cooper instinctively began to stroke faster and in a manner of seconds he began to cum inside of the urinal. He had to stifle a moan and put his hand on the top of the urinal to catch his balance. As he squeezed out the remnants of his cum the guy next to him smiled, zipped up, and as he walked by Cooper he put his hands on his shoulders and said," Thanks for the show."

Cooper watched the man walk out of the bathroom and gave his cock a few more good jerks and then stuffed himself back inside of his boxers. He smiled as he flushed the toilet and couldn't help but say to himself, "this is gonna be one hell of a year."

Next: Chapter 2

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