Three Guys in Berlin

By moc.atonatut@57747

Published on Jan 24, 2024


Three Guys in Berlin - 4

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Jay felt a surge of anger and disbelief. Chris groaned in a muffled voice, unable to speak with the gag. "Chris, what happened? Is this your new life as Luke's slave?" Jay asked, worried. "Where are the keys?", he asked, but Chris was not able to answer. Jay reached through the bars and undid the blindfold, and he was also able to take off the gag. Chris breathed heavily. "Oh my god", Jay said. He had given that slave collar to Luke that now firmly kept Chris in position. He looked around but did not see any keys. Chris didn't say a word. His eyes were swollen with tears. Jay reached out to him to caress him through the bars. He was still naked and had lost the towel. He heard fingers snipping. When he turned around to look, he saw Luke standing there with a smirk, three keys in his hands.

"Want to join him in the cage, Jay?", Luke asked.

Jay rose to his feet and confronted Luke at the door. "Give me those keys and shut up! You're a monster, Luke. A selfish, violent, pathetic monster. You're not a friend. You're not Chris's boyfriend. Get out of here. Get out of Chris's life!"

Luke slapped Jay hard in the face. Jay, still naked, stumbled and was startled. Next, Luke took Jay's head in his hands, looking into his eyes, now very calm and soft.

"Jay, why are you so rude? You have not even asked Chris what he thinks, have you?"

"No, but I have eyes to see and a heart to feel", Jay shouted at him. He moved his head away and tried to box Luke into his stomach but Luke was quick enough to sidestep the attack. The two men started a fight: Luke tried to bring Jay under his control, grabbing his arm. Jay, still naked, kicked Luke. They hit each other hard and after several hits they were both on the floor, wrestling, fighting and rolling over one another. All the time, they were watched by Chris, still in the cage, speechless. After some more intense battling of the two hunks, it seemed that Luke was about to gain the upper hand. This was no longer a decent fight but an outburst of alpha aggression.

"Stopppppp!" Chris suddenly cried. His yelling interrupted the two fighters and they were frozen. "Stop!", Chris cried again. It was as if they lost all their aggression in a moment. Chris didn't say a further word. Luke and Jay were lying on the floor. They had severe bruises. After a couple of moments, Luke grabbed Jay's cock. Jay was exhausted, but he was hard after a few strokes by Luke. He was too weak to push Luke away. And didn't take long before things felt much easier for Jay, now with his hard cock. To an outsider observer who had just entered, the two men on the floor would have looked like a couple of lovers after fucking.

"You still want me to get out of here?", Luke said to Jay, still stroking his dick. Jay did not answer. He tasted blood in his mouth.

Luke threw the keys to Chris in the cage.

"Get out, slave, take a shower and cook us some good stuff. We may need to discuss some things. You are of course free to leave this place if you no longer wish to obey...". Luke smiled. Chris took the keys and freed himself.

"Thank you, Master", he dutifully said and crawled out of his cage. He looked at Jay. Jay looked at him. They both were not able to interpret what they saw on each other's face.

When Chris had left the room Luke gave all attention back to Jay, who was now on his back on the floor, somehow exhausted emotionally and physically. Luke continued to slowly work his cock.

"It's great how you reacted, Jay, honestly, everyone can be proud to have you as a friend," Luke said. "Maybe there is more to learn about your friend than you have known so far, and more to learn about the human race than you ever thought you could now about men. I would really love to get to know you much better, Jay."

With that, Luke rammed his index finger into Jay's hole. Jay screamed briefly, but he didn't start fighting again. The night before had taken its toll, and Luke's words, and his hard cock, and the finger in his ass, and Chris' getting out of the cage -- all that was going around in his head.

"Maybe, we should do a little experiment", Luke said. "But let's discuss that over breakfast, I think our slave will be ready soon."

He kept working on Jay's hole for a bit, but Luke made sure not to make Jay come. After a while he rose, lept to his feet, and went to a cupboard. He took some clothes and threw them on Jay.

"Here, your stuff is still at the hotel. Put this on. Come for breakfast!"

Jay ached briefly, took the clothes and put them on. He did not realise that this was an outfit from Chris' slave uniform. He wore a baby-blue Adidas tracksuit with the words "SLAVE of LUKE" written on his back. No underwear. It felt comfy.

Chris had prepared breakfast for the two alphas.

"Suits you well", Luke said, when Jay entered the room in that slave uniform. Chris gasped.

Jay didn't say a word over breakfast. Luke acted like the complete natural he was. Chris was silently performing his duties of serving them.

"Chris, sit down with us, I think we need to do some talking", Luke said. "I'm sorry about what you saw, Jay. I didn't mean to offend you."

"You didn't offend me, but Chris!", Jay said, indignantly.

"Sure, Jay, but isn't that for Chris to say? Or do you think he is not in the position to speak up for himself?"

"He certainly was not when he was gagged and caged last night."

"But he can now. Slave, tell your friend Jay about your feelings. I want you to be honest, slave!" Luke looked sternly into Chris' beautiful eyes that were a bit watered. "Tell me, slave, what was the first item I used on you to lock you?"

"It was the slave collar, Master."

"And who gave that one to us, slave?"

"Jay did, Master." Jay gulped.

"Did you find that indecent or inappropriate?"

"No, Master, I felt that to be a really good present." Chris looked down, blushing.

"And do you still remember what you told me when I asked you whether you really want to be collared like a slave?"

"I said that this had been a secret wish, Master, and that I was proud to see that my best friend Jay knew me so well, although I had never revealed my true nature to him, Master."

"So you were grateful to Jay?"

"Yes, Master."

"Now, about last night. How did it feel to be caged, collared, locked and tied with a gag and a blindfold?"

"I felt owned, Master."

"Who owns you?"

"You do, Master."

"And you like it to be owned?"

"I think it is right, Master." Chris now spoke very quietly. Jay could barely understand him.

"That is no answer to my question. You like it to be owned?"

"I think it does not matter, Master, whether I like it or not. It is not for a slave to put his feelings first." While Chris answered, still very quietly, Luke casually stroke his long cock.

Jay could hardly believe what he heard. What had happened to self-confident Chris, his best friend for ages? At the same time, he felt that his cock was springing to attention in his Adidas pants.

"I want you to answer my question, slave", Luke said, now in a dominant voice. "You like it to be owned?"

Chris blushed. "Yes, Master." He looked down and was very quiet now.

"Speak up, slave!", Luke said, with an aggressive tone in his voice.

"Yes MASTER! I like to be owned! I am your slave and I want to obey your every command! I am a useless slave, only born to serve my MASTER!"

Chris broke into tears. This was too much for him, everything. Jay was completely torn. On the one hand, he saw his best friend crying, confessing, and he, Jay, had got that whole pervert path started with the slave collar! On the other hand, he found it incredible exciting to see how Luke had made Chris his slave. Luke was such a seductive man...

"It's okay, Chris," Luke said. "I appreciate your feelings. Chris, you are a star, you know that. It is not many people who muster the courage to see their true nature. You did! I am so proud of you! You live up to what has been inside of you forever. You found your owner and you submitted to him. There are many people on this earth who never make it to this stage of finding their true self."

When speaking the final sentence Luke had stared at Jay. Jay had his hands in his pants.

Chris, still in tears, smiled and nodded. Luke flashed him a most charming smile and touched him.

After a short moment of silence, Luke said to Jay:

"Before you start getting off, Jayboy, I think you owe us an apology!"

"Why that?"

"Well, you tried to beat me up for fulfilling your best friend's wishes. But what is more, you have presumed to know better than your best friend what is good for him. You have belittled him, as if he could not speak for himself. I think you owe him."

Jay was puzzled.

"I... I didn't mean to, Chris, I'm so sorry, I thought you may need help, and... I really don't know what to say... I wanted to protect you, I never meant to belittle you, you know that. I care for you so much! You are so important to me. I never expected you to be in such a position, but I understand that this is what you really want... Chris, you are my best friend, and you will always be!"

Luke and Chris looked at Jay, and felt a warm glow of friendship. They realized how lucky they were to have such a caring and supportive friend. Chris kissed him.

"Thank you, Jay, I love you too. Don't apologize to me, I know you mean it exactly as you said. I am so grateful to you."

"Thanks, Jay," Luke said. "You're the best friend Chris could ever ask for. The slave collar really got this going. It is so beautiful that you cleared the way for Chris to go into slavery." He patted Jay's head. Jay felt uneasy.

"You still owe me, though", Luke said.

It took Jay a moment to think things through. Then he said:

"I am sorry, Luke. I see that you are good for Chris. You are the master he had longed for. It is somewhat difficult for me to see how this works, but I guess it does. Anyway, I should never have hurt you, and I'm sorry."

"Well spoken, Jayboy. And how do you want to make up for this?"

Luke ran a finger tenderly over some bruises he had received.

"Well, what do you suggest? I crawl to you on all fours and kiss your feet and say I'm sorry?", Jay said with an ironic tone.

"I think it is not your turn to be cocky again", Luke said firmly. "It would make for a good start, though", he said smilingly. "But why don't you do me another favour? When we go out tonight, you wear that nice blue tracksuit you are currently wearing. I like seeing it on you. Turn around, let me inspect."

Jay turned around and Chris and Luke looked at the slave uniform with the big letters "SLAVE of LUKE" written on the backside of the Adidas jacket.

"What do you think, slave, you like seeing your best friend in this?" Luke looked sternly at Chris from the side. Chris knew exactly what he had to say.

"It's awesome, Master."

"Even better from the backside. Rounds off your personality, Jay."

"Okay, agreed", said Jay.

They spend day and night together, partying in Berlin. Jay wore that blue Adidas tracksuit with the letters. It remained unclear whether -- by now -- he had seen the words or not. He never commented on it. Chris never mentioned it. Jay got a few giggles, dirty looks, and cat-calls. But they had a fun night. None of the three boys was in the mood of destroying their newly founded friendship.

Over night, Chris was allowed to sleep in bed with them. He performed the morning routine, and he also serviced Jay with his tongue.

"Guys, I have an idea," Luke said.

Comments welcome! 74775 (at)

Next: Chapter 5

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