Three Guys and No Girl

By moc.loa@noeNregoR

Published on Jul 31, 2000



When he finished showering, Pete put on his robe with nothing underneath, planning to dress completely before he remembered a television program he didn't want to miss. It was on Public Television, and there were no commercial breaks when he could finish dressing, so he continued watching for two hours, cuddled in a corner of the couch. He finally did get a chance to get up, but it was late enough by then that there was no point in putting anything more on, so he went to the bathroom, then returned to his spot on the couch.

The next program wasn't as interesting, the room was warm, and before long he nodded off. It was well past his normal bedtime when Berg very softly entered the apartment. He had timed his arrival with the intent of avoiding Pete, so was a little chagrined to see him on the couch. It only took a moment for him to realize Pete was asleep, and he started to walk softly past when he noticed that Pete's robe had come untied. Furthermore, his hard cock was sticking straight out between the folds of material.

As a doctor, Berg knew that all healthy males experience several erections during a night's sleep, but he was nonetheless transfixed by the sight. His own cock became hard without him even realizing, and it only became evident when the confinement of his underwear caused things to become uncomfortable. He hesitated for a moment, and found he couldn't leave the sight of Pete's hard cock and hairy legs, nor could he ignore his own insistent erection and throbbing balls. Finally he realized he needed release, and quietly opened his pants. His very stiff cock flipped out, and he started to stroke it while watching Pete. He remembered how good Pete's warm mouth felt on it, and despite his determination to forget what had happened before, he imagined again that Pete was blowing him as he stroked. The memory of Johnny's handsome face and sexy body also intruded, and seemed to make Berg even more aroused.

He continued jacking very quietly when he was startled by the sound of a key in the lock. Before Berg could pull his pants up, Johnny slipped into the apartment and Pete was awakened by the noise. Pete was momentarily confused as his eyes focused on Berg's big hardon, then moved across the room to where Johnny was standing.

Pete was confused, but Johnny saw his two friends and their hard cocks and assumed he had walked in just as they were starting to get it on. He had no way of knowing of his mistake, but with his own cock already stiffening he asked "mind if I join in, guys?"

Fully awake now, Pete guessed pretty accurately what Berg had been up to. "Come on in," he told Johnny, "I think I've though of something that you're really going to like." As Johnny approached, Pete sat up and wrapped his lips around Berg's dickhead. Berg's will to resist dissolved completely at that point, and a shudder of pleasure passed through his body.

Pete only had to slide his robe off to be completely naked, and Johnny watched the blowjob for a few seconds, getting even more aroused than he already was. Pete had his hand wrapped around the base of Berg's cock so he could give major attention to the head, and each pass of his tongue sent wave after of wave of pleasure.

Johnny stripped off his clothes as he watched, and Pete noticed out of the corner of his eye that Johnny had arrived without any underwear or socks. Hard cock bouncing as he approached, Johnny stepped up behind Berg and slid his hands up under Berg's shirt. His fingers quickly found two nipples, his gentle squeezing caused Berg's cock to buck in Pete's mouth. Johnny's hands moved farther up, and he didn't have to persuade Berg to raise his arms so his shirt would come off easily. Berg leaned back slightly, enjoying the sensation of Johnny's warm, hard body against his back.

To everyone's surprise, Berg turned his face around to meet Johnny's, and the two men were instantly in a passionate lip lock. Berg put one arm around Johnny to pull him closer, and used his other hand to stroke Pete's head and shoulder. Pete released Berg's dick, then turned his attention to Johnny's, first sliding his tongue up the length several times, the swallowing almost all of it in one gulp. Now it was Johnny's turn to shudder in pleasure.

Berg kicked off the pants that were now around his ankles, and slipped out of his shoes, then turned to kiss Johnny again. His fingers passed over Johnny's hard chest, exploring nipples and every spot he could reach. Pete took his mouth off of Johnny's dick, then started stroking both guys' dicks at the same time, looking up as they made out. After a few minutes of hand jobs, Pete felt Berg's hand on his shoulder, pulling him up.

Pete stood up, and the instant he was on his feet, Berg's lips were on his. Berg's hands, which had so recently been exploring a smooth chest, now roamed around Pete's hairy chest. Oh his own part, Berg was surprised to learn how sexy it felt to run his fingers though the forest of hair. As the two friends continued kissing and feeling each other up, Johnny dropped to his knees, hesitating only a moment to admire the two beautiful cocks.

However, instead of going directly for the target, Johnny started inside Pete's hairy thigh, the light stubble on his face dragging though the hair as he kissed and licked his way up. He flicked each of Pete's balls with the tip of his tongue, then carefully pulled one, then the other into his mouth. He let the slippery balls slip out of his mouth, then dragged his tongue up the scrotum to the underside of Pete's cock. He continued outward from there, and reached the tip just in time to catch a drop of precum. With just the tip in his lips, he worked his tongue into the piss slit, resulting in a muffled moan of pleasure from Pete, who was still making out with Berg. As he opened his mouth wide to take as much of Pete's dick as possible, Johnny reached up with his right hand and wrapped his fingers around Berg's swollen member. He began to suck seriously, matching his mouth action on Pete with his hand action on Berg.

Johnny sensed that if he continued as he was, Pete could easily blow his load. He let his mouth slide off of Pete's cock and turned his attention to Berg. Not for the first time, he reflected on differences. A short while before, he had Pete's hairy nuts in his mouth, and now he had Berg's nearly-smooth nuts in his mouth. He had to be a little more careful, as Berg's balls were larger than Pete's, but Berg still appreciated the attention. By now Pete was leaning down with his mouth on Berg's right nipple, gently nibbling it with his teeth. It was difficult, but Johnny managed to wrap his lips around Berg's dickhead, and with persistence he was able to get enough in his mouth to make his efforts felt. Before long, Berg was thrusting and almost gagging Johnny.

Johnny next felt Pete's hand on the back of his head. "Slow down there, guy. You're getting ahead of things."

Berg's cock popped out of Johnny's mouth. Berg started to protest, but Pete said "don't worry. You'll get yours alright. Just be patient, and I'll be right back." Before anyone could speak, Pete disappeared into his room.

When he came back, Johnny was sitting on the couch, legs spread wide, with Berg on his knees between them, his mouth sliding up and down on Johnny's dick. Pete moved to one side of the couch, and Johnny leaned over to suck Pete's dick into his mouth. He stood enjoying the sensation of Johnny's better-by-the minute cocksucking skills, thrusting his hips gently, and becoming even more turned on as he saw Johnny's wet, slippery cock move in and out of Berg's mouth.

A few minutes later Pete said "ok guys, change of position." Both men looked at him questioningly.

"Lie down here on your stomach," he said to Johnny, taking his hand and pointing at a spot on the carpet.

With Berg watching, Pete knelt between Johnny's spread legs. He squeezed something onto the fingers of his right hand, the slowly worked first one, then two, and finally three fingers into Johnny's ass. He took it slowly, though Johnny was already better at relaxing is ass muscles. Pete finger-fucked Johnny for a few moments, the withdrew his fingers. From the bundle he had brought from his room, he pulled out a foil packet, which he tore open, then unrolled the condom in contained onto his dick.

He put more lube on the condom, then leaned forward. His dick slipped between Johnny's spread asscheeks and found the pucker of Johnny's asshole. With steady but gentle pressure he pushed his cock forward. Initially it encountered resistance, but he eased off and Johnny took a deep breath. Another small push, and Pete was past the spincter muscles and the rest of the way was easy. His cock slid all the way in until his hairy pubes were up against Johnny's asscheeks. Pete waited until Johnny could adjust, then slowly began to thrust. Berg couldn't believe what was happening, but there was also no denying how hot the scene was for him. Pete continued to fuck Johnny's ass for several minutes, then slowly withdrew. He pulled the condom off his dick then motioned for Berg to step closer.

Pete wrapped his lips around Berg's big dickhead and encircled it with his tongue until he was certain it was as hard as it could get. Then he grabbed another foil packet and unrolled the condom it contained on Berg's cock in what was definitely a tight fit. He added additional lube, and was satisfied with his work. Johnny was still on his stomach but had been watching this process and guessed what was about to happen.

"I don't think I can take one that big," he protested.

Pete answered "yes you can, Johnny. We'll just take it nice and easy." He motioned for Berg to keel between Johnny's legs, then moved himself so he was kneeling in front of Johnny's face.

"Berg, put your cock against Johnny's asshole, but don't push." When Berg had done this, Pete continued "ok Johnny, slowly and at your own pace, raise up onto your hands and knees and push back."

Johnny did as he was told, and initially there was a major problem with Berg's oversized dickhead. However, with Pete encouraging him he relaxed and pushed back again. The sensation of the big dickhead passing his spincter caused Johnny's own dick to jump, and without even thinking about it, he shoved his ass backwards and buried all of Berg's dick in his ass.

The sensation was startling to Berg, who had never been in a cunt as tight as Johnny's ass. Johnny felt like his ass would burst, but quickly the discomfort became pleasure as Berg's thrusts massaged his prostate. Berg was now thrusting hard and fast, more aroused than he could ever remember being, and Johnny was moving in rhythm so that his movements matched Berg's thrusts.

Johnny was on his hands and knees, and was unsure of what Pete was doing when he laid down on the carpet, his head towards Berg. In a moment Pete slid over as Johnny raised his left hand off the carpet. Pete scooted back until his head was between Johnny's knees, directly under his cock, and his own cock was directly under Johnny's mouth.

Pete wasted no time in swallowing Johnny's dick all the way. A couple seconds later he felt Johnny's warm mouth on his own dick, and he began to thrust upward, matching his own sucking action. Johnny was almost in "sensation overload;" a big cock thrusting his ass, his own cock in a hot mouth, his own mouth on another cock, and the feel of Pete's hairy body brushing his were almost impossible to take in all at once.

Berg's fucking action went into top speed as he felt his load building past the point of no return. "Oh fuck.... I'm gonna shoot...." he gasped. In response, Pete and Johnny's sucking action also speeded up.

"Aaaahhhh.....!" Berg moaned, his body bucking as wave after wave of his cum filled the condom he was wearing. A few seconds later, Johnny released Pete's dick from his mouth, gave it a couple hand strokes and felt a big and hot load of cum hit his face. Almost at the same time Johnny's body went rigid as he pumped a big load of his own all over Pete's hairy chest.

Berg and Johnny collapsed sideways, so they didn't land on top of Pete, Berg's softening dick still in Johnny's ass. Pete moved around on his side so that he was facing Johnny. He kissed Johnny's lips, then licked some of his own cum off Johnny's face, reaching out for Berg's hand at the same time.

It took at least ten minutes for everyone's breathing and heartrate to return to normal, but Berg's now-soft prick slipped easily out of Johnny's ass. Slowly they got to their feet, still exchanging kisses and caresses as Johnny pulled on the scantly clothing he had arrived in.

When he was dressed, the gave both guys long "thank you/goodnight" kisses. "That was incredible, guys" he said "I'll be looking forward to the next time!" After a final pass of his fingers over Pete's hairy chest, he turned and left the apartment.

The two friends didn't say much as they turned out lights and gathered up condoms and torn foil wrappers. Pete went to the bathroom, wiped as much cum out of his chest hair as he could, brushed his teeth, and then crawled into his bed. He listened to Berg in the bathroom, finally hearing the toilet flush and the bathroom door swing open.

There was a soft tap on his door and he heard Berg's voice saying "Pete?"


"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Sure. Come on in."

Berg slipped into bed, reaching out in the darkness for his friend's hirsute body, which he pulled close. They kissed softly, then finally said goodnight. In a few minutes the two friends were sound asleep, side by side.


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