Three Guys and No Girl

By moc.loa@noeNregoR

Published on Mar 20, 2000


The following story is intended to be read by adults in the privacy of their homes. It is based on the fictional characters in the ABC Television show "Two Guys and a Girl," and is in no way intended to be an indicator of the actual sexual orientation of the characters or the actors who play them. "Two Guys and a Girl" is a trademark of a copyright Twentieth Century Fox Television.


Johnny walked slowly down the corridor towards Pete and Berg's apartment. Sharon had been in one of her moods, Ashley had been making her usual snide comments, and he just wanted to be away from all women for a little while. It was a typically cold, snowy Boston winter day, and he really didn't want to go outside, so he tapped on the apartment door hoping that at least one of the guys was at home.

He waited a couple moments, then heard soft footsteps and Pete's voice asking "who is it?"

"It's Johnny, Pete, can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure. Just a second."

The door swung open to reveal Pete wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and shaving cream on his face. Johnny had never seen the usually-modest Pete even shirtless, and was a little surprised to see that while Pete wasn't a body builder, his chest was very solid, and covered with a nice dusting of dark blonde hair.

Unexpectedly, Johnny felt his cock twitch in his shorts and turn half-hard as he looked at Pete. He apparently had stared just a moment or two too long because he heard Pete's voice saying "do you MIND? Come in and close the door. It's cold!"

"Sorry, Pete," Johnny replied sheepishly as he shut the door. "Is it OK if I just hang for a little while?"

"No problem," Pete answered, "make yourself at home." As Pete headed back for the bathroom, Johnny watched the movement of his ass under the towel and his nicely shaped legs, covered with the same dark blonde hair that was on his chest. What Johnny didn't know was that Pete had noticed Johnny looking at him just a little too long, and also the activity in Johnny's crotch.

Johnny sat down on the couch and picked up the television remote control, a little embarrassed and confused about the way seeing Pete nearly naked had affected him. He switched on the television and tried to find something to distract his attention.

A few minutes later he heard Pete call his name from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" Johnny answered.

"I really hate to ask, but I need a hand with something here. Could you help me out?"

"Sure," Johnny answered, heading towards the bathroom. His cock had finally calmed down and he figured that Pete needed help re-attaching a loose shower curtain rod or something. He tapped on the bathroom door and heard Pete tell him to come in.

He was stunned by what he saw in the bathroom. Instead of a faulty curtain rod, Pete was resting his ass on the sink vanity, totally naked, with his 7" cock sticking straight out, as hard as any curtain rod, from its thick nest of dark blonde hair. Johnny stood transfixed for a couple seconds. Without his knowing it, his own cock went rigid in his pants. "Oh..." he started to say, then tried to step out of the room.

Pete's voice stopped him. "Hey wait a minute. You said you'd help me out with something. This is it, and if I'm not mistaken, I think you may need some help yourself."

Johnny's face turned red as he followed Pete's gaze down to the front of his jeans. There was no question that his dick was as hard as it had ever been in his life. He glanced up at Pete's face, then jumped slightly when he felt Pete's fingers gently tracing the outline of his cock though the denim. Johnny's heart was racing-- he was scared, but more turned on than he would ever have though possible. "I think you like this more than you want to admit," Pete said as he continued to feel up Johnny's crotch. Johnny finally let out a big sigh and let his body relax, his hips starting to thrust slightly.

Pete's eyes were staring straight into Johnny's. Johnny took another look at Pete's naked body, and for the first time ever, admitted to himself that he liked looking at other men. He hesitatingly reached out to put his hand on Pete's bare upper arm. Pete said "don't worry, it's alright to touch."

Johnny's hand moved over to Pete's chest and he was amazed at how hot a man's hairy, hard chest could feel. His fingertips gently grazed Pete's left nipple, which was hard from exposure to the cool air. Pete quivered slightly and Johnny started to pull his hand away, afraid he had done something wrong, but Pete grabbed his hand and repositioned it on the same hard nipple, sighing with pleasure.

Pete said "it's OK. You can touch anything you want." Johnny's eyes moved down to Pete's rock-hard cock, and following his gaze, Pete told him "yes, you can touch that also. Try it."

For the first time in his life Johnny felt another man's hard cock in his hand. He was amazed at how something could be so hard, yet soft and warm at the same time. He gently slid his fingers over it, and Pete sighed with pleasure, now emulating Johnny's thrusting motion. As Johnny continued to jack Pete's cock, he felt a hand slide up under his shirt, across his smooth, hard chest. Fingers found a nipple, and Johnny discovered that it was somehow connected directly with his dick. Another wave of pleasure swept through his body, as Pete said "I think it might be a good idea to move someplace where there's a little more room."

Johnny didn't object when Pete took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. Pete closed the door, and with the blinds already drawn the room was dim. Pete led Johnny to the bed, where he sat down, his face nearly even with Johnny's crotch. Johnny didn't object as his belt was unbuckled and his jeans unsnapped. As the jeans slid down, Johnny's hard cock was clearly outlined in the right leg of his black boxer briefs.

Pete slid his hand up the inside of Johnny's thigh and leaned forward to trace the outline of Johnny's cock with his tongue and lips. "Oh fuck, that feels good," Johnny murmured. Pete worked Johnny's cock through the fabric a little more, then stood up, his hard cock brushing Johnny's. Pete slipped his hands under Johnny's shirt and started to pull it up. Without being asked, Johnny raised his arms above his head, and the shirt came off all the way. Johnny's chest was smooth but very hard, and his nipples were already erect.

Pete dragged his tongue down Johnny's collar bone, then down to his right nipple, which he flicked with his tongue, then began to suck as he worked Johnny's cock with his right hand. Johnny gasped in surprise and pleasure, then without thinking began to run his hands over Pete's head, neck and shoulders. Pete reached behind Johnny, ran his fingertips down his spine, then slipped both hands under the waistband of Johnny's boxerbriefs. He cupped Johnny's asscheeks, then started to slide the shorts down. The front waistband caught momentarily on Johnny's cock, but at last it sprang free.

Johnny's cock was also about seven inches, and once it was free of his shorts, it sprang out rigid with a head almost as pointed as an arrow. Johnny's bush was blonder than Pete's but almost as thick. His legs were also covered in blonde hair, though it was difficult to see. Johnny quivered at the sensation of Pete's tongue flicking his balls. The next thing he felt was a pair of warm, wet lips sliding slowly along the length of his cock. The lips then wrapped themselves around his cockhead, causing him to moan even louder. Pete swallowed all of Johnny's dick, then gradually slid back so he could stroke and suck at the same time, his tongue working under the most sensitive spot of the head. Johnny stood for several minutes enjoying the best blowjob he had ever received, his hips thrusting involuntarily and becoming even more turned on when he looked down to see his cock sliding in and out of Pete's mouth.

Pete stopped sucking to catch his breath, and his eyes moved up to meet Johnny's. Their gaze locked for a few seconds, but before Pete could continue the blowjob he felt Johnny's hands on his upper arms, pulling him to his feet with surprising force. Pete was startled and a little frightened by this sudden movement and started to protest, but "hey..." was the only thing he was able to say before Johnny's lips were on his, and Johnny's arms were pulling their naked, hot bodies very close. Pete enthusiastically returned the kiss, wrapping his arms in turn around Johnny, sliding his hands down Johnny's back to cup a pair of the most perfect asscheeks he had ever felt. The incredible sensation of a man's hard, hairy body pressing against his was totally new to Johnny, but he felt he couldn't get enough of it, hugging Pete closer, and feeling their hard cocks rub together.

They stood making out and feeling each other up for at least ten minutes, Johnny amazed at how his excitement had made him want to kiss Pete and even more, how much he liked it. In turn, Pete was surprised that things had progressed this far. Kissing was usually the most difficult thing for guys like Johnny to do, and Pete had expected at most to give Johnny a blowjob without much else. They stopped for a moment and Pete felt Johnny pushing him gently but firmly towards the bed.

Pete obliged him by stretching out on the bed, and Johnny followed him almost immediately so they could continue making out lying down. Pete held Johnny tight, but released one hand to run his fingertips down Johnny's spine, and he was rewarded by Johnny's shiver of pleasure. Now it was Johnny's turn to stop for breath, and he rested his head on Pete's furry chest, breathing hard. He loved the sensation of Pete's fingers gently stroking his hair and neck.

Johnny kissed Pete again, then started to explore Pete's chest with his lips and tongue. He found a hard nipple, and flicked it with his tongue, then started sucking, Pete sighing in response to his efforts. He repeated the same process on the other nipple, getting even more aroused himself as he went.

Pete's cock was a little intimidating, not by its size, but because Johnny wasn't sure if he could suck it right. He'd had plenty of bad blowjobs from girls, and he wanted to return the favor Pete had done him by doing it well. Pete's crotch was shower-clean. and Johnny inhaled deeply as he took a first tentative lick on Pete's hairy ballsac. He licked again, then gently took a ball in his mouth, remembering the bitch who had nearly put him out of commission when she bit too hard on one of his own balls. He worked the testicle in his mouth and was rewarded with a soft moan of pleasure from Pete. He let go of the ball, and took another tentative lick, this time of the hard cock in front of his face. Then, he just opened his mouth and wrapped it around the cockhead.

Johnny could taste precum as his tongue worked around the head, and he found the sensation of a cock in his mouth amazingly erotic. Pete's hips started to thrust gently, and Johnny tried to match the rhythm with his tongue and lips. Johnny continued sucking as he felt Pete's hands gently guiding his head. As he shifted his position slightly, Johnny felt his own hairy ballsac brush on Pete's hairy leg, and again he was amazed at how hot it felt.

Pete's grip became a little tighter as Johnny felt his head being pulled off of the stiff cock. "Slow down, guy," Pete murmured, "let's make it last a little longer."

Johnny moved up and felt Pete's arms pulling him close, and they began another nice long makeout session. When they paused a little while later Pete asked "have you ever seen a guy shoot?"

"No, I haven't," Johnny answered, thinking how much he really would like to see a guy shoot.

"There's no time like the present" Pete answered, as he moved so that they were lying side by side. He crossed one leg over Johnny's and started to stroke his cock. Johnny quickly got the idea, and began to stroke his own cock. They continued for some time, pausing occasionally to kiss and touch. It was a day of amazing discoveries for Johnny, the latest one being how hot it was to watch another guy jack off. Pete was equally excited by the sight of Johnny stroking his cock.

Eventually, Johnny's breathing came harder and in bigger breaths. "I can't hold it much longer...." he moaned.

Pete answered "stroke that cock for me, Johnny, I want to see you shoot!"

"Shoot with me!" Johnny gasped.

Both men then concentrated on their jerking, and a few seconds later Johnny said "I'm cuuuummminng..."

"Me too...!" Pete said in turn. A split second later Pete's cock erupted, shooting cum at least a foot in the air, with some of it landing on his hairy chest.

The sight of Pete shooting was all that Johnny could take, and he in turn shot the biggest load he could remember since being a teenager. His cum came in four successive waves, not shooting quite as high as Pete, but with cum practically streaming out of his cock, and his entire body jerking.

Both men lay quietly for a few moments, waiting for their breathing and heart rates to return to normal. Finally, Pete handed Johnny a small towel from the nightstand so they could clean up what seemed like gallons of cum.

"That was incredible," Johnny said. I'm worn out."

"Well, take a little rest then," Pete replied. He reached for the comforter and pulled it up over both of them. Johnny snuggled up to him, and with Pete's arm around him, they both drifted off to sleep.


Next: Chapter 2

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