Three Days

By Diana Davis

Published on Jun 18, 2008



Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or situations is a coincidence.

Chapter 1 -- Not the Way He Planned It

The hotel lounge was only half full at 6 o'clock when Jim and Melinda returned from their business meeting. Most of the tables behind the bar were occupied by small groups of men and women obviously in town for the night and having a quick drink before another meeting or a group dinner. The bar had seating though so they sat down across the way from a woman who caught Jim's attention immediately.

"Whoa, look at her, Mel! The coif, the couture! If she'd marry me I'd never have to work a day in my life ever again," he half-whispered.

Melinda punched him in the shoulder, "You don't work now, you bum," she laughed.

Jim and Mel had become fast friends traveling from city to city for their software engineering firm. They took the technical show on the road to some of the company's big clients after the sales people made the first contact. They were a natural team and by their track record, there was no chance that the Boss was going to split them up. Of course traveling around the country with your good friend, especially if that friend is a man, is hard on romantic relationships and Mel was in the middle of a nasty divorce. She cried on Jim's shoulder, got drunk at Jim's apartment and confided in him but it never went beyond that. It was unspoken but definitely there, it's a great friendship, a great partnership, let's not screw it up by screwing it up. Jim on the other hand was single and always on the look out for someone to have a good time with sometimes leaving Mel alone with a horny, old executive VP while he hooked up for a quickie in the bathroom with a waitress. She got mad but never jealous. Jim liked that. He'd never had a friend who was a girl and he thought he gained some valuable insights into the way women think. It didn't always work but lately he seemed to be able to say the right thing to a woman at just the right time to close the deal on a night of passion and he attributed that to his close conversations with and observations of Mel. He'd never been married, 32 is too young he told himself, and anyway, he never met the woman who could tie him down.

"What are you having?" asked the bartender.

"The lady'll have a Cosmo and I'll have a Johnny Black on the rocks and

a side order of the rich babe across the bar," answered Jim.

The bartender grimaced and shook his head and went for a couple of glasses.

"Real smooth, you idiot!" shot Mel. "You think he never hears stuff like that?!?!? You really ought to think more about what people think of you. And besides, I think she heard you, keep your voice down."

Jim chuckled. He loved to embarrass Mel; nothing too over the top but just enough to agitate her. He chuckled again at the thought of it.

The bartender brought the drinks. "What do I owe you?" asked Jim.

"Believe it or not, nothing, my friend. They're courtesy of the 'rich babe across the bar'."

Mel put her head down to her arm resting on the bar. "How embarrassing!" she whispered.

Jim on the other hand was toasting the lady, which she acknowledged with a slight nod of her head.

"Well, it's a free drink at least and maybe more. Oh, don't look at me like that. We've been on the road for 2 weeks, haven't stayed in one place for more than a night. I could do with a little more than friendship tonight."

In the dim light, Jim tried to size up his lovely benefactor as she avoided his gaze scrolling through the email on her Blackberry.

Brunette, late 30's early 40's, great skin, brown eyes, what appear to be sizeable tits from the ample cleavage visible at the unbuttoned top of her blouse. From the waist up she was dressed to kill and, usually with this type, from the waist down she was dressed to fuck. Instead of trying to imagine what she'd look like out of her blouse and skirt

Jim figured he ought to go over and make contact. He'd get to that later if he could close the deal.

"Mel, honey, wait here while I go thank our friend for the drink. I promise I won't leave you alone before dinner," Jim added when he saw her frown. "I'll just get the preliminaries and meet up with her later."

Jim walked around the end of the oval bar and as he approached she turned in her seat to face him. He wasn't wrong about being dressed to fuck; she had on a tight, black knee length skirt, maybe had some Lycra in it as it appeared painted on, at least 4" cream come-fuck-me pumps and a gold ankle bracelet on her left leg. She had stockings on too! Not just panty hose but smoky, light gray stockings. Jim loved stockings but women don't wear them anymore. He had to beg some of his more adventurous girlfriends to wear them out to dinner but they normally couldn't be bothered. Jim sat down next to her and turned on his chair.

"You're welcome," she said in a slightly husky voice. Jim must have looked confused because she went on, "You did come over to thank me for the drinks didn't you? And what kind of a gentleman are you, leaving a lady sitting alone at hotel bar like that. Invite her over too."

He hadn't expected that and was immediately thrown off his game.

Without thinking Jim motioned to Mel to come over which was actually the last thing in the world that he wanted to do right now. After pointing at herself and giving Jim the "what the hell is going on look" that she used from time to time when something went wrong in a client meeting she got up, smoothed her skirt, grabbed her drink and followed the same path around the end of the bar that Jim took not 3 minutes before.

Mel stood between Jim and... "I'm sorry, none of us have made proper introductions. I'm Diana, Diana Davis and you are...?"

"Jim, Jim Althouse," Jim stammered out "and this is Melinda Tressky,

Mel this is Diana Davis."

"Pleased to meet you Ms. Davis," said Mel extending her hand.

"Call me Dee, Mel. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Jim noticed that Dee took Mel's hand in both of hers and held it for just a bit longer than a normal handshake. She then turned to him and laid her hand on his.

"Do you need a refill on those drinks? Tim, we'll take another of each please."

Oddly enough for the first time, in the presence of this woman, both

Mel and Jim were in a bar actually thinking the same thing. For Jim, being in a bar and getting turned on by a beautiful woman was completely normal and within character. For Mel however this was definitely something scary. In the back of her mind she heard a little voice say, "let's just see where this goes." That was definitely something new.

"How long are you in town, Dee?" asked Jim.

"Another couple of days. I have to get back to LA by Thursday night.

My company has a show on Friday and, since I'm the Executive Vice

President of Design," she said with exaggerated affect "I must be there." Then she laughed a smoky laugh and put one hand on each of their arms which made Jim hard and Melinda wet.

"What do you do?" inquired Mel.

"Well if you must know, I'm the EVP of Lingerie Design for Franca's.

Most of the things in the catalog are from right up here." She pointed to her head.

"REALLY?! That's so cool!" enthused Mel. "I get the catalog every month and dream about what it might be like to parade down that runway in my underwear."

"First of all Mel, it's not 'underwear'. It's lingerie. There's a difference."

Mel looked at askance at her but Dee shot her down quickly.

"Underwear is for wearing under sweats to clean the house in or wearing under a leotard for doing aerobics. The purpose of lingerie is to make

a woman feel like a woman and letting her lover know that that's how it makes her feel. There is great erotic power inside all women and lingerie is a frilly key to unlocking that power," she paused, "if you want to."

As she ended this sentence, Dee rested her hand in the crook of Mel's left hip. Mel blushed scarlet, not only at the casual touching but at the erotic idea of Dee's words. Mel had always wanted to enjoy being a woman, to wear silky things but life seemed to be passing by and where once there was no time, now there was no one.

"Here, take a look at this."

Dee looked around to see that no one was paying too close attention and undid two more buttons on her silk blouse. Underneath, Mel and Jim saw an emerald green corset. Jim leaned in a little closer.

"It doesn't have any cups!" he whispered. Mel leaned in to get a closer look too.

"Wow you have great boobs that you can wear that!" she whispered enviously.

"You have nice tits too darling, but you hide them. I can tell. As a matter of fact, from the way your clothes fall on you, I'd say you have a gorgeous body," Dee whispered back.

Meanwhile, Jim couldn't believe what was happening. He thought that this would be an easy score and it turned out his prey liked Mel better. "But I'm feeling the vibe," he puzzled. This woman was different and he definitely liked the difference. Keep playing along he thought and at the moment, playing along meant that Mel was going to get all the attention. He thought that this sounded pretty good anyway.

Mel was flattered by the way Dee said what she said, her openness about her body and her sensitivity to Mel's body. She did have a good body, a damn good body. She worked hard for that body every morning; she ate healthy foods everyday and drank only enough to get a buzz which she had at the moment. She just wasn't sure it was the alcohol. And she had great tits! Every man who had ever been with her said that. They were firm and pert and full, 36 C and she looked especially busty in her exercise leotards. In fact, it was a major good feeling to go to an aerobics class in those outfits; other girls were jealous of her for a change.

"It's starting to get late" said Dee to obvious looks of disappointment from Jim and Mel. "Why don't we go up to my suite for a night cap before we turn in," she continued.

"It's not over," thought Jim and Mel excitedly to themselves.

Chapter 2 -- A Night to Remember

"The top floor, the Presidential Suite, you must be doing quite well for yourself," Jim said conversationally to hide his amazement.

"We do alright at our little company, Jimmy," Dee teased back. "You look like a catalog subscriber so you know what things cost." She laughed that throaty laugh and Jim felt like she could see right through him. Of course he looked at those catalogs, he dreamed of the girls wearing those wonderful, satin and lace creations that only the imagination held together. He tried to buy for some of his girlfriends but he never seemed to get the right thing for them.

"Dee, you're right, I do get the catalog. You know, I've tried to buy stuff for some of the women I've dated but I never seem to be able to buy the right thing. They were always disappointed or worse, turned off."

As they opened the door to the suite and entered, Mel turned to Jim and asked, "Did you buy what you wanted or what you thought that they wanted?"

"An excellent question, Melinda! As a matter of fact that is the question when buying lingerie. Jim, if you buy what you want a woman to wear and you aren't on the same page, the magic doesn't work."

"How do you know the difference?" asked Jim.

"You make us some drinks Jim while Mel and I will try to answer that question for you. Mel, come with me. I have some prototypes of some new designs that I'm thinking of using. Let's go pick out some things that we want to wear for ourselves and maybe Jim can get the idea from that."

Dee took Mel by the hand a led her down the hall into the master bedroom suite. Normally, Mel would have run from this suggestion but not tonight. Tonight it seemed like the most exciting thing in the world would be to try on racy lingerie and parade around in front of an almost complete stranger and her best friend Jim. Dee had an intoxicating effect on her that's for sure. As they entered the bedroom, Mel could see stacks of boxes and racks of garment bags.

"How did you get this up here," she asked incredulously.

"A couple of big strong men, darling. Let's see what we have for you.

With that invitation Mel started searching through the garment bags hanging from the first rack. As she did, she noticed that Dee began to remove her blouse. Mel had 1% of her attention on the garment bags and

99% on the dark auburn hair cascading down Dee's exposed back and extending down over the top of the emerald green corset. As she slipped out of her skirt, she turned a little sideways to reveal a side view of her gorgeous breasts proudly standing over the top of the corset. An audible gasp slipped from Mel and Dee turned to look her in the eye.

"Do you like them?" she asked coquettishly as she put her hands on her hips and thrust out her chest. "40 D, they look smaller with clothes on, don't they? Would you like to touch them?"

What a straightforward request! Of course Mel wanted to touch them, she wanted to kiss them and she wanted to kiss the lips just above that cleavage. Mel had never been with a woman before and now she wanted this more than anything. As she walked across the room to Dee, she undid her blouse and slipped it over her head and undid her bra so that she too had her breasts unbound.

"I was right about you. You hide them, these are beautiful," said Dee as her hands met Mel's tits.

Dee and Mel's lips met and so did their breasts. Pressing and rubbing together.

"Why didn't I do this sooner?" wondered Mel to herself.

Suddenly Dee broke the embrace, not abruptly, but Mel thought it would go on all night. Dee turned away from her and faced a mirror on the wall over the dresser.

"Mel, I really like you. I find you extremely attractive."

"I noticed," smiled Mel.

"I need to tell you something before we go any further. If you want to leave after I have said what I need to, I'll understand. I will have no hard feelings towards you but I need to be completely honest with you." Dee slid her skirt down to the floor and slowly undid the two satin ties holding her emerald green bikini panties up and dropped them to the floor still facing the mirror. "What an ass," Mel thought only half paying attention to what Dee was doing. Dee turned to face Mel wearing only the corset, thigh high silk stockings and the pumps that she had worn in the bar. Mel thought how absolutely beautiful Dee was, how unbelievably attracted that she was to this beautiful woman...

"I was once a man, Mel", said Dee matter of factly. Mel looked and there, surrounded by a neatly trimmed triangle of pubic hair, was a penis. A penis on this woman!!!!

Mel reeled. How do I feel now she asked herself? Have I been played for a fool? Did Jim set this up?!?! Anger started to boil up and she grabbed her blouse and put it back on in a huff. She paused in her anger. But what was she angry about? Dee stood there as open and honest as possible and I'm getting angry?

"I'm sorry, Dee. You understand that I'm just a little shocked by your, um, secret."

"I understand but I thought..." and her voice trailed off. She grabbed a matching emerald green robe from the back of a chair and threw it around her shoulders.

"This is a risk I take every time I meet someone new," explained Dee.

"I am a woman in every sense of the word. I live my life as a woman, I work at a woman centered company designing beautiful objects for women, and my sexuality is that of a woman."

Mel cut Dee off. "I know it is. I can feel it. I could feel it down in the bar. Dee, I'm actually more turned on by what I see now than I was before."

Mel removed her blouse once again and this time, her skirt and her panties too and moved over to Dee. Dee stood up and dropped the robe to the floor revealing her beautiful chest and her secret to Mel. Mel kissed her deeply on the lips then on her left breast drawing circles with her tongue around the nipple. Her hand slid down over the corset and caressed Dee's semi-erect cock. Dee let out a moan of pleasure and release at Mel's touch. Mel and Dee continued to kiss and fondle each other. Mel caressed her new lover's hair and breasts. The two stood face to face now, Dee's member rubbing against Mel's dripping wet pussy.

"What do you think Jimmy's doing right about now?" whispered Dee. Mel giggled.

"Let me put on one of your creations and let's go find out. I don't know what Jim's reaction to your "surprise" is going to be but I'm staying here with you tonight so I think we ought to go find out."

The girls broke their embrace and started to rummage through the piles and bags of lingerie looking for the most alluring things they could find before going out to the living room to give Jim the shock of his life.

Meanwhile, Jim was sitting on the couch working on his third scotch.

How long was it going to take for those two to dress up, he thought to himself. Women, just when you think you've figured out one little part of them, you end up standing there with your thumb up your ass.

"Maybe I ought to go rescue them," he said out loud to himself but didn't make a move to get up.

"Just be patient. If something's gonna happen it's gonna happen."

He finally heard the bedroom door open and one set of stilettos clicking down the hall but he didn't look up from his drink.

"What do you think of this outfit, Jim? Does it make me look fat?"

Mel's voice. He turned his head and his jaw just about hit the floor.

She was standing in the dim light of the living room in a beaded ivory merry widow, her breasts pouring out over the demi-cups. Attached garters held up matching stockings and she stood on 5 inch heeled lace up ankle high boots. Then his eyes moved to the area just above where

Mel's legs came together.

"No panties?" stammered Jim.

"No panties, not tonight," smiled Mel.

She walked, no strutted, over to the bar and took a long pull on the drink that Jim had fixed her about 30 minutes before. Jim couldn't take his eyes off of her. That's Mel he said to himself! At least it used to be Mel but he had never seen her looking so erotic. The way she moved, the way she drank, the way she held her head.

"Wow, lingerie seems to agree with you," was all he could manage.

"It certainly does, Jim. I've never felt more like a woman than I do tonight. Do you like what you see?" she cooed as she moved over to the couch on which he sat.

Jim tried to sit up straight but Mel stopped him when she spread her legs and dropped down on him straddling his lap. She leaned in and pushed her tits into his face. Jim clearly didn't know what to think and clearly didn't know what was expected of him. If this had been anyone else he would already have ravished her and been walking out the door but this was almost like his sister! His head told him no, but his pants were getting uncomfortably tight in the crotch.

"I thought there was something wrong with you, Jim but it looks like your going to be alright after all," grinned Mel as she started to unbelt and unzip his pants.

Before he could make up his mind as to whether or not this was a form of incest, another set of heels clicked down the hall way. He tried to turn his head to get a look at Dee but Mel grabbed his chin and yanked his face back towards her and planted her hungry lips on his. She kissed him hard as she pulled his swollen cock out and started to run her soft hands up and down the shaft slowly and purposefully. Dee came up behind the back of the couch, reached around and began to unbutton his shirt. As she did this, she pushed what felt like mammoth tits up against the back of his head and neck. She rubbed his chest as Mel took his cock and rubbed the head up against her clit and moist opening. Jim decided finally to lay back and enjoy the whole thing.

There would be time for regrets tomorrow morning but this kind of thing didn't happen to him everyday.

"Dee," Mel said softly. "I really don't think we can do this to Jim without his permission. I mean his full and unconditional permission."

"I permit, I permit!" said Jim anxiously.

"No Jimmy, Mel's talking about something else," Dee said to Jim. And to

Mel she said, "I agree totally with you Mel. The question is how do we broach the subject?"

"Let me try," said Mel as she got up off of Jim and came around the back of the couch. Jim spun wildly around, his clothes half off, to follow Mel as she slid over to Dee's side. Jim got a full view of Dee now as she turned her back to him to take Mel in her arms. She had on a satin robe, belted at the waist and from under it a white corset with garters and white seamed stockings peaked out. The robe had slipped down her shoulders and her unbelievable breasts were totally exposed, standing proudly above the top of the corset.

"40 D's Jim, do you like them?" asked Mel as she rubbed her hands over the nipples and in between the cleavage.

She then kissed Dee full on the lips her tongue driving ravenously into Dee's mouth. What could he say? This was just too much to process.

Without thinking, Jim reached around Dee and cupped her tits in his hands as Mel continued to kiss her. Jim kissed the back of Dee's neck and drove his face into the thick auburn hair. All three of them were panting now; too much foreplay had pushed them all to the edge and now

Mel had the nerve to push Jim away from Dee.

"I permit, OK!" pleaded Jim.

"No Jim, not yet," whispered Mel. "You see our new friend here," she stroked Dee's hair, "has a special secret that we need to share with you. I suggest that you have another sip of your scotch and sit back down. Dee, he's all yours"

"Come on, Mel. I don't even know this side of you and now you want to play games too! What'd she do, slip you something back there?" Jim snapped. He was clearly annoyed at what he considered unnecessary delays.

Dee walked around to the front of the couch to where Jim sat. She pulled her robe down a little farther so that she was exposed above the waist.

"Jimmy, what do you see when you look at me?"

"What is this, 20 questions? Okay, okay. I see an incredibly beautiful woman wearing just about the sexiest outfit I've ever seen and I mean wearing it. You're totally comfortable in it like you were born to wear sexy lingerie. I've been waiting to meet a woman like you since I hit puberty," he said with a mixture of relief for finding words for how he felt and admiration that this creature actually existed.

"Well Jimmy, thank you. That's about the nicest thing any man has ever said to me. I feel like I was born to wear these clothes. I've always felt that way. That's why I have the job I have and why I love to do it; I put my heart and soul into designing these outfits because I truly love them. Like I said, I've always felt like I was born to wear this." She ran her hands up the sides of the corset and cupped her tits. "The only problem is I wasn't born to wear this."

Dee walked over to the bar and had a sip of her drink put the glass down and came back over to where she had stood before.

"Oh, I know what I said, I felt like I was born to wear this but the desire and the genetics just didn't add up." As she finished this sentence she untied the belt of the robe and let it fall to her feet.

A confused Jim followed the robe down to the floor where it lay in a pile against the 5 inch sandals on her feet. His eyes followed her sexy, stocking clad legs up to the V where they met just below her waist. Mel had walked around behind Dee and put her arms around her just as Jim caught sight of Dee's secret.

"What the hell is that?!!?!?" Jim stammered. "You're a man?!?!"

Dee and Mel had been hoping that the atmosphere that they had created, the ultra-feminine aura that surrounded them would have rubbed off on

Jim but it looked like they were going to be disappointed.

"You're so sexy and desirable! You can't be a man!"

Mel squeezed Dee's hand.

"Jimmy, do I look like a man to you? Look at these tits! Does a man have tits like these?" Dee said forcefully. She turned around and stuck her ass up in the air. "What about this ass, Jimmy. Tell me that you don't think this is the finest ass you've ever seen. Well, now that you've seen Mel's maybe the second finest," she grinned at Mel. "I used to be a man Jimmy but I'm a woman now. If I had never taken off my clothes you would never, ever have known. You would've taken me home to meet your momma if you'd never seen me naked."

Mel could see by Jim's expression that Dee's rationalizations were starting to make him think. Jim might be immature at times, thought

Mel, but he's a pretty smart guy when all is said and done. They wouldn't be as good a team without Jim's quick thinking and instinctive ability to get to the core of a problem.

"I'm sorry Dee, it is a bit of a shock to see something where there's not supposed to be something."

Tentatively Jim stood up and moved over to Dee.


"Well, I don't know," teased Dee.

Jim took Dee's face in his hands and he began to kiss her all over, very slowly. He moved his lips down to her lips and locked on tight.

They finally broke apart.

"Look, I want to hear all about you, all about your life. It sounds like it's really interesting but I'm really, really horny and," he paused for dramatic affect, "I really do permit."

They all laughed at that one. "Come on, let's go into the bedroom and make ourselves more comfortable," said Mel and they walked hand-in-hand-in-hand to the master suite.

"Jim, Mel and I are going to change into something more comfortable."

She saw Jim's look of exasperation. "No, really, it'll only take a second. You get your clothes off and get in bed."

She winked at him and she and Mel went into the walk-in closet.

"That went pretty well, all in all," said Mel.

"Believe me, I've seen worse," Dee chuckled.

They both got out of the corsets and changed into satin and lace teddies, groping and kissing each other while they did so. Neither one of them bothered to put on panties.

When they reappeared from the impromptu changing room, Jim had cracked a bottle of champagne and handed each of the ladies a glass. He toasted "to us, tonight". They each downed some of the champagne but before Jim could put his glass down, Dee and Mel were already rolling around on the bed voraciously grabbing at each other and kissing every part of each others bodies their lips could find. Jim jumped in and started to do the same. This was going to be tricky, he thought.

"Dee," he whispered. "I really want to fuck you but where am I supposed to put my dick?"

He was only half kidding. Although he had heard of transsexuals he didn't think he knew any (he was now not quite sure whether or not he could tell) and he wasn't sure about the etiquette.

"Jimmy, I have a pussy. It's just a little farther back than other girls. The K-Y is in the night table."

With that she rolled over on her stomach and stuck her pretty ass up in the air. As she did this she drove three talon-tipped fingers into

Mel's cunt and continued to suck on Mel's tits. Jim squirted some of the lube out on to his hand and rubbed some on his cock. He took some more and started to gently rub it into Dee's ass crack and finally right into her "pussy".

"Come on Tiger, I really need you inside me," she moaned as she raised her hips to meet his rock hard cock.

He got to his knees behind her and his dick slipped inside her easily and deeply and she let out a passionate moan. He began to pump her from behind and as her orgasm started to build, she began to lose focus on Mel. For her part, Mel was enjoying the show. Her buddy Jimmy was fucking her brand new girlfriend up the ass. She would not have believed it if someone had told her this is what the night had in store. She played with herself while watching the other two and as Dee started to come, Mel was right there with her. Each woman had an earth shattering orgasm and not long after, Jim came deep inside Dee. After Jim pulled out, they all fell to the bed exhausted, playing with various parts of each others bodies.

"Dee, I couldn't help noticing..." Mel started.

"You couldn't, could you," grinned Dee interrupting her playfully.

Mel smiled. "No, I couldn't help watching, silly. When you came, you didn't have an orgasm, I mean, you didn't come..."

"I didn't ejaculate you mean," said Dee helpfully. Mel nodded her head, slightly embarrassed. "No, I think I have orgasms like you.

It's all over my body, in my breasts, in my hips, everywhere. I don't really get hard any more because of the...the "treatments" but I do orgasm every time, just not usually as big as that one." She rubbed Jim's shoulder lovingly.

"Why didn't you go all the way and get surgery?" asked Jim.

"Well, I suppose in the long run, it would have made my life easier.

No more scenes like tonight," she smiled. "But I really like who I am and the way my life and my body are now. I'm who I always wanted to be

and I have the thrill of having a secret only a lover would know about.

Plus, I love being fucked in the ass," she said frankly.

And with that she rolled over on her back and with her left hand she rubbed her tits and her right hand found her still half-erect cock.

She played with herself for a minute while Jim and Mel watched, and then leaned up on her elbow and looked at Mel.

"Mel, I really want you to fuck me too. I think you'll really like this."

Mel looked at Jim stunned but Jim just shrugged his shoulders. "Go with it," his expression said.

She rolled over on her stomach again and reached under the bed pulling out an overnight bag.

"Jimmy, can you pull that up on the bed for me?"

She opened the bag and pulled out what looked to be a harness. It was made of leather but soft leather with satin linings. Suspended from straps was a thick dildo of about 8 inches in length and directly behind it was a shorter one turned up like a fish hook pointing in the opposite direction.

"You'll need to put this on Mel. Jimmy can you help me?"

They all stood up off to the side of the bed and Mel put her feet through the harness.

"Wait, just a second," said Dee and she pulled out the K-Y and lubed up the shorter dildo. Jim and Dee pulled the harness up to Mel's waist and Mel pushed her pussy down on to the short dildo.

"Oooo, that's nice," she said as her eyes unfocused slightly.

Jim tightened the straps of the harness and now Mel was the woman with a cock.

"Hey, that looks good on you!" he laughed.

"You're just jealous cause my cock is bigger than yours," and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Okay you two," laughed Dee. "We're supposed to be getting me fucked."

She grabbed the K-Y again, got down on her knees and lubed up Mel's "cock".

"Honey, I want to look into your face while we do this." Dee went over to the couch and grabbed some of the big, full pillows and brought them over to the bed. She laid down and put the pillows under her lower back and ass and lifted her knees up to her shoulders. Just as she got her legs up, Mel got on her knees and pushed the strap on into Dee's waiting ass. Just like Jim, it slid in easily. Not having been on the giving end before, it took Mel a couple of minutes to get the rhythm going but soon she was pumping Dee hard and the other dildo inside of

Mel was performing its magic as well. Both women were building to a shattering climax which they hit at just about the same time. Jim had been jacking off on the other side of the bed and he came at about the same time. An exhausted Mel leaned in and kissed Dee gently on the lips.

"Thank you," said Dee and with that the three adventurers fell asleep together.

Chapter 3 -- Breakfast with Dee

Mel awoke the next morning to the up and down movements of the mattress. This, more than anything else, told her that last night was not a dream. She rolled over lazily to find Dee next to her lying on her side, her legs spread and Jim's cock buried in her ass. Mel reached over, took Dee's cock in her hands and began to stroke it. Thinking better of it, she leaned all the way down and took Dee in her mouth.

"Not like a man's dick," thought Mel, "it's soft and feminine, just like Dee".

Shortly thereafter, Jim came and rolled off onto his back.

"Good morning sleepy head," cooed Dee. "Jim and I thought we'd have a quick one before you woke up. It got a little more heated than we thought it would."

Jim chuckled and went into the bathroom.

Mel took her lips off of Dee's cock and kissed her way up to Dee's face.

"I was afraid that last night wasn't real," said Mel.

Dee closed her hand over Mel's wet pussy, sticking two fingers into her and rubbing her clit with her thumb. Mel moaned as Dee kissed her deeply on the lips.

"It's real, honey," whispered Dee as Mel began to buck into one and then a second orgasm.

Jim stood in the doorway brushing his teeth with one of the complimentary hotel tooth brushes just taking in the sight of these two lovely women pleasuring each other.

"I can't believe it's real. No one would believe this and I'm not about to tell anyone either," thought Jim.

Mel and Dee both rolled over on their backs and pulled the sheets up.

"I haven't been awakened like that since...well, never," said Mel.

Dee laughed. "Well then you've never been awakened before."

"Alright, Dee, now that we've gotten to know each other a little," Mel smiled, "tell us your story. I wanted to hear it last night but it wasn't a priority at the time."

They all laughed at that one and Jim added, "Yea, Dee. How'd you get here?"

"Well, it's been a long, strange trip but it started when I was about

  1. Do you remember the big dust up over a transsexual tennis player?"

Mel and Jim both shook their heads.

"I didn't think so; you two are too young to remember much about the

'70s. Anyway, she was playing in a tournament out in the Midwest and I was staying at my grandparents' house in a little town south of there.

She seemed to come out of nowhere and was playing really well when rumors started to fly that she wasn't really a woman but had undergone a sex change. Unfair advantage or some such the writers claimed. I think she lost in the semi-finals but after the tournament she revealed that it was true. She was born a man and was actually a doctor, an optometrist I think. They started to do genetic testing after that to ensure that it wouldn't happen again as it was a big scandal. Something woke up in me right then and there. I couldn't believe it! I didn't have to be a boy, I could be a girl!? After that I was obsessed. I used to pray at night asking for God to turn me into a girl before I woke up. Even then I realized that if I got my wish there would be some major issues with my family and friends. I tried to find out as much as I could about sex change operations and other transsexuals and the more I found out the more I wanted it but I was deathly terrified of losing my family and friends and my whole world.

Obviously, I kept it a secret and didn't tell anyone but I started to raid my mom's closets and drawers and started to wear her clothes when no one was home. Once I actually got caught with her girdle, a bra, a garter belt and some silk stockings that she never wore. They were under my bed and my other grandmother found them there when she was cleaning. She brought it up at dinner one night with just my father and me. I was so embarrassed at getting caught I just walked up to my room without saying a word and no one ever mentioned it again. Nobody understood what it meant, I think they thought that I was going through puberty and I was attracted to women and their clothes; my Dad was probably relieved. I was attracted, but not in the way that they thought," smiled Dee.

"I continued to borrow my mother's clothes whenever she was out but I felt like I needed to find clothes more suited for a girl my age. I used to have some neighbors; there were two teenage girls and I used to watch the younger one, about 2 years older than me, get dressed through her bedroom window. She was pretty and pretty well developed and I used to wish that was me with the long hair and the pretty breasts and the beautiful underwear. One summer, I was 15 I think, my neighbors were on vacation but I heard from someone in the neighborhood that you could get into their house by forcing a basement window. The other kids were going in, watching TV and stealing Playboys from the extensive collection in the basement. None of that interested me though and I knew what I was going to do. I got in the house and went right to the girls rooms and went through their closets and drawers. They were older than me and nothing really seemed to fit. I went out through the garage and as I did, I found a bag of clothes that must have been from a couple of years before. Wrap around skirts, bras, panties, stockings, dresses you name it. I hit the mother lode. I couldn't take all of these clothes into my house so I unlocked the side garage door and took a few things with me that night. A dress and a bra which were my size and stylish for the time and a pair of platform sandals that actually fit. I continued to wear my mother's garter belt and stockings but now I had the makings of a wardrobe. I tried to dress as much as I could when no one was home; I went back and exchanged clothes so I had something new all the time. There was some old jewelry and I started to accessorize but..." Dee's voice trailed off,

"I always felt tremendously unfulfilled and guilty about what I was doing. I wanted to be a girl, not just dress like one and I'd give it up for a while and try to forget about it. It just wasn't going to happen. Now, I had a pretty good life anyway. I could compartmentalize so I dated girls (secretly wishing I was the one on the receiving end in the back seat) had friends, jobs, all the normal things. I even got married."

"Where's your wife now?" asked Mel. "Does she know, um, does she..." Mel looked at the wedding band on Dee's ring finger.

"Well, we're still married, sort of, I guess," Dee responded as she fingered the gold band.

"I suppose this is where the story really begins. Jimmy, you want to order up some room service? I could use some coffee and some breakfast," said Dee.

She got up out of bed and threw on the emerald green robe she had worn to such great effect last night.

"I'm gonna go take a shower - by myself Jimmy," Dee grinned as Jim looked at the floor, "and make myself look presentable before we go on with this story. Mel, you help yourself to any of the clothes you find out here, I think there's another shower down the hall if you want to use it. I'll see you both," she pulled open her robe exposing her tits and giggling, "in about half an hour."

The breakfast that Jim ordered from room service had arrived and Mel and Jim were buttering toast and pouring coffee when Dee emerged from the bedroom. She wore black Capri length spandex leggings, a silk mans-style blouse that came to her waist and 5 inch black patent stiletto pumps. She had her hair pulled back into a high pony-tail exposing her face and her dangling gold earrings. Jim had an overwhelming urge to take her back to the bedroom right then and fuck her again.

"Wow, do you always know what to wear to make a man want you?" Jim said breathlessly.

"Or a woman?" added Mel.

Jim looked at Mel's expression and could tell it was exactly the same one that was on his face.

"Thank you both for being so nice," smiled Dee. "I did a lot of research over the course of my life and decided that once I was a woman, I would always try to appear as the ultimate in femininity.

This is what that looks like Jimmy."

"Well I like it a lot," mumbled Jim through a mouthful of toast. "Umm, at the risk of sounding insensitive, where did you put your..." he added pointing at the crotch of her pants which, to anyone else, would have appeared to be that of a genetic woman. The tight Lycra showing a perfect mons venus.

Dee laughed and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Jimmy, I design clothes for a living. Although you can't see it, I added extra Lycra in the front panel and there's a shaping panel inside. Don't be disappointed, I assure you that I am all there. No one but a handful of people knows my secret and it really wouldn't do to spread it around. I love pants, the way they accentuate the shape of a woman's front and rear and I was determined to find a way to wear the kind I wanted to wear. It really wasn't that difficult."

Sitting down at the table with Mel and Jim, she put some toast and some fresh fruit onto her plate, crossed her legs seductively and took a sip of coffee.

"I'm always watching my figure so the eggs and bacon are all yours," she grinned.

"We're always watching your figure too," smiled Mel and they all laughed.

"So you really want to hear the boring story of my life, do you?" smiled Dee. "Well, I've never actually told anyone everything," she paused, "but you two have been so wonderful that I guess there should be a first time."

And with that she began the tale of her long, sometimes strange, journey into womanhood.

Chapter 4 -- The Big Decision

"It really began about 10 years ago. I've told you that I knew from the time I was 12, and probably before that, that I wanted to live as a girl but circumstances and lack of nerve to act on my most deep seated longing prevented that. I was about your age," she looked at Jim and Mel in turn, "when I found an ad in the back of the Village Voice advertising a service that I'd never heard of. It was an ad for a doctor's office offering a service called 'Queen for a Day'. They promised to make you into the 'woman you've always wanted to be in 24 hours or your money back'. Of course this piqued my interest," Dee said with a grin, "so I actually did something I had never done before; I acted on it. I placed a call to the phone number in the ad and spoke with a young woman, well, as it turned out Jimmy, a woman like me although I didn't know it at the time, and she explained the service."

"Oh yes," said the voice on the other end of the line, "it's totally confidential of course. Our service is temporary. There are many men,

I'm assuming you are one of them, who want or need the experience of being a woman. We are not a cross dressing service though so if that is your interest, you best try a different service. If you are interested in learning more about what 'Queen for a Day' is all about, I can set you up with an appointment," she offered helpfully. "For reasons of confidentiality I am not allowed to go into the details of our services over the phone."

I thanked her and told her that I might be interested and I would call back later in the day to set up the appointment (if I could dig up the nerve) and hung up the phone.

So this could be it, I thought. That all of the old urges and desires bubbling up from the past could be, might be, fulfilled, even temporarily put a spring in my step as I left the office for the drive home. Home. This was the one thing that I had never confided to anyone, not even my wife. I'd danced around it a little but I don't think she ever understood the depth of this desire. Would Devin be a willing partner or would she be so repulsed that our relationship might never recover?

"I can't tell her," I thought to myself, "there is no way I can talk to her about this."

I had to give up this insane fantasy, a fantasy of a different life.

"You can't change DNA," I heard my old biology professor proclaim.

"99.9% of what humans are is determined by their DNA." Yes, but transsexuals exist. They were the brave ones who did what their nature; their DNA compelled them to do. And I wouldn't be permanently changing my sex, she said it was temporary. I rallied. I needed to think and I needed more information. I needed to make an appointment.

"Right this way David. The doctor will be with you in a moment," said the receptionist as she guided me down the office hallway. It looked more like a suburban pediatricians' office that a cross dressing boutique and seemed quite out of place for this part of lower

Manhattan. The receptionist, Bethany her name tag said, was a gorgeous little blonde with what looked like a superb figure. She wore a satiny sun dress which exposed her shoulders and the tops of her large freckled breasts and she walked, no swayed, on 4 inch off-white pumps.

"Please remove your clothes and put this on," she held out a blue hospital gown. "It should only be a few minutes," she smiled.

"Excuse me, uh..."

"Bethany, please call me Bethany. Don't be nervous, ask anything you like. I am authorized to provide information to our customers once they have come in to the office."

"Um, where to begin," I stumbled as so many questions jumped into my mind at once.

"Let me see if I can help you," Bethany said as she looked straight into my eyes. "Since, I'm not a doctor I can't tell you how the process works, the doctor will have to explain that to you. But I can tell you that it does work and I am the living proof."

My eyes widened but I didn't pull away from her gaze. I was stunned but perhaps I shouldn't have been; who else was likely to be working here.

"You? But you're so, so beautiful!" I finally said.

"I'll take that as a compliment," she smiled shyly and broke eye contact. Bethany walked around behind the examining table. "Yes, I was one of the first clients of 'Queen for a Day'. All of my life I wanted the experience of being a woman if only for one day, it was my deepest desire. I had cross dressed since I was a little boy but I was never fulfilled by it. For the longest time, I thought that I might be gay and that the desire for womanhood was only a submissive desire for a man. I had relationships with both men and women all through high school and college but none of them seemed completely right. After I graduated, I was in the city for a job interview and while walking down the street, I noticed the sign outside and walked right in to find out more about it. That," she said emphatically, "was the day that I became myself."

While I tried to process what she was telling me she asked, "Would you like to see the results?"

I nodded my head silently. The words she had spoken seemed to have come right from my mouth. As she slipped the straps of her dress down her arms and pulled the top down to reveal her luscious freckled, large and full (now that I could see them) breasts I felt desire. Not sexual desire but the desire to be Bethany. She stepped out of her dress, looked at me with her hands on her hips and smiled, "What do you think?"

I couldn't speak nor quite believe what I was seeing. She had a perfect body; I mean a perfect woman stood before me. As I looked down from her face to her chest and down the flat feminine stomach and her feminine hips, I was in awe. The small bulge in the front of her silk thong was the only thing that gave her away; evidence that the process or procedure or whatever it was, truly worked. Noticing that I was focused between her legs, she slipped the thong down to reveal a small penis in the middle of a perfect triangle of blonde pubic hair where, on a woman who looked like her, a vagina should have been.

"This is the only evidence that I was not always a woman," she smiled placing her right hand over her crotch. "I've thought about going all the way, sex reassignment surgery, but I feel that the way I am right now is the way I was meant to be. I have had a few minor cosmetic procedures, touch ups I call them and," she cupped her breasts, "these are enhanced with implants. Plus, I found a man who loves me and accepts me this way and doesn't want me to change unless I truly want to," she paused, "and I don't want to. Any other questions?"

Bethany was smiling at me with a look of ultimate fulfillment. She must have given this speech before but I could tell that she meant every word as if it was the first time that she spoke them; as if she were finding the right words as she went along.

"Just one," I said. "I thought the process was temporary?"

She pulled up her panties and then got back into her dress.

"The process is temporary unless you don't want it to be. The doctor will tell you more about the details but, I have to warn you, when I first walked in that door I was just going to fulfill my fondest wish and then I was going to go back to my old life." She smiled wistfully like she couldn't believe how wrong she'd been and thought it was silly she ever thought that. "If this is truly what you want to do, it may become impossible to return to what was before. Do you understand what I'm saying? It may not be easy to give up."

She walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Please change into the gown now, the doctor will be in any minute. Be careful and, if you need to talk, you can always reach me here any time."

She smiled and left the room, closing the door behind her.

I had just changed into the hospital gown when a knock on the door signaled the arrival of the doctor.

"Hello, David, my name is Dawn Ross, Dr. Dawn Ross. I'm a board certified endocrinologist as well as a board certified cosmetic surgeon, sort of the whole package required for the work that I do," she smiled reassuringly.

"Hi Doctor, pleased to meet you," I said. Dr. Ross was a strikingly attractive woman in her early 50s, I thought. Long, auburn hair, trim figure, and, although it was difficult to tell under her lab coat, what appeared to be an ample chest. Was it possible that Dr. Ross could be one of her own creations? If so, she did just as fine a job on herself as she did on her assistant.

"Let's see," she said as she reviewed the questionnaire I had filled out upon arriving. "No current or recurrent medical problems, you're taking no medications, no recent surgeries; physically, you appear to be an ideal candidate for the procedure. Let me check your blood pressure and your pulse, put this under your tongue."

I obeyed and she slipped the disposable thermometer under my tongue and continued to talk.

"As soon as we've completed the physical work up I will be able to discuss the procedure with you, its limitations and drawbacks and possible side effects. I know that my assistant Bethany has probably confirmed to your satisfaction that the process works," she smiled, "and I know that you are probably wondering whether I too am what I appear to be."

She removed the thermometer from my mouth, read the temperature and jotted the result on to her clip board.

"Well, Doctor, so far, nothing is what it appears to be so, yes, I did wonder, not that it matters. May I add, that you are an extremely attractive woman," I said.

"Thank you David, thank you very much. To answer your question, yes, I was the first person that I experimented on. I studied to become an endocrinologist for the precise reason that you see before you. When I was young, perhaps like you, I realized that I wanted and needed to be a girl. Since I had, shall we say a huge intellectual appetite to go with my forbidden desire I began researching hormone therapies used for transsexuals in hopes of finding a way to use biochemistry to achieve what I wanted at that time; a way to temporarily change my sex. This way I could live my fantasy and at the same time maintain the standing and reputation in my field that I had hoped to achieve as a man. It took nearly 12 years before I made the breakthrough that you see before you."

She removed her lab coat and began to unbutton the front of her dress.

The buttons ran all the way down the front and when she got to the last one she pulled the dress open and put her hands on her hips revealing what I had only guessed at 5 minutes before. An amazingly feminine body; she wore a black lace, front clasp bra which she undid to reveal large, full breasts. Like her assistant, she too had a small bulge in the front of her matching lace French cut bikini panties. More evidence that the process worked.

"What do you think of this?" she asked smiling.

"I'm absolutely amazed at what I've seen here today," I said as I ran my eyes over her body. "I really want to know more about your process but I need to ask you the same question that I asked Bethany..."

She stopped me with an outstretched hand.

"Let me put my clothes back on and I will answer the question that every man asks, 'I thought you said it was temporary'," she said as she redid her bra and buttoned up her dress.

I nodded my head silently.

"David, it is temporary. The process itself is temporary if you want it to be. That's why I said that 'physically' you are an excellent candidate. Psychologically, well, that's a different matter. The process itself is an injection of a concoction of different levels of female hormones in precisely the same quantities that you might find in a genetic woman of your age, ethnic make up, height, etc. The mixture also includes a testosterone suppressant and other male hormone suppressors. There is also the final ingredient, a synthetic hormone of my design, which ties all of this together and acts as an accelerator, essentially pushing you into and through puberty as a female in the space of about 12 hours. You will develop as you would have had you been born a girl and physically you will appear as you would if you had walked through my front door as a 30 year old woman.

There is some pain involved as some of your bones will shift slightly, hips, ribs, and chest, cheek bones, and jaw line. Of course, the process cannot completely overcome 30 years as a man but it comes very close. After this transformation is complete you may decide that you need a little extra help," she smiled. "That is where my training as a cosmetic surgeon comes in. We can perform some minor procedures including breast implants if you are dissatisfied with your natural attributes. These are completely reversible as well."

As she spoke, she opened the door to the examining room and led me, still dressed in the hospital gown, into her office across the hall.

"Now for the side effects," she said darkly as I sat opposite her across her desk. "The original process will last for approximately 96 hours after the changes are complete. At the end of 96 hours, the hormones will have been metabolized to the point where you will begin to go through puberty as a male once again. If you return to the office after 3 days, I can guarantee that no one outside of those that you entrust with your secret will ever know what you did. I also have an anti-serum that will speed the process but, although it is effective, it is more painful than the natural return to your former state."

"But what about the side effects," I asked.

"Other than the pain involved in the transformation, there are no side effects at this point. Psychologically however, you may realize that if this," she made a sweeping motion over her body, "is what you really, really want, three days is not enough time. Three days will never be enough time. At this point I can re-inject you with the hormone preparation but the effects will be longer lasting, approximately one week and the reversal will be slower. Each time the treatment is extended, the changes become more permanent until," she lowered her head and her voice, "there is no going back." "I had always intended," she continued, "to play both sides of the fence, as it were," she smiled ruefully. "I had two lives and I did not want to give either one of them up but I was mesmerized by what I saw in the mirror."

She stood up now and walked around to the front of the desk, leaning on it and looking down at me. Yes, I could understand that. She was incredibly attractive. Her legs went on forever in her black pumps.

"For a while, I was able to give up Dawn Ross and return to Ross

Daniels without regret but it became harder and harder to do that. I had a girlfriend whom I cared for deeply who could not come to terms with Dawn and I lost her. I lost my family and my 'respectable' practice and, although the process was a tremendous medical breakthrough, I'd lost my professional reputation as well," she paused and then looked me directly in the eye, "Although I have these regrets, I would not trade my life for anything. I love being a woman, dressing as a woman, seducing the right men, and having sex as a woman. Well," she smiled impishly, "not exactly as a woman. I have not had sex reassignment surgery and I don't plan to. I actually don't know what would happen as none of my clients have ever undergone that surgery after the process became permanent."

So there it was the final secret. Both Dr. Ross and Bethany had both for there own reasons and motivations not been able to or had not wanted to give up what they had become when they had the chance. I suppose that I wouldn't be able to make that decision until I was face to face with it either but I also knew that I had to face it, to be a woman for 3 days would be infinitely better than never at all.

"Dr. Ross, I think I can see what I'm getting into. Both you and

Bethany have something that I want very badly. If three days isn't enough then I'll have to make that decision when it presents itself.

However, I can't jump into this right now. I need to find a way to bring my wife on board with what I want to do. Oh, I'm not going to come right out and tell her, I know that wouldn't work. I have an idea but it will take some time to set up and," I paused with a smile, "I could probably stand to lose a few pounds before I have my new figure."

Dr. Ross smiled, "Good luck to you then. Call Bethany and make an appointment when you're ready. You can usually get in the next day.

Oh, and what shall we call you when you return?"

"Diana, I think you can call me Diana."

Chapter 5 -- The Execution of the Plan

The plan that I had put into action several months ago was about to come to fruition. I had lost about 30 lbs. by dieting and running, with some workouts using small weights for increasing muscle tone.

Since I wasn't really overweight to begin with, I was now somewhat underweight for a man of my height, about 5 feet, 8 inches and had been able to tone up most of my previous 30ish flab. Devin of course noticed the change but didn't really object as she had always given me a hard time for "letting myself go". She always kept herself in perfect shape by exercising and eating right and I think she felt a little smug that I seemed to have taken to her lifestyle with a vengeance.

"Honey!" Devin called from downstairs, "what time will you be home on Friday? I can't wait to spend a weekend away for a change."

"It's probably going to be later than check in time but I have an idea.

Why don't you go down to the hotel early, pamper yourself for the afternoon, they have a spa, and I'll come straight down from the city and meet you," I replied coming down to the kitchen.

"Ooo, that sounds like a good idea. You're so sweet," she said as she put her arms around my neck and planted a wet kiss on my lips. "I can't wait. Maybe we shouldn't even leave the room all weekend," she cooed.

Devin was definitely a hottie. Sometimes I did wonder why she married me and lately I had wondered if she would ever have married me if she knew my secret fantasy. She was headed off to work in a dress that didn't leave anything to the imagination; it showed a little too much cleavage and a little too much leg but somehow she was always able to pull it off. I was hoping that I'd be able to do the same. This is actually what my whole plan hinged on. Devin loved sex. She loved to do it whenever and wherever we could. Hotel elevators, car backseats, bathroom stalls, anywhere and everywhere. I couldn't keep up with her all the time so she had worn out a couple of vibrators during the last

5 years. She was definitely an exhibitionist and a thrill seeker and this part of her is what I was counting on arousing when next we laid eyes on each other. I didn't know, nor had I ever asked if she had ever been with another woman but I suspected that she had. She never missed an opportunity to comment on a female movie star's shape or boobs or how the star's ass looked in a certain type of dress and she was usually stripped of whatever clothing she was wearing soon after these observations and the subsequent conversations that we had about them. Yes, she loved to talk sex about women, but she liked to be with men. She pulled her lips off mine and rubbed my groin.

"I can't wait 'til Friday night. You know how I hate to spend the night alone," she pouted.

"If I know you, you won't be alone and there are extra "C" batteries in the back closet," I said playfully and swatted her ass. She just smiled and strutted out the door.

"I'll bring all the toys," she said still smiling.

"Don't forget to wear that new outfit I got for you," I called out the door behind her. "I want you in it when I get there. I'll be at the hotel exactly at 7 pm even if I have to skip out of the meeting early."

She nodded her head that she understood as she closed the car door and started the engine. When I was sure she had pulled out of the driveway

I ran upstairs to pack. Since I wouldn't need any of my male clothing,

I packed light. In my last phone call to Bethany she told me that there was really no way to know what my dimensions would be after the procedure so buying clothes ahead of time would likely be expensive and useless. They had enough things at the office to get me started and she and I could go shopping for a few hours on Friday morning. Not only would it help my wardrobe but it would get me acclimated to going out in public. Now there was a scary thought! What if someone knew, what if someone saw through me? Both Bethany and Dr. Ross were so completely passable that no one would ever wonder if they hadn't always been women but did the process spit them out fully formed like that or did successive treatments smooth over the rough male edges? I had to remember to ask that question before I agreed to any public displays of the new me. I threw the overnight bag over my shoulder and locked the door behind me, not sure if I would ever step foot in this house again but I had made up my mind to take what was to come and face it when the time came. No regrets. I jumped in the car, started the engine, and headed off for the turnpike and New York City.

"Hi Diana," smiled Bethany as she came around to the front of the front desk and took my hand. I must have blushed (how girlish of me) because she shook her head with a grin, "You're going to have to get used to it so you might as well start now. Come on let's go get you ready, it's going to be a long day."

Bethany led me through two doors at the end of the examining room hall and into a room off of what appeared to be a small operating theater.

There were cabinets filled with bottles and vials, refrigerators, and all of the furniture I associated with a dentist's or an oral surgeon's office. With the exception of the table in the middle of the room outfitted with restraints for wrists and ankles. As she had months earlier, Bethany turned to me and handed me a hospital gown, this one with a distinctly feminine cut.

"You know the drill," she said in her best business like tone but with the hint of a smile. "Please remove all of your clothes and put this on. The doctor will see you in a moment." This time she sat down in one of the chairs, crossed her legs, and swept her hair back from her face. "You still have some decisions to make before anything happens.

Have you thought about how you'd like to accessorize?"

I'd already thought this through a hundred times and I could recite it by heart. I was just about to go through my list when Dr. Ross came in.

"Good morning, Diana," she extended her hand warmly. "Are we ready?"

I nodded affirmatively and she went over to the desk to go over the last details before she began the process of re-creation.

"OK," said Dr. Ross, "Tell me what we're going to do for you today. I need you to be as detailed as possible."

"Well, doctor," I began, "let's start at the top. Of course I'll need hair extensions, long; I'd like my hair to be down to the middle of my back. Deep auburn tinting, Bethany." I had discovered that Bethany performed all of the styling functions for Dr. Ross and some of this monologue would be addressed to her. "As far as all of the other cosmetic details, I trust Bethany to make the right decisions for me Doctor Ross seeing how beautifully she does things for herself."

Bethany blushed and looked down.

"I guess the biggest decision is breast implants. I definitely want them; I'd like my breasts to be big." At this both Bethany and Dr. Ross grinned.

"Typical man," smiled Dr. Ross.

"I don't mean gigantic, Doctor," I said defensively.

"I'm kidding, Diana," Dr. Ross said reassuringly. "Bethany and I are not exactly flat chested." They both laughed.

"OK then," I regained my place. "38 D I suppose but I give you both permission to change that depending upon how I naturally develop. If you think smaller is better, I'll rely on your judgment. I think that I want them big, though." They grinned again.

Doctor Ross stopped me at this point. "Diana, as I told you some time ago, the process will change the way your body is distributed. You've lost a lot of weight, which is excellent, and the hormones will redistribute the remaining fat around your waist down towards your hips. I can do some light liposuction to shape you better and perhaps redistribute some of that to your rear end to make it shapelier. Bethany will do some laser depilation after the initial burst of hormones takes affect to remove as much of your male body hair as possible and she will, of course, take care of all of the necessary cosmetology. As Bethany has informed you, we have an extensive wardrobe here to get you started as we can never be sure of your exact measurements at the completion of the process. Do you have any other questions before we begin?" The doctor motioned me to lie on the table in the middle of the room and Bethany began to tighten the restraints on my ankles and wrists.

"Yes Doctor, I have two final questions for both you and Bethany," I said as I tried to get in as comfortable position as possible. "One, why the restraints, and two, you have told me that no one will be able to guess my secret unless I tell them. Did you two look the way you did after the first administration of the process or did you become more feminine with each successive treatment?"

Dr. Ross answered. "First, the restraints are for your protection. I told you that there would be pain involved and, although you will be in a chemically induced state of semi-consciousness, you may move around and we wouldn't want you to fall off of the table. Second, and I think

I speak for both of us, we both looked almost exactly as you see us today. Both Bethany and I have had additional cosmetic procedures performed but they were minor and did not really change our appearance in ways that most people can see. For instance, since I am somewhat older than both of you, I did have an eyelid lift and some work done to my neck and chin. Must keep up appearances," she smiled. "Now, be a good girl and put all of your other questions aside for the moment. I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed in what you will look like. To all outward appearances, you will be a beautiful young woman with an alluring figure and," she put her hand on my shoulder, "as for the other changes that you will experience, you will have to find out how they affect you when we are done."

As Dr. Ross was speaking, Bethany had been preparing the mixture along with several IV bags. Dr. Ross inserted the needle from one of the IVs into my left arm. Bethany then handed a full syringe to Dr. Ross.

"Now, close you eyes and count backward from 100. You will fall asleep shortly." I felt the syringe enter my right arm as I counted. I think

I got to 95 and I remembered nothing clearly after that.

Chapter 6 -- High Heels and Other Womanly Pleasures

Indistinct memories, flashes of lights, and snippets of conversation swirled around me. I had lost track of time but the pain seemed to last forever. Pain in different places, then everywhere all at once, then nothing. Slowly I realized that I was waking and I heard a voice as though from the top of a well shouting down at me. I groggily began to open my eyes and as my hearing adjusted to the new sounds I heard Bethany's voice.

"Wait just a moment there. You've had a rough time of it and I'm not quite done so keep your eyes closed and just relax." I could hear the smile in her voice so I did as I was told but now I began to use my other senses to reestablish my place in the world.

I was covered by what felt like a sheet from my neck to my waist. It lay differently on my upper body than I would have expected; it seemed to be somewhat farther away from where my chest should be. I couldn't move my hands and feet and I started to panic but then I remembered about the precautionary restraints. Bethany seemed to be sitting off to my right and I could feel her nimble hands working around my groin.

I couldn't imagine what she might be doing but her skilled touch was comforting so I enjoyed it while trying to see in my mind's eye what she might be doing. She moved my penis to the left and then to the right while moving her other hand in and around my legs and under my scrotum.

"There," she said finally. "Finished at last and none too soon. I lost track of time and should have realized that the sedative would be wearing off about now." She pulled the sheet down so that it covered my exposed lower half. She stood up went over to the sink and washed her hands and then came over and planted a kiss on me, not on my cheek as she had done before but squarely on my lips. As her tongue entered my mouth, I accepted it gratefully and kissed her back as hungrily as I could manage after not having had anything to eat for what must have been at least 24 hours.

She broke the kiss slowly and whispered, "I need to go tell Dr. Ross that you've awoken. You won't believe how well you've turned out, I've wanted to kiss you for hours but I thought it wouldn't be fair until you were back in the land of the living."

"You can kiss me like that any time," I said licking her lip stick off my lips.

My voice! My voice was higher and somewhat husky! My words came out in someone else's voice! Bethany must have been able to see the excitement on my face and said again that she would go find Dr. Ross and walked out of the room at a brisk pace, her heels clicking quickly on the tile floor.

So my voice was different and Bethany said that I wouldn't believe how

I'd turned out. So far so good, I thought. If anyone and I mean anyone could tell my secret, I was not leaving this room until the stuff wore off. I would leave my eyes closed until the last possible minute just in case.

I heard the door open again and this time two sets of stiletto heals clicked onto the tile floor and I felt Dr. Ross take my hand.

"You can open your eyes if you want to. How do you feel, probably hungry and a little sore I'd guess? We'll get you some food in a little while but I just want to check your vitals before we loosen the restraints and get you on your feet."

"I'm fine doctor, sore yes, but not so bad," I marveled at the sound of my voice!

This would have been the dead giveaway but if Dr. Ross had managed to change my voice, the process must have worked!

"Pulse is good, try to breathe as deeply as you can and hold it for about 3 seconds," she said as she placed the stethoscope on my chest, a few inches higher than she did the first time she checked my heart 3 months ago. "Your heart and chest sound good too. Are you ready to sit up and get a feel for the new you?" she asked.

I nodded my head as best I could and she and Bethany began to remove the restraints on my wrists and then my ankles. Once I was unrestrained, they each put a hand under my back and helped me to a sitting position. As I sat up the sheet began to slide down a little and, feeling the weight on my chest, I seemed to instinctively pull the sheet up to my neck and hold it there as I sat up. There was laughter from both women.

"How girlish," Bethany laughed. Yes it was I thought. I slowly lowered the sheet and looked down.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "They're beautiful and they're huge!"

Dr. Ross laughed hard at that one. "Of course they're huge! You wanted them that way. 40 D for your information. Your natural development was small so I took the liberty of giving you a little more than what you wanted at no extra charge."

I cupped them in both hands. The feeling was overwhelming! I ran my hands against the sides and stroked them down from my chest towards my nipples. They were wonderful and it felt so good to touch and caress them. I realized I had been lost in my new tits when Dr. Ross cleared her throat.

"Ahem, Diana, you'll have plenty of time for that although I must say that has been the typical reaction of all of my previous clients as well."

I know I blushed when she said this.

"Can you stand?"

"I can try," I said as I managed to move my legs off over the side of the table and slowly slid down to my feet holding on to the sheet as covering. I realized as I moved that I was in fact completely naked under that sheet.

"There, Bethany, please take Diana by the arm. She will be unsteady for a few moments."

Bethany took my arm as I stood and I almost lost my balance! The new weight on my upper body combined with a very different center of gravity in my lower body and lack of nourishment almost knocked me to the ground. I leaned hard against Bethany.

"How did you ever learn to walk in heels let alone stand up," I joked feebly.

"Don't worry, you'll get it quickly. Actually, walking in heels helps.

That's one thing they don't tell you before you wear them," said


"Bethany, let's take her across the hall into recovery 2," said Dr.

Ross as she and Bethany looped their arms under mine for support.

Recovery 2 looked like a lavishly appointed hotel room with a king size bed, plush carpets, a lighted vanity, and a conversation area. They half-dragged me over to the bed, pulled back the covers and, as gently as they could, deposited me in it.

"Oh, this feels wonderful," I whispered.

The sheets were satin and I noticed the coolness of the fabric against my now almost completely hairless body. I pulled the covers up and tried to yank the sheet I had been covered in out from under the covers but I was still too weak. Bethany leaned in and pulled while I moved back and forth until she was able to pull it out from under me.

"There, that should be more comfortable. The food is on its way and once you feel up to it, you probably ought to put some clothes on," she smiled. "I have a comfortable outfit all picked out for you so just let me know when you think you can stand up," said Bethany.

I sat up a little against the pillows and pushed the hair out of my face. "I think I need a brush and a comb and something to pull my hair back," I said weakly.

"I'll do that," offered Bethany as she moved her way over to the vanity.

"I have some other appointments that I need to keep right now," explained Dr. Ross. "Why don't you girls get acquainted and I'll be back in a couple of hours to check your vitals again, Diana. Please don't over exert yourself before then," she ordered with a grin.

"I don't think I'll be moving for a little while at least Doctor," I said.

"We'll see," smiled the Doctor as she looked over at Bethany returning with a hair brush and comb. "Look after our patient, will you dear?"

"Of course, Doctor. There's nothing I would enjoy more."

Dr. Ross left the room, closing the door quietly behind her. Bethany pushed me gently over to my side so that my back was exposed to her and began to brush out my hair. I could feel the length as she held it out towards herself and let it fall against my back again and again.

"Thanks Beth. I don't know what I'd do without you," I sighed closing my eyes thoroughly enjoying the pampering she gave me.

"No problem, Dee," she whispered as she bent down and kissed me on the back of the neck. I half rolled over and returned her kiss but she prevented me from rolling any further. "Let me know if you don't feel up to it," she whispered again while she kissed my shoulder and slid her right hand down my right hip. She maneuvered her hand down to my cock and I gave an involuntary shudder of pleasure. I could feel stirrings there but I could also feel that I was only semi-erect no matter how deftly Bethany's hand manipulated me. Although I was a little worried, I soon put the thought aside as her hand found my ass. She slid her fingers down my crack as I moved my legs apart at the approach of her fingers. She found my anus and started to rub and playfully scratch at me with her finger nails as she continued to kiss me on the back of the neck. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on what her hand was doing to me. She pulled her hand away, got up from the bed and moved back over to the vanity. I moaned soft disappointment.

"Stay right where you are," she said, "and I mean don't move a muscle."

I closed my eyes again and heard her open the drawer of the vanity. I also heard the rustle of clothing. She came back to the bed and lay behind me and I could feel her naked breasts pushing into my back. I tried to reach around to touch her but she gently and firmly grabbed my arm and pushed it back to the bed. "Since you aren't really used to it yet, I have some lubrication that should make this more enjoyable," she whispered as she squirted the K-Y out on to her hand. Bethany covered my ass crack with gel and resumed her finger movements at the opening to my rear end. She pushed a finger past my rosebud and into me. I gasped. Deeper and deeper she went until I could feel her pushing up against my insides and then she inserted a second finger moving them in and out in a steady rhythm. Although my cock still remained half erect I could feel the stirrings of an orgasm deep within my groin and hips. I pushed my ass up against her hand as much as I could and began rubbing my breasts and nipples with my right hand. Bethany picked up the pace and just as I began to feel the impending release she slowly withdrew her fingers.

"Grrrr," I exclaimed softly through clenched teeth, "Why did you stop?"

"So there was room for this," she whispered. I felt pressure against my anus again but this time something much larger than Beth's fingers entered me. I almost screamed but I bit down on the pillow. As it slid in, the pain receded and she began to move it in and out slowly.

I relaxed and let her do what she wanted to me. Just then, she flicked a switch and the vibrator began to do what it was built for. Such an exquisite feeling! The in and out motion combined with the vibration was bringing that feeling to my hips, ass, and crotch again. This time, Beth didn't stop.

"I think...I' come!" I stammered trying to catch my breath between each syllable.

And then it hit me like a freight train. One, two, three, I lost count of how many individual orgasms I had as they washed over my entire body mixing together into the most overwhelming sexual experience I had ever had. As my hips bucked more slowly now

Bethany turned off the vibrator and ceased its motion but did not remove it. I turned my head back over my shoulder to find Beth smiling down at me and our lips met hungrily, smearing her lipstick over her face as well as mine.

"Are you ready," she asked as reached for the vibrator.

"Nooo," I moaned softly. "Do you have to take it out yet?"

She moved it slowly in and out once more and then slid it out of me. A great emptiness remained.

"Scoot over a little and let me get in there with you," she said as she rolled me over on my stomach and onto my other side so I faced her.

Beth was naked except for her thong and I rubbed the bulge in it appreciatively as she felt my breasts. I looked down at my exposed cock and noticed that, except for some fluid around the tip, I had not ejaculated.

"You're all woman now," said Beth as she reached down around my cock.

"We hadn't got into some of the things that you would experience and this is one of them. It was easier to show you rather than tell you and," she kissed me again, "once I saw how hot you were, I wanted to fuck you anyway." She laughed softly as she said this.

I put my elbow on the pillow and rested my head on my hand.

"You know, I'm at quite a disadvantage here as I'm the only one who hasn't seen me yet. I think Dr. Ross even had some lust in her eyes when she left, maybe a little jealous that I wasn't losing my virginity to her?"

"Oh, I think Dr. Ross would like that," smiled Beth. "She doesn't usually get involved with her patients but she might make an exception with you. I saw the way she looked at you too. If you can stand, maybe you ought to come look in the mirror and see what everyone's gawking at and then maybe we can get you in the shower and do your hair and make up and get you dressed. Maybe we can all go out for a bite to eat if you're feeling up to it?"

"I don't know if I'm ready for that yet, Beth," I said hesitantly. "Let's get a look at me and then once I'm all fixed up, maybe, just maybe I'd be willing to go outside for a bit."

Beth took my hands in hers and pulled me across the bed and up to my feet and helped me over to the closet.

"There's a full length mirror on the inside of the closet door. You stand here and I'll open the door slowly so you get a good look. Do you want a robe or would your prefer just the full monty?" she grinned.

"I suppose I'd like a robe, show a little feminine modesty," I grinned back at her.

Beth opened the closet a little and pulled out a short, pink satin robe without a belt and handed it to me.

"I'm afraid this is as modest as we have," she said as she handed it to me. She laughed as I took it, as I'm sure my expression showed nothing but surprise.

"Come on, put it on. I can hardly wait any longer."

I slipped it over my arms and again marveled at the feeling of the satin against my hairless arms. I noticed too that my underarms were shaved clean as I pulled my hair out of the collar and let it splash against my back. I held the robe closed (it barely covered my ass and my cock poked out under the front hem) and nodded my head at Bethany. She slowly opened the door and I got my first head to toe look at the new me.

I gasped.

Staring back at me was what I would have called a Playboy Playmate.

The creature had long full reddish-brown hair and a perfectly feminine face. I could see traces of myself in the eyes and the nose looked slightly off for the rest of the face but otherwise, this was a complete stranger! The hands on the woman in the mirror slowly opened her robe to reveal an amazing pair of breasts which stood out proudly from her taut upper torso. Her hips spread out over her long legs with the only piece out of place, the little penis where a vagina should be. The woman stood on her tiptoes, turned around and lifted the robe to expose her ass; and what an ass! Shapely and round over a pair of legs that would have looked appropriate on a dancer. I almost fainted right then and there.

"What do you think?" smiled Beth as if she couldn't see, couldn't tell what I thought.

"I, I, I'm beautiful. I'm really beautiful!" I exclaimed as tears started to trickle out of the corner of my eyes.

Beth came over behind me and cupped one hand over my left breast and brought her right hand down to cover my crotch pushing her semi-erect member up against my ass crack.

"I thought you might be disappointed," she whispered as she kissed my hair and we both looked at the two beautiful women in the mirror. "The doctor thinks you might be her finest creation yet, except for me," she giggled. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up and dressed and I'll tell you some things about the new you that you don't know yet."

I had trouble pulling my eyes away from the mirror as Beth gently pulled me towards the bathroom door. We didn't actually get around to talking as she joined me in the shower and we took turns sucking on each others cocks and fingering each other. I had another overwhelming orgasm as I bent over the sink in the bathroom and I proudly returned the favor with Beth bucking her hips hard into my hand at her release.

As we dried each other off and combed each others hair I began to feel more and more at home in my new body. Every movement was a new experience and when I had to pee, I didn't even try to do it standing up. Beth went out into the main room and left me behind to blow dry my hair since this was something she thought I ought to have been capable of doing for myself. After I had done a half way decent job of drying my hair, I removed the terry cloth robe I was wearing. I caught a look at my naked self again in the mirror. The details were what I noticed first. My hair which was never long was full and down to the middle of my back. I ran my hands through it; my hands! They seemed smaller than they had, not by much, but my fingers were definitely thinner and Beth had obviously added long fake nails to my fingertips while I slept off the procedure. They were painted a deep red. I hadn't noticed this while I was bringing Bethany off 30 minutes before. I looked again at my breasts which were absolute masterpieces. Running my hands over them again reminded me how sensitive they were to the touch even with the implants in them. Below my breasts, my torso was so absolutely feminized that I would not have believed it didn't belong to someone else. The love handles that I had as a man had been rearranged so that the existing fat had moved to my hips giving them a softer, wider profile. My pelvis was definitely wider as well, the bones had shifted slightly and combined with the redistributed fat gave me a trim, hourglass shape. Next was my pubic area. This was what Bethany was working on when I woke up, I realized. The only hair left aside from the fine, almost blonde hair on my upper body was a neat, brown triangle of pubic hair surrounding my somewhat smaller penis. I was never gigantic by any stretch of the imagination but I had definitely lost an inch or two which didn't seem to bother me all that much. My primary erogenous zone had obviously shifted to what was behind my shrunken scrotum. I turned around and looked back over my shoulder in the mirror and spread my legs slightly to get a look at my rear end again. All the hair that had once been there was gone leaving a pink, exposed sweet spot. The back of my legs were firm but not muscular. I stood on my tiptoes again to get a better look at the back of my legs. The tightened muscles made them look like they went on forever. I stood now on the balls of my feet and bent over at the waist for a closer look. Yes, even my feet appeared to be somewhat smaller and more feminized. Just then the door opened and Bethany stood leaning on the door frame.

"Aren't you getting tired of admiring yourself?" she grinned. "Let's get you into some clothes so you can see what you really look like.

You're gorgeous naked but I'd like to see you in a sexy outfit. It leaves something to the imagination," she said lustfully over her shoulder as she strode over to the bed. She had already laid out some clothes for me.

"Let's get these on you and then I can do your hair and makeup. You'll have to pay attention though since you'll have to do your own pretty soon."

What had the wonderful Bethany found in the closet for my first day as a woman I wondered as I walked out into the main room?

"First, the undergarments, m'lady," she imitated a lady-in-waiting. "A satin thong with a little extra lycra in the crotch. It'll smooth you out a little in just the right way."

I slipped my feet into the black satin panties and pulled them up to my waste. My penis stuck out the side as there didn't seem to be enough fabric to cover me.

"While that is a sexy look," smiled Beth. "You'll need to do better than that to look presentable." She dropped to one knee, gave the tip a little kiss and while pulling the fabric out, pushed my penis straight down between my legs and let the fabric move back towards me.

"There, that's better. No one would know that you haven't been a girl all your life."

She was right. My crotch was now flat with a slight bulge just where a bulge would be on a genetic woman. It swelled a little as I contemplated that no one would know that I wasn't a woman even if they saw me in only a pair of panties and it was only slightly uncomfortable.

"Next we have stockings, I suppose you know how to put these on?"

I nodded my head as I took the stockings from her. They were smoke gray silk thigh highs. I sat down on the bed and careful not to let my nails start a run pulled them, one at a time, over my feet and up my calves and thighs. The black bow on the band and the seam up the back was a nice touch. I went back to the mirror to get a better look. They made my legs look even better than they were naked. I smiled and turned this way and that to take in the view from all angles.

"Where do we go from here?" I gushed.

"You hardly need a bra at the moment," Beth said as she cupped my breasts and planted a kiss on each one, "but you probably ought to wear one anyway. It'll make you feel a little bit more secure in public."

She handed me a bra that matched the fabric and color of the panties.

It clasped in front and I slid it on, pulled the cups over my breasts and fastened the clasp.

"That's a little tight on the sides," I grimaced. Bethany came over and tugged a little at the straps and it seemed to fit somewhat better.

"There, that should do it," she said admiringly. "Now your dress. A little black cocktail dress courtesy of Dr. Ross. She thought you'd look good in this so she picked it up this morning."

Beth helped me pull it over my head and down as far as it would go, which wasn't far at all.

"This barely covers my rear! Does she really expect me to go out dressed like a hooker?"

"Of course she does silly. You look like a hooker, a $5000 dollar a night hooker. You might as well dress the part." Beth had that look in her eye and if we didn't need to finish, she would have had me out of that dress and up on all fours.

"Last thing," said Beth moving back over to the closet. "You need shoes and you will not be wearing flats. You need to learn how to walk in heels and there's nothing like a crash course. It worked for me."

She knelt down and emerged from the closet with a pair of black satin pumps, 5 maybe 6 inches with a strap to go around the ankle. They had a bow in the back too.

"These match the stockings so you have to wear them. Sit down on the bed and I'll help you into these."

They fit like gloves. She secured the straps around my ankles and motioned me to stand.

"I think I'm going to need your help to get up," I said hesitantly.

"No, you need to be able to stand on your own. Put your knees together and slide your butt to the side and turn as you stand. It helps you get a little momentum."

I did as I was told and it worked pretty well. At least I was standing.

"Now walk towards me, put your toe down first and then your heel."

Again I did as I was told. I was a little shaky with the first steps but by the time I walked across the room and back I felt like I was getting the hang of it. Beth was right. My body seemed to work better with the heels on. My back was slightly arched and my ass stuck out a little bit more with the shoes on and my breasts were thrust out making them look even bigger.

"Can I really go out dressed like this? Do you really think I'll be able to pass?"

"You are a living doll, a Barbie doll to be exact. I guarantee that wherever we go tonight, a dozen men will be hitting on you and," she smiled a devilish smile, "they'll probably end up hitting each other too." Beth laughed heartily at the thought of it. "Wait until you see the affect you'll have on men. It's electric and intoxicating and somewhat scary too, especially for us. I think however" she continued thoughtfully, "that if you were with a man tonight, he would probably overlook your, um, deformity. You might want to try it."

"What!?! No, I don't think so. I've never been attracted to men and I

couldn't..." my voice trailed off.

Beth took my hand. "Look, come sit over here at the vanity while I do your makeup and your hair. Just a piece of advice for you though, you are now hormonally and to all outward appearances a female. Most females, even bisexual ones, are attracted to men so don't be surprised if you don't feel it too and," she went on "if you think my fingers and a vibrator are wonderful, wait until you get the feel of a man's cock in you. I warned you before about not wanting to go back and that's one of the hazards of the path you, and I, have taken."

Whoa, that was more than I bargained for. As Beth worked on my face I thought silently to myself. I wanted to be a woman and to be with

Devin and now I had been with Bethany although differently equipped than Devin; she was still a woman as far as I was concerned. I tried to imagine myself being kissed by a man, my old self in my mind. That was easy, that man knew who and what I was. I decided to put it out of my thoughts for the moment and if it came time to make that decision I would face it when it happened. I just didn't know if I could face it so soon.

After about 45 minutes, Bethany had my eyes lined and shadowed, my cheeks tastefully rouged, my hair in a high pony tail, my ears pierced and a necklace and matching bracelet clasped around my neck and wrist.

"Wow. It's definitely an improvement," I whispered. "I never used make up before and Devin uses very little. I didn't even realize the affect it has properly applied."

"You are now ready to meet Dr. Ross and head out on the town. Men will pay a lot of money to take you home and fuck you," she said in a mock matronly tone. "Here's a clutch with your phone, credit cards, and some extra lipstick and eye liner in it. Don't forget you have it. A few hours with it and you'll never go out without a purse again. Now let me finish getting ready and you," she pointed towards the middle of the room "practice walking in your heels and sitting like a lady. Just do the opposite of the way you stood up from the bed before. Put your knees together and turn slightly as you sit and cross your legs above the knee and for goodness sake pull your dress down as you sit. We don't need you on page six of the Post tomorrow morning."

I laughed as I walked up and down the room looking in the mirror to make sure I did things the right way. If I was going to get tripped up it would be in how I acted not how I looked.

I continued to practice walking and sitting, how I held my arms as I walked and sat, how I smoothed my dress when I sat, again and again. As

Beth did her makeup she would catch me in the mirror and dispense advice if she thought I did something out of character for a woman.

"Swing your arms a little less," she advised at one point; her 100th comment on the subject. I turned and put my hands on my hips and shot her a withering look. "That's it! That was so girly! You're getting pretty good at this, finally" she exaggerated for emphasis and we both dissolved in a bout of the giggles.

At this point there was a quiet knock on the door and Dr. Ross came through dressed to kill. Her dress matched mine although not quite as short I noticed and her heels were slightly lower but sexy all the same.

"Hello ladies. I got your message Beth and cancelled the dinner order," she said as she turned to look at me. "So Diana, are you ready to make your debut?"

I saw that look in her eye that I noticed a few hours ago as she walked around me checking out every inch of her new creation. As she made her inspection I thought I could feel the lust radiate off of her. I started to get horny all over again.

"I made reservations for 9 pm at that new place over on 15th street so we have some time before we need to leave," said Dr. Ross. "Walk for me Diana; let's see how you're doing."

I walked, no I strutted across the room pulling out my ponytail to let my hair down as I did so. I didn't need to exaggerate my movements as my new physique coupled with the high heels made my hips roll and my boobs bounce with every step. I whipped my hair around as I turned and moved back towards her, trying to imitate a runway model. I smiled lustfully and lowered my eyelids as I approached Dr. Ross.

"How am I doing Doctor," I whispered hoarsely. I could see the affect

I had on her and I wanted to see how far I could push it. I stopped 2 feet from her and put my hands on my hips.

"Wow! Well done Bethany. She's quite the little tramp," she rubbed my arm intimately as she said this.

"I didn't teach her that Dr. Ross, she was born a tramp," Beth laughed at her own joke.

"Would you like a closer look Doctor? I might need an examination before we go out. Just to make sure everything's in working order."

"Please call me Dawn tonight Diana and please remove your dress so I can get a better look at how things are progressing."

I reached down to the hem of the little black dress and pulled it up over my head taking care not to get make up on it. I shook out my hair and waited. Dawn moved closer and started to closely examine me with practiced hands. She walked around behind me letting her hands run across my stomach, my sides, and down to my hips as she lightly brushed her lips on my shoulder. Now standing behind me she cupped my breasts and unhooked the clasp of my bra and in one motion began to knead and caress my nipples. I let out a soft moan. She ran her right hand down to my panties and ran her fingers along the side of the front panel, found my semi-erect cock and freed it so that it again peaked out from the side. She stroked along the length of it with her right hand as she pulled my ass up against her own groin.

"Mmmm, what's that Doctor? Is that a dildo in your pants or are you just happy to see me?" I cooed.

"Since it's a special occasion, I thought I'd make it more special.

When I left you 2 hours ago I did something I've only done on one other occasion before. I prescribed myself a little blue pill to get the evening off on the right track."

I turned around slowly and dropped to my knees to get a closer look.

Bethany, who had been watching from the vanity now got up and came over behind Dr. Ross. She took hold of the hem of the doctor's dress and slowly inched it up over her hips so that her bulging crotch was directly in my face. I could see that the doctor's small penis was now rock hard and sticking up, the head protruding over the top of her bikini panties. I slid the panties down her legs freeing her as Beth pulled the doctor's dress up over her head, unhooked her bra, and began to fondle the doctor's nipples as she kissed the back of her neck. I wrapped my hand around the base of her cock and took her into my mouth. Although I had never given a blow job before I, like most men, new exactly what I liked and tried my best to use those movements on the woman who had given me a new life. I sucked and licked her appreciatively and while I did so, I reached around behind her to find Beth's semi-erect cock which I managed to free from her panties. I played with it and moved it up and down against Dr. Ross' ass while continuing to pleasure the doctor.

"Diana," whispered Dr. Ross. "No matter how long you do that, and you can do it as long as you like, I won't be able to come that way. All the drug did was make me hard enough to be able to use it."

I understood completely. I slid my panties down over my feet leaving me in only my stockings and shoes. I moved over to the bed and lay down on my stomach, my feet still on the floor and pushed my ass into the air. Dr. Ross picked up the tube of lubricant from the bed where

Beth and I had left it and squeezed some out into her hand. She rubbed it on her cock and then in turn on my ass, pushing one finger and now two into me as she did so. Beth came around and lay down on the bed next to me and gave me a deep, longing kiss. Our tongues moved in unison as Dr. Ross pumped her fingers in and out of my ass. She pulled them away and put her left hand flat on the middle of my back while she used her right to guide herself into me.

"Uhnnn," I moaned. She was smaller than the vibrator but I was still somewhat sore from my earlier encounters.

"Did that hurt?" she asked.

"No Doctor, um Dawn. I'm still getting used to being violated like this..."

My voice cut off and I lost my breath as she pushed all the way in to me and then began to move slowly in and out. Now I could feel what

Beth meant about having a real cock inside me. It wasn't just the penetration but the feel of my partner's hips and groin intimately connecting with my ass, her hands gripping my hips tightly and pulling and pushing as she drove into me. It didn't take long at all for the pleasure to build within me, spreading out to every corner of my body and releasing in an explosion of ecstasy. My knees gave out and I collapsed on the bed whimpering with exhaustion, the doctor collapsing on my back still inside me. We remained that way for some time, Bethany still stroking my hair and kissing my neck and shoulders and then switching over and kissing Dr. Ross passionately on the lips.

"It's been a long time since I've seen this side of you Doctor," smiled

Beth as she stroked the doctor' hair.

"I know Beth, all work and no pleasure make Dawn a dull girl. Our friend Diana seems to have brought out a part of me I'd almost forgotten, the pleasure loving woman that I used to be."

I remained lying on the bed with my eyes closed trying to recover when

Dr. Ross pulled out of me and stood up.

"Grrrr, why couldn't we have just stayed that way until I caught my breath and we could have done that again?" I moaned.

Dr. Ross chuckled. "I do believe I have created a monster! My dear, you really do need to eat some food and get some rest. You'll have the morning to shop with Bethany and then you need to get to where you're going to go tomorrow afternoon. The clock will start ticking at approximately 11 pm tonight, when the process is totally complete and then you'll need to pack a lot of living into the next 3 days."

"You mean it's not done yet?" I rolled over on my side and pushed myself up.

"No dear, that's why you're still here. Oh, you won't really feel anything different between now and 11 o'clock but chemically the process is not complete although, all of the sex you've been having may have pushed the clock forward about an hour."

She could see the puzzled look on my face and she continued with an explanation.

"Your hormones, the hormones that I gave you, take time to fully take over the subject's endocrine system. Obviously, there is a tipping point where say at 95% you are pretty much fully formed while the last

5% takes longer as the percentage goes down. Do you understand that?

Sexual activity excites the endocrine system and the metabolic process may have been speeded up for the last 5% that's all. It won't take any time off the back end," she said as she gave my ass a playful swat.

"The law of diminishing returns," I added.

"Something like that, yes," responded Dr. Ross.

Beth listened patiently to this conversation but now interjected.

"Dr. Ross, Dawn? How long does that drug you took last?" she said while staring at Dr. Ross' still erect member. "Because if you still need a place to put that, I think I'm your girl."

We all laughed at that and I brought Bethany down to her hands and knees on the bed and kissed her hard. Dr. Ross climbed over us and got up on her knees behind Beth. I squirted some of the jelly out on my hand and reached down Beth's back and deposited a glop at the top of her ass crack. The doctor took over from there and I again kissed

Beth. Beth grunted a little as the doctor entered her and I played with her tits and her hair until she exploded into her own climax.

"Now you two get cleaned up and fix your hair and make up and meet me downstairs in 15 minutes. It's time to, as the kids say, get this party started."

Dr. Ross put on a robe from the closet, picked up her clothes from the floor and closed the door leaving Beth and me alone.

"This party started hours ago," grinned Beth.

Chapter 7 -- Baby Steps

Of course it took us longer than 15 minutes to put ourselves back together and on top of that we decided to change outfits. When we met

Dr. Ross at the bottom of the stairs Beth was decked out in a skin-tight peach sun dress which reached barely half way down her thighs, white nylon anklets, and cream pumps, the whole of the outfit bringing out the blonde of her long hair which was now held back by a matching peach head band. I wore a long sleeved silk print blouse, low-cut, a black miniskirt, and the black pumps I had learned to walk in; my hair back in a high ponytail which I thought looked best with my face. Although we both considered going commando, I talked Beth out of it. Under her dress she wore no bra and the tiniest little white thong. I wore the thigh-highs and the matching black lace panties and bra that I shed wantonly 45 minutes earlier. I looked at my phone and realized it was only 8:15 pm.

"There you both are," smiled Dr. Ross. "Since I knew neither of you could be ready in 15 minutes and since I also knew that neither of you would think to look at a clock, we would still have plenty of time before dinner. Why don't you both step into my office and have a drink and we can discuss you Diana. I haven't been able to give you a complete description of what you've been through although I'm sure you are by now intimately familiar with the new you."

I blushed and Bethany grinned. That was certainly true, I thought.

Intimate was the perfect word. I had done things and had things done to me that I would never have dreamed of doing or allowing just 24 hours ago and at the moment that was just fine with me.

"Thank you, Doctor I'd like to talk, and," I continued after seeing the exasperated look on Dr. Ross' face "I don't think I'm able to comfortably call you Dawn yet so do you mind if I continue to call you

Dr. Ross?"

"A mind reader as well as a stripper! What won't she be able to do,

Bethany?" she said proudly with just a hint of mock sarcasm.

Dr. Ross led us into her office and Beth and I took seats in a conversation area on the opposite end of the room from her desk. The doctor opened a walnut cabinet which concealed a hidden bar and mixed each of us a gin and tonic.

After we had our drinks in hand she raised her glass, "To Diana, truly a fairy tale princess."

Beth squeezed my hand as we had our first sips. "Thank you both so much for everything you've done for me. I know that I'm a paying client but you've both made this so much more than a financial transaction," I said.

"It's been my pleasure and I mean that both literally and figuratively," said Beth. "I've helped many of Dr. Ross' patients through the beginning of their transitions but I haven't ever become as intimately involved the way I have with you Dee. You are definitely something special." She squeezed my hand again and took another sip of her drink. I returned the squeeze and turned to Dr. Ross to find her smiling appreciatively.

"So Doctor, I think I'd like to know all of the gory details now," and

I took a long gulp of my drink. I realized I had already become somewhat light headed for lack of food. The gin was going down easily and I hadn't been in a cautious mood for some time now.

"Well as you can see, we were able to do everything you asked of us.

Until after the first two hours of the process, you were left alone as the majority of the changes occur at that point. After that, things that we add or do to you "take" better, if you will, once the female hormones have thoroughly worked there way into your system. Bethany wove in the hair extensions and dyed them. Breast development is usually complete at about 4 hours which is when I was able to add the implants. Yours are silicone which tends to be somewhat more natural feeling than saline. At this juncture, I performed some liposuction as well, removing some of the excess fat in your waist and re-injecting it strategically into your buttocks. Normally, these cosmetic procedures take weeks to heal but in the time between the administration of the hormone cocktail and the completion of the process, the patient's physiology is in flux and the healing times are accelerated dramatically. You may or may not have noticed that there is very little to no scarring at all under your breasts."

I hadn't noticed. I unbuttoned my blouse and undid the clasp of my bra and reached under my left breast. There indeed was no scar that I could feel. I fixed my clothing and returned my attention to Dr. Ross.

She continued, "At about 9 hours, Bethany performed laser electrolysis on some of the more difficult areas and as you awoke, she was performing the finishing touches on your rear end and pubic area. And that is that."

Dr. Ross made us each a second drink as I reveled in my new found femininity. Just sitting in a comfortable chair was an exhilarating experience, the feel of stockinged leg on stockinged leg as I crossed them, the fabulous weight on my chest, the feel of my hair on the back of my neck, the sleeker torso, arms, and legs. I understood now why it was so difficult to go back. I couldn't, wouldn't force myself to think of that now. I would not disturb my contentment. Bethany stood up from her chair and came over to me and leaned in for a kiss. I put my head back and met her hungry mouth with mine; two beautiful women finding pleasure in each other.

"Oh no you don't! I'm hungry and you," Dr. Ross scolded pointing at me, "are going to pass out if you don't get some food in you."

"Later then Beth," I whispered as we broke the lip lock. "By the way, am I going to meet your man?" I asked. "He must be pretty special to keep you satisfied."

She grinned somewhat wickedly. "I already called him and told him all about you. Paul's working right now but he's going to catch up with us later... what's the matter?"

"You told him about me, about us?!!?" I stammered, frightened.

She came over and put her arm around my shoulders. "I didn't tell him everything, silly. Remember, Paul already knows and accepts what I am and I trust him with my life. Plus, he'd only be mad if I was with another man and you," she said pointedly "are not another man. I might even share him with you, if you want."

Be with a man? No, another thing I had to put out of my mind right now. I couldn't think about, wasn't ready for that I told myself but

Bethany's reassurances relaxed me. I had another large sip of my drink and that relaxed me too.

"Come on ladies, finish up. It's time to go find a cab unless you feel like walking 15 blocks in those heels!" said Dr. Ross.

Beth and I threw back our drinks, fixed our lipstick and followed Dr. Ross out into the cool night air. A few people passed us by on the street as we walked to the curb and I know a couple of the guys checked us out appreciatively from behind but the alcohol had already numbed me to caring if they knew what I was or not. From the way they looked at us though, I knew that I passed the first easy test and my confidence jumped a little as a result. Dr. Ross hailed a cab and we made it over to the restaurant quickly. As we left the car at the curb the driver rolled down his window and called out.

"If you ladies want me to wait for you I'll do it. Take you anywhere you want to go. All night long if you want!"

Bethany and I giggled. "See, Dee. I told you what they'd do."

Another test passed. Having the radiant Bethany at my side made it difficult to tell who was really getting the attention but I soon found out we both had the same affect on men, the affect that she had warned me about.

Dr. Ross obviously knew the maitre d' as he greeted her warmly and showed us to our table immediately. Luckily, it was in the darkened back corner of the restaurant, semi-secluded from the bar and the main dining area. Luckily, I say, because as we passed through the bar on our way to the table almost all conversation stopped as the business suited men having their after work drinks practically broke their necks trying to get a glimpse of Beth and me. Their stares were like lasers and I tensed up as we walked the gantlet. Low whistles, sighs, and "wow's" said in undertones followed us all the way through.

"Keep your head up, you're doing great," whispered Beth into my ear as we got to the archway at the other end of the barroom.

I could feel some sweat under my bra strap as we finally sat down.

"You weren't kidding!" I breathed out heavily after the maitre d' presented the specials. "I guess I passed another test," I panted.

"And you did it with flying colors, Diana," said Dr. Ross. "As long as you keep your head and wits about you, I guarantee that you will pass all but the closest scrutiny." She ran her hand up my thigh towards my groin. "And I do mean the closest scrutiny."

We ordered enough food for six but I ate like a bird. I seemed to be full after the appetizer but I kept on going into the main course just to offset the effects of the excellent wine which seemed to be affecting me more than usual.

"Beth, honey, I think I need to go use the ladies room. You want to come with?"

"Of course, you know we have to travel in pairs," she laughed.

We asked the waiter where the ladies room was and found that we had to make our way back through the bar one more time.

"Do you think you can do this?" Beth asked as took me by elbow.

"Stay right with me and I think I'll be able to make it. Confidence, confidence," I uttered under my breath more to myself than Beth.

"That's the spirit," she said.

Once more the din at the bar quieted as we entered the clicking of our heels louder than it should have been on the hardwood floor. Just as I thought we were free and clear a tall blonde haired man stood up and blocked our way. He swayed a little and he had the look of having had one too many Manhattans.

"Excuse me," he slurred slightly as he approached within a few inches of my face. "Don't I know you?"

I froze on the spot. I could feel Beth tug at my elbow but when I didn't move she squeezed hard. I caught a glimpse of her mouthing "confidence". I forced myself to straighten my back and looked the drunk right in the eye.

In as smooth and sarcastic a voice as I could manage I said, "No, I don't believe we've met. I think I'd clearly remember someone as 'attractive' as you."

His friends erupted in laughter although it took Mr. Smooth a few seconds longer to realize he'd just been dissed in front of his buddies.

"Hey, I only thought you looked familiar. No need to be nasty about it," he whined as Beth and I turned the corner of the bar and headed to the ladies room. "Man, the prettier they are the nastier they are around here. Bartender, gimme another one of these," he muttered.

I resisted the urge to throw out another put down though I was sorely tempted to. My annoyance subsided a little when I realized what I had done.

"You were great back there!" Beth gushed as the door to the ladies room closed behind us. "A cool customer," she said as she kissed me on the cheek and checked her make up in the mirror. I realized I was shaking from head to toe.

"Yea," I blurted out as I leaned on the sink next to Beth and looked into the mirror. "Real cool. I almost tossed my cookies right in front of all those people when he said I looked familiar." I was still shaken.

"He probably thought you looked like a model in one of those 'lad mags'. Those guys are nothing. The ones you have to worry about are the ones who actually talk to you and take the time to listen to what you have to say. Even if they've had a few they can be very charming and sometimes you end up doing something you'll regret in the morning."

The face in the mirror was still the same woman I had seen in the mirror back at Dr. Ross'; nothing had changed in the hour or so since we left the safety of her office that would have told anyone she wasn't all woman. I began to relax and Beth came around behind me and rubbed my back.

"Didn't we come here so you could pee? Finish that up and then fix your hair and your lipstick and let's get back to the table."

After we primped a little, we made our way back through the bar and I had regained my confidence and composure. I blew a kiss at Mr. Smooth and winked as we passed setting his friends off on another round of laughter. He glanced up but quickly turned his attention back to his drink. More murmuring from the guys at the other end of the bar told me that Beth and I had made another good impression.

As we approached I noticed that someone else had joined Dr. Ross at our table.

"I was about ready to send a search party after you two."

"Paul!" Beth squealed as she ran over to the fourth member of our party.

He stood up and took Beth in his arms and kissed her deeply, his hands moving down her back to her ass which he then proceeded to squeeze in full view of the other patrons. She pushed his hands away in mock indignation and we all sat back down at the table.

"Dee was just shooting down some jerk at the bar, Doctor. It was great. Dee, this is Paul."

"Please to meet you," he said as he took my outstretched hand across the table. "Beth told me all about you. Well, probably not everything since she didn't come home last night," he grinned.

"Nice to meet you too, Paul. I hope Beth didn't give you the wrong impression of me, I mean I hope she told you that I'm an upstanding citizen and a good girl," I smiled.

"Nothing bad, I assure you. How long are you in town for?"

"'Til tomorrow afternoon. I'll be gone for a couple of days but I'll be back by Monday night. Beth and I have some shopping to do tomorrow morning so I hope you won't mind if I borrow some more of her time."

"Not at all. I have to work tomorrow anyway so you have her all to yourself," he said as he poured himself a glass of wine and took a long sip.

Well, well, well, I thought. He seems decent and attractive but could

I see myself letting him have his way with me? I started to feel a little flushed at the thought of it. I think I needed some more wine.

I reached for my almost empty glass when Paul thoughtfully filled it with a smile. I smiled back. Bethany caught my eye and gave a little shrug of her shoulder as if to say, "What do you think?" I was beginning to think she could read my mind. About 30 minutes later I had dragged Beth back to the ladies room leaving Dr. Ross and Paul in deep conversation about some financial holding he was managing for her.

"I can't believe what I'm thinking!" I blurted out excitedly as we checked to make sure we were alone. "He is gorgeous. I never and I mean never got flushed in the presence of a man before. You hit the jackpot, Beth!"

"It's not a show for you, Dee. He's always like that. Kind and considerate and," she paused breathlessly, "he's really amazing in bed.

And the kitchen and the living room..." she dissolved in giggles.

"Let's get back. I think Dr. Ross is about ready to go home. She won't mind if we bring Paul back to the office."

"Would that be OK? I mean, if I'm thinking what you're thinking. You'd share?"

She took my hands in hers, "Of course I would if he's willing and," she primped her hair one last time, "I know he'd be willing. With my permission, of course."

"Of course," I said with mock seriousness. I took one last look at my lipstick and pulled and adjusted the band on my pony tail and we went back to the table to send Dr. Ross home.

Chapter 8 -- Learning to Love Men

Back at Dr. Ross' office, Dee inserted the key in the front door and

Paul and I followed her in. She turned at the bottom of the stairs to face us and slid the straps of her dress off of her shoulders and pulled the top down to reveal those gorgeous breasts of hers. Paul went to her and sucked gently on one nipple and then the other. She playfully pushed him away and motioned for me to come to her. I did so, unbuttoning my blouse and undoing the clasp on my bra as I walked.

"Honey, if you think mine are nice, get a load of these," she whispered as she moved one of his hands to her tits and the other to mine.

"Dr. Ross really outdid her self this time," marveled Paul. His hands were rougher than Beth's and yet just as gentle. I sighed as he rubbed his hands down my cleavage while manipulating Beth's the same way.

"Can we go upstairs now," I panted.

Beth giggled. "Come on." She lifted her skirt up so that her ass was exposed, the white lace thong visible in between her cheeks. Paul took my hand and we followed her back to Recovery 2. Beth's dress slid down to her feet the second she got through the door and she stepped out of it and turned to motion us over to the bed. Paul began to disrobe as he moved to the bed leaving me in the doorway. I pulled off my blouse and bra and slid my skirt down over my hips to the floor. I stepped out of it but stayed where I was as I watched Paul, now naked pull Bethany's lips to his as his hand sought out her cock. He pulled the front of her panties to one side and her exposed penis was now in his hand. He stroked and fondled it as he continued to kiss Beth hard on the lips. His lips were on her neck now as he reached around to find her ass.

"Paul, manners," she said reprovingly. He turned to the side to look at me and Beth held out her hand as I walked slowly over to her. It was then that I noticed Paul's cock, standing at attention like a missile. It seemed bigger than the vibrator but I didn't care. I wanted it and Beth immediately knew what I was thinking.

"I think that our new friend finds you attractive," she said to Paul while looking at me while I looked from her face to Paul's swollen member. "Maybe you'd like to taste it a little first?"

I nodded. Paul sat on the bed and I got down on my knees in front of him pulling my panties down to my thighs as I did so. There was no need to pretend, I'd seen that Bethany's body excited him and I let go all of my inhibitions. I leaned in and took him into my mouth using all of the same techniques that I used on Dr. Ross earlier that evening.

"Don't get carried away there," Beth scolded in a whisper. "I don't want you to waste that on the wrong end."

I looked up at her sitting on the bed and rolled my eyes unable to speak with Paul completely in my mouth. The salty taste of his cock was exhilarating and I didn't want this, my first real blow job, to end without trying to swallow him completely.

"Come on up here, Dee," whispered Beth again, "and for goodness sakes don't trip over your panties!"

I slid them down over my stockings and shoes stepping out of them all the while trying to keep Paul's cock in my mouth. We broke apart as he dragged himself completely up on the bed to lie on his back. I got back to my knees on the bed this time and took him back into my mouth. I hadn't noticed but Beth had rolled over and opened the drawer in the night table and now rubbing my lower back she insisted on having my attention again.

"Now what!" I hissed at her which I immediately regretted. I reached out and caressed her shoulder. "I'm sorry but I'm a little worked up and you keep interrupting."

She was practically laughing at me. "I'm sorry but I thought you might need a couple of things so..." and she held out the contents of her hands. In one hand was a brand new tube of lubricant, which I would definitely need, and in the other...

"Opera gloves!" I whispered excitedly. Long, skin tight, black satin gloves. Beth helped me slide them over my hands and up my arms where they ended in mid-bicep.

"Now you look like the little cartoon in Playboy," said Paul while watching me and Beth with great interest.

I held out my hands and stretched my fingers to get a better feel. I had always wanted a pair of these and now I had them! I kissed Beth deeply on the lips and grabbed her breasts with my gloved hands.

"Gotta go," I said quickly. I turned back to Paul and began to rub his shaft and leaned in to take him to my mouth again. With my ass in the air Bethany began to apply the lubricant to my most intimate area, filling me with one, two, and now three of her fingers. My breath caught as she moved slowly in and out of me.

"I think you're as ready as you're gonna be, now get on top," she ordered.

I did as I was told and spread my legs wide while inching over Paul's midsection on my knees, the tip of his penis rubbing mine as I passed over him. Now it was sliding against the inside of my thighs and now pushing up against my "pussy". I reached between my legs, grabbed his cock, and rubbed it against the lubricant spread between my cheeks until it slid easily against my skin. Beth played with my hair and kissed my shoulders but pointedly refused to help me probably thinking that here was another womanly act that I needed to learn for myself. With that thought in the front of my mind I held Paul's dick straight up and began to inch my ass down over it.

"Uhnnn," I moaned in low tones. It hurt but I knew what pleasure awaited the completion of this act so I pushed on slowly. Paul held my hips and continued to look up at me fascinated but said nothing. Once or twice I caught him smiling over my shoulder. He was almost all the way in now and I ground my butt into his hips for the last few inches and then I was full. I slowly started to push myself up his shaft again and as the pain began to lessen I began to move deliberately up and down, up and down; picking up my pace and now slowing; squeezing him with my sphincter muscles and now letting go. As Paul drew nearer and nearer to release, I felt him grow inside of me which in turn brought me closer to orgasm, each of us pushing the other to the edge. His breath started to shorten as his muscles tightened and he shot his load into me with a grunt. As I felt the spurt drive up inside me I started to buck hard driving his cock harder and deeper into me and then I exploded. I put my arms out behind me for support and then I fell over forward my head coming to rest on Paul's chest his dick still deep inside me. He put his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I looked up and kissed him deeply.

"Thank you for that," I said simply.

"You're welcome," he replied.

"And thank you for sharing Beth," I said as I reached out behind me for her, her hand finding mine with a reassuring squeeze. She came around and lay next to Paul kissing me and then him in turn. It seemed to be my turn to share so reluctantly I let Paul's cock slide out of me, got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom. Before I went in I saw Beth throw her leg over him to sit on his stomach. His cock began to stand up again as she slid her ass down to meet it. I went in to the bathroom and closed the door behind me leaving the lovers to their private moment.

I turned on the light and pulled the band out of my now somewhat askew pony tail letting my hair fall down over my shoulders, back, and breasts. With one hand I supported myself as I leaned on the sink, with the other I pushed my hair up out of my face and looked at the woman in the mirror. I reached out for a tissue when I realized Paul's come was dripping down the back of my legs and the inside of my thighs. I wiped myself off and came back to the mirror.

"Now you've done it," I said to myself. "You've deliberately made this as difficult as possible."

No matter what the next few days with Devin were like, how she reacted to what I'd become, and ultimately on which path my future lie I could not deny what had just happened. I had just had sex with a man for the first time and there was no doubt that it was the most pleasurable experience that I had ever had even counting the previous 24 hours with Bethany and Dr. Ross. There was no denying now that the woman that I had become wanted a man inside her. I was definitely bisexual since Beth turned me on just as much but in a different way, softer and more intimate, but there was no duplicating the raw sexual power of a man and I felt like I had to have more of it. I stood up straight and looked again at the woman in the mirror; at her gorgeous body, definitely a Barbie doll and finally able to dress in the clothes she had always felt born to wear. I laughed softly at that thought as I wasn't sure if gloves, stockings, and high heeled shoes actually qualified as clothes. I must have been standing in there in a half-daze for some time and I jumped at the soft knock on the door. Beth let herself in.

"I need to pee," she said as she hurried over to the toilet and sat down. "So, what do you think of Paul?"

We both dissolved in giggles and laughter.

I got as serious as I could. "Thanks Beth, you knew that I needed to know what waited out there for me and you had the perfect solution. I get the feeling that you don't ever want to lose your new friend Dee, do you?"

"Of course I don't. I told you this afternoon that I've never become as intimately involved with one of Dr. Ross' patients as I had with you. It was a poor choice of words. I have never become intimately involved with any of Dr. Ross' patients, period. I have assisted her with each and every one of them since I began working here three years ago but you are the first one who had this affect on me. But I think I knew that I would feel this way the first time you came to the office, the first time we met. I knew that you wanted the same thing I did and I think," she hesitated, "I mean I hoped that you want it for longer than three days. That is your choice of course." She grabbed some toilet paper reached down between her legs, wiped herself and then stood facing me completely naked with her hands on her hips.

"If you go back we can never see each other again you know," she said seriously but continued in a gently mocking tone, "and then you'll know you're really a tramp after all; just a one night stand."

I smiled a little at the thought. "Let's not talk about this now. I need some sleep and we have a lot more living to pack into tomorrow morning," I paused and moved to kiss her.

Our lips met hungrily.

"We'll see what happens."

That was the best that I could do right now. She nodded and took my hand and led me back to bed. I sat down and undid the straps of my shoes and slid them off. My feet felt like they didn't belong on me when I stood again after walking in heels all night long.

"You want a nightie? There are some in the dresser," Beth asked as she snuggled in close to Paul.

"No, I think I'll sleep in what I have on. If this isn't a dream, I'll be able to feel it immediately when I wake up."

I climbed over the two of them and into the far side of the bed. I lay awake for who knows how long taking in the feel of my body and the strange and wonderful feeling of it against the satin of the sheets.

Eventually I must have fallen asleep but it was fitful, full of dreams of running from something or someone. I was in heels which made it harder to get away from whatever demon was chasing me. I woke once and sat up quickly to find Paul and Beth fast asleep on my right. I was still wearing the gloves and stockings.

"Not a dream so far," I groggily thought and rolled back over again.

Chapter 9 -- The Shopping Spree or Making New Friends

"Dee? Dee? Wake up or you'll miss the whole day."

I opened my eyes and felt Beth pushing my shoulder in lightly. I opened my eyes a crack and tried to take in my surroundings using my other senses. I put my hands together, the gloves were still there. I stretched my arms out and then reached for my chest to feel my boobs. Check. I could already feel the stockings still covering my legs. It was not a dream after all. I rolled over to face Beth now.

"G'morning," I whispered hoarsely. "What time is it?"

"It's almost 8 o'clock sleepy head. Get yourself up. I've got a leotard and some tights for you. I think that we need to get a little exercise before we head out and Dr. Ross has a couple of stair machines and an exercise bike downstairs. She won't be in 'til 9 so we should be able to get about a half hour in and then we can shower and have breakfast out."

I rolled all the way over now to see Beth already dressed for a workout. She had on a black and white striped body suit and white tights. Her hair was up in a pony tail and she wore a head band and wrist bands that matched her leotard. I looked down at her feet. She had on four inch slip on sandals.

"Do you work out in those?" I asked laughing.

"No silly, but I do wear them at all times other than when I exercise.

I like to think of it as exercise for my calves and feet. Anyway, I already told you I feel more comfortable in heels now than in flats."

After last night I could see what she meant. I had started to walk on my toes when I wasn't wearing shoes which I did again as I got up and walked over to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth.

"I left the outfit in there," she called as I closed the door. "I'll meet you downstairs in 5 minutes."

I heard her heels click across the floor and then the thump of a door closing. I sat down to pee and my eyes found the work out outfit on the top of the hamper. I laughed. It was a hot pink spandex body suit. There was a sports bra, a pair of white tights and a matching white scrunchy and head band. Figures that Beth would make it pink and a pink that was as noticeable as possible. I finished my business, brushed my teeth and peeled off the gloves and stockings from the night before. I pulled on the tights and bra and then slid the leg holes of the leotard over my feet and pulled it up to put my arms through. It barely contained my chest and I had to reach under my left breast and then my right to pull them in securely so they didn't fall out over the low cut of the body suit. I pulled my hair up in a high pony tail and donned the head band. I was brushing my teeth when I caught a glimpse of my crotch in the mirror.

"Well that's a little noticeable!" I thought. My semi-erect penis was sticking up and off to the side. Just putting these clothes on and doing my hair made me so aware of my body that I was starting to get horny again. I reached in through the leg hole and down inside the tights to try to rearrange myself but it was to no avail. Since I figured that no one would be around except for Beth, I left myself as I was, left the bathroom and made my way over to the exit of Recovery 2.

Just as I opened the door, I caught sight of another pair of the same heels Beth was wearing neatly arranged next to the door. This couldn't be a coincidence so I slipped them on. My size. Beth thought of everything. I closed the door behind me as I strutted to the top of the steps.

"My, my but you are delicious this morning," a man's voice rang out as

I approached the stairs. I froze and looked over the top of the banister.

"Paul's leaving and I told him to stay so he could have a look at you in the daylight," laughed Beth.

I relaxed and walked down the stairs like Miss America.

"Let me get a better look at you," said Paul admiringly. I must admit the sound of his voice made me feel pretty good.

I touched the last step and stopped put my hands on my hips and turned around. Paul let out a low whistle.

"Dee, if you need to hear it from a man, you are absolutely gorgeous.

After I caught my first glimpse of you last night I thought Beth might be putting me on; that there was no way you weren't born a woman. No one will ever know, I assure you. Unless you go down to the coffee shop in that outfit," he said playfully.

I looked down at my crotch again, which seemed completely out of place with the rest of me.

"I'll have to come up with something to fix that but right now I don't have anything to hide from either of you so," I tossed my head and put my hands on my hips and said emphatically, "I don't think I care."

They laughed. Beth and I both kissed Paul and he walked out the door with a wave.

"Come on, let's get to the exercise room and get this over with," said

Beth taking my hand and pulling me down a hall off the entry foyer. "I see you found the shoes."

"I knew that had to be you," I laughed. "It feels better to wear them rather than try to move these around," I cupped my breasts, "on flat feet."

Beth laughed and we proceeded to work up a sweat before breakfast telling ourselves that we had to maintain our figures for Paul and for each other.

We showered together (engaging in some groping and kissing while we did so), dressed and did our hair and make up before Dr. Ross made it in for the day. Bethany had already decided what we would wear before we went into the shower. She had picked out outfits that matched in a mirrored sort of way. Since I had the darker complexion and dark hair,

Beth insisted that I wear a clingy, off-white cotton sleeveless sweater dress with smoke-gray thigh highs and off-white pumps while underneath

I had a matching white lace bra and white lace thong with the extra Lycra in the front panel. She wore a black bra and thong of the same material, a dark gray silk dress of a similar cut with nude stockings and black pumps which accentuated her light skin tone and blonde hair. We both wore our hair in high pony tails. Our necklaces, bracelets and matched and she carried a white purse while I carried the black one from the night before. I realized that the two of us were bound to attract a ton of attention dressed like this. She seemed to sense my tenseness so just before leaving Beth opened the closet door to expose the full length mirror once more.

"Come over here and take one last look before we go out. If you still need a shot of confidence, I think this will give it to you."

We stood together once again looking at our reflections, this time completely clothed. Returning our gaze from the mirror were two well appointed, gorgeous New York City women dressed to the nines for a day out. No, I thought, even I would never suspect that these ladies weren't what they seemed. Remembering what Dr. Ross had said about the process not being complete until 10 or 11 o'clock last night, I tried to find something in my appearance that might have changed since leaving for dinner last night that I hadn't noticed during my bathroom soul searching in the wee hours. I thought my hair was thicker and slightly longer than it had been yesterday afternoon and maybe my shoulders were a little rounder and smoother but nothing drastic. I realized that Beth had her hand on my ass rubbing it lovingly.

"I know we have a lot to do this morning but we need to find a few alone moments before you leave, Dee. Maybe in a dressing room somewhere," she smiled devilishly.

"Don't they have security cameras in those now?" I asked.

"So someone gets a hot show," she waved her hand indifferently. "Come on, we need to see Dr. Ross before we go." We left Recovery 2 and made our way to Dr. Ross' office to let her know we were going out and I promised to stop by later in the afternoon before I left to meet Devin.

"Where to first?" I asked as we finished our breakfast.

"Well, there are two places that we have to get to before we're done but I think we ought to head to midtown first, maybe somewhere over on

Madison Ave.," she said.

We took a cab to midtown. The cabbie was again appreciative of our appearance and almost side swiped a bus and another cab as he turned his head to chat as well as look us up and down while he drove. We eventually made it in one piece and hit the stores. I tried on dresses, blouses, skirts of all lengths, slacks, and even a suit. Beth helped me in and out of my clothes and cast harsh judgment on everything I tried on. Eventually, I had a pretty good collection of different styles of clothing; more than I would need for 3 days. We piled into a cab for the return trip downtown and Beth gave the driver an address to head to. When we pulled up in front of the store and I saw the sign I knew why Beth wanted to come here.

"Franca's? I know you won't be able to keep your hands to yourself in here," I laughed as we exited the cab. "I want to try on everything and I want you to get yourself some things too. My treat."

Franca's was well known for trashy lingerie, leather, revealing dresses, etc. Essentially everything you ever needed to be a stripper which at the moment was our kind of store. It was also the perfect place to get the one very specific thing that I absolutely had to have but I didn't want to ruin the surprise for Beth so I didn't let on what

I had in mind.

As we entered heads turned but I had started to be accustomed to the attention and much less anxious that it may have been for the wrong reason. Beth grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the PVC department.

PVC didn't really interest me but I went along for the ride craning my neck in all directions in order to find the sections of the store that

I didn't want to miss. I left Beth while she tried on a pair of red thigh high PVC boots to head off to the lingerie section.

"They look great on you, honey, but I want to go over there. I'll grab some things and meet up with you at the dressing rooms in 20 minutes."

Although everything in the store could have been considered a form of lingerie, the department with that name was through an archway in the very back of the store. As I passed through it I felt my heart rate increase. Finally, after all these years I could shop in this department in this store for the things that I wanted without looking over my shoulder or being afraid of being spotted and marked. I went through all the aisles collecting all sorts of racy things, some practical, some meant to be removed by a lover 2 seconds after they were revealed. I turned at the end of the teddy aisle to find myself where I wanted to be.

"May I help you ma'am?" nervously asked an attractive young clerk obviously dressed in some of Franca's fashions. She looked flushed.

"I'm looking for a cat suit," I replied. "Lace or spandex, maybe both.

Is this your entire selection," I added as I looked toward the aisle.

"Um, yes it is. If you'll follow me, I'll be able to help you find your size and the style that interests you most. Ma'am," she stopped, her voice dropping in volume and smiling nervously, "I think you'll look spectacular in one and I can't wait to see how it looks on you."

"Thank you, uh, I didn't catch you name."

"Sara, Sara Dimmons."

"I'm Diana, um," I paused realizing that I hadn't given myself a last name. "Davis, Diana Davis," I stammered, "but everyone calls me Dee."

"I apologize in advance if what I'm about to say offends you Dee," Sara continued, "but would you by any chance happen to be..."

Anxiety started to build, how could she know? I could hear myself saying. Calm down, take it easy, I thought. Confidence.

"" Sara finished smiling nervously.

Whew. "Well I don't know if I'm gay as I seem to like both men and women equally. I suppose you can chalk me up as bi, Sara, depends on my mood. Why do you ask?"

I've been watching you since you came into the store and, I'm sorry but

I've never felt like this before and I didn't want to let the moment go. I'm not usually so forward with anybody." Sara was definitely blushing now as if she was horrified at the dawning realization of what she was saying and was trying to find a way to take it back.

I reached out and squeezed her upper arm. "Thank you, Sara, that's about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." She visibly relaxed. "I am married, to a woman by the way and I'm here with a girlfriend so I'm not sure if that would work. Let's look at these pretty things here and pick some out to try on and I'll introduce you to my girlfriend Beth."

Sara looked slightly crestfallen since I seemed to be attached to more than one woman already but as we dug into the products in the aisle she became more animated as she we discussed the relative merits of this fabric or that, shaping qualities, cuts, snap crotch or crotchless, etc. Once I had picked out three body stockings to try on, we made our way to the dressing rooms where Beth waited in the red thigh high boots she was trying on when we separated.

"There you are! I really want these Dee. I know you don't like PVC but if you tried these on you might change your mind. Who's your good looking friend?" asked Beth noticing Sara for the first time. Obviously Sara had not expected Beth to look this good too and I noticed she blushed scarlet.

"Beth, allow me to introduce you to Sara. Sara, Beth. She already made a pass at me Bethany so you'd better watch yourself," I grinned as

I looked at the side of Sara's now beet-red face and Beth let out a hearty chuckle.

"Nice to meet you Sara. Dee and I share everything," Beth grinned at me, "so be prepared. What do you think of these boots?"

"Um, they're great," stammered Sara hesitantly.

"Well I think so even if Dee doesn't. Now I've got to find a matching dress." Beth strutted back to the PVC department leaving me alone with


"Wow, she's feisty," said Sara.

"Yea, she's a doll. I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like her before. Now, let me take those from you. I can't wait to try these on!"

I took all of the things from Sara and went into the dressing room and closed the door. Before I undressed, I took another look at myself in the full length mirror on the back of the door just to assure myself once more that not a thing was out of place. As I pulled my dress over my head and undid my bra I thought about Sara. I could feel the sexual tension that she exuded but I wasn't sure how I could relieve her without revealing my secret. I wasn't ready to let someone else in just yet but I was horny and she was hot and I knew that these outfits on me would likely catalyze something. I stepped out of my shoes and slid my stockings down over my feet and chose first a stretch lace body stocking with a snap crotch. I left the thong in place and, although it wouldn't look as good as it would without the panties, I thought maybe I could let Sara see me as I would be well tucked away. I heard Beth return to the dressing room area and from her animated conversation with Sara I knew that she came back with more than one thing to try on. I heard the thump of a door closing and knew that

Beth was in her element. I slid the body stocking up over my legs and pulled it up my over my hips and wiggled my way into it, smoothing it and tucking in my boobs. I took a look in the mirror. It looked pretty good but the panty lines took some of the oomph away. I heard Beth's dressing room door open and close quickly as I turned to see how my butt looked. I made sure that my crotch looked womanly, slipped my pumps back on and opened the door to find Sara. She stood apparently deep in thought holding a black PVC dress outside of the dressing room next door.

"Hey there, what do you think of this?" I asked. I put my hands on my hips and turned this way and that to give Sara a better look at all angles. She looked up slowly suddenly realizing I was there.

"What, oh, wow that looks great! I think you have to lose the thong though, it messes up the whole look," she finally said.

"Oh I know but you know how stores are about trying on under things. I didn't want to have to buy it if I didn't like it."

"Why don't you try the crotchless one on then? I don't think there would be any harm to the fabric that way," she said with a slight smile apparently still deep in thought.

"OK, I'll try that one. But do you think this one's an option?" I asked.

"Definitely, you look great in it but I think you ought to try the other ones before you decide on one of them."

I returned to the dressing room and peeled off the first one and held the crotchless one up for a closer inspection. It was black spandex, off the shoulder, with a v-opening down the front which could be tied with 3 white lace ribbons. It had long sleeves which went over the hands, sort of like having gloves built in. It was definitely revealing as the opening in the crotch went completely from front to back which meant it would be impossible for me to let Sara see me in this. The head of my cock stuck down below the front of the opening. I wriggled into the rest of it and tied up the ribbons. My breasts strained against the spandex and, forced together by the fabric, presented deep cleavage through the lace ribbons. I definitely wanted this one and I thought that Beth should probably have a look at it. I slipped my pumps back on and turned again in the mirror to get a good look at my behind which looked pretty good. I opened the door a crack to see if

Sara could get Beth's attention but Sara was right there.

"Can I see?" asked Sara trying to get a look at me through the crack in the door.

"Just a second, can you see if Beth is available first? I really'd like her opinion on this."

"She went back out into the store to find some more things. Come on, lemme see," she insisted and pushed at the door.

Uh-oh. I couldn't just push her away (I didn't want to) but I couldn't let her see either. What could I do? A small fire of panic started in the pit of my stomach. I decided to play it as cool as I could.

"OK, what do you think?"

I stood with my back to her and turned at my waist to give her a profile view as I smiled back over my shoulder.

"Turn around, I'd like to see how it fits in the front," she said slowly.

I put my head down a little and turned the other way pretending that I hadn't heard what she said. The next thing I knew Sara had closed the door and moved towards me, putting her hand on my ass and rubbing it slowly. She reached around to my chest, stuck her hand through the ribbons and whispered in my ear.

"Are you like Beth?" she asked.

"What, what do you mean?" I stammered.

"I was handing her an outfit and I saw something that I suppose that she didn't intend for me to see although I don't know if she knew that

I saw her."

The panic started to become real now and I tensed up completely and grabbed her wrist with my spandex covered hand. Sara continued to whisper as she rubbed my ass, now moving her hand into the opening and running her finger down the crack and over my most intimate area.

"Are you a shemale?" She didn't seem shocked but turned on and she pushed her hand back towards my breasts.

Not having anywhere to run to or anything to hide behind I began to undo the ribbons on the front of the body stocking. When I had undone the last one I pulled the front open so that my breasts were totally exposed. I turned to face Sara.

"Yes, I suppose you could call me that." I was actually relived as she kissed me deeply and ran her hand down to find my now semi-erect member.

"Does this work?"

"No, honey, not like it used to. I'm a woman now so it's not that big a deal. I get my pleasure in, um, other areas," I whispered and shuddered as she took one of my breasts into her mouth and ran her hand between my legs to my cherry. I sat on the dressing room bench and pulled her with me and she moved down to take my penis in her mouth. I reached for my purse and pulled out a small emergency tube of lubricant, pulled her hand up and squirted some onto her fingers. She needed no further direction as she spread my legs and started to rub the lubricant between my cheeks and into my "pussy". She had one hand on my boobs and her mouth on my cock as she drove her fingers into me deeply. I stroked her hair as she pumped her hand in and out of me as

I could feel my orgasm build. She deftly slowed her motions from time to time, removing a finger, now returning it; her hands were expert and with each change the release was delayed but soon built higher than it was before. Finally, I couldn't hold on and grabbed the back of Sara's head pushing her tightly into my groin as I exploded with release.

"Wow," I whispered hoarsely. "You're pretty good at that. You sure you haven't been with a girl like me before?"

She slowly removed herself from me, stood up, smiled and pulled up her dress. I dropped to my knees, pulled aside her lace panties and hungrily found her pussy with my mouth. She was already dripping wet and I needed no lubrication to ease my fingers into her vagina. We traded places and now she sat on the dressing room bench as I licked and sucked her labia and clitoris. I slowly pushed one finger into her ass and my thumb into her vulva as I continued to work on her with my tongue. In short order she too erupted into a series of orgasms, her body shaking from head to toe. She grabbed the back of my head and held my lips tight against her until she was completely done and then pushed me away as she giggled.

"That tickles, you can stop now," she exhaled.

I kissed her pussy a few more times and licked my lips. I'd forgotten what a real woman tasted like and I realized that I still thoroughly enjoyed dispensing that kind of pleasure. Now she leaned in to kiss me hard on the lips as I remained on my knees in front of her.

"I think," she said quietly, "that you need to be fucked and I know just the girl to do it. Wait here, I'll be right back."

Sara got up, straightened her dress and checked herself in the mirror.

She smiled over her shoulder as she left the dressing room. I got to my feet wondering exactly what she meant but also completely willing to let her do whatever she wanted to me. She was back in a couple of minutes and softly knocked at the door before she entered. In her hands was a harness which held a 7 inch dildo backed by what looked like another shorter dildo which turned up sharply.

"Have you ever seen one of these?" she whispered. "It's a strap-on, the very best."

I watched intently as she dropped her panties to the floor, stepped out of them and pulled the harness up her legs. She pulled slowly for the last few inches as the smaller of the dildoes entered her and she let out a deep breath when it was all the way in. I didn't need to be told what to do next as I turned around and bent over, placing my elbows on the bench and sticking my ass in the air. Sara took some more lubricant and worked it into me, coating her "cock" as well. I felt the by now familiar pressure as she pushed into me but, with my recent experiences, less pain this time. She drove slowly in until she could go no further and then worked expertly in and out her hands gripping my hips tightly. As she pumped me she was also bringing herself to the brink of ecstasy and we both started panting and moaning loudly at the same time and finally each of us came in waves, her nails digging into my hips adding an extra pleasure. She pulled out of me leaving the familiar emptiness.

"You come like a woman," she said as she slid the harness down her legs again.

"One advantage of my transformation," I said as I slid the body stocking off leaving me completely naked. "I don't know what it's like for others but I seem to be completely female except for the obvious."

Sara smiled at me wonderingly. "I don't know how you did it but whoever was responsible for what you are now is some sort of genius. I suppose your friend Beth is the same way? I don't think she knows that

I saw her when she was in the changing room but I think she's pretty hot too."

"Bethany is wonderful and she's as much of woman as I am. It's a pretty complicated story and I'm not sure that you'd believe half of it but, here I am." I began to redress in my own clothes. "I'll take this outfit and I'll have that too," I said pointing at the harness with a smile. "I know that can be put to good use."

Sara took the outfit and the harness, kissed me and left to ring up the charges. "Ring up whatever Beth wants too. She deserves whatever presents I can buy her," I called as she closed the door.

As we left the store to grab a cab Beth noted that I'd been in the dressing room a long time.

"Time well spent," I grinned. "That Sara is an awfully nice girl and she showed me some interesting things, girly things."

"I thought she might have. No problem then?" Beth asked.

"No problem at all," I responded.

Chapter 10 -- A Tearful Au Revoir

We returned to Dr. Ross' office weighed down with bags and boxes acquired during our shopping spree. Interestingly, no one ever questioned the name on my credit card at any of our stops. Dr. Ross heard the commotion and stepped out of her office into the front hallway before we made it to the stairs.

"A successful day, Ladies?" she asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Dee made a new friend at Frederick's," blurted out Beth. "She was cute too and I'm jealous." She smiled as she said it and gave me a playful push. "I actually am interested in hearing how that happened.

I didn't think you had it in you."

"Mind your own business," I teased. "It was thanks to you if you really want to know." Beth cocked her head questioningly. I continued, pretending not to notice. "She liked you too but you were too busy playing with clothes to notice."

"Girls, girls," said Dr. Ross waving her hands. "I don't want to hear about it. How do you feel today, Dee?"

"Wonderful, Doctor. I'm really starting to get used to everything, the looks and stares. I've been inspected pretty closely and I think I've passed all of the tests."

"Good to hear but I meant physically," she said.

"Oh, great. Yeah, I'm fine."

"I'm filling out your discharge papers right now and you should be able to be on your way in a couple of hours. Is that enough time to pack up?"

"I'll miss you both terribly," I said soberly. "I'll be ready. Plus it's only for a couple of days and at least," I paused, "I'll see you once more."

Beth shook her head seemingly to push the thought of me leaving and never coming back out of her head and forced herself to brighten up.

"Come on, I got you a couple of presents that you don't know about yet and I want to give them to you," she said as she headed for the stairs.

Intrigued, I followed as Dr. Ross returned to her office. As we entered Recovery 2, Beth dropped her bags to the floor and grabbed me as I followed her in the door. She started to kiss me and closed the door behind me with her foot. I could feel tears falling on my cheeks as she desperately drove her tongue into my mouth. I gently pushed her away.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I still don't know for sure how this is all going to turn out and I don't want to lose you now that I've found you!" she sobbed.

I hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. I was starting to tear up (must be the hormones) and I was having trouble forcing myself not to breakdown as well.

"Come on honey, stop that. We still have a few hours' together, uninhibited hours to not worry about the future. Your make up is running and I want to see my presents," I said trying to brace myself as much as Beth.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you're right," she sniffled walking over to the night stand and grabbing a tissue. "I'll try to save my crying for later.

See the pink bag on the floor? Open that one up first, you're going to love it."

She sat down on the bed still wiping her eyes and I bent down, picked up the bag and opened it.

"What? A corset and matching stockings and shoes! Oh, Beth, its' beautiful! Thank you!"

It was beautiful indeed and there was more. It was a boned corset in white with sequins and garters and matching white stretch lace opera gloves. The stockings matched the corset; white with seams up the back and tiny sequins sprinkled liberally all over them. The shoes were lace up ankle high boots with a 5 inch heel. There was also the tiniest white thong included in the bag. I wanted to try it on at once but she insisted I open the other bag before I tried on the outfit. The other bag was smaller and contained a box of perfume, a scent that I had long loved on other women. I must have mentioned it when we were shopping.

"I wanted to get you two things that we didn't have here," she said.

"The corset will help shape you and it will look wonderful with your skin and hair and the perfume is the finishing touch. I'm sorry I didn't think to bring any with me the other day."

"They're wonderful. Thank you so much!" I gushed. "Now can I try this on?"

"Go, you little tramp," she grinned. "I still have one more present for you but you have to wait for that until you get back."

I walked slowly over to Beth still sitting on the bed and kissed her deeply.

"Don't move a muscle," I grinned repeating her line from yesterday.

"I'll be right back."

I twirled on the spot and shook my ass a little more than usual as I strutted into the bathroom and threw her another kiss as I closed the door.

I closed the bathroom door and stripped down to nothing and proceeded to put myself back together with Beth's presents. First I fastened the corset around my middle as best as I could. I couldn't get all of the hooks connected and the laces had to be pulled by someone else to get that perfect hour glass shape. Next I slid on the stockings and attached them to the garters on the corset. I slipped the thong up over the tops of the stockings and pulled the waist band over my hips. When I say it was tiny I mean that it didn't cover me at all, my again semi-erect penis sticking out from under the side. I tried to rearrange myself but it was no use and I left it as it was. I pulled on the boots and laced them up. I then sprayed the perfume around my neck, on my tits, and lastly on my wrists which I rubbed together as I had seen Devin do from time to time. Lastly I pulled up the stretch lace gloves. I shook out my hair and gave myself a once over in the mirror.

"Whoa, that's pretty hot," I thought to myself.

I emerged from the bathroom to find Beth, whom I had imagined getting into an outfit like mine or at least stripping to her panties, still sitting on the bed fully clothed. I raised my eyebrows at the sight of it but Beth didn't see; she was staring at me from the neck down.

"Oh my, did I buy the right thing!" she exclaimed.

She stood up and walked slowly around behind me dragging her hands across my chest as she did so. When she was no longer in my sight, I could feel her take the laces of the corset in her hands.

"Suck in a really deep breath, let it out and I'll pull the laces tight."

I did as I was told and took as big a breath as I could manage and then let it out. Beth yanked the first ribbon as tight as she possibly could, almost knocking the wind out of me. There were two more ribbons on which Beth performed the same task and it was finished. The dull achy pain in my ribs felt like the pain dished out by a dentist.

"There," she said finally. "You're done."

She walked over to the closet door and opened it once again to reveal the full length mirror. Yes this was something. My breasts stuck out over the top of the corset like enormous melons. The outfit was spectacular.

"Thank you so much," I started to break down, "you've been so kind and

I really haven't deserved it."

"Of course you have," said Beth matter of factly.

"Now where is this other present that you speak of," I grinned with my hands on my hips.

Beth walked back over to the bed and let her hair down. She turned her back to me, grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head.

She unclasped the bra and let it fall to the floor. She crossed her arms over her chest and slowly turned to face me. I looked at her face, her chest and down towards her hips and...

"What's that," I asked excitedly.

"That, Dee, is my third present."

The head of Beth's cock stuck out over the top of the triangle of satin and it looked like it was rock hard. I went to her and dropped to my knees and pulled her panties down around her ankles. I reached out and put both hands around the base of her cock and slowly took it into my mouth. I then proceeded to lick and suck her with all of my energy.

Beth whispered, "I borrowed a couple of those little blue pills from

Dr. Ross and I took one when we were leaving Frederick's. Dee, I just want to let you know that I wouldn't have done that for anyone but you.

I haven't had sex as a man in four years and I really had no desire to until you came along."

I pushed her down to a sitting position on the bed and then nudged her to lie down, her feet still on the floor and her cock still in my mouth. I pushed her legs farther apart and ran my fingers over her scrotum and pinched and scratched at her rosebud. I worked my lips down the length of her cock to her "pussy" and, pushing her thighs up over my shoulders, I proceeded to bring Beth to a shattering orgasm by licking, sucking, and tonguing her ass.

"Ooooo, that was nice," she cooed as I joined her on the bed. Her hands were all over my tits and she reached over me to grab the tube of lubricant on the night stand. She kissed me deeply as I lay on my back and ran her hand left hand down over my penis to my rosebud and proceeded to masterfully work the lubricant in and out with one and now two, and three fingers. Wordlessly, she directed me to raise my hips in the air as she positioned a pillow under my lower back. She pushed my legs up until my knees almost touched my shoulders and rubbed her still rock hard cock against my now fully exposed "pussy" until it slid easily between my cheeks. Beth got to her knees and pushed her cock into me slowly until it was as deep as it would go. She leaned down and began to suck my nipples as her hips began to move backward and forward slowly. She brought me three times to the brink before slowing her movements just in time to keep me on the edge of ecstasy but the fourth time, I couldn't hold back as a tsunami of pleasure washed over me from my rear all the way up to my neck and back down again and I burst into tears from the overwhelming response. She leaned into kiss me still inside of me and I realized that this might be the last time I would ever know Bethany like this. We said nothing to each other for what seemed like forever until Beth broke the silence.

"Again?" she grinned.

"Yes," I pleaded in a whisper and she took me until I finally screamed for release.

Chapter 11 -- Facing the Future

Dr. Ross had scheduled a 3 o'clock exit interview before she would finally release me. Beth and I had finished our make out session by 1 o'clock and had spent the next two hours showering, doing make up, and trying to figure out what I should wear and how I should act when Devin and I finally met. We finally decided that the most important thing was the lingerie and so I wore a copper-colored lace edged merry window and matching panties with tan stockings under a copper-colored dress. It was one of the outfits we had found earlier in the day and we had also found matching 5 inch pumps. I hadn't told Beth but this outfit was exactly the same one that I had insisted Devin be wearing when we finally met later that evening. I had pulled my hair up in a high pony tail again as I thought that my now thinner face looked its best that way. The earrings and other assorted jewelry were the same as I had worn shopping earlier and I carried the same black purse. All of the clothes that I had bought along with the spandex body stocking and strap on harness were packed in the bag I had brought, nearly empty, with me two days prior. It strained at the seams and I had some trouble closing it. Girls definitely packed heavier. Beth preceded me downstairs and, before I followed, I pulled my phone from my purse. A couple of voice mails and text messages from Devin wondering why I hadn't called. I hadn't even thought to contact her as there was no way I could speak to her before she saw me and I had a chance to explain. I texted her:

"Hey Dev, I'm getting ready to go and I should be there at 7 on the dot. I've changed a little but remember, what has been done can be undone. Luv u lots."

I thought maybe that would at least prepare her a little. Right after

I sent the text, Beth opened the door.

"Come on, the car is will be here at 3:30 and it usually takes about a half an hour for the interview and final physical."

"I'm coming," I said checking my make up and myself in the mirror on the back of the closet door one last time.

Everything was in order and I thought that even I would be surprised if I lifted up the dress of the woman in the mirror and found anything other than a vagina there.

I followed Beth down the stairs and into Dr. Ross' office. She was sitting behind her desk working on some paperwork and looking up as we entered, motioned us to sit in the conversation area. She signed one last time and came over to join us.

"So, Diana, are you ready to go? I have all of the forms signed off and I'll need your signature on a couple of them."

She handed me two forms which I signed and returned to her.

"Doctor, I just wanted to thank you for everything and you too Beth," I said looking from one to the other. "The last two days have been more wonderful than I could possibly have imagined. I am still not 100% sure how this will all turn out but I have absolutely no regrets about coming here."

"Diana, I have to tell you that you have had a very great affect on both of us," said Dr. Ross. She continued, "I have performed my process on over 350 men in the last 3 years and although each one of the treatments was successful from a medical perspective I don't think any of them was as just plain successful, except of course for Bethany here."

"Doctor, I think besides the obvious gift of good genes, I wanted this as much as you did and as much as Beth did which I'm sure had something to do with, well, with me," I said spreading my hands apart for lack of a better way to state what I was feeling.

"I think we understand what you're saying, don't we Beth?" Beth nodded her head and sniffled a little. "We'll be here for you. If you need to call either one of us at any time in the next 48 hours, call. I've begun to think of you as my daughter and I will make sure that one of us is available at all times."

I nodded my understanding, got up and gave Dr. Ross a long hug. She released me and left the office without a word. I went to Beth still sitting and got down on my knees and looked into her face.

"I love you Beth," I said directly. She let out a spasm of tears and hugged me tightly, not able to form words to speak. I kissed her forehead, stood up and walked out the door of the office. Dr. Ross walked me out to the curb where a limo stood waiting to take me to my next destination. We hugged and parted without a word and I climbed into the back seat of the car while the driver, his eyes planted firmly on my chest, took my bag and deposited it in the trunk. I crossed my legs and smoothed my dress out as the car pulled away from the curb and I was now deep in thought about what I had left behind and what was now approaching. I checked my phone to find a text reply from Devin.

"D. ????? Undone? Can't wait to see U. Spa is wonderful. Room 532. D."

Chapter 12 -- Coming Clean

The scenery flew by as we made the trip to the hotel Devin had picked out for our weekend getaway. Because I was nervous, I was hyper aware of my body which in turn made me horny. I realized the car was equipped with a sound proof glass divider between the front seat and the rest of the car which I raised to get some privacy. Reaching into my purse I found the small emergency tube of lubricant and Beth's vibrator. I turned to the side slightly and hiked up my dress just enough so that my ass was exposed. I slid my panties down to mid-thigh, lubed up the vibrator and pushed it against my anus until it slid in, filling me with pleasure on top of my anxiety. I found that by rocking my hips from side to side, I was able to push and pull it in and out just enough to build an orgasm. As the climax rushed over me, I bit down hard on my lip and forced myself to remain steady so that the driver, even though he couldn't see me clearly would have no indication of what I was doing. Once I was released, I felt my mind clear. I removed the vibrator (reluctantly) wiped it off with a tissue and returned it to my purse and pulled my panties back up (again reluctantly). I thought if I could just get through the initial moments with Devin she would be open to the new me at least for the weekend. Suddenly it hit me as I caught a glimpse of myself in the tinted window of the car that it was going to take a lot of convincing just to get her to believe that I was who I said I was. A mild panic washed over me as the car entered the hotel parking lot and I realized that I should have given the whole introduction scene a lot more thought.

As I emerged from the elevator on the fifth floor of the hotel and walked down the hall towards room 532 I started to doubt myself for the first time since I became Diana Davis. I slowed my pace as I approached the door and I turned to walk away, to rethink this whole thing. No, I had to go on. I only had 48 hours left and I had to know that which ever way this went that I didn't run out on Devin. I knocked softly and heard the click of spiked heels inside the door. I caught my breath as the knob turned and the door opened a crack.

"Is that you?" I heard Devin whisper softly.

"It depends on what you mean by you," I responded.

The door opened a little more and a perplexed face peaked around the edge. Her expression changed from confused to ravenous in the blink of an eye.

"Oooo, this is a nice surprise," she purred. "Come in, come in," and the door opened wider to reveal Devin in the exact same outfit that I had on under my dress. Now I was the one who was perplexed.

"Where did he find you?" she smiled as she took my hand and pulled me into the room.

"Wha?" I managed to stammer out.

"I've been waiting for him to try this," she smiled as she continued to lead me into the room which I now realized was a suite. There was a separate bedroom from the main room. The lights were low as she was expecting her husband but she obviously didn't need much prodding to bring a strange woman into bed with her.

"What do you drink?" she asked as she strode over to the wet bar.

"G-g-gin and tonic will be fine," I stammered again.

"That's my husband's drink too. Let me fix you one while you get out of that dress."

I couldn't believe it. I never figured for a moment that Devin would react this way to a woman she didn't even know. I guess she thought I knew what her husband was doing and she was going to play along with whatever she thought he'd dreamed up. I had to tell her the truth but it didn't seem like the right time as she returned with my drink and gave me a wet kiss right on the lips, smearing her lipstick into mine. As I got a closer look, I realized that, contrary to her usual natural appearance, she was wearing make up which looked quite good on her. It had been so long since I had seen her tarted up like this that I put aside my inhibitions and returned her kiss longingly. We broke apart and she began to run her hands over my breasts and down my sides. I guess the question that I had about her indulging in Sapphic affairs was answered affirmatively once and for all. As her hands went towards my groin, I grabbed her wrists and she made a face.

I playfully pushed her away and began to undo my dress and, turning slightly to the side, I grabbed the hem and pulled it over my head. I turned to look at her face over my right shoulder. She started to giggle and put her hand over her mouth.

"He thought of everything!" She ran her hands down the front of her merry widow, the same one that I wore. She came and stood behind me, her hips pushing up against my ass, and reached around to cup my breasts.

"These are amazing! I'll bet they're 38, no 40 Ds."

She pulled the cups of the merry widow down and my tits pushed over the top of the fabric. She expertly pinched and rubbed my nipples and kissed the back of my neck. She undid my ponytail and let my hair fall down my back.

"Umm, Devin." I said hesitantly.

"You know my name too. Where is he, my husband?"

"Standing right in front of you," I whispered.

I felt her pull her hands away and I closed my eyes absolutely uncertain as to what was to come next. I put my head down and waited.

"Please, no one could...but that's couldn't be."

I looked up to find Devin looking at me over my shoulder into a mirror that I hadn't noticed was there before. She had a puzzled look on her face. Not a look of disgust, which I was thankful for, but curiosity.

"Why would you say that?" she asked plainly.

"Because it's true," I responded. "What is done can be undone."

She gently moved my hair away from my left shoulder. Ah yes, the scar.

It must still be there and I could feel her fingers now touching it, now rubbing it to see if it was makeup or a trick. Her hand stopped and she walked around to face me.

"I'm still not sure what to believe," she said haltingly. "How can this," she cupped my breasts, not angrily "be undone?"

I slowly reached for the front of my panties and pulled the front panel to the side and the head of my semi-erect cock stuck out. I looked up into her questioning eyes.

"Now do you believe me?"

I could tell she was having a difficult time taking this last piece of evidence in. She leaned back against the wall next to the mirror but her arms stayed at her sides. I knew that if she crossed them in front of her then none of this was going to go over well.

"I, I don't know what to believe," she said finally and put her head in her hand.

I walked over to her and reached my hand to her pussy to find it dripping wet. I rubbed my breasts against hers and kissed her on the forehead.

"You were fully prepared to take me into the bedroom, not knowing who I was, and have your way with a perfect stranger. I might look like a stranger to you right now, but I know exactly what you want and I know what I want. I want you to fuck me right now," I whispered sticking one of my fingers inside her moist pussy.

She put her head back and I kissed her neck. She rubbed my crotch in return and took my hand from her groin and led me toward the bedroom door. Before we got to the bed she had unsnapped the stockings from the garters of the merry widow and undid the clasps letting the garment fall to the ground. She kissed me hard and reached around and undid me as well, expertly releasing my garters. She ground her breasts into mine and kissed me hard on the mouth and we climbed onto the bed touching and rubbing all of our exposed parts. She pushed me down onto the bed and pulled my panties down to reveal my semi-erect cock. She sucked on it ravenously and didn't seem surprised when it didn't harden to her touch like it usually did.

"So what do I call you, beautiful?" she asked playfully.

"Diana, Diana Davis, but all my friends and lovers call me Dee," I whispered hoarsely.

"Dee, I like that. Dee, would you like me to fuck you?" Devin whispered.

"I really want that, Dev. Please fuck me!" I pleaded.

She reached over to the night stand and grabbed a tube of lubricant that she had put there. She squirted some out onto her hands and with one she rubbed some on my cock and with the other she began to prepare me for penetration. She slowly and somewhat hesitantly pushed her finger into me and I squealed quietly with pleasure.

"More," I pleaded. "Fill me up Devin."

She pushed two and now three fingers into me and I raised my ass off the bed to give her easier access to my potent erogenous zone. She worked her fingers in and out and I felt my orgasm build. At that moment, she decided to toy with me.

"Ooo, my beautiful new girlfriend likes getting fucked. But that was almost too easy, we need to make that last longer," she grinned naughtily.

"Devin, don't tease me like that. Look in my purse. I need to come!"

I pleaded again.

She left me on the bed playing with my tits and went back out into the main room. I could hear her start the vibrator and then stop it. She came back in to the bedroom, walked over to the bed and started to draw circles around my ass with the vibrator, turning it on and off as she did this.

"Please!" I pleaded.

The nerves, the not quite knowing what she was thinking, and the foreplay were driving me mad. I needed her to release me and I reached down, grabbed her wrist and directed her hand to my waiting anus. She finally understood that I wasn't kidding and slowly slid the vibrator into me. She moved it slowly in and out building me up once again and then she turned it on. I arched my back as the waves of pleasure burst from me, one, two, I lost count of how many orgasms I had. I grabbed her and threw her down on her back before she could remove the vibrator and I proceeded to drive my tongue into her clit and my fingers into her vagina. It took about 30 seconds before she finally let go into an orgasm or orgasms that I hadn't seen her experience in quite some time. As the waves subsided and her breathing returned to normal I got up and on my knees, crawled up to her and kissed her, my mouth covered in her juices.

"Can you ever forgive me?" I asked only half-jokingly.

"I find that my husband is a woman, an unbelievably sexy woman, who comes like an animal when he's fucked in the ass by a vibrator and," she continued "still eats pussy like a master...I don't know. What's going on? Do you think you'd mind explaining? You even sound like a woman."

I explained everything. The past history and why I did what I did. I gave her most of the details (I left out Paul) but I was pretty honest about Beth. Surprisingly, she didn't seem jealous but listened quietly and intently. I also explained, apparently not convincingly enough, that this was temporary. She wore a bemused look on her face and, maddeningly, I still couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"Dev, would you mind very much telling me what you're thinking? I can't seem to read you at all," I finally said.

"Why didn't you tell me about this fantasy of yours? We could've found some way to unlock it."

"I, I, didn't think, I mean, I thought you'd be repulsed. Plus, I wouldn't have done this at all if it wasn't for Dr. Ross. I mean, look at this body," I smiled "I would've looked stupid in these clothes if it wasn't for her."

"It is incredible," Devin shook her head. "I would never have believed it except for the scar and your penis. What happened to it?"

She took it in her hands and stroked it. Yes it was smaller now and of much less use.

"I'm sorry honey," I said. "My pleasure centers seem to be in my boobs and in my ass now. Oh, by the way, I brought you a present."

I ran back into the living room and rummaged through my bag pulling out the harness and the spandex cat suit.

"You think I look good naked, wait until you see me in this. And I want you to put that on and fuck me again," I smiled.

I ran into the bathroom and pulled on the cat suit, tucking my boobs in as the finishing touch. When I went back into the bedroom, I found Devin lying on the bed stroking her new "cock".

"Mmmm, that looks good," and I kissed my way up her thighs. I grabbed the lube, took some and rubbed the dildo up and through the cut out in the outfit put some more on my sensitive rear end and, just as I had with Paul, I slid up over her and ground my ass down onto her, grunting as she entered me completely. I pumped up and down as Devin grabbed my breasts and pulled me down to kiss her, our breasts now rubbing in rhythm to my hips. The other, shorter dildo pounded away at her as the other one pounded into me and we both began to come at the same time, gasping for breath as we each hit multiple peaks of pleasure. I slowed and with her still in me, I leaned in to kiss her, tears in the corners of my eyes.

"I'm going to have to get used to you crying," she laughed.

"It must be the hormones," I said wiping my eyes. "You didn't say anything about the outfit."

"Like you need me to tell you. It looks spectacular. Do you have anything else that I can wear? Except for your boobs, I think we're the same size," she laughed.

"Come on, let's go through my bag. I've got a bunch of things that I know you'll love and if they don't fit right in the chest, we can get you some implants too," I grinned.

We spent the next hour trying on the clothes I bought, mostly me trying them on and parading up and down the living room. When I wore the white corset outfit Devin pulled the dildo on again and fucked me silly as I leaned over the coffee table in the living room. I think, I mean,

I hoped that the enjoyment that she was getting from the new me meant that she was getting used to having a wife instead of husband and that this wasn't going to be as hard as I thought.

After we showered (with intermittent sex play throughout) Devin watched intently as I dressed and made myself up.

"Did you learn how to do that in two days?" she asked with a touch of incredulity in her voice.

"Apparently I have a knack for it," I replied as I put the finishing touches on my lipstick and swept my hair back up into a pony-tail. "So

what do you want to do now?"

We had both, without saying it out loud, been dressing for a night out but I hadn't even considered what that might entail.

"Why don't we go down the hotel club and see if we can't meet some guys," she said.

I must not immediately have shown my disgust with the idea because

Devin chuckled under her breath.

"So, someone has another secret?" she whispered as she came up behind me and reached around for my boobs.

I turned and my lips met hers as she ran her hands down the back of my dress to my ass and kneaded it hard as she pushed her groin into mine.

"Look, I never told you about the girlfriends that I had in high school and college so if you want to tell me anything else, I'd think we'll be even," she said as we broke our kiss.

"Ummm, well, when I was in New York...ummm, Beth shared...well I don't exactly know how to put this, but I, I was with her boyfriend and..." My

voice trailed off as I looked down at the floor.

"It's different, isn't it? I mean being with men and women," she asked. "Each has its own special pleasures." She smiled knowingly which put me more at ease. "I didn't think a body like yours would come with no baggage. Hormones are pretty uncontrollable things. What did you think about your first time with a man?"

"I wouldn't have imagined in a million years that I would ever have done what I did and, not only that, that I would have wanted more," I replied truthfully. "The problem is that while Beth's boyfriend already knew about and accepted her, I'm not sure we're going to be so lucky tonight. I mean, I'm not terrified any longer about being found out with my clothes on," Devin nodded her head in agreement, "but what are the odds that we'll find someone who won't freak out?"

Devin smiled and put her arms around me once again. "You leave that to me. Men can be pretty malleable when they're about to get laid. I think you'll find that in the heat of the moment most of them will go along with just about anything. Look at me giving you advice on men," she laughed.

I smiled and chuckled to myself. Women can be pretty malleable too, I thought as I accepted a deep kiss from Devin. I tried hard to think of what I would've done if I had taken myself up to a hotel room and found out the truth about my partner. It wouldn't have mattered to me, I thought, but then again, I couldn't possibly be representative of a large part of the male population, especially not now. I slipped my feet into a pair of 5 inch blue satin pumps and smoothed my dress. Tonight I was a vision in blue; a skin tight blue satin dress with smoke gray thigh-high stockings and a blue satin thong. And for the first time, I was going braless. The deep cleavage was all mine and held together by only a light piece of cloth. The first thing any prospective lover would see as he slid my dress down was my breasts.

Hopefully, they would be enough of an initial distraction to keep him interested. I picked up my purse and checked my reflection in the mirror once more for any exposed signs of masculinity and saw nothing but a now comfortable and familiar woman looking back at me.

"I've got an idea," said Devin suddenly.

She ran into the bedroom and came back with a couple of things.

"Lift up your dress, pull your panties down and lean against the wall," she cooed. "The last thing you want to do is give him time to think so..."

"So what does this have to do with thinking?" I moaned softly as I leaned against the wall with my ass exposed and my panties around the middle of my thighs.

"It means," she began as she worked lubricant into me first with one and then three fingers, "that you need to be ready at a moments notice."

I was already so excited by the prospect of getting laid that it didn't take very long to get to the brink of orgasm. As I reached down between my legs and started to stroke my penis I vaguely heard Devin tear some paper and felt something penetrating my now thoroughly lubricated asshole.

"Uhhnn," I grunted and started to buck into a monstrous orgasm.

"That is not something that usually happens to me when I use one of those," Devin smiled while wiping her hands on a towel.

As I pulled my panties up and pulled myself together I realized that, for the first time, I was wearing (is that the right word?) a tampon.

"That will keep you well lubricated. Just please remember to pull it out before you put anything else in," she smiled.

"Thanks for everything, honey," I said as I pushed my boobs into hers and planted a kiss on her lips. I genuinely meant it.

"Come on now, we need to go or we'll be here all night by ourselves," she said devilishly. "Since it's single girls night out, it's time to go find us some men."

I noticed what she said and how she said it but I didn't reply. I hadn't thought about it until we started discussing the relative merits of sex with men and women but I was now both excited and nervous about seeing Devin with another man. I asked for this, I thought, and I now have no right to be jealous of her for anything that she does. I made myself promise that I would be happy for her no matter what happened tonight.

We checked ourselves one more time in the mirror and headed for the elevator. There were a couple of guys in the hotel club that had no idea what they were in for tonight.

Chapter 13 -- Girl's Night Out

The night went by in a blur and it wasn't from an excess of alcohol. Both Devin and I watched what we drank even though there was a hoard of eligible men buying drinks for us. We danced for hours with a dozen guys and I can't even remember how many times a stray hand brushed one of my breasts or rubbed my ass. I had a few encounters where a hand went to my crotch as well. I wasn't ready for the first one but where it could have been a disaster it was actually a pleasure as he was none the wiser. I was so well tucked away in my thong with the extra spandex panel in front that I'm sure he thought he was rubbing my clit. After that, I let go and a couple of other guys made the same move much to my delight. Devin was getting the same treatment and enjoying it as much as I was although she had enough womanly modesty to push some hands away. I took a cue from her and played a little harder to get as the night wore on and the men got more buzzed. For the first time since we arrived, we were alone at the bar.

"Well, who are the lucky ones gonna be?" she whispered.

"Dev, I've got to ask you something. Have you ever before in your life gone out to a club with only one goal in mind; like we have tonight?"

I asked.

"No. This is the first time and it is so much fun!" She leaned in closer, grabbed the back of my neck and shoved her tongue in my mouth.

We kissed for what seemed an eternity and when we separated, a half a dozen men were gathered around us in appreciation. More drinks were bought and the bartenders were getting rich on the tips.

A half an hour went by and I finally made my pick. Richard was handsome, brown hair, brown eyes, good body and taller than me in my heels. He seemed to be a little bit more interested in me (in addition to my body) and we had engaged in a couple of easy conversations during the evening. He wasn't a groper but he held my hand and rubbed my back and shoulders with a practiced touch. As I spent more time talking with Richard, the crowds that Devin and I had attracted started to thin out as the winners were clearly being chosen. Initially, I thought he was more interested in Devin as I had seen them in deep conversation a couple of times during the night but he soon began paying more attention to me and Devin seemed to be gravitating towards Richard's buddy James. When I saw her give him a peck on the cheek over Richard's shoulder, I knew it was time to go back upstairs.

"Richard, I hope you don't find this too forward but where are you staying tonight?"

Richard stood up and helped me down off of my barstool.

"I have a room here in the hotel but I'd really rather spend tonight in yours if that's OK with you," he smiled.

I put both hands on his well defined chest as he put his on my shoulders.

"I think," I smiled as I put a finger to my lips, "that that sounds like a wonderful idea."

Just then, Devin and James came over arm in arm.

"Are you two ready to go?" Devin asked. "I invited James back up to our room Dee. I hope you don't mind." Devin grinned.

"I think there's enough room for four," I replied with a smile, sweeping the hair off my face.

On the elevator ride back up to our room we paired off with our dates in opposite corners and made out like high school kids after the prom.

I opened my eyes as Richard nibbled on my neck to see Devin watching me intently over James' shoulder. I winked at her as she smiled and returned to sucking face with her new man. At the door I fumbled for my key card as Richard rubbed my ass. I wanted him inside me so bad I dropped the card and leaned back into his hands. He kissed me on the neck and reached around to cup my breasts.

"Why don't you bend over and pick that up," he whispered. "I'll make sure you don't fall."

I bent down slowly and ground my rear into his groin. I could feel his swollen cock pushing against his pants and I was vividly aware of the tampon in my ass as my muscles tightened down on it. I slowly started to realize that to get what I wanted, what we clearly both wanted, was going to be impossible without revealing my secret and I felt a wave of panic start to come over me. I picked up the card, crossed my arms and leaned against the door. Devin must have been reading my mind. She put her hand on my shoulder, leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"It's OK honey, relax. Everything's going to be fine."

I took a deep breath and swiped the card in the lock and we all went in. I still had a mild buzz on but it wasn't enough to overcome my inhibitions. I put my purse on the bar and started for the bedroom as

Devin and James tumbled on to the couch. My vision narrowed and I lost track of my surroundings as I walked stiffly through the bedroom door.

Richard followed me but I almost wasn't aware of his presence until he came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. I tried to relax as he ran his hands up to my tits and kissed my exposed upper back. I tried to come up with the right words to tell him what I was but all that came out was a sigh. Richard pulled his arms from me and began to unzip my dress. I didn't know what to do or what to say and I leaned back into him as he peeled my dress down exposing my tits and again reached around and started to caress them gently.

"Diana," he whispered. "I know and I don't care."

I went numb. How could he know?!?!? I stiffened up again leaned forward away from him. I thought that I hadn't clearly heard what he said.

"What? How could..."

My voice trailed off and I felt as though I was going to burst into tears. Richard pulled me back into him and hugged me tightly.

"We'll talk later, OK?" he whispered.

Confused, I again leaned back into him and wrapped my arms up around his neck. He caressed my nipples and slowly slid his hands down my body to the hem of my dress. He pulled it up to my hips, reached down to the front of my panties and gently pulled my semi-erect cock out from its concealment. With one hand he stroked me while the other went back to my breasts. His lips were on my shoulder and my exposed neck. I shuddered with pleasure and gave myself over to him completely. As he continued to rub my penis, he managed to undo his belt and I felt his pants slide down his legs. He released his engorged cock and maneuvered it between my ass cheeks where he rubbed it against the fabric of my thong. I had recovered enough by now to take some initiative of my own. I slid my arms down and pulled my panties down to the middle of my thighs, reached around and found the string of the tampon and slid it slowly out of its hole with a groan. I pushed my ass down on his cock as hard as I could.

"Please," I whispered. "Please fuck me."

He guided me forward keeping his hands on my waist and his cock up against my ass. When we got to the foot of the bed, I leaned down, slid my panties off, spread my legs and presented myself to Richard. He rubbed the head of his cock against my still lubricated hole for a moment and pushed in slowly and easily. Oh how good that felt and he started to work himself in and out of me! Slowly and deliberately he pulled back and thrust in building my orgasm one stroke at a time until we came simultaneously. I collapsed onto the bed as my legs gave out with Richard falling on top of me. But I couldn't leave it at that. If this was to be my last night as a woman I was going out with a bang. As soon as Richard, still in me, started to soften, I rocked my hips and tightened my muscles and almost immediately he responded. This went on all night as I refused to rest for more than a few minutes. With my oral, anal, and manual assistance we made love in every position I could imagine. I couldn't remember when I had stretched and twisted as much as I did that night. Eventually, even I couldn't will myself to continue and we fell asleep tangled in the sheets and each other.

The next morning I woke to an insistent hand between my legs and passionate kisses on the back of my neck. Taking his time with his passion, Richard kissed and sucked me all over. My breasts were in his mouth or his hands, his tongue in my ass, he even sucked on my penis.

Finally, after I had been brought to fever pitch he slowly, luxuriously fucked me to a tremendous orgasm. I was sore and spent but I had never felt more alive or less confused. Richard went to the bathroom and when he came back to bed I lay in his arms for some minutes until he spoke up.

"So, do you want to hear my story first or do you want to tell me yours?"

I laughed at the matter-of-factness of it all but I wanted to hear his side of this first.

"You know," I said "I had forgotten to be scared while we were in the club last night; just enjoying myself..."

He stopped me. "But you remembered to be scared when we got back to the room. I don't blame you but I didn't want to spoil the evening with any lengthy monologues so I figured it would just be easier to show you how I felt rather than tell you."

He kissed my shoulder and started to go on but he was interrupted by Devin who was sitting in a chair by the door. I hadn't seen her there but she had obviously seen me. Her leg was over the side of the chair exposing the large wet spot right in the crotch of her thong which was the only thing she had on besides her stockings from the night before.

"I told him about you Dee. I could see that Richard really wanted you but I wasn't going to allow it unless it was going to work out. We had a little chat and, although I wasn't explicit about your, um, attributes I felt that he understood and it was going to be OK. From what I saw I think I did the right thing."

I reached out to Devin and she came to the bed lying on the opposite side from Richard. We shared a deep passionate kiss, her hands exploring my chest and crotch.

"Thanks Honey," I said as we slowly broke the kiss. "How much did you see?"

"Enough," she smiled and looked down at her wet panties. "I have a deeper appreciation for hard core porn now."

"Now Richard," I teased. "Why didn't you run away from the monster from the gender lagoon?"

He laughed at that.

"Look, I've got to admit that I was a bit nervous. When I first spoke to Devin about you I thought I didn't understand something correctly.

There was no way that you weren't born female. Even after I pulled your dress down, saw your shoulders, smelled your hair, I still didn't quite believe it. Not until I actually found your secret," he smiled, "did I completely understand."

Richard ran his hands down my naked hip to my crotch and rubbed me appreciatively. At that moment, Devin kissed her way up from my tits to my lips driving her tongue deeply in to my mouth. We broke our kiss and she lay beside me drawing circles on my belly and breasts with the long pink nail of her index finger.

"I told you it would work out but we were luckier than you could have imagined," she said as she winked at Richard.

My attention turned to Richard and both Devin and I waited expectantly for him to explain.

"You're not my first," he said.

"Richard," I teased him stroking his chin "I'm not jealous. I like an experienced man and that you are."

"No, you're not my first transsexual," he continued.

Devin and I looked at each other and she raised her eyebrows. Richard went on.

"A couple of years ago, I met a woman at a charity ball. She was really good looking, totally sexy. Taller than normal for a woman but

I didn't consider that odd at the time. We hit it off immediately and we exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. I went out of town the next day and a couple of days later I got a message on my cell that she was in Dallas and wanted to see me when I got back. It so happened that I was in Dallas and we hooked up for dinner that very night. It was a magic night, one of those times when everything goes right. Conversation was easy, we liked the same things and we spent a couple of hours over dinner and drinks just talking. I make it a rule never to expect sex from a woman. If it happens, it happens and if doesn't, no harm done. Finally, she invited me back to her hotel room. When we got up to her room, the scene was very similar to last night."

"She started to regret that she made the suggestion," I added.

"It seemed that way," Richard agreed. "I could feel her tense up but she let the dance continue, brought me in and fixed us both a drink.

We sat on the couch and talked a little more but the tension was making conversation forced. Naturally, I asked her what the problem was and she started to cry. Through her tears, she told me some of her story finally getting to the point of it all. I was stunned of course.

There was really no way to tell and I figured she changed her mind and this was an elaborate way of getting rid of me. I challenged her, said

I didn't believe a word of it and if she wanted me to leave she should have just told me to go. You don't believe me, she asked. Then she challenged me. She offered to prove it as long as I didn't get all crazy on her. I was intrigued. I reminded her that we had had a wonderful time so far, that I really enjoyed her company and that nothing that she showed me was going to make me put her down or demean her in any way. She then proceeded to perform a strip tease that would put some of the genetic woman I've seen at strip clubs to shame. She took everything off except her panties and shoes and then she pulled her panties down to the middle of her thighs and there it was, a cock instead of a pussy. By this time I was totally turned on and, in the heat of the moment, I dropped down to my knees and took her in my mouth. The ice was broken of course and we had a wonderful evening after that. I had never had anal sex up to that point in my life but I certainly had a lot of it that night. Long story short, we dated for a while, traveled together, and had many more wonderful "dates". We kind of drifted apart and the last I heard she had gotten sex reassignment surgery and married someone who I think doesn't know to this day. So you see, you couldn't have found anyone better to have run into last night."

I let out a deep breath, raised my head from the bed and kissed Richard deeply.

"Now," he said, "what about you?"

"Richard," I started. "Can we just agree that I'm here and I'm very grateful to you for being so understanding not to mention a wonderful lover? Maybe I'll be able to tell you the whole story someday but I'm not sure yet how it ends."

He was clearly puzzled but didn't press the issue.

"Does anyone want to hear about my night?" asked Devin.

We all laughed and listened to Devin's story about her and James. He had to get up early and, since she was more interested in finding out about Richard and me by that point, she gently pushed him out the door and came in to our room, where we found her sitting in the chair.

"Dee," she said knowingly, "we really need to get moving if we're going to make that appointment."

That cinched it, Devin was going back to Dr. Ross' with me that afternoon and all of a sudden the weight of my final decision fell on me like a two-ton weight. I kissed Richard.

"Will I see you again?" Richard asked.

"I, I don't know," I stammered. "This is going to sound really weird or flighty or..."

"If we don't see each other again I want you to know that last night and this morning was the best. I'll leave my phone number. If you want or need to get in touch with me, just call OK?" said Richard as he stroked my hair.

I felt tears in the corner of my eyes and I wanted him to take me again and again. I didn't want this day to end. I looked over at Devin to see her with that same, inscrutable look on her face that she had last night, when she found out who I was.

The three of us untangled ourselves and Richard showered, dressed and prepared to leave. We kissed deeply at the door and said goodbye without saying a word. I wordlessly went into the shower first as

Devin started to pack up our clothes. After I finished, she left me to my thoughts and went into the shower herself. When she emerged 20 minutes later, I was at the vanity combing my hair and putting on my make up. She dressed and then took her place at the vanity after I had finished. I sat on the bed while she did her hair and her own make up.

"Dee," she finally broke the uncomfortable silence.

I looked over her shoulder from where I sat to see her face in the mirror. Her eyes were welling with tears.

"I saw..." she stopped and took a deep breath. "I've never seen you happier that the last 14 hours. This decision is totally yours but..."

She had trouble getting the words out but she continued.

"If you want my opinion..."

I got up and stood behind her and took her hands in mine.

"Of course I want to know what you think!"

She took another deep breath.

"I think I've lost you. I saw it in your face as you and Richard were making love. You're a woman now and I can't imagine you ever being happy again if you turned back."

Her words were like a knife to my thoughts. She was right of course, I had almost forgotten who and what I was 4 days before. My previous life was like a character in a cherished book that I hadn't read in a long time. Vividly alive while the book was open but with fading details the farther I got from the tale. I still couldn't admit that our old life was over to her or me.

"Come on Dev, nothing's final yet. We still have to go back to Dr. Ross' clinic. There's an evaluation to be done yet. Maybe another temporary procedure, maybe Dee for a little while longer."

She squeezed my hands again but said nothing and went back to fixing her hair. We checked out in silence and started the long drive back to the City in her Mustang.

Chapter 14 -- Reunion

The mood lightened on the ride back as we compared Richard and James, like a couple of school girls. I was getting horny just thinking about it and, if I was to remain Dee, I had to figure out how I was going to keep Richard coming back for more.

We arrived at Dr. Ross' office walking through the door about 11.


Beth ran around to the front of the reception desk teetering on her 5 inch heels and practically knocked me down with a bear hug and a passionate kiss on the lips. She was dressed in a barely there sun dress which barely covered her tits or her legs.

"This must be Beth," Devin said with what I hoped was mock jealousy in her voice.

"I'm sorry! Oh, Dee! This must be Devin. Pleased to meet you. Yes,

I'm Beth," she held her hand out to Devin but Devin pushed it away, grabbed her around the waist, and kissed her on the lips. A surprised

Beth finally got the hint, wrapped her arms around Devin and returned the kiss. They finally broke apart.

"I, uh" Beth stammered.

Devin let out a hearty laugh.

"I heard all about you, Beth and I figured you'd appreciate that."

We all relaxed at that point.

"Yes, well. Anyway," Beth was still visibly confused. "Dr. Ross is expecting you. Go right down the hall to room 5, take your clothes off and put on the gown on the back of the door. She'll be in in a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, I'll take Devin to Dr. Ross' office and we'll meet up there after the exam. Oh, Dee, I missed you so much."

She squeezed my arm reassuringly and walked off with Devin. I went down the hall and did as I was told like a good girl.

Dr. Ross came in a few minutes later and took some blood, checked my vitals, and asked me a bunch of questions about how I felt and I gave her all of the correct answers. She took my blood down to the lab and told me to get dressed and meet up with the other girls in her office.

Beth, Devin, and I sat around talking like old friends for about 45 minutes but still no Dr. Ross.

"She's doing the tests herself," offered Beth. "She's probably the only one who can interpret the results and she wants to make sure they get done right the first time since time may be of the essence."

I noticed that her last sentence was more of a question than a statement but I let it go by. I didn't want to let on that any decision was made until I knew what my options were. Finally Dr. Ross walked in. She was somewhat brusque and made little small talk after we introduced her to Devin.

"Diana," Dr. Ross said sternly. "Have you made any decisions yet?"

"I wanted to find out what my options were first Doctor. You told me that I might be able to delay any final decision for at least another week."

The expression on her face indicated that something was wrong.

"Doctor, what is it?"

"Diana, please sit down. Both of you should sit as well," she said offering seats to Beth and Devin.

"Doctor, what's the problem?" Devin asked visibly concerned.

"I don't quite know how to tell you all this but something, something about this process did not work as it was intended."

We were all focused on Dr. Ross and you could have heard a pin drop in her office.

"Diana, I have just analyzed your blood for hormone levels. At this point in the process as I told you, the supplemental hormones, the female hormones should have diminished by about 20%. However," she paused "there has been no drop in your hormone levels. None. They are still at the level they were at 96 hours ago."

Silence from all of us.

"Um, any idea what that means for me Doctor?" I asked hesitantly.

"No, dear. I have no idea what that means. I do know that whatever decisions you have made on your future will be delayed until I can figure this out. I have the anti-serum and we could try thatÉwhy are you smiling?"

Both Devin and Beth came over to me at the same time. I stood and took a hand from each of them and we hugged each other tightly. They knew as I did.

"Doctor," I began. "It would seem that whatever decision that I needed to make has been made for me. No anti-serum. If this is the way it's meant to be then this is how it will be. Please, do try to find out what happened. I would like to know if the original process will wear off at some point so that if I do have to make a different decision that I will have all of the information that I need."

"Diana, I must ask you to stay here at the clinic while I run some experiments. Your wife is welcome to stay with us as well for as long as it takes. This is most puzzling."

Dr. Ross left us at that point to go back to the lab. The three of us went back to recovery 2 to settle in. I hoped and prayed that Dr. Ross would not find out what happened to me so that I would never be confronted with that decision ever again.

Chapter 15 -- The Epilogue

"Did she ever figure it out?" asked Mel.

"I think she did but I asked her not to tell me if she had the answer.

I knew at that point that I was the woman I was meant to be and that was that."

Dee got up and walked stretching her arm above her head revealing her taut belly above the waistline of her black spandex pants.

"What happened to Devin? Are you still married?" asked Jim.

"We had a great time at Dr. Ross' clinic. Beth, Devin, and I were like sisters. We were lovers as well and Beth's boyfriend, now husband,

Paul had his way with each of us as much as we could get him. I think we almost killed him."

Dee smiled at the thought.

"I went back to Franca's, found Sara and got a job as a manager there. We brought Sara into our little circle too. Devin was right there with me for a long time but being with Paul reminded her that she needed a man too. She finally found someone and is living with him back in New York. I knew that I couldn't keep her even though I wanted to. She's happier now. I see her every time I'm in the City but we're more like sisters now. We never divorced. It's kind of our little joke."

Jim looked at Mel and then back at Dee.

"Ladies, I know that Mel and I really don't have anything to do today and I was wondering...that story made me pretty horny you know," Jim smiled.

"Me too," Mel cooed.

She moved over to Dee and started to kiss her all over her face. Dee returned the kisses and each woman's hands found the others shirt buttons, undid them, and found each other's tits. Meanwhile, Jim had moved behind Dee and rubbed his now bulging crotch against her exquisite ass. Slowly Dee turned to the wall. She pulled her pants down to the middle of her thighs, leaned against the wall and spread her legs. Mel moved against the wall and in between Dee's outstretched arms and continued to kiss and fondle her while Jim dropped his pants and lubricated his now fully erect cock. He rubbed it between Dee's cheeks and slowly entered her ass as she let out a grunt of pleasure.

"That feels so good," she whispered in Mel's ear.

"I know it does honey and I'm next," whispered Mel right back reaching her hand down to Dee's cock.

Dee smiled and closed her eyes as Jim drove her towards the brink.

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