Three Chains

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Sep 3, 2017


Content: muscle teen Ethan undergoes nude exercise in public, magically forced piercings and worse.

*** Push-ups & Squats for Heaven & Hell ***

Ethan had always been a `big kid', so he had gotten into fitness with a head start. Now that summer holidays were on, the beefy muscle god had begun prep for his first serious physique competition.

His smooth tan skin and shaggy undercut got him all the pussy he wanted, but they weren't going to impress the jury. Ethan still needed to trim his thick muscles into a bit more definition.

With dad gone on a surprise business trip, the teen was alone in the house and intended to start the day with a swim on the pool.

Wearing only trunks, Ethan walked downstairs from his room, showing off his perfect body no one in particular.

As he entered the hall from the staircase, he met... resistance. The doorway felt like it was filled with honey. Ethan grunted in surprise but pushed into the invisible barrier until it vanished.

Slightly confused, Ethan kept walking into the living room where he had to push even more strongly to get in. An invisible barricade tried to keep him out.

Having barely broken through, the teen stared at the door frame. What was doing that? Super transparent materials? Magnets? Was he going fucking crazy?

Just as he had feared, the glass doors outside was near impossible to push open as if he was bracing himself against a rock.

Ethan's phone rang upstairs.

In his surprise he let the barrier shove him back into the living room. He hurried to get the call on the off chance someone with an explanation was going to be on the other end.

The muscle teen didn't make it back into the hall, however. The barrier was now even stronger.

He was trapped!

Another phone rang as his own stopped. In dad's office.

Ethan dashed across the living room and slammed himself into the office door. The simple light wood opened like an ancient, rusted iron gate, fighting Ethan for every inch.

He managed to push his torso in, but the then barrier hardened even more and he was stuck. The boy grabbed the doorframe and pulled himself inside.

Ethan's trunks stayed behind, unable to get over the barrier. The teen tumbled into his dad's inner sanctum.

The phone was still ringing. He picked up.


"Ethan! I'm glad I got to you in time. I assume you barely got into the room."

It was a booming, male voice but not dad.

"Wh-what's happening?" Ethan asked. He had a strange urge to cover his junk. "I'm stuck."

"Calm down. I'll explain and help."

"Okay. Go on."

The unknown man took a breath. "Your father left the country, not because of business but to escape the curse you now suffer. He had no idea that it transfers to the family heir. He's not willing to finish the deal."

What deal? What curse? Ethan was confused to put it mildly, but he kept quiet.

"Now you are suffering the consequences," the man said. "I can help you finish the ritual to stop all this from happening. I work for victims of dark deal like that, like legal aid."

"That's bullshit," Ethan said, "and it explains fucking nothing."

Then the boy yelped. A sharp pain raced through his chest.

It stopped after only a second but Ethan was scared to move or speak. Had the strange man caused this? Then he risked a glance down at his body.

"Holy fuck! I got nipple ring! Why the fuck do I have nipple rings now?"

"Maybe you should listen to your attorney for a second," said the self-proclaimed `legal' aid. "The curse won't let you pass doors. You'd be trapped in one room for the rest of your life. Your father negotiated enough to get a workaround before he concluded that fleeing is the better option."

"So what do I do?" asked freshly ringed muscle teen Ethan.

"You can pass the barriers by confounding the forces of heaven and hell around you. The rings are markers to simultaneously-"

"What the fuck!?"

The attorney sighed. "Okay. Controlled up and down motion. With the piercings. I tried a few experiments and push-ups should do the trick."

"How many?"

"Just try one and go from there."

Ethan dropped down, did one push-up and prodded the invisible barrier to the living room. It was a little weaker. Or maybe he only imaged it.

The teen got down again and did three more. Now the blockage was passable with effort. He picked up the phone again.

"Hey, I can make it through. But what now? I look faggy with those rings and I can't just do push-ups anytime I walk through the house."

"You'll have to complete the ritual. First get the earpiece I got your father before he fled. I think he kept it in his office."

Ethan searched the desk and found a high-tech earpiece that fit snuggly into his ear. It rang right away.

A button press on the side connected him with the attorney, this time hands-free.

"You'll need more stuff meant for you father," said the man into Ethan's eardrum. "I think he put it in the garage."

"Okay. I'm off."

Ethan dashed toward the living room and slammed into the barrier. "Ouch. Fuck, it's back."

"Yeah, it won't stay gone. Do more push-ups."

The boy dropped his naked muscle body to the ground and did five more. It was enough to press himself through the door frame.

The living room door leading into the hall was the next stop and he did five push-ups on the carpet. It wasn't enough. He needed three more. So far, that was peanuts to the weightlifting, gymloving muscle god, but he still had – quick count – three more doors to go.

The entry into the dining room was naturally also blocked. Just before he went down, Ethan felt another sharp pain.

The attorney reacted to his surprised scream. "Another already? Where is it?"

Ethan stepped up to the hallway mirror, turned around and pulled his ass checks apart. Yep, there it was.

"I have a ring on my taint. What the fuck is that?"

"Up and down motion. That's the secret. Do squats."

"So now I can pick my exercise?"

"No. You have to do both. Each gateway will demand push-ups and squats now."

"Fucking great."

Ethan finished the push-ups first. After six, the barrier wasn't getting any softer, so he squatted five times. Then ten, then fifteen.

"It's not working," the teen said.

"Hm... Maybe your ass is too beefy and covers the ring. Spread one leg out. Horizontally at best. But remember to go all the way down."

"You're fucking kidding."

Ethan got no response and did a one legged squat with his right leg. The barrier was viscous enough to press through. Next was the door to the laundry room. Five push-ups and two squats on his left legs did the trick.

Just one door and he would be in the garage.

The attorney got to hear the boy's huffing as he completed ten push-ups and two squats on each leg.

"I... I can't... keep this up..." Ethan wheezed, "for much... longer. But I'm here... finally."

"All right, kid. The ritual requires a Chain Breaking. Three chains need to be obtained and brought to the ritual chamber. I located the necessary ones, but your father didn't get them. You'll have to do that?"

"I have to go out?"


"I... I need to get to my room for clothes."

"I'm afraid the curse won't let anything pass with you. Be glad I smuggled in the earpiece."

"I can't go outside fucking nude, man!"

"There's a trick. Do you see a small black box anywhere?"

"Right here." Ethan opened the little container. "It's a... fuck."

He retrieved a tiny black thong and some metal clips.

The attorney spoke. "You can wear this thong. However, you also need to put on the nipple clamps. It's just the right amount of pain to keep the curse distracted from such a bit of fabric."


"Here's the important bit: If you take off the clamps without being naked, you will be trapped in the next room you enter. For life. Always take off the thong first."

"But... if anyone sees me like this, I'm socially dead."

"There's a remedy in your father's bedroom. I prepared it for him, before... well, you know what happened."

The bedrooms were upstairs. That was too many doors to go through. Unless... Ethan made it around the outside.

He opened the door to the back yard and tested the barrier. Three push-ups and two squats on each leg weakened it enough to break through.

Ethan made it into the garden with thong and clamps in hand. There was the pool he had wanted to visit minutes ago.

Instead of swimming, he grabbed onto the trellis on the wall and climbed up with ease onto the lower roof.

He could walk across the tiles, which poked his foot soles, to dad's bedroom window. There was no other way but to break the glass. Ethan pulled on tiles until one came loose enough to pull out and used it to smash in the window.

He tried to climb in and... of course.

The muscle boy did six push-ups until the barrier didn't soften any further. Squats on one leg were hard to get right on the slated roof but as long as he stood slope-down it was possible.

Finally, he got to enter the bedroom, careful not to step on any glass shards.

By that point, his thighs were throbbing from the unusual amount of heavy lifting.

"What am I looking for?" he asked into the void.

The attorney was indeed still there. "A similar package, but maybe a little bigger."

"Got it!"

It contained a stiff fleece mask, which would cover his face from chin to forehead with the eyes cut out. Ear straps would keep it in place.

"As before, you can only wear it while also wearing the other item in the box."

"Holy shit! That's a fucking dildo. I'm not putting that in. Forget it."

"Technically it's a plug. The difference being that this one will stay inside once you got it all the way past your sphincter. You should do it fast, because I think the curse it progressing more than expected."


"You can leave the mask behind if you want."

"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."

Ethan laid down on dad's bed, knees bent. With his face in a frown he fingered slowly toward his hole. His ass cheeks were super thick, the taint ring was odd, his dick twitched.

He worked his fingers on his hole with all the spit he could produce but he never got in. He was way too tight.

How could he relax? He needed the mask.

With both hands roaming around that part of his body, his left hand came to rest on his junk. He slowly massaged his crotch while fruitlessly fingering.

There was no other way to relax or distract himself. Ethan jerked off. He got hard surprisingly fast. As he kept beating his thick, veiny meat, one finger slipped into his hole.

He resisted the urge to pull it out and instead kept shoving with any spit left on his hand. Then he touched his prostate. At least he had to assume that was it because the sensation was fairly arousing, like a tiny, tiny orgasm.

Ethan added more spit and worked a second finger in. Now hooked into his ass hole, he opened himself up properly, while jerking his leaking dick.

Once he got close to orgasm, he knew he would get only one chance. With the hand no longer on his dick, he reached for the plug and covered it in spit. Meanwhile he managed to get his fingers inside him to the knuckles.

Once ready, Ethan lined up the plug with his hole and jerked off like crazy.

As he slipped onto the edge of orgasm, he pushed the plug against his throbbing sphincter and in.

He scream-grunted as he cummed, knowing he had to keep pushing past the burn to get it in or it was all for nothing.

The plug sat tight.

Ethan was full. He had never felt so invaded in his life.

"Okay," he said, weakly. "I did it."

While he slipped the mask on, the attorney spoke. "The first chain is not too far away. I'll give you directions as you move."

Ethan put the nipple clamps on. Their teeth dug into his flesh. Then he was allowed to slip into the thong.

As he should have expected, the thong's bridge was way too thin to cover the plug's base. He had to keep his legs together or show off the anal intruder.

"Okay, I'm ready for- Ah! What the fuck?"

The sharp pain had rushed through his mouth. He looked at his reflection in an unbroken window and saw...

"I have a tongue ring. Through the tip. Oh fuck, its giving me a lisp."

"You can barely notice it," lied the attorney. "You sound perfectly normal. But now you'll need to add another up and down motion for it."

"Can I just flick it?"

"Not how it works. Give me a second."

Ethan did the necessary push-ups and one legged squats to get out the window. He had greatly underestimated how much the plug was going to rub against his guts with every squat. Also, he was beginning to get dizzy. Doing all that burst exercise was basically cardio.

While he emptied a water bottle next to dad's bed, the attorney came back on.

"Pretty sure it's pull-ups. Every gateway will now require all three types. Better hurry before you get more."

Ethan looked around. What was he going to pull himself up on?

He grabbed the top of the window frame he wanted to leave through and pulled himself up with his knees against the invisible barrier.

Each pull made the blockade and the teen weaker. His weight was considerable, so pull-ups had to be done with that in mind. He couldn't do as many in a row as he could push-ups.

Feeling the barrier getting thin enough, he slipped onto the roof. By now the nipple clamps were noticeably chafing his skin.

He hopped down and ran around the house. His mountain bike was leaning against the wall. He pushed it along to the front.

"I'm ready. Where next?"

"Head left. Into town. Straight until I tell you otherwise."

Ethan hopped onto his bike and rolled down the driveway. He slammed right into a barrier.

The bike kept rolling onto the street but the boy fell off and tumbled backwards into the grass.

"Fuck, what was that? I can't leave."

"A gateway doesn't have to be a conventional door. You'll learn to tell what is and isn't a gateway."

Ethan looked left and right. He dropped into the grass and did six push-ups. Then he got too paranoid. If anyone saw him, they'd know it was the boy who lived here. Mask or no mask, he'd be screwed.

The teen retreated to the front door and did his one legged squats. Not able to test the firmness of the barrier he just had to do five each – no door had ever demanded more than that. It was a shaky affair, with leg fatigue setting in.

Pull ups were simple with the door's roof right there, waiting to be grabbed and used to get his head above it five times.

He pressed into the barrier and stumbled onto the road.

Next time: our muscle teen finds the first chain. Things only get harder from there.

Next: Chapter 2

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