Three Brothers' Christmas Tree Farm

Published on Dec 21, 2015



Three Brother's Christmas Tree Farm By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DO NOT read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

I was sent to the Three Brother's Christmas Tree Farm due to an accounting emergency. They had received a notice of an IRS audit in September. They misplaced the letter and missed it. It was going to take place the 4 of January and they were up the creek.

I am William Dower, a new employee of a prestigious older accounting firm. I was the low man on the totem pole, and was assigned the task of getting their records in order. The woman who had done their accounts for years had died, and they hadn't replaced her. Their records were piles of documents. I drove into the country for 30 miles and found the farm on the Monday before Christmas. I had three days in the week to get things in order.

The Brothers, Butch, Bobby and Bubba, were big bruisers of men, who were good about the trees but casual about business matters. It took me two days to realize they were honest, but disorganized. I could have said I couldn't get the work done in time, but that would be poor showing for a new staff member.

The main seasonal sales were over, but individual people showed up to buy a tree. Butch was helping me as his brothers helped customers. There office was in an upstairs bedroom of their house. I put in a 12-hour day, so I was working when the brothers came in from work, showered and had dinner. I discovered the dress code upstairs was informal. The went to and from the bath naked and unashamed.

They were all, exceptionally hairy ginger bears. Bubba was the reddest of the men, Butch was almost blond with a trace of red, and Bobby's coat was almost auburn. They weren't my type but they were more masculine than handsome. Bubba handled the business end of the operation, but he had no business ability.

On the second day I was there, I discovered a major error in their account. Somehow, they listed the profit from the previous year as income for the new year. Effectively they were paying double. The government owed them a refund. I am prone to be helpful and explained the problem. The brothers were smart enough, the just were uneasy about numbers and math.

The Brothers were overjoyed. They didn't understand the IRS and were afraid of it. they assumed they had done something bad.

On the third day there, I converted their confused bookkeeping system into a more standard form. They were making a profit after I corrected the double tax payments. Their books were not confused; they had been wrong. The Brothers had become friendly and affable. In some idle chit-chat I asked if they had girlfriends. They said no and asked me about my girlfriends. I said I didn't have one and it was unlikely anyway. They know what that meant.

It was around seven when I finished. I looked out the window and saw it had been raining. It was pretty until I saw the rain had turned into ice when it hit anything solid. The Brothers had closed up. They were happy when I gave Bubba the results, and he asked me to stay.

I said that I had to get home. Bubba told me that wasn't an option. The roads had iced over; I was stuck. Butch and Bobby were soaked and heading to the shower to warm up. When they came out, Bubba called them in to hear the good news. They had wrapped towels around their waists, but Bobby's towel fell off, and he didn't seem to care, indeed they became friendlier.

When I saw his cock I assumed he had no desire to cover it; it was a beauty. He told me that if I wanted to take a shower I should do it now. There was a good chance we would soon lose electricity and have no hot water. They had fire places to heat the house if necessary.

Unconsciously I glanced at Bobby's cock. Bubba noticed. "It is a nice one isn't it?" he whispered. "We all have nice ones." I decided to take him up on the offer. I went to the bath, Bobby said he would get me a towel.

My taste in men had been for slim young men. I was getting old, and was having trouble attracting men. I work hard and was planning to move up the corporate ladder. That wasn't attractive to many of the men who were happy riding delivery trucks and partying all night. I knew bears existed, but had never thought of them as sexual playmates.

I was in the shower when Bobby gave me the towels. He saw me naked and didn't mind. I dressed and had a few beers before dinner with them. It was good. it was home cooking with a bit of a flair. We had another beer and Bubba took me to the side.

"The boys and I sometimes mess around to unwind. Would you like to join us?" he asked. "Bobby said you were well equipped."

"Mine is long, but nowhere near as thick as his," I said. the beer had an effect.

"We jerk off most of the time. I like to fuck, but I'm too think easily fuck most guys," Bubba said.

"I bet I could take it," I said. That was when I realized I had drunk more beer than I should have.

"We could find out pretty easily." he said. "I take my time and pull away if it hurts." I was going to say no, but I was already erect and you could see he bulge in my pants.

A few minutes later the four of us were naked in Bubba's bedroom. They were all excited as was I. They all liked to top. It might have been a gang bang, but they were all friendly and considerate. It wasn't a gang bang; it became a sequential fuck.

They liked to share and we excited at having a new playmate. The did play well together. One fed me his cock, another sucked mine as the third visited my ass. I am willing to bottom, but never thought of myself as a bottom. Butch had the thinnest cock of the group, so he worked on my ass, slowly opening it to accommodate his organ. Possessing a nice plump knob, he eased it in without any problem and slid in deep.

Bobby sucked my cock and he seemed to treat it as a rare delicacy. He tended to deep throat when Butch pulled out. Bubba fed me his semi hard cock. I soon discovered that precum was a major food group for the men. I had never been into precum much, but Bubba's was special. I don't know if you can taste a hormone, but his precum was plentiful, sweet and pure man.

One of the prevalent images of gay men is of the effeminate queen. Bubba was a super-masculine king, and somehow I felt honored by taking his cock scum. After about five minutes of being triple teamed, I was fine with anything they did.

I had assumed gay encounters were rare for them. They seemed comfortable and excited by me. A few times they rotated positions. Usually the fucker was too close to an orgasm and switched positions. Bobby fucked me as Bubba sucked and Butch fed me his cock.

In the final rotation, Bubba was in my ass. His cock was huge, and I assumed it would hurt. His brothers seemed to have tenderized my ass and it was fine, tight but fine. In some ways it was three dimensional sex with a cock fucking my ass, a mouth sucking me as I sucked the third man. It was sensory over load, but I adapted to that quickly.

There was a loud knocking at the door. Bobby dressed and went to see who it was. Ten minutes later, he returned naked and with three naked men. "I found some buddies snowmobiling. They are old pals and then need to warm-up," Bobby explained.

It was odd to meet some guy when there was a man fucking me. The buddies did not seem to mind one bit. Caleb, Mark and Frank were the brothers' friends with benefits. They had come by hoping for a sexual romp before going to their family Christmas events. When I saw them I couldn't help but think of the three bears. Caleb must have been six feet five or more. He sported a massive black beard streaked with white hair; Mark was no more than five feet five with dirty blond hair. Frank was about six feet tall, with chestnut hair and a matching beard. They all had beefy, hair covered bodies. None were planning a career in ballet.

Bubba continued to fuck me as he greeted the trio.

"I see your new friend is a bottom," Caleb said. "I'd like to take a poke when you are finished."

"We've all had some fun in him and I am afraid he might be worn out," Bubba said. "He's a nice friendly guy, but that might be too much."

"Have you shot off yet?" Mark asked.

"We've been saving our ammunition for later," Bobby said. "William is good, really good, but I figured there is still some fun for you with the rest of us."

"We're always ready for fun with you guys!" Butch said. The six men intermingled and Mark ended up with me. He wasn't exactly handsome, but he had an air about him that was attractive. Bubba had pulled out and I sat up. Mark was a loan officer at a local bank and was in my situation; trying to get ahead in the business world.

He was a short, big man. if you saw a photograph of him alone, you would have guessed he was tall. He also had an oversized cock. At first I thought it was just big in comparison to his stature. About fifteen minutes later, it was in my ass, and it was genuinely oversized. If someone wanted to design a cock that hit every hotspot in my body and make me lose any inhibitions I might have had about sex, he would have created Mark's cock.

I lost control over my emotions and just responded to Mark's thrusts. The other men didn't seem to notice or care. I would have been embarrassed, but they didn't object or consider it exceptional.

Mark explained the Brothers to me. "They seem kind of casual about sex, but they are into it big time," he said. "Their Daddy was a born-again home schooler. That was pretty much an excuse to get free labor. He died ten year ago in a car accident. He was one of those guys who believed that seatbelts were a Communist plot."

"They are poorly educated but smart. I think they are too embarrassed to let anyone know; they can barely read. They are horny as shit and Frank was the one who introduced them to real man to man sex. The boys like it all, but don't do somethings, like fucking each other," he explained. "At first they were overly vigorous sexually, but Frank got them to slow down and enjoy the roses as it were. He also emphasized that they needed men to come back a second time. They understood that from the Christmas Tree sales."

"Christmas wasn't a good time for them. I was hard work and their Dad believed the enjoyment compromised the religiousness of the season. He was also tight as hell, and he hated wasting money on his kids. As far as he was concerned, any money spent on his family was wasted," Mark continued. "I have been introducing them to Christmas. They like the combination of seasonal festivities and sex."

"Isn't that a bit odd?" I asked.

"Well, it is more like a Christmas-Saturnalia. The old Roman Holiday was wild parties and sex," Mark said. "I hope they didn't overwork you?"

"Actually, they were nice and gentle. Bing fucked by three men was unexpected and odd, but enjoyable," I said. "Oddly my ass feels empty."

"I could fill you up again, if you are in the mood?" Mark said. I rolled back on the bed and Mark eased his monster back into my ass.

I was a little afraid it wouldn't be as good the second time, but I was even better. He had a huge knob, and a shaft that was both thick and long. I couldn't tell which feature did the trick, but it was wonderful.

Mark invited me to a dinner party at his house Christmas Eve. I usually had Christmas dinner with my parents and sister, but Christmas Eve was free. I asked him what to wear. He said I was properly dressed as I was. He whispered to me, "A friendly attitude and an open ass will be appreciated." I felt a tickling sensation in my ass. I knew his invitation was sincere as his sperm flooded my ass. I shot off and fell asleep.

When I woke the next morning, I was rested and the streets had cleared. The ice storm had brought in a warm front and it was almost balmy. I went home and then to the office. The Senior Accountant who supervised my work was pleased. He bought his family tree from the Three Brother's Christmas Tree farm. a visit to the farm with his children was a big event in the children's life.

I worked all day, but had Christmas Eve off. That night Mark called me and re-invited me to the party. "I was a little afraid you thought my invitation was erection induced," he said. "It is a genuine invitation; I would love to have you come." I said I was planning to come, and I had liked enjoyed the erection aspect too."

He laughed. "I enjoyed that part too!" he said.

I did some last minute shopping and took care of some odds and ends. The party started at seven and I was prompt. Mark lived the penthouse of a downtown high-rise apartment. The Brothers, Caleb, Frank and two other men were already there. Mark introduced them as Lloyd and Karl. All except Mark were already nude. I went to the bedroom and stripped.

Lloyd came with me. "Have you been to this party before?" he asked. "Will there be any fucking?"

"I've never been to the party, but I been with some of the men," I said. "There was a lot of fucking when I met them."

"I like to be fucked but there are some big boys out there," Lloyd said in a near whisper. He was a young computer programmer. He was average in every way, slightly overweight, balding and with a hairy chest.

"They were really nice about it, I wouldn't worry," I added.

When we returned to the living room drinks were set out, and to answer Lloyd's question there was a sling in the corner. Two more men had arrived, one was Rev. Tom, a born again radio preacher, and the other was a man named Lemont. He looked like something the cat dragged in. They went to undress in the bedroom with Mark. This was the entire group.

Much to my surprise, Bubba got into the sling. I had assumed they were all tops. "Guys, if you want to give me a present, leave it in my ass. Caleb went over to him and eased his cock into the open ass. he pumped for a while as Lloyd bent over to suck me and the other men formed couples or threesomes.

Rev. Tom came over, saw Lloyd's bent over position and his open ass. Rev. Tom lubricated his knob and then positioned it in the hole. He pumped a few times and his cock head popped through the sphincter.

"Does this boy like them big?" he asked. Lloyd pushed back onto Rev. Tom's cock. Tom began to push forward and the cock vanished into Lloyd's twitching body. In the sling Caleb shot off and pulled away. He shoved a dildo into the vacated ass.

It turned out it wasn't a dildo; it was a hot dog. Butch went over and rimmed Bubba and then ate the hot dog as Bubba pushed it out. The Brother's didn't fuck, but they had no problem with the cum-coated appetizer. At this point the party became a little wilder, since it was clear that almost everything was possible.

Rev. Tom pulled out of Lloyd as asked if I was interested in talking his cock. Lloyd had gone over to the sling, but Lamont came over to suck me. Rev. Tom fucked my ass as Lamont deep throated me. I was caught off guard by Tom's tool. I had seen it and saw it was big, but I hadn't realized how big. Tom told me later, that his cock needed a tight sphincter and a warm ass to achieve a full erection. I felt like an overstuffed turkey. The surprise was soon followed by waves of intense sexual pleasure. Tom was good, and Lamont had a special skill. He had no gag reflex and could easily suck and massage my cock with his tongue and throat.

I had to take a break a few times, but Tom felt the same intensity as I did and he returned a few times to work me over. Two hours later I was exhausted but feeling mellow. Everyone at the party had shot off a few times. I had both given and taken my share of man cream. The urge to climax was reduced, but the sense of sexual well-being and desire continued.

Someone knocked at the door. Mark looked through the peephole and opened the door. It was Santa with two elves. The came into the living room and suddenly they were naked. They were strippers and had tear away costumes. They weren't conventional, beach bunny type strippers. Santa was a Polar Bear with white hair and a matching beard. He was a muscle bear with a padded suit.

One of the elves was a slim, young twink, Jason; the other was a Polar Bear dwarf. They did a brief erotic dance and then they got down to business. It turned out that this was their second party of the night. The earlier party had been straight. They wanted to play.

Robby, the dwarf came over to me and Rev. Tom. "I'm willing to take leftovers," he said. Tom and I laughed.

"We've squirted a lot of cum in him, but there is still room for yours, if Will is willing?" Tom said.

"I'm fine with it," I said. Tom pulled out.

"I have a normal cock, but it's nothing like yours," Robby said as he saw Tom's monster. He may have had doubts, but he was in me seconds after Tom pulled away. It was smaller than Tom's cock, but it made a direct hit on my prostate with every thrust. The Polar Bear Santa came over and sixty-nined with me. I think he wanted to see Robby fucking up-close and personal. It wasn't Walt's or the elves first time sucking. Walt knew what he was doing. He concentrated on my cock head as Robby used my prostate as a punching bag.

I was excited and oozing. Walt seemed to like that, since his tongue concentrated on my slit. I guessed he liked it fresh. I was getting closer to ejaculating and it seemed that Walt was more interested. I was sucking increased precum from his cock too. Robby shot off first and induced a chain reaction of orgasms. Walt took my cum as I took his. He must have been saving up, I had a mouthful.

I hadn't swallowed it yet. When Robby pulled out of my ass and kissed me. Walt went off, fucking anyone who wanted a Santa Cock in his ass. Delicate, little Jason had an ass that could take the Empire State Building if he wanted. He wanted everything he could get.

Robby wanted Santa, but he was happy eating Santa's cream from my mouth. That turned into real sex. He sat on my lap with my cock up his ass, kissing me and squirming on my cock.

An hour later we all had a present form Santa in or mouth or ass. Everyone had a Santa or elf induced orgasm. It became a sleep over. I woke to find Rev. Tom's soft cock still in my ass and Robby's cock inches from my mouth. I looked around and felt the sense of wonder and excitement I had felt as a child and saw the Christmas Tree surrounded by presents. Most of the presents were soft and drooling a little.

I move a little nearer to Robby's cock. Tom's began to get hard again. It was a Merry Christmas.

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