Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Jul 13, 2018


This is a fictional story in the vane of 'Goldlocks and the three bears'.

Only this is with a young guy (Me) in a fairytale land with three hybrid humanoids. Half bear, half man.

This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Three Bears-Kings Bang (chapter 9... Hunger Strikes)

...... I was headed back home from after leaving the wolf's den behind. My anus was sore, even as I walked now. I was miles back into the woods again. But as I looked about my surroundings I realized I didn't know where I was. When I was brought to the wolfs den I didn't know which way it was back to where I had come from. to the trail that lead back to the river. The river that would take me home.

I had gone in a direction I surmised was the way back, only to find it was not. Now I was Lost. Lost in unknown lands I hadn't been before. Each turn only gave me greater fear that I would never find home. Or see my mother again. So I stopped as hunger found me. I grabbed my satchel to look for some of the food I had stored in it. But found only half the bread I had brought with me.

"Where is it all" I huffed

"I have no food to eat"

"What am I to do"

Fear then gripped me as I had no idea how to get food. A silly thing to discovered when you were miles from anything and anyone who could help you. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I could not despair. I had to believe I would find my way. So I pushed the bread back into my bag and decided to walk a bit more. I saw some squirrels and decided to follow them.

"They may lead me to some nuts" I said

So I rushed after them. They bounded up one tree some yards from where I first saw them. Then up and were gone. I stopped and dropped to the ground as I was tired already. I sat there and grabbed the bread. Broke a small piece of it to eat. I sat there and cried. But amidst my sobs I heard something in the distance. A rushing sound.

I looked up, wiping my eyes from the tears I had shed. Then cocked my ears to listen to the distant sound. It was water. Rushing water. so I got up and followed the noise. Where there was rushing water, there would be a river. Had I found my river to get me back home? I rushed through the trees to get to the sound of water I heard.

That's when I reached a shoreline to a small lake. I stopped at the water. I took my flask and shoved it into the water to capture some. For what ever journey I had left. to my left was a waterfall. Hence the rushing water. But I knew not where I was. I decided I would have to get up to the falls as that was the direction upstream and back home. But I had to get around the lake first.

"What is that?" I then said

For as I looked at the low lying falls, I saw what appeared a house to the right of it. Some 40 yards or so, but it was some ones home for sure. I decided to go around to the right side. They may have food. I started to move around the large lake. Taking bites of the little bit of bread I did have. But it just wasn't enough. My stomach grumbled as I walked on. Staying along the shore so I could see the house on the other side. But I seemed to be getting farther away from it going this way. I pondered whether I should have went around to the left and somehow around the waterfall. But I would have been to tired to climb.

I reached an area where the lake met another river. There was a large clearing and many rocks and stones. The river was fairly wide and I would have to cross it somehow. But not near the mouth of it. The waters were pushing quickly through the rocks there. I didn't want to fall trying to cross.

I bent down and took some water and drank. Then munching on another piece of bread. Then I turned and move along down river. I hoped there would be a crossing somewhere not to far. But as I looked upon the shadows from the trees I saw that the daylight was fading fast. Night would soon fall on me. And I needed to find a place to lay down and rest.

"There" I said as I looked at some large rocks down stream

"I can hide me here until the morning"

I moved to the large boulders that seemed to form a up cropping to what appeared to be another waterfall. A small one at that, But I could see the water rushing to the edge some 30 feet from where I stood. I walked over to it and found a small alcove amoungst the boulders facing away from the water.

I sat me down and ate some more bread Then I pulled out my cover and draped it over myself. I nuzzled into the alcove and dozed off to sleep. I could hear the cascading water at the falls, and some birds off in the distance. The sounds lulled me to a deep sleep.

"Ughnn. Ff, What" I shouted as I woke in a start.

I looked up and to the sky when I shot up from sleep. Nightmares filled my head. My fathers disappearance and possibilities of my own situation.

"Mother must be worried" I said

I sat up and leaned up against the stone. I ached as the ground was not kind where I slept. I Reached for my bag and grabbed the bread and pulled off another piece. I was left with little much more now. I ate it and then drank from my water pouch. I was still very tired from lack of food. It had been at least 24 hours since I had a real meal. And the pangs in my belly ached for that. I was about to rise and head off again, when I heard foot falls.

"Now what?" I huffed in silence

"Had the wolves found me?"

"I pray not. I cannot endure their assaults any more."

I pushed myself to the stones and away from easy sight. Then I heard voices. It didn't sound like any of the wolfen beasts. There was a nasal twang in the speech. Who could this be. Maybe the dwellers of that home I saw on the lake shore. I pondered crawling out and asking for there aide. But I still wasn't sure whom it could be.

"Be wary Tork" said one voice to another

"There are Wolfen in these parts."

"Yes, True" said the other voice

"Not to mention Bearkin"

"Have staff ready for attack if you see one"

Then I saw the two pass my hiding space. I crouched back more against the stones as I saw them walk some yards to the left of my location. They were beasts creatures for sure. Grey fur on there naked thighs and a snub grey tail near their backsides. They were average of height compared to most beast men. Standing under 6 feet. Then one turned slightly as the paused to listen to the sounds around them. I looked upon one and he had large curled horns on his head. They were 'Ramgards'.

I had never seen one before. But my mother had said they were not beasts that commonly attacked humans. I was told that villages had dealings with the ramgards before. But not my village. The counsel refused to trust any beast men. So we never saw any.

"Wow, look at them" I said as I stared at the beasts

The beasts had strong muscular legs and they were wearing a draping to cover their private parts. They exchanged conversation as they stood there.

"There is a human village 30 miles form here" one said to the other

"Yes. true" said the other

"But that village is most unfriendly from what the words say"

Then one of them looked down to the ground and pointed at something down there. He bent down to reach for the ground. his fiongers dug into the ground below him and he pulled up what appeared grubs in his hand.

"Look Val" said the one called Tork

"They are fresh"

Then he brought the grubs to his mouth and ate them. I cringed at the action, but felt my stomach growl.

"No, Shhh" I tried to softly hush my belly

"They will here you"

Then my eyes caught glimpse of something as the beast crouched down. His very, very large seed sack. It dangled near to the ground as he bent there over the ground. I felt my loins stir at the sight. It was quite astonishing. I licked at my lips in hunger for his sack. Even beyond ,my other hungers. Then he stood again as he continued to munch on what he found on the ground.

Then I saw as the other one 'Val' reach for his friend. I looked as I saw him reach down and grab at Tork's crotch. He groped his friends lions for some strange reason. He was apparently getting aroused.

"Fresh yes" Val said

"But not as delicious as this Tork"

Tork looked at his friend and smiled. He pushed his friend hand away from his body.

"You are needy Val" said Tork

"We are on a mission"

"Yes. But I long for it" Val stated

"Give it to me Tork"

Val reached back at Tork and grabbed his crotch again. But then he lifted up the loin covering and pulled out Torks soft member. It was not as large as any of the wolfens members. But those massive orbs were spectacular. Hanging lower that the stem of his rod. Then I saw as Val dropped to his knees before his friend. He held to the stem and stroked it several times.

"There is no one around" he said

"And we have much time to spare"

That's when he opened his mouth and took Tork's rod into it. I sat there in awe as I watched the scene unfold before me. These two ramgards no more than a few yards from where I hid. My vantage giving me a great show. Val grasped at the huge sack of balls and held them in his hands. They were truly massive to behold as they were larger than his hand.

My head envisioned myself on my knees for this beast. Pulling on those huge orbs. Sucking on his growing stem and pulling on those balls. Feeling them and weighing them. I surmised feasting on them as well. Trying to suckle on his large balls.

"Wow. look at how big the are." I said to myself

Val was about to open his mouth and take his friends member when my stomach growled. ............


To be continued

Next: Chapter 10

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