Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Mar 24, 2023


This is a story based of a story I had written sometime ago. 'three bear kings'. I pondered what if red riding hood met up with the hot hairs bears. So I am writing this new tale to mesh the two classic tales together. It is fantasy and GB sex all in one

Hope you enjoy it

Three Bear Kings (Redd & the 3 Bears (7)

... I was there in that cabin. There in the woods and away from home. There ith the hime if the three bear kings. There on one of their bed and on all fours. One huge bear dick in my mouth. The other driven into my butt. There in a most precarious position as the third and eldest bear stepped into the room now. He was of course the largest of the three. Almost towering over the smallest of them. And definitely towering over me as he stepped closer to see what was going on.

"A delightful sight" he then said "I am sure if you both tried hard enough, you could meet in the middle." "Right about here"

I felt his finger as it touch at the small of my back. And as he said that I felt that it could indeed be the case. The two bears on either end of me thrusting into my body as they gave themselves pleasure with it. Driving their rods fully into me and I feared that they could indeed touch. There in destroying my insides with their huge and wide dicks. Then the big bear pulled back as he watched his brothers take me. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye to see him now playing with his own mammoth weapon. My eyes widened as I looked at the huge thing hanging from him. He was of course the biggest bear there as he was the oldest. And that thing which was not fully erect yet had to be over 10 inches now. It even dwarfed his Massive hand.

"Oh my God!" My head squealed "That one will kill me for sure"

This I was almost certain as the huge tube just hung there before him. A massive tree limb of a penis. Possibly my arms thickness as he moved his hand over the gargantuan shaft

"Move" he told the one at my mouth "I need to test his mouth on this"

The smaller bear moved aside. Pulling his big dick from my face. Then the biggest bear moved around in front of me. That huge thing now just inches from my face. It looked simply massive there. The big meaty head if his thing out from it's foreskin. Swollen and slick at the tip. I could see the clear fluid if his natural lubricant pooling there at the hole. He squeezed at his rod and pulled out more of the goo. It started to pull away from his dick in a string of liquid. It was such a thing to see right there in front of me. I was actually very hungry for it. This close I was famished.

"Now you" he growled as he demanded me to suck "Now open wide and suck this"

I did as he commanded of me. Opening my mouth for the object coming at it. The feeling as the bug head and several monstrous inches were pushed into my mouth. And very quickly my face was filled up with his huge rod. Pushing itself to my throat. Meanwhile the bear at my rear was still giving me his own penis. I had almost forgotten about it due to the full concentration in the thing at my face. But a sharp pain returned me to that act. He drove most of his huge penis into my body. The head smashing against that most sensitive button deep inside of my body. Causing me to chirp on the thing in my mouth. A very muffled cry as the pain him me. My mouth clamping down on the huge thing in it.

"Hmm" the bear moaned "His mouth is tightening on me" "Very very fine" "His anus is doing the same to my rod too" the other bear decreed. "Such a grand and tight place to be" "Awee. Soo good"

I slurped at the thing in my mouth. Bringing my tongue about to lick at the heavy shaft. Barely being able to maneuver around the massive shaft. The bear thrust into my throat. The head pulling at my esophagus to inch down into it. I gagged and convulsed on his rod as I lost all oxygen in this process. Feeling like I may be killed in this need for their desires fulfilled. Choked to death by the huge penis in my mouth, or broken by the one in my butt.

"Pull out!" The one in my butt told the big one "I am close and want to finish him"

So the huge bear at my face pulled his giant penis from my lips. I gasped as air rushed back into my lungs. Looking off to see the huge bear stepping away from me. His giant dick going as well. The one at my butt pulled out also. But he then grabbed me and pushed me to a better position in the bed. Then he climbed into my back and then he thrust back into my anus. Driving every huge inch of his rod into my body again. It felt like I was getting split apart by his monstrous weapon. Feeling each huge inch as his rod was pushed down into my body. I moaned and begged him to stop the painful progression. But he did not, the huge bear just thrust again and again, with more force behind it each time he did

"This is truly a great hole" he huffed "You really need to try this brother"

Then he yanked his massive thing from me. I felt a rush of cold air as it was almost instantly sucked into the gaping hole of my anus. The bear then stalled back And that was when the largest near decided to take advantage of the offering his smaller brother gave to him. Me He moved in behind me know. I looked back as I felt his huge penis head rubbing at my entrance. I was going to protest as I felt I needed to. His was just too large a trunk to give me. His penis would surly shatter my insides up. But before I could even muster a word, the biggest bear with the biggest dick thrust his gargantuan tree trunk into me. My hands crinkled into a claw and my fingers twitched. I grabbed at the pillow and let out a shriek unlike anything else before it. His mammoth member was indeed going to split me in half. I could not even spill out a word after my shrieked. My face tighten and I felt each vein pulse and swell on it. I thought that the pressure inside me to stave off this pain would make my head pop like a balloon from all that pressure. And the fire erupting back there in my hole truly felt like fire scorching my bowels up.

"Look at him" the smallest bear said "Your rod is going to destroy him" "Finish him brother" came the other bear "Finish this thief"

And the biggest bear pulled over me and he began to thrust into my body. Long hard and painful thrusts with his greatest penis in the world. He sped up his assault in my poor writhing body. Just shattering it with all his cock. I know I had passed out for a moment or more. The pressure and lack of getting much air bringing a faint upon me. And I lay there held by him as he continued to destroy my bowels with his rod. I could hear the huge beast behind me as he thrust. Heavy grunts and growls as he felt the tightness of my body glove on his massive thing. And again he kept the fast thrust on me. Giving me all he could push into me without killing me. And that was a lot My body spasmed as I knew his savage attack in my body was causing orgasm upon orgasm in me as his rod slammed against my button. And all I could do was what more there under him.

"Yes. Ohh yess!" He then bellowed

Then the huge bear exploded inside me and I felt a river of his seed quickly fill up my anal cavity. So much so that it began to push back out. The wet sounds of his continued thrusts filled the room. His cock still beating into my bowels as his seed spit out with each outward motion.

"Ughnn" he then grunted as the huge bear finished. "Soo right. So tight!"

He then pulled from my ruined body. His huge cock still semu rigid. Leaving my hole with a 'poo'. And then my anus (which was still gapping opened) expelled a heavy load of his seed. Just flowing out of my rear end easily from the slaughter gape that was now my anus.

"Yess. Soo damned good" he huffed again

I just lay there in a stupor. I know my body orgasmed at least three times while he wrecked me. Convulsing each and every time I blew out under him. So I just lay there in my mess. My seed and his seed in me and in me. All I could do was groan from it....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 24: Redd and the Three Bears 8

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