Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Feb 28, 2022


This is a story based of a story I had written sometime ago. 'three bear kings'. I pondered what if red riding hood met up with the hot hairs bears. So I am writing this new tale to mesh the two classic tales together. It is fantasy and GB sex all in one

Hope you enjoy it

Three Bear Kings (Redd & the 3 Bears (3)

... Redd pushed through the forest. Determined to find his way back. The problem was everything looked the same. Every turn he took was just more trees and forest. More of the same that was getting him nowhere. And still not even the sight of any real trail that might take him somewhere. At least of he found that he may actually get somewhere. The day passed on by and he had to again stop for the night. And now he was running low on food. He wasn't expecting to be out this long with out being somewhere. He would have to soon enough fend for himself out here. Figure out how to eat with the little resources he had. And with that thought he presumed he would be dead soon. That or the wolfen might finally find him. Either way it did not look good. He headed to the river again. To get water and see if he could figure out a manner to fish in it. To get some food from the river.

"That's my only option" he said to himself

He headed to the river again. Listening for it to get to the waters edge. Then moved up the the trail along it. He figured that this river would find its way somewhere near his village. But again he did not know which way to take it. But for now it was about his hunger. But as he was walking along the shore of the river he saw smoke in the distance. A puff of smoke above the trees. A fire. Or something cause by man. He decided to head towards it. Moving upstream as he followed the smoke. Maybe it was someone's camp. This brought him some excitement. The possibility that he may find someone else out here. And someone that may help lead him home.

"Please be a human" he said "I want to get home"

He moved through the trees as the smoke a over lead him away from the river some. He could still hear it, but he was lead from it. But as he got closer he did find a clearing. The. A house, a cabin. A lonesome cabin out here in the middle of the woods. He paused as he looked about. The smoke was coming from the chimney on the left. He looked to see if anyone was around. Cautiously at first. For he did not know who this home belonged to. He then took in a breath and stepped towards it. Seeing no one around. Then as he approached the house he called out to anyone whom might be in it.

"Hello. Hello!" He called out. "I need some aide" "Is anyone there?" "Hello!?"

He gut closer to the cabin that looked normal from afar. But as he reached the porch he noticed that the door was massive. And the house itself seemed bigger than a normal cabin. But that door, with at least 9 feet if door seemed just too big a door for a normal person. But he was undeterred as soon as he smelled something. It was food. There was food inside this place. And his stomach panged as hunger made itself known again. So Redd knocked in the big heavy feeling door.he wrapped at the door and the sound was almost full. Surely no one would hear that. So he call out again. Then smacked his hand harder at the door

"Hello. Hello" he shouted again "Anyone in there?"

Again he called I hoped of someone answering. But again no answer came. He gulped down a swallow of saliva as he smelled again the food that was inside. He had to have some. He reached for the very large door nob. His hand looking like a child's as he grabbed it. The he turned it and heard a loud latch click. And the door then gave.

"Hello?" He called out again

Then Redd peeked his head inside the cabin door. Still calling out to anyone about. But there was still no answer. He then decided to just come in. The smell if something was coming from the chimney fireplace. There was a metal tub that was smoking. A light fire staying in it. And the smell hit him again. Some kind of poridge he supposed. He licked his lips and then stepped into the big room. Redd looked about to see everything was bigger here. The seats, the table and other items if relaxation. Were these people giants. Big nine foot giants. He stopped and considered leaving. He did not want the owners of this giant furnitures home to catch him. But again the smell if the poridge hit his nose. And the pangs in his belly kicked in. Hunger was his master now. And he needed to obey.

"Maybe I can just take something and go" he said "I can leave and no one would know I was here at all"

He went over to where the tub was that held the poridge. There was a slow bubble in it. A heat coming off of it. And the poridge looked chunky. Like there were bits of meat and potatoes in there. Big chunky bits that he assumed tasted great He moved in closer to it. He looked about and found was looked like a ladle and he picked it up. He lifted it to the tub and stirred the poridge about. Then he pulled up some poridge into the ladle spoon. Then he lifted it to his face. Taking in the rich brothy smell. Redd licked at his lips and then blew in the spoon. Then he tasted the poridge. It was delightful in taste. Naturally salted from ingredients in the stew. So he opened up and took some more. Slurping the rich meaty stew into his mouth. Tasting and relishing in the flavor.

"Hmm. This is Soo good" he stated "Or maybe it's just because I am so hungry" "No. It tastes good. Great for that matter"

He stood there and restarted the brothy poridge again. Then pulled up more into the spoon. Then he ate some more. The growling of his belly seemed to get louder as he fed it. Redd then looked about and saw some very large bowls on the high counter. He grabbed on and a large spoon. Then he poured some poridge into the bowl. Enough to feed him twice over. He then went to the table. Lifted himself to the seat and grabbed the bread that was placed on it. He tire some bread off and ate it with his poridge. And Redd had himself a delightful meal. He was so enjoying his meal that he did not realize she had been there a while. Not realizing that the owners if this cabin were in their way home. But then he heard the voices.

"What the.." he chriped. "Oh goodness. They are home" "The giants are home"

Redd just out of the chair and ran towards the other room as he heard several male voices just outside the door. And that was his only exit in that room. So he rushed into another large room with big wooden beds. 3 to be exact. There was a window to the one side of the room. He wanted to run to it and jump out side. But it faced the front door and main living area. And that was when the primary front door opened.

"God!" He almost shouted

Looking about the room for a place to hide. Then he saw space under the beds. So he dive for the nearest bed. And then he crawled under it. He peered out as he awaited to see whom the occupants if this strange cabin were. His heart was beating madly in his chest as he lay there under the bed. He heard the deep graveled voices of the men in the cabin. And the heavy footfalls if them as they moved in the other room.

"Someone has been here" he then heard one say "What?" Came another "Look"

Then he heard something in the table. And that was when he knew he had forgotten about the bowl. The bowl of poridge he had eaten. He had forgotten to discard it. So now they knew he had been there. Then one of them came into view. Passed the doorway and to the right of the table. Redds eyes grew wide in fear. A total fear. For now he saw who lived there in this home. Now he understood why everything was so big. He had invaded the hime if a bear king...

To be continued

Next: Chapter 20: Redd and the Three Bears 4

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