Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Jan 8, 2022


This is a story based of a story I had written sometime ago. 'three bear kings'. I pondered what if red riding hood met up with the hot hairs bears. So I am writing this new tale to mesh the two classic tales together. It is fantasy and GB sex all in one

Hope you enjoy it

Three Bear Kings (Redd & the 3 Bears (2)

... He was lost. Redd was lost in the forest. After being sidetracked by that fox and then seeing the wolfen chasing the deer, he had run to get away from them. This bringing him to where he was now. Lost in the forest. Panic quickly set in. He started to move about aimlessly for a while. Trying to determine which way to go to get him back to the path he had been on. Vowing never to veer from it again.

"Oh God. Please!" He begged to the heavens "Please"

He moved through the forest for over an hour longer. Then he felt tired and want to sit for a bit. Maybe have a snack from his bag. Redd did stop as he reached a rise in the forest finding a clearing through a path that he had found through the trees. He stopped and sat on a boulder near a heavy rock formation. He sat down and opened his bag. Reaching in and grabbing some wrapped dried meat. He took a bite and sat there and chewed. Pondering his current situation. That was when he remembered he had a compass. His eyes grew wide with hope. He placed the bag down and began to rummage through it. Digging down into. Then he found the compass. Smiling as he grabbed hold of the small metal thing. He pulled it out and looked at the thing. The needle moved about the middle. Turning until it pointed to where it was supposed to. The north. He knew he wanted to go west. So he looked to the left of the direction of the pointed arrow.

"That way" he said "That's the way I want to go"

This was the way that should lead him back towards his grandmothers. At least he assumed it so. So he headed that way. But somehow after several hours of walking he still was no closer. Nothing looked familiar. And he was still somehow lost. Had he gauged the directions wrong? Again he began to worry about getting to grandma's. Let alone getting back home again. A deep feared crept into him and his chest. And he knew if he was lost it was his own fault. He may be lost for days if this continued. As he moved back through the trees he heard fast movement through them. Was it the wolfen coming back for him? Did they finally track him down. He needed to hide. So he headed away from the sounds quickly. Again just moving in an unknown direction to where he felt he should be. He moved quickly yet tried to be as quiet as possible. The sounds faded and then he found himself near a river. First there was the rushing sounds of water. He headed towards it. He felt this may help him find a better route to get out of being lost. The river probably was the one that ran just north of his village. And he just had to determine which way to follow it. It would be best to just go back hime and then restart his journey.

"Innie, meanie, minnie, moe" he huffed "Now which is the way to go"

He flipped his fingers for left to right and back. Trying to chose the direction that would get him home. He finally chose the left. Thinking this was west again. So he moved that way and along the rivers edge. Listening for any strange sounds. Another few hours passed and the sun was starting to fade off. Evening was approaching and he had not even gotten to his destination. No grandma's house and not indication he was near hime either. He was still lost. Then he heard movement in the distance again. He looked to the a bit aways from the river to see some rocks. Big boulder sized rocks not to far off. He hoped there would be a cave or something. Some place to hold up for the night as he knew this would be his only option at this time. Hide until morning and then try and get his bearings again then.

"Please, please, please" he said as he looked up to the sky. As if praying to a God to save him

Then as he moved in closer he saw a rock formation rise up. There the ground quickly rose up behind the trees to higher ground. This faded off behind in a thicker amount of trees. He moved around the rocks and did find a deep wedge in them. Like an alcove. And as it was behind and near the rising forest he moved into it. It would be near impossible to see him there at night. So this was where he set up camp. Getting some sticks and making a small fire until it was time for sleep. He ate and then nestled down for the night.

"Please keep me safe here" he prayed out again "Help me find home again" "I just want to go home"

Then he lay down after extinguishing the fire. Then he fell off to sleep sometime later. The sounds of the night peaceful save for crickets and frogs in the distance. He slept as well as someone could given he had no idea where he was. Morning came to the sounds of birds in the trees above. He grabbed his things and then crawled out of the alcove of ricks he had slept in. He sighed as he was glad he made it through the night. He would try once again to fond his way back to the trail that lead him back home. He assumed his grandmother was probably worried by now. He had not shown up as she was told he would. He was nit there safe in her home. But out here in the forest somewhere. This vast forest that he knew he could get lost in, but never thought he would. Yet here he was. He looked about and then tried to remember which way he had come from. He figures that was not the way to go. Its the oath that made him lost in the first place. So he turned and then chose another direction. Looking at the trees and the sky above.

"Well then. This way" he then said "This has to be the way."

And with that Redd headed in that direction. Pushing through the brush and trees I hopes thia be part would lead him home..

More to come

Next: Chapter 19: Redd and the Three Bears 3

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