Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Oct 1, 2018


This is a fictional story in the vane of 'Goldlocks and the three bears'. Only this is with a young guy (Me) in a fairytale land with three hybrid humanoids. Half bear, half man. This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Three Bears-Kings Bang (chapter 13.... Amongst the Bears)

.... There I was on the ground, outside the cabin I had found. The one with the glorious food. Found and caught by the owners of it. And it was bear kings. I lay there with utter fear. I was doomed , was all I could surmise. I would be killed and eaten. Then a horrible thought his my head. What had I eaten? I felt instantly ill. But that was but a tiny frightening thought. I was captured by one of them. And he was a big one. Over 7 feet tall and a massive frame of man beast.

"Who are you human"?" he demanded

I was grabbed and pulled to house again. I was soo afraid I would be killed by these huge beasts. And maybe even eaten. I was literally crying heavy sobs as I was pushed into a big chair by that huge monster. The smaller one then came over and started to interrogate me. Why, was I here. Who was I and so forth. I was too afraid to even answer.

"Maybe we should just grind his puny bones" The second one said. "Yes grind them into a broth" The big one added "Ohh stop you two" The smallest on stated "It looks frightened" "Well it should be" "Coming here and easting our food"

The second one grabbed the bowl I had left there. Shaking it hard in hand.

"Human filth" He then added

I had to try and say something. I didn't know what, but I didn't want to die. So I just blurted something out. Anything.

"I'm sorry" I shouted "I was just ever soo hungry" "The wolfens had me captive"

I started to sob again. The tears flowing fast and steady.

"I thought I smelled a foulness about you" the second one continued "But I just thought it was human stink" "Wolfens are filthy scum"

I sat there with tears falling from me. Praying that these beasts would not kill me. Then the second one seemed to lesson the disdain he had for me once he heard of the wolfens.

"They probably took his food and violated him" he said "Ughnn. How awful" Said the smaller one "To be taken by such filth"

I wanted to say that I had seen them take the wolfen the other day. But decided against this action. I just looked up at them with fear and pleading eyes. I wanted to live and go home now.

"I am ever so sorry" I said "I was soo hungry" "And it smelled so good" "Please don't kill me" "Kill you" The large one said back to me "What do you surmise we are. Savages" "Like those disgusting wolfen" Chimed another

He looked down at me again. But then with pity. His huge chest rising and falling as he stood there taking a breath.

"We will forgive this, just once" He stated "I can understand your plight boy" "But you must go now"

I smiled lightly as I realized these beasts were not the horrors all in my village spoke of. they just wanted to be left alone was all. So I agreed to leave them.

"Yes sir" I chirped "I promise. And I will tell no one of this" "Good" he said back

Then he looked over at the table. He then went to it, Grabbed a large cloth and wrapped some fruit and bread in it. I watched as the huge beast moved over to the table. His huge broad back and buttocks was a sight to see. I glanced down to his loins to see a large lump in the coverings of them. Then he gave me the food. I thought it very nice that the bear kings were giving me aide. He handed me the cloth with food in it. Then lead me to the door. I felt his huge hand on my back as I was guided back to it. It felt almost soothing. And he smelled of honey and lilac. Not filth like the den of the wolfen.

"Now go boy" he said "And tell no one. Promise?" "Yes sir" I said back to him.

Then I left the cabin of the bear kings and headed back up the shoreline. I had to find my way back home. Although I had no Idea which way to go. But I figure I could head back upstream. Maybe there was a way back up the falls on this side. Then I could determine how to cross back over. I was at the falls in a few minutes. I looked up the steep sides of it. The terrain was rocky here. But also slippery from the falling water. I decided to go back up this way. I moved away from the falls some yards and found some smaller boulders and rocks I could try and climb. I started to move up the sides upon the rocks. One by one I climbed up the side of the falls. But as I reached almost near the top I saw two rocks that may help me move up another few feet to the target. One to the left and another to the right. the one to the left was smaller and easier to get to, but looked very slippery. The other on the right was more work to get up. So I figured the smaller one was a go. I reached over to it and the one above. Then pulled myself up onto it. But this was a mistake. As I pulled myself up to the slippery stone my gripping hand slipped and I fell forward. First hitting the rock, then sliding off the edge and I fell back. And because I had been puling myself to the left, I fell towards the falls.

"Nooo"! I yelled

My cry seemed to echo throughout the area. But moreover it seemed to echo in my head more. I know I hit the water below. But I wasn't sure if I had hit anything else. All I know was everything went black.

When I came to and opened my eyes, looking down at me was one of the bears I had been close to. It was the smallest one. He looked down at me with some concern. But as I opened up my eyes he called back to someone else.

"He is awake brother" he called "Good" came a voice to my left

Then The bigger bear came into my field of vision. He didn't seem so mean as before. I looked beyond the bears and up to a wood ceiling. I then realized I was back in the bears cabin. But how did I get there. Last I remembered I was crawling up the side of the falls to get to the top. Looking down the good 30 plus feet to the water below. Then I remembered I had slipped and fell. But still I did not understand how I got back here to their cabin. I sat up in a start as I looked at the beast with mixed fear. The smaller bear pushed me back and said to calm myself

"Sit back boy" he stated "You took a terrible fall" "Huh?" I said back "Fall. What the?"

Then it came back to me. I had slipped. I had fallen off the rocks some 30 feet up from the water. Then I remembered the hard hit when I reached it. Then splashing around as I blacked out. I should have drowned. But I didn't some how.

"But how?" I asked him "We heard the cry as you fell" He said "We knew it had to be you as you had left not long before" "Glem had looked outside and saw you fall"

I looked up at the huge one. 'Glem' was his name. He truly was a massive creature. And didn't seem as scary as he actually looked at me with a bit of concern as well.

"He then ran to where you had fallen." The smaller one said "He had to swim out to you. " "Yes. I saw you hit very hard on the water" "So I knew you may be injured" "And when I did not see you move, I had to go out to you"

I was touched that these beasts didn't want me to die. Then I saw the third bear show up in my field of vision. He handed the smaller bear a towel.

"Here Shada" he said to the smaller bear "Thanks Bart" he said back

Shada placed the cool towel to my head. He gently pressed it to me. Pushing me back to the large bed i was laying in.

"Just lay back and relax boy" he said to me

So I did. He patted my chest and then they three left me there to calm down. So I had their names now. The smallest bear was Shada, The medium bear was Bart and the big one was Glem. All three bears seemed less threatening now. They actually wished me no harm. And the big one had come to my rescue when I was out there in the water. I lay there as I started to feel the throb I had obviously been ignoring up until now. My head was now hurting. I must have hit it when I crashed into the water.

"Big strong bears" I said "Big gentle bears"

Then I fell to sleep....... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

more to cum

Next: Chapter 14

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