
By shaun

Published on Mar 28, 2004



Some time back I submitted a story to Nifty around my continuing interest in younger straight/bi guys, and an unexpected experience I had with one.

Like that story, the events described here are 100% true, but with an added twist. At the end, I have a question for you (the reader), and I would really like your feedback. Now, on to the story.

Back in 1999, and in my late twenties, I moved to the area in which I now live, and as the attitudes here are a little less relaxed than what I am used to, I won't disclose the location, let's just say Western Europe. Well, ok then... let's be a little clearer, we are in fact talking about rural Ireland.

Back then, I got to know some people by joining a local theatrical group, where I got to know quite a few people of all ages, including Liam - affable, friendly, adorable, and cute as a button. At the time, he was 12 going on 13, much too young for me to think anything other than what a handsome young man he would eventually turn out to be. His Mum used to tease him by telling him what a lovely bum he had. It was true!

We got involved in a couple of stage shows together over the space of a year, and then lost touch, in the sense I knew he was around but I didn't actually see or meet him. At least, not until about 9 months ago when, in the middle of the hot season, as I was driving down the high street, he just happened to cross the road, without his t-shirt on, in a local town, one about 5 miles from where he lived.

At first, I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. A tall, slim-waisted, ruggedly handsome, muscled 17 year old with pecs, biceps, bubble butt and a six pack to die for. I was 99% sure I knew the face, but I couldn't believe how much his body changed in those 4 years.

I immediately parked the car, and went back to try to find him, just to make sure I wasn't mistaken that it was Liam. At worst, I would have a brief chat with one of the most stunning young lads I had seen in a long time. At best, I might rekindle an old (well, 4 years old anyway) acquaintance.

At the local train station he was there, on the platform, large as life, gorgeous and sexy, and although I was a little nervous and worried about looking silly, I went over. Yes, it was him, and even better, he remembered me. He was in the company of his sister, his very pretty girlfriend, and his father with whom he no longer lived, but met up with occasionally, which is why he was in this area on this particular day.

Formalities over, I invited him to come round, which he agreed to do a couple of weeks later, bringing his younger sister (which was fine by me, as I had previously known them both). I drove the five miles, picked them both up, with the assurance to his the laid-back parents I would drop them both home in an hour or so. My intention was a very honest one, to simply get to know them all again, but especially Liam. On a subconscious level, I admit I was very strongly attracted to him but I felt he was unreachable. Also, as they were both boisterous kids, Mum in particular was I think very happy for an hour's peace and quiet and was glad I had turned up.

Unfortunately, our time together was cut short, as I had a phone call shortly after getting back, and had to go out for a half-hour, leaving them both watching TV. Interestingly, when I got back, and after I dropped them both back home as agreed, I noticed someone (obviously him) had been on my PC upstairs, looking at music and soft porn sites. Nothing Gay or Bi, just the normal hetero teen interest with lots of cunt and tit, but at least I knew now that he had a healthy sex drive. There was no evidence of any masturbation, that I could find anyway, but my curiosity had been pricked. I resolved then to have him round again.

This I did a few weeks later, during the day, when I knew the house was quiet (I share with others). I was actually quite nervous, not of him, but of myself. That's to say, of my suggesting or doing something I might later regret. He was a slightly scruffy, tough but polite young teen, oozing so much testosterone and sex appeal from every pore I was quite overwhelmed being in a room alone with him.

After some light hearted chat and a soft drink, I brought up the subject of the porn sites, and asked what he liked to see, chatting on the subject for a few minutes. He wasn't embarrassed at all, so I asked him if he would like to view some porn clips, which I had on my PC. He was very enthusiastic straightway and went to sit on the chair in front of the PC screen while I squatted and did all the necessary mouse clicks. Standing inches away he smelled so musky and sexy, my own prick was getting hard and uncomfortable. I couldn't see for sure what his state of arousal was, as his clothes were baggy and his jersey covered his crotch area, but with his age and overall sexiness, I imagined his must be ditto.

While the first (one or two minutes, guys fucking girl) clip ran, and trying to control a slight shake in my voice, I asked him if he had had much sex experience, which he immediately said he had had.

I then asked about his girl friend, and he then said that due to her young age (14) they hadn't done very much, but, he added proudly, she had complimented him that his dick was the biggest she'd seen. Well, 14 y/o Irish girls don't usually get to see a lot of dick, so there and then I decided I wanted proof of it's impressive size, at first hand.

How big is it I asked? He made a space between his hands that seemed to indicate about 8 inches or so. I and my throbbing cock were now at the no-going-back stage I had worried about: I was getting extremely turned on. I thought quickly, now starting to be driven by lust. My mouth dry, and my heart beating fast, I said: "I'll make a bet with you: I bet you Eu30 (about 20 quid in old money) your dick is not that big!"

He hesitated for no more than 10 seconds, which seemed AGES at the time, and said, "OK, you're on".

Raising his t-shirt to get at his trousers, which then showed the waistband of his boxers sticking out the top of his baggy jeans where they met his defined abs (that is SOOOOO sexy) he unbuckled his thick leather belt and slowly pushed his jeans down to his knees.

Unlike the slightly scruffy state of his outer clothes, his gray boxers looked new and very clean, and there, lying back and to the left and reaching almost his hip was the unmistakeable mound of his teenage cock. Long and thick, and very obviously fully erect. For the short but unforgettable few seconds that I looked at it, it promised to be everything he had described, and more. A little damp patch could be seen where the top of his cock pressed against the thin material of his boxers. A light trail of blond coloured hairs (those on his head are light brown) left his inny navel and extended downward to the waistband and disappeared into where the buttons were still closed. His legs, visible just to the knees, were thin but muscled and had a light dusting of curly fuzz. It is impossible to fully describe how turned on I felt at that moment. It was pure sex.

He looped his thumb under the waistband and hiked them down enough so I could see what I could not wait to see. His penis really was very big, somewhere between 8" and 9". And not just big, but beautiful. A large dark red head peeked out from the foreskin (Irish lads are not cut, except if medically required). The skin lower down was totally unflawed, and paler than his outdoor body, except for the veins, which were now more obvious as he was fully erect. His light brown pubic hair was coarse and plentiful, altogether it seemed the whole package belonged to someone a few years older, it was such an impressive sight. As I looked, a small clear drop of pre-cum glistened in the slit at the top. His balls were ample, about golf ball size, nestling between his thighs, and the fuzz continued down to the crack of his arse, where it became dark and mysterious onto the material of the chair. The whole sight looked so clean, delicious and so incredibly inviting. He was also obviously turned on by the conversation, as you could see his dick throb in time to his heartbeat.

The conversation had faltered, but his thumb remained hooked into his waistband, and the boxers stayed where they were. As he continued to watch the screen action, the drop of pre-cum got bigger and started to make a small string down toward his abs.

"Do you wank often?", I croaked. "Yes", he whispered back, his own voice now a little husky.

"Do you need a wank now?" I continued. "I guess" was his equally quiet but very promising reply.

"Well, go ahead if you want, I don't mind", I said, adding quickly "just promise me that you won't tell anyone I let you wank over my porn. That way you can come here and surf on my PC any time you want".

"Ok then", he said, and needing no further persuasion he clicked the mouse to reset the clip at the start, wrapped his fist around his gorgeous tool, and started stroking in earnest. I will still behind him, slightly lower, and to his left, as he was fixated on the screen and my face only inches away from his jerking penis, I could see everything very clearly. The way his dick was pointing, if he shot only a few inches, his load would have hit my face full on.

After a minute or so, it was obvious he wasn't planning on lasting a long time, and with my own prick wetting my underpants & desperately straining to be free, I asked if he minded if I joined him. "Not at all" was his brief reply as he continued to masturbate furiously.

I freed my prick and started stroking, I knew I was only a couple of minutes, if even that, from a very strong orgasm myself, and with my lust levels almost peaking, and my courage increasing, I quickly asked if he ever had had any "bi" experiences. To my great surprise, he immediately said that he had once let his best mate (a year older, and a guy whom I also knew) suck him off as an experiment, while they were out walking in the woods and high on weed (cannabis).

Almost without thinking, and desperate with lust, I blurted, "Would you like a BJ now?" and to my almost complete shock and amazement he swiveled his chair toward me, used his thumb at the base of his cock to bend it forward towards my face (I was kneeling while I masturbated) and said "Yeah, I'd love one".

I swallowed his cock to the hilt, and started sucking for all I was worth. His tool tasted incredible, just faint taste of pee from his pre-cum, and his wiry pubes were on my nose and around my mouth. I heard him click the porn back again and he started to make happy little noises saying short, simple things like "oh yeah" and "oh" and just breathing heavily. His hips started to move back and slightly and I knew he wouldn't last long. He was very, very, turned on and his cock was rock hard as it poked at the back of my throat. I resumed stroking, not sure if I could hold myself back long enough for him to shoot first.

I needn't have worried. Within a minute of my oral attentions, he started to tense, leaned forward just a little, and then released a final, louder, groan with a much longer "OOOOHHHHH" and grabbed the base of his cock with his clenched fist, which started to stiffen up and become impossible hard.

As he gripped himself firmly, I stopped moving and increased my suction around the top of his penis, holding it tightly against my tongue. I held his balls gently with my left hand, so that my fingers rested on the hard base where they joined his body, and increased my own wanking to a frenzy with my right. The base of his balls started to pulse under my fingers and he suddenly groaned louder as powerful jets of his vital teenage semen spurted onto the back of my mouth, tasting salty, smooth, and so so sweet. A good four or five splashes hit the sensitive area at the back of the roof of my mouth, I swallowed greedily and my lips held tightly onto his cock as the final few twitches pushed out the last of his delicious seed.

I did not want to lose a single drop of his gift and I continued to swallow.

Then, my own orgasm hit me like freight a train. I had to groan loudly so I took my mouth of his cock and 4 days of stored up come and a mornings worth of anticipatory pre-cum flew onto the floor in 6 or 7 strong jets, the longest one going about 5 feet, where it lay in streaked puddles.. He looked impressed and smiled.

"Wow, that's a lot", he said.

We were both feeling spent I guess, and so we just sat there for about a minute before I got up, went to get lots of tissue which we shared and after cleaning, we then zipped up.

Interestingly, there was no embarrassment, and to cut a long story short, even with his definite interest in girls, Liam has now become a regular visitor and odd-jobber at my house. I have over the last few months, explored every part of his body, and I have lots of stories to tell, but this was the first. The others may well be told on another day. He is so totally photogenic and even has let me photograph him from all angles with my dig-cam, as long as I don't show his face, which is fine, I guess.

Now to my question, to you, the reader, is did you like this story? Do you think he might have a future in modelling? I ask this because Liam is unemployed, lives in a low work area, and when he turns 18 in May, wants to set up his own website, and share pictures and videos of his stunning physique. He is uninhibited, super sexy, and has so much to offer. Despite his desire to be anonymous, he loves his body on camera.

The thing is, I have no idea how to advise him on how to go about it, I know of course that it's completely legal to have public pictures once he is 18, so any advice on whom to approach, how to get a good ISP with secure payment facilities, and where to locate the site, would be a great help.

Advice, feedback or questions of a genuine nature only please! Flames/other time-wasting stuff will be deleted.

Even if you have no comments on the above, do let me know what you thought of my story and if you have any similar experiences to share.


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