Published on Mar 5, 2015



This really happened. I was in college, but lived in an apartment building in the Back Bay. Due to my military service I could start college as a sophomore so I missed outon the dorm life.

But our place was really like a dorm in many ways. Most of the other renters went toeither my college or one of the other many universities in the area.

We were all friends, shared barbeques, packed apartments to view sports events, award showsor other TV shows...and the long nights of drinking, smoking and just talking.

Sometimes we just walked in each other's apartments to share drinks, doobies or food.

My roommate Wayne, knew I was gay. He seemed to like it better. I guess it was because Iwouldn't compete with him for the girls he brought in..and there weremany. I even got to befriend some. Iremember Syliva who one morning found me in the kitchen in my jockeys.

She joked around and then asked me how to give Wayne a better bj. I told her I had neverhad any sex with him, but then gave her some tips on what I'd learned overrecent years.

"I don't know what you told her, but thanks" Wayne said that evening. I shrugged andsaid if they ever brokup I'd step in which made him laugh.

They brokeup. I liked Sylvia. But Wayne didn't seem to care. And yes, one late nightwhile we were watching TV he held his hard cock and invited me to fulfill mypromise. I did it...only once.

One of our neighborswas Kelly. He also knew I was gay. There was a natural attraction and we becamefriends for the two years I lived there. His roommate Brad was cool toojokingly told me to leave Kelly alone because he was his. It was a joke. I hadseen them both double dating and other times with various college girls.

I wascontent to have them as friends and Kelly as a close one.

During outlate night smoke induced gatherings, we talked about "why are we here" withmultiple participants. The cloud of smoke stimulated us to reveal many thingsto each other.

It was Kelly'sfinal year and my junior year when he came into my room one afternoon. I was onthe bed, naked and mid masturbation. He didn't leave but did say "sorry". Hesat on the bed and told me he was getting married.

Thatsurprised me since I suspected that he was a latent homosexual and somedaywould realize it.

"Familything, known Beth since we were babies. Our families said we'd do this"

We talked. Istayed naked. He didn't seem to mind. No, we didn't touch, kiss or screw. Hepatted my leg saying he wanted me to come...we both laughed at the double meaning.

He meant thewedding. I knew that but wished he meant the other. I had had fantasies about himand his roommate Brad.

I'd seenthem rough housing and thought that they might be "friends with benefits" atleast. But despite my fantasies and perhaps attempts to flirt with either ofthem, nothing happened.

So the rainyweekend a few months later, I got into my old Corvair for the drive down to hisstate and home. Nobody else from the apartment building was invited except hisroommate Brad, who would be his best man.

Most of themotel was full of guests, family and friends. I checked in and Brad immediatelyappeared to take me to the Bachelor party.

I was soon gettingnearly drunk with everyone else and tried to look enthusiastic when two femalestrippers appeared. We all laughed at Kelly getting red with embarrassment asthe two much older ladies moved all around him and gave him lap dances.

His bestman, roommate Brad, gave a crude speech which seemed funny to all of thealcohol influenced guests. I met a few. Most seemed to be from the city andwere high school friends of Kelly. A few were pretty hot and I gave an extrasqueeze to their handshakes.

I fantasizedI'd be in bed with one or more that night of course, although the amount ofalcohol I had consumed would probably have prevented any good performance.

The doorknock was sloppy. I found Brad leaning on the door post. "Gotta puke" he saidand ran to the bathroom fulfilling his promise.

"You ok?" Iasked opening the door. Brad was still kneeling over the toilet. His discardedshirt was on the floor.

As I lay inbed, I heard the shower turn on. Brad appeared later.

"I hear yougive on hell of a blowjob" he said.

"You'redrunk" I said

"Not thatdrunk" Brad held his hard cock in front of him. I had seen him and Kelly nakedbefore. During one of our field trips we all went skinny dipping. But I hadnever seen either of them erect.

"Your roomiesays you give a great one" Brad moved closer to my bed.

"I never..."I started to deny sucking Wayne off. "What the hell..." I reached and held Brad'shairy balls. His cock slide between my lips and I gave him "one hell of ablowjob".

His spermsplashed all over my face and bare chest. I literally bathed in his cum and wassurprised how warm it felt on my skin.

Unfortunately,Brad still had things in his stomach to dispel and as soon as he orgasm'd heran back to the bathroom and puked loudly.

"Usually Ido that afterwards..." I said to nobody and laughed at my own joke.

I hadwondered what would have happened next as I sucked Brad off. But now only Brad'ssemi-drunken state would dictate if he climbed in my bed for some moreintimacy. But usually drunk naked men only slept. So I was relieved when Brad,now sloppily dressed, stumbled from the bathroom to the door. He didn't sayanything.

As for me, Imasturbated alone and went to sleep as usual.

Everyoneseemed to have recovered the next morning, the day before the wedding. Ilocated Brad and the others at breakfast in the motel lobby. I sat next to Bradand everyone was talking and joking about the party the night before. Bradnever said anything to me about his visit to my room.

Then therewas a rehearsal which I attended out of boredom.

The bunch ofhis childhood friends played football on the wet grass. There was a lot of grabass and what I hoped was groping as we all piled on each other. Shirts came offdespite the chill but bodies were hot with adrenalin. Kelly didn't join usthough Brad did and seemed extra physical with me. Maybe I was horny after allthe male camaraderie.

He knew Iwas gay having been in our long night discussions back at the apartmentbuilding. Maybe he would be my night time thrill...I thought enjoying his armjammed in my crotch when he tackled me.

Kelly wasbusy somewhere though I caught sight of him here and there.

The dinnerwas more formal, Brad's speech was more civil, bridesmaids, ushers, best manand other males sat at the tables. I wondered which single guy and bridesmaidwould make it a night to remember.

And I kepttrying to eye Brad to see if he was interested. He seemed more interested inone of the bridesmaids.

"Good speech"I said to him as I left. Brad held up a beer as a toast "Thanks" he said. Iwasn't sure if he was thanking me for my comment or the night before. I smiled.

"Hey " Jesse appeared "I'm glad you came. Ireally am" he squeezed my arm.

"She's verypretty" I complimented the bride to be.

"Yea, familyfriend. Dad's wanted us to marry since I was in grade school" I noted Jesse'slack of enthusiasm but thought it was normal for a groom about to lose hisfreedom.

"Well, she'snice" I added although I hadn't even met the girl let alone talked to her.

"Yea, well,I know it was a bitch driving all this way. If we don't get to talk, I'll seeyou back in town next week."

There werefinals and graduation ahead for Jesse yet to come. My own finals andmatriculation would follow.

"You goingto grad school?" I asked. It had been discussed even before the marriage wasannounced. "Brad said you were still thinking about it."

"We'll see,it depends on what happens I guess" he squeezed my arm and returned to the headof the table.

To me heseemed sad.

I went backto my room alone. Fantasies of Brad appearing or one of the other strangers Ihad grappled with during the football game might knock on my door. Maybe two ofthem...I fantasized and rubbed my boxers knowing I'd end up jacking off and goingto sleep alone.

I had beensleeping for some time when there was a knock on the door. I heard the hingessqueak making me realize I hadn't locked the door.

"Hey yousleeping?" Jesse stood there. He seemed a bit drunk. He wore a tank top revealingthe very round shoulders I had admired back home.

"Just wannatalk" he started to leave.

"No it's ok"I made sure my sheet covered my boner and sat up.

There was along quiet period as Jesse locked the door and removed his shirt and shorts.His white jockey shorts seemed enlarged.

He sat onthe edge of the bed.

"Aftertomorrow, I uh will you know be married" he stammered.

"Yes I know"I said wanting to make a joke. But Jesse's demeanor told me not to.

"I thoughtmaybe you know we'd uh get together back home" he said looking at the floorthen at my face. "I don't mean I'm uh you know but ..." he put his hand on mybare chest and let his thumb stroked me.

I put myhand on his arm, not stop him but to return the touch.

"Maybe wecould, uh tonight, just want to see if..." Jesse took a breath and leaned forwardputting his lips on mine.

I could havepushed him away proclaiming how ashamed I would be to have sex with him thenight before he got married. I could have laughed saying he was joking with me.Or I could have pulled his head tighter and stabbed my tongue inside his mouth.

I chose thelast option and we began to make love. There were no words only grunts, pantsand occasional quiet cursing. I knew when he locked the door what was going tooccur.

But I didn'trealize everything that would occur. That night was like a cramming for examnight, pardon the pun. We kissed, felt, stroked, licked, sucked, ate, fuckedand found enough energy to keep alternating until breathless, our sperm drainedand emotionally we were yet to exchange more than physical sex.

As I laythere with Jesse's head on my bare stomach, his fingers toying with my pubichair, I didn't know if we should talk or just lay there until we slept.

I envisionthe morning I'd awaken and find him already gone from my room.

InsteadJesse started to kiss my belly, cock, balls before he lifted my legs andtongued my taint and butthole. Whatever a body does to rejuvenate quickly happenedand my prostate filled up, my balls ached and my cock drooled.

I let him dowhatever he wanted until he straddled my cock riding its length like we hadn'tfucked and sucked ever before.

I worked hisnipples as he bounced and jacked himself finally spilling out onto my chest andface. His tongue licked it all away.

I watchedhis naked body as he moved to the bathroom and let urine flow. His silhouettedbody looked even hotter to me. I joined him holding his member as it finished.He held mine I assume wanting to experience it for the first time.

We stayednaked, holding our bodies close together under the hot water. I played with himand knelt to see if he could cum again. He didn't but the attention of mytongue and warm mouth made him moan.

We crawledinto bed and kissed until dreams replaced the reality of our surpriseexperience. And in the morning, as I had predicted, he was gone.

Brad knockedon my door asking if I was ready. I let him in despite my nudity. I was feelinghorny and would have been ready to suck him off or bend over and take him.

"Hey we'rerunning late" Brad terminated the momentary fantasy and stood there talking asI dressed. I let him watch, I wanted him.

The churchwas packed. Bridesmaids wore nearly ugly dresses waiting in the lobby. Tuxedo'dushers and other friends of Jesse were dotted about the church. A stringquartet played some Elton John music which I liked.

I found someof the guys I had gotten to grab during the football game and sat amongst them.

Brad appearedby me and whispered "Have you seen Jesse?" I shook my head. Technically I hadn'tseen him that morning.

Time passedand the church occupants shifted, whispered and wondered.

"Guests and family..." the announcement came from Jesse's father. He invited all to go to thereception hall for refreshments and apologized as the wedding was cancelled.

"He's gone" Brad told me and some of the others "let's get drunk before they kick us out."

I went back to my motel room and packed. I suspected Jesse had gone back to the apartmentbuilding and much more importantly why.

Brad stood watching as I waved and got into the Corvair for the drive home. In the rearview mirror I saw him shrug and wave back.

I'd see himback at the apartment too.

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