This Old Bar

By ten.epacsten@niparretcma

Published on Aug 22, 2023


Copyright 2006 by AMc. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work and you may not copy or transmit it in any way except in it's entirety and with this disclaimer.

This Old Bar

Chapter 5 -epilogue

The private grand opening of This Old Bar was less than two hours away as Joe paced the floor in a mild panic. Since his breakdown he remained a recluse in his apartment, refusing to go anywhere or see anyone but Sam. He was in too much shock to deal with the bar. Sam was there every day for the finish work, practically living with Joe, giving him a detailed report. The focus on work had a soothing effect on Joe, keeping him from further emotional meltdown. He felt terribly guilty at first letting Sam deal with all the work but Sam dismissed his concern.

He loved what Sam had done with the place the moment he set eyes on it three days before, much to Sam's relief. The bar was dark but comfortable with wood wainscot paneling and the walls painted a pool table green. The walls were covered with vintage posters of beer and soda advertisements, classic movies and a few baseball greats. Joe was displeased with those but Sam promised that was the extent of any sports motif. The round oak tables were surrounded by mismatched chairs giving the place the feel of a comfy family room. The adjoining restaurant was lighter in color; the same dark wainscoting but the walls were cream colored. There were the same oak tables with matching straight back chairs.

Joe smoothed his nervousness as staff scurried about quietly putting the finishing touches to the bar. Glasses were spotlessly displayed, bottles of liquor stood in military rows before the mirror running the length of the bar. The wood was polished clean and glossy. A brass foot rail and leather covered stools were lined up proudly.

Opening a new bar was always nerve wracking with all the tiny last minute details but Joe had decided to make an important announcement at Sam's urging. He had stepped off the cliff to freedom, now it was time to see if he would land on his feet or fall flat on his face. Sam came over and put a comforting hand on him and Joe automatically jumped.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine, I'll be right here." he assured him for the hundredth time that day.

An hour later friends and staff from The Iron Grill began to arrive, with much gawking admiration at the bar's decor. Sam's face threatened to split from the wide grin at the compliments he received. He cocnstantly pointed to Joe and gave him full credit, causing him to blush.

Bill appeared looking like Conan the Barbarian in a suit. He shook Joe's hand vigorously while introducing his girlfriend Sondra, a tall redheaded woman at his side. Bill grew serious and squeezed Joe's arm.

"Good to see you again bud." he said with affection. Joe was afraid Bill was offended by his absence during the end of the remodel but he showed no sign of it. Without too much explanation Sam simply said Joe was too stressed.

A hired musician played jazz guitar from the small stage while everyone filled up with alcohol and food from the buffet. Sam nudged Joe to go ahead when the guitarist was done with his set. Joe stood on the stage and got everyone's attention.

"I want to thank you all for coming, for your help and support in bringing this place to life. Especially to Bill Thorson and his excellent crew for all heir work." Joe indicated Bill sitting down in front.

"Bullshit, it's that little twerp you hired." he roared back and everyone laughed.

"Speaking of that twerp. " Joe gave Sam a lopsided smile.

"I want to thank him for his diligent work here, this really is his vision." he applauded and everyone else joined in, forcing Sam to stand and take a bow.

"I also want to thank him for, um something . . .special." Joe said hesitantly and everyone quieted at his serious expression. Joe glanced over at Dave whose gaze held him with such affection and anticipation Joe could hardly breathe.

"I have a confession to make, I have been living a lie for many years and I want to thank Sam for for making me realize I can't lie anymore." Joe looked straight at Sam, who watched him with obvious love. Here I go, Joe thought as he turned to the expectant crowd.

"I'm gay." there was clap of silence and Joe trembled as he waited.

"Thank God, for a minute I thought you were going to tell us you're Republican." Bill blurted followed by laughter and applause from the others. Most greeted the news with a mixture of surprise, relief and a causul "so what" shrug.

"Wow, I had no idea." Bernard said to no one in particular in a shameless attempt at surprise. Dave came over and wrapped Sam in a bear hug.

"Thank God you got the son of a bitch to open up." he said with tears in his eyes. He stepped back in sudden embarrassment.

"Damn, I never thought I'd see the day." he continued humorously but there was no hiding the enormous relief at no longer having to bear the burden of hiding Joe's source of anguish.

Sam was struck by the effect of Joe's pronouncement. He hadn't expected it, but like a stone dropped in a pond, the effect rippled through the lives of those he touched.

Rita, a petite woman with a pinched scowl on her face pushed her way to the front of the crowd around Joe. Joe tensed as she faced him. He always respected and kept his distance from the proud, fierce chef who ran the kitchen like a drill sergeant.

"I'm very disappointed in you Joe Rossini, I wasted three years lusting after your ass." there was a silence at her remark until she broke into a girlish giggle. Joe hunched his shoulders in a vain attempt to hide his acute blush. There would be no end to the ribbing from her for a while. Rita reached up and gave Sam a kiss on the cheek.

"Lucky bastard, you be good to this man or I'll kill you." she threatened.

"The she'll saute you in butter with mushrooms." Joe added half jokingly.

Sam quickly agreed and once again saw the impact in Joe's revival. He couldn't be happier for the guy. Joe was equally amazed at how well everyone took his revelation in stride and he wondered why he worried so much. He walked around the room greeting people with Sam close to his side, frequently touching him on the arm or shoulder to assure him. Everyone hugged or shook Joe's hand, congratulating him on his courage. Joe would nod, too overcome to form words pass the tight knot in his throat.

Some as he expected, sat in icy silence or left quickly from the celebration. He suspected there would be a few resignation on his desk tomorrow. One of them was an older man who stared at Joe and the group around him with visible disgust. He managed the building where The Iron Grill was. A condition of the sale to Dave and Joe was his continued employment doing maintenance. He was the most unpleasant man Joe ever met. Joe saw him out of the corner of his eye, approaching with confrontation in mind but was intercepted by Dave's large frame blocking him. There was a brief exchange then the man shot the lovers an evil look and left. Dave sauntered over, smoothing his tie as he did.

"What was that all about?" Joe asked, though he had a fair idea. Dave had been trying to find a way to fire the bastard for years.

"Nothing." he dismissed."Hey I was thinking we should put together a baseball league with the other bars and restaurants. what do you think?" Dave enthusiastically wondered out loud, clapping Joe on the shoulder.

Joe had vehemently refused this idea in the past. Dave was taking advantage of his off balance state and having a crowd present. To his dismay several others heartily agreed with Dave and he felt his resolve wan. He shot Dave a dirty look. This was all happening too fast, Joe thought.

"Great idea, I, for one would love to see you in tight pants." Sam leered and Joe looked very uncomfortable with the banter. He had come out but he wasn't used to it yet.

"Um, I'll think about it." he mumbled and everyone reacted as if it was a done deal.

The rest of the evening passed without incident and by midnight most had left. After locking the door he retreated to the rear of the bar where Dave, Sam, Bernard and Chico sat.

"So now you are Sam mas." Chico, the oversized bartender was saying to Sam. Joe frowned, having missed the conversation.

"Ah I get it." Sam patted Chico on the chest with the back of his hand. He turned to Joe.

"Sam mas means `more Sam' in Spanish. It's a palindrome." he explained and Joe nodded out of politeness.

"If you leave him you are no Sam Mason." Chico punned further, returning the smack to Sam.

"Never." he said looking at Joe.

Joe quirked up a corner of his mouth in a moment of doubt. It was possible Sam would leave him like the others. Rita emerged from the kitchen and joined the men as they sat sipping their beers and talking quietly. Slow jazz played on the stereo in the background giving the dark room the feeling of a speak easy. Joe nudged Sam sitting next to him.

"The place looks good, thanks." he swept the room with a glance. Sam smiled sheepishly.

"It turned out alright." He said while picking at the label on his beer.

"Alright? It's fucking awesome." Dave said in his trademark loud voice and there was general agreement all around.

"And you got a boyfriend to boot." Rita added with an arched brow.

"I told you I was a package deal." Sam added mischievously.

"So we won't be seeing you around now that the job's done?"Bernard asked blithely. Rita smacked him on the back of the head, the jolt made him spill his beer.

"No doofus." she informed him. He glared a her then looked to Joe and Sam, comprehension sinking in.

"Oh." he managed and slunk into his chair.

"Actually you will be seeing a lot more of me since I'll be moving into the apartment next door to Joe." Sam said and the others ohhed lasciviously. Joe went from a startled pale to an crimson blush in seconds.

" If you worked here you could make sure he's on time." Dave remarked. Joe was notoriously sloppy about being on time. Sam considered the idea thoughtfully.

" I could do that." this got another round of lewd responses. Joe halted in mid sip at the words and stared at Sam to make sure he was serious.

"You really mean that?" Joe thought a job at a bar was a step back to Sam's career. The others groaned at his naive response.

"I like it there and I'm good at dealing with people." Sam insisted. He certainly had the personality for it and was more sociable than he was, Joe mused. Dave cleared his throat and nodded; it was already decided. Everyone clinked bottles in a toast to Sam. A lively and sometimes bawdy discussion of what Sam's new duties would be ensued among the gang.

Joe shook his head at the effect Sam had on him. For the first time in his life he felt lucky and promised himself to do whatever it took to keep this handsome man at his side. He listened as his friend planned Sam's future and let his gaze wander around the cozy room with a sense of comfort.

I have a new bar and a new life he thought with a contented sigh.

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