This Old Bar

By ten.epacsten@niparretcma

Published on Aug 9, 2023


This Old Bar. Copyright AMc 2006. All rights reserved. This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit scenes of sex between consenting adult males.

This Old Bar

The place was an absolute pit. Debris littered the floor, there were holes punched in the walls and part of the false ceiling was knocked out with a florescent light fixture dangling down. Joe knew when purchasing the run down bar it was not pretty but he was still a bit shocked at the condition. What the hell was Dave thinking? He shook his head in wonder. Dave Howell, his best friend and business partner, obviously had no idea what qualified as a "fixer-upper". The place had a punk-dungeon-black hole decor. The walls were painted variously in black, bright teal blue and hot pink, it made him nauseous just to look at them.

His contractor Bill Thorson emerged from the wreckage of the kitchen. He was a lumbering man with tousled blond hair and a walrus mustache over which a large hook nose perched. The diminutive realtor followed close behind.

"It needs cleaning up. Ok a lot of cleaning up, but the building's sound and the electrical is up to code." Bill pronounced with a clap of his big hands.

"It has a large loading door with plenty of exits." the realtor emphasized. Joe was annoyed with his pitching. The purchase was a done deal but he was still in salesman mode.

Well that's good news Joe sighed. It wasn't a fire trap and they would be able to move equipment in and out easily enough. Joe nodded approval and the realtor slapped Bill on the back with forced chuminess. Bill started at his impertenance and excused himself to check out the loading doors.

"It will be great when that designer is done with the place.Them fruits are good at this sort of thing." the realtor chuckled. Joe stared at him in confusion until he realized the realtor was referring to a free lance designer Dave had raved about and commissioned to redecorate the place.

"Excuse me? " Joe retorted at the crass remark. The small man paled in embarrassment.

"Well I mean, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-." his voice trailed off and his eyes darted to the floor, unable to meet Joe's glare. Joe had overreacted, in his confusion he thought the realtor was referring to him. Maybe Dave said something to him. Not likely, his friend was equally tip lipped about Joe being gay. Joe Rossini hardly looked the part. Forty years old, solidly built with a slight paunch. He had black hair thinning on top and a neatly rimmed beard. He truly was an ordinary joe.

Joe spent the next two weeks having the place gutted. Well, Bill and his crew did the demolition. Joe mostly watched as old appliances were hauled to a truck and trash thrown in the dumpster at a reckless pace.

This might work he mused warming to the location. The bar was a one story storefront tucked in between two taller apartment buildings near downtown Portland in a quiet residential area. It would make a good neighborhood bar with an adjoining restaurant.

Bill informed Joe he would start rough framing tomorrow. Joe was glad he was in charge, the jovial man and his regular crew had worked on his other bar so he was familiar with him. As Bill wandered off, Joe noticed a young man with a briefcase approach the building hesistantly.

"Mr. Rossini?" the blonde man asked.

"That's me."

"Sam Mason, the designer Dave Howell hired." he handed Joe a resume as he explained and Joe brightened.

"Oh right, I'm glad you're here, come in and I'll show you the disaster area."

Joe paid more attention to the shorter man next to him than the empty space. As they walked around Joe glanced at the paper in his hands. Sam looked twenty four with a Bachelor's degree in Art and Design. Joe looked up to catch sight of his preppy haircut and a small, firm butt on an slender build only seen at undergraduate gyms. Joe was instantly aroused. Not normally his type- but he couldn't think what that was at the moment-but definitely attractive. Sam turned and he affected a blank, all business expression.

"Well it's not too bad and the bar is definitely worth keeping." He indicated the long wooden bar pushed to one side during the demolition. It was an antique with a beautifully carved face and mahogany top.

"Let me take some measurements, makes notes and see what I can come up with." he said with enthusiasm. Joe nodded and let him look around as much as he liked while he tended to other things. Five minutes later Joe turned a corner and literally bumped into Sam, putting his hands up reflexively and caught him by the upper arms.

They apologized profusely to each other and Joe once again was struck by his beauty. Sam was shorter than Joe's six foot with straw colored hair neatly combed back that showed off his smooth oval face and blue eyes. He said he had some great ideas but wanted more input from Joe on the design.

"Shit, I don't know a thing about design, that's why we hired you." he complained in half jest.

"Let's start with what kind of customers you want to attract." he stated practically. Joe stared at him.

"The kind with money." he replied as if this was obvious. Sam smiled at his wit and Joe liked him even more.

"Do you want young or old money?" he tried again. Joe squinted, getting the drift.

"Young yet classy and comfortable. A place locals want to hang out." he answered.

"Will there be music?'

"Eventually, but acoustic and only on Fridays. I don't want the neighbors complaining." he gestured vaguely towards the building next door. He lived on the third floor and certainly didn't want to be bothered by noise after a long day at work. They continued hammering out details, Sam nodded and scribbled notes. Joe watched his hands in admiration.

Jeez I can't believe this, Joe thought as Sam went on about color scheme and the style of furniture. Here I am an old fart lusting after this boy, he chided himself. He is an interior designer, maybe he's gay after all, he thought and immediately recognized he was being as stereotypically prejudiced as that realtor. He smiled in agreement at something Sam was saying to cover his amusement.

Well he's nice to look at. Just don't be obvious or you'll spook the guy, he reminded himself. He was aware of an uncomfortable bulge forming in his pants and had to settle down.

"I'll come by later this week with a preliminary design so you can see what I mean." Sam said and Joe popped out of his reverie.

"Great, I'll be here, I'll be here forever I suspect." he joked and put out a hand. They shook and Joe held on a fraction longer than usual and made full eye contact with Sam for the first time. He made no reaction but merely smiled and bade goodbye. Joe watched him cross the street to a beat up hatch back. The pressure in his jeans reminded him he was daydreaming again. Ah, to be young and beautiful he sighed, rubbing his eyes in fatigue. The day was only half done.

Joe was thrilled when Sam returned several days later with a hand full of sketches. They were detailed down to a small stage. Sam showed off a blueprint corresponding to the conception he had. Bill wandered over and liked the design too.

"So you'll still be around to coordinate this `vision' thing?" Joe asked, partially because he wanted to see Sam again and he had no clue how a design went from paper to the real thing.

"He doesn't understand the vision? We're doomed." Bill said burying his head in his hands. Joe ignored him and Sam laughed.

"Sure, I'm a package deal." he answered. Joe sighed in comical relief. Even if this cute guy wasn't turned on by the likes of an older widening guy like him, Joe liked him.

The young blonde lay on a bed, his body outlined against the red satin sheets. Rose petals descend like snow, dappling his creamy skin as he smiled with lust at Joe standing over him. Joe threw himself on the naked man, smothering him with a kiss, their tongues tangling. Joe was hot with desire as he rubbed his rough hands over his smooth torso, sparsely covered with golden, almost translucent hair. He couldn't get enough of the young thing under him. Joe focused on the familiar pulse in his loins when his attention was wrenched by an irritating noise. He turned his head and spotted an enormous alarm clock propped on a table. He was puzzled by the strange object until he woke with a start and saw the same clock, now normal size, buzzing loudly. He slammed the alarm off and lay in a dazed heap for a minute while the remains of his vivid dream melted away. That's what he gets for watching the movie "American beauty" before bedtime, realizing where the imagery came from.

He reached into his briefs and sure enough he was as hard as a proverbial board. Shit, he thought in frustration. It was only a a dream, a nice wet dream but now reality slapped him in the face with an empty bed, a useless hard on and he had to pee. Double shit.

He rose and attended to nature's call and continued with his morning ritual; shower, brush his teeth, comb his hair. He stopped to gaze at his receding hairline in sudden awareness that he was terribly lonely. He wasn't given to such brooding but his dream brought on the old longing. He was living alone having given up on men after his last disastrous relationship.

Paranoid jealousy is not an attractive feature with anyone and his ex lover displayed it with increasing alarm as Joe spent more time at work than with him. When he threatened to go public with their laision that was the last straw.

It's just as well, he mused as he put the comb down and trimmed his beard. The long hours of work distracted him from dealing with feelings of inadequacy that came with being gay. Like being Jewish and feeling guilty, it was a requirement. Growing up Catholic didn't help. Looking in a mirror was like going to confession. Even after he realized the church was full of shit.

Done with his grooming he dressed and headed out to see how the bar was progressing. Bill and company had things under control as they started on the rough framing. There wasn't much for Joe to do as the guys moved around swiftly, bringing in tools and large sheets of plywood to repair a section of floor .

"You're in the way -again." Bill said facetiously, shooing him out of the way with a wave of his hands. He stuck his tongue out at Bill's parental tone. Joe didn't see Sam anywhere and called Dave while he stood out on the sidewalk, away from the crew and the noise.

"Hey Joe good to hear the place is coming along. How's the designer I hired working out?" Dave asked in his usual breezy manner, his nasal New York accent barreling through.

"Well that's why I'm calling, your new golden boy isn't here." He said with a touch of impatience.

"Is there a problem with him?" Dave sounded alarmed. Joe didn't want to get Sam in trouble. Dave went through sub contractors and hired help with astonishing regularity.

"Not at all I'm just kind of lost in this project without him." he cringed at how helpless he sounded. Dave laughed good naturedly.

"Can't do without the eye candy huh?" Dave chuckled.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Joe was rankled by the implication that's all he saw in Sam. Joe knew Dave was just kidding and maybe it was his earlier brooding but he was not in the mood for it.

"Nothing, just that Sam's a good looking kid and-" Dave tried to explain.

"And what? I don't lust after every guy I see." Joe snapped. He and Dave had known each other forever and he was the first straight person he came out to, but honestly, sometimes Dave carried that tolerance too far.

"Hello?" Joe asked anxiously after a very long pause on the other end.

"Um, sorry Joe. So I guess you didn't know he's gay?" Joe sighed, this was turning out to be a really shitty day. He stared up at the typically overcast sky in a combination of surprise and relief at the information.

"No, my gaydar is out being repaired." he replied flippantly. Dave gave another hearty laugh.

"That's more like the Joe I love to annoy. I'll send blondie over right away." They rang off to Joe's relief. He couldn't believe his boorish behavior. What was wrong with him? he thought, still in sour humor. At that moment Bill came out for a consultation.

"I'm such a schmuck sometimes." he informed Bill.

"That's nice, would Mr. Schmuck like to show us where he wants to put the bar?" he replied as he jerked a thumb back at the construction zone. Joe forgot his annoyance now that he had something to do.

He didn't forget his preoccupation entirely. He kept glancing at his watch while Bill showed him how they were moving a wall from here to there, making the restaurant smaller and the bar bigger. After the sixth time he became aware of the gesture and realized he was anxious for Sam's arrival.

So he's gay, well I won't have to hide my glances, Joe thought with relief. Or other things, he imagined.

"Something wrong?" Bill asked when he noticed Joe's flushed face.

"Ah, it's just warm in here." he mumbled, embarrassed that his face gave him away. Joe always blushed easily and it was nearly impossible for him to hide his emotions entirely with his expressive face. Must be the Italian in him he would say and people bought the excuse. It made being secretly gay difficult sometimes.

Why did he continue to hide, he asked himself. As self loathing swelled in him. He didn't have to as Portland was fairly liberal. A long way from the blue collar, conservative atmosphere of Pittsburgh where he grew up. Most people here didn't give shit, whereas he'd get a hostile response in his old neighborhood.

Hell, a lot of gays frequented his other bar "The Iron Grill"thinking was a BDSM place with the black furniture and chrome accents. They would laugh when informed otherwise and stay to have a couple of drinks. Even then he remained silent.

The closet, where did that asinine term come from, he thought contemptuously, like the term gay. He certainly wasn't. Frightened men and women persecuted for loving the wrong gender in an uptight puritanical society, that's what we are, he concluded bitterly. He stewed in his anger until he saw Sam walk in the door and his ire evaporated like mist. He was neatly dressed as always, his hair perfectly groomed.

"Dave said you needed me." he said eagerly. Joe waved his arm at the room helplessly.

"This anywhere near your vision thing yet?" he asked. Bill spotted Sam and embraced him desperately.

"Oh thank God you're here, this man is useless." he declared in mock horror. Joe rolled his eyes. Sam stared at the two until he realized they were goofing off and laughed.

"Ok, I'll explain it again and I'll use small words."

Sam did more than explain his vision he helped build it. He came each day, wearing clothes appropriate for work and joined in the remodeling. For a neat nic he didn't mind getting sweaty, which surprised Joe. He knew how to use a hammer and measuring tape too. Which was more than Joe could do Bill joked.

They made a good team, Sam would make a suggestion or find the solution to a problem and Joe made sure it got done. The crew liked Sam too, cracking jokes with him when he joined them for lunch in the parking lot behind the bar. Joe and company got him to come along to The Iron Grill for a get together after work one Friday.

"Where are you from?" Joe asked Sam conversationally once they were seated at a table, waiting for pizza and beer. Sam was taken aback, until now Joe had only engaged in shop talk.

"Bend." he replied; in eastern Oregon. Joe nodded trying to find something else to say.

"So you like your job?" Joe inwardly cringed. Why the hell did I ask that? He wondered at his lack of sense as he felt flop sweat rising on his neck. Sam gave him an odd look.

"I like it but it wasn't my first choice." he said with a shrug but offered nothing further.

"I've never been to Bend, what's it like?" Joe plowed on blithely. He had heard it was a bit redneck out on the eastern range.

"Hot and dry in the summer and cold and snowy in winter. Where are you from?" Sam replied, still puzzled by the awkward tone of the conversation. It seemed like Joe was on a fishing expedition but didn't know what he would catch.

"Pittsburgh PA." he answered and suddenly didn't feel like talking. Joe turned away overcome with a twinge of discomfort. Being here reminded him of his father and his bar. Joe pushed the pain aside and joined in the laughter from the crew as Bill regaled them with his endless supply of dirty jokes.

Joe glanced at Sam who seemed to be off in his own world. Joe shifted in his chair and Sam's leg bumped into his. Their eyes locked for a moment before Joe moved his leg away. Joe maintained a blank expression with great difficulty as his mind whirled at the implications and meaning of the gesture. He felt his loins stir and hastily excused himself to take a pee.

He fled to his office down a hall, past the kitchen, slamming the door behind him. He collapsed on the long leather couch against one wall, his messy desk and file cabinet on the other side of the cramped room.

Oh Sam, Sam, he whimpered softly as he shut his eyes, feeling his shirt stick to his back from sweat. He had never reacted to a man's touch like this, was the touch intentional? He couldn't think anymore as his member demanded release. He pulled his pants open and pulled it free as his mind drifted.

He imagined Sam had come looking for him and found him there on the couch, fondling his hard on. Joe looked up startled at his sudden appearance; a lewd smile spreaed across Sam's face.

"Let me help you with that." He kneeled down and spread Joe's legs. Joe watched as he placed his stiffness in his mouth, bobbing on it. Joe gasped as he was engulfed, sending him into sensory orbit. There was a loud knock on the door and with a start Joe sat bolt upright, alone in the room with his hand around his unsatisfied member. Shit, he was never going to find release, he cursed in frustration. The knock returned.

"Yeah, who is it?" he shouted as he frantically zipped up. It was Bernard the bar's manager wondering why the door was locked. Joe opened the door, an annoyed scowl on his face.

"Cant' a guy have a little space for himself." he whined in a pseudo-pop-pyschology way. Bernard got the joke.

"Of course I didn't mean to intrude on your meditation boss but I need an ok on this order and to change the house brew ." He handed Joe a receipt. Joe sighed, scanned the bill and nodded approval. He had to get back to the guys anyway. He smoothed his hair and beard, pulling himself together to face them and the man of his fantasies with dignity.

"Sorry I was gone, duty called." he apologized unnecessarily to the gang as he slid back in his chair.

"Didn't notice you were missing. " Bill said around a slice of pepperoni pizza. Joe made a face and grabbed a slice before it was gone, washing it down with a coke. Sam had wandered off Joe noted as he casually surveyed the room. He returned and sat next to Joe as his old seat was taken by a late arrival. His arm brushed Joe's shoulder as he reached for some pizza. This time Joe didn't glance at him but wondered if it was an intentional accident like the leg rub. He was imagining things in his lust filled haze and dropped the speculation before he really got himself in trouble.

"What are you going to name the new bar?" Bill asked Joe, wiping grease from his bushy mustache.

"I'll think of something. " he mumbled still distracted by Sam's closeness.

"How about Still Life, as in there's still life in the old dog." Bill suggested to general laughter. Joe shook his head at the lame joke.

"Nah, it's got to be catchy and memorable." he insisted.

"How about Rip City?" a reference to the Portland Trailblazers.

"No, no sport bar please." Joe quickly pleaded.

"The Boom Boom Room."

"Joe's Place."

"Eat, Drink and be Merry." Joe continued to shake his head at the rapid fire suggestions.

"One More Round."

"Cheap Beer and Chicks."

"Hey, the Food's Descent."

"Doofus." Everyone was getting carried away with the silliness.

"How about This Old Bar?" Sam, who had been playing along, said seriously. Joe turned to him as he considered it.

"I like it. It's simple and friendly." Joe gave him an appreciative nod and smile.

"Here's to This Old Bar." Bill said raising his pint of beer and everyone joined in the toast.

Done with the pizza and beer, the group faded away until only Joe, Bill and Sam remained. The two older men decided to knock off work on Monday. Joe wanted to think on the changes and they had to wait for the arrival of the kitchen appliances anyway. Bill gladly agreed, looking forward to a long weekend with his girlfriend and set off. Sam got up to make a pit stop before heading off as well, leaving Joe to toy with his empty glass as he watched the bar fill with the regular Friday crowd, a good mixture of college students and couples.

Couples. He watched in idle fascination as a tall woman with exceptionally long blonde hair cuddled up to a man sitting on a bar stool. She slid her hand under his leather coat and around his waist. It was apparent from the body language they had been together awhile; easy and comfortable with each other's space. Joe felt a pang of envy and loneliness settled over him like an old blanket.

Even though he owned the place and could kick anyone out with impunity he felt like an outsider. Except at a gay bar where he was well known would he even dare to touch a man the way that woman touched her boyfriend. Such a simple act of affection in public was denied to him because he was gay. It was unfair but that's the way it goes, he concluded realistically. He started to take a sip when he remembered the glass was empty, just then a waitress stopped by.

"Can I get you another coke Joe?" Stephanie the waitress asked. She was a great gal Joe thought, always sharp and on top of customers needs.

"No, I'm going home, get some sleep." he said wearily. She cleared the table as she nodded goodbye.

He made one last round of the bar, checking in with staff to make sure everything was running smoothly then headed for the restroom he forgot to go to earlier. As he turned the corner he once again ran into Sam and both jumped at the near collision. Sam laughed in embarrassment.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." he joked but when he looked in Joe's face his smile died and something shifted.

Joe couldn't hold back any longer, he lunged at Sam and took him in a fierce embrace, pushing his mouth against his. They sucked on each other's tongue then Joe broke and looked around anxiously to make sure they were alone. He pulled Sam through a door leading to his office but decided somewhere other than the scene of his earlier fantasy would be better. He shoved an exit door open with his butt dragging Sam with him and they tumbled to the loading area behind the building.

They clutched at each other frantically as they kissed again. Joe pulled Sam's shirt out of his pants and ran his hands over his chest, pleased to discover that it was just as he imagined, a sparse covering of hair, a trail running down a smooth abdomen and disappearing under the waistband of his jeans. Joe practically tore the snaps off in his frenzied desire to grab Sam. He was doing much the same to Joe, feeling his ample chest and stomach with one hand while grabbing his ass with the other. Joe moved back to catch his breath.

"I want you Sam." he growled and dove back into his mouth as he pulled on the cock in his hand. Joe could have stayed there all night but Sam didn't last and uttered a strangled groan as his orgasm unloaded in Joe's grasp.

"Oh shit." he managed to gasp as he came down from the climax. Joe gently let go, not sure how sensitive he was. They stared into each other's eyes, Sam's blue and clear and Joe's dark and veiled, both still glazed with lust. Joe leaned his head on Sam's shoulder until his panting subsided.

"You didn't get off." Sam finally said, holding Joe tenderly, massaging the back of his neck with one hand.

"We could finish this at my place." Joe said quietly and waited anxiously in the pause as Sam settled his breathing.

"That would be nice." he said with a sincerity that made Joe's heart leap.

They quickly reorganized their clothes and calmly walked through the bar and out to Joe's car. Sam's was still parked out in front of the unfinished place. Sam paid no attention to the surroundings as they quickly made their way up to Joe's apartment. He was focused on watching the round ass in front of him as they entered the apartment.

"Here drink some water. " Joe handed him a glass that brought him back to awareness.

They stood in the middle of the living room, a large, high ceiled square room. Tall bay windows faced the street; covered with venetian blinds. The only light came from the kitchen visible past a breakfast counter. Joe gulped his water and took Sam's glass when he was done, setting them down on a coffee table with a loud clunk.

Joe kissed Sam on the neck as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it on the couch without looking. Sam did the same thing in return. They gathered each other in their arms as their kisses intensified. Joe's head swam as he drank in the clean scent of Sam, burying his nose in his hair and sucking on his neck just behind the ear. Sam moaned and he took that as a good sign. Joe switched to the other side of his neck, gazing the adam's apple with his tongue as he passed by. Sam put his hands on Joe's ass pushing his groin against his.

" I want to suck you dry." He whispered in Joe's ear, who hummed in response. Joe took his hand and lead him to the bedroom.

Sam remained at the dark doorway while Joe entered and switched on a small decorative lamp on a shelf above the bed, casting a orange glow about the room. Sam removed his shoes and socks while he took his watch off and placed it in his pocket. Now able to see the room Sam stepped in and helped Joe get undressed. His cock was plump and hard, jutting out from a dark patch of hair. Sam caressed the broad chest, the hair soft and dark between his pecs, framing large nipples Sam gently sucked on. There was a nice field of hair all the way down his torso as well. Sam felt his pants slide down his legs and Joe found his small firm ass. Done with foreplay, Sam pushed Joe onto the bed then climbed between his legs, scooping up Joe in his mouth. Joe gave a loud moan as Sam massaged him with his tongue.

This is better than I ever dreamed, Joe thought, as he floated in bliss until it became almost unbearable. He exploded with a grunt and a gush. He put his hand on Sam's head as a signal to ease off as he was very sensitive after climax. Sam lay next to Joe, placing his hand on the heaving chest, feeling Joe's heart pounding. Joe tended to drop off immediately after sex but he stayed awake to gaze at the beautiful man beside him. He reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"You're so beautiful, I thought so from the moment I first saw you." Joe said softly. Sam's face brightened in the subdued amber light.

"Really? I thought you were pretty hot too." he smiled sheepishly. Joe gave a disbelieving chuckle.

"This fat old guy, no way." he dismissed.

"You're not fat or old." Sam retorted so strongly Joe was taken aback by his seriousness.

They fell silent, Joe heard a thud from an upstairs neighbor and listened to the wail of a siren fade into the distance. He was brought back to the moment as Sam caressed his abdomen absently, swirling his finger in his navel, then brushing the fine hair until he came to his crotch. Joe inhaled Sam as he leaned against his head.

"I like your hair." he said at last.

"I like yours too." Sam said as he playfully tugged on a long pubic hair.


"Sorry." Sam quickly apologized then grinned when he belatedly realized he was being kidded.

How strange is the power of attraction Joe thought as he marveled that the intimacy of the moment. Joe never imagined he could touch Sam and here he was in bed with him. It bothered him that all this time he had no clue Sam was attracted to him. Man am I losing my touch, Joe wondered.

"How come you never made a move on me until tonight?" Joe asked suddenly curious. Sam looked up at him amazed.

"Made a move on you? You're the one who practically raped me outside the men's room. " he laughed.

"No I mean when you brushed against my leg under the table." Joe corrected. Sam frowned as he reflected on the incident.

"I didn't realize I was coming on to you." he answered.

Joe shrugged, it didn't matter now. He rubbed Sam's shoulder and pulled him closer. Sam kissed him in a small teasing way.

"Care for another round?" he asked. Joe nodded and they thrashed around like two teenagers in heat. At one point Joe rolled on top of Sam grinding their cocks together in his favorite position. He loved the feel of Sam's body on his skin. Sam's breathing became ragged and he tensed up.

"Um, you're hur- too heavy." he stuttered and Joe was off in a flash at Sam's frightened expression.

"Sorry babe, I told you I was fat." he said to ease the tension. Sam relaxed with a smile and pushed Joe on his back to attack his nipples. Joe was like a kid on a swing giddy with the air time at the top then feeling the adrenaline rush on the ride back down.

"I want to be inside you." Joe whispered to Sam, whose eyes lit up at the idea. They switched positions, Sam on his hands and knees and Joe above him.

"Oh wait." Joe muttered and scrambled out of the room to return a moment later with condom and lube.

Suitably attired, Joe got behind Sam and entered him. The younger man grimaced at the entry of Joe's girth in his tightness. Joe held still a moment enjoying the hot grip on him. He laid his head on Sam's back supporting his weight on his hands, mindful of Sam's earlier reaction. He couldn't get over how wonderful his young flesh felt. He brushed his beard across Sam's shoulder blades, raising goose bumps and a delighted gasp from him. He always took longer the second time around as he reached for another intense orgasm. Completely spent the two lay side by side panting, until exhaustion took over and they fell asleep.

Joe woke at dawn to the sound of the toilet flushing and a moment later Sam settling on the bed next to him. He opened his eyes slowly, dim morning light peeking through the blinds covering the one window in the room.

"Hey babe. " Joe mumbled and Sam started.

"Did I wake you?"

"Yes, and it's a lovely sight to wake up to." Joe grinned, Sam returned a wan smile, caught up in his thoughts.

"What's up?" Joe asked, finally noticing the far away look on Sam's face.

"I was thinking about last night when you were dry humping me." he began quietly.

"It's called frottage." Joe said interrupting, Sam nodded vaguely.

"It reminded me of something I haven't thought of years." he turned his head away gazing at the window.

"I was twelve and staying with my uncle while my parents went on vacation. A hunting buddy of his came over for the evening. I was pretty much ignored while they drank and talked." Sam gave a impatient sigh, he knew he was rambling. Joe sensed it too but knew he was getting to something important.

"That night I felt someone get in bed with me, at first I thought it was my uncle, he tended to night walk." Sam began to talk faster as he went on. "But it was his friend. The guy was heavy and smelled of beer, he pushed himself on me, rubbing against me like you did and-" he broke off and turned completely away from Joe.

Joe was aghast at the horrible memory he had triggered and reached out to Sam in encouragement but he jumped at the touch and stood up. Joe thought he would bolt from the room but he stayed rooted to the spot, his hands clinching at his sides.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's not your fault, please let me finish." Sam snapped then sat down again facing Joe.

"He came all over me, and then I couldn't help myself, I came for the first time and he laughed at the sight. Without a word he got up and left, leaving me crying and bewildered. He never said anything to me later."

"Did your uncle know?" Joe was afraid to find out.

"No, not at first but he noticed how I avoided him after that and on a subsequent visit. He figured out something was wrong and I never saw the guy again." Sam looked so small, his face ancient with sorrow.

"My reaction to it was typical - in hindsight- I felt enormous guilt and I didn't touch myself for years.' he uttered a rueful laugh.

"Can you imagine a horny guilt ridden teenager not jacking off?" he asked and Joe laughed at the irony, having gone through a strict Catholic upbringing himself.

"Oh yes I can."

"No, I mean I NEVER did except to piss or scratch and even that freaked me out." Sam added. Joe was awed by Sam, baring such a deep emotional wound to someone he barely knew and in such a calm manner.

"Then when I was sixteen, I learned that he was killed in a car accident and I felt a strange relief. I rushed into my room and had the most furious masturbation session you could imagine." he froze for a moment then groaned heavily. Joe quickly moved over and took him in his arms. He held Sam as a parent would a child waking from a nighmare, comforting him with caresses and calming sounds. Sam stopped as suddenly as he began. Joe held onto him until he slumped against his chest, exhausted. Joe fetched a glass of water and insisted Sam drink.

" I've never told anyone this before." he admitted, surprised by his confession.

"Not even your parents?" Joe was shocked, Sam shook his head.

"I figured they wouldn't understand."

"They're not accepting of your being gay I take it." Joe guessed, this sounded familiar.

"No, actually they're very supportive. I was afraid they would think I lead him on or some such shit." he wiped his face, suddenly tired of the subject.

"Now I know better. I went through all that psychology crap and realized he was just a dirty old man who didn't know better-the bastard." he concluded with a heavy sigh. A huge burden seemed to have lifted and he looked young again, glad to be rid of the weight. Joe kissed him proudly.

"I'm honored that you trusted me enough with this." Joe said humbly.

Sam was nonplussed by his reaction, Joe wasn't angry or freaked out. He made no attempt to brush the matter aside or suddenly find him and his baggage undesirable. Sam looked at him with new admiration and wondered how he could show his appreciation.

He got an idea and with a lewd smile pushed Joe onto the mattress and mashed his hardening member into Joe's groin. Joe figured out what he was up to and spread his legs to give him better access. They rutted together increasing the speed until, to their delight, they came at the same time, leaving a sticky mess between them. As they lay recovering from the workout Sam looked at Joe and they burst out laughing, releasing the last of the tension.

Next: Chapter 2

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