This Is What They Call Love

By Xavier Anthony

Published on May 13, 2018


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Chapter 1

Triston became increasingly agitated as he stared at his computer screen, taking a moment to glance out his office window watching the people stroll by. The college kids walking out of the over- priced coffeehouse, the overly in love couples causeding him to roll his eyes in annoyance, and the ones wondering around with a lack of purpose in their eyes. He wasn't always this way, in fact, his friends from university would say he was a special kind of person once you got to know him, but that was before and this is now. There was no time for love and heartache,. Hhe had clients to worry about and spreadsheets to complete.

"Knock, Knock old buddy,. hHow about we call it an early night and head out over to Southern Nights?, I hear its college night." Triston rolled his eyes not looking away from his computer. Brian was always after the young boys, being in their late 20's themselves they weren't exactly old.

"I have an expense report that due Monday morning and I'm swamped with...." Brian closed his laptop screen before he could finish. "The Johnson account is not going anywhere. nNow get your coat and let's go., Iits been over a year since Henry and you need to live a little." Triston frowned at the mention of his ex and the unpleasing visuals that accompanied.

They were planning to get married, spending their honeymoon in Greece with their closest friends, that was until he decided to surprise him at the office one night. Shaking his head Triston grabbed his coaaought and left his office. "Sweet damn, let's go get some college ass." Brian howled. "Could you be any more classless?" Triston chuckled. "This is a rare event; I am going to take full advantage, drinks on me!"

Walking into the club Triston immediately felt old, half the boys too young to actually drink and others looking like that they should be too young. He sighed as Brian ran off ordering drinks, this was going to be a long night. "Cheers buddy to a work week behind us and a weekend in front." They tapped their glasses together before downing the shot.

"That was awful, you are not allowed to make drink choices anymore." He had to resist the urge to gagged and the liquor burned going down. "My new friend here was telling me this is all the rage, nothing like a good shot of fireball." Brian had his arm around a boy's waist who didn't look like he should even be in here let alone drinking. Triston took in the scene definitely Brian's type for sure. He offered his thanks for the drink choice and left his friend to it.

He was going back for a second drink when he noticed a guy at the bar quietly drinking taking in the scene of Brian and his boy toy trying to merge in to one body, presumably trying some type of dancing. "Are you trying to figure out who is going to get their face swallowed first or do you lay claim to one of them?" Triston surprised himself by striking up a conversation.

The bar guy gave him a quick once over before taking a sip of his drink and responding, "Uunfortunately, I'm a best friend that cares to much and he calls too often." He couldn't help but laugh at the similar predicament. "Yeah I have the same claim to fame, your friend there is just what Brian ordered. I'm Triston by the way." The young man titled his glass in his direction, "I'm Cory, it's a pleasure to meet you. What's a guy like you doing hanging with an old guy like that?" Triston nearly spit out his drink, "Brian and I went to school together and work at the same financial firm."

Cory looked at him bemused, "No way, you don't look a day over 25, but your friend looks...aged?" Triston hadn't laughed so hard in a long time hold his sides as they began to hurt, "You my friend are going to make this night eventful." They tapped their glasses together as they continued to keep an eye on their respective friends. Cory took the opportunity to do a closer inspection of the man standing beside him and he knew he liked what he saw, add in the fact that he could hold decent conversation Cory was damn near smitten.

"So what brings you guys out here tonight?" Cory had to collect himself as he almost missed the question. "College night, it seems to attract all types and Caleb enjoys the attention.," Cory nodded towards his friend on the dance floor with Brian. "Odds are he will probably end up going back with that guy or bringing him back to our place." Cory shrugged as he downed the rest of his drink.

No sooner had he said that Brian and Caleb staggered over to them. "Triston there you are!" An intoxicated Brian threw his arm over his shoulder before continuing in a whisper. "So this hot little number wants to take me home, so we are going to catch an uber and ship out. , Ccall me in the morning." Triston could only shake his head, but he then remembered Cory's situation, looking across the bar he could see the young man looking particularly annoyed but resigned to the outcome.

"It's going to be one of those nights, Caleb is quite the noise maker and the walls are pretty thin." Triston thought about it for a minute before surprising himself., "Why don't you come home with me? Brian isn't a psycho so you don't have to worry about your friend and I have a spare bedroom." Cory couldn't believe what he was hearing, not only is this guy hot, but inviting him over. Cory knew he was making a bigger deal than it was but he still couldn't help the stirring in his loins that the situation caused. "I would love to take you up on your offer."

Next: Chapter 2

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