This Is the Night

By music teacher

Published on Aug 1, 2003


Disclaimer: I have an overactive imagination, the result of which is this story. I do not know Clay Aiken or any other celebrities mentioned in this story, and I do not intend to imply anything about their true sexualities. Simply file this in the "Wouldn't it be nice...?" portion of your mind. Also, if you are under legal age to be reading this sort of stuff (18 in most areas), then leave now. All the rest of you who ARE of age, please enjoy my little mind trip away from the land of reality.


For the next couple of days, I was in a very depressed state. I know, I know - I should have been happy. After all, Clay and I had just taken our relationship to the next level. But I just couldn't be too happy, since Clay was leaving for the tour. We both knew that the next month or so would be incredibly hard, but we also knew that (as cheesy as this sounds) our love could withstand the distance.

So there I was, standing in my living room, trying to say goodbye to the man I loved. Clay had promised me that he would stop by on his way to the airport. For obvious reasons, we decided it was better that I not come with him. For the longest time, we both just stood there, looking at the floor, feet shuffling awkwardly.

"I wish you could go with me," Clay said finally.

"I know," I told him. My eyes began to get watery. Dammit. "Me, too."

"I will call as often as I can," he said in an attempt to make it easier. It only somewhat worked.

"I hope so."

"This is for you," he said, handing me a package that appeared as if from nowhere. I opened it up to find a framed picture of the two of us in his mother's living room. I had forgotten that she had taken the photograph, as she had taken it during all the craziness of leaving that Sunday morning. To the untrained eye, it was a simple "buddy" photograph - me and Clay, each of us with one arm on the other's shoulder, smiling into the camera. But to me, at that moment, that picture meant the world.

"Thank you, Clay," I said. "I love it."

"Randy, I love you so much," he said, wrapping his arms around me in a huge hug. My tears immediately spilled over and I began to cry harder.

"I love you, too, Clay," I blubbered. "I am going to miss you so much!"

We held each other for a long time, just swaying gently, back and forth, as if there was music playing in the background that only Clay and I could hear. All too soon, he said the words I dreaded hearing.

"I need to go before I miss my flight."

I laughed wryly. "Would that really be a bad thing?"

"Not for me," he sighed. "But do you wanna deal with management if I don't come on tour and tell them it's all your fault?" Clay smiled as he gently poked me in the chest.

"Alright, alright," I gave in. "Go be famous." I kissed him gently. Our lips kind of stuck together for a while before they finally released each other - almost as if they didn't want to be separated as much as Clay and I.

I walked Clay to the door, where he gave me a quick peck on the lips, said goodbye, and left.

I cried silently for a while. I sat down on the couch and curled my legs up close to me, clutching a pillow with one arm and holding the picture of Clay and I with the other hand. I stared at the picture, and just let the tears flow freely. Yes, it was going to be a LONG couple of months. After about an hour of my little self-pity party, there was a knock at the door. Wiping my eyes and running my fingers through my hair, I opened it to find Lee and Ryan. Ryan carried a couple of pizzas and a couple of movies, while Lee had a case of my favorite beer in his hands.

"Sunshine committee to the rescue!" Ryan said cheerfully as he and Lee entered. I laughed despite myself.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"Well, Ryan and I were trying to figure out what to do tonight, and we knew that tonight was the night that Clay was leaving," Lee started.

"We thought maybe you might want to be left alone," Ryan continued.

"But then we said `Screw it!' and decided to cheer you up!" Lee finished.

Still smiling, I rolled my eyes. "Any chance I can change your mind again?"

"Nope! You're stuck with us!" Ryan said.

"And you love us for it, don't you?" Lee batted his eyelashes at me. I had thought I wanted to be left alone, but the truth was, I was glad that they had come over. The pizza, beer, and movies were Ryan's idea, but he left Lee in charge of the specifics because he knew what my favorites were. I was very happy that they had gone to all this trouble.

"Well, looks like I'm all set!" I laughed. "One thing, though - what are YOU guys gonna eat and drink?"

"Very funny," they said, grabbing some pizza and beer. We popped in the first movie ("Happy Gilmore," a movie that never fails to make me laugh) and watched it while stuffing our faces. When it was done, we watched the second movie ("Liar Liar" - apparently Ryan and Lee felt I needed to laugh a LOT tonight). By the time it was over, the beer was nearly gone, meaning we had each had a LOT to drink. Since I couldn't in good conscience let either of them drive home, I let them sleep on my couch.

All I have to say is, thank goodness I was so drunk that night. Otherwise, I would have NEVER gotten to sleep over the noises coming from my living room.

I woke up the next morning having to pee SO badly. So I got out of bed and stood up. The next thing I discovered was that I had a killer hangover. My head started spinning, and I had to sit back down on my bed. I eventually managed to make my way to the bathroom, where I relieved myself, and then took three aspirin. Almost as soon as I had swallowed the pills, I started feeling better. I walked out into the living room, where Lee and Ryan were curled up together on the couch. Granted, they had to be curled up together because the couch wasn't a foldout, but I have a feeling they would be this close if they were on a king-size bed. I smiled at them for a second, then waited for the pang of jealousy to pass - MY man was somewhere far away, and I couldn't curl up with him.

After the two of them woke up, we went out to breakfast, and did some shopping. My hangover was completely gone by then, and we had a great time - and we only had to run once when Ryan was spotted by a group of (seemingly rabid) teenage girls! I got home that afternoon and I was in a great mood. My mood elevated even more when my cell phone rang.

"Hey baby!!!" I said when I answered it.

"Uh, hey to you too, sweet cheeks!" a female voice replied.

"Kim!!" I said, surprised. "Why are you on Clay's phone?"

She laughed. "Well, Clay always blushes when you answer the phone, so I thought it would be fun to see why!"

"Gee, thanks..." I said, laughing.

"Besides, I wanted to say hi, but I don't have much time," she told me.

"Oh, well, hi then! How are you?"

"I'm good! Ready for this first concert! It's really good to see everyone.

How are you?" she asked.

"I'm ok," I told her honestly. "Had a fun night with Lee last night, and we spent the day together as well."

"Good!" she said, before mumbling something to someone on the other end. "Hey, Randy? It seems someone is even more anxious to talk to you than I am, so I'm gonna have to let you go."

"OK," I said. "Great talking to you! And good luck tonight! Break a leg or whatever!"

"Thanks! Bye!"

I waited a few seconds. "Hello?"

"Hey sexy!" I said to Clay. "Tell Kim I hope that got the desired reaction from you," I said laughing.

Clay laughed, too. "I miss you," he said quietly.

"I miss you too, baby," I said. I told him about my night and day with Ryan and Lee, and he seemed pleased that they were there for me. Apparently, Kim and Carmen had taken him out the night before (a "Girls Night Out," as Carmen had jokingly referred to it).

"Sounds like fun," I said when he told me about it.

"It was," he said. He started talking to someone in the background. "Randy, they're telling me I have to get going."

"OK," I said sadly. "Well, have a wonderful concert tonight! I'll be thinking of you."

"Thanks. Love you!"

"I love you too, Clay," I said before hanging up. I knew then that it was going to be OK. Not easy, necessarily, but OK.

The next couple of weeks were kind of a blur for me. I kept pretty busy getting things ready for the next school year. I attended a workshop, did some work in my classrooms (being a traveling teacher means I have multiple classrooms), and fine-tuning lesson plans. All of these were things I would normally do in the weeks closer to the start of school, but with Clay gone I had nothing better to do with my days.

At night, I would hang out with Lee and Ryan on occasion, but mostly tried not to interfere or be a "third wheel" in their relationship. Sometimes, just Lee and I would hang out, and, on one occasion, Ryan and I went to lunch. That was a bit weird at first, as we had never hung out together without one or both of our boyfriends, but we ended up having fun and learning more about each other.

One night, I was out to dinner with Lee and Ryan, celebrating my birthday. The big day was still a couple of days away, but they had insisted we celebrate that night. We ate at my favorite Italian restaurant, and by the end of the meal, I was absolutely stuffed. Lee and Ryan, of course, insisted that I not pay for the meal, so I thanked them for the birthday present. They looked at each other and smirked.

"This was not your birthday present," Lee said, innocently.

"It's not?" I asked suspiciously. "Then what is it?"

"We can't tell you that right now," Ryan said, smiling. "Just be ready on your birthday at noon. We'll pick you up."

For the next two days, I tried to pry information from the two of them, but it was to no avail. They would give me coy answers such as "You'll just have to wait and see," or "I dunno - you'll find out!" It was VERY frustrating.

I had no choice but to do as I was told. At precisely noon on my birthday, I was picked up by Lee and Ryan in a limo. They still wouldn't tell me where we were going. When we got out of the limo, I turned to them.

"Guys?" I asked. "Why are we at the airport?"

"We're taking you to Cleveland." Lee said this like it was an everyday occurrence. As if we'd be back for dinner or something.

"Cleveland?" I was confused. There was something familiar about it, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Never mind," said Ryan. "You'll see when we get there."

We boarded the plane, and Ryan was delighted to find out that we were the only ones seated in the first-class section. Personally, I was just happy to be in the first-class section!

It was a relatively short trip to Cleveland. I spent the trip trying to figure out why we were going there, of all places. Lee and Ryan spent the trip trying to figure out how to join the mile-high club without raising too much suspicion. Sigh. It was nice that we all had something to keep us occupied.

When we got to Cleveland, we quickly left the airport (it was like teenage girls had attached a homing device to Ryan, and knew where he was at every second!) and got into the car that had been rented for us. We headed for a shopping mall, where my "mission," as the guys called it, was to buy a new outfit. Paid for by them, of course. I was already being spoiled rotten. We left the mall, returned the car, and got into yet another limo. This time, when we got out, there were THOUSANDS of screaming fans. We appeared to be at a concert of some sort.

A concert! That was it!

All of a sudden I realized why Cleveland was sounding very familiar to me. The American Idol concert was there! That night! I was going to see Clay!

Ryan and Lee, seeing the light bulb turn on above my head, said at the same time, "Happy Birthday!"

"This is awesome, guys! Thank you SO MUCH!" I told them excitedly. "How did you get tickets? I hear this tour has been sold out for a while!"

"There are some perks to being the host of the show, you know, Randy," Ryan said jokingly. Duh...I had gotten so used to hanging out with Ryan that I had almost forgotten he was so famous. "And it gets better! After the show, we're going backstage!"

"That's great! I'm so happy!" I felt like a starstruck fan all over again.

Though something told me that many a starstruck fan would be envious of me lately.

The concert was amazing, of course. We had kick-ass seats (again, thanks to Ryan). The performances were great (despite what Simon might have had to say about them) and they all seemed to really be having fun on stage. It was great to see everyone I had already met, and I looked forward to meeting the rest. That thought brought up a question I had, though.

"Hey, Ryan," I asked quietly, "does everyone know about Clay and I?"

"Oh, yeah," he said. "Clay has told them all about you. But it's a surprise that you're coming tonight. He doesn't know. Kim's been our secret contact."

"Awesome!" I said. I was glad that everyone knew about Clay and I. I was very proud of Clay for having the courage to tell them. I'm sure it was easier with Kim and Carmen there to support him. I made a mental note to thank them for that later.

After the concert, the three of us made our way backstage, where we wound our way through a series of hallways until we came across a door that said "Kimberley Locke." We knocked, and she opened the door excitedly.

"Hi! Oh, Clay will be SO EXCITED!" Kim was practically sqealing. She gave us all big hugs, and led us down the hall to Clay's dressing room. Along the way, she explained that Clay had been kind of down all day. "He REALLY wanted to be with you on your birthday," she said. We reached his dressing room, and Kim knocked.

"Clay? It's Kim. Listen, a bunch of us are going out for a little while. Do you want to come?"

"No, thanks," came the muffled reply from within.

"Clay, you need to get out for a bit tonight. No moping. I will not allow it!" Kim was getting all mother-like with Clay. "Now, if you don't want to, I suppose that's OK, but you have to tell me to my face," she said with a wink to me. She then quickly traded places with me.

"Look, I'm sorry, I just don't want to..." Clay opened the door. "RANDY!" he shouted. I grabbed him in my arms and gave him the biggest hug I could possibly give him. "What are you doing here?"

I explained Ryan and Lee's plan. He seemed just as surprised as I had been.

"Thank you!" he said to me, before turning to Lee and Ryan. "And thank YOU!" he told them.

"We'll let you two have some alone time," said Kim. "Meet us in Carmen's dressing room?"

"Sure! See you in a little bit," he said, dragging me into the room and shutting the door.

"It's SO good to see..." I held up my hand to quiet him. Without a word, I walked to his door and opened it. Sure enough, into the room fell Lee, Ryan, and Kim. Giggling, they got up and went back down the hall.

"Continue," I said, smiling.

"It's SO good to see you!" he said, taking me in his arms again. We hugged for a while, just enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms again. I kissed his neck lightly, and then began making my way up to his ear, then down along his jaw line, to his chin, and finally to his lips. It started out as gentle kissing, but we definitely got caught up in our feelings, because soon we were laying on his couch, Clay on top of me, making out quite heavily. Our hands were roaming each other's bodies. We began to remove each other's shirts, but he stopped me. Breathing quite heavily, he reminded me that we needed to get down to Carmen's dressing room. After a little more kissing, we got up and made our way down the hall. When we got to Carmen's room, we knocked and entered.

"SURPRISE!!!" I was shocked. The entire American Idol group was there, with a cake, and in full birthday party regalia (hats, streamers, noisemakers, etc). The cake read "Happy Birthday, Randy!" and was HUGE. There was no way that we were going to be able to finish it. Kim handed me a card. I opened it up and saw that it was signed by each of the singers (except Josh, who wasn't part of the tour). I was truly touched.

"Hmm," I said with a smirk, "I wonder how much I could get for this on Ebay?" Everyone laughed. We had a wonderful time at the surprise party, which I found out was Carmen's doing. I was able to meet all the other singers, which was very fun. They were all nice, for the most part. A couple of them, like Charles and Julia, were a little bit distant, but no one was outwardly hostile to me, so I took that as a good sign. After a little while, people began to leave. Ryan and Lee were long gone - they told me they'd pick me up at Clay's hotel the next morning. Soon, Clay and I said our goodbyes to everyone and made our exit as well.

When we got back to the hotel, we immediately began kissing. Our clothes came off rather quickly. Once we were both undressed, we laid down on the bed. Clay surprised me by rolling on top of me and holding my hands up by my head so that I couldn't move them. It wasn't rough or anything - just more assertive than I'd ever seen Clay. He was in complete control. He kissed his way down my chest, stopping at my neck, nipples, and bellybutton, before reaching his intended destination.

When he reached my cock, he licked at the head a few times before swallowing the whole thing in his mouth (something he was getting quite good at) and bobbing up and down a few times, really getting it wet with his saliva. After a few minutes, he kissed his way back up my body to my lips. I was ready for another hot makeout session, but he suddenly left my lips and began licking my ear. With his hot breath, he whispered something in my ear that I had longed to hear.

"I want you to make love to me."

Clay released me and rolled over onto his back and began kissing me again. I put one hand behind his neck, and with the other I found Clay's asshole. I gently poked one finger into his hole while kissing him. Clay moaned with delight, so I carefully inserted a second. I began moving my fingers in and out, which really drove Clay wild. After a third finger was added, I felt Clay was sufficiently loosened up. I knelt on the bed. Clay put his legs on my shoulders while I put on a condom (the little stinker had one waiting in the nightstand drawer for me!) and lubed it up. I pointed my cock at his now-loosened rosebud. Clay and I locked eyes as the head of my cock broke through and entered his ass. He winced in pain a little bit, so I leaned down, taking Clay's legs and wrapping them around my waist, and kissed him on the lips.

"You OK?" I whispered.

"Yeah," he panted. "Just go slow."

I kissed him again. "I will, baby. I love you."

I slowly pushed in further, inch by inch, until my entire dick was inside of Clay. I had never felt this connected to someone else before. We kissed as I slowly withdrew most of the way from Clay, and then pushed back in. Clay moaned with delight, and I repeated the process, achieving the same result. I gradually picked up the pace. I again knelt on the bed and returned Clay's legs to my shoulders in order to accommodate the faster pace. We never broke eye contact, however. Clay and I were in a whole different world of bliss. I was pumping in and out of Clay's ass at a pretty fast pace, and I could feel myself getting close. I reached down and grabbed Clay's dick. Within seconds of when I began stroking him, he came with the most powerful orgasm I'd ever seen from anyone. His ass muscles clenched around my cock, which was enough to send me over the edge. I came with a shuddering intensity I'd never experienced before.

I collapsed on top of Clay. "Wow," I said. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too," he said. "Happy birthday, sweetie."

We kissed for a couple of minutes, but sleep quickly overtook us. We fell asleep in that exact position - me on top of Clay, his arms around me, my head buried in the crook of his neck.

Happy birthday, indeed!

As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated! Don't forget to send in your vote as to whether Lee and Ryan should have a spin-off chapter.

Thanks, as always, to Lee for being a wonderful editor, sounding board, and friend. Also, thanks to Scott for help with a couple of details in this chapter. Finally, thanks to all of my awesome readers! You're all great, and I want to hear from each one of you! Once again, the address is Stay tuned, lots more great stuff coming up!

Next: Chapter 13

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