This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on Aug 12, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. Let me know what you think :)!



"Go on," the one man said.

"Don't I have to be on a list or something?" Nathan asked.

"We aren't going to pay you this time if that's what you mean," the other man grumbled.

"Wait a sec!" Nathan blinked. He looked at both men in turn.

"Yeah," the first man sighed, "Bruce here won't shut up about that twenty bucks you won."

"I thought you two looked familiar," Nathan said, smiling as he passed.

"It was pretty funny," Bruce said.

"You'll miss the whole party if you don't hurry man," the other man said.

"Well... You guys can bribe me later," Nathan laughed as he walked through the door.

"Nick'll have to pay you this time," Nathan heard the man call. The steps were large and made of solid cement. Nathan pushed through the revolving glass doors and stood awestruck at the interior of the hotel with its rich carpets and preposterous chandeliers that hung from very small chords. Nathan hurried along the entranceway. There were no signs; instead they had roped off segments leading the way to the main hall.

From off to his left came a small voice, "Coat check sir?" a woman asked, making Nathan stop mid stride.

"Oh," he said, "Of course. How much to check in?"

"Two dollars sir," she smiled.

Nathan fished in his pockets.

"But..." she smiled. "I could perhaps be persuaded to check your coat for free," the woman winked.

Nathan passed her the two dollars with a smile, "I'm here to meet someone actually," he said.

"Hmmm," she paused as she took the money. "Aren't we all?" she said.

After he had the slip of paper in hand he made his way into the main hall. Mirrors lined the perimeter of the room and made it look more expansive and regal he thought. 'Snow White's stepmother would've been right at home here,' he laughed to himself.

Nathan sighed; everywhere that he looked people crowded and milled about like ants in black suits or fancy full-length dresses.

'They all look like they are having a great time', he thought darkly.

He quickly made his way through the central part of the room, his eyes scanning, his heart searching the people. In the back of Nathan's mind, he noticed and remembered seeing and meeting some of these people when he had visited the set. But that seemed like a lifetime ago to him now.

Then, even through the millions of voices, Nathan's heart stopped when he heard that familiar purr of Jason's baritone. Nathan turned to see the large Hollywood stud in the middle of a large crowd of people. Women of every age and body type hung from him like wet toilet paper.

Nathan flushed.

He tried to get closer, let Jason know that he was here somehow, but the crowd was too thick and he ended up being pushed and thrust back out into the room.

Nathan sighed. He brushed off his white shirt and straightened his liquid blue necktie but before he could finish he stopped. Nathan turned just in time to catch a familiar eye.

Jason had seen him!

Nathan waited, dreading and yearning for that familiar exclamation of joy and childlike innocence....

But it never came.

... It never came....

Jason Scovil stayed where he was, talking and laughing with the people around him. Nathan swallowed hard and steeling his heart he walked off leaving the languishing star to his adoring public. Nathan felt neither hot nor cold, only emptiness. How could he have been this stupid again in less than a week?

As he passed through the room, as he passed by the crowds of fake and plastic enhanced people Nathan picked up a glass of champagne and went out to the balcony.

He turned one last time, almost drunk with the desire to see Jason bound over to him like he had once done, but there was nothing. No one was going to jump in and rescue him, he chided himself; this wasn't some kind of gay fairytale. Even then Nathan could laugh at the irony that fairies never seemed to get fairytale endings. 'At least not this one,' he told himself.

He downed his drink in one shot and left it on the stone railing. The moon was out that night but the clouds hovered dangerously close like they would swallow the moon at any moment. Nathan loosened his tie and decided to walk through the small ornamental gardens before he left for the night.

'I should just go back to my own dull life,' he thought as he walked past the lush green foliage that sparkled silver in the fall moonlight. Silently he thanked the Indian summer for the hot weather at least.

Just then he heard something.

Quickly Nathan spun on his heel, his heart in his throat; half expecting, half hoping that it was.....


No, it was nothing. After a long paused, Nathan frowned and started back towards the party. He would take one more drink before he left then call himself a cab he decided.

That same noise again. Only closer this time.

Nathan stopped, he brushed some of the greenery out of the way.

"Eeeeeek!" a woman screamed.

"What is it?" a man's voice asked breathlessly.

Nathan fell backwards. When he opened his eyes he could see two familiar faces. Colten was blushing, his shirt was open at the front and his pants were loose. Tanessa on the other hand was trying to conceal her breasts.

"Ugh, god," Nathan looked away as if his eyes were burnt.

"Nathan!?" Tanessa hissed, "What the hell are you doing out here?"

"N..... Nate?... I" Colten flushed a still deeper shade of crimson.

".....Now that I'm blind..." Nathan said a little too loudly.

Tess just glared at him.

"Sorry guys," he said.

Tanessa managed to find her errant blouse. What was left of her blue dress sparkled in the silvery light. "What are you doing out here...?" she asked again.

"I..." Nathan began.

"... Anyway... He's inside," Tess finished.

Nathan paused for a seond, his brain wasn't firing on all cillinders, "Who?" he asked.

"Are you ok Nate?" Colten asked.

"Jason!," Tess said turning away and trying to hide herself. "Who else!?"

"...Right," Nathan said, "right." Nathan got back up, "Sorry guys." He stumbled off into the garden again.

"Nathan," Colten called, but Nathan was too far away. "I hope he's ok," he turned back to Tess, "I'm glad that he came though."

Tanessa just pulled him closer, "I wouldn't worry about him," she smiled.

This party was too much, Nathan decided. Seeing Colten like that, his heart twinged, was too much, And oh god, seeing Tessa's knockers?

He make a face.

He would take that one last drink, hit the bathroom, then head home to wallow in a bucket of ice-cream or a cappuccino or something like that (damnit Brendan was right!).

As he passed through the hall, Nathan could see the crowd around Jason was larger. He could see Jason had a hold of a bottle of something and was chugging for all he was worth. "This is for the best,' he thought before he reached the men's room door.

"Oh god!" Nathan stumbled backwards for the second time that night.

"Nathan!" a still too familiar voice squeaked.

"If I wasn't half blind already," Nathan squinted his eyes but not fast enough to see a flurry of cocks. "Travis!...." he spat, "What the fuck?"

"S.... Sorry man," a tall man said hurriedly as he ran around the corner and into the nearest stall. The other, shorter man didn't bother to run or try to hide himself.

"Gawd Travis," Nathan said cringing, "Since when do you go for trade? And two at once man??"

"... Why aren't you with Jason?" Travis said, obviously unfazed. Thankfully for Nathan, Travis' pants were still on the whole time, his shirt was off, but at least his pants were on.

"I..." Nathan began but stopped. He cocked his head to one side ".... Bruce?" he asked.

Bruce smirked, one hand unabashedly rubbing himself.

Nathan averted his eyes, "Ugh," he coughed. After a pause to make sure he could still see, "Nick?" he called to the stall where the other man had run.

Nathan could hear a dull thump as the man in the stall turned around suddenly in an act of recognition, nearly falling over in the process. Nathan hadn't recognized them without some sort of uniforms on much less bare ass naked.

"Well!?" Travis said in his high-pitched voice, "He won't wait around forever darlin'!" Travis grabbed his friend by the back of the shirt and marched him to the door.

"Trav... I" Nathan stammered.

"No butts Nate," he said, "And they 'aint trade queenie," Travis shook his hips, "They're the loves of my life! So keep your hands off of them bitch!" And with that he grabbed Nathan by the collar and the two of them left the bathroom.

"Travis," Nathan said, pushing the smaller man back, "what the fuck?" Travis just smiled, his eyes looked slightly glazed. "My god," Nathan stopped.

"What?" Travis asked, tucking in his shirt.

"This is why you patched things up with me so easily." Nathan paused, "You haven't fallen for them have you Travis?"

Travis huffed, "Me?" he said, "You were the other who could never stay mad at me for more than a night." Nathan considered it for a second, "Remember when I destroyed your computer with that Ricky Martin virus thingy?"

Nathan tried to choke back the bile, "How did you meet them anyway?" he asked changing the subject.

"The point is Nathan," Travis lowered his head and glared at Nathan, "You should go and talk to him.."

"You must have met them trying to sneak in to get Jason," Nathan almost whispered. He shook his head, "But... I... I can't even get close to him tonight," Nathan said.

"Bu bu bu bu!" Travis grabbed him by the lips.

"Ughhhh," Nathan swatted the arm away. "Piss off you little bitch."

"Nathan!" he said. "We're sophisticated faggots after all." Travis brushed the grime off of Nathan's overcoat, "You know what you want," he glared at Nathan once more. "Now go and get him!" he pushed Nathan forward. "And don't come back till you're good and fucked!"

A few of the nearby people looked at Travis like he was some sort of natural disaster. He seemed to get that a lot lately.

Travis smirked and on entering the bathroom again looked at the two bewildered, very naked men in the stall.

"Now where were we my beauties," he asked with one finger pressed against his lips. His eyes lit up after a split second, "Oh yeah!" he smiled, "I remember now."

It was nearly midnight as Nathan walked past a nearby pizza joint. He stopped and bought something cold to drink. He didn't much care what is what so long as it was cold and wet. The night was still hot and humid. He sighed.

Nathan could see people at a nearby fancy restaurant laughing and enjoying themselves. He could see couples holding hands as they walked and his heart sank. He thought of the party, thought about Jason, about Tess and Colten, about Travis and the two guards and his heart sank a little more.

A cold breeze suddenly came from out of nowhere jolting the young man.

He stooped.

He swore, 'My coat,' he thought, 'Damn.' Quickly, Nathan jogged back to the hotel. He ran past the couples and the laughing people who were enjoying their weekend and didn't seem to have a care in the world. He hated those people in that instant.

Finally, he reached the entrance to the hotel. He was out of breath. This time, no one guarded the entrance but as he walked through the main doors he ran into someone familiar.

"Nathan," a male voice called.

"Huh?" Nathan muttered between breaths. He looked up.

"Nate," Colten said, his eyes were alive with tension.

"What?" Nathan said, suddenly alert and anxious, "What's wrong Colten?"

"Nate it's ok," he said, "I need to ask you to do something for me."

"What is it?" he asked as they walked back inside.

"We can't have people see him like this," Colten continued, as if he was talking to himself.

"One sec Colten," Nathan steered them over to the coat check and handed the clerk his rumpled ticket that he had fished from his pocket.

"If the press saw him like this," Colten continued.

"One moment sir," the young man who was now behind the counter said as he disappeared amongst a dark menagerie of coats and sweaters.

"Like what exactly Colten?" Nathan shook his head, "What gives?"

"Here you are sir," the man handed him his light coat with a smile.

"Thanks," he said.

"Well," Colten looked around quickly, "Jason is dead drunk and..."

Nathan sighed, "So what does that have to do with me?" he said. "I bet it happens all the time."

Colten shot him an odd look, "Well no Nate," he said as they scanned the well used hall, "Not with him it doesn't." Colten pointed out their route and the two men walked quickly around the few remaining guests.

"Whatever," Nathan said, "But what does this have to do with me?"

"He's asking for you Nathan," he said.

Despite himself Nathan's heart skipped into his throat, "Oh," he replied.

When the two men entered the sliding doors of the kitchen, Colten lead the way to a side closet and opened the door quietly. Nathan stopped, Jason was slightly slouched over the arm of a dirty wooden chair and was drooling quietly.

"God," Nathan said.

"Help me get him up," Colten said.

"What the hell are we gonna do with him?" Nathan hissed.

"You're going to drive him home."

Nathan nearly dropped Jason on the floor, "What!?" he spat. "Are you crazy!?"

"Shhhhhhhh," Colten said through clenched teeth, "Don't attract attention Nate. No one can see him like this."

"Me?" Nathan said, "Why not someone else?"

"Who would you suggest?" Colten replied as the two men maneuvered Jason around some hanging pots.

"Cook!" Nathan said quickly. He pulled both men to the floor.

"Cook?" Colten tried to say but Nathan was too quick. He grabbed Colten and pulled him off his feet, Jason was propped between the two men.

He motioned for Colten to shut up. The footfalls of the stray employee echoed as he walked along the hard, clean surface.

Nathan stood up. "Quickly," he called. Once more the two men labored to get Jason standing much less moving. "Why can't you drive him?" Nathan asked. "You must know where he lives."

A stray noise made both men freeze. "He's coming back!" Colten whispered. Colten tried to duck behind another counter.

"No!" Nathan hissed, "He'll come by here." He pulled both men along, "We've got to make a break for that service door."

The man was getting closer and Jason felt like he was heavier than ever. Nathan heart hammered in his chest and he felt sure that at any moment he would hear the other man tell them to stop.

At the last possible moment Jason seemed to get lighter, he kicked the half open door and ran through the door.

"Quickly," Colten grabbed them both out of the way of the door.

"Hey!" a voice from inside the building called.

Nathan's breath came short, "Shit," he swore. Colten tried to pull them faster but the corner of the building was a long way off yet.

"Who's there?" they could hear the man call, getting closer.

Nathan stopped, "Drop him," he said.

Colten stared, "What?" he asked. "No.. Nate."

"Do it!"

Both men let the large man down quickly and Nathan took his coat off and spread it over Jason. "Run for it," he hissed. He could hear the man was nearly out the door.

Both men bolted, their feet crunching the loose pavement.

"Who's there?" the man called again as he cleared the door. He stopped and looked down. He snorted, "Fucking bums," he said before slamming the outside door shut.

After the metal door was shut and the man gone, Nathan and Colten stood up from behind the dumpster. "Damn," Colten said, "Close one."

Quickly they picked up a groaning Jason, mmmmm baby," he said, snuggling close to Nathan as they walked.

"Ugh," Nathan sighed, "I killed his suit."

Colten laughed, "It's not like it's his only one man."

Nathan couldn't help but wonder if he and the suit shared a little too much in common...

Once Jason was tightly squished into Nathan's car, Nathan turned back to Colten, "Why is it again that I get this fun job again?"

"He asked for you and I have to drive Tess home," he said as if it all made perfect sense.

""... he asked for me," Nathan repeated it quietly as he looked at Jason's half sleeping form.

Colten nodded.

Nathan sighed and started the car.

"Do you have the directions I gave you?" Colten asked.

Nathan nodded, "Hey!" he paused. "Why can't you just drive them both home?" he asked.

"Thanks a million Nate!" Colten called as he quickly jogged back across the parking lot.

"Wait Colten! What about Jason's car?" Nathan yelled after his friend but Colten was long gone.

Nathan sighed.

"It's just you can me now," he looked at Jason who was now starting to snore softly. 'Damn it,' he thought, 'he even made that look intoxicating.'

Quickly Nathan backed out of the parking lot and moved out into the city beyond. He was happy that he hadn't had too much to drink; 'not like Jay here,' he thought. Even with Jason asleep this close to him, Nathan still felt like they were worlds apart.

As the car sped onto a straight stretch Nathan pulled the directions from his jacket pocket. Jason lived near the other side of downtown, away from all of the major sections but still close enough to be chic he thought.

He stopped at the intersection, the car idling quietly, when a strange feeling came over him. Nathan turned.

Jason was now moderately awake and staring at him. "Jason?" Nathan asked.

"Mmm?" the man answered, "What'r you doing here Nathan?" Jason looked slightly bewildered.

"I'm taking you home Jay," he replied.

"Mmmm," Jason said again, more sleepily this time. "That's nice," Jason placed a large hand on Nathan's sharp shoulder and said, "I've missed you."

Nathan just smiled but inside his mind was shaking, wishing, searching for some reason to trust Jason.

Jason said something.

'Huh?" Nathan asked.

"Itsh green," he said with a smile before slumping back into the seat.

"Oh!" a loud car horn sounded behind them. Nathan waved a quick apology in the mirror and sped off. He felt a twinge inside when he thought of all the things he wanted to tell Jason, to ask Jason, just to see Jason; before it was too late and he was gone to the next job.

'The next job...' Nathan tried not to swerve off the road at that thought.

He glanced over to Jason sitting there in the seat, eyes closed, like a gentle drunken self enthralled Adonis. His blond hair mussed just the right way, his skin silky bronze from sunlight.

A sudden jolt roused Nathan's drifting mind and made his heart skip. The car was leaning heavy to one side. Tired though he was, Nathan swore as he pulled off the main highway. 'How the hell did it happen?' he asked himself, 'Of all the time to get a bloody...' his mind trailed off as he parked the car and got out to take a look.

As Nathan walked around the parked car he noticed the metallic silver of the paint that gleamed in the warm glow of the streetlight and the nearby pub. Some people were milling around outside the building, 'out for a smoke no doubt,' but Nathan ignored them. He bent down and checked the tire.

A passing car's headlights fully illuminated what Nathan feared; he could see the head of a large industrial nail sticking in the tread of the tire. He could hear a familiar light hissing of the tire defying him. The tire looked horrible even in this light and he decided that he wouldn't make it much further without destroying the rim. Nathan groaned.

"You need a hand there brother?" a voice asked. Nathan jumped.

"No... I.... I," he stammered. "I've got it covered, thanks though."

"You sure man," the middle aged man said through his mustache, "I've got a jack in my truck if you need..." He trailed off.

Nathan could see the man's eyes in the darkness travel from the tire all the way up to the car.

His eyes stopped.

"Ugh....Ah... Actually," Nathan began, but the man wasn't listening. "I could use a cell if you..."

"Holy shit!" the man nearly screamed, "Is that who I think it is?" He sounded borderline hysterical.

Nathan hesitated, "Who?" he asked. "Him?" he said, pointing to the passenger seat. "That's just my cousin... ugh... Colten! It's just Colten," he tried to smile.

The man stumbled backwards, "Holy shit," he mumbled again. His face was now ashen in the light from the streetlamp. "Wait till Jessica sees this," he said almost to himself.

Nathan swallowed hard when the man started running back to the pub, "Hey! Hey!" he called to them, running as fast as he could. "You won't believe who's over there!" The people all turned to look. They laughed a little amongst themselves.

'Shit,' Nathan thought, 'it's only a matter of time.'

Nathan quickly closed the hood and hopped into the car. He fumbled with the keys as the excited man ran inside the pub itself. Nathan heard the distant music dim then finally die. He tried the key.


The engine wouldn't even turn over.


"Oh.. Oh shit!" he swore. His heartbeat was racing fast and he felt like his head would explode at any second.

Quickly, Nathan scrambled from the car and bolted for the passenger door. "Jay!" he nearly screamed. "Wake up!" he slapped the movie star hard in the face.

Jason sat bolt upright very quickly, "Nathan, wha'?" he asked, slumping back again.

"No time," Nathan said quickly unbuckling the seat belt and pulling Jason from the car with more strength than he thought he had. Taking more time than he could afford Nathan was vaguely aware that he clicked his key chain to lock the doors.

He felt a small drop of liquid hit his bare arm, then another.

"This isn't my night," he said as the overcast sky seemed to open up and begin to pour. Light, mist-like rain began to wash over their surroundings as Nathan did his best to support Jason as they quickly crossed the street. His hands were wet from the rain and from the thought of being overtaken by a crazed mob. It didn't help matters much.

As if he was someone else entirely, Nathan thought he heard some noise behind them, coming from the pub. He could swear that he heard angry shouts of irate, dissapointed people and the patter of feet against wet cement closing in behind them.

Nathan Scovil had never been particularly religious but at that precise moment he found himself praying for their very lives.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry 'bout the delay guys. I hope that everyone likes this chapter better than the last one ;). It should have hopefully cleared up the little seemingly inconsistent bits.

Well now......

What will finally happen to Nathan? Will the crowd trample him before they rip the half unconscious Jason apart in a frenzy?......

Stay tuned to find out ;)


P.P.S. I've started roughing out some ideas for another story (I have most of the story line in place) once this one finishes up. I'm not sure though when I'll be able to get it up and running. I know how hard it can be to follow a writer's work on Nifty so if anyone is interested I might be able to put together an email list to alert people where it is posted and when. That is though if enough people are interested :).

I'll be posting it regardless though so no worries!

It will take a while because I want all the chapters finished before I post it so that I can post it in regular intervals. And if I'm lucky, I'll have some time off coming up to get things done ^_~.



Next: Chapter 10

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