This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on Jul 30, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.



"Nathan?" Brendan hesitated as he cracked the door open slightly. The small apartment was quiet that evening; the late sun was streaming stoically through the far window. "Nathan?" he called again, a little less hesitant this time.

As Brendan crossed into the kitchen he could see the dark form of his friend bent low over the sink.

"Oh thank God Nate," he breathed a deep sigh. "I could just see you sprawled all dead in the corner with a badly drawn suicide picture or something and I..." he stopped.

Brendan's eyes grew wide as he saw that Nathan was clutching a knife in one hand, raising it slowly, calculatingly. "NATHAN!" he screamed, lunging forward, grasping for the knife.

"Bren?" Nathan pushed his friend back and guarded the knife at a safe distance. "What the hell are you doing you fucknut? I have a knife, can't you see that?"

"Natey! Think about this before you..." his voice trailed off as he saw what Nathan was holding in his other hand.

A wet dishtowel.

"... Before I senselessly dry more innocent cutlery?" Nathan gave his friend a perplexed look as he wiped off the last of the moisture from the knife and placed it in the drying rack over the sink.

"Ugh... well, I."

"Did you take the red or the blue pills this morning buddy?" Nathan raised one solitary eyebrow as he drained the last of the dishwater from the sink. "You remember what happened the last time you took the wrong one," he placed a squishy gloved hand on Brendan's shoulder, "as I recall, the entire Earth was destroyed."

"I... I thought that you were..." Brendan pointed at the knife, then back at Nathan, "and I..." Brenda shook himself, "Never mind," he said, "What the hell are you doing?"

Nathan snapped off both gloves, "A little cleaning," he said as he walked back into the front room.

"Cleaning?" Brendan's eyes grew wide, "You?" he asked.

"You're right eloquent today kiddo," Nathan picked up the vacuum, "Me... Clean... Big Mess," he said slowly. "Now what was this about a badly drawn suicide note?" he asked before flicking the switch and resurrecting the tired machine/beast.

Brendan shook his head, "Nate, this isn't you." Brendan walked over to his friend so he could yell over the clunky old vacuum. "Are you ok buddy!?"

"'Course I am," Nathan smiled. He switched off the vacuum, "Why wouldn't I be?" he gave Brendan an odd look.

Brendan started to speak.

"Never mind, don't answer that boyo," Nathan waved a hand absently at him. "Walk with me; I need to finish cleaning the bathroom. Why're you so high-strung Bren?"

"Me?" Brendan nearly tripped over the pile of papers on the floor.

"Careful," Nathan warned him, "I've been meaning to shred those for months now and..." Brendan stepped in front of the dark haired young man blocking the bathroom.

"Nathan, this isn't like you," he started.

"What are you talking about? I clean every now and then," he glanced over his shoulder to the small balcony, "I should get started out ther..."

Brendan grabbed hold of Nathan's shoulders a little stronger than he intended, "Nathan I know what happened during the housewarming party."

Nathan stopped with his mouth open. His eyes visibly shifted. Nathan sighed, letting his head hang limply, staring at the floor.

"I mean god Nate," Brendan let a half laugh escape, "you hate cleaning."

It took him a moment but Nathan finally replied, "I was stupid," he whispered.


Nathan raised his head and looked his friend in the eye, "I was a dumbass to think that he could or even would love me back."

"Love?" Brendan asked, "Nate, what else were you supposed to do but fall for him?"


"Aw, for shit's sake Nate," Brendan gripped him tightly in a deep hug. "Lets sit down man." They walked back to the couch.

Brendan sniffled, "Careful...," he warned.

"EEEOUCH!" Brendan nearly jumped clear across the room.

"....I didn't put away the scissors..." he smiled sheepishly.

"Well," Brendan took the scissors like they were contaminated and put them on the coffee table. "I was just telling Amanda that I needed a new ass hole," he gingerly rubbed his butt.

"Careful," Nathan warned, "that sounds hot."

"Quiet you," Brendan sat back down. He took a deep breath, "Now I don't have much experience helping people through this sort of thing but...."

"There really wasn't anything between us in the first place..."

"....but women need ice cream," Brendan nodded to himself, "so I figure that gay men would want cappuccinos or something. So with my wounded ass," he rubbed it again as he stood up, "lets go get you some caffeine therapy."

"Why did we sit on the couch then?" Nathan asked as he got up again.

"I figure that gay men would want something low in calories that still had a good buzz," Brendan smiled.

"You're logic is astonishing you know that?" Nathan smirked after his got his shoes on and grabbed his keys. "I'm scared to ask what straight guys need."

"Simple," Brendan said. "we drink ourselves happy." "It's the only sane thing to do," he laughed.

"Says the straight man who just sat on a couch for no other reason than to carve himself a new ass hole," Nathan smiled and shook his head.

"Meh, I just needed a power nap," Brendan replied as he shut the door and Nathan locked it.

"You!" Travis was only inches in front of Nathan. Travis was flustered and so furious that the entire coffee shop was paralyzed, watching the two men face each other.

Nathan could feel his eyes begin to burn as images of the other night flooded back into his mind; taunting him, disgusting him. He wasn't sure if he was more disgusted by himself falling for Jason or for seeing the two men together like that. He clenched his eyes shut and moved his face to one side, 'I can't deal with him,' he thought.

Travis stopped just as suddenly as he had started. Quickly he looked around the small coffee shop. Whirling back to Nathan, he grabbed the larger man by the elbow and growled, "You," he pointed to Nathan, " and Me," he pointed at himself, "Conference!" he pointed at the bathrooms behind the leather couch. With the pleasantries out of the way Travis marched Nathan back to the washrooms, past the bewildered older woman, her dog, and what looked like her daughter.

"Well," the woman huffed indignantly.

"Bite me!" Travis snarled through clenched teeth as the two men rounded on the washroom and Travis booted open the women's room and ploughed on inside. The woman looked like she had been slapped. Nathan silently thanked his lucky stars that the toilet was empty at the least.

"Now queenie... we need to talk," Travis said as he locked the door and flicked on the light.

Nathan stood in the middle of the rather large washroom facing a very irate Travis, his arms were crossed belligerently in front of his chest and his steely eyes fixed squarely at his late friend.

Nathan was confused, irritated, and most of all tired of shit. Truth be told he hadn't slept at all since that night on the balcony. He couldn't even remember walking home that night. He had sat in a cold bath, still in shock, until he woke up the next morning shriveled beyond repair. He hadn't been to class, had hardly eaten and berated himself for his ineffable gullibility. And now to top it off Travis, crazy Travis, who was once his friend, Travis who had more than likely won Jason's affection from Nathan, was looking for a war.

Yet standing there, poised with someone witty to say, something within Nathan finally snapped, he hung his head in defeat and finally let all of the pent up pain burst out. Tears streamed down his face.

Nothing else moved, Nathan only lived to feel the hot tears drip off his chin and slowly hit the floor.

"Oh stop the drama you little queen," Travis rolled his eyes and sighed deeply.

Nathan shuddered but he couldn't stop the tears. He didn't even want to try.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he heard footsteps only after they had stopped. Nathan looked up. His vision cleared enough to see something thrust in front of his face. It was a napkin.

Nathan blinked his eyes enough to see Travis holding the napkin and looking at Nathan with different eyes.

"Hey," Travis tightly embraced his friend, "you've really fallen for this guy haven't you?"

Still half sobbing, Nathan nodded against Travis' bony shoulder.

Even through the hot tears, Nathan could see Travis smile. Ever so gently he started to fix Nathan's hair. He sighed, "I should have seen it sooner Nathan. I'm s sorry."

Nathan stopped. "Sorry?" he asked, wondering if his head was on the right way.

"Truly, I want you both to be happy," Travis replied as he chased a stray hair across Nathan's forehead.

Nathan blinked and took a step back.

He sniffled, "shouldn't there be some freaky music and a creepy announcer for the twilight zone or something?" he asked.

"I had to see if I had a shot with him," Travis said with a shrug, "After all, how many people can say that they bagged a hotty celeb like him?"

"Does everyone think like that?" Nathan asked as he touched the napkin to his face.

Travis ignored him, "I saw you that night you know." Travis stepped back, he turned to face the wall, "Why would he want you but not me? That kept running through my head."

"Travis.... I'm sorry, I."

"Up up up," Travis pushed his hand only millimeters away from Nathan's face.

"So now what? Your heart grew ten sizes today?" Nathan laughed a little, but only managed to snort back tears, "You even got to cut the roast goose with Cindy Loo?"

"Well," Travis said slowly, "You're after a different person than I was. You're in love with a real person and I'm in love with a piece of film." Travis half laughed, "It's kind of pathetic when you compare the two," he looked back at Nathan.

"Travis I..."

I... I just want you to be happy to be honest." Travis shrugged, "His happiness is not essential."

Nathan blinked again, his eyes softening, "Travis," he began, "I don't know what to say, I...".

"Shht!" Travis said quickly, his mouth pursed. "No mushy stuff now." He blinked his eyes rapidly, "I have an image to maintain you little queen."

"Trav," Nathan bit his lip.

"Gah!" Travis squeaked, "What are you doing?" Nathan grabbed his friend and pulled him into a big hug. "Hands off the merchandise bitch!" he struggled for a second before finally Travis returned the hug. He grumbled slightly to himself.

When they broke away, Nathan smiled and said "You know I love you like a brother don't cha, you little drama queen."

"Everybody does," Travis sighed while pretending to check his nails.

"Everybody does what exactly?"

"Everyone loves me," Travis said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What? Everyone loves you as a drama queen or as a brother?" Nathan shrugged.

"Ok now that's just getting kinky..." Finally Travis relented, "Now remember Nate," he wagged a finger, "I still have my sophisticated faggish image to maintain," he snapped his fingers and shook his head for dramatic emphasis. "No one can know of this; so we're still fighting over Jason for at least a month."

Nathan smirked but mulled it over. "How about a week?" he said.

"Three weeks."

"Week and a half."

Travis thought for a second. "Ok," he said, "But! Just because it's you." Nathan laughed and lightly punched Travis in the arm.

Travis squealed, "You broke my arm you spiteful whore!" He clutched the arm and howled dramatically. "Bitch!"

"Well," Nathan smiled, "at least I've saved a few million of your knuckle children then haven't I?"

Travis stopped hopping around and put both hands on his hips, "Bitch," he repeated before unlocking the bathroom door.

He took a deep breath, "NATHAN SCOVIL YOU'RE A MAN STEALING WHORE!" Travis stomped his foot on the tile floor so hard Nathan thought he had cracked it. Travis stood there holding the door for a second before adding, "I HATE YOU YOU LITTLE MAN-STEALING BITCH!" With that Travis raised his voice to an unnaturally high-pitched squeal before dramatically bolting for the front door.

Everyone in the coffee shop sat or stood in total and complete shock and dismay. Even the older woman with her daughter exclaimed "My word," from behind her coffee mug. The little white dog at her feet yipped once or twice for attention that it didn't receive next to Travis' performance.

'Yup, things were back to normal' Nathan decided. He shook his head, brushed aside the final tear on his cheek and walked back over to where Brendan and Amanda were waiting.

"Hi 'Manda," he smiled, "didn't see you come in."

"What's crawled up Travis' ass?" Brendan asked before taking a swig of his coffee.

Nathan shrugged, "What's this?" he asked pointing at the drink in sitting in from of him with wary caution.

"Cran-apple cider," Amanda replied, "I came in while you were in the ladies bathroom."

"Thanks guys," he smiled, taking a small sip.

"What did Travis want?" Brendan leaned forward and asked.

Nathan stared at his mug and after a second or two before placing it back down and replying, "From what I can tell Jason wasn't interested."

Amanda shrugged, "So then Travis half raped him then?" she asked.

"Something like that I suppose," Nathan said.

"Well.... It really was only a matter of time Nate," Brendan smacked his friend on the back, "I'm just shocked that he and Tess waited this long to jump him."

Nathan snickered, "Heh, you're right, I should have seen it coming I suppose." He took another drink from his white and brown paper cup, "Though Tess wasn't as interested in him as I thought she'd be."

"True, from what I've heard," Amanda nodded, scooching over a little closer to Brendan.

Nathan looked up at the front glass doors as though he half expected her to walk in this very second, "Speaking of Tanessa," he looked back at the two people before him, "I'm surprised that she isn't in here now."

"Hey yeah," Brendan put his finished drink on the side table, "She usually haunts this joint on the weekends."

"Never mind Tess," 'Manda reached over and patted Nathan's knee gently, "Isn't that movie party thing at that swanky downtown hotel tonight sweetie?" Both Brendan and Amanda looked at Nathan with excitement in their eyes. "You should go now that you know Jason doesn't have the hots for Travis!"

Nathan blinked a few times, "Hey yeah!" he said, "and now that Travis isn't..." Nathan stopped and checked his watch, "Oh my god!" he stood up suddenly, sending the table and what was left of the drinks sprawling.

Everyone turned to find out if hurricane Travis had just touched down once more. They didn't seem too thrilled, almost like they would have been happier to see Travis than not.

"Sorry," Nathan looked around. He quickly righted the tabled and tried his best to clean up the mess of coffee. Then he promptly flounced back into the comfy chair.

"So..." Amanda and Brendan both said in unison.

"It is tonight," Nathan said, his eyes downcast.

"Geeze Nathan," Brendan laughed, "that's a good thing man. You get to see him soon and sweep him off his movie-star feet." Brendan paused, "Or he, you," he looked at the ceiling for a brief second, "I don't know how it works with two guys."

"You never sweep me off my feet," Amanda glared at him with her arms crossed.

"It starts in a half hour though," Nathan sighed, "I don't have time to get there on time and get ready. It's all fancy."

Nathan nearly jumped as Amanda grabbed his hand and yanked him expertly out of the chair. "Well then we've got to be quick Nate," she said as she raced Nathan out of the store.

"Hey honey," Brendan called, "What about your purse?"

"Grab it and run," she called. "We need to get you back to your place asap Nate."

"It's gonna be tight," Brendan said as he ran with a spaghetti strap black purse in his arms.

"That looks so sexy on you Bren," She laughed.

"See what I put up with for love Nate?" Amanda laughed before each one jumped into the car. "I'm sure that he won't care if you're late if he's a keeper."

"Hang on guys!" Amanda hollered as her foot hit the pedal and the sleek car promptly coated the ash vault with fresh rubber.

But even as they raced across the city and ran nearly every light, even as they ran into Nathan's building and even as he threw on his new black suit one thing bothered him.

When they'd burst into his apartment time had stood still for the briefest of seconds as he listened for that familiar beep.


The clunky old answering machine sat in the shadows of his small apartment: cold, unused and neglected. Nathan couldn't help but wonder.

Even if he managed to get there.

Even if Jason was there too.

One question plagued his mind this whole time...

Would Jason even want to see him?


Hi guys and girls,

I wasn't too thrilled with how this chapter turned out. It sort of seemed to me like it was a little too easy of a fix between Nathan and Travis but I didn't want to drag it out anymore than it has been already. Besides which, part of me kinda likes the dichotomy that is Travis (the real person behind the act). I hope that it made him seem a little more real and little less of a one-dimensional stereotypical character.

If you don't see it that way I'd love to hear your thoughts :).



Next: Chapter 9

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