This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on Jul 26, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.

Sorry for the delay guys, I hope that I don't mess up the continuity because of it.

If you don't like it please drop me a line and tell me why. Heck, if you do like it, I'd still like to hear your thoughts ;) hehe.



"Am I really that late?" Nathan asked as he stepped into the familiar apartment.

"Nah," Brendan replied, "Amanda told her friends to show up before I told my people for some reason." He paused, "Is that wine?" Brendan asked pointing to the bottle in Nathan's arms.

"Yeah, the folks made it a few years ago with one of those kits," he smirked , "and I know how much you liked the last batch."

"Hey," Brendan laughed, "as I recall we both ended up plastered that night and destroyed that ski ball table together."

"I admit nothing," Nathan laughed.

"Thanks for the gift man," Brendan grinned.

"Natey!" Tess bounded over and grabbed hold of his arm.

Nathan scowled at Brendan, "Only Amanda's invites came early hey?" he said looking over at Tanessa. "I see you've been here a while kiddo."

Tanessa just giggled, "Why's that?"

"Well," Brendan blushed, "apparently word traveled between both camps and most people got wind of the hour difference," he hesitated, "except you."

"Yeah! You're prolly the last one here," Tess giggled again. She looked around as if something just popped into her head, "Come on, you have to see who's here! You'll never guess."

"It's a small world," Brendan called, "isn't it buddy?"

Nathan scowled at his old friend and mouthed the words, 'I'm going to get you!' as Tanessa pulled him further into the front room.

"You ok Tess?" he asked, looking over at her.

"Course I am Natey," she didn't miss a beat. "You're so silly."

"Good cause I don't want to baby-sit you like last time." Tess kept right on moving. An image of holding her hair away from the toilet made Nathan retch a little himself.

As he was being drug across the room, Nathan notice that instead of your typical housewarming party where clumps of people mixed and mingled throughout the evening, everyone was grouped up in the center of the room and were all enthralled with something.

Tess said something again but Nathan couldn't hear her over noise of the background music and whatever was going on in the middle of the crowd. Abruptly Tess stopped.

"Hi," she said.

Nathan stopped and turned to see who she was talking to. "Colten!?" he asked. Sure enough, there, on the outskirts of the group, sat Colten Lewis, a beer in one arm and Tess now in the other.

"What?" Nathan started, "How?"

Colten smiled sheepishly, "How's it going Nate?" he asked.

"How?" Nathan repeated.

"It's good to see you too," he smirked.

Nathan shook his head, "I'm sorry Colten. I didn't think that you knew..." Nathan lost his train of thought as he caught something out of the corner of his eye. Suddenly it all made sense; Colten being there, everyone coming early and the crowd of slack jawed morons in the middle of the front room.

There, sitting in Brendan's favorite armchair was the movie star of the century Jason Neilson who was regaling onlookers with tales of something involving a jockstrap and a ferret or some such stupid thing Nathan decided. "Excuse me," Nathan said.

He walked back to the entranceway and up to Brendan who was talking to a group of three, "Who invited him?" Nathan interrupted.


"You know exactly who I mean," Nathan spat. The other three people moved off.

Nathan felt a soft hand on his shoulder, "Nathan," said a sweet voice.

He turned.

"Amanda," Nathan beamed, "I haven't seen you in a long while." They embraced warmly, her long red hair tickled his bare arms.

"Too long," she smiled, "Brendan isn't being an ass is he?" she gave him 'that' look.

Nathan, who had been making demonic faces at his friend, turned and smiled as Amanda looked back at him, "I keep him inline 'Manda. You know that."

"I can always count on you Nathan," she finished her drink. "I need another shot," she said almost to herself, "You two want anything?"

Both men shook their heads.

"Meh," she said as she walked off, "thanks again for the help with the drywall Nate. It looks fantastic," she raised her empty glass to him before disappearing into the kitchen.

'Ah...," Brendan said quickly as if something had just lit up in his brain, "Hang on honey, I think I'll help you."

A cold hand gripped his shoulder.

"She can't help you now," Nathan growled.

"Don't get mad man," Brendan turned back and smiled, "I thought I'd surprise you if I invited him along."

"Well," Nathan cocked his head, "I'd say 'shock' is more the word." Nathan shifted his weight, "What I want to know is how you even found his number. Is there more that you're not telling..." Nathan's voice trailed off.

It was now Nathan's turn for a light to go off in his head, "When I was in the bathroom that one day," he said absently. After a brief pause, "You sneaky bastard," Nathan glared.

"Hey," Brendan shrugged, "What's the harm man? He sounded thrilled to be invited along." Nathan looked back at the throng of people to where Jason was laughing and smiling at the people around him. "They're all good people here. And besides, he probably doesn't get to get out much."

"Oh, I dunno about that," Nathan replied, looking back and Brendan. Nathan opened his moth to say something else but his mind stopped dead. A dull silence filled the space in between the background music.

Nathan's stomach did a flipflop.

'Oh shit,' he thought.

"Archy boi!" a loud, booming and all-too-familiar voice filled the air.

Nathan turned around just in time to see the sexy, muscle-bound, tapered form of Jason bound through the throng of people and across the room. Before Nathan could react he found himself flung in the air and nearly crushed in the massive arms of the exuberant star.

"I was starting to think that you weren't coming big guy," Jason beamed.

"Uuuggg," was sadly all that Nathan managed to say as he was being crushed against two slabs of granite. When Jason finally released him, Nathan weezed and gasped for air.

"Ugh, sorry Nate... I" Jason began. Nathan just waved him off.

"No.... No biggie," he rasped.

As Nathan straightened up, he could sense the discomfort and silence in the room. All eyes were either on Jason or fixed directly on him. 'Get your torch and pitchforks,' he thought to himself as he looked at the crowd.

"Heh," Brendan stepped up to the other guests, "Long lost friends," he pointed to two men behind him in turn.

Jason blushed, "Maybe I overdid it a bit hey?" he whispered. Nathan tried not to laugh because even moving at that point would have hurt.

"Smooth big guy," Nathan tried to smirk. He weezed instead, "Very smooth."

It wasn't long after that awkward scene that Nathan started to feel restless. Jason and Colten were now in the middle of the group telling them all about how the killer mutant robot zombies or some such thing were put together in their latest movie.

It might have been about something else entirely seeing as Nathan found himself unable to concentrate, he wasn't sure. The fact that Jason seemed to enjoy resting one of his massive hands on Nathan's thigh and lightly squeezing every now and then made it very hard for Nathan to remember the conversation.

Very hard.

Heck, a little more of that and Nathan was sure that he wouldn't remember that there were other people even in the room.

Even being distracted as he was, Nathan found it amazing that no one else seemed to notice their contact; they were all either staring at Jason with an absent stare or they were simply enraptured with the story of the movie industry.

Just then, Nathan heard a bell sound. Brendan got up and made his way over to the front door of the condo.

The front door.

"What's wrong Nate?" Jason purred in his ear but Nathan wouldn't answer. Deep in his heart, Nathan knew who was at the door. The one person who would always enjoy being fashionably late, the one person who could possibly make this night even more difficult than it already was.

Travis burst through the open door and handed Brendan his coat like you would a butler or a large coat rack. Both men said something to the other and Brendan looked more tired in that instance than he had this whole night.

'One thing I have to admit Travis,' Nathan thought as he tried to sink into the coach, 'is that you sure can stop a room.' Indeed, everyone stopped talking and watched Travis walk through the room and into the kitchen, ignoring everyone as he went.

"Isn't that the one who wants to have my kids?" Jason squeaked to Nathan.

"Only your knuckle children kiddo," Nathan whispered back, patting his leg. He sighed inwardly when no one noticed Jason turning a deep pink.

"Is that the last of it?" Nathan asked, taking the dishes from Brendan's arms.

"Jesus Nate," Brendan jumped, "What the hell are you doing?"

"The dishes," he replied with dishtowel and a stack of glasses in his arms, "isn't it obvious?"

"God Nate. Did you even have one beer man?"

"I had one," Nathan said to the glass.

Brendan frowned, "You can't dodge him forever Nate."

Nathan opened his mouth but was cut off as Amanda came into the kitchen, "You're a doll Nate," she patted him on the back as she walked past. "At least you know how to wash dishes," she gave Brendan a knowing look.

"Yeah," he replied, "Nathan here can teach us both hey sweetie pie?"

Amanda turned and slapped him lightly on the rump, "You're such a smart ass," she leaned in and kissed Brendan on the cheek.

"Better than a dumbass I suppose," Brendan smiled.

Amanda sighed, "Hey Nate didn't you say goodbye to Travis?" Nathan stopped drying the glass in his hand.

"Goodbye?" he asked, "I didn't see him leave."

"Yeah," 'Manda pointed to the living room, "that Jason Neilson is gone too."

"He is?" Nathan's voice sounded very small just then.

"Yeah," she didn't seem to hear him, "Come to think of it, they both vanished at about the same time." After a moment she said, "You know Nate, the next time you want to bring someone famous over hon, be my guest, I...."

"He's gone honey," Brendan said quietly.

"Hmm," she said, "Did I say something wrong Bren?" Brendan just shrugged, "I hope he's ok."

The living room was still full of empty cups and a few plates strewn all over. Most of the people were gone or in the process of packing up for the night/morning.

"Nathan," he turned to see Colten trying to hang onto a very drunk and semi conscious Tessa.

"Oh shit," he swore coming over to help Colten, "Tanessa I warned you chickie."

"I didn't think she was this plastered," Colten apologized.

"She's no tank," he smirked. Looking down at his friend he asked, "Are you ok Tess? You need to barf?"

Tess absently looked back at him, "I'm... fine Natey," she smirked, "I just need to call a cab," she waved her hand in the air like the wrist was made of rubber.

Nathan looked back at Colten, "I'll call her a cab," Colten said as they both lowered her to a chair again, "don't worry." Nathan nodded. In no time Colten flipped out a cell from his back pocket and hit the speed dial.

Nathan crouched down and felt Tess' forehead, "You gonna live Tess?"

Tess smiled at him as if that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to her, "Yeah," she said finally.

Nathan was remembering the last time Tess was this drunk when movement on the balcony caught his attention. He looked back at his two friends before he walked over to the balcony. The thought of booze mixing with an eight-floor drop made his stomach ill. Whoever was on the balcony was making a decent amount of noise to boot.

Nathan stopped and opened the door. The night air was cool and refreshing, but as Nathan saw the two men on the balcony his blood can to a rapid boil.

There on the balcony, embracing like two rapid wolves in heat was Jason and Travis. Jason's shirt was off and his back was against the wall. Travis had a hold of Jason's head and was busy mashing it into his own. Jason's hands were clutching the wall behind him for dear life. He could see Travis fumble with the belt on Jason's pants, Travis' shirt still on his body but wafting neatly in the night breeze.

Nathan swallowed hard and blinked rapidly as if to try and blot out the scene before him. He stepped back into the room, back to sanity, and closed the door as silently as he could.


He was numb.

"You ok Nate?" Colten asked, moving his head away from his cell phone, "You don't look so good."

Without saying a word, Nathan walked across the room and picked up his coat.

"Hey Nate... wait up," Colten called but stopped again as the call was finally put through, "Hi..... I.... Umm.... I need to call a cab and I....... Hang on please." Colten dropped his coat and tried to pocket his phone, "Nathan!"

He could hear voices and movement from behind the door as he turned and walked over to the stairs but none of that mattered. As if by remote control, Nathan opened the door and started walking down the stairs, his arms crossed in the middle, hugging himself in the chill even though the ambient air was warm.

There was noise above him as though people were running for the elevator but none of that registered to Nathan, no after how dumb he had been. No, instead he walked each stair one by one until he made it outside on the far end of the building and walked down the alleyway into the night.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sappy ending to a chapter or some kind of twisted cliffhanger?? It's all up to you ;).

Stay tuned to this channel for more,



Next: Chapter 8

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