This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on May 28, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. If you don't like it please drop me a line and tell me why.

Thanks again for the encouragement guys :)! It's nice to know some people are reading this and enjoy it. I hope that the rest of the story lives up to your expectations.



"It's nice in here," Jason commented looking around.

"Concentrate on the project Jay," Nathan said from behind an old Archaeology tomb, "I don't have all the time in the wrold."

Jason laughed softly. Nathan tried hard not to hear his laughter as a gentle swaying melody in the dark corner of the forgotten library.

"What's so funny?"

"I like it when you call me Jay," he smirked at the raven haired man overtop of Nathan's book. "It sounds comfortable."

Nathan paused, 'how quickly I can be swayed,' thought as he mentally chided himself. "So why are you here Jason?" The larger man looked back in interest. "I.. I mean, why Archaeology. For that matter why University at all?"

"Well," he said as he reclined as best he could in the high-backed wooden chair, "this guy I met at the park recommended the class to me."

"Oh?" Nathan asked, his curiosity peaked, "did this guy tell you specifically about the class."

"Not in so many words," he flashed the pearly white, "let's just say he let it slip out."

"Don't you mean he was knocked over by a muscle bound space monkey?"

Jason looked shocked; he sat bolt upright, "What makes you think I was talking about you?"

Nathan looked stunned for half a second before Jason winked at him once more. "You're an ass, you know that?"

"That's exactly how I like it," he was chewing on the side of his pencil by this point. It was slightly hypnotic, watching him mouth the eraser nub over and over again.

Nathan shook himself. "Aren't you worried that the paparazzi will publish something to the effect of 'Hollywood heartthrob caught in library with another man. Love interest? Whipping boy? Or Speed bump?'" Nathan used both hands to paint the newspaper article in the air above the desk.

Jason reclined back into the old chair, "You really think I'm a heartthrob?"

Nathan blushed a light shade of pink, "where were we?" he scrambled for the big book.

Jason's laugh sounded a little too loud throughout their disserted corner of the second floor.

"You were just telling me how sexy I am," Jason propped his feet up on the nearest chair. Nathan's head hurt. He could tell that this was going to be a very long project indeed.

The only problem was he wasn't sure if he was entirely adverse to that possibility.

"You've been busy I hear," Brendan came and sat down on the sleek black couch with his friend.

"My classes are driving me crazy," Nathan said as he spread out his notebooks on the small table and tried to find his drink. "I hate first year classes."

Tanessa laughed, "I think that Bren had something else in mind," she replied from the side chair where she had propped herself only moments before.

"Yeah, well," Nathan's posture retreated inside himself for a second, "our project is off to a good start." Both Tess and Bren exchanged a look.

"That's not what we're talking about Nath," Brendan smiled, careful to put his drink down on the only clear spot left on the table, "and you know it."

"I keep looking over my shoulder as if the campus itself will rise up and swallow me whole," Nathan said in a low voice. He held his head in his hands, "I think I'm getting too attached to him."

"Of all the people you could end up crushing on Nath," Tess blew lightly on her hot apple cider. "Why does it have to be him!?" She pounded a fist on the table causing half the coffee shop to jump or stare or both at the same time.

Tess looked embarrassed with herself.

After a second, Brendan said, "what Tess is trying to say," Brendan leaned closer, "is that we're happy that you've found someone else."

Tanessa sighed.

"We were all a little worried about you since Justin left," Brendan continued.

"He has a point," Tess nodded, "I am happy to see you happy."

Nathan cocked his head to one side, eyes wide in amazement.

"Don't look at me like that!" she laughed, "You're the second person I'd rather see him with...Aside from me of course." She took a sip of her drink.

"And then there's Travis," he said quietly as he looked up from their conversation.

Nathan turned just in time to see his old friend enter the coffeeshop, "Oh shit," he sunk deeper into his chair.

Travis didn't even bother to order a drink; instead he walked right in and sat down on the opposite couch, arms crossed. "Brendan," he nodded, "Tessa," he added. "How have you both been?" he said in a sickly sweet tone, "I haven't seen you both in ages."

"You haven't been around or returned my calls Trav," Tanessa pointed out, "Where have you been all this time?"

"Oh," Travis got up to full swing, "I've been hitting the clubs with Mikey and Jamie. You remember those two," he nearly giggled. Tess and Brendan nodded, "we're getting more tail than we know what to do with."

Nathan couldn't help but remember Mikey and Jamie from a small house party a few months ago. Travis always seemed to pick up bizarre and creepy gay friends over time and lose them just as quickly. Part of Nathan hoped that he didn't tank in the same category as Jamie and Mikey.

"I don't have much use for two Trav," Nathan finally replied.

Travis looked around in amazement, "Did you hear something?" he asked, "I could have sworn someone said something."

"You're such a.." Nathan began.

"Wait," he cut in, "Wait... There it is again. Like some kind of bloody sucking insect." He was making quite the performance.

Nathan just sighed and took a long warm drink.

"Trave," Tess made a face, "We were supposed to hang around with this weekend or did you forget?"

"Sorry Tess," Travis got up, "the three of us are going out again tonight and Friday."

"You have more energy than me man," Brendan laughed. "Going out on a weeknight," he whistled, "Amanda would skin me alive."

Travis shrugged, "well, hugs and all that," he walked past the chairs. "Bye Tessa and Brendie," he said emphatically before he was out the doors altogether.

"Well," Nathan looked at the table, "that went well."

"Don't worry about it," Brendan waved the issue off.

"Yeah," Tess agreed, "besides which, I already have to kill him for standing me up. So that will fix everything," she laughed. Tess turned to look at Brendan, "To completely change the topic, when is this housewarming party of yours that I keep hearing about anyway?"

Brendan laughed, "a few more boxes left Tess."

"Invite some guys," she looked at both men with a smile. "Straight male friends," she clarified herself with a sideways look at Nathan.

Brendan laughed, "Still man hunting Tess?"

She glared at him, "I all the men I hang around with are either getting more men than I am or are already hitched."

Brendan considered this for half a second, finally nodding in agreement, "Good point," he said. "You'll have to go man hunting this weekend."

"Oh please," she huffed, "I'm not desperate."

"What're your plans for the weekend Nath?" Brendan turned.

"I've got to work on this project a little more," he replied, "Who would have thought a first year project would take up so much time?" That old headache flared up at the mention of old prof Murdoc's horrible trial by fire.

"I hear yah," Brendan smiled, "that class was rough." Nathan glared at his friend, "But I learned a lot," Brendan added quickly.

"Remind me not to take your advice on class selection again," he smirked.

"So you're going to work at the library I expect?" Tess asked on her way up to order another drink.

"Not really," Nathan replied, "I have to wait around for him to finish work."

Tanessa nearly tripped over her own feet and Brendan just looked amazed.

"Dare we ask?"

"I have to find some far off trailers in some odd area of town," Nathan said quietly.

"You get to be in a movie?" Tess squeaked as she propped herself up on the back of the chair.

"Not in a movie," he replied, "I just have to wait around the set."

Brendan and Tess exchanged knowing looks, "I should really start following my own advice about classes." Tess just nodded, "You never know what'll come of it," Brendan took one last swig of his drink and set the cup on the table with a soft clunk of glass on wood.

Tess nodded, "It couldn't hurt."

Author's comments:

At times the story seems to be moving too slow for me but still I can't seem to bring myself to rush it along too much. I'd be interested to hear what you guys have to say about the pacing from your p.o.v.

Either way, I hope that you're enjoying the story so far ;),



P.S. It may be a while before the next part, just to tell you in advance.

Next: Chapter 6

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