This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on May 24, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. If you don't like it please drop me a line and tell me why.

Sex will happen in the story, but I'm hoping to have it be more than "insert tab A into slot B". I'll try to make it artistic but still sexy. You'll have to let me know if I manage to pull it off or not ;).

I should apologize for the bad formatting of the last chapter. It seems that when I convert the file in .txt format, some of the indent spontaneously evaporate (I'd do well to check how it looks online from time to time). Needless to say, it's annoying to see my final author's comment tacked on to the end of my last sentence of the second chapter but at this point it's moot. Anyway!!



It was late Thursday afternoon. Water hung in the air from the fresh rain and by West Pembena Library Nathan Scovil stood, fuming mad and shivering. People passed by in groups of twos and threes most seemed like they were couples to Nathan's tired eyes.

He could almost hear Justin's faded words right then screaming at him, 'You're so predictable Nat, you're holding me back.'

Nathan shivered despite the warm September rain.

He clutched his meager, soaking windbreaker tighter to his wiry frame and tried not to blow a fuse as he waited for the resident movie star. The outside of West Pembena was large, concrete and seemed to mirror his discontent.

Despite himself, Nathan's mind thought back to the other day as if thumbing through an old mental card catalogue.

"I got stuck with you?" he remembered stammering as he stood at the front of the class on Wednesday afternoon.

"I'm sure we can work out what you'll owe me for this humanitarian service Archy boi," Jason's grin seemed sexy even despite Nathan's shock and dismay. Jason reached around and pulled out a small notebook and pen. Students were crowding around the pair, glowering at Nathan as if they would suddenly brandish torches and pitchforks.

"How come HE gets Jason," he heard one girl say to someone nearby.

Nathan couldn't hear what the others were saying; only Colten's voice came to his ears. "Remember the pins man," Colten said before he walked off the front stage.

Nathan was so shook up that he almost missed a look that passed between Jason and Colten, as Colten left the front of the class. He dismissed the look entirely.

Turning back to Jason's chiseled jaw, he asked, "What's with the paper and pen?" he pointed at each.

Jason smirked, "How else will I get your number big guy?" Nathan's stomach did a small flip; he could see a small twinkle in the taller man's crystal blue eyes.

Looking around to the angry faces of both men and women, Nathan quickly added, "Don't I owe you a coffee first?" The mob's furor seemed to ebb and flow as they stood there transfixed by being so close to their idol.

Jason immediately stopped, and stared back into Nathan's eyes. "Well," he said, "That's more like it kiddo." He smirked, "Yeah, let's go get that before we forget."

Getting out of the classroom in one piece proved to be more work than either man had expected.

People were everywhere.

More people in fact than were in the class in the first place.

"Don't you have body guards or something?" Nathan managed to mumble before he got plastered up against the front wall of the class. They were making more progress backwards than forwards it seemed. Where the hell did they all come from anyway?

Nathan felt his chest tighten and his heart beat faster. Everywhere he looked he saw solid masses of people. They were frenzied and fuming and mostly just trying to get a piece of Hollywood magic even if they had to rip everyone apart to get it.

A strong arm grabbed Nathan for the second time that day. The feeling this time it was different he decided as if by instinct alone.

"Stay close to me," he heard Jason say quietly.

All at once the din of the crowd died away and all that Nathan felt was the smoothness of Jason Neilson's skin, the rough texture of his shirt, his natural male scent.

He was soon broken from his reverie and what happened next was too fast for Nathan's brain to register. There was a blur of brown fabric in a wide arc and the crowd pulled back in unison like some singular collective beast. He could hear what sounded like animalistic snarls of frustration.

Nathan was pulled through a small door into another room. He heard what must have been the door bolt shut behind them.

"Jason?" he called. Nathan opened his eyes and turned around, nearly falling over the movie star as he secured the door.

"There goes that coat," Jason stepped back from the door, "I guess I'll let them keep it." he smirked. "No doubt they'll tear it to pieces and each one will put it in some shrine dedicated to me," he glanced back at the closed door.

Whatever had just passed between them seemed to have vanished just as quickly as it began. Nathan felt that familiar feeling of disgust creep back into his skin.

"Now what was that you said about taking me out for coffee?" Jason winked.

"We were nearly mauled to death back there," Nathan covered his eyes with his hands. He suddenly felt very tired and lucky to be still breathing.

"Don't you worry Archy boi," he smirked, "I wouldn't let that happen to you."

Nathan sighed, "I only brought that up because I didn't want them to know my phone number."

Jason just raised an eyebrow and moved closer, placing one hand on the wooden frame above Nathan's head and leaned in.

Nathan could feel Jason's smile as he breathed. His breath felt like sex against his skin, the air was sweet and inviting.

"Is that the only reason?" he asked.

Nathan hesitated, "Where exactly are we?"

"Some place a little more private."

"Hey, there's a door here," Nathan said before slowly turning the handle.

"No one will find us in here Archy boi," as Jason's upper lip made contact with Nathan's ear it was all he could do not to allow his legs to collapse.

On the other side of the door there were no screaming fans, no rabid classmates, only an empty lounge covered in partial darkness. "This must be the professor's entrance," Nathan said as if he was alone.

"Man this stuff is old," Jason whistled as he too stepped into the small room.

"This part of the campus is from the sixties," Nathan flicked on the lights. There was a sink to one side and a well-used coffee maker that looked older than the room itself.

"We could explore things in here a little more?" Jason said as he moved in behind Nathan once more. "You're doing a good job on my campus tour already."



Nathan jumped back a little as the door on the other side of the small room snapped open and an older, round man walked in. Jason, on the other hand, did not flinch for a second rather he looked unimpressed like a lion who had just been interrupted from his kill. The older man looked up from his papers, and did a small jump himself, "You're not Merta," he said. After a second or two he added almost as an afterthought, "You're not supposed to be in here and," he looked closer, "You're Jason Neilson aren't you?"

"Only on every second Tuesday," Jason winked.

He nearly dropped his papers on the desk, "My daughter is a big fan Mr. Neilson and..." he rubbed his small hands nervously, suddenly tongue-tied.

"Could I interest your daughter in an autograph?" Jason asked.

"Would I ever...." He stopped himself, regaining his composure "I mean, she'd love one."

After the whole thing was over, the older man, whom Nathan found out was professor Hall, left through the exit into the classroom without even asking the two intruding young men to leave. His smile creased his face as though it was years overdue.

"Nice old guy," Jason said.

"Well, " Nathan got up from his chair, "I should get going; I'm late already." "Aren't you forgetting something?" Jason looked hurt.

It took Nathan a moment to register what the other man was talking about. "The phone numbers... right." He stepped back to the table and started rummaging through his bag for paper and a pen.

Jason interrupted him. He was holding out a slip of paper with a cell number, an email address and what looked like a pager number.

Nathan took the paper.

"Wow," he looked at the list of numbers, "a million different ways to get a hold of you and I bet you're still hard to track down," he laughed.

Nathan stopped, Jason held a serious tone in his eyes, "I'm never hard to find."

As he looked into those majestic eyes Nathan's felt a tightening and straining in his jeans. He quietly moved his bag to strategically cover himself.

"Do I get to see yours?" Jason smirked.

"I..." Nathan choked on his words, "I'll get my pen."

Nathan kept the bag in place even as he wrote.

"You're late," Nathan said as the man in the familiar dark glasses and hat ran up the front steps. He was drenched. "New coat I see," he reached out and felt the fabric of the collar.

Jason's eyes followed his hands every motion from behind the tint of the glass. "It's another gift to my many fans," he smiled to himself.

Nathan stopped himself, his hand had moved to Jason's collar as if with a mind of its own.

"You're an ass Neilson." Nathan said, regaining his composure, "I was starting to think I was alone on this project."

Jason gave him a knowing look, "You're never alone Archy boi."

Both men started walking up to the stone decorated library doors. "How many times to how many people in one day do you say that?"

"Many times," Nathan could feel the asinine smirk without even having to look at him, "but only to one person."

"Pardon," Nathan asked, "I didn't hear that last part sorry."

Jason held open the door before replying, "Nothing, nothing."

Author's comment:

Truth be told, I never intended Jason to be the way that you see him now. I think I now understand what some author's describe as not being able to totally control the actions of some characters. (I hope that doesn't sound too crazy). In this case it wasn't how I had the story originally planned at all. Oh well! I know it makes the story more interesting for me to write, and I hope that it makes it more interesting for you to read.



Next: Chapter 5

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