This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on May 21, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. If you don't like it please drop me a line and tell me why.



"Is this seat taken Archy boi?" Jason's sultry voiced whispered.

"I can't keep track of people who sit behind me very well." They were both seated near the very back of the sloping lecture-theatre-in the nose bleed section. :Go for it."

"Now class," the stout professor at the front began, "as I'm sure you're now well aware, we will be sharing this semester with a very unique student." People immediately began to talk and titter amongst themselves. Many people were openly staring at this point.

Jason stood up and waved at many of them. Nathan turned beet red simply from being in close proximity to the pompous ass. He tried desperately to stare at the blank page of his notebook.

"Quiet down all of you!" the prof snapped, "I expect you to respect Mr. Neilson's privacy and dignity as you would any other student." With that, she turned around and promptly began to lecture and write on the board (in far too small of script) as if everything was perfectly normal.

Jason was still standing and waving.

When he finally managed to sit back down, he leaned forward. "So this stuff really does it for you hey Archy boi? Indiana Jones and all?"

"I can't hear her with you talking," Nathan hissed through closed teeth.

"Want to show me around campus later on bro?" he asked. Nathan could feel his breath washing over the back of his exposed neck.

"What?" he turned his head slightly.

"Well, since I'm new here and all..."

"I..." Nathan reached forward to take a stack of class outlines from the girl two rows ahead who was passing them back. "I have plans."

"You there!" Nathan was snapped out of his thoughts to find old prof Murdoc staring right at him over her thick horn rimmed bifocals.

"Busted," Nathan could almost hear Jason's smirk from behind his back.

Nathan stared at her as if she had three heads.

"You," she said, louder than before. "You there with the dark hair and dark grey shirt at the back. What's your name?"


"Well, Nathan, do you intend to keep talking all through my lecture?"

"But plenty of other people are also talk..." he said, looking around.

"I'm not addressing them Nathan. Now am I?"

"She's got yah there Archy boi," he could hear Jason whisper.

Nathan could feel the small veins on the side of his head pulse.

He said nothing...

"If you're quite finished, may we continue?" she asked. He arched his left eyebrow, rested his chin against his left hand and stared right back into her overly large owl eyes. "Now then," she turned back to the white board and continued as though the whole thing never happened.

"She sure owned you," Jason laughed to himself.

Nathan felt the eyes of most of the class centered on him. If any of them were angry from him disrupting the class he would be shocked. No, most of them were probably angry that he was talking to their asinine idol or rather that Jason was paying attention to him. Even, Travis looked back at his friend with venom in his gaze but there was nothing new to that-Nathan smirked as he wrote his notes.

After what seemed like an eternity of hearing about what Archaeology was and what topics they would cover over the semester, class was finally over. Nathan stood up and stretched, as sitting in those old seats for too long was murder on the lower back.

He turned around to tell this Jason Neilson off once and for all. He opened his mouth to do just that, only to find...

A vacant seat.

'How the hell?' he thought, 'he must've ducked out early.' Nathan couldn't for the life of him understand how Jason managed to leave early without his ogling fan club stampeding after him.

"Ok bitch," he turned to see a very irate looking Travis only inches from his face.

Nathan stumbled backwards and fell over the chair of the nearest seat, landing flat on his ass on the concrete floor between the rows.

He yelped as his tailbone connected with the ground. By now Travis and a multitude of other students were towering over Nathan.

He swallowed hard.

"How do you know my Jason?" Travis squeaked. "How long were you going to keep him from me?"

"Piss off Trav," Nathan got up and rubbed his sore rear end. "I met the pompous ass the other day when we were in the park."

The crowd seemed to swell in indignation, "Don't you talk about our Jason that way," someone said.

"Hold, everything," Travis seemed to command the entire mob at this point. "Let's get one thing straight."

"That'd be a first for you," a tall blond girl with glasses and a bob haircut replied. Nathan had enough time to grab his bag before a strong hand reached through the crowd and pulled him forward just as Travis took a flying leap at the girl in glasses.

"Jason is mine," he thought he heard Travis yell.

Nathan struggled against the arm, but he was too disoriented and it happened so fast that the next thing he knew, he was in the hallway with Colten. Colten had ahold of his arm and they were walking quickly away from the class.


"You have a talent for getting into trouble don't cha?" the sounds of Travis' scrap still echoed in the hallway.

'I hope that crazy 'lil bugger doesn't get hurt,' Nathan thought to himself as he tried to look back into the class but they were long gone. Colten still had a hold on Nathan's arm and was hurrying him along.

Out the door.

Down the steps.

And into the Student Union building.

They stopped. Nathan sighed, "Thank you," he looked into Colten's deep, brown eyes in appreciation. "You really have a talent for that kind of a rescue you know that?"

Colten winched, "Tell me about it." The danger apparently over, Colten let go of Nathan's arm much to Nathan's disappointment.

"Well," Nathan said as he dusted himself off, "can I buy you a coffee as a thank you for saving my butt back there?" Nathan winced at the mention of the word "butt". Colten looked at the Bean-and-go coffee shop nearby then back to Nathan. "I don't really have any plans and we can discuss how we'll get the "Lynch the Bastard" pins distributed."

"Some other time Nathan," he grinned, "I should really get back to work. But you sure seem to know him pretty well for a guy who doesn't like him."

"I don't really know the guy," Nathan shrugged, "I ran into him once. I just don't like how people go so crazy for his type. You know, star-struck and all that crap."

Colten nodded, "Well, you try to stay out of trouble for a bit hey?"

"Come on now," Nathan replied as the other man started to walk off, "I'd be bored if I didn't get into trouble now wouldn't I?"

"You won't have me there to drag you out of it the next time," Colten waved goodbye. After the two men parted company, Nathan found himself trying to burn Colten's image into his retina's for future reference but only one person's face kept coming back...

"Don't I get a cup of coffee?" a familiar voice cooed in his ear.


Nathan tried not to jump out of his skin. He spun around "Why you..." but the larger man stopped him.

"I think we've both dealt with far too many mobs for one day haven't we?" Jason winked from overtop of his rimless dark glasses. "Don't draw too much attention," he winked.

Nathan's stomach did a back flip and his legs felt woozy. He silently cursed his body for betraying his mind. Jason was wearing a dark black hat that reminded Nathan of the kind his father would wear when he would take him out fishing in the summer. Nathan tried desperately to ignore the fact that Jason had on a tight fitting black t-shirt that displayed his chest admirably.

"How the hell did you get out of that class alive" Nathan glanced around nervously-the pain in his ass strongly reminded him of the results of their last conversation.

"Can I get that campus tour now?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Only about certain things Archy boi," his eyebrows danced above his sunglasses, "only certain things." Thankfully for Nathan the lunch crowd had mostly dissipated. Less people meant less of a chance to be mobbed by jealous fans.

"Don't you have to shoot a shampoo commercial or something?"

"With this face?" he flashed Nathan a wicked grain. "And this ass," he turned slightly. Nathan blushed. "Why would I be in anything else but the movies?"

Nathan pursed his lips, "Fine then. What do you want to see on campus?"

Jason placed both hands behind his head, "I want you to show me everything," he smirked.

"Well, we can go through the SUB, the bookstore, some of the connected departments like Business and such..." Nathan paused. There was a familiar looking skinny blond guy frantically searching the food court from the other side of the room. "Oh crap."

"What's wrong?"

"You're busted," he laughed.

"What?" Jason asked again.

"My friend over there," Nathan waved at the shorted skinny blond. "He wants to have your children."

"My WHAT?" Travis was now racing across the food court area with the grace of a bulldozer.

"He's probably started a crazy fan club dedicated to exactly that," Nathan laughed. "God, you have to meet him. He worships the ground you walk on." Nathan turned to greet his age-old friend.

"All right you man stealing hussy!" Travis started before Nathan could get one word out, "WHERE ARE YOU HIDING HIM?" he grabbed Nathan by the shoulders and frantically shook him.

"Travis!" Nathan pushed his friend away like he was contagious. By now the rest of the nearby students were starting to stare and slow down as they walked past. "Calm down, he's right there..." Nathan trailed off. The cheesy hat, the rimless sunglasses... the too-tight t-shirt...

Jason Neilson had disappeared again.

"He was right here a second ago."

"Like hell," Travis huffed, crossing his arms, "I told you that he was mine didn't I?"

"Look. I'd give him to you if I could Trav," Nathan laughed, "but seriously, how did you escape from that crazy mob?"

"Don't change the subject with me."

"He was here a second ago Trav," Nathan repeated, "he couldn't have gone far right?"

Travis seemed to get the idea. Before rushing off he stopped, "remember Nath, I called dibs." Before Nathan could say anything, he too was gone.

Nathan Scovil rubbed his temple in the middle of the SUB food court. "This Archaeology class was a bad idea," he said to himself.

"I figured any second Travis was gonna jump me," Nathan laughed after he took a sip of his coffee. "Have you ever seen him like that Bren?"

The olden man considered the question for a second before responding, "There was that time during that boyband concert he went ape-shit for..."

"Hey, you didn't have to go with him on that one," Natha pointed a finger at his friend. "I still have the bruises."

Brendan laughed, "Well, there are perks to being straight hey? "

"I'm glad I wouldn't know."

"Yeah yea," Brendan replied, "Anyhow, there was that time with Rickey McCarthy in high school."

"Ugh," Nathan made a face into his coffee, "please don't remind me of that."

"Then there was the time that he was convinced he would get it on with that Japanese cartoon character," Tanessa joined in as she returned from the counter with her drink.

"Now that was a priceless one," Brendan said.

"Took you long enough in the line Tess," Nathan looked at her.

"I don't think I have the right plumbing for faster service from that girl behind the counter," she laughed. "Anyway, everything ok with you Trav?"

"Too bad for you she swings the same way you do," Brendan laughed, "me n' Nath get fast service."

"Hmm," Tanessa brushed aside some of her blond wavy hair that spilled over her face before she turned to face Nathan. "Anyway, is everything ok with you and Trav?" she repeated.

"We've been through worse in the decade or two that we've known each other," Brendan looked out the front of the coffee shop. "Next week he'll fixate on something else and it will all be forgotten."

"I dunno about that," Brendan said before he downed the last of his green tea latte like it was a shot.

"Yeah," agreed Tess, "we're talking about Jason Neilson here." She got a distant and dreamy look in here eyes. "I'm very jealous of you myself."

"Don't you start up too," he laughed. Nathan stared into his the fathomless depths of his coffee cup, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens."

After a minute or two of silence, Brendan piped up, "How are you liking that intro Archy class there Nath?" he asked.

"Murdoc hates my guts," he scowled, "that old bitch singled me out for talking in class and made me look like an ass."

Brendan laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"She did the same thing to me," he kept laughing. "You got the whole thing where she asks you your name and asks you if you're going to talk through the whole lecture right?"

"How'd you know?"

"He's secretly a middle age woman at the same time?" Tess raised her eyebrows.

Brendan just ignored her little joke, "I've heard that she does that every year to make an example out of one student. She probably figures that other students will be scared enough to shut up too."

"She sounds like a real old battle axe to me," Tanessa took another sip of her steaming drink.

"And you neglected to tell me this when you recommended the class why exactly?"

"Keeps you on your toes kiddo," Brendan laughed, "Besides which, you'd die of boredom without me around."

Nathan sighed, "I could use a good dose of boredom right about now."

Wednesday afternoon came too early for Nathan's taste. He had managed to avoid Mr. Movie star all day Tuesday and Travis hadn't spoken to him since the fiasco at the food court. Soon he found himself sitting in his Into to Archaeology class as far away from the scowling faces as possible.

Neither Jason nor Travis was anywhere to be seen.

"How's it going?" Colten waved him down, "Is this seat taken?" gesturing to the seat beside Nathan.

"Go for it," he replied, "How's it going Colten."

"Good good."

"Work went well I take it?" Nathan asked.

"It never ends," he laughed.

Murdoc entered the room at the front carrying an armload of books. She placed two or three sheets of paper together on the table before she moved to the front of the platform.

"I trust that all of you have done the readings for today?" The class murmured slightly. "Anyway," she took off her glasses and rubbed them on her dark red blouse, "I have randomly assigned partners for the class project." This comment promptly shot the noise level through the roof.

As if on queue, the familiar dark glasses and hat of Mr. Jason Neilson entered the back of the classroom.

Everyone went quiet.

"You may come down to the front of the class at the end of the lecture to check on who your partner is going to be," she continued.

"I'd hate to get matched up with that guy," Colten whispered, indicating the newly arrived Jason. Nathan nodded his assent as Jason found a seat further back than where he and Colten were sitting

"The partners are non-negotiable," Murdoc said rather loudly, "You won't be able to pick who you work with in real life most of the time. So, I don't see why it should be any different here." She took a step back, "I highly suggest you get to work on your project right away and that you exchange contract information with you partner as soon as possible."

She turned and began the lecture.

Nathan had a hard time concentrating during class. He tried to pass it off on the headache and desperately wished that he had taken come Tylenol before class.

By the time that the prof had finished lecturing, everyone was undoubtedly eager to see if they were partnered up with their local celebrity. People were almost pushing each other out of the way to get a look at the sheet.

When Nathan made his way with Colten up to check on the names, he realized that Travis was no longer sitting in on the class. He wasn't even among the crowd of people who seem to gather outside the door of the lecture theater. A feeling of guild passed over him as Nathan wondered if he had horribly offended his old friend.

"You won't like this," Colten turned back to Nathan after he checked the paper.

"Who did you get?" he asked.

"Its not me I'm worried about," Colten replied.

Nathan could now see that many people were glaring at him. He turned around to see Jason smiling. He could smell the sweet mixture of testosterone and cologne; it was intoxicating.

"Well Archy boi," he stepped far closer to Nathan than Nathan would have liked, "Should we work on this at my place? Or yours?"

I realize I made a mistake when describing Jason's hair color. I said he had Raven hair in #1 then blond hair in #2 =/ lol. I'll be sticking with the blond hair.

Sry for the mix up.



P.S. I also want to thank all the people who emailed me in regards to the story. Your feedback is greatly appreciated :).

Next: Chapter 4

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