This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on May 19, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. If you don't like it please drop me a line and tell me why.



"Well Brendan," Nathan said as he whipped off the sweat from his brow, "That's the last of em."

"Thanks man," his friend replied, "I owe you a lot of beer for all this," he shook his head.

They just laughed.

"Your new place looks nice Bren," he said.

"Thanks," the other man beamed, his hands on his hips, "It's a great layout." Looking at the mountain of moved boxes he sighed, "Man, I'll go get the beer." Returning only moments later, he held a cold glass out to his friend, "You ok Nath?"

Nathan took the beer, "I'm fine now thanks. I must just be tired."

"I dunno bro," both young men two very comfy seats on the nearest boxes, "I haven't seen you this lost since Justin took off."

Nathan started at the floor. He took a few more seconds than normal before responding, "there was just a jackass in the park this morning," he began.

"Come off it bro, Travis ain't that bad," he laughed. "Seriously though, this guy didn't flash you did he?"


"I bet you wish he did," he laughed again, "You're turning scarlet."


"Hey," he put up his hand in mock defense, "You're the one into that man, not me."

"I'd punch you if you were closer," Nathan took another drink.

Brendan smirked, "Why do you think I'm sitting over here?"

"I could make cat jokes or beef taco jokes about you if you like Bren?" he scowled at the older man.

"After you helped me move?"

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" he laughed. "But seriously man, when is Amanda moving back to town? She's gonna love the new place."

"She'd better make it back before class starts," Brendan looked back out the window.

"I hear yah," Nathan replied, "I'm so looking forward to leaving work in a few weeks time."

"Gonna have a house warming party when all this is outta the way. You gotta come." Brendan tried his best to recline on the boxes, "I'll even let you make all the straight sex jokes you like," he held up his glass as if it were a tempting offer.

It was Nathan's turn to smirk, "By the looks of all your crap, that day won't happen 'till after Christmas." He finished off the last of his beer, "besides which, I have an open license to make all the straight jokes I like."

"And why's that?"

"It's my obligation as an underrepresented minority in today's culture," Nathan tried his best to look dignified while sitting on top of a pedicure tub box.

"You're full of it you know that?" his friend laughed.

"My eyes are brown after all."

Brendan smiled, "You want another beer?" he asked.

"I'm telling you," Travis was saying, "he'll be there."

"You're dreaming," Brendan said before he downed the last drop of his naked coffee. "Why do any of you believe this crap?"

Tess laughed, "It's his lifeblood. Rumors are the second skin of today's star-struck gay man."

Travis scowled into his latte as is it would stand up for him, "Help me out here," he turned to Nathan, "defend our sexuality!"

"Old Nath is trying to hide behind his cup if you ask me," Brendan winked.

"Say what you like," Travis insisted, "He'll be there tomorrow for class." Both Travis and Tanessa had that distant, dreamy look in their eyes. "I just know he'll be taking Art History 431 with me."

"Why would this movie star guy bother?" Brendan asked to no one in particular.

"Sorry hun?"

All eyes were on Nathan. Even the rest of the coffee shop seemed to grow quiet just for him.

"I... I mean isn't it bad for this guy's image to look too intellectual?"

"Hmm good point," Brendan said as he contemplated licking the sides of his coffee mug to get the last few drops.

Nathan continued, "It just doesn't seem realistic. I mean won't he be mobbed on campus? For that matter how would he find the time to do it?"

Travis, on the other hand it seemed had an explanation ready and waiting. "Actually the word is that the university president and the dean will both personally ask the staff and student body to respect Jason's privacy and dignity while he graces our fine campus," Travis nodded along to his own tripe.

"Wow. You've really put some thought into this," Nathan blinked.

Travis however, didn't seem to hear Nathan or ignored him altogether, "I've heard that he'll be working on his current film in the city while he takes one or two classes. In fact," Travis leaned into the table as if what he was about to say was super secret, "not only are they shooting part of the movie on campus, rumor has it that he recently changed one of his classes around."

"Wow," Tanessa smiled after she finished her moca, "that's so........ Amazingly fantastic I think I just peed myself... How would you even find out this info?"

"A friend of mine's mother works at the registrar's office and saw the electronic transfer the other day. She's s huge fan and has been keeping a good look out."

Brendan laughed and shook his head, "And you believe this?"

"Say what you like," Travis crossed his arms, "you'll all be jealous when Jason n' me are hitched and we have tons of beautiful kids together."

Brendan tried to open his mouth but both Tess and Nathan stopped him, "Don't even bother," she winked.

The third of September came far too quickly for anyone and soon Nathan found himself stuck in a vapidly boring first year class first far too early on Monday morning.

"That's what you get for leaving all your first year electives till your final year hun," Tess had warned. Nathan frowned as his prof went on about carbon chains or some such thing. She was right. By the end of the afternoon Nathan was so bored and sick of new high school students who wouldn't shut up in class, he had already planned out what food he needed to pick up on his bus ride home. He could almost here the leaves dying outside as he waited for the end of class.

Finally, it was time for Archaeology. He had heard good things not only about this intro class but also about the professor. "Old prof Murdoc is the best," Brendan had insisted. But, as Nathan rounded the stingy 1960's hallway there was a larger than normal crowd clogging the hall. The doors were still locked as it was still too early for class.

"Hey, what gives?" he asked the nearest person, gesturing to all the extra people.

"Didn't you hear?" the little blond girl swooned, "Jason Neilson is supposed to be in our class." She nearly fell over in her enthusiasm. It was all Nathan could do to withhold his annoyance. How dare some jackass, big shot movie star prance in here like he owns the whole campus?

Still, at least some of the other students seemed as unimpressed as he was.

"I wish they'd just hurry up and lynch the bastard," a man standing beside Nathan said from between clenched teeth.

Nathan laughed to himself, "I hear yah."

The taller, dark haired man looked startled, "I take it you're not a fan either?"

"I should make pins," Nathan "kinda like 'Save the Whales,' except it would read 'Lynch the Bastard'." Ninety eight percent of the other students seemed ready to lynch the pair but Nathan didn't care.

The other man smirked, "I'm Colten," they shook hands. They were warm and large but strangely soft all at once. "We should start an anti fan club."

"Nathan," he replied, "Sounds like too much work. I'm sure that we can join an existing one," he winked.

"Good point, starting one up sounds like too much work."

The student mass had finally started to move. Nathan was a little sad to let go of Colten's hand but he relented. As the two men got into the lecture hall, each went his separate way much to Nathan's dismay. 'One handshake and I'm in a tailspin,' he mentally smacked himself upside the head, 'I bet he's married knowing my luck.'

Nathan fumed all the while until he finally managed to get a seat. Oddly enough the prof was not here yet and everyone was crammed into the first few rows. Typically, everyone in undergrad classes tried their utmost to ignore each other and space out so that they didn't have to endure human contact.

"Travis?" the lanky blond turned.

"Nathan," Travis seemed startled, "What are you doing here?"

"Its my class Trav," he replied, "besides which don't you have another class right now?"

Travis shook his head, "I can't hear you over everyone's talking," he said, "I think I'm having trouble hearing; I'd better go upfront so I can see him better."

"Don't you mean?..." Nathan tried to say, but his high-school friend was already long gone. While Travis trundled up to the front, Nathan found a nice seat in the sparsely populated back part of the class. Nathan could see Colten sitting about halfway towards the front of the class. Colten turned to fish something out of his dark over-the- shoulder bag and smiled. Nathan nodded, feeling more than a little stupid and obvious. He had just taken out his notebook and pen and tried to regain his composure when he spied a familiar face enter the back of the class. His heart pole-vaulted in his chest.

It couldn't be.

It was.

The jackass from the park! Nathan couldn't help but recognize him even with the sunglasses and the hat. He noticed that the dirty blond hair was just barely tucked inside the hat. Nathan could see his blond stubble was just coming in. The jackass took off his sunglasses and surveyed the lecture hall. He looked like a Greek statue that had escaped out of the nearby Art History class.

Nathan shook his head slightly, 'Oh god don't let him catch me staring,' he thought to himself. The stranger turned, "Shit!' Nathan gulped. Why hadn't he brought his own dark glasses and hat?

The man took off his hat, shook out his wavy blond hair as if in slow motion, and looked directly into Nathan's velvet brown eyes.


"Oh my god," someone nearby gasped.

Wait, did he just wink at me??

"Jason Neilson...." The class seemed to sigh all at once as if it were planned all along. Everyone was turned in their seats to get a better view. Some students were contorted in what must have been painful positions. Jaws were slack and some people even pointed. Even Colten and of course Travis stared at the movie star as if caught in a trance.

A sinking feeling hit Nathan's stomach as he stared to the front of the class and tried desperately to melt into the chair. Haven't decided if I will keep this going. I chucked in Colten as an after thought I hope it doesn't show ^_~.

Next: Chapter 3

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