This Is a Bad Idea

By Gene McEnnis

Published on May 16, 2006



This story will contain erotic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males. Do not read this work if its illegal for you to do so where you are. The author takes NO responsibility for whomsoever reads this work. By reading this story you are assuming all responsibility and liability for your actions. This is a work of fiction and is not intended to portray anyone alive or dead. As such, any likeness to people alive or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended to suggest anything regarding their character or preferences.

Now that that's over, on with the story :D.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. If you don't like it please drop me a line and tell me why.



Chapter 1: The Park

"This is a bad idea."

"Oh come on Nathan."

"We have to get to work," he replied.

"Pfft, work can wait."

"Tanessa is right Nath, and besides which Jason Neilson is uber sexy."

"Geeze Travis, you just want in his pants," Nathan laughed.

"And you don't?" Travis smirked, "Have you seen any of his movies lately?" Nathan only shook his head and laughed some more.

As the trio continued through the park Tanessa remarked, " I bet this cool August air is ideal for filming."

"What would an engineering student know about film?" Travis coughed, "You're more interested in structural integrity or some such thing."

Seconds before she was about to throttle Travis' spikey blonde hair Nathan remarked, "That's a large crowd over there hey?" Suddenly all thoughts of murder and mayhem vanished soon to be replaced by...

"I think I just wet myself," Travis said.

"Relax homo-eroticon 5 thousand," Tanessa replied, "You'll pop your circuits; besides which what makes you think he even swings that way?"

Travis looked hurt, "you can see it in his eyes. I know he loves man-gina". Nathan could only shake his head.

Tess made a face, "You're dreaming."

"Either way guys, I don't have much time before I need to be at work, in my chair. I'll see you two around and..."

"No, no,no," Tanessa grabbed his arm.

"Tess is right man," Travis grabbed the other arm, "I call dibs on the sexy movie-star but that doesn't mean you can't pick up the ogling hotties on the sidelines."

Nathan could only blush.

"That's my boy!" Travis slapped his friend on the chest.

"You're both insane you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah, and you're guilty by association," Tess replied. "That's the Nathan I remember," she paused, "Look at that smile."

The crowd was thicker than it had originally seemed. It was filled with a wide assortment of people who apparently had nothing better to do with their lives. Everyone had one common feature though; they all wanted a piece of the latest Hollywood heartthrob. Everyone but a certain tired university student by the name of Nathan Scovil.

Tess and Travis immediately started moving through the crowd.

"Keep up Nat," Travis hissed, "You won't be able to see Jason's sexy ass."

"Wait," Nathan managed to wheeze out before someone knocked him clean over. Already Tess and Trav's trail was being replaced by a myriad of ass ends that Jason didn't find at all appealing. After what felt like forever, Nathan finally managed to escape from the throng of crazed people. His work clothes were all mushed and mangled which seemed to mirror his mood.

"This'll go over well with the boss," he said to himself. 'Piss on it,' he thought as he limped over to the nearest park bench to wait for the two lunatics that he called his friends. The park was nice this morning, and would have been even nicer if not for the screaming mass of people not fifty feet away. Not even the birds were braving the park today.

Tired of waiting, Nathan got up and went for a small walk just to clear his head he told himself. He hadn't been himself for a long time now. He could only catch a blurry form before he found himself in midair.

"Oomf," Nathan landed on his ass. Damn but that concrete hurts.

"Shit," he heard a man's voice swear, "You should be watch where you're going."

"What are you talking about? You ran right into me you insensitive prick!"

The stranger stepped back as though Nathan had punched his smug face in.

"Don't you know who I am?" he sounded genuinely shocked which might have been the only genuine thing about him as far as Nathan was concerned. Nathan looked up.

"I don't make a point of knowing people who knock me down then don't even offer to help me get up!" Nathan struggled to his feet. Today was getting better and better.

The strange man took off his sunglasses, "Recognize me now?" he pointed to his face. Nathan brushed himself off and looked closer at the raven-haired man.

"Have you heard a damn word I've said?"

The man stepped back in contemplation, "I must not be as popular as I thought," he said almost to himself arms folded over his expansive chest.

As is caught in an after-though, "Here," the stranger started to gather Nathan's spilled things.

"I don't...." the man was looking at one of his books.

"You're studying Archaeology?" the man eyed Nathan then the book. He looked to be around Nathan's age if not a little older.

"I picked it up early and..." Nathan spoke a little faster than normal for some unfathomable reason.

"Well Archy boi," the man smirked and offered Nathan a brief wink before walking off into the park, "I'll see you later". Nathan could only stare at the robin's egg blue cover of the first year textbook.

"Wait...what?" Nathan turned around, but the man was gone.

Nathan was left clutching his bag and books, in the middle of the park, with a dumbfounded look plastered on his slender face.

A minute or two later, he could see two people hurrying over to him, "There you are," Travis panted, "What the hell happened to you?"

Nathan shook his head, as if to knock the cobwebs loose, "Sorry," was all he could say.

"You missed all the fun," Tess smiled.

"You got to see this Jason guy?"

"Not sure," Travis and Tess exchanged glances. Tess continued, "There was a guy wearing a robe and a big hat and sunglasses that Travis thinks was him."

"I know it was him. I can tell the other half of my soul anywhere," Travis beamed as he and Tess walked off.

"Wait," Nathan ran along behind, "if you didn't get to jump him then why're we leaving?"

"We need to get to work before we get fired hon," Tess called back.

"...Right, right". Still, Nathan's mind could only think of one thing. The tall, dark stranger in the park and his dead sexy smile.

Next: Chapter 2

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