Thirteen Seconds

Published on Mar 31, 2022


Thirteen Seconds Chapter 3

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Author's Notes: This story came about to cope with the loss of AFC Championship game against the Bengals. The Chiefs had a complete meltdown in the second half. They lost to themselves. Can't wait for the new season of Football. To send author comments and feedback, please email

Thirteen Seconds

Chapter Text

Pre Pro Bowl

"You going, Patty Cakes?" Travis asks, throwing the ball back at Patrick.

Patrick torpedoes a fast ball at Travis, clocking in at 70 miles per hour.

Travis catches the ball and propels backward. "Ouch!" Travis laughs as he throws the ball back.

Offseason training starts now since their season has ended prematurely. Travis and Patrick have been staying a couple of extra hours every day after team practice for the last couple of days. Patrick torpedoes another throw at Travis, who effortlessly springs into the air to grab the ball.


"Haven't decided yet," Patrick answers.

"What are you waiting for? You do know it's in three days, right? The Pro Bowl."

"I don't know. I'm not in the mood." Patrick pouts as he underhandedly tosses the ball to Travis.

"Look." Travis passes the ball back. "I know you want to play in the Super Bowl. I do, too. But this season didn't work out for us. And that's okay. We can't go every year. Even Tom Brady, the GOAT, didn't go every year."

"I know," Patrick says, still not persuaded.

"Before you came along, the Pro Bowl was the only Bowl Game me and the boys were going. C'mon. It's going to be fun. We won't have the pressure of trying to win the Super Bowl on us. We can just have fun playing ball. And besides, it's Vegas, baby!"

"I don't even like Vegas. I'd rather go to Tahoe or Pebble Beach and play golf."

"Yeah. When it's spring time and weather is nicer, you can go and play golf. Until then, go to the Pro Bowl with us. You went your first season starting and you had a good time then."

"I have to figure something out with Ster. She can't go to Vegas."

"No shit, Sherlock." Travis laughs. "Tell Britt to stay home and be a mother to her daughter."

"Our daughter," Patrick corrects him.

"Yes, your mutual daughter."

"I'll see if mom can watch her. I don't feel comfortable leaving her with the nanny for that long."

"No excuses, Patrick. It'll be good for you to go out and just have fun playing ball with the boys."

"I'll let you know," Patrick tells him and jogs out of the stadium.


Travis is fidgeting in his seat. The private charter plane is ready to take off in less than an hour. All his fellow teammates are already seated on the plane except one glaringly absentee player. He calls Patrick's phone. No answer. He sends him a text, wishing that he'd be with them heading out to Las Vegas. No answer. It's now fifteen minutes before take-off. Travis pulls out his phone to call Patrick, again, when the unofficial King and Queen of Kansas City climb onto the plane at the last minute.

"C'mon, Britt. We're late." He hears Patrick's unmistakable voice towards the front of the plane.

"Patrick, I'm coming," Brittany replies back. "I don't understand why we can't take the private jet to Vegas if we're going."

"I already told why," Patrick tells her.

Travis can't help rolling his eyes at the exchange between the two high school sweethearts. He turns to his girlfriend sitting relaxed next to him. "Hey, babe," Travis begins, "do you mind sitting next to Brittany so I can talk to Patrick?"

"Are you serious?" Kayla is peeved with Travis's request. "Weren't you two hanging out yesterday?"

"Kayla, Patrick and I need to talk about plays for the game."

"So now you're taking football seriously unlike last Sunday against the Bengals."

"Kayla, that's a cheap shot. I told you that we were specifically told to lose the ball game."

"Whatever." Kayla crosses her arms over her chest, not moving, until Brittany stops in front of her.

"Omg! Kayla, girl, I haven't seen you in a while!" Brittany shrieks, throwing her arms around Kayla to give her a hug.

"Yeah, girl, I was visiting my cousin in Georgia for a few days," Kayla replies, returning the hug.

Travis peers over them to see Patrick fist bumping Orlando Brown. Three overstuffed suitcases are being dragged behind by one of the plane crew members.

"Jesus, Brittany. You know that the Pro Bowl is only one day, three days at most for the festivities," Travis teases her.

"Stop harassing her, babe," Kayla playfully punches his arm- too hard for his liking.

"Well who ever said we're going to stay for a just a couple of days," Brittany responds.

Kayla gets up and grabs Brittany's wrist. "C'mon. I'm going to sit with you on our flight there. We have lots to catch up with."


"It's okay. The boys have to talk about plays or something."

"Oh, okay." Brittany nods in agreement. She whips her head around and yells at Patrick. "Babe, I'm going to sit with Kayla on the flight there!"

"Where am I going to sit?" Patrick jogs faster to catch up with his fiancée.

"Here, Patty Cakes," Travis offers the empty seat next to him.

"I don't know why I allow you to abuse me like that," Patrick says as he face palms.

"Don't pretend like you don't like it when I call you that," Travis laughs out loud. Patrick just pouts in response. "I'm glad you're joining us," Travis tells him.

"Yeah. Me, too. We're going to have a blast," Patrick says, settling into the seat next Travis.

Patrick's curls tickle Travis's neck as the quarterback falls into slumber while resting his head on Travis's shoulder. Travis is tensed and stiff. His hands are clenched in fists at the sides as he inhales the musky earthy scent emitting off Patrick's warm and flushed skin.

Chapter Text

Next: Chapter 6: Thirteen Seconds Interlude 2

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