Thirteen Reasons Why Not

By Joshua Freeman

Published on Feb 17, 2020


DISCLAIMER -- This is a story about actors from the TV series 13 Reasons Why. It's fictional.

Unless it turns out this was true all along, in which case, I didn't know, I'm just a soothsayer of some kind.

Please drop me an email at if you have any feedback, suggestions for pairings you'd like to see, or just want to share your love of these guys or this series.

Last, but not least, DONATE TO NIFTY, it's a great place to host all of our smut and stuff, and they deserve the support, so go do it. Do it now. Done it? Good. Then on with the story...

Dylan and Brandon were led into a large room. They recognised it. It was the set that had been used for various scenes in the show, including the prom scenes from Season 2. The set had been redecorated since then, however. Now, there were just three desks in the centre of the room and some benches to the side.

There were cameras everywhere. The system had been set up elaborately, but professionally.

"I've been told to leave you here, sorry." Devin apologised.

"Told by who?" snapped Dylan, trying to suppress the knot tightening in his stomach. He felt sick. "Told by who?"

Devin just shook his head and left, abruptly.

"Should we just get out of here?" Dylan asked Brandon.

But before either of them could say anything else, a figure stepped through the far door, "Hello gents."

The man clapped his hands together and smiled. His accent was British, and as he stepped closer they could see he was fairly well built, with short, curly brown hair and coarse stubble on his cheeks. He had a small, black stretcher in his ear and was wearing a light silver chain around his neck. He wore a dark, leather jacket and a light grey t-shirt beneath it. He was handsome, but unremarkable.

"Who are you?"

The man smiled and shook his head. "They never recognise me," he said more to himself than either of them. He walked up to them and offered his hand. Brandon shook it without really thinking. Dylan was more cautious. "Who. Are. You?"

"Name's Craig," he smiled again--his teeth were bright and perfectly straight. Now they were close to him, they could see he couldn't have been much older than them, maybe even younger. "I'm one of the technical team, sort of a general dogsbody. I help put together the sets--do some of the minor camera work and sound design, whatever needs doing." He was friendly, and casual. Was he acting that way deliberately?

"And why did you film us? And make us come here?"

"To blackmail you," he stated, as casual as ever. "I'm making fan-fiction. Purely for myself, not intended for distribution, but obviously that can change depending on what you want to do. I've been filming an alternative, R-rated version of the show. But obviously none of you are going to just agree to do that for me, so I blackmailed you and your co-stars."

"You want us to fuck for you?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah. It's either that, or I release everything I've got on you and your co-stars and it's--phew--it's a lot!" he laughed, "you guys are horny as fuck."

"Or we could just kick the shit out of you until you delete everything."

"Well yeah, but if anything happens to me, then my good nameless friend who holds on to all the files for me releases everything. So..."

"Dylan, I..." Brandon started.


"I think we should just do it."

"Are you serious? This guy is a pervert."

"Well, yeah. But it's not like he hasn't seen everything by this point anyway. It can't exactly get worse."

"The way I see it," Craig said, "is you guys just do what you were already doing, and I get to enjoy it as well. No-one gets hurt, no-one else has to see, and once I've filmed a few scenes we can all pretend like nothing happened."

The two co-stars gave each other a look.

"Fine," said Dylan. Brandon nodded. "What do you want us to do?"

"Well this is going to be a group scene."

"Sorry, what?" said Dylan.

Craig made his way over to the far door and shouted: "Come on, boys."

Footsteps sounded in the hallway. Craig made his way back over to them, checking his phone. "Okay, so it's just gone 11pm, we have about an hour to film this scene, which should be plenty of time."

The doors opened. Miles Heizer, Justin Prentice, Ross Butler, and Timothy Granaderos stepped into the room. The group gave the two boys an awkward greeting across the hall. Brandon smiled a heady grin. Despite himself, he was getting excited.

The two groups came together.

"Right," directed Craig, "you three are going to be the bottoms." He pointed at Miles, Brandon and Dylan, "and you three are going to be tops." He pointed at Ross, Justin and Tim. "Tops, take off your clothes and go stand by the desks over there. Bottoms, make out with each other while they're getting ready."

Hesitantly, they did as instructed. It was unusual being watched like this, but they soon overcame the feeling.

"Hi Dylan," muttered Miles.

"Hi-oh!" Dylan's greeting was cut short as Miles leeched onto his neck and began to kiss, suck, and lick it. The feeling was intense. Brandon ran his fingers through his hair before pressing their lips together. They were just as soft as they'd always been. Next, Brandon and Miles began to kiss, their tongues battling for entry into the other's mouth. Dylan followed Miles's lead and kissed their necks as they fought one another.

Tim and Justin, now fully naked, sighed. The two boys were straight. They didn't mind the sex, but they struggled to get themselves excited for it. Ross on the other hand struggled to contain himself. The two boys beside him were flaccid, but he was rock hard, and couldn't conceal it.

"Looking forward to this, Ross?" asked Tim.

"What? No... I'm just... I get erections when I'm nervous, sometimes."


"It's easy to get Tim excited," chuckled Justin, "just play with his asshole a little and he'll be ready to go."

"Hey, shut up!"

Ross's dick twitched at the thought. He looked at the two guys next to him. Tim- perfectly sculpted body, thick arms, jawline that cut glass, and gorgeous hazel eyes. And, on the other side of him, Justin, his features somehow both softer and more severe, but unquestionably masculine and dominating. Testosterone seemed to pump out of both of them and pull him temptingly towards them.

Craig's voice echoed through the hall.

"Cut! You three..." he beckoned the three bottoms towards him and directed them to the desks in the centre of the room. "Get over there and service those cocks--two of them aren't hard yet."

Craig directed Brandon to Justin, Dylan to Ross, and Miles to Tim. The three fell to their knees and began to suck.

Miles had been listening to the conversation going on at the other side of the room while they'd been making out. His finger creeped up behind Tim and found his tight hole. He began to tease it with circular motions. Tim gasped. He hunched over, his ass pressing into the finger while his hand found Miles's shoulder for support. His dick was hard in seconds, and he began to groan hungrily. His face scrunched up with ecstasy, and his nose twitched. The small motion was caught on camera, and Craig would cum to it multiple times over the next few weeks.

Justin couldn't believe how good Brandon's mouth felt. This was quickly becoming the best blowjob he'd ever had--and it had only lasted about a minute, so far. Usually he liked to take control. He'd fuck the girl's face until he unloaded. But, with Brandon, his head went back and forth so quickly, and he sucked so aggressively, it felt like he was fucking his face anyway. Brandon savoured the musk every time his nose was buried in Justin's pubic hair, making sure to sniff and suck as loudly as possible.

Dylan wasn't sure how long he could last. Ross had both of his hands on the back of his head, and was moving his head back and forth for him. Saliva and precum dribbled down his chin as Ross's cock repeatedly hit the back of his throat. The guttural grunts and moans filled Dylan's head.

The room grew hotter. The boys started to sweat. The lights had been set up perfectly to highlight every inch of the actors' bodies.

"Okay, that'll do for the blowjobs. Now bottoms, bend over the desks."

Dylan silently thanked Brandon for his excessive use of buttplugs and vibrators. If he'd had to do this a couple of weeks ago, he might not have been able to handle it. But now...

The boys bent over, propping themselves up on the desks.

"Arch your backs," directed Craig, cheerfully, "I want to see those holes."

They obeyed.

Ross marvelled at the three perky asses in front of him. Miles's ass was plump, perfectly round, and totally hairless. Brandon's had some light hair around his hole, but not much, and his cheeks were slightly toned. Finally, Dylan's ass was the hairiest, and the most toned. His hole was also the tightest of the three, and so inviting. The three tops moved forward and started to survey the meat in front of them.

Tim immediately started playing with Miles's hole, just as he'd been doing to him. Miles bit his lip, but not before a slight gasp escaped his lips. Justin spanked Brandon hard, and pulled is cheeks as far apart as he was able before spitting on the hole and rubbing it in with his thumb. Ross cupped Dylan's balls in his hands and gently stroked the meat hanging so seductively downwards. Dylan shivered. Then he felt Ross's cock pushing against his hole and braced himself.

Justin was the first to enter his boy's hole. He pushed it in roughly, causing Brandon to gasp and moan. When he was all the way inside, Justin lowered his body over Brandon and said into his ear: "I hope you're ready for this, Foley."

Ross was next, he pushed himself into Dylan who moaned and tightened his whole body. Ross clasped the back of his neck and began to expertly move in and out, his hips doing all of the work.

Tim was last, he was enjoying watching Miles squirm as his finger played with his hole. Miles was moaning so much Tim thought he might cum soon. That was enough to make him stop. Tim moved forward and pushed his full length inside him. "Fuck," Miles gasped.

Soon, the room was filled with the grunt and moans of the tops, and the groaning and gasps of the bottoms. The room was getting hotter and hotter. The lights and the equipment weren't helping the problem. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh rang in Craig's ears in a steady rhythm. It took all of his willpower not to touch himself right there and then.

Justin was fucking in powerful but slow thrusts, each one causing Brandon to brace or risk slipping from the table. Tim's abs were pressed to Miles's back and he was biting on his ear as the two steadily fucked one another. Ross was flushed red as he frantically pounded Dylan's hole. His floppy black hair was glued to his forehead as he moaned and swore uncontrollably.

"Okay everyone, swap!" called Craig.

It took a moment, but they all understood. The three tops pulled out and moved on to the next bottom. Ross moved to Miles, Tim to Brandon, and Justin to Dylan.

"Bottoms, on your backs!"

The boys obeyed. Dylan saw Justin looming over him, and only had a second to take him in before he felt his cock sliding inside. Justin grabbed his legs tightly and pulled him as close as he could before he started to thrust. Again, with those hard, slow pumps.

Ross climbed onto the table on top of Miles and entered him without hesitation. The two of them were used to each other by now. They kissed passionately as Ross's cock entered his hole and they began fucking enthusiastically. Miles moving his body to meet Ross at the apex of each thrust.

"Hey Monty," chuckled Brandon, "I've jerked off to you so much, I wonder if you're better in real life than you are in my head."

Tim laughed, pumping his own cock with his hand. "Let's find out."

He lifted Brandon from his desk and made him wrap his legs around his waist. Then, using his hand, he guided his cock inside of him. Brandon lent back, taking in as much of Tim as he could, before looking him in the eyes and bouncing on his cock. The feeling was exquisite. The two maintained eye contact as they fucked.

Lights. Heat. Grunts. Groans. Moaning. Swearing. The slapping of flesh on flesh. More heat.

"Swap!" Craig cried.

Dylan had never felt so exhausted and exhilarated in his life. Tim came over to him and he pulled him on top. His lips found his and the two kissed passionately, their bodies pressed together, nipples hard, abs sweaty. Dylan wrapped his legs around Tim's body and broke off the kiss. "Just fuck me." Tim obliged.

From his table, Dylan heard Miles muttering choke me' over and over. He glanced over and saw Justin was doing just that while fucking him at a steady pace. He looked over at Brandon to see Ross lying in his place with Brandon riding him cowgirl. His juicy cock bounced up and down hitting Ross's abs with a satisfying slap' on each descent.

Dylan turned his attention back to the tight hold he was in, and took a moment to appreciate the firmness of the muscles pressing against him and holding him. How had he gotten here? How had it come to this? One kiss with Brandon had led to an orgy on set.

He didn't regret it.

"Everyone stop!"

Craig moved between the tables. He ushered them all off and pushed two of the desks together, short end against short end. He made Dylan and Justin lay down so their feet were touching and their heads almost hung off the edge of the table. Then, he made Miles sixty-nine Justin while Brandon sixty-nined Dylan. Finally, Ross, standing up, began to fuck Brandon's ass, while Tim fucked Miles's.

Brandon was in ecstasy. He'd only ever dreamed of something this good happening to him. Any self-consciousness he'd had was gone. Any fear of the camera was gone. His mouth was filled with Dylan's cock, his ass was filled with Ross's cock. Straight ahead he could see Miles sucking Justin's thick meat like it was his only source of nourishment whilst getting fucked by the most perfectly-toned man he'd ever seen. He felt his orgasm building, it was close. But Ross came first.

He screamed in pleasure as he came, unloading into Brandon's ass. Some of his cum dripped down on to Dylan's face as Brandon came into his mouth. Despite his orgasm and loud moans, Brandon didn't stop sucking, and a few seconds later Dylan shot his load into Brandon's mouth too. A moment later Justin came into Miles's mouth. He took it and then turned to take Tim's load in his mouth too. He jerked himself furiously as Tim came, and it only took him a few more seconds to finish, right in Justin's face. Justin wiped it off unceremoniously.

"That... was perfect!" shouted Craig, genuine delight in his voice, "oh my god, that was perfect. I got everything I needed. How are you boys feeling?"

None of them gave a comprehensible answer.

If you guys enjoyed this, drop me an email at with feedback and/or suggestions of what/who you'd like to see in the next chapter.

Finally, if you liked this story and you also like Twenty One Pilots... I've written a story about them! Check it out here:

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 8

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