Thirteen Reasons Why Not

By Joshua Freeman

Published on Nov 24, 2019


DISCLAIMER -- This is a story about actors from the TV series 13 Reasons Why. It's fictional. Unless it turns out this was true all along, in which case, I didn't know, I'm just a soothsayer of some kind.

Please drop me an email at if you have any feedback, suggestions for pairings you'd like to see, or just want to share your love of these guys or this series.

Last, but not least, DONATE TO NIFTY, it's a great place to host all of our smut and stuff, and they deserve the support, so go do it. Do it now. Done it? Good. Then on with the story...

Brandon found Miles in the canteen. He seemed agitated.

"Hey Miles."

Miles jumped slightly, even though he saw Brandon approach.

"Oh, hey."

"Thanks for meeting me one on one like this, I wasn't sure... are you okay?"

"Huh, what? Yeah."

Brandon wasn't convinced - Miles kept glancing around the room - but he had to talk about what he'd experienced with someone other than Dylan.

"Some crazy shit has been happening, Miles. I was wondering if you might know anything."

"Like what?

"Okay, the other day, I was in the locker room set- don't ask me why." Miles looked like he might interrupt, "and I saw..." he hesitated. What he'd seen wasn't really his secret to tell, but with that and the picture Dylan had shown him, he felt like there was some connection. "Tim and Justin were fucking in the shower."

Miles snorted and smiled as if it was a joke. Then, after Brandon failed to reciprocate his amusement, he turned serious. "You're not kidding."

Brandon shook his head, "they were going at it pretty aggressively too, like..." he smacked the knuckles of his hand into the palm of the other. Over and over. "But that's not all. Dylan got this photo... a polaroid."

"Wait, was it..." Miles leaned in, "a nude with a message on the back?"

Brandon was shocked. "Yeah, how did you know?" he stopped. "It wasn't..."

"No!" Miles said a little louder than he meant to. Some people glanced his way but then returned to their conversations. "Ross got one too. And, me and Ross were... having some fun the other day."

"That's still going on, huh?" Brandon smiled.

"Shut up. Anyway, we were doing it in one of the classrooms and just as we finished we heard this click. We didn't see who it was, but someone had been watching us, and... I think they took a photo."



"So me and Ross have been doing it in the bathroom ever since." Miles put his hand to his mouth as if he couldn't believe what just came out of it.

"Oh really?" Brandon smiled, "when's your next bathroom session?"

Miles stayed quiet, but from his expression Brandon could tell it was soon. Enjoying the moment, Brandon slipped his foot out of his sneaker and raised it to Miles's crotch. His toes found his semi-hard cock through his pants and began to massage it.

"How about we have some fun?"

Miles bit his lip. "What kind of fun?"

"I want to ride your main squeeze," as he said the word squeeze, he closed his toes around Miles's cock as best as he could, "message him and tell him to blindfold himself. Tell him he can't remove it until he's told he can. Then, I'll go into the stall, and we'll take turns. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like you're being greedy."

"I usually am when it comes to cock," Brandon chuckled and Miles supressed a groan, "tell you what, if you do this, I'll try and convince Dylan to pay you some attention. I know you want him."

"You've turned him?" As he said it, Brandon could feel Miles's cock harden beneath his foot.



Miles messaged Ross and they arrived outside the bathroom 15 minutes later.

"Which stall is he in?" whispered Brandon, barely able to contain his excitement. Miles pointed.

"I'll come through in a minute; I want to make sure we weren't followed first. Have a bit of fun."

Brandon nodded. He made his way to the stall and coughed three times. Slowly, with big pauses between each cough. The lock on the door clicked and Brandon pushed it open.

He nearly gasped at the sight.

Ross sat on the toilet naked aside from a jockstrap. Beneath his dark, floppy mess of hair he'd tied a makeshift blindfold using one of his socks. It smelled faintly of his sweat. Below the blindfold he was smiling as if he was extremely pleased with himself. Brandon could see why. He'd covered his body in oil.

The effect was profound. Every muscle, every tiny hair, every goosepimple was accentuated. With his thighs spread wide, and his thick cock barely contained in the pouch of his jockstrap, Brandon thought he looked like some kind of God. He wanted to sample his offering immediately.

Brandon undressed. He made sure Ross could hear every rustle of clothing before finally reaching his underpants. He slid them down his legs, his cock leaking already, and pressed them against Ross's face. Ross sniffed them eagerly.

"Oh fuck," he shivered, "I want you, Miles. Don't tease me like this."

Brandon bunched up his underwear and shoved it into Ross's mouth, effectively gagging him. Then he began kissing Ross's oily body, beginning at his neck. Ross shuddered at the contact, and gently moaned with each wet brush of the lips. Brandon moved steadily down until he reached his prize- the jockstrap. He rubbed the bulge twice before releasing it. Ross's pulsating cock hit him in the face and Brandon didn't hesitate. He devoured it.

Ross groaned loudly--louder than he should have. If anyone else were in the bathroom they would definitely have heard them. Brandon sucked hard, occasionally pausing to run his tongue across the head of the leaking cock and tease his balls with his mouth. Ross's nails were digging into his own thighs as he fought the urge to grab Brandon's head and not let go until he'd unloaded into it.

When Ross moaned louder than before, Brandon stopped and stood up. Ross groaned with disappointment- but not for long. He straddled him, wrapping one hand around Ross's neck. With the other hand he lined up Ross's full erect cock with his hole. He lowered himself on to it. This time Brandon groaned.

If Ross noticed that his groan was different to Miles's groan, he didn't show any signs of it. He threw his head back in pleasure and let the warm body on top of him descend all the way down to his lap.

Once he was all the way back, Brandon leaned backwards and began to grind. He lifted himself up and away from Ross's cock and then back and down with a fluid, steady motion. The oil and sweat mingled together on Brandon's body, highlighting his smooth but defined musculature. His hard cock pushed against Ross's abs, and leaked slightly each time it did so. The two boys moaned with less and less concern if anyone could hear them until Brandon heard the door to the bathroom open. Ross didn't seem to notice a thing as he grabbed Brandon's hips to fuck him faster.

Two feet appeared beneath the stall door, and Brandon knew it was Miles.

Brandon let himself be fucked a little longer, watching Ross turn red with exertion, before lifting himself off. He took his underwear out of Ross's mouth and dropped them on the floor. He used the sound to quickly unlock the stall door and let Miles inside.

Miles's eyes widened as he stepped in. He glanced back and forth between Ross and Brandon. Admiring them both, and desiring them equally.

Brandon lowered himself again onto Ross's cock, this time, facing away from him, and looking Miles directly in the eye. Miles started to undress. Brandon groaned loudly to cover the rustle of clothes. Brandon admired his friend's physique as he did. He was still slender, still practically hairless, but his body had become more defined since the last time he'd seen it. When he was fully undressed, Brandon pulled himself away from Ross again to a groan of disappointment, and whispered in Miles's ear.

"Stand up, Ross." Mile said assertively. Ross obeyed, panting. "Now bend me over and fuck me."

Brandon got into position and let Ross push him down and begin to fuck him doggystyle. Then, Brandon grabbed Mile's dick and pushed it into his mouth. Gagging on Mile's length as he was pounded from behind. Miles's hands gripped each side of the stall, and he stopped himself moaning out loud just in time.

Watching Ross fuck his friend was incredibly hot. Somehow, it made him even more horny. He grabbed Brandon's hair and forced his him to take his cock deep into his throat. He heard Brandon gag and smiled.

"Stop," said Miles suddenly, "pick me up, fuck me."

Ross did as he was told. Brandon was lifted into the air. He wrapped his legs around Ross's toned waist as he lowered him onto his cock. Ross began fucking again, this time with more ferocity, liked an animal. He panted, sweated, snarled even. Miles walked up to the two of them and quickly loosened Ross's blindfold.

Ross gasped when he came face to face with Brandon.

"What the-"

But he didn't stop thrusting.

"Oh fuck you... fuck... you... you're so tight... fuck..."

"That's it, Ross. Don't think about it. I'm just a hole for you to use. Now fucking use me."

"I'll use both of you." Ross declared, "Miles, get on the floor, now."

Miles fell to his knees.

"Brandon, fuck him."

Brandon dropped to the floor too, and obeyed. He pushed his cock into Miles.

"Fuck..." he sighed with pleasure, "it's been a while since I've been inside you. Feels good."

"Shut up and fuck me, Brandon." Miles tilted his head and slide his tongue into Brandon's mouth.

Then Ross fell to his knees, pulling Brandon's ass towards him. He thrust himself into him and cried out in pleasure.

None of them lasted much longer. Ross wrapped his arms around both of the boys and held them tight. The feeling of his biceps pressing into them, and heat of each other's' bodies sent them over the edge. Brandon came first. Ross followed and Miles came a second later.

The three of them lay panting on the floor for some time before finally pulling themselves apart.

Brandon was the first to get himself dressed.

"Meet me after filming tomorrow. I need to look into something that might help us with your problem. See you then." He walked out of the stall, before peeking his head back inside, "oh, and if you ever want to do this again, just shout."

If you guys enjoyed this, drop me an email at with feedback and/or suggestions of what/who you'd like to see in the next chapter.

Finally, if you liked this story and you also like Twenty One Pilots... I've written a story about them! Check it out here:

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 6

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