Thirteen Reasons Why Not

By Joshua Freeman

Published on Oct 5, 2019


DISCLAIMER – This is a story about actors from the TV series 13 Reasons Why. It's fictional. Unless it turns out this was true all along, in which case, I didn't know, I'm just a soothsayer of some kind.

Please drop me an email at if you have any feedback, suggestions for pairings you'd like to see, or just want to share your love of these guys or this series.

Last, but not least, DONATE TO NIFTY, it's a great place to host all of our smut and stuff, and they deserve the support, so go do it. Do it now. Done it? Good. Then on with the story...

Brandon was waiting outside the locker room where he and Dylan had first fucked.

They'd done it a few times since then, but this was their favourite spot. They'd often come back to set after hours to use it. Dylan was running a few minutes late.

Brandon checked his phone. He had a message from Dylan saying he was on his way, and sure enough, when he looked up, there he was at the end of the corridor.

He walked towards him with intent.

"What the fuck, Brandon?"

Brandon was taken aback. Dylan looked shaken. He looked around before pulling out a polaroid and showing him.

Brandon took the photo and studied it. It was a picture of an ass- a smooth one, pink hole visible. Beneath it was a girthy cock and balls. Whoever it was, their skin was sweaty and slightly red.

"Who is the lucky guy?" snorted Brandon.

"I don't fucking know—you're the only one I've..."

"Well where did this come from?" Brandon asked, pointing at the polaroid.

"Someone left it in my trailer," he paused, looking at the photo, "have you seen what's on the back?"

On the back was scribbled the words "can't wait to bend you over like this."

"You think I did this?"

"No." replied Dylan quickly, "well, maybe at first, but..."

"It wasn't me," said Brandon sternly, "I might joke around, but I'd never actually..."

"I know." Interjected Dylan.

"Would you rather skip tonight?" asked Brandon after a tense silence.

"Oh," Dylan shook his head in surprise, almost as if he'd forgotten why they were there, "no... I just kinda..."

Brandon grabbed Dylan's shirt and pulled him towards him. They kissed. The wet sounds echoed down the empty corridor, and then... Then they heard a noise. A groan? It was coming from inside the locker room. The two of them broke apart and moved slowly towards the locker room door. The groaning became louder, and it sounded as if a scuffle was going on inside.

When they reached the door they could hear two distinct voices coming from inside, two voices they recognised.

"What the fuck, Bryce?"

"Just hold still."

Brandon and Dylan looked at one another, confused, "Did Tim just say `Bryce?'"

After a moment's hesitation, Brandon gently pushed the door open. From the crack in the door, they could just make out a naked, hairy leg, and not much else.

Brandon turned to Dylan and motioned with his head for them to sneak in. Dylan shook his head, and Brandon went in anyway. Dylan cursed under his breath, and the followed.

Brandon negotiated his way across the room so he could see clearly into the showers where Timothy Granaderos and Justin Prentice stood. The shower room was partially concealed, but he had a good enough view of them. Dylan crept in beside him.

Justin was naked. His thick, fat cock hung threateningly between his legs. Tim was naked aside from a towel wrapped around his waist. Justin had Tim's arm pulled awkwardly behind his back, and was pushing his face against the shower wall.

"I've seen you staring at me, Monty. Sucking up to me all the goddamn time. You think I don't know

you're queer? You think you don't know that you want me?" Justin laughed exactly how Bryce laughed, and it sent a chill down Brandon's spine.

"I don't know what you're fucking talking about," spat Tim, struggling to get free.

"Oh yeah?" laughed Bryce, "then why are you fucking hard?"

His hand reached around Tim's waist and grabbed the tent in the towel. He started to massage it, and Tim groaned.

Brandon and Dylan looked at one another, "what the fuck?" Dylan mouthed.

But Brandon wasn't paying attention—he just had an idea.

He pulled Dylan close and whispered: "are you using the toy I asked you to use?"

Dylan nodded his head. Brandon smiled mischievously.

He took a remote out of his pocket and pushed a button. Dylan nearly screamed in pleasure, but somehow held himself back.

The buzzing in Dylan's ass was drowned out by Justin.

"Shut up and take it, Monty, don't act like you didn't want this."

Brandon looked around the corner and saw Justin pushing his girthy dick into Tim's ass. He cried out. Justin continued to push until he was all the way in and then tilted his head back, grinning.

"Fuck," he exclaimed, "that feels fucking amazing. You're so tight, big guy."

"Just get on with it," Tim muttered through gritted teeth.

Dylan's hand pulled Brandon away from the scene and the two kissed. Brandon shifted his position as their tongues played with one another so Dylan was facing the scene unfolding in the shower. Then, he unzipped his jeans and pulled out Dylan's hard cock. He fell to his knees and took it into his mouth. Dylan groaned.

His groan came at the same time as one of Justin's thrusts. They were hard, short, and powerful.

Justin was holding on to Tim's waist as he fucked him, and Dylan admired the musculature of his back, he admired Justin's powerful thighs and his ass muscles that tensed with every jerk of his body.

Tim hit the shower knob and water began to pour over them, further extenuating their bodies. Dylan was practically drooling as he watched. Brandon's warm mouth was unrelenting on his cock and his ass was buzzing with ecstasy.

He tensed as he fought off the climax that was building inside him.

"Fuck me, Bryce, please, fuck... fuck me harder."

"I knew you wanted it," Bryce gasped between thrusts. He licked his lips, "you're such a fucking queer, Monty, from now on, you're going to be my little bitch."

"I... I..."

"What?" Justin practically yelled at him. He wrapped his hand around Tim's throat and slowly tightened his grip. "You don't want to be my bitch?"

"I do."

"Say it."

"I want to be your bitch."

"Again, Monty."

Tim repeated it. He kept repeating it. Justin's thrusts continued unabated, and his breathing became ragged. He screamed when he came.

The sight of it pushed Dylan over the edge. He grasped Brandon's head and pushed it towards his sweating body. He came deep inside his throat. Brandon pressed the button on the remote and the buzzing stopped.

The two of them quickly got up and left, hardly believing their luck. They escaped unnoticed, as the two guys in the shower were exhausted. Their wet bodies slumped against one another.

Finally, Justin turned to look across the room.

"Was that good enough for ya?"

"Yes," replied a low voice.

If you guys enjoyed this, drop me an email at with feedback and/or suggestions of what/who you'd like to see in the next chapter.

Finally, if you liked this story and you also like Twenty One Pilots... I've written a story about them!

Check it out here:

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 4

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