Thirteen Reasons Why Not

By Joshua Freeman

Published on Sep 21, 2019


DISCLAIMER – This is a story about actors from the TV series 13 Reasons Why. It's fictional. Unless it turns out this was true all along, in which case, I didn't know, I'm just a soothsayer of some kind.

Please drop me an email at if you have any feedback, suggestions for pairings you'd like to see, or just want to share your love of these guys or this series.

Last, but not least, DONATE TO NIFTY, it's a great place to host all of our smut and stuff, and they deserve the support, so go do it. Do it now. Done it? Good. Then on with the story...

Ross Butler opened his locker.

It wasn't his locker, of course. It was his character's locker, Zach Dempsey.

The scene wasn't focused on him, but on Dylan Minnette. However, the shot started with him opening his locker, grabbing his stuff, and shutting it. Then, the camera would pull away, and focus back in on Dylan's character, Clay.

However, when he opened his locker, something was inside that he wasn't expecting—a photo.

A polaroid of an hard cock, shot from above, trail visible, but not much else.

On the back of the photo something was written in sharpie.

Ross grabbed it along with the rest of his stuff, afraid someone would see, and pulled it towards him. He closed his locker and walked away quickly. The camera moved on.

Ross hurried down the corridor and through the doors at the end where there were no people. He looked at the words scribbled on the back of the polaroid:

"We Know."

What bullshit was this?

There was only one person who knew about his... sexual preference. He had to find him. And, luckily, Ross knew where he'd be.

"What the fuck, Heizer?" yelled Ross as he entered the classroom.

"Jesus!" Miles jumped and nearly fell off the desk he was sitting on. He picked up some of the notes he'd dropped on the floor before addressing Ross directly, "what's wrong?"

Ross looked around before showing Miles the photo.

"Oh, fuck," Miles laughed, "that's a pretty one."

"This isn't funny." Ross muttered, "that was left in my locker—Zach's locker—you know what I mean. You're the only one who knows that I—occasionally—y'know..."

Miles looked at him with an expression of disbelief and amusement.

"You think I told someone? Why would I do that?"

"I don't know..."

"I didn't tell anyone." Miles stated simply, "I wouldn't do that. You asked me to keep it a secret, I did. So what? You worried this is going to get out?"

"Yeah, obviously."

Miles rolled his eyes. "Ross, you're basically a sex symbol at this point, if it does get out, just tell people you're bi—which—I think you are? Anyway, this'll just double your sex appeal, if anything you'll be more popular. Don't sweat it."

Ross blushed.

"A sex symbol?"

Miles scoffed, and returned to the desk where he was originally sat, looking back at his notes.

"But anyway," said Miles absently, "I don't think you need to worry, I think someone is trying to come on to you, not blackmail you."

"Come on-"

"If they were going to release the news to the public, we would be hearing about it already, and if they wanted to blackmail you first they would've made a demand or asked to meet or something... I think they're just trying to get your attention."

Miles checked his notes again. In scenes he was featured heavily in he liked to come to set early and go over all of his lines one last time. Ross thought that was really cute. He also thought the way the light was shining through the window of the classroom was really highlighting his bright eyes and cute, button nose. He felt his cock stir in his pants.


"Hm?" Miles turned to look at Ross who was inching towards him.

"...there's about 10 minutes until people are gonna arrive here to set up the scene." Ross's voice had lowered almost imperceptibly, it was now gruffer and harder.

"Is that right?"

"Yeah." Ross moved closer.

"Enough time to finish reviewing my lines then." Miles smiled, clearly picking up Ross's hint, but not wanting to give in to him too easily. Ross was very close now. Close enough to feel his warmth, to smell his musk.

"I want you."

Fuck. Miles couldn't resist that.

"Put something in front of that door in case someone tries to get in."

Ross obeyed, and when he was done he turned around to see Miles presenting his bare ass to him. He was still wearing his hoodie, but his bottom layer had been completely removed. His elbows were propped up on one of the desks and his legs were spread apart, his ass in the air.

His posture meant he could see Miles's hole clearly, as well as the sizeable dick and balls hanging below it.

Miles craned his neck to face Ross.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time."

Ross almost fell to his knees as his mouth moved towards the waiting hole. His tongue outstretched, he began to wet it ready for his entrance. Miles groaned loudly and pressed his ass against Ross's face so his tongue entered deeper inside him.

"Fuck," Miles whispered, just audible enough for Ross to hear him.

Ross removed his pants awkwardly, desperate to free his raging cock that was straining against the waistband of his boxers. He casts his pants and his underwear aside and wrapped his hand around his leaking meat.

Ross moaned, and the vibrations tickled Miles's hole. They both groaned louder.

Satisfied that they were both wet enough, Ross stood up, removed his t-shirt and shoved his cock into Miles's hole without asking permission. Miles gasped and clenched his fists, but took it. Ross grunted and pushed himself deeper.

The sun shining into the classroom fell onto the bodies of the two boys, and they began to perspire. Ross grabbed onto the hood of Miles's hoodie and pulled on it for leverage. The cord pulled tight around Miles's throat, constricting his breathing. He gasped for breath but only manage a small intake of oxygen. Every muscle in his body tightened, including the muscles around Ross's cock. He grunted so loudly it was almost a shout—deep and guttural.

He pulled out and flipped Miles onto his back in one movement.

Only now could Miles see Ross in full glory. His muscles shone with sweat, his hair fell over his face, mostly covering one eye, and his skin was blushed red. The expression on his face was almost angry it was that tense, but Miles knew from experience that he got into a frenzy when he was fucking, and he was almost at his peak.

Ross slammed his meat back into Miles's hole so quickly it took the breath out of him. Ross grabbed his legs and moved him closer, ensuring that his cock was as deep as it would go. With every thrust, Miles's cock bounced against his stomach, generously leaking precum.

He grabbed his dick to stop it bouncing, and began to stroke it steadily. But, before he could get a good rhythm going, the desk collapsed and the two of them toppled onto the floor. Ross barely hesitated. He kept pounding Miles on the floor. Their bodies pressed together uncomfortably, and Ross's mouth found Miles's neck. He bit it, hard. Miles cried out, partly in pain, partly in ecstasy.

Then, Ross grunted, and nearly screamed as he thrust one final time inside Miles. The two of them collapsed on the floor.

The click of a camera sounded just outside the window.

The two of them looked up just in time to see a figure running away, but not quick enough to see who it was.


If you guys enjoyed this, drop me an email at with feedback and/or suggestions of what/who you'd like to see in the next chapter.

Finally, if you liked this story and you also like Twenty One Pilots... I've written a story about them!

Check it out here:

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 3

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