Thirteen Marks

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Apr 2, 2016



The attorney was a good man. Sure, he exploited Van and Eli, but only because there wasn't any way to save them from the curse. However, he wasn't the most scientifically minded guy.

His assistant Mike on the other hand was very interested in the finer details of curses and their mechanics.

Mike was a tall, slender blond in his thirties, who had worked for the attorney a few years now. When he read the report on the curse that had spliced off to Eli he got an idea. Was it possible to transfer a curse entirely and free the original victim? If he could get Van and Eli freed that would be huge news.

Mike studied the family's history to find suitable guinea pigs.

Caesar was a distant relative to Van. His own family knew nothing of the original deal, but they clearly profited from it, too. This was evidenced by the superior genetics Caesar obviously had.

The Hispanic seventeen year old was not as outrageously muscular as Eli, but he wasn't training for mass – he was training for aesthetics. The teen with light brown skin and short curly hair had a lithe, vascular body like few boys could even dream of.

Caesar's attire of tank tops, basketball shorts and sneakers in clashing colors made it clear that he was a jockish musclehead who left no doubt about his dominance. The swagger in his walk and the intimidating glare on his face underlined this impression.

Mike went to the same gym as the boy, which he had specifically arranged to spy on him. And on his brother.

Caesar had a fourteen year old sibling, who looked like a mini version of himself. The boy called Ángel already showed the signs of muscle growth, his body being visibly toned all over. The babyface and reduced height was all that kept Ángel from looking just as intimidating, despite the fact that he wasn't yet built like a tank.

For a few days, Mike listened in on their asinine conversations about weightlifting, sports, cars and which girl they would like to fuck. Then he put his high-tech plan into action.

It was a normal day for Caesar and Ángel, except for one thing. This morning they had found a package in the mail containing two "samples" of a revolutionary new device designed to increase blood flow into muscles, aid nutritional intake and all sorts of other things.

Of course the boys were highly skeptical about this marketing yadda yadda, but since the samples were free, they might as well try.

So when they entered the gym that Saturday midmorning, they brought the package with them.

The boys said hello to the front desk guy, greeted the men in the gym and made their way into the locker room at the end of the building.

Caesar opened the package and retrieved two large, thin, black metal rings. "Hey bro, the instructions say those are collars. Wear the things as tight to the skin as possible for maximum blabla. Dude, I hope these work."

Ángel snatched one. "Especially for you, bro. You're fucking tiny."

"Fuck off," Caesar said with a smile. "Let's just fucking put'em on." The device clicked shut. "Like that... wait, how the fuck do we get them open again."

"I don't fucking know, bro," Ángel said. "Mine doesn't come off either. Lemme see yours."

Suddenly a voice echoed through the boy's brains. It came from vibrations in the collar that traveled into their skulls. It was as if somebody held a loudspeaker to the backs of their heads, playing a voice only they could hear.

<<Hello Caesar and Ángel,>> said the deep voice.

"What the fuck?" Caesar screamed into the air. "Who's that?"

<<I am Mike. I want to test a hypothesis and for that I need your cooperation. To make things short, I will attempt a few things simultaneously with you completing certain tasks.>>

"No! Fuck you!" Caesar shouted and tore at his collar. An electric shock sent him to the ground, trembling with spasms. He saw Ángel hit the floor, too. Then the boys' collars tightened and cut their airflow entirely.

The teens stared at each other afraid for their lives, their thick muscles uselessly spasming. Then the collars loosened again and they struggled for breath.

<<I hope I don't need to demonstrate this very often. But I won't hesitate if I need to. Will you cooperate?>>

"Yes," croaked Caesar. Ángel simple nodded, unable to speak through his fast breathing.


Caesar bolted out of the room and rushed through the training area to the front desk. He retrieved the item and dashed back, fearing what Mike would do to him or Ángel if he wasn't fast enough.

"Okay, I'm back. What now?" he said to nobody in particular, assuming Mike could hear them through the collars somehow.


The memory of suffocation still on their minds, the boys followed the order. They were in a locker room, being naked was perfectly normal here. At top speed they took of their shirts, flicked off their shoes and slipped their shorts down.

When the socks dropped to the ground, two firm, lithe, tanned bodies stood around aimlessly in the nude. One was masculine, one boyish, but they both had thicker muscles than any boys there age as well as some good amount of body hair.


That was easy enough. It didn't really make sense to shower before the workout but if all the tasks were going to be that simple Caesar saw no reason to fight.

"Hey Ángel," he said, "I think we can just fucking play this guy's game and be done with it."

"I sure fucking hope so."

The boys began to shower in separate stalls. It took only a few second before a strange shiver set in, running up and down Caesar's body – a tingling sensation with no discernable origin. He blamed it on the water temperature and adjusted the heat.

Then he saw his pubes flowing down the drain. He was losing his body hair – all of it.

"What the fuck? What's happening? Ángel, help me."

The younger boy left his cubicle and looked into Caesar's. Both brothers were bald all over their bodies, including their crotches and arm pits. And on their heads. They were skinheads now, perfectly smooth.

<<Did it work, boys? Did you feel a tingling?>>

"Yes," Ángel said, "What the fuck happened? We're fucking bald. I have no more hair under my arms. That's no look for a man."

<<Ah, you already caught up on the whole body marks. Hairlessness, interesting. Please try to wear something.>>

The brothers grabbed their towels with dispassion and slung them around their hips. Immediately an unbearably burning itch spread across Caesar's skin as if he was standing way too close to an open fire while being devoured by ants.


He dropped the towel and was fine again. Ángel had the same experience by the looks of it.

<<Great. You will forever be unable to wear clothes. But don't worry. If my predictions are correct I can free you from the curse later. >>

Caesar was seething with rage. "You did this to me? I'll find where you're hiding and kill-"

He stopped as he realized the change in his voice. He sounded high pitched and smooth – extremely girlish. There was even a slight lisp to his speech. Ángel also tried to cuss at Mike but found his voice affected as well.

"No, please," Ángel said with his new voice. "We sound faggy as fuck. This can't be true. This is a nightmare."

<<It's fascinating how strongly the curse latched onto you two. Maybe I overdid it. There should be one more change coming.>>

"Oh no," Caesar said. "Please no more, I can't take-"

He felt the change take place. The tingling was in his dick. He panicked. Would he lose his tool? Would it shrink? Would it turn into a pussy?

The dick grew immensely in every dimension and so did the balls. His package hung low and huge. Ángel went through the same.

The younger boy flexed his biceps. "Fuck yeah, that's a good one. That I can get used to. But seriously, the voice is for faggots. I can't stop fucking lisping."

<<Now open the package and take out the fabric items. One for each. Put those on. Don't worry, it is the largest piece of clothing you can still wear while cursed.>>

Still a bit wet, the seventeen and the fourteen year old made it back to their locker nude. A few men had walked in but nobody paid much attention. Those who knew the boys said hello but they didn't even comment on the change of hairstyle.

Caesar retrieved the two items of clothing. Black velvety panties. They were really just a square with three inches along each side held by two shoestrings. The flimsy things couldn't even qualify as a jockstrap.

<<The gym policy says you can wear anything as long as the essential parts are covered, so I think you won't get into trouble. The next step is to work out. Actually, I want to test something else. You're not able to wear shoes anymore but the one's I've supplied still might work.>>

Ángel pulled black flip flops from the package and slipped into them. He didn't suffer the super-rash from before. Flip flops were save.

Wearing a collar, a tiny dick pouch and their new shoes, the boys entered the gym. The large penises had turned into a disadvantage because the pouch could barely hold the boys' packages.

Following Mike's instructions, the brothers lifted medium weights and made sure they always switched to a new exercise if they were close to failure.

Caesar had to admit, it was kind of fun. He liked showing off his body, even if everyone stared at the obscene presentation. He did a full body routine, making sure not to tire himself out and to always be busy. Mike didn't say anything so he was probably satisfied.

Amidst the patrons of all ages and demographics, two muscular teens lifted weights almost naked. Ten minutes later Mike called again. It hadn't been enough time to get into the mood, but training always made Caesar horny, so he was glad to be allowed to stop before the pouch turned into a tent.

<<I think this isn't working. I tried finding the new order of tasks but I think I need to revise this. Go back to the package and use all the items inside.>>

"Dude," Ángel said on his way back, "this game is almost fun. Still hate my voice but Mike said he'll free us at the end, right?"

"Sure fucking hope he does. I'll kill him if not. I'm not talking like a fag for the rest of my life."

Back at the locker they peaked into the package and found written instructions for the rest of the items.

Two big bottles of baby oil took up most of the space. They had to get oiled up perfectly without missing a spot. The hairlessness came in handy there. Even their smooth asses and dicks had to be glistening. It took them a while and they had to help each other with their backs, but eventually they sparkled from bald head to toe.

It was a disgusting and perverse sight. Caesar felt sick. He looked like a stripper in a bar for fags. His muscles looked better with the oil, each highlight and cut more pronounced, but the flimsy attire made him feel on display.

The next items were rings, similar looking to, but not nearly as big as, the collars.

According to the instructions they were cock rings and had to go over dick and balls. With their enlarge genitals it was a struggle to fit the rings. As soon as Caesar returned his pouch into place his member began to grow semi-hard.

After making sure Ángel was also wearing his cock ring properly, Caesar tried to figure out the next item. It turned out he had to take his dick from the pouch again to apply it. The thing was a ball spreader that separated his smooth, overgrown balls, making them look as if about to explode. And if that wasn't weird enough there was a chain attached to it that hung down almost to his knees.

"Fucking hell," Ángel said, "There's no fucking way we can hide these chains. Everyone will see the spreaders and our huge balls. And then they'll see the cock ring."

"I know, it's not helping that I'm getting a fucking hard-on. I'm basically fully hard already. Let's just finish up."

The last item was a two pound metal orb for each of the boys.

The instructions were clear. Caesar sighed. This was going to be difficult. The orbs had to be attached to the chains, adding their weight to the ball sack and stretching it severely.

To make the whole ordeal even more obvious, the balls were big enough to force their thighs apart a bit. Just enough to give the boys the appearance of somebody who wanted to draw attention to his ball torture device.

<<You're glistening all over and have put on the items. Very well, it's time to get out and do the task properly this time. I'll tell you when you can stop exercising.>>

Ángel groaned. "Are you fucking crazy? The staff will kick us out!"

<<You can thank me for my foresight. I ordered pizza for the whole staff. They're in the break room. As long as nobody rings the front desk bell there won't be anyone to kick you out. Unless you anger another gym member. Now go, or I'll have to choke you again.>>

Awkwardly, the humiliated duo waddled outside with thighs a bit apart and swaying as a result. Even if they hadn't been dressed the way they were, the oily shine on their skins would have grabbed everybody's attention.

The boys separated silently and Caesar grabbed a barbell. As he started doing squats with light weight on his back, he was approached by an older man who he had seen at the gym many times.

"My my," the man said, "You're dressed quite interestingly. Mind telling me what makes you wear that?"

"I uh..." Caesar said, dumbfounded. "I just heard that clothes trap heat unequally and a smooth layer of oil will make sure it's perfectly distributed." Still squatting, the boy kept making things up. "And the weight on my, uh, on my lower area, well that's just that. Additional weight. I used to have weights on my wrists but those were just in the way all the time."

The man seemed satisfied with the answer. Whether he believed it was a different matter.

"And your name is?"


The man didn't give his own name. "You look like a total boyslut, you know that?"

"I, uh... sure, yeah." Caesar felt his massive, rock hard dick twitch involuntarily. Seriously, his tool had to be against the laws of anatomy as known to science.

"How about we take a little rest in the locker room and-"

"Sorry, no! Just here to train. Gotta keep up to stick to the schedule."

Caesar dropped the barbell and walked quickly over to the shoulder press. He sat on his towel to make sure nobody was going to complain about oil stains.

Another man approached him. A huge, buff, hairy one.

"Well Caesar, you sure changed."

"H-Hey, Tom." The boy recognized the big guy since they had talked a few times before. Tom wasn't a regular costumer at the gym but he came by every few weeks at least.

"Last time I saw you I could have sworn you're a jock. You changed your style a lot. I guess you came out?"

"I'm uh..."

"It's fine, kiddo. If anyone's giving you trouble about it just tell me. I'll help with any problem. If you wanna thank me, I'm sure you can think of something."

"S-sure I'll tell you right away if anything's the matter."

Tom winked and added. "I like your voice the way it is. A shame you always tried to sound deeper. Happy you found a way to be yourself."

"Thanks, uh... I'm just gonna..."

Caesar left and made his way to the leg abductor. That was a mistake because the movements of his legs rubbed the velvety fabric on his dick head and he shivered with pleasure. He had to focus on something else.

Yet another man approached him. This one's name was Larry and they had known each other since Caesar had started weight lifting years ago.

The boy was prepared to repeat the tale of heat distribution or admit to coming out recently. But Larry only winked and made a call-me gesture.

Finally, Mike came back.

<<It seems everything's fine. You can stop and go back to the locker rooms. Grab your stuff if you want and then go outside.>>

Caesar met up with Ángel and they retreated into the locker room. But before they could get to their lockers, Tom stepped in the way.

"Hey boys, I love your new look. And that you've chosen the same one tells me how close you are. I can't even say whose tongue I'd rather feel on my dick first."

"Look Tom," Caesar said, "We're not... we don't have time right now and uh."

"Don't worry boys, we're not doing it here where we could be seen. I have a key for the closet. Did you know I used to work here?"

Ángel stepped back. "Sorry we forgot something."

The boys left the room and sped across the gym. The staff member at the front desk was back so they waited for a few seconds until his eyes were not on the door, and bailed.

Next: Chapter 24

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