Thirteen Marks

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Feb 28, 2016



Dear diary,

Today was crazy. I found out that I have a cousin no one ever told me about. His name is Van. His family disowned him four years ago and I know why because I saw the video of him ass riding a pole on top of a stadium.

And that's only the beginning. His family made some kind of deal with dark forces and that's what made them so rich and turned him into a perverted fag. Sounds crazy, but I've been told that he was totally different before he turned sixteen.

Apparently, I'm really similar to him. Except that he's not half Asian like me. But he was a weight lifter like me. I'm bigger, though. Can't blame him, my physique is exceptionally perfect. And from what I can see on that video my dick is only a little smaller, which is an achievement considering how massive his dick looks on him.

They also said he was popular with the girls like me, which is hard to believe seeing that footage. He's gotta have been an ass fucker all along or else he wouldn't have gotten those gross tattoos.

Anyway, my fifteenth birthday is fast approaching and I hope Lila finally lets me fuck her. Would be the third virginity I've taken.


Eli's sixteenth birthday began with a math quiz. He wasn't too well prepared, but the most difficult part was holding the pen. He had squeezed a great workout into his morning routine to celebrate the occasion. Now his muscles were tired.

Finally math was over and Eli walked the corridors, high fiving his bros, staring at cheerleaders in their uniform and winking at freshman girls to make them swoon.

At the end of the break he went for a piss at the urinals. As soon as he was finished, his phone rang. He didn't recognize the number.


"Eli? Listen closely. Do you know about what happened to your cousin Van?"

"The fag? Sure. What about him?"

"Do you know why he had to do what he did?"

"There was a deal of sorts, I've been told. Hey, who's speaking anyway?"

The man at the other end of the line spoke slowly. The noises in the background indicated that he was driving. "It's true. His family made a deal – twice. And he had to complete tasks or else he would have died."

Eli listened as the man – who identified himself as an attorney – explained about thirteen tasks and marks and heirs and death. It was straight forward but clearly stupid.

"Hey Mister, the bell just rang. I have to go back to class. And I really don't see what any of this has to do with me."

"The family attempted the deal AGAIN, but without my supervision," the man said. "If my readings are correct they butchered it. They got their end of the bargain but since Van has been disowned you're now considered the heir."


"You have to complete the tasks or incur marks. And because the curse jumps from Van to you, it's worse. They butchered is so that you must complete THREE TASKS SUCCESSFULLY OR DIE."

This all sounded ridiculous and really, really strange. But could the man be correct? What if there was a chance of him dying? He'd keep listening. "Okay, Mister. What is the first task?"

"You have to strip. All consecutive tasks must be done fully naked."

"If this is a prank I'll-"

"No! Please believe me. You must complete three tasks, that leaves you very little margin for error. Strip now."

Eli considered his situation. He was completely alone with no danger of anyone walking into the washroom. If he undressed and nothing happened he'd just proved that this so called attorney was a lunatic and he'd report the number. He didn't really have anything to lose.

"Alright, I'll do it. But this better not be a prank."

"Great, Eli. You're making your life a lot easier with this."

The muscle teen put the phone on a ledge and took off his shirt. He flexed at his reflection in the mirror, his lean muscles bulging under his tan skin. Then he kicked off his shoes and slipped out of his socks. This was actually a bit exciting. He was stripping in school. Kind of something to brag about later.

Finally he stepped out of his jeans and was down to underwear. "Here goes nothing."

Eli pulled down the boxers and revealed his soft magnum dick. The guy in the mirror looking back at him was gorgeous. He grinned at his reflection. If this was a prank he didn't see who got something out of it.

There was a tickling sensation between his shoulder blades.

Curious, Eli turned to see what was happening. He saw in the mirror that lines were forming. Black, ink-like lines becoming visible on his skin. There were huge letters forming. They spelled out "ANAL WHORE".

"What the fuck? No. No! Holy shit, no! What is happening? Dude, what the fuck is this?"

The attorney said "Eli, are you listening? What happened?"

"It says anal whore on my back. Shit, what's going on? I'll believe everything you say, just help me, man."

"Were you naked?"

"Yes, for fucks sake."

"Not even a wristwatch or glasses, maybe?"

"No!" Eli shouted. "I'm fully undressed. There is nothing on my fucking body. Not even body hair. I did what you said and it still gave me the mark."

"This is worse than I feared. They butchered the deal so hard, that the tasks are occurring in a random order. I'll need a minute to figure out what the next task is."

Eli was close to tears. "Hurry please, I'll do anything. I can't get my body defaced like this. I want to compete on stage."

"Calm down. I'm almost at your school. I'm bringing everything you need. Where are you exactly?"

Eli felt the tickling again.

I decided to mix things up. Literally. Time to ruin another boy.

Is that a good start? You tell me.

Next: Chapter 12

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