Thirteen Marks

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Feb 6, 2016


CONTENT: This is the story of a boy who gets humiliated in the most extreme way I could come up with. Enjoy.


Van didn't expect much for his sixteenth birthday.

Instead he got a surprise that would ruin his life forever in the most spectacular way imaginable.

The day was strange from the beginning. Van shared the rundown apartment with his parents and an older brother, but they were all missing when he got up. Even though it was a Saturday morning.

There wasn't much Van called his own, but his most prized possession was a full set of weights he spent a lot of time lifting and that included this morning. His body, though of average height, was impressively big, with lithe muscles bulging from neck to calves.

Right after his lifting routine, the muscle teen searched the small living space to no avail and had his morning protein shake on his own. He was wearing sweatpants, not bothering to cover his bulky torso. Despite his size there was something distinctly boyish about him. Not only the fact that his body was hairless and that he had a baby face, but also in his overly dominant, jockish demeanor.

In most other ways he was also blessed with great genes. His skin was evenly light brown tanned, his pitch black hair smooth, and his smile heart-melting to the girls at school.

Van planned to start the day by texting the two girls he was kind of dating and then to call his family to find out what was going on.

He only got the first task accomplished because an incoming call interrupted him.

Van picked up. "Hello?"

The voice on the other end was deep and monotonous. "Happy birthday, Van."

"Who's there?"

"I am an attorney of sorts. Your family is with me to make sure you can act freely in what is to come."

This had to be some sort of prank. He had a few friends who might be behind it. Although it was odd that his entire family had been talked into playing along.

The `attorney' continued. "As you turn sixteen you inherit the legacy of your great grandfather Zeke."

"Zeke? I've heard about him. I was told he made millions somehow, but as far as I know he gambled it all away and left the family with less than before. What could I inherit?"

"Zeke got his money by making a deal with forces too dark to mention. And it is you, the heir of the third generation, who has to pay the price."

That all sounded ridiculously elaborate, but it was too weird not to play along. Van grinned at the silliness of it all. "Alright, Mister Attorney. What do I have to do?"

"You will receive thirteen tasks. For everyone you fail you will incur a mark. If you collect all thirteen marks you die. You MUST succeed at one task minimum."

Van didn't really feel like playing this dumb game. "Okay, you know what? This is stupid. I'll spend my birthday with my girlfriend. Bye."

"No! Van, you must accomplish the first task. It is so simple you would be a fool not to take the opportunity."

"Yeah whatever. What do you want me to do?"

"The first task is to strip naked."

"Alright, I'm hanging up. I don't know which of you idiots is behind this, Simon or Tony, maybe Carl, but I don't care. Fuck off."

After hanging up, Van felt a strange tickling sensation across his shoulder blades. He went into the tiny bathroom to find out what caused it since scratching didn't make it better.

There was ink moving under his skin. Thick black letters in a fancy but easily readably script began to form. Van panicked. "What the fuck is happening to me?"

The phone rang again and he picked up with shaking fingers. "Hello? What's happening? What the fuck is this?"

"I'm sorry, but you should have listened."

"No! Fuck you! I-"

"Van, strip immediately or the next mark will appear. You must remain naked for the entire duration of the challenges. Any task you do clothed counts as failure."

The boy pulled his pants down and stepped out of them. He went back to the bathroom and looked at what the letters had turned into.

Across his shoulder blades there was written in huge letters "ANAL WHORE".

"Fuck. "What do I have to do next?" Van shouted into the phone.

The man on the other end spoke calmly. "The second task it much more difficult. But we prepared a way to make it simple. Your neighbor, Mister Monroe, knows what to do."

"Oh good. Wait, I have to go over there naked?"

Van didn't want another mark, the first one was terrible enough. He could probably get it laser removed but that would be expensive. He walked to the front door and hesitated.

"Listen Van, we have informed your neighbor of what to do, but he must not be told about the tasks. Instead we told him that you are gay. That sufficed as explanation and he will not question your lack of attire."

"Fuck that, I'm not a fag!"

"You're running out of time. Go do it."

The man hung up and Van was left alone. He took a few deep breaths and stepped out into the corridor. Monroe's studio was right across. Bringing noting but his phone and keys, Van knocked on the door. Ringing bells was pointless in a building where everything was notoriously broken.

Monroe opened right away with a warm smile on his face. Buff, but not muscular, the artist stood in the doorway, displaying some of his creations on his skin.

"Ah, Van. I'm so happy to hear you've decided to come out as the little fag I always knew you were. And just on the day you turn legal."

"Th-thanks..." Van had never been so uncomfortably. He wanted nothing more than run away. He had always like the middle aged tattoo artist, but today he found the man creepy. Regardless, he entered as he was waved in and did his best to fake a convincing smile. What was the second task again? Had he even asked?

"Well," Monroe said, "better get started right away."

The man shoved Van further into the studio, not commenting on the `mark' on Van's back he couldn't possibly overlook.

Sitting down on the huge, shabby chair surrounded by needles and ink, Van wondered if he had to get a tattoo to avoid a mark. But no, Monroe used a different device.

He punched holes into Van's ears and put studs in. Then he added a bone piercing to Van's eyebrow. After that he put another such metal stick into the boy's belly button, which was particularly terrible for the boy. He wasn't afraid of needles but he almost vomited at the thought of how trashy navel piercings looked. Especially on a guy.

Before Monroe continued, he grabbed some refreshments. A simple can of cola for the boy and a beer for himself, since the man insisted that the minor still wasn't allowed to drink beer even though he was legally allowed to fuck.

The artist used the cold can pressed against Van's nipples to harden them and ringed the boy on both nipples. It was the most painful piercing so far.

Weirdly enough Vans dick hardened. Sure, the cut member wasn't anything to be ashamed of, with a good seven inch length and spectacular girth. But Van really didn't want to be erect in front of another man.

"Ah," Monroe mumbled, "It worked."

"What worked?"

"The drink I gave you contained something extra. Not exactly legal but very efficient. That thing won't go down for a little while."

"Y-you drugged me?"

"Only to make it easier to pierce your dick."

"What? No! Wait."

Van got up and dashed into the man's bathroom, quickly locking himself in. He called back the attorney's number. "Hello? What exactly is the second task, because I'm not letting that guy touch my dick and stab through it."

The attorney spoke as calmly as ever. "The dick piercing is indeed the second task. You will have to get it to go onto the next task soon. The third one is also one where Mister Monroe will help you."

"Wait? What about the other piercings?"

"What other piercings, Van?"

Monroe had fucked him over. The creepy man wanted to see Van turned into one of his creations and had used the boy's naiveté to do so. He felt the tickling sensation again. This time on his lower back. The bathroom mirror allowed him to see what was happening.

A tramp stamp formed above his ass with letters worked into the design saying "FUCK SLUT".

He had to get his dick head ringed. He couldn't afford any more marks. Those laser removals would add up to a hefty bill.

"Nevermind," the boy said, "I'll take them out later. No harm done really."

There was a bit of silence from the man on the phone. "I'm afraid if you got other piercings with the one for your dick they count as part of the whole. If you take out too make of them you might be disqualified from the challenge and die. Better leave them in forever. Good luck."

Van went back out, dick hard as before, and sat down in the chair again letting the mercifully quick and almost painless procedure happen to be finally done with all the piercings. The small weight on his dick reminded him permanently how fucked he was.

Our protagonist thinks what he's been through is already humiliating. This was barely a taste. I promise things will get unimaginably worse.

If you liked it so far, sent me some feedback.

Next: Chapter 2

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