Things Dont Always Turn Out That Way

By Sweet Music

Published on Jan 1, 2002


WooHoo! The Disclaimer! We all love these things. Don't deny it. You know you do. Okey Dokey, I don't know Nsync or anyone else in this story or their sexuality. Sorry. If this kind of stuff is illegal to you because you're either A) Under 18 B) This illegal in your area or C) All of the above... Don't get caught. Simple ;) And Lastly Please don't steal my work.

On to the main attraction...

Sleeping With the Enemy By Pandora

Rehearsals did not go well. Somehow or other I managed to piss everyone off, except Joey and Justin. Joey had gone into big brother mode with me and, well, I'm not speaking to Justin. Once, he'd tried to talk to me. I'd been sitting on the floor drinking my water after one of our run throughs of the show. He came over and sat down beside me and offered a soft "hi Lance" before I got up and went and sat with Joey and Wade. Wade was pissed because I kept missing steps. But my mind was elsewhere. I wasn't in the mood to dance or sing or be around people. I just wanted to go back to my room and feel sorry for myself. Was that too much to ask? Of course it was, and that's why JC got pissed. And Chris got pissed because everyone else was pissed.

So now I'm here, sitting at the hotel bar, staring into a glass of vodka, honestly considering having a bottle of Jack Daniels sent up to my room, so I can go up and drown myself in the warm, bitter amber juice. And I can forget about everyone. Justin, Joey, Wade, HER, everyone. I want to be alone to wallow.

I've been so enthralled by my glass of vodka, I never heard anyone sit down next to me at the bar. It wasn't until I heard a sweet feminine voice tell the bartender "I'll have whatever he's having". Britney. Great. That's all I need. She's not even old enough to be drinking and here she is, ordering up some hard liquor. The bartender doesn't even ID her. He just pours the drink and hands it over. She downs it in one gulp.

"You ok Lance?" As much as I hate to admit it, I love this girl. As a friend I mean. She's so kind, and nothing like what everyone makes her out to be.

I down my vodka and nod, "Yeah, Brit, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." She says, eyeing me carefully.

"I've just had a bad day." I tell her

She gives me a sympathetic smile, "I noticed" She lays her hand over mine, "Its ok Lance. We all have bad days.

Her voice is a comfort to me. She never tries to hid her accent and somehow when she talks to me she makes me think of my mama or my sister. I feel almost at home with her when we talk. She's so understanding. The only reason I would ever have to hate her is because Justin loves her so much. But even that couldn't make me hate her. Suddenly, I want to tell her how Justin's been cheating on her with me. I want to tell her about the nights he's crept into my room, my bed, and we've had sex. Those stolen kisses and those encounters that I simply can't forget. But I could never tell her this. It would hurt her too much.

She stands and lays a gentle hand on my shoulder. "If you ever need to talk about anything, you know where to find me."

I smile up at her, "Thanks sweet cheeks."

She giggles lightly and kisses me on the cheek, "'Night Lance."

"'Night Brit." And with that she walks out of the bar. I watch her walk away and I think about where she's going. Back to him. Where he'll kiss her, and hold her, and tell her he loves her, and make love to her. Its just sex with me. He makes love to her. Her, not me. Now, I want another drink, bad. I want to be drunk and to be alone. So I flag down the bartender and ask him to have a bottle of Jack and a bottle of scotch sent up to my room. He nods and tells me it'll be up shortly. I thank him and stand to leave. I guess I drank a little more then I thought I did, because when I stand, the world tilts and I stumble and almost fall. But two strong hands catch my hips and keep me in place.

"Woah, you ok Lance?" Wade, that would be Wade's voice. Lord, I never really noticed how strong Wade's hands really were.

"Yeah," I tell him, "I guess I just had a little more to drink then I thought." I laugh uneasily. His hands are still on my hips and I can feel his breath fan on my neck. His touch seems to almost burn holes right through the denim fabric of my jeans. Since when did Wade become so sexy?

"Let me help you to your room then." He says, easing his arm around my waist. God, if he only knew what his touch was doing to me. But alcohol makes everything everyone does turn me on. I'm not going to object to letting this strong handsome man help me to my room. Of course not. I just lay my head on his shoulder and pretend I'm drunker then I really am. I'm getting real good at pretending.

Gravity. That's the kind of cologne Wade's wearing. I recognize the spicy, sweet smell as we stand in the elevator, his arm still around my waist, my head still on his shoulder. And for a moment or two I've almost forgotten about being broken hearted about Justin. And for a moment or two I've even imagined it being Wade above me instead of Justin. At least my heart's stopped screaming at me. Now its just laughing.

We step off the elevator, Wade's arm still draped around my waist, the heady scent of his cologne still filling my nose. He walks me down the hall to my room. When we stop in front of my door I start to pretend that I'm really drunk now and I'm dead tired.

"Where's your key, Lance?" He asks me softly.

"In my pocket" I mumble. Really I just want to see how far he'll go to "help a friend."

He takes his arm from around my waist and leans me back against my door as if I'm some rag doll who can't stand on their own. Somewhere down the hall I hear a door close, and I'm about to tell Wade which pocket my key's in but he eases his hand into my front right pocket and my breath catches in my throat. His hand is so close to my dick I can feel the warmth from it on me. When he finds that my key isn't in this pocket he tries my other front pocket. Its not there either.

Honestly, I think I'm dreaming when I feel his slide his hands into my back pockets. His strong firm hands are cupping my ass, and... it he smiling at me? I almost want to laugh at the naked desire in his eyes. He's so close that I can feel his erection pressing into my hip. He's so close I could kiss him. And I wonder if his kiss would be as sweet as Justin's. As gentle as Justin's.

"Found it." He whispers. But his hands make no move to remove themselves from my pockets. Those strong, firm, gentle hands are still cupping my ass, harder then they were before, "Looks like all that dancing is really starting to pay off," for emphasis he squeezes my butt, "Huh, Lance?"

I can only nod. At this very moment, all I'm thinking is what it would be like to kiss Wade and maybe even to fuck Wade. At this moment, it just him and I. There's not Justin, except for the one I see over Wade's shoulder. His baby blue eyes are wide and child like. He almost looks like he could cry. And is that envy I see in those eyes? Jealousy? Oh, this is too good. I wonder what he'd do if Wade were to kiss me, or if I were to kiss Wade. Oh yeah, its payback time Juju.

I grin almost evilly as I brush my lips over Wade's, my eyes never leaving Justin's, who's eyes seem to grow wider. I almost think Wade might deepen our kiss until Justin feels the need to open his damn mouth.

"Hey, Wade, you still going out with Joe and I?"

Wade pulls away from my lips, but his hands are still in my pockets, cupping my ass. He locks eyes with me and gives me an apologetic smile. Well, at least he's not upset. That's a plus.

"Yeah, Justin. Just gimme a sec to help Lance into his room." He reluctantly pulls his hands out of my pockets along with my key. He slides it into the lock and pushes open the door. I'm done pretending to be drunk. Now I'm just pissed.

Wade looks a little surprised when I walk easily into my room, "You need any..." He starts but I cut him off by placing my finger to his soft, pouty lips.

"Go out and have fun with them, Wade. I'm fine." I smile at him just to prove my point. When he starts to protest I shake my head. Justin's still watching us. Is he glaring at Wad? Oh man! This is too much. "Go." I say.

Wade just sighs, then offers, "Do you want to come with us?" Justin looks even more pissed now.

I've done enough damage for one night, "No, just go, Wade." and I smile at him again.

"Ok." He sighs, defeated. He turns to leave but then turns his head to say something else to me, but I whack him on the as and he smiles again.

Lord have mercy! If looks could kill, he would have been dead long ago. Thank God Joey's going with them or Justin just might beat the shit out of Wade.

I smile one last time at Wade, and wink at Justin before closing my door. Pressing my ear to the door I listen to hear if Justin will do or say anything to Wade. But why would he? Its not like I belong to Justin or I'm dating him or anything. He probably thinks if I get with someone he won't be able to worm his way back into my bed for a late night fuck. Oh well. Sucks to be him.

I start to walk to my bed when the door knocks, or someone knocks at the door. I guess doors can't really knock, can they? Then I remember the two bottles of alcohol I ordered. Those two bottles sound great right now.

I open the door and I'm immediately greeted by an over eager kid set to deliver my drinks. Behind him, smiling at me, is Britney. I kinda figured she'd have left with Justin. The kid knows who I am and begs for an autograph. Really, I'm surprised he asked, most of our male fans won't just walk up and ask for autographs. So I sign the napkin he's holding out to me, give him a nice tip and a smile and send him on his way. Now its only me, Britney, Mr. Daniels and Mr. Scotch.

"That's quite a bit of whiskey for one man, isn't it?" She asks.

I shrug, "It just sounded good."

"Mind if I join you?" I don't think I could say no to her if I wanted to. She's a lot like Justin in some ways. So, I nod and open the door wider and let her in. "Thanks." She says quietly.

Something is bothering her. Its in the way she's walking, the way her smile is so sad, the way she's hugging herself like she's afraid she's going to fly out of her own body.

We walk into the main part of the room. "Have a seat," I say pointing to the couch along the wall. She nods.

I set the two bottles on the table in front of us and sit down next to her. Instantly she grabs the unopened bottle of scotch, unscrews the cap, and takes a giant gulp. Wow, I've never seen her drink like that before. Now I know something's wrong.

"Sweetie, are you ok?" I say it as gently as I can. She just stares into the bottle in her hands.

"Lance, I need to talk," She looks up at me with large, sad eyes. "About Justin and I."

Great. I grab the bottle of Jack off the table. I'm gonna need this. "OK." I say, unscrewing the cap "Talk." I take a nice swig of the warm, amber liquid. She hasn't moved. She's still staring into that bottle like it'll answer every question and every prayer she's ever had. I know that feeling. I've tried to find the answers at the bottom of a bottle before. The only thing I ever found was a really bad hangover.

I'm still drinking when she looks back up at me and asks, "Do you think its considered cheating if its with a person of the same sex?"

I nearly choke. My heart is beating faster, Oh God, what does she know? Does she suspect something? Ok, I just have to remain calm.

I wipe my chin and look at her. "Wha, what do you mean?" I stammer, "You think Justin's cheating on you with another" I gulp "guy?" She shakes her head and takes another gulp of the scotch. Ok now I'm confused. If she doesn't think Justin's cheating on her with another guy then... "Brit?" I say again, "Are you cheating on Justin with another... girl?" I'm trying to be as gentle as I can.

Something inside her just broke. She slumps even further down and her shoulders begin to shake. I feel sorry for her. Even though she's not making a sound, I know she's crying. Instinctively I pull her into my arms. Her tears soak my shirt. I smooth back her hair, "Its ok Brit. You can talk to me." I remember reading an interview someone had done with her. They asked her which Nsyncer she felt closest to. She'd said me. Last night I'd hated her because she had the man of my dreams. Tonight, all I wanted to do is make everything in her world better.

"God, Lance." Her voice cuts through the silence. "I love her! More then I could ever love Justin! She makes me feel so real, so alive. Nothing like Justin." Justin doesn't make her feel alive? He's one of the only things in my world that does make me feel real. Even if he doesn't love and me makes me hurt, he makes me real.

"I don't even love Justin." Her voice was so quiet I almost didn't hear her. I think my heart just stopped beating. She doesn't love Justin? I never would have guessed... "Please Lance, let me stay with you tonight. I don't want to face him." She looks up at me with those large, sad eyes again. She looks so lost so much like a child in my arms.

I brush a stray piece of her blond hair out of her face and smile warmly at her. "Of course you can. Go ahead and take the bed. I'll stay here on the couch."

"Thank you so much." She whispers. Her arms tighten around me and she presses her cheek to my shoulder and I feel her tears begin to fall again. "What do I tell Justin?" She sobs.

I feel so sorry for Britney. "What's her name?" I ask softly.

"Christine." She chokes out between sobs. "I met her in London. She's so wonderful, Lance. I love her." Her sobs grow worse.

"Shh, its ok, Brit." I hold her tighter and smooth back her hair. Right now, she really needs to sleep.

After awhile, her sobs begin to subside to tiny hiccups. She's falling asleep. I pick up her petite form and carry her to the bed. I lay her down, not even bothering to turn down the comforter. Almost the exact moment her head hits the pillow, she's out.

As I lay myself down on the couch to sleep, I think maybe there is hope for Justin and I. As I fall asleep I realize my heart is still laughing at me, because the image behind my closed lids isn't Justin for once. Its Wade.

Ohhh, is Lance gonna fall for Wade? Ha! I'm not tellin! You hafta read and find out. And no Lance is not going to fall madly in love with Brit-Brit. No, I just wanted to establish a good friendship between the two even if she does have Justin. That's the irony. See? The whole Wade thing was insipired by all you lovely people who emailed me asking if someone else was gonna walk into the picture. Viola! Okey Dokey, As always I love feedback from my readers so feel free to email me anytime.

Thanks for Reading :) Pandora

Next: Chapter 4

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