They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Oct 28, 2005


Standard disclaimer: contains depictions of gay sex

They say what goes around comes around. They say, that you get what you pay for, that no deed is left unpunished. They say that Karma is a bitch.

Jesse- I walked out of the office smiling from ear to ear. I shouldn't have let him stare me down with those sexy eyes. I shouldn't have let him take my entire dick down his throat. I shouldn't have let him suck me off until I screamed. I shouldn't have let him bend me over his boss' desk and eat out my ass. I should not have let him plug me with his huge boner. I shouldn't have let him fuck me for an hour, giving me the best pleasure I'd felt in years. None of that should have happened, but it did.

I walked away feeling two different things. I was, for one, excited because not only did I manage to screw one of the hottest guys I'd met since college, I would also be seeing him tonight at the Orientation Banquet. It wasn't just about fucking around and getting off, even though we'd already done that. Brooklyn was a guy I could like, seriously. And because of that, I was also feeling guilty. I wasn't supposed to like anyone else; I already had someone. I felt like, even though I'd been with other guys, I was somehow betraying Matt. I felt like being attracted to someone more than just physically was cheating and that was what I was doing.

I analyzed the situation all the way home to my dorm with a smile on my face. I walked in and was greeted by Denton, sprawled out watching TV on the flat screen.

"What's up Zach?" I asked, trying not to appear too happy.

"Not much, just watching some tunes."

"Cool. What'd you do all day?"

"I just hung out here," he said. He noticed me cheesing when I plopped down next to him on the couch. He looked at me and I desperately tried not to look at him. Instead, I stared straight ahead at the cartoon on the screen. I saw him look at me twice, then look back at the television before adding, "What did you do?"

"Nothing. I met some teachers and that's all."

"Who did you fuck?"

"What?!" my response was as animated as the cartoon character on the screen. Denton just stared straight ahead, calm as ever, reading me like a book without even looking at me.

"Who did you fuck? You have sex written all over your face, not to mention the fact that you smell like jizz."

"I didn't have sex with anyone." I got up and started walking to the room. I stopped short and turned. "I did not have sex."

"Then why are you walking away? We were just getting to know each other," he was so fucking coy. "Sit down and tell me about her."

"There was no her."

"Then it was a he?"

"No!" I might have over played that one, because I turned a shade of red that would make a tomato envious. He hadn't been looking at me the whole time, but at this outburst when I had to start blushing, he cranked his neck back to see me.

"You should really learn how to lie. I learned a lot about you today Jesse," he said like he knew some secret about me. He stood up and walking towards me. He stopped right in front of me, surveying my face. I couldn't tell what he was looking at, but it felt like he was reading my face. I knew he knew, and I knew my face betrayed my embarrassment. I could feel my cheeks heat up and turn a bright color of red. He was reading me so intently; I wondered what he was thinking. I could very well turn around and walk to my room; that would be a dead giveaway. I couldn't stand there an let him humiliate me right to my face, THAT would be too humiliating. Just as I couldn't bare him looking at me any longer, he burst out in hysterical laughter.

"You shoulda seen your face. Oh my god, that was priceless. Dude you were like 'I did NOT have sex with anyone.'" He stopped laughing long enough to deliver that message, and then resumed his laughter. "Karma's a bitch dude."

I had to admit right then and there that he had gotten me back for laughing my ass off this morning when he fell naked in front of me. The score: Jesse (1), Zach (1).

Zach- The whole thing was a bluff, and it was funny to see him squirm. I couldn't tell if this guy really had been with a guy, but what I did know for sure was that he had been with someone. The smell of cum, being one of my favorite smells, was easy to identify when he plopped down on the couch. Add the dazed schoolboy look on his face and his hesitation to answer questions and it didn't take an Einstein to figure out he'd been with someone, but I'd probably harped to hard and misread the guy part.

He walked away embarrassed, and my payback was complete. It was late afternoon so I decided to head to the shower to get ready for banquet.

I went to my room and got my things, and went to the bathroom. I started out shaving the five o'clock that had started growing on my chin. I hated facial hair and to keep mine trim.

Then I went on down my list of metrosexual tendencies. I plucked those stray hairs, shaved my legs, trimmed the ole bush and tried to rid my pores of access dirt. I must have been in the bathroom for a while because before I knew it someone was knocking at the door telling me to hurry up.

"I'm about to head into the shower. Give me a minute."

"Dude, it's already like six o'clock. The banquet starts in like thirty minutes and I still need to shower."

With that he opened the door and stepped in. The bathroom was small, so there was really no space for the both of us. He squished past me to the shower, patted my ass and said "Don't worry, dude, we're all boys here." I think he could sense my nervousness because he gave me a slight grin as he stepped in and turned the water on without closing the curtain. I stared into the mirror, desperately trying to avoid looking over at the shower, because I knew that my cock wouldn't be able to control itself at the site of my naked, beautifully tan roommate.

"Dude, you better step in here or you won't have any time to shower."

I didn't know what I could do. Do I share the shower with this guy and risk an embarrassing situation, or I do just wait for him to finish and risk showering. He pretty much made the decision for me because he reached over, pulled my towel off, leaving me naked. He then splashed me with the warm water.

"Come on dude," he said, urging me in.

The problem was, coming was exactly what I was afraid of. Nervously, I walked to the shower and got in front of him so that I was in the direct spray of the water. We rotated for a while, me rinsing and him lathering, me lathering and him rinsing for a few minutes. I had shared showers before in gym and stuff, but nothing like this. We were constantly touching each other. At one point, he was rinsing and he turned around to do his back. We were so close that I felt my cock come in contact with his. He just smiled at me and apologized as I turned a bright shade of red and turned away. The thing that was strange was the fact that he wasn't embarrassed of turned off by the contact, in fact he seemed to like it.

I just went about doing my think and was almost finished. Jesse was finishing up to, I could think, but he reached around my body to pick something up from behind me. I felt his hand rub against my ass as he searched for whatever it was he was looking for. I couldn't tell if he had done it on purpose or not, but my cock sprang up at this contact. I know he noticed it, even though he didn't say anything at first. I didn't want to act weird or anything so I just kept on rinsing the soap off my body.

A second later he leaned really close to me and whispered in my ear "You have a great ass."

I blushed, not knowing how to react. I mean, I knew he was coming on to me, but I didn't know what to do or say. I decided not to say anything and let him stay in control of the situation. He leaned in closer, pressing his chest against my back.

"You have a hard body too. I like that." He was breathing heavily against me. I wanted to around and kiss him, but instead just pushed back against his body. I decided that there was no one this was one of his little jokes, and that he really must have been into me. I moaned as I felt his cock, rock hard, push up against my ass.

"I love your ass. I want it. I want you babe," he whispered erotically into my ear. I was so hot then that my cock stood straight up. I turned my head back so my ear was next to his mouth. He purred in my ear, whispering dirty things to me. He reached around me and grabbed my cock, forcing me to moan out loud again. He pulled my cock around so that I was facing him, faces inches apart. He leaned in close and asked me "Do you want this dude?"

I could barely make out the words, but I managed to respond, "Yeah, I do."

"Are you sure?"


"What do you want?"


"You want me babe?" he was teasing me, keeping his mouth inches away from mine. I was looking straight into his eyes, enjoying every second of it.


"How bad babe?"

"Bad," I said. I tried to lean in to his face, but he leaned back, keeping his lips away from mine. I was agonizingly hard and I desperately wanted him.

"Real bad?"

"Real bad."

"Tell me again."

"I want you really bad." Then it happened. He released my cock and stepped backward smiling.

"That's all I wanted to hear."

The score was Jesse (2) Zach (1) as I watched him exit the restroom, dripping wet and impossibly naked.

Denton- I drove out to Highland to look for Neiman's. My mom had made it a point to find all of the upscale, well to do shops and eateries before sending me down to school. I new Neiman's was the place where everyone who was anyone in Dallas shopped, so that's what I searched for as I was driving.

I called Jamey, but she didn't pick up so I decided to call her back later.

I pulled into the shopping district, found a valet and gave them my keys.

I needed something that would attract attention tonight at the banquet. My saleswoman was incredibly hot. For forty-five minutes, I forgot about Jamey and concentrated on getting this salesgirl's digits.

I left the store, two hours later, with a new pair of flat front slacks, a crisp dress shirt and an expensive designer tie and a phone number.

'I wouldn't mind trying her on,' I thought as I got in my car.

Charles- It took me all of twenty minutes to get ready for the Orientation Banquet, but for some reason I was still late. I found a seat next to Jesse, Zach and Denton and we talked, getting to know each other for a while before the food was served.

Zach was a little aloof, to say the least. He was constantly nervous about something, blushing at least three times a minute. Someone mentioned sex and this guy squirmed. I honestly wondered weather or not he'd ever even been with someone. He was cute though, and was dressed immaculately crisp in his starched khakis, sweater vest and fedora hat.

Denton was quite and reserved, but I had a feeling that would change when the bar opened. He was incredibly hot and dressed in designer, looked like money. He made it a point to mention his car and his girlfriend at every turn of the conversation. I knew he'd be pledging some frat soon, so I didn't even get attached. If he wanted some, he'd have to approach me for it.

Jesse was an interesting guy. He was damn sexy and I loved how hot and heavy he was in bed. I didn't understand the sudden decision of loyalty toward his boyfriend though, but whatever. I'd crack his code sooner or later, but in the mean time, I had plenty of options at the pool.

I sat there thinking about my two recent escapades since I arrived at school. Today's had been hot, but yesterday's with the hot stranger at the pool was something else. He was gorgeous and had an amazing cock. I rode that thing like there was no tomorrow; I'd so hit that again. Too bad I didn't get his name. I was hoping he'd be here tonight and I'd be able to talk to him, maybe hook up another date or something.

The banquet began with an introduction of the staff that would be serving the freshman class this year. The department heads all stood and gave a little speech.

We heard from the head of the athletics department, theatre department and student government.

Next they introduced the TA's that we would be acquainting in the coming weeks. Rather than introduce them one by one, they all stood up from their seats and gave the freshman class an encouraging once-over.

That's when I saw him. He was at the third table next to the head of the English department. He was standing, surveying us, as his eye stopped at our table. I smiled at him and he smiled back, giving me a wink. I winked back.

The food came and the conversation slowed as the entire banquet hall settled down for the catered meal. I sat, talking to my roommates, enjoying the chance to get to know each other when I noticed Brooklyn stand up to go to the restroom. I looking around, trying to find the right time to excuse myself when I heard Jesse say, "I'll be right back, guys. I need to go the restroom."

I watched him stand up and follow Brooklyn into the restroom.

Jesse- I saw him stand up with the other TA's as they were introduced. He looked so sexy, standing there with his suit and tie. He winked at me and I winked back and turned my head toward the restroom.

He understood my message, because minutes after the food was set, he got and walked to the bathroom, with me in toe a few steps behind him.

"We don't have much time," I whispered, loosening his tie.

"Don't worry, dude. It won't take me long to get in and let go." We were all over, kissing, touching and ripping clothes off. My pants were around my knees as he bolted me against the door, pushing his entire weight against mine a passionately heavy kiss. I felt him reach around and secure the bolt on the door, ensuring we had the privacy we needed.

He was true to his word and didn't waste any time. Before I could say dick, he had his hard cock out and had me bent over the bathroom sink was on his knees loosening my hole with his tongue. I could feel him insert two fingers at time, at first uncomfortably stretching me out, but then fingering my hole to pleasure places unknown.

I loved the feel of his long, hard fingers working my hole around, but I was ready for more. I wanted his cock inside of me.

Its like he could read my thoughts because the next thing I knew, he was standing over my bent ass, and inserting his cock into my loose hole. I felt it pass my pleasure spot on its way to places that no one has ever seen.

He started off at a healthy pace, not wanting to waste time. It wasn't long before he was plowing in me. I fought the urge to scream as I felt his body slam against me over and over.

He slammed my ass for a few minutes, fucking me harder than I had ever been fucked. It felt so raunchy, so kinky, doing it with all of my future classmates feet away from me.

"Aggggghhhh...dude, I love you ass. Its so tight... o yeah... aghhhhhh... I'm about to cum babe."

I didn't want him to explode in my ass, so stood up, and pushed him back. I kneeled down and took his cock in my mouth and sucked it as hard as I could. Before I knew it, he was squirting his seed down my throat. I tasted every drop as it went into my mouth, filling me with his salty/sweet taste. I loved it. It took as minute to realize where were and the need to hurry up and get dressed.

Within a couple minutes he left the room. I followed a minute later with a smile on my face and a piece of gum in my mouth.

Zach- I thought the whole thing was strange. I'm not a fan of banquet type situations, and even skipped my prom halfway through to make out with the President of the Decorating Committee (believe me, we had more fun.)

So when the fourteen almost identical looking men dressed in identical black suits, it just added to the strangeness for me. Everyone was in total awe of this band of guys, dressed sexily in all black, clean-shaven, standing tall and commanding attention. They entered single file and stood by the left wall, surveying the new class of freshman. I could see some of the girls (and guys for that matter) grin at them as they scanned the room. They were there for a minute, tops before they immediately, and choreographically, spread out dropping business card sized letters on different place settings. The guys that had cards set next to them grinned widely as they opened them. The entire ordeal lasted no more than a couple of minutes. No one spoke during the passing of the cards, simply observing.

I have to admit, I was secretly hoping one of the suited sexy guys would drop a card on my place setting, but I knew my chances were slim. There were a couple hundred freshmen in the banquet hall, and each guy had two cards, making a total of fourteen.

My hopes rose as I saw one guy with shoulder length hair, slicked back in a tight ponytail, and piercing blue eyes under square frameless glasses that must have cost a fortune, approach our table. I nearly gasped as he walked up to my table, stopping feet from my chair and surveyed our table. I was awe stricken by his presence, almost majestic in quality. He paused for only a second, a brief tense second, before dropping a small card directly in front of Denton Ryan.

Charles- The whole ordeal was a bit over-dramatic and over-produced. I mean really, who invites fresh members into their secret frat by attending a freshman banquet in matching suits and grim, somber faces.

I sat there watching the pathetic procession when I felt something creep into my crotch. No one noticed the surprised look on my face because, from what I saw, they were all watching these Magician-looking Armani models pass out little card invitations.

The hand that had so rudely violated my space slowly began circling around my crotch, searching for what I assumed to be cock. I let out an inaudible moan when they touched the spot. They were rubbing their palm against my clothed cock, making it grow in its cage right there under the table.

I looked to my left and saw Jesse give off a sly smile. The guy had been frisky and fresh all evening, something that confused me after his declaration this morning, but whatever, I was still getting a hand job out of it.

I was worried about being noticed because the men in black were busily stealing everyone's attention, so when I just sat back and enjoyed the service.

Jesse knew what he was doing as he worked his palm around my cock. He slowly used his fingers to find my button, undid it and reached his hand inside my pants.

His warm hand was working wonders to my hard cock, straining to free itself from the confines of my slacks and underwear. Jesse didn't mind the barrier though, he just plowed ahead, working my cock to pleasures unknown.

There was something about being in a public place with people all around that made this the kinkiest, rawest hand job I had ever had. It wasn't long before my eyes glazed over, and I was working hard not to make any noises.

The procession finally finished, so I assumed Jesse would stop his fondling as everyone was getting back to the conversations at their tables, but he just kept right on. I was trying hard to keep up with what the other guys sitting with us were saying. Of course Denton wasn't talking because he was busy studying his invitation, and Zach wasn't talking, probably because he was sad for not getting one.

Instead of backing up, Jesse went further. He unzipped my pants and lowered my boxers, pulling my cock all the way out under the table.

"College sure looks like its going to be a handful," he said across the table, soliciting laughs from everyone around... if they only knew.

I was struggling to keep my composure as Jesse continued pleasuring me under the table. Jesse was going to town, using my precum as lube going up and down my cock, pausing sometimes to slow down the pace. I could feel little sweat beads form on my forehead as I got closer and closer to shooting my load. Everyone was carrying on as normal, if they only knew what was happening under the table. I was so close, I almost gasp when I suddenly heard Jesse erupt in a fit of coughing. Everyone turned to look at him, asking if he was ok, but he kept coughing, louder and louder.

That's when I moaned out loud, quietly, and shot my load god knows were. The orgasm lasted a few seconds, and as soon as I was sufficiently composed, Jesse stopped his coughing, picked up his napkin and excused himself to the restroom, to wash his hands.

Yes, they say that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. They say that no act goes without punishing. Karma, they say, is a real bitch.

I hope ya'll are enjoying the story so far. Feel free to drop me a line at

Next: Chapter 5

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