They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Dec 29, 2007


Welcome to the second year of They Say. I know it's been a while, but hopefully there are still a few fans out there. The standard disclaimer applies. Don't read if you shouldn't, everything is fictitious, etc. etc. Please, please, please give me your comments at I really appreciate them. I hope you enjoy.

They say that the past has a way of catching up with us. After 36 episodes, They Say that a break is understandable. But, they say, it's always good to return from the past and catch up to the present.

Charles- When we left Charles at the end of last school year, he and Madison had just been engaged. Charles dropped the news to Jesse, in sort of revenge for the prank Jesse had pulled. Vindicated, Charles entered uncharted territory- a monogamous relationship. The summer brought its share of temptation for Charles. He moved back home with his mother and started a summer job at a hardware store where the boys interested in him were many. His ex gave Charles a run for his money, but if there was one thing he was determined to do this time around, it was to be faithful. We rejoin Charles, the day before school starts, moving all of his boxes into Madison's city apartment.

Jesse- Jesse spent the summer working hard as usual. His ex-lover Matt took him in for the summer and Jesse quickly found three different jobs. He worked hours and hours a day trying not to think about everything that had happened last year. Brooklyn and Furgy getting together; Charles getting engaged; him ending up alone. We join Jesse moving into a garage apartment in town, a cheap place he was renting from a family, and ready for school.

Denton- Denton spent last year struggling with his feelings. He battled fraternity and person issues. At the end of last year, Denton was removed from his position as frat liason and was named New Member Coordinator instead. He and Preston spent the summer together and Denton grew closer and closer to loving Preston. He was fully initiated into Pres' circle and before long, he'd said the words "I love you." we join Denton moving back into the frat house, getting ready to do right by his new post and madly in love with the guy he'd spent his summer with.

Zach- We left Zach right after he'd made a very difficult decision. He'd said goodbye to Shane and hello, again, to Chris. Even though Chris had broken his heart, Zach was ready this time. He wasn't going to rush in. Everything would be taken slowly. He spent the summer getting to know Chris again and we rejoin Zach moving into a different apartment with three different roommates, getting ready for a new year.

Charles- "Babe, I'd love to but I have to get some sleep tonight."

"You haven't slept all summer, why start now?" Madison said getting dressed for work.

"You're right. Which is why I should start now," Madison took a second away from buttoning up his shirt and turned to see me sitting on the bed. He moved over seductively.

"Are you sure you want to spend the last night of summer break sleeping?" he said walking slowly over to me.

"Yes," I replied.

"Are you sure you don't want to go out?" by now he had reached the bed and was crawling towards me on all fours.

"I'm sure," I replied, trying my best to be strong.

He leaned in to kiss me and I turned my head. Instead, he began nibbling my ear.

"Oh, well," he whispered. "I was going to give you something."

"You can't buy my love, Madison," I said.

"Who said I bought you anything?" he reached down and grabbed my hand and put in on his crotch. I could feel his semi-hard bulge through his dress pants.

"You better watch out there Mr. before you get a wet spot in your good slacks," I said sarcastically.

"Then I'd better get out of these, then," he said. He sat up, his crotch face level to my face. I couldn't help but smile.

"You're going to be late for your benefit," I said. He was undoing his zipper.

"Which is why you should come. The hotel we're going to has big restrooms and spare rooms," he was back to the seductive whisper. "Very, very spare rooms."

I decided now was the time to play a game of my own. I reached up to help Madison undo his pants. I slipped my fingers under his briefs and felt his growing cock. It was warm and soft and I almost couldn't resist pulling it out right then and putting it in my mouth. I stroked it for a few seconds, feeling it expand under my touch. He moaned a little bit.

"Well, Madison," I whispered, still stroking him. "As tempting as that sounds and as incredibly hot as it would be to stock off into a vacant hotel room while you're company's benefit is going on just feet away and fuck the shit out of you^Å I just can't."

And with that, I took my hand off his cock, pulled up his pants and zipped them for him as quickly as possible. I pushed him back and laughed at the pouty look he made as he finished getting dressed.

"I love you," he said as he left for the benefit.

"I love you too," I said.

Madison hadn't been gone for more than three seconds when the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and answered it.

"Hello, Zach."

Zach- I'd moved in the day before and I waited. I knew the roommates wouldn't be perfect, but last years weren't that great either. I mean, between Denton's weird fraternity business and Jesse's craziness, there was no way I'd be paired with three guys as crazy as last year's bunch. So when Colton rolled in, decked out in khakis, a polo and sparies, carrying a lacrosse stick, I couldn't help but a little worried.

"Hey brah," he said moving his stuff in. He was cute, sure, but he was a sweet laxer. I wasn't sure I could deal with that for the next nine months.

"Hi." I said continuing to sit on my bed and read my book.

"So you're a second year?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied. He kept unpacking. I kept reading.

"You don't say much, do you brah?" he asked. Before I had a chance to answer, a black guy barged in and said "Hey Colton! What's up man?"

"Max!" Colton yelled. They hugged and did a little handshake thing before going into the common room to talk. They were the exact same sweet laxer of two different shades and I quickly lost hope that the third roommate would be any better.

I knew I should have taken Chris up on his offer to move in with him, but in my vow to take it slow with him, I knew I couldn't. In a brief spell of panic, I picked up my phone and called Charles.

"You've got to rescue me," I said after he said hello.

"Oh, come on Zach, it can't be that bad."

"It is that bad. These guys are freshmen and their obnoxious and they're already annoying and I've got to get out of here." I knew I sounded desperate.

"Well where are you going go?" he asked.

"I don't know. Somewhere with upperclassmen and every other word isn't brah or dude. I've got to-" I had an amazing idea. Out of nowhere, I knew exactly what I needed to do. "Charles," I said sounding sweet. "Charles^Å"

He caught on as soon I'd said his name the second time.

"No!" he said almost screaming into the phone.

"Charles, please. Madison has that huge apartment for just the two of you. oh, come one it'll be fun, like last year! You and me together again. And I'll pay rent and you won't even know I'm living there."

There was silence. I knew he was thinking about it. I didn't want to jinx it by saying anything, so I just kept quiet hoping he would agree.

"I'll talk to Madison about letting you^Å"

I didn't let him finish. I was too overjoyed. Before I'd hung up a few minutes later, I was already packing my things back into my bags.

Jesse- "And this is the private entrance," he said. His name was Mark and he was about 30 years old. His wife was inside the house with their three month old child and he was showing me around the place. It was a nice apartment studio, a little bigger than what I was used to. It came furnished and with a kitchen, although Mark had made it clear I could come by for dinner if I needed to as long as I told his wife. The cost was minimal and he explained that before the baby came along, he and his wife had taken in exchange students to live. They could use the extra cash these days and were used to having teenagers in live above their garage.

"Wow, ok," I said as he led me up the stairs.

"These are your keys. I'll keep a spare in case." He opened up the door to reveal exactly what he'd explained in his email. A small studio with a complete bathroom, a small kitchen and a living room. The couch folded out into a large bed that was actually extremely comfortable looking. The entire set up was amazing. Mark lifted a tab in the ground to reveal a staircase that led into the side of their garage.

"In case you want to come down. The whole thing is pretty cool. It gives you a great deal of privacy," he said with a wink. A thirty year old trying to make a cool joke was a little creepy, but I went with it.

"Thank you so much, sir," I said shaking his hand.

"Oh please. Call me Mark," he responded. He shook my hand, handed me my key and left me to absorb my brand new place.

Charles- "Can my best friend move in with us?" I said. It was late. Madison had had a few to drink and I knew he'd say yes. I knew it'd take a little convincing but I knew he'd eventually say yes.

"What?" he lay on his back and I was straddling him massaging his neck.

"Move in with us. We have plenty of space and he's a great guy, you'd love him," I kneaded his neck and worked my way down his back.

"I thought you wanted to get some sleep tonight," he said softly. I could tell he was dozing but was enjoying what I was doing.

"I did, but^Å I couldn't help myself when you came in. How was the benefit anyway?" I got off of him and let him turn onto his back. I lay next to him and played softly with the hairs on his chest.

"It was great. My boss got sloshed, but he does every year. The fourth quarter is going to be great, I know it," he slurred softly. "Who is this kid that's going to live with us?"

"He's my friend Zach. You've met him," I said.

"The little preppy pail one?" he asked. He chuckled. "I like him."

"He said he'd pay whatever you wanted for rent and^Å"

"Don't be silly, we don't need his money. When is he moving in?"

I rubbed his nipple a little harder and he moaned. I lowered my lips onto his left peck and sucked in softly. Again, he moaned.

"Zach is going to be so grateful," I purred. I kissed down his stomach, pulling the sheets back to reveal Madison's rock hard cock. He wasn't too drunk to get it up for me. I forgot about getting any sleep that night and instead dove in for the kill. His cock tasted so good and I lapped up all of his precum as best as I could. He encouraged me with his soft hand on the back of my head. His moans let me know I was doing something right. Once I knew I had him, I came up for air, kissed his lips, grabbed his cock with my hand and said "He's sleeping in the guest room." I finished him off with my hand, knowing Madison was probably half asleep the entire time. Zach owed me big time.

Denton- Mitchell was making a concerted effort not to make eye contact with me during the meeting. The new President of the Tribe, Jamison, insisted on meeting with all of the officers before classes started. The executive committee had spent the summer scouting freshmen and the annual banquet was the following night. Jamison was going over how invitations needed to go out at a precise time and how our entrance needed to be choreographed. Mitchell, who was appointed Vice President of Rituals had the most to worry about tomorrow, but he'd been over it a million times.

"So the show is yours tomorrow, Mitchell," Jamison said. "Denton, you'll do whatever Mitchell tells you to. As New Member Coordinator, your responsibility takes over after the pledges get here."

I nodded. I looked at Mitchell expecting some kind of validation, but again he didn't look at me.

After the meeting, I went to Jamison, got my folder with all the information and looked it over. I, like every other officer, had been through this a million times this summer. After tomorrow everything would be a little less edgy, but my job would be all the more important.

"Can I talk to you?" I heard from behind me. Mitchell was standing there.

"Sure, what's up?

"We're going to be working closely together this semester," he said as professionally as ever. He didn't betray a single thing. "I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page."

"Look, Mitchell, if this is about our," I began. He cut me off.

"I want every ceremony to go as smoothly as possible as I'm sure you want every pledge to be as educated as possible. I don't want any tension between us to get in the way of that."

"I understand Mitchell," I replied.

"Good. Let's put on a good show tomorrow." And with that, he left. I felt cold.

Jesse- The morning, my first morning of classes, was pretty relaxed. There was no one in the shower when I woke up. There wasn't someone else's clothes all over the room. Independence was great. I had a nine o'clock class and I was determined to get there on time. I checked my fridge and cupboards knowing they weren't stopped yet, so I bit the bullet and went downstairs to get some breakfast. Mark was standing in his boxers and a wife better eating a piece of toast and reading the New York Times.

"Morning, Jesse," he said not looking up at me. The place seemed way to quiet for a house that a family lived in. Mark said something about being able to eat whatever I wanted.

"Where's your wife?"

"She finally got to bed around four last night- this morning. Junior cried like none other last night," he said. He turned to pour himself a cup of coffee. I sat at the breakfast table with a bowl of cereal and a banana. I noticed as he poured that he had a very nice ass for a thirty year old guy. "You ready for class?"

"I am," I replied. "When do you go in for work?" I was curious. I knew that Mark was an engineer for the city, but I wasn't sure exactly what he did.

"We're surveying on main at nine. I just need to put on some clothes and I'll be out of here. If you want to wait, I can drop you off somewhere on campus."

"I'm fine, I'll drive in today. I was actually on my way out," I said.

"Great." I finished my cereal as quickly as possible. Mark seemed like he wasn't in a hurry even though nine was right around the corner. As soon as I was done, I left Mark standing there, still in his boxers.

Charles- "Good morning roomie," I heard as I entered Madison's huge kitchen. Zach was standing there in his pajamas eating a bagel.

"Hey buddy, how'd you sleep?"

"Just fine once the wall stopped thumping," he replied with a smile. I flushed.

"Sorry about that," I replied. "I had to convince Maddy to let you stay here. It wasn't easy, I hope you know."

"I'm sure it wasn't."

Madison came out already dressed in his suit for the day. He looked extremely tired. I handed him his coffee mug as he scrambled around the kitchen trying to find something to eat.

"Good morning guys," he mumbled. "Thanks to you, I feel like shit." He said to me.

"You're welcome," I replied. He kissed me. I looked in the cupboard, took out a bottle of Bailey's and handed it to him. "This will help."

Zach and I watched Madison scramble around for a few minutes, butter a piece of toast, slurp down his coffee and chug a bottle of water.

"Are you going to be home for dinner tonight?" I asked as he grabbed his briefcase and headed for the door.

"I'm not sure. I have meetings all day. I might just pick something up on the way. I'll call you," he responded quickly. Seconds later, he was gone.

"You really nabbed a good one," Zach said. We sat down at the bar to enjoy our coffee a little slower than Madison had.

"Yeah. He's really sexy," I replied.

"And he loves you."

"Zach," I said. "Chris loves you. He left his wife for you."

"No, he left his wife for himself," he replied. "I was just a bonus. Do you think I made a mistake? I mean, I had something great with Shane. We were comfortable."

"Yeah, but Chris is Chris. Ya'll were meant for each other. Shane is going to grow up and be fine. I saw him at the pool the other day."

"Did you?" He asked. It was scary how excited he got. "What'd did he look like? Did he say anything? Did he ask about me?"

"No," I replied. "He was talking to a freshman." I could see Zach's face sink. "Look Zach, I know you're confused. But you made a decision and you have to stick with it. It's that simple."

I was slightly annoyed that Zach couldn't just be happy. He'd been taking it so slowly with Chris it was driving me crazy. I was tired of analyzing everything that Chris said and with Zach to see what it meant. I was ready for them to just move on already. On the flip side, though, I was excited to have my suite mate living with me again.

"Are you sure Madison is fine with this whole set up?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Of course he is. He likes you and this place is huge," I replied.

"Well, I can't tell you how happy I am that you're letting me do this," he said. We finished the rest of our breakfast in relative silence. I went to get dressed and asked Zach if he wanted a ride to campus. We decided to share a ride to school.

Out of nowhere in the car, Zach asked me "is the sex with Madison good?"

I was a little taken aback. "I mean, yeah. It's pretty awesome. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering," he replied. "I haven't, you know, with Chris since we got back together."

"Dude, what the fuck are you waiting for?" I asked. I was actually kind of shocked. They'd spent the whole summer together. "Are you punishing him for what he did to you?"

"No," he said quickly. "I'm just scared. I don't want to put myself out there again and then get hurt one more time."

"So you went from being the guy that barely had sex to the guy that doesn't have sex at all," I said. "Wow. Who would have thought?"

"And you," he retorted. "Went from being manslut extraordinaire to being monogamous. Who's had the biggest transformation?"

I looked at him and smiled. He flashed me a wink just as we pulled up to campus.

Denton- I met Preston for lunch on campus- he didn't have to work until that night, so he had the afternoon off- and told him all about Mitchell.

"That guy is still on your case?" he said. He sounded annoyed.

"Calm down," I replied. "I'm not opening that up again, I just don't know why he's being such a dick."

"Obviously because he still loves you, Denton. And the only one who doesn't know that is you," he said. Now he sounded really annoyed.

"Why are you getting upset about this?" I asked. I honestly had no clue why he was getting so fed up.

"Because, Denton," he replied. "I've had to listen to this story all summer. I thought we were making progress, getting somewhere but I guess we're at the same place we were last spring. You still in love with Mitchell and me coming in at a close second."

"Preston," I said as he stood up to go. "Preston, please."

"Everyone has baggage, Denton," he said. His eyes looked hurt. "I can't help you carry yours anymore. Call me when you're ready to have an adult relationship."

And with that he left me sitting there at a diner with nothing but a plate of fries in front of me.

Zach- I decided to do it that night. I decided to that after school, I'd go get a haircut and pick up some products and go home, fix up my room, put out some candles, order in some food and invite Chris over. And then I decided that we'd screw until morning.

"You're busy tonight? Chris," I whined. I wanted to be with him. Charles was right- there was no reason I was still waiting. I could do it and I was ready and he was busy tonight. "Ok," I said after he apologized. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." I hung up feeling dumb and horny. I'd bought candles and a Coldplay album for crying out loud.

I went out into the living room to see Madison watching television.

"Hey, Zach, have you seen this Planet show? It's really great," he said. I joined him and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl he was holding.

"Where's Charles?" I asked.

"He went swimming. All work and no play with that boy," he replied.

"Well I know what that's all about," I mumbled. I didn't expect Madison to hear me or even care but after I'd spoken, his eyes left the flat screen and turned to me.

"Something wrong with you and.. and.."

"Chris?" I finished. "Yeah, not really. I just had this awesome night planned. Candles, Coldplay, condoms. It was going to be awesome."

"Oh, you went with the three C's. How is that a problem?" he asked.

"He cancelled. Some graduate student thing he has to attend. I was really looking forward to it," I realized I was whining, but I felt like I was entitled. And Madison really was a good listener.

"Well, you can always hang out with me and Charles tonight. I'm not feeling too hot, so we'll probably stay in and watch movies. Or this planet show. I love it," he said. He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, that sounds a lot funner than bumming for the night alone," I replied. I got up off the couch. "I'm gonna go take a nap. I'll see you later."

Charles- "I was talking to Zach this afternoon," Madison asked. I'd just gotten home and I was still a little wet and smelled like chlorine. I took off my spandex shorts and track jacket. "He's really cute."

"Yeah," I said. I was only half listening. Madison was sitting on the bed reading a book, although I suspected his eyes were scanning me a little more than the pages.

"I mean, he's got nothing on you, but," he began. I cut him off.

"Flattering," I said. "Have you seen my towel?" I asked. I was looking around the room for it, flopping around. Madison sat up and grabbed my waist. "Maddy, I really need to shower," I said as he dragged me on top of him. I lay on the bed, feeling disgusting, but also feeling some blood rush to my genitals.

"Just, lay with me for a while," he said. "I want to ask you something."

He kissed me. Really deep and hard. I lay there lazily letting him do all of the work, barely moving or even kissing him back. Still, his tongue in my mouth felt amazing and the blood began rush a little faster.

"That wasn't a question," I said when he let my lips go. He looked into my eyes as seductively as possible and I knew he was up to something.

"What would you say if I wanted to ask your cute friend to join us," he whispered. He was nibbling my neck between words. I obviously didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Join us for what?" I asked. By now, he'd taken ahold of my hard cock and was slowly stroking it back and forth. I could feel his hard dick through his sweat pants.

"Mmm," he moaned at first. "Your cock feels so good."

"Join us for what?" I repeated. I had no clue what he was talking about.

"A three-way," he said out of nowhere, still somehow nibbling my neck and stroking my dick. I sat up as fast as I could, straddling Madison's body bellow me and staring at his lightly hairy chest.

"A what? Are you crazy?" I said.

"Oh, come on, Charles, it could be hot. We've never had one," he said.

"I've had plenty," I replied. Was I wrong or was my fiancé asking me to invite my best friend into our bedroom for sex. Was he crazy? But as those thoughts went through my mind, his persuasive eyes dug into me. Before long, his persuasive hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back down. it was futile to protest. "I don't think it's a good idea."

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because, that's my friend. And Zach would never agree to it," I said. "Besides, why do you want one?"

"Don't take it that way," he said quickly. "I love you. More than anything and you know that. I just thought it would be something fun. Like the time you thought it would be hot wax everything down^Å"

"Ok," I interrupted. "I get it." I thought about it for a second. It would be fun if Zach agreed to it. And I had no doubt that Madison wasn't bringing it up because he was bored or anything. Any guy that was bored with me didn't stand a chance in this world. "It would be really hot, wouldn't it?"

"Incredibly hot," he whispered. He was back to working my body with his mouth, this time focusing on my pecs. "And he's already agreed?"

Again, I shot up, straddling him and looking down at him critically.

"You already asked him?" I asked. I didn't know how I felt about that. How long had he been thinking about this? "How long have you been thinking about this?"

"Not long," he said. He grabbed me again and again dragged me back down to him. "It just popped into my mind this afternoon while we were watching TV and I asked suggested it. He said he'd bought candles and Coldplay for his date with Chris tonight, I said why waste them, and that was that."

I of course believed him and the scene played out in my head and I thought it was pretty cute. Zach and Madison hanging out and bonding. And now they wanted a threesome.

"So?" I said, not sure what we were doing.

"So^Å it's up to you," he whispered. "I can go down the hall and get him right now if you want."

I thought about it. Doing it with Zach would change a lot of things. It would make our relationship a little different, but then again, I'd always been the one to teach him to separate sex from anything else. And there was that night we'd kissed. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal to do it, so I nodded. Madison smiled.

"Give me a second to take a shower," I said getting out of bed. I went into the shower and turned the water to as hot as it would go. I not only wanted to get the chlorine off of me, but I also had to psych myself out. The steam and the heat worked wonders in that for me.

I wasn't in the shower for more than a few minutes when I saw the curtain pull back. Madison stood there as hot as ever, tall, dark, huge cock semi hard and hair slicked down to his body. Next to him was Zach with a huge grin on his face, naked, smaller but still built, cock not as big as Madison's but impressive enough.

"Mind if we join you?" Zach said seductively, showing a different side of himself that I had never seen before. I smiled at both of them and before I had time to answer, two sets of hands were rubbing up on my soapy body.

They say that time changes things. It heals and mends, it brings together and separates. Time gives people a chance to grow and reflect. Sometimes a break is all we need before coming back and reclaiming our lives. They say that time is of the essence. I say that it's about time that They say is back.

Your comments to are greatly appreciated.

Next: Chapter 36

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