They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Aug 12, 2007


General disclaimer. Contains depictions of gay sex. Don't read if you can't or don't want to. Please send feedback to

They say life is filled with proposals. They say that saying yes is much easier than saying no. They say that every once in a while, there comes a proposition that is impossible to refuse.

Charles- I went through a wide range of emotions. Should I be upset? Was I allowed to be upset? Of course I was. I was set up just so I could walk in on that. What the fuck was Brooklyn doing? Who does that? Who texts their ex, says to come over and then fucks the shit out of their other ex just so that ex one can see it? That was fucked up, and I had every right to be upset.

But what was I allowed to do about it? Was I allowed to get upset? Could I walk in and confront them; tell them how douchey they were being? Or was in no position to go back in at all? I was the one with a boyfriend. Did I have anything to loose? Hell no, I thought I had shit to lose by walking back in there and speaking my mind.

So I did. I walked back in they were still at it. "Don't stop. Don't stop," Jesse repeated over and I over. I assumed he was getting close to orgasm. I realized I had perfect time.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I asked as I stepped into the room. I waited a second to let them see me. Jesse climbed off and turned around. "Texting me to come get my box of shit just so I can see this? What the fuck are you trying to prove, Brooklyn? That you can land the biggest whore on campus in hopes of getting over me? Very classy."

"You're a whore," Jesse replied.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Brooklyn asked.

"What the hell am I doing here? `Come over and get your stuff; I can't sleep.' That's bullshit. And to think I almost felt sorry for you. I woke up, left my BOYFRIEND and came over at all hours of the night because I felt sorry for you."

"Get out," Brooklyn said. He had a confused look on his face. He didn't raise his voice. "Get out."

"Get out?" I laughed. "Not until I get what I came for. Where the hell is my box of shit? I wouldn't want you to loose any more sleep."

"You heard him. Get out."

I noticed Jesse sitting up next to Brooklyn, who was laying down with his hands crossed behind his head and a thin sheet barely covering his still hard cock. Jesse had this wicked look on his face like he knew something neither of the rest of us did.

"What the fuck are you smirking at?" I asked. I was beginning to get livid. Why the hell were they both so smug?

"Charles, I'm not even playing with you. You have no right to be here, and if you don't leave immediately I will call the police."

I looked at them both in silence. Brooklyn had just threatened me, Jesse was thoroughly enjoying himself and I looked like a fool.

"Ya'll deserve each other. I should have known that all along." And I turned to walk away. I ignored the sound of Brooklyn rolling over and kissing Jesse as I left the apartment.

Denton- Preston and I waited for London to show up so we could up with Preston's friends and head out to the lake. The plan was to spend the night in a little cabin, which I assumed wouldn't be as plush as the one Glass had taken me to, and then hit the lake tomorrow. One guy had a large boat with skis and tube. Another guy had a smaller boat for fishing. Preston had a shit ton of liquor and London and I had great tanned bodies. I told London to be over as soon as possible, but the short notice, he said he needed to find someone to cover his shift, feed his dog and pack his shit. I told him to bring his dog.

"So who is this guy we're waiting for?" Preston asked. I couldn't tell if he was getting annoyed or not. If he was, he was trying hard to hide it and he was doing a good job.

"He's a friend of mine. I met him a few weeks ago."

"Cool," he responded. His deep southern voice drawled even more when he got upset and I just now noticed it. His words were slower and longer and sexier than ever. "Do I have anything to worry about?"

I didn't say anything. What was I supposed to say? I wasn't good at this whole thing.

"Look," he said trying to explain. "I know you're new to this whole thing, but even a confused gay guy knows when someone is genuinely interested in them. I like you Denton, and I'm not sure if you're ready for that or not, but I don't want to share you with some random guy. I'm sorry. I just don't want to."

"I'm not ready to settle down, Preston. I like you too, but I am new to this and I have a lot of messing around left to do," I felt myself being honest.

"I get that," he said. "And I know you're waiting to meet someone and for those `They're the one!' sparks to go off. And I'm waiting for the same thing. But I realized something the other night and I was scared if I told you, you wouldn't want to see each other anymore. Sometimes the sparks don't go off until you know someone. Sometimes the sparks creep up on you and you don't even realize it. I've seen the sparks, Denton." He paused. I didn't respond. "and I know you have too," he finished.

And it all made sense. He was right. I was afraid because I did like Preston and I hadn't planned on it. I wanted him to teach me how to pick up guys when I went out and instead, I found myself preferring to just hang out with him. Dating guys was like dating girls. I hadn't realized I loved my ex-girlfriend until we'd been friends for 3 years. I didn't think I necessarily loved Preston, but his little speech made me realize that even if I didn't love him now, I could get there eventually- I just had to let myself. It was easier than I was making it.

Without saying anything, I grabbed my cell phone, dialed the last number I'd dialed and when London answered I coughed and said, "Hey dude, I think I'm coming down with something. I don't think we're going to make it to the lake after all. Bye," and I hung up.

When I looked at Preston, he was smiling from head to toe.

Zach- After about an hour of Charles not coming back, Madison and I decided to call it quits and go to bed. Before I got up, though, Madison said to me, "Do you think Charles likes me?"

I was a little thrown. "Sure, he does." I was no longer feeling the effects of the shots I'd taken.

"I mean really really likes me. I know he liked Brooklyn a lot and I want him to like me like that."

"So you really like him?" I asked. It was a pretty stupid question.

"Yeah," he said. "And it's like I'm getting older and stuff. I don't want to mess around forever and even though I'm gay, I want to settle down and start a family eventually. Maybe not with Charles, we'll have to wait it out, but eventually. Am I wasting time with him?"

What was I supposed to tell him? That Charles was a serial dater? That in the months I'd known Charles, I'd seen him with more guys than I could count? That Brooklyn was the closest thing Charles had ever had to a serious relationship and that it wasn't that great to begin with? Why was he asking me?

"Madison," I said. I didn't want to lie to him. "Charles is complicated. I know for a fact he likes you and he likes you a lot. He left Brooklyn, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Brooklyn was the closest thing Charles will ever get to a first love, and he left him for you. He obviously thinks there's something there. Ya'll have only been together for a couple of weeks and it took Brooklyn a couple months to convince Charles to go exclusive. Does he like you as much as he loved Brooklyn? Not yet. Will he? I honestly think he will eventually. Eventually." And I got up and went to bed.

Charles- I didn't go home that night. I walked around for about an hour in the dark, cursing and breathing heavily. I didn't want to go home and see Madison. My mind raced and raced and raced. I asked myself if I'd made a mistake. I couldn't help it, I felt a little jealous of Jesse when I first walked into the room. Was I supposed to be the one Brooklyn had always wanted?

And then I thought and thought and thought and my mind would turn to the fact that I didn't want to be with someone as selfish and stupid as Brooklyn. I had no doubt that Jesse had sent the text from Brooklyn's phone so I would walk in, but I didn't want to be with a 25 year old spaz who couldn't keep it in his pants. I didn't care if I'd broken his heart. He was the mature one, the old one and if could let himself get seduced by Jesse then I was better off without him.

But then I thought and thought and thought and realized that I'd created him. I made Brooklyn the mess that he was. I made him hate me because I made him love me and then cut him off. I knew for a fact that if I ever went to Brooklyn and tried to get him into bed, he would never agree to it. It would take all kinds of date rape drug for me to convince to even let me give him a massage. And that's because I'd made him love me in a way that Jesse never had.

So part of me felt proud. He was lonely, upset and pathetic and instead of dealing like grown man, he let himself get played by Jesse.

I was better off with Madison, I decided. Not because I was upset with Brooklyn or anything I'd seen tonight. I knew I was better off because I, a guy who has no idea what he wants or how to fall in love or anything, needs someone who is so sure and confident that they can't say no. Madison made me want to love him the way I made Brooklyn want to love me. The only difference is that I made Brooklyn want to love me because I could. Madison made me want to love him because he loved me too. And after thinking until the sun came up, I realized I'd made the right decision. I finally went home.

Denton- We met Preston's friends and packed the car and drove through the night. We got to the cabin around 1 A.M. and the group of guys we were with were barely tired, but knew we had a long day ahead of us.

The first guy, Taylor, was just as southern and country as Preston was. He said they'd known each other since they were young and had moved to Dallas together. Preston had gotten the call back from the bar while Taylor was working odd jobs and trying to get his Biking business off the ground. The other guy, Justin, was attempting to launch a country music recording career. Preston had met him when he had won 500 dollars at an open mic at the bar. When I asked him what he'd sang, he said an old Rascal Flatts song.

Both guys were incredibly good looking. I had no doubt Justin would be famous soon. He had a chiseled face and body. He stood at least 6 and a half feet tall and head the most beautiful blond hair and blue eyes I'd ever seen. Taylor was just as hot as Justin was, but in a much more unassuming way. He wore thin black rimmed glasses and was a little smaller, but just as defined. He stood about 6'2 and a very short buzz cut. His eyes were hazel and his skin was unnaturally tan, probably from working on bikes outside all day.

Preston and I were cute in comparison, but these guys were studs by all measures of the word.

"So, Preston tells us a lot about you," Justin said after we'd unpacked the car and we were sitting around the cabin waiting to doze off.

"Really?" I said. Preston had just gotten up to go to the restroom. "He better be saying good things."

"Oh he is," Taylor interjected. "He likes you."

I swallowed and smiled. "He better."

After an awkward silence, Taylor said unexpectedly "He says you just came out. That's a huge step."

"Yeah," I replied. I'd never talked about coming out before. I felt a little awkward. "It's a slow process. I haven't even told my gay brother yet."

"Whoa," Justin said. "If I was gay, my brother would be the first person I'd tell. I think he's the most entitled to know considering we shared a room for 16 years."

I felt a little offended. "My brother and I didn't share a room."

"I wasn't meaning that in offense," he said apologetically. "I can't imagine how hard that'd be. My mom flipped out when I told her I wasn't going to college. She'd strangle me if I told her I was gay."

I laughed. So I guess I knew what Justin's story was, he was straight, but I was still curious about Taylor. Could someone so huge, masculine and rugged be gay?

"When Preston told me he was gay, I almost flipped a shit. I thought he was lying," Taylor said. "We were really close and it scared me. Then he said he didn't have a crush on me, so I chilled out."

"He was lying," Justin added. I laughed. I guess that was my answer- neither of Preston's closest friends were gay. I don't know why, but I felt a surge of relief as soon as I found out.

"Of course," Taylor continued. "Being the almost brother that I was, I did my best to help Preston come to terms with his affliction.'" When he said come to terms' his inflection changed a lot. I wondered what it meant and Taylor must have read my mind, or at least my expression.

"Yeah," he said. "Preston and I slept together once. I was miserable the entire time, but he'd come to me crying and depressed and he wanted to know if he really was gay, but he didn't want to test it out on a stranger." I could feel my face getting red. It was romantic, really, but awkward for me to listen to. "He was, and boy was I not!" Justin laughed out loud. Preston walked in and asked what everyone was talking about.

"I was just telling Denton about your first time." Preston flushed. He gave Taylor an evil look if I'd ever seen one. He recovered quickly and smirked at me.

"It was a fun story, wasn't it?"

"It was pretty interesting," I said. I swallowed hard. What was I supposed to say?

"Well maybe we should tell everyone about Taylor's first time," Preston added slyly.

"Maybe we shouldn't," Taylor protested.

"I'm sure Denton would love to know how you cried," Justin added, joining Preston in making fun of Taylor.

"Oh, oh," Preston fake cried. "It felt so good. Thank you for taking my virginity."

"At least I didn't meet my first time online," Taylor said, directing it towards Justin. "What website was that- take my"

They all roared with laughter. I felt like I was being initiated into some secret club and I actually enjoyed it. Preston made sure to include me in whatever conversation they were having, whether it was general or filled with inside jokes. We ended up each falling asleep at different times while those still awake kept talking.

In the end, Taylor and I were the last ones awake. Preston was asleep on the floor next to the couch I was laying on. Justin had taken the only bed in the cabin across the room.

"Do you like him?" I assumed he was asking me about Preston so I just nodded. I wasn't in the mood to be interrogated, but I like Preston's friends a lot. It made me like Preston more.

"Do you know how serious he is about us," I hesitated before saying us, but I eventually let it out.

"About you and him? I'd guess the fact that he introduced you to us means he likes you a lot. I don't remember the last time he's `brought anyone home.'" He raised the air quotes.

So that's what this was, I thought. "So that's what this is?" I said out loud. I was getting the test. This was Preston's version of introducing me to the family. I blushed. I suddenly got really nervous.

"It isn't that deep. It's just that Preston and I and Justin are really close. We're each other's support. If we like someone, we introduce them to each other. You wouldn't by an outfit without getting your friend's permission would you?" I laughed. He liked Mean Girls. "We should get some sleep," he continued. "If we are indeed going fishing tomorrow, we don't want to be too tired."

"If," I responded. "What else would we be doing?"

"Why, we'd be having a wild orgy, bro," he said faking a Californian accent. "Didn't you hear?" I laughed again. Within minutes of silence, I had fallen asleep.

Jesse- The next morning, I tried to get out of the apartment before Brooklyn woke up. I hadn't intended on spending the night, but after the confrontation with Charles, an angry Brooklyn was so turned on that we ended up finishing what we'd started and then some. I was extremely tired and ready to fall asleep after being fucked like there was no tomorrow for an hour when I finally collapsed next to Brooklyn. Next thing I know, he was bent over me, sucking my cock back to hardness with his waving in my face. I eventually took it in and between dozing off and sucking his cock hard, I finally passed out after dropping one more load into Brooklyn's mouth and having one more load sprayed all over my face and chest.

So when I woke up with spunk filling my nostrils and sticky cum on my forehead and chest, my first thought was to get out of there as quickly as possible.

I climbed out of bed and found all of my clothes thrown around. I put on my pants and the first t-shirt I found. It said HellaCali on it and I assumed it was an old t-shirt of Brooklyn's. It was funny that I hadn't noticed all of his California things before. I found my flip-flops and wallet and was heading out the door when I was stopped by Brooklyn's voice.

"Did you get all you needed last night?" Pause. "Or should I be expecting another visit from you, to say, you know use the shit out of me for your own good."

"Brooklyn," I began. I didn't even know how to begin explaining. "I honestly have no explanation for that."

"Obviously. God, you are the exact same asshole I left four months ago."

"You're no saint," I said impulsively. I took a step back into the room. Brooklyn sat up and pulled a sheet over his lower body.

"But I don't go around using people. What the fuck was that, Jesse?"

"Oh, you were more than happy to continue fucking me while Charles stood there and watched," I retorted.

"Get out," he said pathetically. "You're no better than he is. You make me sick," he finished. He stood up.

"Look, I'm sorry I," I began.

"Save it. Save it for the next guy you fuck over, but thanks for playing." And before I had a chance to react, Brooklyn was standing right in front of me. "And don't forget our bargain. When will you be bringing Keith around?"

I'd completely forgotten. I didn't say anything, so Brooklyn responded. "I didn't think so." And with that, he slammed the door in my face, leaving me feeling pathetic, stupid and a little turned on.

Charles- "You what?" Madison asked. He thought he'd heard wrong. I thought I'd spoken wrong, but as soon as I'd said the words, I realized they were true. I did. I did.

"I love you," I said again. He was standing by the foot of my bed putting his pants on and I thought he was getting ready to fall over. He dropped his pants and crawled to me. I layed back down and let him remain suspended over my body.

"You do?"

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I asked, smiling.

"You, the guy who said it took him months to commit to the one guy he's confessed to loving his life? You, the guy whose had more sex than most men could ever handle. You what?"

"I love you," I repeated again.

"Well, allow me a moment of surprise."

"Get off of me," I said playfully trying to push him off. He moved slightly and I could feel his hard cock slide close to mine. I was surprised at how hard he was, considering what we'd spent a good part of the night doing.

"I love you too," he said.

"Well," I replied. "That puts us in a little bit of a pickle."

He kissed me. I moaned. "Why do you say that?"

I lifted my head and kissed him. "Well, the last time I told a guy I loved him, another guy came a long. A better guy."

"The only guy that's going to be coming," he said dirtily, "Is me^Å in your ass^Å right now."

And with that, he pushed his cock into my already loosened hole, from all the fucking we'd done last night, and I let out a soft sigh and moan.

"You know what I think," Madison said as he thrust in and out of me softly, passionately and deeply. He felt so amazing inside of me.

"Don't tell me," I said. I gasped as he made another slow, deep thrust. "Don't tell me we're gonna be one of those couples that discuss serious things during sex."

"Maybe I should stop then," he said. He was beginning to sweat and his torso suddenly stop rubbing parallel to mine. He pulled out of my ass completely, leaving me feeling empty.

"No," I said urgently. He smiled down at me.

"I didn't think so," he said, but instead of putting his cock back in my ass, he scooted up and tugged my dick upright, positioning it right next to his own asshole. "You can't have all the fun," he said, still smiling. I hadn't fucked him last night, it was all him inside of me and I had the three loads of cum all over my bed sheets to prove it. As soon as he slid down the length of my shaft, we both let out a loud moan. He closed his eyes for a second and cocked his head back. It was my turn to torment him.

"You were saying," I panted. I had begun thrusting upwards. As much fun as his slow, steady fucking had been, I wanted him now and I wasn't afraid to jackhammer his tight hole. He was doing his part as well. For every thrust I put in upwards, he rode my cock like there was no tomorrow.

"I was saying," he stammered. It took him almost a full minute to get the three words out between moans, gasps and heavy breathing. He slowed down. "I was saying that I'm not getting any younger."

"You're the hottest 28 year old I've ever seen," I said. And that moment he was. I saw up, rocking him back onto my thighs a little so that we were sitting face to face with my cock buried so deep in his ass, I wondered what part of his insides I was exploring. He loved the feeling as well as the new position and we continued to rock this way for a few minutes. We looked each other straight in the eyes, smiling periodically, not talking but feeling each other; giving each other waves and waves of pleasure.

This new position required a lot more concentration but a lot less movement, and after we'd caught our breath, Madison continued to talk.

"I've been looking, Charles," he said. "For a while now. I've been looking for someone special to, you know, kind of settle down with." I was hearing the words. I was processing the words. Was I understanding the words?

"And I don't want to rush anything," he continued. "But I was thinking. You love me, and I love you and you're always talking about how you don't ever want to get bored. So let's do something you haven't done with any other guy before."

And I knew it was coming. He was going to propose to me right then and there in his arms, entwined his love with my impossibly hard dick rammed impossibly far into his ass. I must have hit a spot right then in my anxiety because Madison jumped, let out a loud yell and before I knew it, he was spilling ropes of cum between us and his ass was clenched so tightly around my ass, the cum I was spilling inside of him had no where to go.

We orgasmed in each other's arms, still rocking slowly and lethargically. He kissed me several times all over my face as he came over and over on our torsos, little beads of cum gluing us together.

I couldn't have felt any better than I did right then and there. As the orgasm supsided and the feeling of security and warmth took over, I realized I couldn't have felt any better. Madison lay down, or collapsed, next to me and as our breathing went back to normal, he continued what he was saying.

"I don't want to scare you, Charles, and I don't want to push you away by doing too much too soon. But I can't deny how I feel about you and I don't ever want to let go of that." I knew what he was getting at and I didn't know if it should scare me or not. "And I wouldn't mind doing this with you every night; and waking up next to you every morning."

"Madison," I tried to interrupt. He kept on going. By now he had his hand on my chest, moving up and down, relaxing me more than ever. Still, I was anxious as to what I would say when he asked me to be with him forever.

"Charles, I want you to move in with me," he said.

A wave of relief overcame me. This was the something new he was talking about. This wasn't too bad. I could do the live-in boyfriend thing. I'd practically lived with Brooklyn. Then the words came out as if I had no filter between my brain and my mouth.

"But I've already lived with Brooklyn," I said. The chest rubbing stopped for a second.

"So," he whispered. I could tell he was confused.

"Its just that," I explained. "When we were, you know, fucking and all, you said you wanted to do something that I'd never done with a guy before. I assumed it was something bigger than moving in together because I've already kind of done that."

"You're right, you have," he said. He sounded kind of disappointed. "But what did you think I was going to ask?" he said after a second of silence.

"Huh?" I said. "Oh, nothing; I wasn't thinking of anything really. I was just^Å"

"You thought I was proposing." He said in such a definite way that I couldn't refute him in the slightest. Instead I got uncharacteristically embarrassed and turned my head. He caught my face with his hand that was around me and turned it back so I was looking at him. "Let's do it."

I stopped breathing for a second. "We just did it," I said trying to make light.

"Not that," he said quickly. He propped himself up on his elbow. "Let's do it. Not right now, but eventually. Let's get married."

He sounded excited.

"Are we allowed to do that?" I asked. I could feel myself being both insensitive and elated. It was an odd mix of feeling but I couldn't fight it. What was I supposed to do? The fact that I had no idea how to react made it easy to joke about the situation.

"We'll find a place. We'll throw a huge wedding somewhere, I don't care if we have to go fucking Amsterdam or the North Pole."

"Ok, slow down Santa," I said. More uncomfortable joking. He couldn't be serious, could he?

"You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. That must have been a crazy orgasm I just had. Don't worry about it. I should go," he was talking so fast, I could barely keep up. What I could keep up with was how fast his excitement was draining. And as quickly as his excitement was draining, I began to feel a little disappointed myself.

"Wait," I said just as he was zipping up his pants. "Come back to bed."

"I have errands to run, and I have to work tomorrow. I haven't been home all weekend, I should really,"

"Shut up," I said. I sat up.


"You should really shut up." He looked at me. I stood up and crossed the room to him and kissed him as best as I knew how. "I'll do it."

There was a long pause. He smiled. "Great, I'll get my landlord to add you to my lease and then we'll just move your,"

"I think I told you to shut up," I said and kissed him again. "Not move in," I said. "I'll do it."

"It? I thought we just did it," he joked. I fell back onto the bed, dragging him down with me.

As I landed on my mattress, I suddenly realized what I'd just agreed to. I was getting married.

They say that life is filled with propositions. There are those proposals you have no problem denying, and there are those that take a little more consideration. But then there are those that, no matter how much you try, are impossible to refuse.

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Next: Chapter 34

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