They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Oct 23, 2005


Standard disclaimer: contains depiction of explicit gay sex.

They say that sometimes, when we are hopelessly lost in a situation we cannot change, it is easier to adapt to that situation. They say that, like chameleons, we are able to adapt to the world around us.

Jesse- I'm not sure what time he came in, but I was asleep. It had been a really long day with packing, then driving then unpacking then screwing around and then sitting around missing Matt. I had talked some with Zach, but we mostly just watched TV. There were times I felt him checking me out, like when I'd get up to grab a coke or something, but I absentmindedly brushed it off, just like he did when I looked at him. He was cute, and I wouldn't mind getting under his skin if he swung that way.

While sitting around thinking, I decided if I was going to keep things going with Matt, I was going to not have to screw around with my roommates. I know Matty and me had an understanding that we could do that, and I often had when we saw each other all the time, but it would be too hard keeping a relationship if I was also screwing around on the side. So I decided, until Matt and I weren't together anymore, I would have to not kick it off with Charles or even Zach, if he swung that way.

I called Matt before I went to bed, told him goodnight and then immediately fell asleep. I didn't even know where Charles was.

Charles- I gathered my things and instead of heading back to the dorm room, I walked around campus for a while, clearing my head. I always think after sex, that's when I get all my good ideas. I thought about how amazing this year had started, and how much more incredible it would get. I thought about Jesse, a sure thing if I ever needed one, and Zach, a code that I'd have to crack into- if you know what I mean, and I thought about what the fourth roommate would be like. Probably some hopeless straight guy with all the straight guy baggage. I wouldn't mind though, I'm adaptable.

Zach- I talked to Jesse for a while before he crashed into his room. I decided to stay up and wait for the fourth roommate, since we would be sharing a room for at least a semester and all, the least I could do was be awake for his first night.

So, I sat reading, hoping that he would be as handsome as the other guys. I knew it would be tough sharing a small space, a bathroom, a common, with all of these fine studs, but hey, it beats sharing one with uglies. I knew I was on the cuter side of the spectrum, and even though people looked at me at first glance and assumed I had no muscle mass underneath my sweater vest and tie, they were always in for a shock once the Polo was off and the true me came out.

He showed up at around two in the morning, and I didn't know at what particular time I'd dozed off, but I didn't mind being awakened by the sight I beheld.

He stood about 6'3'' and was massively built, not huge, but strong. He wore a ski vest even though it was dead summer in Texas, but in the open part, I could make out an incredibly defined chest. His jeans were low cut and tight, outlining what I knew was an amazing cock. As I scratched my eye, not trusting what I saw before, he smiled at me with the warmest smile I'd ever seen.

"SO nice of you to wait up, but we probably shouldn't make that a habit, sweety," he said jokingly. I laughed, flirtingly, as I got up to help him with his bags.

"Hey, I'm Zach and you must be..."

"Denton, my pleasure."

Denton- I was so late. I could have sworn everyone was asleep. I opened the left bedroom first to see two of the guys in bed, so I assumed my own unclaimed bed was in the other room, and so I went in. There sat Zach, the first person I encountered at college. He was reading a book and had fallen asleep. Aside from looking like a hopeless prep, he resembled most of the guys I hung out with back home. Skinny, almost wiry, tall and clean. He woke up as soon as I stepped in, so I assumed he was a light sleeper. That was cool, until I wanted to bring a hot girl back to the room; that would be something we would definitely have to discuss.

The first thing I noticed was what he was reading. It was some Oprah's Bookclub type novel that no one under the age of 40 has ever read, but hey, whatever floats his boat. He said hi, I said "what's up?" We introduced ourselves, and that was that.

"Do you mind if I unpack tonight?"

"No problem Denton, in fact I guess I'll help you," he said, eager to get on my good side I assumed.

I walked to the closet and began unpacking my things. His clothes took up a great deal of space and weren't shabby. I mean, he didn't have Versace or anything, but I could tell the guy was definitely not poor or anything. I seriously would have cried if he were some thrift store type poor guy. But he wasn't so I needn't worry.

For some reason or another, he wanted to strike up conversation.

"Where are you from? What's your major? Are you here on scholarship?" It almost seemed like he was flirting with me. What kind of a loser flirts with his roommate on the first night?

I finally had all my things unpacked, so I took my personal items out of my travel bag and arranged them on my desk. I saw him look at the picture of Jamey.

"Who is that?" he asked.

"My girlfriend. She's part of the reason I'm late getting here if you know what I mean."

"No, can't say I do," he said that flatly, almost under his breathe. It sounded like he was disappointed, but I was too tired to push the conversation any further.

"I'm gonna crash, dude. We can talk in the morning."

I undressed, down to my boxers, turned off the light and went to sleep.

Zach- When I woke up, someone was in the common cooking, and it smelled incredible. I looked around and realized Denton was still asleep, so I quietly got out of bed, wrapped a towel around my naked body and went out into the lounge to see who was making what.

Jesse was standing in the mini-kitchen, dressed in boxers and a pair of socks, frying eggs and pancakes. As soon as he saw me wrapped in my towel he grinned, and looked down. When he looked up at me again, he slyly winked at my crotch.

I looked down to notice that I hadn't bothered checking my crotch and that my morning wood was sticking straight out off my body.

I immediately flushed red with embarrassment, turned quickly on my heels towards the bathroom, only to find that me towel had gotten stuck in the sofa cushion. At this point, Jesse is laughing at me like there is no tomorrow, and believe me, there is nothing pleasant about being laughed at while you are bare ass naked, covering you crotch with your hands.

I was a deep shade of red, and I'm pretty sure that somewhere during that ordeal, I lost circulation to my brain and/or began hyperventilating.

I turned to walk in the midst of all the laughing, caught my foot on the loose end of my towel and sprawled, face first into the floor next to the coffee table. My ass was high in the air, for anyone to see. It would have been impossible to feel more embarrassed. I barely knew this guy and here I was acting like a clumsy fool.

He kept laughing, of course, doubled over, clutching his spatula, burning the eggs that were on the stove. I honestly felt like a schoolgirl that fell during graduation, or something.

Humiliated, I stood up and mustered all the dignity I could find. I toward towards Jesse and said in a calm voice "Good morning. Your eggs smell good." With that I turned around and went back to my room.

Jesse- I can't remember laughing that hard ever in my entire life. It wasn't the boner or the towel that got me. It was the incredibly deep shade of red this prep got when his towel was ripped from him. I can't say I was disappointed in what I saw though; this guy definitely had nothing to be ashamed of.

The whole time he was sprawled on the floor, his ass hanging out for me to lust over, I was thinking "Too bad he's straight. I'm gonna have to find a way to crack him."

Charles- I had to be dreaming. I smelt burnt eggs. I heard loud laughter. There is no way I was back home in my bed smelling burnt eggs and hearing laughter. Then I realized I wasn't in my bed back home. I was in my dorm, and Jesse was laughing at something in the common. I got up, adjusted my wood in my jock, the only thing I sleep in, and walked out to the living room. By the time I got in there, the laughing had stopped and apparently the funniness was gone too, because Jesse was diligently cooking in our mini-kitchen.

"Good morning, dude."

"Morning," he said dryly, like he was upset about something, but didn't want to appear upset about it.

"What are you cooking?"

"The RA department left us breakfast baskets because the café is preparing for tonight's banquet, and isn't serving breakfast this morning."

"Ah, well don't worry about me then. I'm useless before my coffee."

"I wont argue."

He was playing short with me and I couldn't figure out why. Is it because I didn't say anything to him when I got in last night? Was he mad about his teacher friend? I didn't want to spend time thinking about it so I walked to the kitchen, filled the coffee maker and turned around, leaning on the counter, to talk to Jesse while my coffee was brewing.

"How was your first night?"




"Ok." It was sufficiently awkward, so I took the time to take a risk and decided I was going to bring up the fun we had the other night.

"I really wish we could have finished what we started yesterday." I leaned in toward him, putting my hand at the small of his back and talking quietly into his hear. I was almost whispering, to keep the level of taboo at a high. Taboo always gets me horny.

Then he surprised me with this, "About that," he said, turning to look me straight in the eye, "who were we kidding? I'm gonna be perfectly straight with you. I have a boyfriend, and seeing as too we'll be working through some things the next couple of months, the last thing I need on my mind is messing around with, as fun as it... was. Sorry," he finished with a coy smug grin on his face.

It sounded cheap, like it wasn't really what he wanted to do, but something that he had to, for some reason. Being someone who doesn't really indulge in relationships, I just took what he had to say, realized I was living in a fucking pond filled with horny fish and that was that.

"Umm... well, ok. I guess. It just seemed convenient that, having a roommate that was into the same stuff as I was, we could, you know, take advantage of that, but I guess not."

"I don't do fuck buddies," he smiled, almost playfully.

"I see that. Well, I am going to go get dressed and head out for a morning swim. I'll catch you tonight at the banquet."

His hiatus on raunchy roommate sex would last all of a couple of weeks, I could already tell.

Jesse- It was the right thing to do, letting Charles no that we were roommates and friends... just roommates and friends. He took it well, I'd say, if not playfully, like I wasn't serious or something, but I was, or at least I'd try to be. At least until I was through sorting out what was going to happen with Matty and me.

I sat in the living room in my boxers watching TV on our complimentary flat screen when the fourth roommate came out of his room, dressed in nothing but a wife beater and a pair of sweats. His physique was incredible. Every muscle was tone, but not exaggerated. He worked out, but was in no a fitness buff. He looked really good. He had an amazing tan, and long curly brown hair fluffed up around his face and neck this early in the morning. He looked dazed, but even then was incredibly handsome.

He walked straight to the coffee pot, poured himself a mug and sat down next to me on the couch.

"I'm Denton," were the only two words he spoke. I honestly had no idea how to react. It wasn't a conversation starter, but merely a declaration. It was like he was opening up a dramatic soliloquy but decided to stop after the first line.

"Nice to meet you, Denton. I'm Jesse."

"Cool." Through this entire conversation, for lack of a better word, he didn't look at me once. I stole glances at him, just to find him staring straight ahead, drinking his coffee.

"This is a nice place for a dorm room."

"Yeah," I said. "Better than what I'm used to."

At this point, he looked at me, almost reading me with his eyes. I had no idea what was going through his head. After a few seconds he turned back, once again staring straight ahead, and said "Did you cook breakfast?"

"Sure did."

"Cool." This guy was scaring me with his melancholy nonchalance. It was almost like he was cold, like a machine that was being programmed to respond to me, not with feeling, but with an autopilot like response system.

"Are you gonna eat some?" I was really trying, so I think I deserve credit for that, but the was really putting me off.


"Don't hurt yourself with effort," I said as I gathered my book and plate, dropped them off in the kitchen and went to my room to change.

Denton- I definitely fit the bill for an anti-morning person. When I say I am useless before my coffee, it means I am useless before my coffee. There is no point in talking to me, or looking at me or even thinking about me because chances are, I am in a different world miles away.

I give the little Hispanic kid points for trying, but I really wasn't paying any attention to the conversation we had. I simply did what I usually do for the first twenty minutes of my day- I sat staring ahead, waiting for my coffee to take effect.

He went into the restroom and came out a few minutes later. I watched him go into his bedroom and come out 5 minutes later, dressed and ready to go.

"I'm going to meet my teachers."

"Cool stuff, sport."

"Are you going to the orientation tonight?"

"Don't we have to?"

"I guess."

"Then I guess I'm going."

"Ok... I'll see you there."

He opened the door and left. It wasn't that he was a bad kid, or even a bad person. His clothes were old and out of season, but some people are just like that. I know he must think that I'm some kind of rude stuck up guy, but really, what do you expect from someone who has been awake for twenty-five minutes?

I stood up, finally, and decided that I would spend the day cruising. Maybe take Jamey out for lunch and then head to Neiman's to find something for the orientation banquet.

I went back into our room and was greeted by a site I hoped to never see again.

Zach- So I went back to my, too embarrassed to stand. I crashed into my bed, realizing I still had thirty good quality minutes of sleep left before I had to wake up and do the rounds: meeting the teachers, talking RA's, crowd cruising, the works.

When I went back into the room, I discovered that Denton had managed to somehow crawl out from under his blankets and expose his naked hard-on. The site was beautiful, to say the least. It was big, maybe 7 or 8 inches longs and thick as nothing I have ever seen before. I knew I must have been drooling something awful, and I didn't care. This site would be the star of my jack-off sessions for weeks to come. I laid down and dozed off, thinking about how wonderful it would be to lick the length of that shaft, and before I knew it, I was stroking my cock uncontrollably. I heard him ruffle in his sheets a little bit, so I stopped jacking off long enough to see him wake up, put on a pair of shorts and walk out into the kitchen. I took advantage of his departure and went to town on my dick. I stroked harder, thinking about his amazingly cut dick, the length of it, the taste of it, the feel of it inside of me. I caught myself moaning out loud a few times, and that might not be such a good idea. I slowed down, trying to draw out the coming orgasm.

I couldn't hold back any longer and right when I was about to let my load go, I heard the door open. Too far gone to stop, I just kept stroking. I'm not sure how long he stood there watching me, but I'm sure that Denton was treated to the site of me squirting my morning splooge all over my chest and stomach. A spurt even managed to hit my chin, and it took all I had to refrain from licking it off.

Slightly embarrassed, I sat up, avoiding his eyes as he walked around getting dressed.

"Don't look too embarrassed. Everyone does it; although most people have the decency to do it in private."

"Look, it was just, I woke up, and you were gone, so I assumed..."

"Don't worry about it. Just don't complain when I come home with a girl or two, seeing as too we're being so candid about our sexual practices."

"Practices? That's not a practice, its just, I've been on a dry spell, you know, getting ready for school and all and so I've been needing to take care of myself."

"Whatever you wanna call it sport. None of my business." With that he turned away and headed for the bathroom. I had sufficiently been embarrassed twice in one day by two different people. If things didn't look up, I would seriously have to consider dropping out and going back home community college. Seriously.

Jesse- I walked into the staff building with a list of teachers and classes I would be taking this semester. Matt told me to make it a habit of knowing my teachers. He said it would make my life twice as easy if I knew them and they knew me. I was in the staff building, starting with my first English Composition teacher.

I found his office in the western wing along with the other English Department teachers.

A really cute, swimmer type tall guy was sitting at the desk. He was far too young to be a professor, so I asked him where Mr. Baker was.

"They're all in staff meeting this morning, and probably won't be back until after lunch."

"Damn. Well that's a wasted morning."

"Not entirely. I'm Baker's Teaching Assistant, so I bet I can answer all of your questions." He stood up and smiled at me, and I couldn't help but be intrigued by this guy. His eyes were deep icy blue and seemed endless. It seemed he was staring deep into my soul with his piercing eyes.

"Have a seat," he told me. It took me a while to register what he was saying, so I flustered toward the plush desk chairs across from him.

"My, uhh, my name is Jesse Marcel."

"Nice to meet you Jesse. My name is Brooklyn."


"You have perfect form out there," the guy told me. He was a big guy with a sexily hairy chest and huge arms and calves. I could tell he was older, maybe a coach or assistant or something, because he wore a badge on his red over-shorts. He had been watching me take a swim for a while and had stopped me to give me pointers. When I returned to ask how I'd done, perfect form was his reply.

"How well do you do in diving?"

"Not very well. I'm a sprint swimmer. I did a lot of relays in high school."

"It's a shame you don't dive," he said with a knowing grin.

"Why's that?" I knew why it was, but I decided to play along.

"Because I instruct diving."

I took a step closer to him. Having just emerged from the pool, my body was still dripping wet. "Maybe you could give me private lessons," I paused, then added naively, "So that I could get better at diving."

"I don't give private lessons," he said, pausing before he added "In the water."

He took another step toward me and put his hand on my chest.

"Where do you give them?" I was breathing heavier. This was one reason I loved the swim department. Swimmers spend most of their time naked around each other, its no wonder most of them screw around. This guy was so into my hard, dripping body. As he stepped closer to me, I could feel his hard cock push against my thigh.

"Wherever you want." He leaned in and kissed my neck, then my shoulder. I moaned and cocked my head backward; I was enjoying the service this older stud was giving me. His chest was bare and covered in a light layer of hair, so I rubbed my fingers through it, searching for his nipples. His chest was rock hard and I was envious at how huge and wide it was. Meanwhile, he was making his way down my chest and abs toward my Lycra covered cock. It was impossibly hard stretched against my growing boner and looked like it would pop if it weren't relieved of its tension. The diving instructor was on his knees, pulling the material away from my body and releasing my cock. He immediately, without hesitation, put his mouth around it and sucked hard on my shaft. He swallowed the entire length of my cock into his moth and deep down into his throat, soliciting a moan from deep down inside me. It felt amazing, for the second time in two days, to have an experienced older man suck my cock. I pushed his head down onto my cock and fed him more of the stick he loved eating. He licked around my cock, releasing it to lick my balls every once in a while. This jock coach was an amazing cocksucker, and right there next to pool, he brought me over the edge in minutes.

I was moaning louder and louder, letting him know that I was close.

"Ohhhh... yeah, man. Suck my dick... I'm about to explode coach. O yeah.... Aghhhhhh."

I let my load go deep in his throat and he swallowed every last spurt of my cum. He stood up licked his lips and said with a smile, "I give the best lessons."

"Well, then I guess I'll be coming back for more."

"I'd like that. You know where to find me. My name's Danny, so don't be a stranger."

He walked away leaving me semi-hard and dripping wet.

Jesse- This guy was amazing. He was funny, and conversational. We talked about everything, and anything, from ways to cheat in almost any college class, to the reasons English was the best major. We even talked about different relationships he'd had while working in the English Department.

"Dude, English majors are all poetic and horny, remember that."

He made jokes about certain teachers in the department and had stories so to tell about his freshman year in college. All in all, I had a great time talking to him.

There were some times in the conversation that I new the guy was flirting with me. He didn't come right out and say anything that gave me a heads up, but the clues were all there. He'd say something funny and then reach over and pat my arm, linger for a second and then let it go. He'd stare straight at me when I was saying something and lick his lips. There was even a time when I was talking, and he seemed like he was deep in listening to what I was saying, but I saw

"It's late, I should really go meet with some other teachers," I said, reluctantly. I moved my leg like I was going to get up and I felt him move his, like he was trying to stop me.

"You shouldn't even bother. The teachers aren't even back yet," he said.

"When will they back?"

"Who knows? I know when Baker will be back."

"And when is that?" His eyes looked like they were piercing me again. I felt like putty in his hands.

"Not today." He stood up. He walked around the desk, slowly. He moved towards me in a commanding stride. I knew exactly what was going to happen, but was still surprised at what was happening. I felt my breathing shallow as he got around the desk. I turned the chair in his direction as he towered over me, looking down with a lustful gaze. I smiled up at him, encouraging him to do whatever he wanted.

He slowly eased down, past eye level until his knees hit the floor. His face was inches from mine and he stared deep into my eyes the entire time he undid my belt, unzipped my jeans and fished out the prize cock he'd been waiting for.

"Trust me, kid. You will never find a TA as helpful as this." He bent over and sucked my entire cock into his mouth.

To Be Continued...

They say that, like chameleons, humans are able to adapt to the situations around them. They say...

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