They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Jun 13, 2006


Standard Disclaimer. Contains depictions of gay sex. Continue at your own discretion.

They say you make your bed, and now it's time to sleep in it.

Charles- "What's the matter?" I looked up quickly into Brooklyn's eyes as he asked me that.

"Huh?" I said, caught off guard.

"You were acting strange tonight," he whispered.

"I must have dozed off," I replied. I turned a little in his arms and turned my head back to the ceiling.

Brooklyn had been great. The night had been great. Dinner, the walk around campus, the sex in his apartment- twice, everything had been great. I couldn't understand why I was thinking so much.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked softly.

"You want the truth, or the romantic answer?" I asked. He grinned.

"I always want the truth," he replied.

"The truth is you're poking me," I said, referring to his semi-hard dick pressed against the small of my back. "And that the reason gay men have more fun is because they don't have talk to their partner in bed."

"I'm sorry," he said, shifting away from me and I immediately regretted the words. "For the talking," he added. "Not the penis."

I smiled, but there was a lump in my throat from guilt after what I'd just said. 'Damn, you Charles,' I thought. 'You really know how to mess something up.'

"Don't be," I said softly. I turned my entire body away from him this time because I knew I didn't want him to see me as I said what I was about to say. "The truth is I'm scared."

"Of what, babe?" he asked gently.

"Huh," I took a deep breath and explained. "The whole time you were with Jesse I was telling myself there was nothing to be jealous about. I told myself that I had the best end of the bargain, a great guy to sleep with and none of the drama to deal with. But the more I saw you two together, the more the drama looked inviting if it meant spending more time with you. I was jealous."

"What does that have to do with us now? Jesse is behind me," he spoke almost defensively but with pure earnest.

"No, I know that," I replied. "Its just that I'd never felt like that before. I've never felt like I need someone, or even wanted someone. I've never," I hesitated. "I've never really dated anyone or cared about anyone."

He didn't say anything so I continued. "I mean, I'm just feeling all these new things, and I don't know what's right and what isn't."

"It's all right," he replied. "Everything you're feeling is what you're supposed to be feeling. You know I like you, a lot, and I want this to work. Just relax and let whatever is going through your mind go through your mind. Don't analyze it, just feel it."

"Thank you Dr. Phil, I appreciate that," I said with a laugh.

"You little fucker," Brooklyn replied turning to me and wrapping his arms around me again.

"I meant what I said," he whispered when we'd stopped moving. "I do love you." I hesitated but he cut me off. "And you don't have to say anything or do anything. Just know that I do."

And then and there, lying in arms, I felt that he did. And I almost felt the same way.

Zach- "This is unbelievable," I uttered.

"What?" Shane asked.

"I said this is unbelievable."

"I know. I heard you; I meant what is unbelievable."

"He got kicked out of the army," I replied.

"Yeah, I know," Shane replied. "Him and his friend were doing it in some barrack. The whole thing's been on the news."

"I know," I said. "But I, I know, I know him."

"You do?" Shane looked at me surprised.

"Yeah," I said. I stood up off the couch and started pacing. "Oh, God, oh God," I repeated. "And he called?" I asked Shane.

"Umm," he looked oddly confused. I was getting tired and I needed him to pick up the pace. "I guess it could have been him. The guy's name was," and then as if been struck by lightning, "OH!"

Shane's eyes were huge. He was half sitting, half standing. "That's the guy that called you!"

"I am so glad you were able to figure that out, Sherlock," I teased. "Did he leave a number?" I was still pacing.

"No," Shane replied. "He was calling from a payphone. What do you think he wanted?"

"Hmm," I said, still in sarcastic maybe. "Maybe to tell me that he was discharged and that he was coming home." I paused. "Oh shit," I said out loud. "He's coming home."

As if out of a scene from a movie, as soon as the words escaped my mouth, Shane and I both heard a knock on the door and we both knew exactly who it was.

Denton- "Don't talk," I said shortly.

"Denton," he protested.

"I said, no talking," I said a little more firmly. We rode in silence for a few more miles.

"You know," he began. "You're gonna have to say something to me sometime."

"I need to pee," I replied.

"A start."

We continued driving until Luke pulled into a rest stop off the highway.

"Well here goes our lead," he commented as we got out of the car and walked toward the restrooms of the rest stop.

The place was virtually empty aside from the clerk at the front desk. It was a little dirty, smelled a little bad, but all in all, it wasn't the worst rest stop I'd seen.

I walked straight the restroom, leaving Luke in the convenience center looking at the map.

While I was standing there, over the urinal, draining the main vein, I started thinking. This guy, Luke, was marrying my brother without telling him about his past in the Tribe. I didn't know how my brother would react if he knew, but I did know that that might put some kind of damper on their relationship. So, as I stood there holding my cock out over the urinal, I realized that what stood between Luke and his future was me.

I must have a lot to drink that morning, because the stream continued as I kept pondering different things. If I did tell Bri about Luke, and if Bri did leave him, then were would Luke go? He wouldn't be able to come back to the Tribe. I doubt he had some kind of back up plan, so what would become of him? A hint of guilt went through my head as my stream of piss started to slow, but it quickly passed. If Luke ever gave me a reason to rat him out, I wouldn't hesitate, I decided.

"You done in here?" I heard Luke call from the door. "We're gonna be like 20 minutes behind."

"Hold on, Jeff Gordon, I'm coming," I replied.

"If I had a dime for every time I heard that."

"You're a sicko," I said under my breath as I zipped up and walked to the sink to wash up. I could feel Luke walk up behind me as I stood before the mirror. He was standing just behind me, closer than he should have been, smiling into the mirror.

"Remember these days," he whispered. He slowly thrust his hips toward me. I squirmed uncomfortable. "Don't tell me you've forgotten."

"No," I said turning. I stared him down from an inch away. He could feel my breath on his face as I spoke. "But I suggest you forget right now. I don't have time for you shit."

"You always had time for Glass," he persisted. He had me pinned with his body to the sink.

"Yeah," I said. "Well you're Luke now," I said stressing Luke. I reached around him and grabbed for the paper towels. He had our crotches touching and I could feel the cock that had served as my first a few months ago. He never let go of his gaze into my eyes.

"Let me tell you something, Luke," I said strongly. "I'm not sure what you want. I don't know if you want my brother. I don't know if you love him, or you just want his money."

"I like his body," he said over me. I didn't skip a beat as I continued.

"I don't know if you still want me. I don't know if you still think about my dick when you fall asleep at night, or whether when my brother is boning, nice and slow, its my cock you imagine going up your ass."

"Always," he said, overlapping me again.

"I do know something, though, Luke. I know you are a jackass and you do things to get what you want. I do know that I am not going to be a victim of your shit anymore. I hold the cards no, Luke, so if you cross me, you will lose my brother. If you do not get off of me, I will call him right now and let him know exactly what you did during college. Or who you did during college."

I smiled triumphantly, but to my surprise, Luke didn't retreat.

"Are you sure about that, Denton?" he asked coyly. "Are you positive that I'm really going to do what you say because I'm afraid you might tell your brother about the two of us?"

I didn't say anything. It didn't sound like a question I could respond to.

"Follow me," he said. He lead me outside of the rest stop back the car. I was stunned by what I saw, floored that I couldn't keep walking. I stood there, looking through the window onto the passenger's seat.

Sitting there, in a stack about 2 inches thick, were full sized photographs, neatly arranged. The top picture told me all I needed to know about the stack. Right there in my seat were pictures of Luke and I, doing the nasty.

Charles- I woke up in Brooklyn's bed alone. I looked around trying to ease the sleep away from me. I stretched and yawned.

"Brooklyn?" I called out. I heard the water in the shower stop flowing. A minute later, Brooklyn came out, towel wrapped around his waist.

"Morning, sexy," he said. He walked straight to the closet to get something to wear.

"Hey bud," I said still laying in the bed. My morning wood was tenting the thin sheet. I know he'd seen it, but he wasn't focusing. "Why don't you drop the towel and get back in bed."

"Can't," he replied not even turning around. "I already showered. Plus, we already did it like 4 times in the last 12 hours."

"Don't tell me you can't hang with a college guy?" I taunted. It didn't work. He had his pants up, and his undershirt on.

"Blue or white?" he asked facing me for the first time. I sat up.

"Black," I said. I stood up and walked into the bathroom to pee.

"That wasn't a choice," he said. He put down the white shirt and started buttoning the blue one.

I came back out, stopped and looked at him. "You're luck you're hot because that outfit is hideous."

He walked up to me.

"Yeah well," he replied. "Maybe my students will stop hitting on me, then."

"Maybe," I replied. I gave him a peck and tried to climb back into bed.

Brooklyn grabbed my arm and dragged me off. "No, no," he said. "We're leaving."

"Why?" I whined.

"Cuz I have a class to lecture, and you have teeth to brush." He winced at the smell from my mouth.

"Umm, why. Can't I just go back to sleep? I'll lock up when I leave." I crawled back onto the bed.

"You don't have a key," he said. "Get up. I'll drop you off at the dorm."

"Then leave me a key," I said. I was already settling back in on the bed. I could tell he was getting frustrated. He had his shoes on.

"I don't have a spare one," he said. He was walked over to the head of the bed to get his briefcase. He was standing over me like my father used to. "Let's go."

"How about," I said. "You leave me your key, and I'll go get a copy made. I'll drop it off at your office during lunch."

He didn't say anything. He just looked down on me. I tried my best to smile sheepishly. He sighed, reached into his back and pulled out the key. He leaned down and kissed me for the last time, this time slipping some tongued.

"Ew," he winced. "Brush your teeth, you smell like shit."

"You look like shit," I shouted as he walked out the door. I lay back down feeling pretty damn good about myself.

Denton- "What the fuck is that?" I said staring into the window.

"That, my friend, is you and Mitchell, going at it."

I was speechless. "What, the... What the," I mumbled. "What are you going to do with those?"

"We'll get to that," he said. "Get in, we have a lot to discuss."

I did as he said. He started driving in silence, but soon, he was rambling.

"So, let me get this straight," he said in a condescending tone. "You've known me for like 4 or 5 months now and you still think you're smarter than me." I thought it wise not to answer. He continued. "I'm not that stupid, Denton. You see, when I met your brother at the airport, as you've probably guessed, I was tailing you. I was getting information so the Tribe could decide if it really wanted you in. When I met Bri, things changed, though. I knew that I'd be leaving the Tribe to spend the rest of my life with."

"Cut the made-for-TV-movie shit."

"Ok, ok," he said. "So I had to think. I had to think what I would do in case you ever found out what I did, and decided to blackmail me with it, like you were planning on doing."

"I wasn't going to," he cut me off.

"Shut the fuck up. You talk when I say you can." I looked at him briefly, but he stared forward. "We both know what you were going to, and its ok, cuz I would have done the same thing. And because I would have done the same thing, I had to come up with a plan. So I picked you for my little."

"Isn't that kind of stupid?" I asked, taking a risk but not really caring.

"I'm gonna give you a chance to tell me why it would be stupid, then I'll correct you."

"Umm," I hesitated. "Well, if I was someone else's little, I'd never know you. I wouldn't know what you did, therefore not having anything to blackmail you with."

"Good try," he said condescendingly. "Let's assume you were someone else's little, and all you do is see me in passing. I'm not a hard face to forget, Denton. You see me here this weekend with your brother, you recognize me, you ask around and you learn shit. So I picked you and decided that if you were going to use something as leverage to blackmail me, I needed just as much leverage. So I fucked you." I blushed like I hadn't blushed since I was a little kid. "And I took pictures. Smart enough, right?" I didn't respond. "Except for one thing. You could see me in the pictures. That wasn't too good because, well, I incriminate you, I incriminate me. It's lose, lose."

I suddenly knew exactly where he was going. A lump the size of a stone hit me in my gut. I couldn't believe it.

"You got..."

"Mitchell. I paid him to fuck you."

His words spun around in my mind. I couldn't understand what was going on. I didn't believe them at first.

"Oh, close your mouth," he quipped unsympathetically. "I swear I had no idea the lush would fall for you. That was all him."

"Stop the car," I said with absolutely no emotion to my voice. "I'm getting out."

"Don't be stupid."

"I said I'm getting out whether you stop the car or not, so I suggest you stop it."

He grabbed my thigh at the precise moment that I put my hand on the door handle.

"And I said don't be stupid. It isn't that serious Denton."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," he said, lowering his voice. "I mean that I'm going to need you to take a dose of calm down. The ball is entirely in your court. I do nothing with pictures but have a bonfire if you promise to keep your mouth shut. You so much as sneeze a word of anything you know about me to Brian and I send these to everyone that you have ever known."

My breathing began to slow as my body calmed down. I wasn't in such a bad position, I thought. Plus, there had to be some way I could turn the tables back in my favor. For now, I just breathed deeply, calmed down and whispered, "Fine," before taking my hand off of the door handle.

Jesse- I decided to do. I decided that if I was going to do it, I had to do it quickly, before I had a chance to talk myself out of doing it. So I did. I woke up, got dressed, and went quickly to the lecture hall for my Freshman Composition class.

I had decided to do it so quickly that I hadn't bothered to realize that I was an hour early for the class and that the halls in the English building were nearly deserted.

I looked around, decided I had nowhere to go, and sat down on the floor near the door.

"Well aren't we eager," I heard a voice say about 20 minutes later. I must have dozed off because I didn't even here the footsteps coming.

I looked up to see Brooklyn unlocking the lecture hall.

"Yeah," I stammered, feeling awkward as I stood up. "I should go. I'll be back when class..."

"Wait," he said interrupting me. "Come inside."

I hesitated, not wanting to get into any more unusual situations that I had to. I ended up following him into the dimly lit auditorium. He sat down at his desk, and turned to me as I stood by the door.

"You do know you can come in, right?" he said in a weak attempt at lightening the mood.

"Sorry," I said. I walked in and stood right next to were he was sitting. He looked up at me.

"I just wanted to apologize," he said. "I didn't mean to turn your first semester into a disaster."

I had nothing to say, so he kept talking.

"I do want you to know that I am still your teacher and that whatever happened between the two of us has nothing to do with this class. So even if we had our differences on the personal level, I don't want you to hesitate to come to me on a professional level. Deal?"

"Sure," was all I could come up with.

"Good. I'm glad you're back in class. How have you been?" he added.

"We don't have to do this," I replied. "We don't owe each other anything."

"I know," he said. "But I still care about you, Jesse. I want to make sure you're alright."

"I'll be alright when you stop fucking around with Charles," I said pointedly. I didn't care anymore. He wanted to talk; I'd give him something to talk about.

"What are you talking about?" he asked coyly. His neck was turning pink under his collar. "Charles and I aren't together."

I didn't know how to react to this blatant lie. I'd seen them. Should I tell him that I'd seen them or should I not? Unfortunately the words came out before I had a chance to really think about them.

"I saw him leaving your apartment the other day."

"You mean when he came over to pick up his stuff?"

I swallowed hard. Maybe I'd made myself crazy based on an assumption and that nothing was really going on between them. I felt really stupid.

"I had no idea," I said quietly. "Sorry for the... whatever," I mumbled.

"It's not a problem. Even though we aren't together anymore, I don't want to hurt you," he said gently. "Are we good?"

I really wanted to be good. I wanted to put everything behind me, so I did. I forgave him right then and there.

"We're good," I replied with a smile.

"Great," he replied with a gentle, sincere smile.

Charles- "You told him that we weren't together?" I said. It was a little agitating that he would do that, but I didn't want to make a big deal about it. I just wanted to know why.

"He was hurt, Charles," he said.

"I guess," I said. I put my head down and started reading again. Brooklyn was in the kitchen making dinner.

"It wasn't a big deal, Charles," he said from the kitchen.

"Ok," I said, annoyed and with a hint of sarcasm and attitude.

Brooklyn came walking out of the kitchen in an apron carrying a spatula. "Then don't make it into a big deal if it isn't."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "I said ok. It isn't a big deal."

"Apparently you don't think so."

"You're crazy, Chef Boy R D," I laughed. He looked at me seriously.

"Look," he said dead serious. "If it's ok, then let it be ok. But don't say its ok if your gonna have a problem with it and come around here with an attitude."

"I'm gonna need for you to stop sniffing the pepper when you're cooking." He gave me a look, turned around and stocked back to the kitchen.

"Fine," I said getting up off the couch. "Maybe it isn't ok. And I didn't want to make a big deal about it cuz I probably shouldn't be jealous. But yes, Brooklyn, it does make a little nervous when you go around lying to a guy that you left you dated, and that obviously has feelings for you."

"But I don't have feelings for him," he said defensively. "You know that."

"I do, but he doesn't. To Jesse, you just left the door open." He turned and looked at me, and I decided to go for jugular. "What are you gonna do when he shows up wanting to patch things up?"

"I wouldn't go there, Charles."

"Ok," I said with the same attitude I had before. I turned and went back to the living room.

"There you go again with the attitude and sarcasm," he shouted from the kitchen. He came walking back to the living room again. "Can't you ever just say what you feel?"

"You left him to be with me, Brooklyn," I said without skipping a beat.


"So I can never be sure you won't leave me to be with someone else." He knew I had a point, because he didn't respond. He swallowed hard and just looked at me. This whole relationship thing was too new to me and I had no idea what I was doing. "That's what I feel," I shrugged. I lowered my head and went back to reading my book.

Zach- "Hi," I said with a forced smile.

"Hi," Tag replied. "It's good to see you again."

I just smiled. I let him in. "This is my roommate, Shane," I said.

"Nice to meet you," Shane said, extending a hand to Tag. Tag courteously introduced himself and shook Shane's hand. I couldn't help but feel like they were sizing each other up.

I will admit that Tag looked sexy. The rugged guy I'd known was gone and he was clean-shaven, erect, and smooth. He looked sexy in his uniform as well. I'm sure Shane couldn't help but notice that Tag was definitely an attractive guy.

Tag turned to talk to me as I stood leaning by the door. "So I'm home," he said blankly.

"I see that," I replied. "Have a seat."

Tag and I sat down and Shane, to avoid any uncomfortable ness, excused himself to go study and headed to our bedroom.

"I saw, Tag," I started. "On the news."

"Aw," he said. "I tried to call you."

"Yeah," I replied. "Shane told me."

"I'm sure. What's the story between you too?" he asked trying to hard to sound like he didn't really want to know.

"We're roommates," I said trying to hard to sound like we were only roommates and nothing more.

"Good," Tag replied with a shallow breath. He paused, then added, "Cuz I was hoping that we could start where we left off."

I hesitated. I smiled at him, but my mind was racing at thousand miles an hour. I thought about Shane, my 'roommate.' Would Tag's presence change things between Shane and me? Of course. Would I be happier with Tag than I was with Shane? I don't know. I wanted to kick myself in the shin for being so stupid. I'd avoided this mess for 18 years by taking my time before letting my heart slip. And my heart had slipped, with Tag first and then with Shane when he picked up the pieces. But they were so different. I didn't have to worry or care when I was around Shane. We just had fun. But Tag brought out emotions that I was addicted to. It would impossible to turn both of those things off.

"I don't know, Tag," I said without conviction.

"What's wrong?" Tag replied. He looked at me quizzically.

"Nothing," I said. I shifted. "Its just... nothing. But things are complicated. I don't... its complicated."

"Ok," Tag said. "So tell me."

"I don't want to do that. You just got back, and, I don't really want to," I replied.

Suddenly, Shane came out of the bedroom and announced he was making a food run and asked if we wanted anything. We told him no.

"Is it him?" Tag asked when Shane had closed the front door. I put my hand on my head and sighed. He stood and looked at me disappointedly.

"It isn't even like that, Tag."

"No, no," he replied. "It's ok. It's not even a problem."

"It isn't what you think. Where are you going?"

"I've got some stuff to think about," he replied. "As do you."

"Tag," I pleaded.

"It's ok," he said. "I'll call you later. It's fine. I'm fine."

And he walked out of the door. And I stood there with my back against the wall wondering if I could have done anything differently.

Denton- "So what do you want?" I asked after about 40 miles of silence. We were driving down an open stretch, doing 80 on the freeway.

"Pardon?" he asked.

"What do you want from me?"

"Have I asked for you anything?" he asked with an attitude.

"No," I replied.

"Alright then." His eyes never left the road. I thought it was over, but about a mile later, as the sun stretched high over the empty highway, he said softly, "Now that you mention it, though."

He looked at me with those eyes. It was the same glassy stare that had greeted me every time he wanted something.

"Glass," I said disapprovingly.


"Luke," I said in the same tone.

"You asked me if I wanted anything. I happen to want something."

"Well if you happen to want what I think you want, you may as well stop wanting because I'm not gonna give it."

"You know I don't stop wanting until I get," he replied.

"Well you won't get," I said quickly.

"Are you sure?" he asked without missing a beat.

"Glass, you're with my brother now."

"Stop calling me that!" he yelled. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I tensed. I was a little frightened. He was acting crazy and the car wasn't going straight and I was powerless to stop his rage.

"You asked me what I wanted?" he said rhetorically. He grabbed the back of my head with his right hand and I twitched. "You asked right?"

"Yes," I replied. My voice was shaky. With this right hand on the back of my hand, he took his left hand off the wheel and unzipped his pants.

"I want you to suck it," he said lowering his voice. "For old time's sake."

"Luke," I said in protest. "I can't."

"I said suck it!" he shouted, violently shoving my head down to his crotch. The car swerved and I bucked back, sitting straight up.

"Are you trying to kill us?" I yelled just as loud as he was yelling. "What the fuck."

"Come on, Denton," he said softly. "Just suck me. You know how much I like it when you do it." For the first time he took his eyes off the road and looked at me. I knew I had to do it, as did he.

I met his eyes briefly and pathetically lowered my head to his crotch. With my closest arm, I fished out his dick and he immediately started moaning above me.

"You know how much I like it when you do it," he repeated.

I started by licking it long, like a Popsicle, up and down, pausing at the head to give it extra attention. Every time I made it up to the sensitive part, the car would buck one way and Luke would moan.

"That's it, Denton," he said stroking the back of my head. "Take it in babe." The way he was encouraging me to suck his dick was completely different from the way he used to sit silently on his bed as I wondered whether or not I was doing it right. Slowly, I opened my lips wide and at his entire shaft, the head of his cock going down the back of my throat.

"Oh, fuck, Denton. I love it when you deep throat me."

This was a completely different guy that I was sucking off. He was energetic; he loved what I was doing. He was vocal. I felt him tense as his grip on my neck got harder. I bobbed up and down faster and his breathing quickened to match my pace.

"Fuck, Denton," he breathed shallowly. "I'm about to cum."

I had a split to decide whether or not I was gonna swallow his sweet cum, but the decision was pretty much made for me. If I'd decided not to, I would have had to fight the tight grip Luke was applying to my head as he moaned louder than I'd ever heard him moan before. His cock was all the way in my mouth, so I didn't taste the hot cum, but I felt it slide sweetly down my throat, one spurt after another. For five minutes, Luke came, erupting inside of me as I ate every last drop.

When he was finally done, I licked the sensitive head of his cock as I sat up, taking the last drop of jizz with me.

"That was great, Denton," he said. "I forgot how good that tongue of yours works."

As much as I'd tried not to enjoy what I was doing, I couldn't argue with the stiffening of my cock in my pants. Luke noticed it as well.

"It looks like you enjoyed it as well," he added.

That's when we saw them. The lights were bright and they came towards us fast, flashing red and blue, red and blue. I looked at Luke as he slowly pulled over, then brought my hand up to wipe my mouth.

They say you made your bed, and now its time to sleep in it.

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Next: Chapter 26

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