They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Jun 1, 2006


Standard disclaimer applies. Contains depictions of gay sex. Continue at your own discretion.

They say that things in life are like boomers. We let them go, and as quickly as they slip away is as quickly as they returned.

Charles- "So what are we gonna do?" I asked. Zach and I had retreated to the other room to talk about what to do with the Italian stud.

"Well, we let him stay here, of course. What did you wanna kick him to the streets?"

"No, idiot," I responded just as sarcastically. "I mean, what do we do?" I asked dragging out the do...

"What do you mean?" he asked, mocking me dragging out the mean.

"Ok," I explained. "I mean, you have an empty bed right?"


"But that guy can't stay with you."

"Why not?" he interrupted.

"Because you have a boyfriend," I said matter-of-factly. "And Marco will be temptation."

"Umm," Zach responded. "I'm sorry to burst your horny little bubble, but you have a boyfriend too."

"Yes," I said. "This, I am aware. However, Brooklyn and I have an open relationship, so he wouldn't mind me being tempted."

"You're on crack," Zach said. He pushed his way past me, but I stopped him.

"Please," I begged. "He is so cute, and I haven't stayed with someone cute in forever. Shane doesn't have that much stuff; I'll move it over myself. Please, let me have the Italian."

The plan was racing through my mind as quickly as the words were coming out. I'd lost my touch, which was for certain. I didn't have the desires to sleep with guys like I used to. Everyone reminded me that they weren't Brooklyn, and every time I thought about sex, it was with him. I was turning into a one-man-guy, and I wasn't sure I was ready to do that. So what better way to jump-start my libido than to have the sexy Italian move in with me?

"Dude," Zach said. "You don't even know if the guy is gay."

I opened the door a crack with my forearm and Zach and I listened in to Marco and Shane's conversation.

"So you've seen both of them naked? Who has the bigger soldier?"

I closed the door before hearing Shane's answer.

"I wanted to hear which one of us has the bigger soldier," Zach whined when I closed the door.

"Don't be stupid," I said. "Of course its me."

He shot me a look.

"Listen," I said. "You let him stay with me, and I'll do the dishes for a month."

"Shane does the dishes."

"Laundry," I tried.

"You can't separate cottons from delicates. There is no fucking way you're touching my laundry."

I was running out of ideas.

"You go nothing," Zach said. "But," he continued slowly. "Since I am such a great friend, and since I hate to hear you bitch and whine, I will let the sexy Italian move in with you."

"God, dude," I said hugging him and lifting him off the ground. "You rock. You're amazing. I love you. Hell yeah."

Denton- "Hi," I said outstretching my arm. "Name's Denton."

"Nice to meet you, Denton," he responded. "I'm Mitchell."

We stared each other down, neither of us wanting to betray that we knew the other. I wondered, as I stood there, how much of this arrangement Mitchell was aware of. Did he know that his brother and my brother were dating? Did he know that I had no idea what was going on the whole time? I wanted desperately to ask him these questions but knew I couldn't, not until we were in private.

As if he were reading my mind, Glass looked at us and said, "You two had a long flight. Why don't you both go upstairs and freshen up."

"Good idea," my brother said, standing and walking over to where Glass stood. From behind him, he whispered "And we can get ready for dinner."

A wicked smile, all to familiar, crept over Glass' face.

With a little bit of bile in my throat, I turned, grabbed one of Mitchell's bags and helped him upstairs. Once we were in the room, the questions began flying.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I asked.

"I have no clue," he replied.

"Did you know?" I asked.

"No what?"

"Them," I shouted, pointing to the door.

"Dude, believe me," he said calmly. "I knew my brother was leaving the tribe to get married, but I had no idea it was to your brother. You're brother didn't tell you?"

"No," I said. "He didn't even tell me he was gay, that bastard."

"Did you tell him?" I jolted.

"Huh?" I asked quietly.

"Did you tell your brother that you were gay?"

"I'm not gay, exactly," I replied. "And this isn't about me. This is about them."

Mitchell just looked at me and shrugged.

"Tell me you feel slightly betrayed," I said.

"Betrayed about what?"

"That your brother would keep this from you. That he wouldn't tell you something like this."

"He told me he was getting married. Or 'settling down' to be exact. I never thought to ask with whom."

"Who," I corrected.

"It's whom."

"No it isn't," he said stubbornly.

"Yeah it is," I said.

"Who cares?"

"Ok. So what do we do?"

"Umm," he said, thinking. "We act like this is nothing. We act like the two of us have never met. The fact that we go to the same school is the highest coincidence. We keep what happened between us away from this weekend. This is about them, not us."

"Alright," I agreed.

"And we try our hardest to keep our hands off each other."

Charles- "So you're my new roomie, huh?"


"Roommate," I explained. His accent alone was giving me a hard on. I decided to stay up and help him unpack his things. Like I said, Shane didn't have that much stuff, and so moving him to Zach's room took all of 15 minutes, and Marco was in the shower, not even aware of what was going on.

"I guess I am," he said, the thick drawl oozing out.

"How long have you been here?"

"In the states? 4 years. In Texas, 6 hours. I moved here from New York City."

"Wow," I said. "What were you doing up there?"

"My father works for the embassy. I told him I wanted to go to a normal college with normal students, but the home school paperwork took a while, so I'm late for the semester."

"Cool," I said equally mesmerized by his story as I was by his voice. "Sounds like you're living quite the life."

"I confess," he replied. He was putting away his last hanger, so I took a seat on my bed, facing him.

"So why here?" I asked.

"Why Texas?"


"Honestly?" he said. He sat down on his bed and stared at me intensely. I nodded. "You don't really want to know."

He was reading me to see if I would understand. He was hesitant.

"I bet you I do."

"Ok. I chose Texas because I heard the guys down here had more down there," he confessed with a wicked smile. He sat there waiting for my reaction, not sure if I would throw him out of the room or what.

"Well," I said in my sexiest reply. "You're just gonna have to find out, aren't you?"

Zach- "Five bucks says they're in there having sex right now," Shane said unexpectedly. I was just beginning to doze off.

"Eh," I said. "Charles isn't that fast."

"He slept with me on the first night," he whispered. I involuntarily squirmed and Shane must have felt it. "Before I met you."

"That's better," I said. I turned my body and faced him. He was smiling at me.

"So you don't think so?" he said.

"I really don't care. But if you insist on making everything into a bet, I guess, no I don't think they're in there having sex."

"Five bucks?"

"Five bucks."

"Ok," he said. He shook something between my legs with his hands and I got excited. "Go check."

"You go check," I said. I didn't want to get up at that moment in time.

"No, you go."


"Why me?" he asked like a little kid.

"Because its your bet."

"Exactly why it should be you. I'm the one that came up with the bet, so you could at least go check it out."

I lay there thinking for a second on how I would get out of this.

"Ok, fine," I said getting up. My boner was subsiding. "I'll go. It's been a while since I've seen Charles naked." I paused. "And that Italian is hella-sexy with his cloths on. Imagine when he takes them off."

By that time, I was sitting all the way up getting ready to stand. Just as I'd predicted, Shane grabbed my shoulder, pulled me to the bed and planted a heavy wet kiss on me.

"Let's just call this bet a draw."

I was only a little disappointed because my curiosity really wanted to see if they were doing it right then and there.

Jesse- I called him first thing in the morning. I knew his routine. He woke up, showered, shaved, and got half dressed. Walked into the kitchen with the morning paper, made a cup of coffee. He stood while the coffee was brewing, reading the news. When he was done with the first two sections, he folded up the paper, cut a bagel- because he only ate half- and poured his coffee. He sat down, finished the paper, saving the sports section for last, and ate his breakfast. That's when I called him.

"He sexy," he said, cheerfully, the coffee starting to take effect.

"I slept with a teacher," I said. He didn't respond, so I continued. "He wasn't really a teacher. He's more like a teacher's assistant. Anyway, I met him on the first day of classes because I was going from office to office like you'd told me and there he was in my English professor's office. And he was really sexy, and he hit on my, so I slept with him. Only, it turns out he was my teacher's assistant, which was ok until about a week ago, when he kicked me out of his house and I haven't been to class since, and I'm a little afraid to go."

I paused. I took a deep breath and waited for him to answer.

"Is that what happened?"


"Why do I feel like there's more holes in your story than there is actual story?"

I wished I were sitting across from him in his kitchen so I could see his facial expression as he spoke. This was by far the most complicated thing I'd ever revealed to him all the years we'd known each other.

"You promised, Matt."

"Promised what?" he asked defensively.

"That you wouldn't get upset," I replied.

"I'm not upset. I just," he stammered. "I don't know what to say. You aren't really giving me much information here."

"What do I do?" I said, raising my voice.

"About what?"

"About this!"

He paused for a beat before replying, "You go to class."

"I can't."

"Then you don't go to class."

"You aren't really helping."

"What do you want me to say, Jesse?" I didn't reply him, so he continued. "I can't exactly tell you what to do. Either you go to class and brush this off like nothing happened, or you don't, and fail. I'm sure it would be really difficult to explain to the academic board exactly why you got an Incomplete in freshmen comp."

I waited a second to make sure he was done raising his voice at me. I liked it when he got stern; it made me feel like I had a father.

"Matt," I spoke softly. "I want to tell you everything. From the beginning."

"Whenever you're ready, Jesse, I'm here."

"Then I suggest you call in sick to work."

"Done," he said. "Get dressed. I'm coming over."

Denton- "Wake up, you lazy asses," my brother boomed from the other side of the door. He knocked twice before yelling, "We have to go. Get a move on, bitches."

I woke up, groggy and headed for the bathroom. I knew I only had time for a quick shower, so I hopped in, the water waking me up. I'd just made the decision to shave in the shower when Mitchell's body squeezed in behind me.

"We don't have time for both of us to shower separately," he explained. "So pass the soap."

I thought about it for a second, and the blood rushing to my cock made the decision for me.

"No problem," I said. "I was just getting out."

"Weren't you gonna shave?"

I looked down at the razor, then up at Mitchell.

"Um, no," I replied. "It fell." I put the razor back where it had come from and got out of the shower.

After brushing my teeth and giving myself a once over in the mirror, I headed down the hall back to Mitchell and my room to get dressed.

"You know you want to drop the towel," I heard a voice say as soon as I got into the bedroom.

"Get out, Glass," I said firmly. I held on to my towel.

"Just let go," he said. He was sitting cross-legged on my bed with his hands behind his head. He was smiling at me wickedly. "For old times sake."

"There is no old times, now get out of my room." I crossed the bedroom to the closet, walked in, shut the closet door and didn't come out until I had a pair of 501s on.

"So you're gonna go commando?" Glass asked when I came out.

"What do you want, Glass?" I asked, getting highly annoyed.

"Luke," he said.


"My name is Luke now. I don't go by Glass."

"I'm sure," I said sarcastically. I crossed over to my dresser to pull out a T-shirt.

"I'm serious, Denton," he said.

"Ok," I said bitterly, turning to face him. "I'm sorry, Luke. Better?" I felt like I could spit in his face at that exact moment.

"Listen to me," he said standing. He was going back to the powerful guy I'd once known and feared.

"Fuck no," I said. I think I involuntarily took a step backwards. "You don't get to talk to me like I'm your subordinate anymore. This isn't the Tribe, and I'm not your little, so you can cut that shit."

"Denton," he said calmly. "I understand that. And I understand that you are a little upset." I chuckled. "But listen to me, if for the last time, just listen."

I didn't say anything, but I continued to stand my ground.

"I need you not to mention any of this to your brother," he continued. "If he knew anything about the Tribe, about us, he would never be able to get past it."

"You want me to lie to my brother?"

"No," he said. "Just don't tell him everything you know."

I didn't say anything for a second. I just stared into Glass' eyes, thinking. I contemplated as he stood there waiting for my reaction. He nervously bit his lower lip.

"Fine," I said. A rush of relief escaped his chest. "But don't think it wont cost you." I paused before adding, "Luke."

Charles- The guy was exotic. He was more than a little rough, but all in all it was fun. He started by kneeling between my legs and literally ripping my cock from my shorts. He stuffed my entire semi-hard shaft down his throat, burying his face in my pubes.

I growled with pleasure, fueling him to suck me harder. The guys tongue was like a beast, his hands as fast as lightning.

"Oh, fuck Marco," I whined. "Slow down."

I grabbed his head, trying to restrain him a little, but that only fueled him to suck harder and bob faster. I was powerless under his continued frenzy, and I loved it.

Before I knew it, my dick was so hard it hurt and I was ready to pop in Marco's mouth.

"Dude, hold on, hold on," I stammered. "I'm about to blow."

The little fucker didn't care. He just kept right on sucking. His hands were everywhere. They roamed my entire body, not stopping at the same place for more than a few seconds. The guy was quick, and he was everywhere.

"Oh, fuck, man...." I cried, trying my best to hold back. Suddenly, Marco released my dick from his mouth, but there was no turning back. With my hand still behind his head, holding it in place, I let loose all over Marco's face. He loved it, urging me on.

"Cum on, fucker," he said in his thick accent. "Cum all over me, just like that."

My jizz was splattered all over the horny import's hair, face, and chest. With one of his hands massaging my balls, the other left my body and went to work on his own chest, rubbing my cum all over his skin.

He had a wicked satisfied grin on his face and I just sat there looking at him blankly as he seductively rubbed my cock juice all over his body.

In the sexiest move I've seen in a while, he took his middle finger, ran it across his face, collecting a glob of jizz on the way and brought it to his outstretched tongue.

"Mmmmm," he moaned, sucking on his own finger. "American's do taste sweeter."

He then took his wet finger, traced more cum onto it, and brought it behind himself. I couldn't exactly see what he was doing, but from the looks of things, he was trying to find to his hole. My cock sprang back to life watching this horny Italian stud pleasure himself using my natural lube.

Before I even had time to fully recover, the guy was ready for more action. He put both hands on my chest, massaging my pecks for a minute, before hurling me backwards onto the bed. He climbed on top of me roughly, grinning like hell over my face.

From where I lay on my back, all I saw was the perfectly chiseled face of this perfectly sexy god, long hair stringing over his face, sweat dripping down his chest.

Again he smiled down on me, and in one move, I felt his tight asshole around my hard as a rock cock. I almost screamed his name out, the pleasure was so good. The stud didn't waste any time. He was going up and down my shaft, riding me, like there was no fucking tomorrow.

His hands again were everywhere. The scratched up and down my chest, my arms, my abs, everywhere he could dig a fingernail into my skin. I thought I was gonna cry from a pleasure overload.

I'd never been used so savagely. It was obvious that Marco wanted only thing, and he would stop at nothing to get it. He wanted my cock to spill every last ounce of cum and he would do anything to make sure that happened. He didn't care about me or what I was feeling at the moment, albeit I was feeling pretty damn incredible. He didn't care about the bruises and scratches he was leaving all over my body, albeit they were pretty damn sexy. All he cared about was his satisfaction, all I'd cared about for so long.

I looked up at him and I suddenly got sick. I didn't remember the rest of the event, but I'm pretty sure I just laid there and came as he road me up down. I was absent. I couldn't concentrate. All I could think about, looking up at his gyrating, sweaty body was how shallow I was, all of us were.

An hour later, I turned to notice that Marco was no longer on top of me but was sleeping peacefully on the floor between our beds. I must have dozed off.

"Oh, shit," I thought, letting the words escape out loud.

What the fuck was wrong with me? When and why did I suddenly develop feelings? Why did I care that a guy had just fucked the living shit out of me and I didn't even know his last name? And why the hell was I awake in the middle of the night thinking about Brooklyn?

Jesse- "So there we were, in his bosses office, having sex on the first day of classes. So I get his number and everything and we plan on calling each other, but then I go to class the next day and guess who's the there to teach me?"


"Exactly. And he was all sexy about it, smiling at me and giving me looks all hour. And so we had sex right after that. And everything was great for a couple months, except that I felt really guilty that I was cheating on you."

I looked at him and he sort of winced.


"Nothing," he said. "Keep going."

"And so we started seeing each other regularly, not just to have sex, but to hang out and stuff. It was like we were dating, and that's when I started feeling really bad. Cuz when you're just sleeping with someone, it's just like sleeping with them, but when you're actually falling in love with them, it's a big deal."

Again, he winced when I looked at him.

"Look," I said facing him directly. "We don't have to do this. You told me to tell you everything, and I'm trying, but I can't do that if it's gonna freak you out every two seconds."

"It isn't that," he said. "Just keep talking, I'm ok."

"You sure?" he nodded, so I continued. "Ok. And so around this time, I stopped seeing Charles. Like either I'd be at Brooklyn's for the night, or he'd be off somewhere for the night, and all that stuff. It wasn't like I wanted to see him, I mean we'd only messed around once or twice, but I did notice it. It was kind of weird, but I just brushed it off and thought he had found himself someone."

"And he had?"

"Apparently. And so we had this huge argument one afternoon when we both happened to be home and he was so attacking me. He was like 'what you're doing isn't right. You need to pick one.' And I was like 'this is coming from the guy that spends every night with a different guy?' and he got really mad and left for this little thing, and I got really and left."

I looked at him, and he seemed pretty intent on what I was saying.

"And so that was the weekend I was supposed to come visit you, but then I called and cancelled and told Brooklyn I was coming over instead. And so I spent the weekend with Brooklyn and he was acting pretty weird and it kind of freaked me out, but then like out of nowhere he asked me to move in with him, and I was like hell yeah. And so I did right?"


"Except Charles tried to make me super jealous with his new roommate who wasn't even that cute, but anyway, he told me he had slept with Brooklyn once. And I got to thinking that if Charles was away the nights I was home, then it only made sense that he was somewhere I wasn't. And I wasn't with Brooklyn, so it made sense they were together. So I figured it out right?" "Right."

"So then Zach has a party for his little Marine friend, and me and Brooklyn go, and yes, I was a little drunk, but I end up yelling at Charles for being such a whore, and I was like 'You are such a whore.' And I told him I knew everything, and it was a big mess. And so Brooklyn and me went home and we talked and he confessed and promised things and I fell asleep and I assumed everything would be all right. But then something happened and I got super jealous and I went to over to Charles' house and was like 'Where is my boyfriend?' and Charles said he'd left a long time ago and that he was only here to pick up his things. And I felt really bad, but when I got home, Brooklyn was there, just off the phone with Charles and he was flipping angry. And he was like, 'If you can't trust me, then what the fuck are we doing here?' and I couldn't even defend myself because I had no idea what to say. And so he packed my stuff for me and threw me off to the streets." I paused and took a deep breath.

"And Zach said he wasn't gonna get into it with me and Charles and I had absolutely no where to go."

I looked into Matt's eyes and say a tear form at the edge. He looked at me with an emotion no one had ever looked me with. He could tell I was hurting, I was sad, depressed. I'd gone from having more than everything to nothing in on foul swoop. And in his eyes I saw the cure, I saw what I'd taken for granted for so long. I saw love.

Charles- The day was cloudy. I couldn't concentrate on one thing or another. At one point, I walked to the library instead of the gym, ordered a salad from the café instead of a steak. The thing surprised me the most was when I gained consciousness somewhere during the afternoon and I was having a conversation with Brooklyn, over the phone.

"You want to what?" he asked, sounding surprised.

"I want to go out for dinner tonight," I said. "You know, before we go to your place or mine. Whatever."

"Ok," he replied. "Sure."

I couldn't believe the words were escaping my mouth. I don't date. At least I didn't. Something was changing me into something I'd firmly avoided becoming for 18. Something was changing me into a boyfriend.

Denton- "What?" I said, not fully understanding what was going on.

"We're taking two cars because you and Mitchell have to drive back here to catch your flights."

"And where are you and him going?" I said, pointing to Luke, but addressing Brian.

"We're going up to Montreal for a few days. We talked about this," he said.

"No we didn't," I countered.

"Well we're talking now. So who do you want to ride with? Luke or Mitchell?"

"What if I don't want to ride with either?" I replied.

"Then you better start the long walk to the border," he said with an attitude that reminded me of the one I had developed in recent months.

"What if I want to ride with you?" I asked, feigning politeness.

"Flattering," Bri said. "But I really want us all to get to know each other on the trip. So you'll ride with Luke on the way up and Mitchell on the way back. That way I get to know Mitchell for a while, too."

Before I had a chance to protest, Bri had turned to the other brothers waiting for our conversation to end and shouted, "It's settled. Luke, you're with my little bro."

"Fucking shit," I whispered under my breath.

"What?" my brother said, turning to face me.

"Nothing," I returned with a smile. I sighed and walked to the car I'd be sharing with my former big-brother, Luke.

Jesse- For the first time in a while, I went through the day without crying or feeling sorry for myself. Everything was ok. I was ok. I felt ok. Matt left and I was still ok. I walked past the English building and I didn't feel the desire to bounce as quickly as possible. I didn't go in for class, but that was ok. Class could wait. I needed to take baby steps, and today was definitely a step in the right direction.

I was ok.

Zach- "You got a call," Shane said when I got home after my afternoon class.

"From who?" I asked, taking my coat off and dropping my books down on the table.

"Don't know," Shane replied. He was glued to the TV set. "You have got to see this news report."

"Where's Charles?"

"Charles is trying to look fabulous for his date tonight."

"Charles doest look fabulous for his date tonight," I heard Charles yell from his bedroom.

"The Italian?" I asked.

"Don't know," Shane said. "Dude, seriously, you have got to come see this. This is insane."

"It is my pleasure and my honor to present to you Monsieur Charles," Marco said, coming out of their bedroom half naked, but standing tall. He had his arms outstretched as he introduced Charles. The grin on his face was priceless. Shane and I both turned to look.

Charles came out looking like a million bucks. His shirt was tight, but not too tight, just tight enough to show off that he had a killer body. The jeans stopped low, leaving a little to the imagination, the belt only there for décor. His hair was trimmed nice, his face glowing. He smiled like a little kid.

"That's my blazer," Shane said as I continued to revel in Charles' makeover.

"I know," Charles replied, still grinning. "Looks great on me. Thanks for letting me borrow it."

"I didn't," Shane started to say, but I cut him off accidentally.

"You look great Charles," I said.

"Oh, stop drooling," Shane protested. "Have fun on your date Charles," he said, turning back to the TV.

"You have a date?" I asked. "Since when do you do the preliminaries before sex?"

"I'm trying this new thing," he replied. "Its called growing up."

"Wow," I replied. "It's working for you."

"Why thank you sir," he said. "Unfortunately I have got to run. No use wasting this bad-boy outfit."

A round of goodbyes ensued as Charles made his exit. The Italian retreated to his bedroom.

"Who called me?" I asked Shane when the excitement had died down.

"Not sure," he replied blankly staring at the TV. You would have thought he was watching some riveting movie about aliens or superheroes. "It was weird name."

"What was it?" I asked growing impatient.

"Not sure," he said nonchalantly. "Started with a T. Come see this."

"What is it?" I asked.

"A couple of military soldiers were sent home today after they were found doing it in their tent."

"What?!?!" my interest was sparked. I jumped over to the couch to catch the news story.

"Oh," Shane said, looking at me. "It just went to commercial." "Jackass," I said. I slapped him across the back of his head, and then leaned in to give him a kiss.

"That kind of hurt," he said after we'd come up for air.

"Whatever." The news show returned from commercial break, taking me and Shane's attention back.

"After talking to their supervisors in the armed forces, we tried locating the two officials that were sent packing from their overseas deployments," the announcer's voice read from the teleprompter. "Only one of the men had any comment."

The shot left focus from the news desk and immediately came up on a familiar face staring into the camera. He was still wearing his army fatigues, but you could tell he had just suffered a long plane ride. The interview took place right outside of the airport.

"It was a mistake that a friend of mine and I are guilty or making and we will suffer any action our superiors seek to deliver."

My breath was taken away from me. I honestly think I was having a heart attack. I was blacking out the sounds coming from the TV. Then the name flashed under the picture of him talking to reporters and I knew for a fact that what my mind had been trying to tell me for a few minutes was one hundred percent true.

"Tag," Shane said in his ever-cheerful voice, noticing the name on the bottom of the television screen. "That's the name of the guy that called you. What a coincidence."

Things in our life come and go, often time unexpectedly. They say that things in life are like boomerangs. They come and they go, with or without warning. As quickly as we let them go is as quickly as they return.

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Next: Chapter 25

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