They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Mar 30, 2006


Standard disclaimer applies. Contains depictions of gay sex. Read at your own discretion

They say perception is reality.

Denton- I sat there and cried. I felt like a fucking little girl, but the truth still remains that I was sitting there crying a couple hours after Glass had left.

Every now and then, Mitchell would stir, but all I did was sit there and cry.

After a long silence, I finally said, to no one in particular, "I want out."

Mitchell stirred. He sat up with one hand still over his eye where Glass had hit him.

"I want out," I repeated faintly.

"There is no out," Mitchell whispered. I looked at him. He looked worse than I felt. I reached out to touch him and he winced.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I'm sorry." Mitchell tried to stand up, but for some reason couldn't keep his bearings. He sat back down, this time resting his head on my shoulder. I stroked the back of his head. "I'm sorry."

Charles- "Tell me what?" I asked, the door still open. Without saying a word, Brooklyn walked past me and into the deserted apartment.

"I want us to work," he said. "I think I'm in love," he trailed off.

I just looked at him.

"Where's Jesse?" I asked.

"At home, asleep."

"Go home Brooklyn," I told him.

"Charles, I can't. I don't know what to do."

"I'll tell you exactly what to do. Listen to Jesse. Leave me alone." The words were coming out faster than I could think about them. All I knew is that those were the words that needed to be said.

"I want you," he said.

"And how exactly is that supposed to happen?" he didn't respond so I continued. "Do you expect Jesse to move back in here after you've told him its over? Do you ever expect he and I to be friends again, to even stand in the same room again? No, Brooklyn, this isn't going to work. You are chalk out of ideas and I am tired of trying to make this work."

"I made mistakes," he pleaded.

"Mistakes that you can't possibly fix. Mistakes that I warned you about."

"Don't do that," he said.

"I told you that moving in with Jesse was a bad idea. I told you that you didn't know what you wanted. I told you."

"Then what do I do?" he asked, raising his voice. "Huh? I cannot look Jesse in the eye and tell him I love him. I can't. And I cannot live with him wondering what it would be like if I lived with you."

"Well you can't have it both ways, Brooklyn. You made you're bed," I turned to walk away but Brooklyn grabbed my shoulder and cut me off.

"Don't do this," he pleaded. "I need you."

"Go home," I said calmly.

"How do you do it, Charles?" he asked, raising his voice to a newly confident level. No longer was he pleading and weak. He now sounded angry and his voice was firm and strong. "How do you shut off you're feelings?"

"You wish you knew," I muttered.

"I mean," he continued, paying my response no mind. "Jesse told me some interesting things tonight. Granted, I ignored them because he was drunk off his ass, but seeing you now, standing there and walking away from me makes me wonder if maybe they weren't true."

"Go home," I repeated, but he kept on talking.

"He said you are a whore, Charles. He said you are incapable of feeling. That you fuck for the sake of fucking, and when you are all fucked out with someone you fuck them off like a fucking fly on the fucking wall."

I slapped him. "Get out."

"You're a piece of work, Charles. I feel sorry for the next guy that makes the mistake of falling in love with you."

He walked towards the door until I stopped him by saying, "Did you get what you came here for, Brooklyn?" he didn't respond. He opened the door and I shouted after, out of sheer spite and lack of control, "You and Jesse are made for each other."

The door closed behind him, and deep down inside, behind all of the guilt and sadness that suddenly came over me, I knew that I never wanted to see Brooklyn ever again.

Jesse- Somewhere in the middle of the night, after I'd passed out on the bed and Brooklyn had taken my clothes off and tucked me in, I felt Brooklyn kiss me.

He was kissing my chest and my neck, showering me all over. I rolled over, wanting nothing but to sleep off my headache.

"I love you," he said, the words barely registering. "And I'm sorry I hurt you." He continued to kiss me. "I never want to hurt you again. I love you."

I rolled over onto my stomach and passed out for the second time that night.

Charles- The next morning, bright and early, I heard a sharp knock on the door. I woke up with a start, grabbed a towel for my naked waste and went to open it.

Standing there looking surprisingly fresh for a Sunday morning was Shane, carrying a box of clothes. Behind him were three or four identical boxes, all filled with his things I presumed.

"Good morning, roomy," he said, smiling wide.

"What the hell? What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"9 o'clock," he answered, ever chipper, and pushing his way past me into the common room.

"Are you drunk?"

"Why waste such a fine Sunday morning? Plus, I figured the earlier I move in, the longer I get to live here." He was uncontrollably happy for nine in the morning.

"You won't be living here long if I kill you," I muttered under my breath, shutting the door and following him into the bedroom.

I flopped on my bed, trying to return to sleep, but for some reason Shane kept bringing up stupid conversation that I wasn't paying the least bit attention to.

Suddenly I felt him climb on my bed and lean in close to my face. "I figured," he said. "That the sooner I move in, the more time we have for fun stuff."

"Yeah," I replied, pushing him off my bed and rolling over. "Wake me up when that fun stuff starts."

Zach- Tag and I woke up, showered, packed the rest of his things that he hadn't packed and drove to the bus station.

The entire time, we talked about anything and everything besides his leaving. Both of us had had such a great time, neither of us wanted to say goodbye.

"I'll call you when I get to the base," he said from in front of the bus station. People were looking, but we didn't care. He kissed me and I kissed him back.

"Ok," I replied. He turned and walked towards his loading bus.

Just like that, he was gone. Like a band-aid ripped off of a wound, it hurt really bad, but I knew it was the kind of pain I could get over. Even if I never saw Tag again, which was probably likely, I knew that the last two weeks had been worth it.

The problem is, as soon as his bus sped away, down the open stretch, I began to realize just how lonely I was. I began to realize that I did, indeed miss Chris. But there was nothing I could do about it.

Denton- I woke up not remembering when I'd fallen asleep.

"Get up," I heard Glass say, surprisingly soothing. He didn't sound angry anymore. "We have to go."

"Where?" I asked, groggy.

"Just get up, and I'll explain later." He wasn't playing, so I woke up and waddled to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and attempt to appear hygienic and presentable.

"Are you ready, Mr. Clean?" he asked when I got out of the bathroom. He was sitting in a side chair. On the bed were the clothes he'd apparently picked out for me to save time and I quickly changed into them.

"Excuse my hygiene. Were exactly are we going anyway?" I asked, still in the dark. I was still half asleep as we made our way up the corridor to the top floor.

"We are not going anywhere," he said. "You are going to see the executive council of the Tribe."

"What?" I asked, stopping short.

"Relax," he explained. "This has nothing to do with last night. They just want to talk to you."

"About what?" I asked, resuming our pace through the hallways.

"If I'm correct, it's a job assignment." Again I stopped and again he explained reassuringly.

"A job assignment for what?"

"Listen," he said. "This is about the time when everyone's littles start being weaned into the jobs they'll take over. Its especially the time for littles who have a senior big brother who isn't going to be here next year."

"Perfect timing," I commented a little under my breath.

He stopped again, and this time resorted to an uncharacteristic whisper. "Last night happened for a reason, Denton. If you didn't learn that lesson, then you have shit for brains and a real hard thing coming to you. Most importantly, that board has no idea what I had to resort to in order to teach you a lesson, so I wouldn't mention it. And while we're talking about it, Mitchell wants you to pay him a visit after you're meeting."

I was stunned. The whole thing, everything that happened last night, was planned. I walked into that boardroom on a high that I couldn't explain because I'd never experienced it before.

"Have a seat Mr. Ryan," the current vice-president of the frat said. All 8 eyes of the executive council were on me.

"I apologize Glass, but this is as far as you go." The tone of the whole affair was very professional, so it surprised me when Glass replied with "Jason, please." Jason cut Glass of with a wave of his hand and Glass reluctantly exited the room, but not before giving me a look of confidence and reassurance.

"Now, Mr. Ryan," Jason began. "Events that have taken place in this fraternity have forced us to speed up the initiation process in which we normally give our new recruits." He paused here for dramatic effect and I wondered what effects he was talking about.

"As of two weeks from tonight, Glass, you're big brother, will no longer be with the Tribe."

The words hit me like a punch to the groin. I was floored. I felt cornered. I had so many questions, but no answers. Where the hell was he going? For what? Who was going to be my big? How was I gonna learn how to do what he did so fast? What if I didn't want to?

"You look worried, Denton," Jason continued. "But I assure you that Glass will not leave before giving you proper instruction." I swallowed hard.

"Now, yesterday evening's little event in you're room with a Mr. Mitchell Washington prompts this briefing in which you are currently attending." I almost choked on air. They knew about me and Mitchell. I wondered how, but the guy just kept talking.

"This organization has protocol, Mr. Ryan, and as an active senior member of this Tribe, Mitchell should have known better than to engage in such activities with a little, especially one belonging to someone else." I could feel the eyes of the crowd burrowing through me. I wanted to disappear.

"Fortunately for you, it is Mr. Washington that will be held accountable for last nights indiscretion, and any others that preceded it." I wondered how they knew. As if reading my mind, a guy sitting next to Jason slid a manila envelope to where I sat. I opened it to find pictures of Mitchell going down on my cock. I looked up in sheer horror.

"Consider this you're first assignment, Denton," he said with a little more authority than before. "I want these photos duplicated and addressed to you're boyfriend's parents."

I spoke out in muffled protest but was cut off.

"He's been warned, Denton. And now so have you."

Zach- "You look sad," the guy said bringing me another round of coffee.

"Huh?" I said looking up confused.

"Sad. You've sat there for about forty-five minutes looking sad."

"Yeah, well," was my only sensible reply.

"Whatever happened," he said, "I'm sorry." He smiled down at me and turned to walk away.

"Thanks," I said softly. I watched him leave. He was tall, taller than me, and had a very handsome face. His body was built nicely, kind of like a runner's, and he had a splash of hair down his arms and on his face. Watching him leave, I noticed his ass as well.

He was right. I was sitting there looking sad, but that seemed to be the only way I knew how to look at that moment. I was missing Tag, but it was a bittersweet miss. I wasn't so much sad that he was gone than I was sad that he wasn't here. But I'd already made the pact not to dwell on him and to move on as soon as possible, which is why I was sitting there, looking sad, yes, but also looking at a very sexy coffee guy walking away from me.

"Well, check him out," I heard Jesse say from behind me. "You don't waste any time, do you?"

"I don't have any time to waste," I replied. He sat down. "Thank you for meeting me this afternoon. I just need someone, you know."

"No problem," he said.

We sat there talking about various things for a while, when the cute waiter came back to see what Jesse would like to have.

"Straight coffee," Jesse ordered. The guy gave me a brief look, and then crossed his eyes towards Jesse. I shook my head subtly and he smiled at me. I smiled back.

Jesse jumped right on it, and as soon as the guy was out of earshot, he commented, "Well make sure you use a condom the next time you decide to eye-fuck your waiter."

"Get off it," I said, blushing.

"It looks like you already did," he laughed.

"Shut up," I said. "He's coming and you are not going to embarrass me."

"Are you sure?" he asked under his breath just as the waiter returned with his coffee.

"Hey um, waiter," Jesse said politely. "I was wondering what you're name is."

"London," he said pointing to his name badge.

"London? Like the city?" Jesse asked.

"Sure," he replied. "That's were my parents went for their honeymoon, and well, probably where I was conceived." He smiled politely.

"Wow, great," Jesse continued. "You know, my friend and I were going to a movie tonight. Would you like to come with us?"

"We were?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jesse replied. "Don't you remember? The one the guy and the girl and the thing? You wanted to see it."

"I have to work," London cut in. "Sorry."

"Aw, all work and no play," Jesse teased shamelessly. "We'll just take a rain check then. Give my buddy your number and we'll plan something when you aren't working." With that Jesse got up and headed in the direction of the restroom.

London smiled down at me.

"He isn't always that brazen," I said. "He's just teasing me."

"Oh yeah?" London asked, sounding oddly intrigued.

"Yeah," I replied. "I just got out of a sort of relationship type thing. You don't really care."

"Unfortunately, I do, but I don't get paid to care. I get paid to deliver coffee and right now my other tables aren't too pleased with this conversation. I'll be right back," he left, made his rounds and came back a few minutes later. "So, about that relationship that you just got out of?"

"It wasn't serious, just a fling type thing," I replied. "And my friend wants me to get back in the game." I turned to notice Jesse walking back up to the table. "Speak of the devil."

"Let me help you out," he whispered. Then loudly enough for Jesse to hear, he said, "I would love to catch a movie with this Friday if the offer still stands. I'll leave you my number." He smiled at me and walked away.

"You make me so proud, Zach," Jesse said as he sat down. "So very, very proud."

Charles- I felt something on my bed, but I just rolled over onto my back and ignored it. Then I felt hands move my sheets out of the way. I squirmed and made a protestant noise, not knowing what was going on. Then, I felt something warm and wet touch the tip of my full, but not hard dick. My little friend immediately sprang to life and I opened one eye to see what had triggered its response.

"Wake up, sleepy," Shane said from between my legs. He had his tongue out and a very devilish look across his face. I smiled down at him and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

I felt his warm tongue trace all the way down the vein pulsing along my hardening cock. I purred softly, dropped my head back and allowed myself to simply enjoy the pleasure.

Shane's long tongue went to work, sending waves of magical pleasure from my dick, up my spine, and throughout my entire body. By the time this stud was ready to swallow my cock all the way, I was so hard, my cock was pulsing. He took the entire length of my dick down his throat, feeling my pubes tickle his nose and chin.

That's when the cock hound went to work. Up and down Shane's head bobbed, engulfing my dick as long as he could. He played with my balls with his right hand and traced my hard chest with his left. The sounds coming from his slurping tongue mixed with my faint morning moans.

He was down there for a few minutes, servicing me like I hadn't been serviced in a while. I showed my appreciation with my wandering hands, encouraging him with one on the back of his hand and rewarding him with the other playing with his hard nipples. Every moan he released triggered a shockwave down my dick and my toes would instantly curl in pleasure.

He could feel my balls tighten up in anticipation for a forceful morning shower of cum. He doubled his efforts and sucked hard on my impossibly full cock. I had to let go soon.

I said Shane's name in a tense cry, and before I knew it, I was releasing rope after rope of hot cum down the hot stud's throat. He couldn't swallow all of it, but when his head lifted off my erupting dick, another spurt hit the stud across the face, followed by one rope gracing his chin.

When my balls had spent all they had, a smiling Shane made his way crawling up my body until he was kneeling over me, face-to-face. It was so hot looking up at him and seeing my seed splattered all over his cute little face.

Then with traces of my cum still in his mouth, he leaned and planted a hot, wet kiss on me, forcing me to taste my own seed in his mouth. The feeling was like nothing I'd ever felt and my dick instantly sprang back up to the attention position.

"You recover well," Shane observed, breaking the kiss and lying on top of me, our cocks pulsing together.

"You're observant," I responded.

"I like that," he said.

"Do you?" I asked sexily.

He sat up and put one hand on my chest. "What do you say we hit the showers?"

Without bothering to wait for an answer, he got up, grabbed a towel of his bed and exited the room towards the bathroom.

In a rush of excitement, I lifted my hands over my head and whispered an enthusiastic "Yes," before following Shane to the shower.

Jesse- I left Zach and headed back to Brooklyn and my apartment. I passed the old dorm and absolutely no feelings of regret or remorse fell over me; a good sign, I decided.

"Brooklyn," I called when I turned the key and opened the door.

There was no answer.

"Brooklyn." Nothing. I dropped my things off in the bedroom and looked around. It was Sunday, and there weren't any classes, so I was a little confused as to where he was. I checked the answering machine. Nothing.

Then I noticed the note on the nightstand next to the bed. "Left. Don't know when I'll be back. Love you, B."

The note confused me, but I decided it was just one of those notes. He must have gone out for groceries or something.

I waited, sitting there all day, catching up on homework and watching lame TV movies until the sun went down. I suddenly felt extremely lonely. I reread Brooklyn's note and realized it didn't sound like someone who had simply gone out for groceries.

I called his cell phone but he didn't answer. A lot of things went through my head, but only one made sense. I grabbed my coat and headed out the door.

The walk to the dorm room was a little chilly, evidence of the approaching winter, so I made it a swift one. I got to the dorm in less than ten minutes and my ears were already killing me.

I knocked hard on the door and a guy in low cut lounging sweats opened the door. I recognized him as Charles' knew roommate.

"Where's Charles?" I asked.

"In his room," he replied. "Is there something wrong?"

"Is Brooklyn in there?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"Brooklyn? dude, isn't that like in New York City or something?" he asked genuinely confused. Stupid jock, I thought.

"Brooklyn is my boyfriend's name."

"So why would your boyfriend be in Charles' bedroom?"

"That's exactly what I want to know," I said pushing my way past the dimwit guarding the door and crossing over to Charles' bedroom. Without knocking, I opened the door and found Charles sitting there on his bed in a pair of sweats reading a book.

"What the fuck?" he asked, looking up at me. "What are you doing here?"

"Where is Brooklyn?" I asked.

He chuckled wisely, closed his Spanish book and looked at me. "Well," he sneered. "This is a surprise. I almost thought you wanted you're room back."

"Cut the shit," I replied. "Where is Brooklyn?"

"Wish I knew. Boy do I wish I knew."

I suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

"Don't tell me there's already trouble in paradises," he said condescendingly. "I wouldn't want there to be problems at casa de Brooklyn y Jesse."

"He wasn't here?" I asked, lowering my voice.

"He was," Charles replied. I fumed inside. "About 14 hours ago. He dropped by this morning but I told him to get out and that I didn't want to see him again." Charles took a step closer to me and whispered, "Unlike others, I don't like eating sloppy seconds."

He stared me down, waiting for me to lose control. I wasn't about to give him that satisfaction.

Angrily, I retreated. I stepped back, turned around and walked out of the room.

Oblivious to situation, Shane waved as I passed by and said "Good to see you again Jesse. Drop by anytime. When you find Brooklyn, tell him I said hello." I wanted to spit in his face.

Zach- "So, does that date still stand?"

I looked up and for the second time that night, was taken aback by what by what London was saying. Jesse had left me in the same pitiful state he'd found me, and as I sat there gathering the energy and strength to get up, London came with a last glass of coffee and that question.

"Um, what?" I replied.

"That date. I was serious if you were."

"Oh," I said, finally catching on to what he was referring to. "That was just a joke to get my roommate off my back."

"Oh," he said. He looked dejected.

"Unless," I said just as he was turning around. "You really want to."

"Well," he replied. "I mean, of course I wouldn't be serving you coffee like this." He looked around and noticed the place was thinning out of people. He sat down. "I could, however, serve you something else."

He had a wicked grin on his already cute face.

"We might can work something out," I said. Unexpectedly, I felt his leg crawl up close to mine. Out of instinct, I scooted mine away quickly, but after rethinking it, I put it back in its position and smiled at London.

"You have amazing eyes," he commented staring straight into them.

"Wow," I replied. "You're working hard for your tip, aren't you?"

"That one was complimentary." He smiled at me. "Well, hey, I should get back to work."

"Yeah," I said.

"Yeah," he replied, still sitting. "Umm, I was thinking," he said. "I get off work in about 20 minutes, and you've already sat there for a good part of a couple hours, so what do you say we get something to drink when my shift ends?"

I thought about it. He was cute, and I was single. I considered the possibilities.

"I'll have to decline, London," I said. "Tonight isn't a good night."

"No problem," he said. The hurt look on his face hurt me, but he quickly replaced with his vibrant smile. "Call me sometime about Friday."

"Will do," I said. I put the number in my pocket, downed my last cup of coffee and left.

Denton- "About yesterday," he said.

"I already know," I cut him off. "It was all a show."

We were standing outside mine and Denton's room talking in a hushed tone.

"Denton just wanted me to," he began.

"It doesn't matter," I cut him off again.

"Ok," he said. He stepped back, away from me. "He did what he had to do."

"And he used you in the process."

"Fair enough," he said weakly. He was about to turn to walk away.

"Tell me something Mitchell," I said. He turned back around. "Do you always do exactly what you're brother wants." I stared at his purple eye.

"You don't know Glass, Denton."

"I guess not," I replied. "Tell me something. Was the whole thing a set up?"

He didn't answer right away. He took a step towards me and leaned in to kiss me, but our lips never touched. I backed my head away.

"No it wasn't," he whispered. His eyes lowered and he suddenly had a defeated look on his face. "I'm sorry, Denton."

"I know you are," I replied coldly. "I know."

I opened the door and walked into the room. For the first time in weeks, I found Glass sitting there cross legged and naked, reading his book on the bed. He smiled at me. "How'd it go?"

"Ok, I guess," I replied. "I had no idea you were leaving in two weeks."

"Neither did I," he said. I took my shirt and pants off and walked over to the bed in my boxer shorts.

"Where are you going?" I asked. I put a hand on his chest, like the old times. "You aren't graduating yet."

"Study abroad," he replied. "I'm spending my last year and a half sprawling out on the beaches in Italy." He had a huge grin on his face.

"Wow," I said. "Maybe you'll get a sexy tan." I leaned down and kissed him, like the old times.

"Maybe," he whispered. "Hold on." He got up off the bed and waddled to the phone. He whispered something incoherent and in a second was back on the bed. "Now where were we?"

I kissed his exposed chest and grabbed a hold of his cock savagely. Hormones suddenly overtook me and the urge to swallow his hard cock possessed all my senses. Glass didn't mind as he pushed my head lower and lower down his body.

After a sexy crawl down his body, I finally made my way to the treasure. I had one hand rapped around his hard, pulsing dick, the other working his low-hanging, cum-filled balls.

"Yeah, babe," he whispered, urging me on. I ran my tongue down the entire length of his dick, from base to head, swirling my tongue around the head a couple of times. Glass moaned his appreciation.

"Suck me," he said softly. I put my lips around, first the head, and then slowly made my way down the entire length of his impressive cock. The heat of my mouth sent a chill through Glass and he shuddered with pleasure.

Just then, unexpectedly, the door opened. I looked up, probably scraping Glass a little bit with my teeth, and standing there, doe-eyed and horror stricken, on the verge of tears was Mitchell.

Glass' phone call suddenly made perfect sense.

They say perception is reality.

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Next: Chapter 21

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