They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Feb 21, 2006


Chapter 18 Standard disclaimer Contains depictions of gay sex.

They say sometimes, especially in our times of severe desperation, all we really want is to know we are in control. They say that knowledge is key, knowing is having the battle. In effect, they say, knowledge is power, and power is control

Charles- Brooklyn didn't say anything. His speed picked up as he headed back for campus, but before we ever made it, he exited off of the freeway and onto a one-light intersection named after a city in the bible. Fittingly, there appeared to be only motel on the strip, next to the one gas station and burger bar, across from the church.

Brooklyn parked in the dirt lot and opened his door without saying a word. I started to ask him what was going on, but he was out of the car and headed for the entrance before I could say anything.

I followed him into the motel just in time to see him pay with his credit card for a room on the ground-level. The little old lady behind the counter handed him a passkey and a towel, saw me and reached under the counter for another one.

Brooklyn thanked her and walked passed me out the door, still not speaking, to our room. He opened the door, walked in and looked around, me standing right behind him. I watched him turn slowly and look at me vulnerably.

"What's going on?" I asked in a low voice, afraid to talk loudly in this little room.

"I don't know," he responded. He leaned into me and kissed me hard, almost sending my entire body slamming against the closed door.

I returned his passion, let my hands slip onto his chest and pushed both of us onto the bed. We rolled around sucking each, losing precious air in the process, for a few minutes. Coming up for air proved useless, because as soon as our lips parted, Brooklyn was ready to move on, kissing and sucking my neck and shoulder, my chest and nipples. I was powerless to return the favor, too far gone feeling how great Brooklyn felt to do anything else but moan and encourage him to continue.

He was like a man possessed. He kissed me hard, felt my body and stripped my clothes, all with me still emotionally unaware of what was happening. Before I knew it, he had my dick out and was leaning over to get the whole thing in his mouth. His head bobbed up and down, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body. I let go and let him do whatever he wanted.

He sucked me hard for a few minutes, taking all of his pent up emotion out on my dick.

As soon as I thought he was ready to slow down and have sex like a regular person, he pulled his tongue off my cock and looked up at me, but he didn't stop. Instead he pushed me back so I was laying on my back and proceeded to straddle my hips. He reached behind him and grasped my cock. He was maneuvering somehow, I couldn't really see what he was doing, but before I knew it, I felt my cock delve fully into the tightness of his asshole.

He smiled down from above me with an evil grin and began moving up and down over my impossibly hard boner. I couldn't contain myself, my head rolling back, my eyes glazing over. He was enjoying the control he had over me, meeting my feeble upward thrusts with fast, heavy thrusts of his own. He pounded my cock, riding it like an expert. I could feel the sweat beads moving down my chest as I arched my back with his heavy thrusting.

I didn't know how long I could last, but I did know it wouldn't be long. He was too sexy, squatting above me, claiming his territory. I didn't want the feeling to end, but as the familiar sensation made its way through my balls, I knew the climax was on its way.

Brooklyn read my body language perfectly, but instead of slowing down to draw out the inevitable, he sped up, grinning wildly. I moaned loudly, about ready to scream, as he leaned back, put his weight no his for leverage and fucked the shit out of my cock.

My dick erupted rope after rope into Brooklyn's hot ass. I craned my back, stuffing every inch of my cock as far as it would go. Brooklyn was loving it, still grinding up and down on my quickly deflating dick. I collapsed on to the bed, sweaty and tired. I couldn't believe how amazing that was.

That night, I slept better than I had in weeks.

Denton- Halfway through the night, I woke up to the feeling of someone's strong hands massaging my shoulder blades. I was lying on my stomach, my full cock sandwiched between my abs and my bed, feeling someone rubbing my back in a very sensual, caring way. They had even gone to the trouble of pouring warm oil on me.

Instead of lifting my head off of the pillow like I probably should have, I moaned Mitchell's name.

The massage stopped.

I lifted my head and turned to see an unpleasant looking Glass behind me.

He got off my back without saying a word, moved to the desk and blew out a few candles, leaving the room totally dark.

He came back to bed, got under the covers, again without speaking, forcing me to feel the need to say something to clear the tension; or at least try to.

"That was a mistake," was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"Correct," he said simply. I wish I could have seen the expression on his. On second thought, I really don't.

"Look," I started.

"Don't say anything," he interrupted.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly after a second of silence.

"What part of anything is confusing?" he asked. It was a cheap shot, uncommon of Glass' usual wit. It must have been late.

"Can I just," I started to ask.

"No you can't." Again, he interrupted.

"You don't even know what I was gonna ask."

"The answer is no," he said. "Now stop talking."

"I was just gonna explain myself," I said getting annoyed.

"Explain yourself?" he said sitting up. Even though I still couldn't see him in the dark, I was terrified by what I knew he must have been looking like at that moment. "I'm sorry, Denton, but you lost that privilege when you fucked around with my brother."

Jesse- Tag's apartment was incredible. The first thing I noticed was the stereo. The second thing I noticed was the sex chair right next to the stereo.

Tag didn't bother to turn on any lights. Instead, he simply drew my close to him and planted an amazingly tender kiss on my lips.

He drew back, turned to the stereo and put a nice little song, made his way back to me and rapped me in his arms, drawing me close and swaying to the music.

"You feel great," he said softly in my ear.

"You too," I replied. He went back to my mouth with his, kissing me softly, not out of obligation but because he really wanted to.

Everything was perfect. The lights, the sounds, the smell, the feeling, everything. Tag's body was hard pressed against mine, so much so that I could feel just how excited our little personal dance was making him. And that's when it hit me.

I was cheating.

Standing there with an incredibly sexy guy wanting to do things to me that anyone in there right mind would want to have done, I thought about Brooklyn and how I was cheating. I thought that he was probably back at his apartment at school alone thinking about me, waiting for me to call. I thought of him trusting me. I pulled back from Tag's face.

"What the matter?" he asked.

"I, umm," I stammered. "I shouldn't be here."

He didn't say anything. He let go of me and went to the wall to turn on the lights, a mistake because seeing him again reminded me just how sexy the tall, model built stud was.

I choked hard. "I should go," I said.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"I can't do this. I just can't," I looked around for my coat, flustered.

He came up behind me and rapped his strong arm around my waste. "Just stay," he almost pleaded. "What's it gonna hurt?"

"Possibly my relationship," I said. I picked up my coat and turned to face him. Again, a big mistake.

"If that guy cared where you were, don't you think he would have called by now?" I thought about it.

"Maybe," I said, doubting myself. "But still, I really should head back to the campus."

He finally turned around and headed for the kitchen. I stood there still debating whether or not he was right. Maybe I should stay, I thought. Still, the better part of me told me it wasn't a good idea.

"I'm just really sorry you feel that way," he turned back to me from across the room and in one fowl swoop, his shirt was lifted over his head, revealing a perfectly defined stomach, a rock hard bulging chest and arms to die for. I didn't say anything; I simply stood staring, unable to speak. I felt like a seven year-old little girl with her first crush.

He approached me again. I was unable to take my eyes off of him. He smiled and said, "You aren't going anywhere."

"Umm," I stammered. "What makes you say that?"

Again he smiled.

"If you were really leaving, you would have been gone by now."

I dropped my coat and with both hands now free, felt all I could of the stud's body while he literally picked me up and swept me away to his bedroom for the night.

Zach- When I got back to campus, the dorm room was quiet. All the lights were off and the only illumination was the sun coming from the kitchen window. I squinted as I opened the door with my key, turned back and said goodbye to Ken or Ben or Steve or whatever the fuck his name was. All I really knew about him was that he had an awesome navy body; a huge, cut dick; and enough stamina to keep the both of us up all night.

He kissed me lightly, turned and went back downstairs to his car.

I couldn't help but think that I'd had the best night out of all of us, even though I didn't know what the other guys had ended up doing.

It couldn't have been as good as Navy boy though... there was no way in hell.

"It's about time you came home," I heard Charles say from the kitchen. "We were about to send out a search party."

Jesse turned to see me grinning from ear to ear.

"And it's good to see you remember how to smile."

Again I just stood there still smiling.

"Nice to see you fellows too," I finally replied ducking into my bedroom. If I thought I was gonna be safe from their questions in there, I was definitely wrong.

"So how was he?" asked an eager Jesse a few seconds later, after I'd taken my shirt off and was getting ready to crawl into bed. Charles was right behind him, both of them flopping on Denton's untouched bed.

"He was great," I said shortly, crawling into bed.

"Yeah," Charles replied. "Great enough to keep you up all night long."

"Like you have any room to talk," Jesse said to Charles smiling. "You haven't told me who you ended up hooking up with last night?"

"By still, you're implying that I'll eventually tell you?" Charles asked. I was glad the focus was off of me for a few seconds.

"You will eventually tell me," Jesse replied. "And if not willingly, I'll eventually hear it while you talk in your sleep."

We all laughed.

Eventually the focus shifted back to me and I had to explain that the navy guy had taken me home, back to the garage apartment he rented from his grandmother when he was on leave. I told them how it was small and quaint, and how we the roof was so short the guy had to duck when he entered his bedroom. I told them how we sat talking for a few hours, even though they didn't believe that, and how I'd been the one to initiate any physical contact. I told them every juicy detail about his body, from the six-pack to the crew cut to the 6 feet of solid packed muscle to the 8 inches or more of hard cut cock. The last part was by far their favorite part of the narrative when I told them every dirty thing we had done last night. I told them gentle he was at the beginning, but how once he was wound up, there was no stopping his jack-hammering for anything.

"So are you gonna see him again?" Jesse asked.

"Maybe," I replied. "I gave him my number, so if he calls he calls. But right now, I sleep."

"I think he's trying to kick us out Jesse," Charles said climbing off the bed.

As soon as they were almost out of the room, my cell phone rang and they were back inside to see whom it was. I didn't recognize the number, but I answered it anyway.

"Hey Zach," said the familiar husky voice of the Navy guy. "This is Kevin."

"Hey Kevin," I said, involuntarily grinning like a schoolgirl. "Nice to hear from you."

"I hope you don't think this is lame, me calling you so soon and stuff, but I just wanted to say goodnight, or good morning I guess, before I headed off to sleep."

"That's sweet," I replied still smiling like crazy. "I had a good time last night."

"Me too," he said. "Which is why I think you should come over to my place for dinner tonight, if you want."

"Umm, sure," I said.

"Great. I'll pick you up at six."

"Awesome," I said. I couldn't have wiped the grin off my face if my life depended on it. I felt so lame as I closed my phone and looked up to see Jesse and Charles staring at me laughing; the only thing was this time we all looked like little schoolgirls.

Jesse- I knew what had happened. I knew from the second he walked into the apartment this morning with his smug face mixed with shameful guilt. No one that had had an innocent night of sex came home looking that weary and defeated.

He had slept with Brooklyn last night after the two of them left the club.

I came to that realization, laying there pretending to be asleep, all the while watching him guiltily take his clothes off, crawl into bed and stare at me from across the room.

For some reason though, even though I knew, I wasn't upset. I wasn't angry or mad or anything. I was indifferent. I rolled over and went back to pretending like I was asleep.

Charles- "Come on Charles," Jesse pushed. "I told you all about my night."

"And as interesting as that little porno tale was, I didn't ask you to tell me, therefore I owe you nothing."

"Why are you such a jackass?" he asked.

"Why are you so nosey?" I replied.

"Ok, fine," he said, finally backing down. "Just tell me what Brooklyn told you before you guys split up."

I wanted to tell him the truth, that Brooklyn had said 'I love you' before we split up this morning, but I knew I couldn't do that.

"For the last time, he didn't say anything."

"Was he mad? That I stayed with that guy after ya'll left?"

"No," I said.

I wanted to tell him the truth, that Brooklyn was furious when he listened to Jesse's message saying that he was staying in town, and that inferred that it was with Tag and that he had declared just how much he hated sharing.

"Good," he said. His little paranoid tirade was getting mildly annoying. I desperately wanted to tell him everything Brooklyn and I had talked about this morning after a night filled with the same jackhammering Zach had described. Even though I wanted to, I couldn't bring myself to. We'd decided that if anyone was gonna tell Jesse anything, it was going to Brooklyn and that he would take care of that as soon as he was ready.

I gathered my books and headed for the kitchen table, thinking I was through with the third degree, when Jesse followed, books in tow.

"So this guy," he asked. "Do I know him?"

"I doubt it," I lied. "I met him at the pool."

"Oh, a swimmer."

"That's the kind I like."

There was quiet again as we both started reading our books; unfortunately the quiet didn't last.

"Are you gonna see him again?"

"Maybe," I said shortly, getting a little bit of an attitude.

Again, there was a few seconds of quiet before Jesse asked, "Are you sure Brooklyn didn't say anything?"

"I'm positive," I said raising my voice. "Now if you don't mind, I would like to study please."

"Sorry," he said. "Its just that we've been on shaky ground lately. I mean he hasn't even called me to find out if I'm still mad."

I wasn't connecting how this affected me so instead of replying; I sat there and looked at Jesse quizzically.

"I think he's cheating on me," he said bluntly. He stared at me, reading me, waiting for me to make a move. I stared back, blankly.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, not giving anything away.

"Just the way that he acts. I mean he spends all of his free time at the gym now. Every time I call him he's at the pool."

I blinked and swallowed hard.

"No one I know spends that much time swimming," he paused. "He's gotta be fucking around."

"Just because he, ugh, swims a lot doesn't mean he's fucking around."

"Yeah, of course. I mean, there is more to it than that."

"Like what?" I asked, still trying not to reveal too much.

"The classic stuff. You can't spend the night tonight cuz I have an early class; we can't go out tonight because I have papers to grade," it felt like he was accusing me. "And then yesterday. Just leaving me at the club, dropping you off and not calling since then. What the hell is a guy to think?"

"To be fair, you cheated last night too," I said cautiously, not wanting to open up any hostility.

"True," he replied. "And I guess it's a not a matter of me being jealous or upset. Its just that," he stared at me hard; I could feel his gaze intensify as he said this, "I want to know the person that he's giving his heart to, especially if it isn't me. If I do have competition, I want to be the one to stare them in the eye and break them down." I matched his stair, feeling his eyes boar into mine. Suddenly, as quickly as the assault had began, Jesse's entire demeanor changed. "Does that make any sense?"

"Perfect sense," I said, in effect matching his challenge. Jesse and I were at stalemate and we both knew it. He knew I was sleeping with Brooklyn and he wanted me to know that he knew.

He stood up and gathered his unread books and headed back to the bedroom. He stopped short and without turning around simply said, "Damn. I just fucking wish I knew who it was."

Jesse- I called Brooklyn from the bedroom while Charles was in the kitchen studying, and like clockwork, fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang.

"Come in," I heard Charles yell, and in a few seconds I heard Brooklyn walk in and say hi.

"He's in the bedroom," I heard Charles say, followed by whisper and then the bedroom door opening. I sat there on the bed in my boxers reading an assignment for tomorrow.

I put my book aside, revealing what the hard cover had been strategically hiding. Brooklyn smiled.

He crawled onto the bed and kissed me without any passion, taking his coat off at the same time. I drew his head into mine, returning his kiss with the same degree of ice.

We lay there together for a few seconds, not worrying about moving an further from the state we were in, him fully clothed, me not, but both of us grinding into each other. It was almost routine.

"You wanted to talk?" he asked pulling away and laying down on one elbow facing me.

"I did," I said. I got up, made a show about closing the bedroom door so Charles could think we meant business and went back to the bed. I drew my comforter over me, separating Brooklyn and my bodies, making it clear that all I wanted to do was talk.

"I knew you screwed around with Charles last night," I said bluntly, catching him off guard. "He told me."

He didn't reply. He just looked at me. Instead of saying anything further, I just looked at him back. Finally, he recovered and said, "I can explain."

"Pre tell," I said.

"I was upset," he said. "And Charles was right there. I took advantage of the situation and we ended up spending the night together. It was a one-time thing, I swear. It won't happen again."

Charles- Of course I was listening through the door. As soon Jesse got up to close it in that big dramatic way he did in order to prove something, I got up and went to straight to the door to listen. What I heard Brooklyn saying was making physically sick to my stomach.

"I'm sorry, kid," he was telling Jesse. "It's just that everything that's been happening lately has been crazy, and it all built up and Charles just happened to be there when I needed to let it out."

"So who else have you been fucking the last few weeks," I heard Jesse ask.

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on, Brooklyn. The gym, working late, papers to grade, I'm not a complete idiot. I know you've been fucking around."

"I swear it was just last night."

I wanted to barf. Why did he feel he needed to plead for Jesse's forgiveness?

"I'm not sure I can trust you," I heard Jesse say after a while of silence. My insides turned as I heard the blatant display of hypocrisy.

"I'll make it up to you, I swear," Charles said, at which point I turned and went straight to the bathroom to get sick.

Jesse- Brooklyn and I were in the bedroom talking, interrupted by a newly revived bouts of passionate kissing. We didn't do anything further though and after a while I asked him to leave so I could study.

"I'll see you later then," he said getting up off the bed and reaching for his coat.

I got up and followed him out.

I saw him give Charles a look as he paused at the front door and in a display so blatant I reached over and pulled Brooklyn to me by his jacket caller. I kissed him hard, rapping one arm around his neck and the other low on his waste.

"Goodnight," I whispered as he backed out of the door.

"Goodnight," he whispered back.

I turned and gave Charles a brief smirk before triumphantly returning to the bedroom to study.

Denton- Glass' words had shocked me so much so that I didn't know how to react to them.

I decided early on to avoid him all day, allowing me the chance to think, regroup and think of a game plan. I woke up before he did and gathered my clothes and headed down to the rarely used house laundry room.

I washed my clothes while most of the guys were taking advantage of a low-key Sunday morning. The ones that were awake were barely so, moping around the common areas, watching football bare-chested, eating snack food and generally not doing anything.

When the time came for mandatory studying, from four to six, instead of retiring to my room like most guys were, I went to the library to avoid seeing Glass sitting there reading his books naked like he always did. In doing so, I thought, I would also be avoiding a very embarrassing conversation.

I ate dinner on the opposite corner of where I usually ate. I met, for what seemed like the first time even though they seemed to know who I was, Ace and his little Chuck, Brian and his little Brandon and the president of the social committee who wouldn't stop plugging next weeks mixer with the Alpha Omega Alphas, our cousin frat.

I skipped out early; easy enough in the crowded dining room since all members of the Tribe were required to eat at the house on Sunday evenings.

I decided that I couldn't stay in the room for too long before Glass would be heading up and decided that there was nowhere left to run to and that eventually he and I would have to discuss what he had said.

Mitchell was his brother, younger I presumed. But they were nothing alike. And why wouldn't Mitchell tell me that Glass was his older brother? I was confused. I lied down face up on the bed, covered my head with my hands and silently wished I were dead. I could have cried at that very moment, and the only thing that made it worse was hearing the door open slowly and footsteps walk in.

I heard the door closed and used all my willpower to keep from removing my hands, not wanting to meet Glass' gaze in the eye. I felt his body get closer, his breathing get louder as I felt him lean over my body. I still wasn't looking. I heard him rest an elbow next to my head, shifting the weight of the bed. He must have thought I was idiot, but I didn't move my hands. I wanted to cry.

Then I heard him whisper, "Don't be afraid of my brother." Only it wasn't Glass. I opened my eyes and saw Mitchell, with a serious face bearing down on me, stare me right in the eye.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't think it was important."

"Well it kind of is," I whispered, not knowing why we were whispering.

"Listen," he said. "He'll try and intimidate you, I know, but he knows I would never let anything happen to you."

'Comforting words,' I thought; if anyone could protect me from Glass, who better than his brother, right?

Mitchell kissed me quickly and slipped out of the bedroom quickly, leaving me lying there with more questions than I had had before; with more questions than I had answers for.

They say that all men really want is to think they are in control. They say that knowledge is power, and power is control.

Sorry for the delay in this chapter. I sincerely hope it was worth the wait. Comments are ALWAYS welcome at

Next: Chapter 18

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