They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Feb 5, 2006


Standard disclaimer. Contains depictions of gay sex

They say you can never really know what a man is thinking. They say that even the most open of men keep most of their feelings bottled up. However, they say, those feelings cannot stay put forever, and sooner or later, like it or not, our true feelings will inevitably show.

Zach- "This is great guys," Jesse said from the driver's seat of Brooklyn's car. "Just the guys, hanging out."

I honestly had to agree. Brooklyn and Charles were sitting in the back, barely talking. The music was blaring, so I guess there wasn't much to say.

"Sure thing," I replied, probably the only one that heard him.

"Are you guys all right back there?" Jesse said turning to Brooklyn and Charles.

"Yeah," Charles replied simply. It all seemed pretty awkward. I mean, I could tell right off the bat that Charles and Brooklyn new each other, just from the way they greeted each other when they both got in the car, but something was strange about the way Brooklyn insisted on sitting in the backseat and the two of them not talking.

I decided to take a look back and see what was going on between. I caught Charles looking at Brooklyn and for a split second I thought I saw his hand move away from Brooklyn's thigh. I turned back to face forward, not understanding what I'd seen, but not wanting to say anything about it.

I just sat there, facing forward, wondering if Brooklyn and Charles were just being friendly or if they were doing what I was afraid they were doing; sleeping together.

Denton- I knew exactly what I had to do and exactly how I was going to do it. I had to get answers. And I knew exactly were to get them.

I took my shirt off after Glass had headed to the shower and put on my lowest cut jeans, ruffled my hair and headed downstairs.

I knocked on Mitchell's door and giggled like a schoolgirl at the look of surprise when he saw me.

"Denton?" he asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to hang out," I replied pushing my way in and acting coy.

"Glass would flip if he found out you were down here." He sounded worried. It was kind of hot.

"Well I'm not going to tell him," I replied sitting down on his bed.

He walked over and was standing over me, looking down. He looked hungry for my shirtless body. It was like watching a hyena survey it's prey. I smiled at him and leaned back on elbows.

"You should probably go," he said quietly, not moving his eyes.

"I was hoping you'd let me stay for a while," I said as sexily as I could. I moved my hand down to my crotch, barely covered by my low-rise jeans. I massaged the patch of hair that was peaking through above my undone first button.

He got on his knees between my legs and ran his tongue up my torso, up my chest and straight to my waiting mouth. I kissed back as hard and passionately as I possibly could. I could feel him moan.

His crotch was level with mine so I felt every growing spasm of his confined dick as he felt my chest with his roaming hands as he kissed me hard. I clutched the back of his head, wanting his tongue to go deeper and explore me harder.

After a few minutes, after he had his shirt off, revealing his chiseled, slightly hairy chest, and my first two buttons undone, I pushed his head back, smiled and as innocently as humanly possible said, "I really should be going."

Jesse- I was pumped. The music was going, the guys all-gyrating to the beat. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins like speed as I cut a rug on the dance floor. I looked behind me to see a shirtless hunk a few inches taller than me grind up behind me. Of course I let him, as I shook my hips to the music in his direction. I liked what I felt as he rapped his arms around me, but at the risk of leading him on too far, I went back to the bar were I had left Brooklyn and Charles.

I could see they were having a pretty good conversation, but I had to interrupt and try one more time to get these guys on the dance floor.

"For the last time," I said into Brooklyn's ear, "You are not gonna waste the night hanging out here at the bar."

"I'll take care of him," Charles replied back with a smile.

"Show him the way to the dance floor," I said to Charles.

I motioned the bartender, the same guy I used to share nights with when I worked here and ordered a round for the three of us.

"Maybe some tequila will get you two loosened up."

Neither of them spoke. They're lack of enthusiasm was beginning to annoy me. They were acting so high school, so childish; sitting in the corner during the dance while everyone else had fun. Just when our drinks arrived a tall, sculpted topless guy that looked like he could be an Abercrombie cover model tapped me on the shoulder and introduced himself as Tag. Charles and Brooklyn both watched him lean in close and ask me to dance. I smiled and nodded, set my tequila down on the bar and decided that they're lack of excitement was not going to ruin my night.


"Dude, don't go," Mitchell pleaded, desperately trying to make his way back to my mouth again. But I leaned my head back, making it clear that I needed to leave.

"Glass is gonna be looking for me," I said sitting up.

"Trust me," he said quickly with a smile. "We can make this quick."

I pushed him back. "I have to leave Mitchell."

He gave up and like a sick puppy, he sat back on his heals and watched me button my pants back up.

"Mitchell, I have a question."

"What happened to leaving?" he said a little out of spite.

"Answer my question," I said tilting his head upward with his chin. "How was I picked?" He didn't say anything at first, simply looked me in the eye with a gleam that almost made me sad I was playing with his emotions.

"Picked for what?"

"You aren't stupid Mitchell."

"I can't tell you those things Denton, you know that."

"Can't or won't?"

"You can't take your pants off, or you won't," he said getting back on his knees and grinning like he was offering me something elusive.

"Fair enough," I said. I stood up, undid the four buttons on my jeans and pulled them down, leaving me standing there naked in front of a hungry Mitchell, giving him a show of what I knew he wanted.

He was speechless. I could see him inch closer to my growing cock with his open mouth, as he got ready to get a taste of what I was offering. I let him really close, but then in a quick but cruel motion, I sidestepped him and said, "Why was I picked."

"You're going to hell," he said standing up and sitting on his bed. I could clearly see his semi-hard dick shrinking back in his boxers.

"Just tell me and I'm all yours," I replied.

"Denton," he said. "You know I shouldn't tell you this."

"And you know I shouldn't even be down here," I pointed out. "Give me what I want, and I will be more than happy to give you what you want."

Charles- "This is certainly sufficiently awkward," Brooklyn said when the hot model-looking guy stole Jesse away. "My boyfriend is out having the time of his life with a room full of half-naked studs, and I'm here at the bar... with you."

I grinned. "No one is tying you down, Brooklyn."

"I really like Jesse," he said almost apologetically.

"Noted," I said coldly.

"I want this to work between he and I."

"Good," I replied. "You better stop screwing around then."

Honestly, I didn't know why he was hanging around the bar with me. I had an excuse, I was coerced into coming on this little fieldtrip; I wasn't about to indulge in an activity I didn't feel like indulging in. Had I been at the top of my game, I would have any guy on this dance floor on his knees.

"Its that simple for you?" he asked me unexpectedly.

"Well, lets see, Brooklyn," I said a little to harshly. "I'm not gonna lose sleep over you, I assure you that."

"Good to know you care," he said sarcastically, taking a sip of his drink.

"I do care," I said, showing more emotion that I should have. "Precisely why I'm so affected by you moving in with Jesse. If I didn't care Brooklyn, I would have dropped you a long time ago. I usually don't date guys that, for whatever reason, can't date me back."

"Is that what you think?" he asked, "That I'm picking Jesse over you?"

"Let's rewind, Brooklyn. 'I like Jesse. I want to make this work," I mocked his tone to the T. His face flushed.

"Let's do this somewhere else," he said in a hushed voice.

"Whatever," I said following him out the back door.

Denton- "They have files."

"Files?" I asked. "Like little files with copies of my drivers license and social security card?"

"Precisely, but not so primitive. They're on computers now," he explained.

"I see."

"And before you even signed your letter of intent to attend this university, everything the admissions office new about you was in our data base, from you're favorite extracurricular to the grade you made in Calculus 2 senior year."

"I took trigonometry," I pointed out.

"I didn't say I read your file, but I assure you someone did." He looked at me for an extended moment and then continued. "We looked at everyone's file, Denton, front and back."

"Wouldn't that take a while?" I interrupted.

"There's a committee that spends the bulk of the spring semester doing it. You're lucky that you aren't one of their littles; its an ass of a job." Again he paused. "See, the thing that makes the Tribe so great, is that we don't waste time with the stupid pledging season or rushing or anything like that. We know what kind of guys we want in our fraternity and we get them before they have a chance to go anywhere else. We have zero percent rejection from bids and that is how we like it."

"So how do I fit in?"

"Ok, this is where it gets tricky. Once we know who we're offering bids to, then comes the hard part. The names and their files all end up in the hands of a secret committee. Most of the guys in the committee aren't even currently at the school; they are mostly legacy. A couple, like this year they let Glass sit in I believe, are senior members looking to be active legacy, but for the most part our forefathers make the decision. They look at each person, in and out, sometimes going as far as to spy on you or record you're admissions interview, or track you in your hometown, before they pair you up with a Big." He paused. "They look at you're strengths, your potential, you're interest and before you even come in for orientation, they know who's footsteps you'll be following when you join the tribe."

"So why pair me up with Glass? I'm nothing like him. He's cold and calculating; he kills people. I've never killed anyone," I said raising my voice.

"Relax," he said. "Glass has a complicated job, one that you won't fully know about until long after he's gone and you've filled his shoes."

"But what if I don't want to?" I asked.

"You have no fucking choice," he yelled suddenly. "Stop acting like a mother-fucking baby and except this shit for what it is. Trust me, being in the tribe and hating it is by far better than being out of it and wishing you were in."

Zach- "So you're a freshman at the university?" he asked, genuinely sounding interested.

"Yeah," I replied. He wasn't just cute; the guy was drop dead gorgeous. He had a strong manly face and a deep baritone voice that I could hear clearly over the sound of the bass-heavy music. His smile was crystal clear, his haircut short in a military style crew and his body looked rock hard from where I stood.

"And yourself?" I asked.

"I'm on leave from the navy," he said with a smile. He had bought me a drink from across the bar and a smile and a wave later, we were in a corner of the room where the dancing was closer and the music softer, better for conversation and whatever else you needed to do before retreating to someone's place.

"Awesome," I said.

"So what are you doing for the rest of the night," he asked.

"Well, I'm here with some friends, so I'm not sure." His face looked dejected.

"Damn," he replied. "The old 'here with friends' letdown. Sweet." He was too damn cute that I just had to laugh at that.

"Its not that," I said. "Its just we were gonna head back to campus together."

"What if I take you back to campus?" he paused. "In the morning."

I smiled at him.

"I'm positive we can work something out," I said.

Denton- "I'm sorry," he apologized quickly. "I didn't mean to get carried away, it's just that it's the truth. You would much rather be miserable in the tribe than be not in at all."

"Why's that, Mitchell?" I asked desperately. "I'm yet to see any of the things that make being here worth it."

"Trust me," he countered. His voice lowered as he scooted close to me on the bed. He got close to me and whispered, "Trust me," again. I did. I let him lick the back of my neck and grab a hold of my stiffening cock. He held me close. I trusted him.

Jesse- "Is that you're boyfriend that just left with that guy?" he asked me. I turned to see Brooklyn and Charles leaving out the back.

"Son of a bitch," I said under my breath, still moving to the music. "Were the fuck are they going?"

"Relax," Tag said. "Enjoy your night."

He was right. Brooklyn and Charles had been acting strange all evening, and with Zach just now coming up to me and saying he was going home with some guy from the city left me alone with Tag, the Abercrombie Cover Model.

He wasn't actually a model. His dad owned an architecture and building firm and so he was apprenticing there before it was his right to take over. He was 28, looked 22, and had a hell of a body. I felt it as we danced.

"You're a good dancer," he said.

"Thanks," I replied. "You too."

We were back to the stage of making small talk, even though I was positive we'd past that. At first I was apprehensive about leading this guy on, being with Brooklyn and all, but after getting to know him and talking for a while, I couldn't help seeing myself finding a room for the night. And now, with Brooklyn and Charles leaving, my mind was all but made up.

"Hey," I said into Tag's ear. "I know this really great quiet spot we can go and talk. If you're interested."

He was, and we left. Outside, I called Brooklyn's phone; he didn't answer so I left a message. "Babe, I'm gonna spend the night in town, so you and Brooklyn go on back to campus without me. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

"That was trite," Tag commented when I closed my phone.

"I'm tired of how he's been acting tonight. Usually, he'd be all up on the dance floor with me."

"His loss," Tag said. "My gain." He rapped his arm around me and headed in the general direction of where he said his apartment was.

Denton- I let myself go in Mitchell's touch. He was gentle, but forceful. He filled me up. I moaned and screamed. He kept going. I would claw his back, digging him into me. He would thrust harder. I was in a blissful state nothing could ever interrupt.

He came inside of me. I came all over the both of us. We lie there panting; sweat dripping off our bodies, blending together. I didn't know where my body began and were his ended. It was surreal.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Mitchell quickly put a finger over it. "Don't," he whispered. "I want this moment to last forever."

I obeyed willingly, not wanting to do anything that would ruin the feeling of bliss that filled me at that moment.

Everything about Mitchell impressed me. I thought, lying next to him, that he was so open and carrying- everything Glass wasn't. I wondered why I hadn't been paired up with a Big that I could actually relate to. I felt his breathing calmly expand in his chest, rising and falling, matching mine. It was the most erotically relaxing thing ever. I closed my eyes, not moving, barely thinking and let myself drift away in Mitchell's arms.

Charles- We walked to his car, got in and headed in the general direction of the country.

"Ok," I asked finally. "Let me just ask why you decided to do it."

"Do what?" he said.

"Ask Jesse to move in with you."

"I don't know," he replied. "I just did."

"But you had to have some kind of reasoning," I countered.

"Yeah," he said quietly. "I guess all the stuff you've been telling me, about him not wanting to commit and keep the playing field open, was getting to me."

"But isn't that kind of hypocritical. I mean, here you are talking about having a boyfriend that wants to keep things casual, yet you're driving around with the guy you've been sleeping with on the side." He didn't say anything to that for a second. He knew that moving in with Jesse wasn't the best choice, morally or logistically, and I think he was tired of me pointing it out over and over.

"Let's just enjoy the night," he said. We passed a small town with a small motel and he looked at me quizzically. I replied with a gaze that said keep driving.

He parked the car at a rest stop and we sat there, neither of us talking, neither of us moving. We weren't in the mood to mess around, fighting and not solving anything does that to a guy. We were both too stubborn to let it rest long enough to pull our dicks out.

At about one in the morning he said it would probably be best if we headed back to pick up Jesse. He started the car.

"What if I gave you an ultimatum," I said out of nowhere. He wasn't expecting that one.

"Are you giving me an ultimatum?"

"What if I did? What would you do?"

He paused. "I can't answer that," he replied. "Unless you give me an ultimatum." I didn't want to give him an ultimatum, but something told me that if I weren't satisfied with our relationship at present, things would only get worse once he was living with Jesse. Just then his phone rang and moved to see who it was.

"It's Jesse," he said sheepishly.

"Don't answer it," I replied.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because that's rude," I said a little more bitterly than I would have liked. I hated myself getting jealous of Jesse, but with everything going on I couldn't help it. Something had to give, because I didn't like this side of me.

"I don't know what you want from me, Charles," he said tiredly. "What am I supposed to do? Dump Jesse? Move in with you instead?"

I didn't reply.

"I mean, here you are getting on my case for moving a relationship with Jesse forward, when up until I made that decision, you had no interest in even having a relationship."

"I hate sharing," I replied on the defensive.

"It didn't bother you before. Why is that now that you can clearly see that I have feelings for Jesse it makes you upset?"

"Because now I clearly see that I have feelings for you too." It was uncharacteristic. I would never have uttered those words in any other situation, and I felt the sting on my pride as I finally admitted to myself and to Brooklyn that the reason I was in a jealous rage was because, yes I was jealous because I did have feelings for Brooklyn.

"You know as well as I do that there's something different here," I explained. "There's something different about us. And for me to think that there's something different about you and Jesse as well cheapens the whole thing for me. I can separate you from everyone else I have sex with. I'm not sure you can say the same about me."

I laid it all out, waiting for him to comment. I felt like a contestant on the Bachelor, in an embarrassing tizzy, begging for a guy's affection, knowing that that same affection was being split two ways. I looked at him, but he didn't look at me. He looked upset. He opened his phone and checked his voicemail, all in silence. I sat there feeling vulnerable. He passed the city, not exiting to go back to the club but continuing to where the school was.

"Aren't you picking up Jesse?" I asked. He didn't say anything. I could see something well up in his eyes and I instantly knew I shouldn't have said anything.

"I hate sharing too," he said. We drove the rest of the way in silence.

They say you can never really know what a man is thinking or feeling. Feelings, they say, cannot stay put forever, and sooner or later, like it or not, our true feelings will inevitably show.

Next: Chapter 17

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