They Say

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Jan 22, 2006


** You know the deal... Standard Disclaimer. Contains depictions of gay sex. If you are underage or offended, please do not continue. Otherwise, enjoy, and let me know what you think at**

They say that there always comes a point in a man's life when he needs to confront the truths he's been running away from. They say that closure is not complete until confrontation has taken place.

Denton- I spent the afternoon sunbathing and thinking. I declined Mitchell's offer to go kayaking with him and his friend, instead opting to stay at the cabin, think and ignore Glass.

He'd pissed me off earlier. I mean, honestly, I am a grown man but he's treating me like some kid. And what about that threat, "There will be hell to pay." What was he some kind of assassin?

I thought about it and the more I thought, the more I realized that the Tribe was hiding something from its pledges. It was probably hiding something from its members as well. I had a feeling only a handful of people, Glass included, new exactly what was going on in the deep inwards of the fraternity.

My mind wandered as the afternoon sun began to set and the air turned cool, to my first day here. I remembered the elated feeling I got when I saw the Tribe- how powerful it all seemed. I remember that sense of worth I got when I saw the invitation. I felt like I belonged to something greater- that I was something greater.

That feeling was gone now as I sat in a lounge chair watching the sunset realizing that I had given up my dignity, and probably my freedom, at the chance at the perfect life- the life that was proving not to be so perfect.

Charles- When we walked back to our hotel room from the pool, the sun had set and the air was dark and still. It felt weird lingering behind the crowd with Prince, but in a way it felt nice. All the guys were rushing back to their rooms to change into sexy college outfits fit for picking up chicks in town.

Prince and I had other plans, and we were sure we wouldn't be missed, so we walked slower, soaking in the nighttime, and talked.

"So do you have a boyfriend," he asked me after a while.

"No," I said after a slight hesitation.

"Cool," he said softly. "Me either."

"I don't really want one," I said honestly.

"Why's that?"

"I just don't. I prefer options."

"I see," he said. He asked me if I was afraid of commitment and I didn't answer.

"Why are you so guarded, Charles?" he said after a few moments of silence.

"What do you mean?" I feigned ignorance.

"I mean, no one knows anything about you," he began. "No one who Charles is." He said the last part in a joking way, but I knew what he meant.

"That's cuz there isn't anything to know," I said not making eye contact. He stopped walking.

"What are you doing?" I turned and asked.

He didn't say anything. He was so cute.

"I'm gonna leave you," I said. Still he didn't move; he just stood there smirking. "Trust me, Prince. I can have as much fun tonight by myself."

He stared me down, and I regrettably was the first to budge. He took my movement for weakness and once again asked, "Why are you so guarded?"

"Why do you care?" I asked, desperately trying to keep the mood light. "Let's just go back to the hotel." I was inching in on him, trying to get him to drop the subject.

"Not until you tell me."

"Prince, you barely know me," I said, suddenly getting serious. "Why do you care?"

"I don't know you because you won't let anyone know you. The rest of us guys on the team know each other like brothers, but you stick out because we have no clue who you are."

"Again, that doesn't explain why you care," I said. I suddenly felt the need to get defensive. "Why do guys always have to ruin things by opening up their big mouths and trying to get to 'know' people? If I wanted conversation, I'd date a girl."

He cut me off with a hard, raw kiss. I bet I could have tasted his breakfast with how far down my throat his tongue was. At first I was taken aback, but eventually, the sheer passion of his touch made it impossible for me to be passive. I felt my hands move up, feeling his body threw the thin material of his jacket. I lost myself in his touch, his taste. Slowly, I ran my hand under his jacket and t-shirt, feeling his smooth, hard skin underneath. Both of us would have lost control if we had not separated from each other's grasp, panting.

We looked at each other, and I noticed something in Prince's eyes. He was looking at me intensely; as if he could read me, see through me. I noticed that his eyes reminded me of the way I looked at guys I wanted to crack; the way I looked at guys I knew I could get. It was the way I look at a piece of prey before I was ready to make the kill.

That's when I realized what this was. Prince wanted me. But it wasn't in the way I wanted to be wanted or in the way I was used to being wanted. He wanted me so that he could say he had me; so that he could tell everyone else on the swim team that he had cracked me. I was a trophy to him.

He looked at me with that intensity and I gazed back, with the same look. Then I dropped the bomb.

"I'm feeling a little tired tonight, Prince. Maybe I'd better crash early. I'll see you tomorrow." And without hesitation, I turned around and walked away.

Denton- I raided the liquor cabinet, returned to my stoop and drank the sunset away. I didn't bother mixing the drinks, or even pouring them into a glass for that matter. I did, however, have the sense to keep a jug of water close to wash down the hard tastes of the hard liquors.

About an hour after I had successfully drowned a few of my realizations away, I heard Glass open the patio door behind me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he asked, knowing exactly what I was doing.

"What does it look like?" I slurred. "Grab a seat and have a drink." I raised my bottle, lost my train of that and flopped back down on my lawn chair.

"Get up," he ordered.

"You aren't my mom," I protested.

"Get up, Denton," he said a little more forceful. I sat there, not moving. He walked over and grabbed my shoulder roughly. "You're a fucking mess," he said dragging me to my feet.

"Leave me alone," I protested to no avail.

"Stand up," he ordered, inches from my face. "What the fuck is wrong with you? What the hell are doing getting wasted off your ass out here?" I shook his hand off my shoulder.

"Listen Glass," I said, backing away. "Leave me alone or I'll pull your little fake eye out." He stopped. I stopped. I didn't realize the magnitude of what I had just said until he backed away not saying anything. He just glared at me. I had no idea what to expect.

"Hey guys," I heard Mitchell call out from around the corner of the patio. "Who's up to grill some fish?" Glass continued to look at me, threatening me without making a sound. I admit I was terrified. I couldn't believe the words had come out of my mouth. Sure I'd thought them on countless occasions, but to be careless enough to let something like that slip. I couldn't believe it. I didn't move; I merely stood there waiting for his reaction.

He didn't react. He went inside just as Mitchell and his friend were rounding the corner with a big catch in tow.

"Its grilling time, Denton," Mitchell said excitedly. "Where's Glass."

I slurred something coherent, pushed past Mitchell and walked into the house, trying not to stumble on my face on the way up.

Zach- He lay there, sweating. Jesse had known what to do- apparently he had done some odd jobs at a hospital in high school. He quickly had the wound covered, pressure applied. He brought Brooklyn some extra strength Tylenol for the pain and cool towel to lower his temperature. The entire time I sat there staring, not knowing what to do. Everyone once in a while, Brooklyn would try and say something, but instead only slurs would come out. Jesse would calm him down until he was quiet again.

About 45 minutes later, Brooklyn's temperature had dropped and his skin was back to a decent color. I sat on my bedroom thinking, but not exactly knowing what to think about.

"Dude, I'm really sorry," Jesse said softly as he came into my room and sat on Denton's old bed. I just sat there.

"It looks like some kind of stab wound he's gonna have to get checked when he wakes up," Jesse explained. The words went right through me. 'Had he done that to himself?' I thought pathetically. Of course not, people don't do that in real life. But what if he had? And what if it was because of me?

As if he were reading my mind, Jesse put an arm around me and said "He didn't do this because of you." That's all I needed to hear, although in the back of my mind, something told me he had.

Charles- I walked back to the hotel alone, not phased to the least about Prince. If he wanted to play games, it was games he was gonna play. What he didn't realize though, was that he was playing games with the best gamesman ever, and that I wasn't going to be taken lightly.

I would have slept with him, don't get me wrong. The thing that changed my mind was the fact that he didn't want to sleep with me for any other reason than to sleep with me. I'm attracted to guys that want me to call them after, that want to cuddle and go on dates and eat frozen yogurt together. I wasn't attracted to guys that wanted one-night stands. Call me hypocritical, but to me that would cheapen the act of sex. I wanted a guy to expect more, so that I was always in control. Prince wanted me to expect more so that he was in control, and I was not about to give that up to him.

I figured I didn't really need to get laid tonight. I was still high from the little reception I'd pounded last night, and even though he told me to come back down tonight to pound him again, I didn't know if I wanted to. My heart wasn't in it. I'd save what little sex drive I'd mustered up for Brooklyn tomorrow when he picked me up from the airport.

Denton- There is something special about getting wasted around noon in the afternoon. By dinner, you're fine. You don't have a headache or a hang over. Its almost as if you've had an uneventful day.

So when I woke up at eight that night to the smell of grilled fish and potatoes, there wasn't a trace of hangover or drunkenness. In fact, part of me didn't even remember that I had been drunk at all.

What I did remember was what I had told Glass minutes before stumbling to my bedroom. What his reaction would be terrified me as I went to the bathroom to freshen up. His powerful steal eyes haunted me as I walked downstairs, greeted by the sight of Mitchell sitting by a warm fire reading a book. He was in flannel pajama bottoms and nothing else. His semi-hard dick was revealed along with a smile when he put his book down on the coffee table.

"I knew you'd wake up," he smiled up at me.

"Yeah? Where's Glass and Dylan?" I asked with a morning raspiness in my voice.

"They went out."

"Oh." I sat down next to him on the loveseat. He pulled my legs over his and caressed my feet.

"Glass doesn't want us messing around anymore," I said bluntly. I didn't see the need in hiding it, I barely new him.

"I know."

"Oh. Alright then, I should go back upstairs then," I said. He pushed my chest back against the couch.

"I said I know. I didn't say I cared." Then he kissed me like he had this morning, with that raw intensity that made it impossible to refuse. He maneuvered his body so that he was lying on top of me with my leg around his waste. He had me pinned to the couch so that even if I wanted to, which at this moment I didn't, I couldn't get up anyway. He continued to kiss me ferociously as he proceeded to grind his hardening cock into mine, letting me feel just how appreciative he was. I almost forgot about Glass and his warning, but as soon as the image of him standing there, staring me down returned to my head, I backed away and pushed Mitchell's face up, away from mine.

"We shouldn't do this," I panted.

He tried to ignore my protest, but I forced his body off of me so we were both sitting up again. "What did he tell you?" I asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

"What?" he said sounding confused and a little pissed off.

"You said you know. What did he say to you?"

"That starting something with you would be a bad a idea, like I didn't already know." Now I was the confused one.

"What do you mean?"

"You mean you haven't figured it out yet?" he asked like I was stupid.

"Figure what out?"

"Wait a second. You are telling me you've been living with Glass for a couple weeks and you still don't know?"

"Know what? Just tell me already." The smile had returned to his lips. He knew something, something juicy, and he was enjoying the fact that he could hang it over my head.

"Ok. Did you ever wonder why your Big Brother is so guarded? So secretive?"

"I just always thought that was his personality. Its kind of sexy," I said.

"Yeah, you are stupid." He stood up and started walking to the kitchen. I was right there in tow. He went to the refrigerator and took out a couple beers, and sat down at the bar table speaking as he spoke. "Everyone of the Bigs has a function to the Tribe, like any other fraternity. I, for example, am the house secretary. There's a president, a vice, a treasurer, a social committee chair, a publicist." I was with him so far. "Then there's what we Bigs call the Hit man."

"Like as in a hit man?"

"Not in the sense of an Italian in a dark suit going around killing people. In the sense that whatever the Tribe needs taken care of, cleaning up wise, the Hit man takes care of."

"So I take it Glass is the Hit man," I said intrigued by all I was hearing.

"Correct." His speech, his eyes, his words were all shrouded in secrecy, like he was telling me something dangerous- something forbidden. "Glass' job is to make sure that all the little 'projects' the Bigs decide on are carried out without a hitch." He stressed the word 'projects' as I sat there hanging on to every word.

"What kind of projects?" I asked.

"Let me ask you something," he continued, "Do you remember anything about the first big mixer we attended? The one hosted by the Brotherhood?"

"A little. I remember getting wasted and passing out and messing around with someone's girlfriend with Glass there. Why?"

"Denton," he said darkly. "None of that ever happened."

Charles- I was dozing off when Brooklyn called me.

"Hey sexy," he said. I still wasn't happy with his decision to stay behind with Jesse.

"Hi," I said blankly.

"Don't tell me you're still upset," he pined.

"Who's upset?" I replied coyly.

"Ok. Hey, I have something I really need to talk to you about when you get back in town," he said.

"Are you still picking me up from the airport?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Then we'll talk then," I said.

"Sure," he said. We exchanged a few more words and I hung up. I didn't even bother thinking about what he possibly had to say. Frankly, I decided, I didn't even care that much.

Jesse- He finally fell asleep. I sat there holding his head for about an hour before he finally went to sleep. Chris hadn't woken up since I gave him all those painkillers, and Zach had just sat there the whole time, not saying a word. He just sat there until he finally went to sleep.

Brooklyn a little before midnight to see how everything was and I told him everything was fine and that I'd see him in the morning. He said he had somewhere to be around noon, so we wouldn't have a chance to hookup and talk about the moving in thing until later. He hung up and I went to sleep, the whole time thinking how Charles would react when he found out I was leaving.

Zach- I fell asleep with this empty feeling. Jesse tried, and I'm grateful, but it didn't help. I still fell asleep with an empty feeling that I knew wouldn't be filled until Chris woke up and we talked. What I was going to say, I still didn't know.

Charles- It felt weird going to bed without sex because that hadn't happened in so long. For so long I was hopping from one bed to another, sleeping with someone somewhere before I fell asleep.

Tonight, though, I was to preoccupied thinking about everything from Prince, to Brooklyn, to Jesse, to my performance at the Swim Meet. Everything I thought about though, always led me back to Brooklyn. I liked him a lot. He was fun and great in bed and we talked, something I rarely did with guys I was sleeping. For so long, I thought talking complicated things. It made it too personal when you finally hit the sack, but with Brooklyn it wasn't like that.

I thought about it all until I finally fell asleep, realizing I hadn't thought about anything I didn't already know.

When I finally woke up, after what seemed like a long night, I did my best to avoid Prince during breakfast, which was easy because he seemed to be avoiding me, and on the way to the airport. I was all to anxious to get away from the team and go back to my life that I inadvertently forgot why I was mad at Brooklyn, so by the time I saw him at the airport in his little car, all I could remember was how sexy he was.

"Wow. You look happy to see me," he noticed after I had tossed my stuff in the bag and climbed in. I answered him by leaning over and giving him a sloppy, tongue-wrenching kiss, which he gladly returned.

"Was your trip that bad?" he asked.

"No," I said as he began to drive off. "I just missed you."

"So you aren't upset anymore?" he said, sounding extremely relieved.

"I don't even remember it," I said, leaning over again, this time kissing him while he struggled to keep his eyes on the road.

"You know my rules about fucking around in the car," he said as he pushed my face away.

"Yeah, yeah," I replied. "You can only handle one stick at a time; not while you're driving." I mocked him. "So park this damn thing and play with my gears." I blew on his neck and I could feel him shudder.

"Stop," he said, not meaning it but actually encouraging me to continue. He drove, trying desperately to keep his eyes facing straight ahead, and I lowered my hand into the seat of his crotch. I felt through his rough denim for his sexy low-hanging balls, rubbing them gently through the fabric. I played with his ear and sucked away at his neck as he squirmed, trying to keep his composure.

"Stop the car," I whispered. I wanted him right then and there in his little Jetta. I began rubbing my palm against his package harder, feeling it harden under my touch.

"You're gonna wreck us," he said through gritted teeth.

"I know," I whispered. "But have to have you right now," I said slowly, clutching his hard cock through his pants as I emphasized the words. Without bothering to look up, I felt the car slow down and I knew that Brooklyn was nearing the edge and that he was finding a spot for us to park and play. "I win." I said.

"You always win," he whispered. "One day, I'm gonna do that to you when you're driving."

"That's the problem, sexy. I can multi-task." He laughed. I stopped teasing him long enough for him to pull in to a deserted school parking lot.

"This is a appropriate," I commented as he put the car in park.

"Hey," he replied. "Of course it is. I lost mine in a school parking lot."

"An elementary school?" I asked pointing out the sign.

"Shut up and let me fuck you," he said undoing his seatbelt releasing the latch, sending his seat flying back. I climbed on top of him, straddling him and trying not to hit my head on his short roof. I leaned in and made out with him in the position, him grinding my head into his with his strong grasp around my neck. I felt my boner sliding up and down against his, making me more and more hard feeling the friction between us. Our range of motion was limited in the car, but I didn't care. I wanted his cock no matter.

I slid my body back to my chair and took off my clothes in one solid motion as Brooklyn did the same. In seconds, we were both naked and lying on top of each other again, sweat adding the necessary lubrication for our bodies to rub up against each other.

"I missed you," he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah?" I breathed sexily. "How much?"

He was massaging my ass, getting closer and closer to my whole as we kissed.

"Bad," he breathed.

"Oh yeah?" I said, urging him on. I was grinding my cock into his and my ass back into the two fingers he had inserted. I was feeling his strong chest with my hands.

"Yeah," he said, finger-fucking me harder. "I want you babe," he whispered in my ear as I sat up. I put my hands on his chest and positioned my ass right over his hard dick. I slowly lowered my body so that his sexy cock engulfed me, filling me up to the brim. I smiled down at him, noticing the sweat drip from my body to his. He smiled up at me, bucking his hips so that his cock was going in and out of my ass.

We fucked savagely in that position for what seemed like forever. I kept bumping my head on the car ceiling but I didn't care because the bumping coming from below felt so good. I would meet Brooklyn's thrust with my own, maximizing both of our pleasure. My cock was bouncing against his stomach quickly, ready to explode any second.

In a purely acrobatic move, I arched my back down so that I could kiss Brooklyn's sexy lips as he drained his cum into my ass. It felt amazing feeling his cock spasm over and over in my ass, sending my dick over the limit. I sprayed my load violently between the both of our torsos.

Spent, we lay there, me on top of him, in a mess of sticky cum connecting us. Our breathing shallowed and in no time, we were breathing in unison. Neither of us spoke for minutes, savoring the quiet feeling of each other's bodies. After a few minutes, I finally went back to my side of the car and began sliding my clothes on.

"So, how was your trip?" he asked casually.

"It was ok," I said. I told him all about the races and what we'd placed. I left out Prince and the sexy clerk at the front office, just because I didn't feel like explaining. I'd tell him sooner or later.

"I need to tell you something," he said unexpectedly nervous sounding.

"Sure," I said. He didn't say it right away. Instead he finished putting his pants and shirt on and started the car. We drove in silence until he was on the freeway.

"You're gonna freak out," he said. That sentence came out of nowhere and it made me slightly nervous.

"Why?" I asked.

"I just need to tell you before Jesse does." Suddenly that feeling I had had in the hotel room when I couldn't sleep came back to me and I sensed what he was gonna say without really knowing.

"What is it?" I asked even though I already knew what was coming. Almost saying along with him, he said without making eye contact, "Jesse is moving in with me."

Yes, confrontation is the door to closure. They say that in every man's life, there comes a time when he must go head on with the situation he has been avoiding for so long.

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Next: Chapter 15

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